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The Place-Warzone
07:13:09 Feb 27th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

The Eraborian Grand Empire is in shambles. It is merely a shadow of it's former self. Dead bodies line the streets, buildings lie burning, the palace is in shambles, and the Eraborian Emperor, Septim, is nowhere to be found. Many Dukes, Generals, and Heroes had fallen, but a few have survived. How has this happened? How could an Empire as grand as Erabor have fallen? What happened was, the demons invaded.

Antonis Xarxes was actually the the Lord of Hell, and he led his demons from the pits using Septim's distrust in Might's demon, whom was innocent. Septim was taken into the pits of hell and imprisoned, stripped of his Drakonian Ring, Firengard, and the crown. But, the Blade of Erabor, which could only be used by a Septim, was lost, the demons found it not. The only haven left is the island of Oceanus, but even then the demon armies seek to attack it. Xarxes now occupies the ruined Eraborian Palace, who will stop the demonic invasion and save a fallen Emperor from the pits of hell and find the lost blade so that the demons can be pushed back?

There are 20,000 men and 38 ships left, the command of Oceanus is to be divided amongst whomever likes this version of the Place over the other. General Jonas Topal will be my character.

07:15:42 Feb 27th 08 - Sir Revenge:

I, General Tiron Black will help with the Invasion

07:20:16 Feb 27th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

General Jonas Topal approaches Tiron Black.

"Hello Black...I hear you are quite the warrior..."

[[OOC: You can be Revenge if you want...he could have survived the invasion...]]

*The former Duke of Serpentia, Westa-Rar, slithers up beside the former Duke of Drakonia, Drake Drakonius.

"We have done a head count...five thousand Eraborians, a thousand Orcs, two thousand Serpentians, five hundred trolls, five hundred Drakonians, four thousand Elves, a thousand hobbits, a thousand Tigarians, and a thousand monkey warriors make up our army, fortunately, four hundred fifty out of five hundred Drakonians are able to morph into their Dragon forms...", says Drakonius.

"They are armed with steel and armored with iron platemail...", says Westa-Rar.

07:38:21 Feb 27th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Eighty-seven battered light airships fly in, carrying the shattered remnants of the 10th legion, and most of the 501st Cohort. {400 men of the 501st, 400 other.}

The craft land in the center of Oceanus, and High General Erunion steps out.
Westa-Rar teleports to in front of Erunion.
"Your grace, we have few men left. Our defenses are in grave peril."
"Friend, both of our duchies lie in ruins. We are equals, now. Prepare your defenses, I go to find more men, and the 501st go with me. I leave the rest of the 10th legion to join the defense."
{I'll probably go with both...}

07:49:18 Feb 27th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

Rufus Skorg, Gorris Farilor, Drake Drakonius, the orc Agronok, the Elf Shinar Silverscar, the Tigarian Jasca, and the Eskillian, Wulf Eskar, approach Erunion.

"We are all the Dukes that remain, more might come, but it is not likely...d@mn, as you were the greatest tactician and General, what are your battle plans once we get our remaining men?", asks Silverscar.

Jonas Topal and his two hundred remaining men approach Erunion.

"Sir!", General Topal salutes Erunion, his men do the same.


07:58:31 Feb 27th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:


Septim sits in a black stone cell, in fact not even a cell, but a 5 foot by 5 foot square room with a heavy door on one side. Septim wears the tattered Imperial robes he wore on the day of his capture, and his face is thin and gaunt due to malnutrition. The door opens and Xarxes comes forth and kneels.

"Well, I guess you are not much of a leader now are you? Lost your Empire, lost your sons, and lost your friends?", asks Xarxes in a mocking voice.

"...Xarxes, remember this...", says Septim.

"Remember what?", asks Xarxes in a mocking voice.

"Remember that you underestimated Septim, High Emperor of Erabor!", yells Septim as his skin turns blue, his eyes turn white, and he rises from the floor, he punches Xarxes in the face and the surprised and caught of guard demon falls to the floor. Septim runs twice as fast a normal human out the door, grabbing Icengard from a table on the way out along with something even more precious, the food supply for the prisoners of the demonic people (it is in a sack), he rips off a piece of bread as he runs and eats it, his strength returns as he runs out into the barren demonic landscape and out onto cooled lava, he runs fast, and covers a two miles in under two minutes. He then jumps into a cave and hides, having absolutely no idea how to get out of this Demonic world, he buckles Icengard and crouches against the rock hard wall, trying and doing well at masking his presense and location.

