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Forums / Roleplaying / The Dense Mind of Ryan

The Dense Mind of Ryan
17:47:39 Nov 30th 08 - Mr. Lewatha Lover:

Alright then guys, this is something I wrote up today
I've been feeling ill so I didn't go out >_>

Anyways, I want you too continue from the last paragraph of mine
No need to copy and paste my part, just continue from there
Until I say so, try to keep it just to him
No other characters for now :), please no
" He pulled out his Sniper rifle "
Hes just a normal guy

K, Im trying to help you guys out a little :)
Anyone can come and go as you wish from here, no arguing, and try to keep [OOC: ]  To the minimum
Clean thread

Thanks a bunch and do get going if you have the time, try and get a good 5 lines minimum, use punctuation and capital letters
No 1337 talk, or " Ya I no "
Full words, full senteances full grammer


Ryan’s eyes slowly opened and then blinked twice as he began to sit up. It was midday and he was in the middle of a small grassy clearing. The sky was a deep shade of blue and he could hear the loud squawks and calls of various birds that sailed through it. His eyes flickered once more and then opened wide.

“Where am I?”

Was the first thought that came into his mind as he slowly regained his consciousness. He sat up, his body sweating a river, and surveyed his surroundings. He was in a forest of some sort with several trees of different kinds in the distance. Minuscule insects and bugs crawled through the grassy ground or flew through the sky, going about their daily tasks. Wherever he was it was scorching hot.

Where am I?”

Ryan thought again, as he weakly attempted to stand up. He tumbled back to the ground, in failure, weak for a reason currently unknown to him. Ryan groaned as his head began to throb violently but didn’t give up and tried to stand up again. This time he succeeded, and as he stood there in the middle of the clearing, several memories flashed through his mind...

19:11:20 Nov 30th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

Ryan wobbled to his feet when he took a moment to look at himself.  He was wearing a plain white t-shirt and some faded blue jeans.  He was wearing some cheap sneakers and wondered where he got these clothes.  He worked at a clinic in the city of Harten.  He wondered where his old clothes went. 

He pulled up the right sleeve of his shirt because it was throbbing in pain.  His eyes bulged in horror as he saw small red marks all over his arm.  He looked at the marks closely and realized that they were needle marks.  He pulled his sleeve down and looked around frantically.  His heart was pounding in panic and terror as he tried to think of what was put into his body.
"What the hell is going on? What happened? Who did this to me?"

He stumbled around the forest until he found a small steam and plunged his head into it.  He felt the cold water splash over his face and sighed in relief.  He wiped off his face and the stream calmed down, revealing his face.  His black hair was matted against his head thanks to sweat and the water.  He had a small shadow of a beard on his face and tried to guess how much he could not remember.  His headache grew worse and he gave up for the moment.  He needed to figure out where he was.  Ryan stumbled through the forest more, hoping to find his way out.

21:53:44 Nov 30th 08 - Mr. Lewatha Lover:

Next pl0x

00:30:55 Dec 1st 08 - Mr. Arvious VIII:

Ryan walked through the dense forest for hours, groaning time to time with starvation.  He had absolutely no sense of direction, no way to get out, just completely trapped.  The man tripped over a tree root and cursed.

"How am I supposed to get out of this damned forest?" he said weakly.

Only silence answered him.  Ryan tried to stand up, but his legs failed him and his hunger was starting to affect him.  Desperate for food, he crawled over to a bush and plucked off a branch.  He gnawwed on the branched until it was gone, and used all of his strength left to get up.  He walked on, deeper into the forest.

