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Forums / Roleplaying / The Glygorian War

The Glygorian War
18:12:50 Sep 16th 09 - Mr. Lanoc:

Gah, 'tis tough to think of a title, so there you have it, a random named war.

Alright, here's how it goes, there's all these different races and they fight each other trying to kill the other, with various troops and stuff. I will make six standard races(the ones of VU, no less), but you can make up your own, just a long as they're not modern or overpowered. No person can have control of the same race, but you can make a few slight alterations to one and call it by some new name. Any of the standard races left over and I'll control them(I hope there won't be too many. I also probably am deluding myself in that I might get as much as even six players.) If you make an overpowered race, I'll just change it about a bit, unless I can't even it out with the others.
       Ok, I don't want to make it overly complicated, so... eh... There'll be some standard troops, and then some race specific troops. No magic, by the by.

The currency(for everyone) is gold. Not terribly original I know, but sure... Each race has three countries. These countries, to save confusion, are all the same size, and produce the same amount of gold, and most amazingly of all, connect to every other country at equal distances. Consequently, I'm not drawing a map... Food doesn't matter, the peasants in the countries make enough for all.
Now, I missed an important part, you aren't actually in control of the whole race, at least not in the beginning. There are five ranks of commanding thingamabobs, you start off at the lowest and make your way up(I'll tell you when). You don't start off with many troops as the lowest thingamabob(handy word, useful for everything. There called different things for each race, you can make them up).

Thingamabob rank                  Controls                     Income(per day)
No. 1.(best)                         Whole race               No. countries X 1,000,000
No. 2.                                    Country                             1,000,000  
No. 3.                         Big Army(50,000+)                       100,000
No. 4.                   1/5 of big army/Small army(10,000+)    10,000      
No. 5.(worst) 1/50 of big army/ 1/10 of small army / Really small army(1,000+)

Now, I'll make the races in a while, and if you want to make another race, base it slightly of on one of those ones(as in, the types of troop).

03:31:26 Sep 17th 09 - Sir Himanil VIII:

Waiting for the races.

16:09:09 Sep 17th 09 - Mr. Lanoc:

Ah, yes... sorry. Bit slow. Trying to think out the various prices(well, not really). I may have to change them, but I hope not. When making your own race(if you do) make the prices reasonable. You can make one or two quite cheap, but it will be at the expense of costlier other units, and you need a balanced(ish) army.

Standard troops  - All races have these, at the same price. Siege weapons will be counted as troops for handiness sake. Troops will be numbered in batches, so you won't have an awkward number of 546,234.67(Ok, the decimal is overdoing it...), instead it'll be more like 550,000, as new troops magically appear to round up the number(unless it's only a small percentage above a lower number, if'n you get me). It'll start off at 100s at rank no. five say(10s or 1s for more expensive units) and go up. Same with gold. You'll figure it out.
       Also, animals are bought separate, and then you have to pay the price to make them into troops. So when you think that mounted troops are cheap, take into consideration the cost of the animals as well.

Ok, sorry for all that blathering, here are the standard troops.

Animals(bought separate and then made into troops, as previously mentioned. Also, please don't have a huge variety of animals in your armies, please.) -

Horse - Costs 40 gold(can panic during battle, useful for small skirmishes)
War horse - Costs 70 gold(doesn't panic, useful for charging in wars)
Pony - Costs 30 gold(slower than a horse, better for short races)
Elephant - Costs 1,000 gold(Panics very easily, and could be just as big a threat to own army as the enemy's, but does massive damage(to one side or both), and takes a lot to bring down.

There might be more for some races.

Troops(ranged units have a weaker(but more flexible) armour than melee units)

Swordsman - Cost 20 gold - Cheap infantry, useful for charging an enemy, armed with swords and shields.
Spearman - Costs 20 gold - Cheap infantry, good for defence and against mounted units, armed with spears and shields.
Shieldsman - Costs 40 gold - Cheap infantry, heavily armoured, good for protecting other units, armed with short swords and shields.
Slinger - Costs 10 gold - Very cheap ranged unit, no defence however, and accuracy isn't great, nor generally does it inflict fatal wounds. Armed with slingshots.
Archer - Costs 40 gold - Cheapish ranged unit, high accuracy and fairly powerful. Armed with longbows(and arrows... obviously).
Catapult- Costs 2,000 gold - weapon that launches rocks from afar, does huge damage, especially used for attacking a city.
Ballista - Costs 400 gold - weapon like a crossbow, but bigger and more powerful, and has a greater range.
Elephant rider(requires elephant) - Costs 200 gold - Controls an elephant to an extent...

16:09:33 Sep 17th 09 - Mr. Lanoc:

Races soonish...(sorry)

20:46:09 Sep 17th 09 - Mr. Lanoc:

I'm sorry, I'm awfully lazy, I know. I put in eight standard troops for some reason, so here's another two added on in the middle. There will be five unique troops(well, not necessarily unique, just that every race does not have them) for each race, not counting animals).

Troops(ranged units have a weaker(but more flexible) armour than melee units)

Swordsman - Cost 20 gold - Cheap infantry, useful for charging an enemy, armed with sword and shield.
Spearman - Costs 20 gold - Cheap infantry, good for defence and against mounted units, armed with spear and shield.
Shieldsman - Costs 40 gold - Cheap infantry, heavily armoured, good for protecting other units, armed with short sword and shield.
Slinger - Costs 10 gold - Very cheap ranged unit, no defence however, and accuracy isn't great, nor generally does it inflict fatal wounds. Armed with slingshot.
Archer - Costs 40 gold - Cheapish ranged unit, high accuracy and fairly powerful. Armed with longbow(and arrows... obviously).
Rider(requires (war)horse/pony/...) - Costs 80 gold - Mounted unit, obviously fairly fast. Armed with a shield, lance and sword.
Mounted archer(requires (war)horse/pony/...) - Costs 100 gold - Mounted unit, fast. Armed with a shortbow.
Catapult- Costs 2,000 gold - weapon that launches rocks from afar, does huge damage, especially used for attacking a city.
Ballista - Costs 400 gold - weapon like a crossbow, but bigger and more powerful, and has a greater range.
Elephant rider(requires elephant) - Costs 200 gold - Controls an elephant to an extent...