09:18:57 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Delran:

Five battleships appear at the horizon of Oceanus. The ships are sailing under the imperial banner of Erabor. The wind carries the ships to the land and from them, four thousand men disembarck. Their commander heads towards the Dukes and Generals gathered in the center of Oceanus.

"Greetings! I am Colonel Delran Dark of the Imperial Guard. My men are the remnants of the Imperial Guard, after the Empire has fallen. I heard that someone is raising an army to restore the Empire. We are here to help. I have 1000 Erabonians, 1000 Orcs, 1000 Elves and 1000 Tigarians. We are yours to command, General!"

14:55:23 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

A peculiar looking airship drops from the sky and starts going crazy by flying all over the place and then it crashes into a tree. Everyone come rushing over and see a peculiar looking man who then looks up with a goofy look on his face and goes:

"greetings i am Zryike the mage at your service, and I might add a fine inventor to."
*a belch of smoke coughs from the machine and starts making him cough*
" and say *cough* hello to my *cough* friends"

and dropping from the sky as soon as he says that are 500 hundred Drakonians in dragon form.

15:01:21 Feb 27th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

[[OOC: I am leaving until Saturday later just wait until then, think of this as a sign-up time...]]

15:02:12 Feb 27th 08 - Sir Revenge:

" Heeyy.." cries Revenge as he tries to yell for attention
He was only a few hundred yards from Septim and the others but his battered body could not match that....

He thuds the ground as he falls, Revenge lays battered and bruised on the grass
His skin thin, his face and arms scared from Interrogation
He lay after 3 days without water and over 10 without food
Just he and his ripped clothes are left
He hoped someone heard his weak cry.....

[[ Tiron can be some guy, Ill be just return as a weak Revenge ]]

15:09:42 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

Zryike goes over to Revenge and towers over saying " hey there old man do you need some help?
*pulls out a funky looking bottle and tells revenge to drink it* "come on drink up old chap" *smiles*

Revenge drinks the bottle and all of a sudden fills really rejuvenated

"now eat this food" Revenge eats it and starts to feel like his old self again.

"now considering the damage that has happened to you this will only make you feel like normal for a while but then you will revert to if i had just let you heal up over time, which will only be half as much strength"

15:27:57 Feb 27th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

[[OOC: Revenge, I am in hell, I just barely escaped and am hiding in a cave...I am not with the others...]]

Septim takes off another piece of bread and eats, then goes back to crouching against the cave wall.


Jonas Topal walks up to Revenge and grabs his hand, he pulls him up and gives him a waterskin.

"Drink this..."

Topal leads Revenge over to a chair and has him sit, then has a soldier bring him a loaf of bread and a baked potato.

15:35:52 Feb 27th 08 - Sir Revenge:

[[ Yer, I got mixed up.... with you xD ]]

Revenge drinks the water and eats bread, he feels a little better after a while but still very weak

15:39:27 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

"erm the effect of my potions has still not worn off yet he shouldnt drink or eat anything else!"

15:39:51 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

*Zryike walks over and takes the food and water away*

15:43:45 Feb 27th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

*Topal sits down across from Revenge.

"I don't know if you know, but the Emperor is missing, the capital lies destroyed, and the Empire is in ruins. Not sure where Might is...probably dead, along with Verll, and all of the other Dukes...d@mned demons...anyways, we have found that the Emperor can be reached through the ruins of the capital, the Heart of Erabor leads to hell, if we can get a force through there we could rescue him...", says Topal, "And he knows where the blade of Erabor is..."

15:54:18 Feb 27th 08 - Sir Revenge:

" We must find means to getting to the heart" coughs Revenge
I know of a small passage through the back
We can get into the cellar from it
Yet we must still get into the courtyard to get to the passage
If we make a diversion we may buy some timeto get in through the back"
Revenge coughs and takes some water, In the time inbetween, Revenge is now into his fifties and Isnt up for war as such, he still knows his old ways though...
" We will launch an assault on the castle, in four days, until then, continue to search for more survivors and rally the troops.."