21:49:33 Dec 1st 08 - Mr. Lewatha Lover:


23:13:43 Dec 2nd 08 - Sir Manwe:

As Ryan walked, the trees seemed to close in around him. Looking back to where he had came from, Ryan only saw the dark shadows of trees. Biting his lip, he turned around and kept walking, trying to contain his fear. Pushing through the pain in his empty stomach, he kept walking. Finally, he was shaking from hunger and couldn't bear it any longer. Ryan fell headlong on the ground, and lay in the dirt shaking. Looking up, he saw above him a small berry bush. Reaching out excitedly, he grabbed a handful of its fruit and stuffed them in his mouth. He was delighted with a sweet taste and juicy texture, but as he greedily reached for more, he suddenly felt like he was being torn apart from the inside. Coughing, he put his hand to his mouth and brought it back slathered in blood. It's a fast working poison, he thought. Coughing, he stood and ran through the trees, his fear pushing him to move. Moaning, he stumbled and fell and soon the ground was covered in blood. Cracking his eyes open, he wondered if he would live or die.

23:38:43 Dec 2nd 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

Ryan clutched at his stomach as it knotted in pain and agony.  He groaned loudly and then the contents of his stomach came back up.  He felt his body quiver and tense up as he vomited up everything he ate.  He crawled along the rough ground until he found a tree.  He pulled himself to his feet and looked around, looking for something to help him from his hunger. 

Ryan's eyes widened in surprise and relief when he saw a raspberry bush not far from him.  He got back onto his knees and crawled along the ground, not trusting his legs to keep stable.  He pulled himself to the bush and reached for a berry, but jerked his hand back suddenly after hitting a briar.  He sucked at his finger for a moment until the bleeding stopped.  Ryan then reached for a berry again and successfull plucked it off.  He put it into his mouth and the sweet taste burst as it hit his taste buds.  He grabbed for more and began throwing them into his mouth until his hunger pangs disappeared for the moment.  He then fell flat on his back and passed out until the next morning.

00:19:56 Dec 3rd 08 - Mr. Arvious VIII:

Ryan looked around, clouds of people running through the building he was in.  All of the faces were family members, and they all were running away from the store.  The last horde ran from the store, and a dark man floated out of the store, and looked at Ryan.  The man, rigid in fear, yelled, and blackness followed.  He then found himself in a field with nothing but burnt dirt, and a black mass of gas drifted towards him.  The gas almost touched Ryan, and then, he woke up, finding a squirrel on his chest, staring at him.  Ryan's stomach growled, causing the squirrel to jump on Ryan's leg.

"Dinner," Ryan mumbled, and the squirrel jumped off of him and began to run.  Ryan followed in suit.

"Come back!" he yelled.  "I want to eat you!"

Ryan ran through tree and tree, following the sound of the squirrel dashing through the forest.  The squirrel then stopped, and turned back around, running into Ryan.  The man stopped and fell over trying to catch the squirrel, and then found himself face down in a mud puddle.  The pattle of feet dwindled as the squirrel ran out of sight.  In mud and Lord knows what, Ryan tried to pick himself up, but fell down due to his weakness and exhaustion from chasing the squirrel, which he barely had energy to do in the first place.  Ryan then crawled out of the muddle puddle, and attempted to crawl his way through the forest.

12:48:09 Dec 4th 08 - Mr. Sinthoras:

After walking for minutes which seemed like hours, he finally reached the rim of the woods. As he was walking on a grassy plain, he saw the sun setting in the East. Blinded by the light, he quickly turned his face west and was amazed by that he saw. In the distance he saw a caravan and two people walking around it, doing their daily tasks.

Filled with excitement, Ryan started to run to the caravan. But as he got closer, the caravan seemed to be getting further away. But pussed by his hunger, Ryan kept running. Yelling at the two men, he eventually managed to reach the caravan. While approaching, his eye fell on a basket with apples. But suddenly the caravan disappeared. Shocked, Ryan looked at one of the two men, who merely smiled at him before disappearing himself. Soon the second man disappeared and Ryan expected the basket to also vanish into thin air.

But it didn't. He slowly crept closer and reached out to take an apple. Just when his hand would feel the apple, it too vanished. Crying, Ryan fell to the ground. His will had been broken by an hallucination of his own mind.

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