Like those cool colours? And now, at long last, the races...

Humans - A fierce and dominating race, these people are ruthless. Their diplomacy skills are better than other races(oh yeah, you can make treaties or whatever you want to call them, with other races(temporary ones, and can be broken, though at  the expense of the "honour" of some race), but their soldiers are slightly expensive. They are great horsemen, and excellent strategists. Other than that, they are fairly average.


Trebuchet - Costs 3,500 gold - A type of catapult, but more powerful and more accurate than the standard one. No other races have managed yet to figure out how to make these weapons.
Knight(requires warhorse) - Costs 150 gold - A heavily armoured soldier on horseback, more skilled at riding than regular riders. Armed with lance and kiteshield.
Warrior - Costs 50 gold - Heavily armoured soldier, has more training than a swordsman. Armed with sword and shield.
Crossbowman - Costs 50 gold - Carries a crossbow, more awkward than a bow, and less accurate, but more powerful at close range. Armed with crossbow.
Pikeman - Costs 20 gold - Has a longer weapon than a regular spear, especially useful for defence. Armed with pike.

 Righto, onto the rest. If you want to make your own race now, by all means go ahead.

20:55:48 Sep 17th 09 - Mr. Lanoc:

Ah, forgot, humans ranks are as follows.
No. 5 - Captain, No.4 - Major, No. 3 - Colonel, No. 2 - Brigadier, No. 1 - General.

23:12:08 Sep 17th 09 - Mr. Lanoc:

Oh, and errmm... so you know, if mentioned, race animals can be used under riders and mounted archers. However, if they are powerful animals, they require a separate troop.

Orcs - A ferocious race, killing all in their way. Not the most intelligent of beings, these creatures nonetheless are feared for their armies, far more organised than any others, as any who do something wrong are harshly punished. They can ride wolves, and if that wasn't enough, they ride fellbeasts(I know, everything is stolen from The Lord of the Rings) in the skies, whose cries terrorise other races. They have very little skill with ranged weaponry, possibly because of poor eyesight.
Wolf(can be used for riders and mounted archers) - Cost 200 gold - Fast  and powerful beasts, which can be used for instilling fear into their enemies also.
Fellbeast - Cost 3,500 gold - Winged creatures, quick, but not very agile.


Goblin - Cost 10 gold - Poorly armed, without any protection, these goblins are trained in their thousands, used to charge enemies. They are smaller than the average orc, and weaker. Armed with short sword.
Hobgoblin - Cost 30 gold - Bigger orcs, they have slightly better defence than their smaller counterparts. Armed with sword and shield.
Fellbeast rider(requires fellbeast - Cost 500 gold - These orcs are trained for years(time's not an issue in this, don't worry) before they can manage to control one of these creatures. They are armed with nothing, relying instead on their steeds.
Ogre - Cost 200 gold - Huge grotesque orcs, they rely on their strength in battle, carrying crude weapons. Armed with clubs.
Shaman - Cost 100 gold - Often seen as magical creatures, lesser orcs are in awe of them. They make deadly poisons, which they use on darts in blowpipes. Armed with blowpipes(or blowgun).

Ranks - No. 5 Grunt, No. 4 Savage, No. 3 Barbarian, No. 2 Cannibal, No. 1, Warlord.

The rest tomorrow(some anyway). Sorry about the slow pace.

If you want you can sign up now, like so... You might want to wait for the rest of the races though.

  1. First stick your (VU) name in here.(Take this out whoever is first, if anyone)

Then, fill in this...

Name: Whatever your character's name is.
Race: Either a standard race or make up your own. If you make up your own, include 5 troops(and cost), any animals and ranks, and write anything about the race you so wish.
History: History of your character(Not necessary, but preferable).

21:13:24 Sep 18th 09 - Mr. Lanoc:

Sorry, looking over the RP forum and just being lazy. Some interesting threads in here, unlike this one.

Dwarves - Heavily armoured and their weapons are well made. They prefer axes above other weapons. They are not comfortable riding, but their slow and cheap donkeys give them a slight edge over infantry(can't ride horses).

Animals - Donkey(can be used for riders and mounted archers) - 20 gold - Slow and panicky but cheap.


Axeman - Costs 40 gold - Strong troop, requiring space to swing their axe. Armed with battleaxe and shield.
Axe thrower - Costs 50 gold - Not great range, but quite accurate, and useful in closer combat. Armed with throwing axes(can also be used for melee).
Prylate - Costs 3,500 gold - A variation on the catapult, which used spherical(ish) boulders. Using a great number of pulleys and ropes, and a heavy counterweight(which is initially pulled forwards by dwarves, and a strong elastic thingamabob pushes it back), it allows the boulder to be released at a slight angle to the great, about 10 degrees, and then soon returns to earth to crush the enemy, rolling onwards. Other races have not adopted it, as it requires precise calculations and is much more diffucult to make than ordinary catapults.
Poleaxers - Cost 30 gold - Good against cavalry and for defence. Armed with poleaxe.
Siege tower - Used for attacking a city, they are woodden towers(covered with a layer of iron) on wheels that allow attackers over walls.

21:14:47 Sep 18th 09 - Mr. Lanoc:

Before I continue on, is there anyone actually interested in joining?

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