[[ I thought as most of the other Leaders are dead, I would lead the charge on the Castle ..... Erunion aswell ^^  ]]

15:58:50 Feb 27th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

[[OOC: We think they're dead, they havn't arrived're the last of the High Dukes so far though...]]

16:49:07 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*Might looks around in his ruined tower surrounded by the last of his personal gaurd and his dragonships. Xerxus stands at his side.*

"Might, I told you that they would never believe you....those poor fools."

17:51:47 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Delran:

*Delran walks over to Revenge.*

"Your Highness, we should first establish a base of operations and send some scouts to The Heart of Erabor, before we attack. We cannot afford to die there or loose too many men. If we are going to die in that assault, who will be left to save the Emperor? We cannot risk anyting right now."

18:01:38 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

* Zryike walks in during the conversation* * when there done* "well hello there old chaps!"
"I couldn't up but overhearing what you guys were saying and my latest creation is a halfling scout invisibility cloak, all they have to do is say cloak and then *claps his hands* he's invisible!"

"I think that would be great for the mission, no?"

*more information on Zryike is that he loves using accents*

18:02:02 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

"Xerxus, why should I try and save that fool when all he did was alienate me and take my stuff? What reason do you or I have to do it? Especially you."

18:17:56 Feb 27th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

Outside Might's tower, a demon horde of 500,000 troops. Might's remaining dragonships are operational, but damaged badly.


Septim curses Xarxes.

"Just wait until I get the Blade of Erabor, just wait..."


18:24:21 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*Might looks out of his tower.

I hope they find that staff soon....I can't hold against these continual raids for long.

Might starts chanting as a waves of demons charge up the tower to be met by 2000 personal guard on the stairs.

"Xerxus hold them off so that I can finish the spell. Even if it means summoning your own brethren!"

*Xerxus holds out his hand as a beam of white hot energy hits the mass at the stairs killing thousands.

Outside the tower Mights last dragonships get ready for the eventual retreat to the dragonships.*

18:28:03 Feb 27th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Erunion stands, surveying the battlements. Suspiciously, he doesn't look any older than he did when he finished the Tigarian campaign, but no one really notices that.

"With our current numbers, the outer wall of Oceanus is indefensible. We must hold the inner layer. I the drakonians who can turn into dragons in reserve, they'll be thrown wherever the need is greatest, I want the outer layer of Oceanus completely destroyed. We must not allow these demons cover.
Now, I want a mixed force on every segment of the wall, divide our forces evenly between our swordsmen, magi, spearmen and archers. Then have this more balanced force man the wall."
Turning, Erunion looked at the lower ranking officers, all the way down to sergeant.
"These demons do not have massed numbers, but they do have great individual power and are skilled necromancers. Expect to see armies of undead coming towards us, with demons sprinkled into the mix as stiffening. To kill an undead, decapitate it, the body will then no longer be able to be used as anything but a puppet and as puppets require the full attention of the demon, they won't bother. But, this means we must decapitate, or better yet, burn all of our own dead. Any questions?"

18:29:27 Feb 27th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

{FYI, the Tigarian shamans hailed me as their saviour, the one who brought peace to their lands, as such they joined their powers together and gave me the gift of unnatural long-life.}

18:32:03 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

*Zryike walks over to him* "My drakonians are at your service!"

18:33:37 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[Wheres Verthias in all of this?]

18:34:21 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Delran:

*Delran adresses to Erunion.*

"Your Highness, We can use the ships as a first line of defense. Also the sir ships can be used to quickly move troops where they are needed."

18:34:42 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

( whos that? )

18:46:31 Feb 27th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

"I'm not royalty, I am merely, or rather was merely Septim's High General, and Duke of Telcontar.
The air ships are in reserve to be used as a strafing force and to quickly transport those troops who cannot be teleported. I will use them in force to strike the Demonic hordes as they get close, but as there aren't any demons within range...
But well done, General Delran. You saw what needed to happen. I'm placing you in charge of the airfleet, as I will be unable to take them into the air myself. Zryike, you and Silversc*beep*em to be our two most competent mages here. Would the two of you be willing to take command of our maging efforts? Zryike, you have the north, Silverscar, the south.
Drakonius, you are naturally in charge of the drakes who are in reserve, Topal, you will command the Northern wall, and be in charge if I leave or anything happens to me.
Skorg, Farrilor and Agrinok, you are in charge of the east, west and southern walls respectively. Jasca, you are in charge of logistics and Eskar, I place you in command of the 12th legion. They will be in reserve, ready to teleport to where the fighting is hottest. The 501st stays with me. Any further questions?"

18:48:07 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[Question: from what Septim said I have the only Airfleet. He disbanded his and left me with 500 ships. How do you have a airfleet?]

18:49:27 Feb 27th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

{Ugh, that took a while to type up... Cross-referencing who should do what, making sure everyone of the Dukes got an equally important job, so none of them would get ticked off at me and mess up the system... If you don't have orders, and are in the game, come to me and ask what to do. I'll find something for you... I guess I'm in charge of the defense then...}

18:51:18 Feb 27th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

{Septim left you 500 large ships.
My airfleet is solely composed of my own designed ships (the small ones), as I'm guessing that they weren't counted in the 500 airships. They would be placed among all the different legions.
Also, I had 100 of those in my own personal army.}

18:51:23 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Verthias X:

Verthias staggers out of the ruin of his airship, the corpses of dozens of the Black Guard all around, and the horizon to the north blacked out by smoke and flames. He spat, and a fair section of his throat came away with it. He cursed the Nemacyst demon who'd torn away from the swarm and slammed into his airship, killing half of his men outright and sending it smashing into the ground. The demon's own fiery death was mostly irrelevant to his mind. Verthias scrabbled around in the hard-packed earth, and his questing fingers fell upon his mighty runeblade, Quel'Serrar. Broken by the demonic rent that the explosion of the Nemacyst had caused, it was of no use to him. He grabbed the swordbelt of the captain of the ship, and spent a second appeasing the spirit of the weapon's owner. He needn't have.

"Give them hell", the ghostly voice whispered to him beyond the void "Kill a demon or two for me".

Verthias smiled briefly, even though his face was ripped, burnt and torn by the debris. Captain Zanzibar had always been a forgiving soul. Quite literally.

He staggered off to the south, the only direction he couldn't see destruction in. Perhaps he would find some gathering of Eraborian forces, or better yet, some of the Guard...

[By the way, the Black Guard were an extremely elite military force set up by Verthias during his travels. While very few in number, organized into a regiment for every major continent and a smaller unit for the other, island-based provinces, they numbered less than 1,000 in total, but were all fanatically loyal to Verthias and expert swordsmen. There were a few mages amongst their ranks as well]

[And dw, even though I may continue slurping people's souls out, i'll be on your side for this war. Mostly ;D]

[Yaay, someone noticed my absence!]

18:53:45 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

(lol i guess you are) *Zryike does a sloppy salute* "yes sir i accept these orders"

*he trys to turn on his heels but ends up tripping and falling on his face, he gets up and clumsily walks away calling back*

" I'll go tell Silversc( beep?)"

18:54:04 Feb 27th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

{Great, a loose cannon to add to the defenses... :P Be good to have more troops though and I could always send you on dangerous one man missions, like... Scouting, assassinating more powerful demons... That kinda thing.}

18:55:40 Feb 27th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

"Don't worry Zryike, and don't try and look like a soldier... Just use that magic of yours."
{It's because the last two letters in Silverscar's name are ar. And I started the next word with se... Hyperactive word filter.}

19:00:03 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

( ah ) * Zryike hears what he says and turns around to say thank you but ends up tripping over the battlements* ( lol! )

*luckily though what he uses as a bad word was in fact the individual teleport spell, which is very rare because few know the words for it*

* Zryike teleports over to where Silverscar was and tells (him her?) the orders.*

19:00:08 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*Xerxus uses his beam burning hot liquid to burn through the things on the stairs.*

"Might, hurry up!"

*Might finished his chanting and knowing his books and accessories
are safe orders the retreat to the dragonships. Might takes one look at the tower as it crumbles killing everything in it.

"Where are we going to go Might?"

"To my caves in the mountains. It has a device that will allow me to contact the other dukes. It is also my storehouse."

*The ship turns west toward the mountains.*

19:12:34 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Verthias X:

[*hisses at Erunion*. I don't take orders from any human.. xD]

Verthias moved across the continent of Oceanus, learning from the fallen corpses of man and demon alike, and the earth itself, what had happened. The demons had attacked, but been sucessfully fended off, and the remaining Eraborian forces were clustering at a meeting point near to the former capital city, headed by someone called 'Erunion Telcontar'. He hoped that the human wouldn't attempt to give him orders: He did so hate the kerfuffle that arose from killing generals. He still remembered whole unfortunate Kernian incident rather acutely...

He felt rather than saw the dagger coming towards his face as he tramped down the battered road. He grabbed the handle as it came his way, and rather than wasting it's current momentum, just put it to good use - twisting it around and hurling it back the way it had came. His assailant caught the knife deftly, and rammed it home into it's sheathe on his bandoleer. Captain Imptuor grinned impudently, and sauntered over to his commander.

"I see that you're on form today, sir. Despite looking as if you've just crawled out of Hell".

Verthias laughed. "If only you know how true that sentence was. I notice that you're not, though" Imputor, despite his casual manner, was one of his finest field commanders, and a personal friend.

"How do you figure that, Ver?" He asked, honestly unaware that he'd caught the knife by the blade rather than the hilt, sustaining shallow cuts on his right hand's fingers. Captains of the Guard, having been... affected, as it were, by Verthias himself, had some of his attributes. That notorious resistance to pain was one of them.

Imputor had been travelling with the remains of a platoon, twelve men, who were happy to see their supreme commander, and filled him in on some of the events that he'd missed. Verthias, now tailed by thirteen of the finest swordsmen in all the lands, continued towards the rally point.

19:15:44 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

( i really think your gonna get orders Verthias ; ] )

19:17:59 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Verthias X:

[*shoots Zryike, Telcontar and everyone else within sight. Detonates an antimatter bomb, destroys the planet*]

[Well, being an entirely autonomous military force, and having no formal agreement to serve under him, he doesn't have any basis to give me orders. I will, however, probably accept 'suggestions'. Correctly phrased ;D]

[And I beleive we were both talking about Telcontar giving me orders there, Might. You were not involved, apart from being ostesensibly destroyed by the AM bomb]

19:18:18 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[I don't give a lot of orders...]

19:20:43 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Delran:

Sir Erunion Telcontar


2/27/2008 7:46:31 PM
"I'm not royalty, I am merely, or rather was merely Septim's High General, and Duke of Telcontar.


[For royalty, I use 'Your Majesty'. Anything else is 'Your Highness', 'Your Grace', 'My Lord' etc.]

"Sir, how many air ships I have to command? So I can device a strategy for both offense and defense. And I will also need to know their power and capacity."

19:27:02 Feb 27th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

{"Sir" or "Your Grace" Will be fine. And Verthias, I only order around those who place themselves or have been placed under me.}

"General, you have 273 light airships. They carry a full complement of eight fast fire crossbowmen, who shoot out side slits, one mage, and a pilot. They have one heavy rapid-fire ballista, and four heavy rapid-fire crossbows on each wing. The weapons have both penetrating ice rounds and exploding fire rounds, and the ships have a stock of exploding potions that can be dropped. You can take my personal craft, it's tougher than the rest, as I plated it's outside with Adamantium instead of the steel used on the others."

19:38:54 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

( Dang that sounds like a heavy airship )

* Zryike walks to where Erunion and the General are talking "hello there old chaps!"

 "have just created a instant airship machine now i just say a number an that many pops out like this"
*the machine starts whirring and out one at a time comes 27 airships*

"ta da"

*The general goes hmmmm... 200 while Zryike is busy explaining the downfalls of it*

" so you see sir if you place a order of more then 100 ships it'll blow up"

* when he hears 200 he turns around and moans* " nooooooooooooooooo"

* then he screams*


( we now have a total of 300 airships : ] )

19:41:52 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[I have 500 huge dragonships :D And 3 capital ships[Upgraded and better than Septims!]

19:45:12 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

( i just looked over my post and i think the grammar was horrible :p )

( Question: how do you give people points so they can get titles? )

19:46:03 Feb 27th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

{Delran, that is what you are flying. It is heavy, but you have three magically propelled turbines, one of which is vertical.}

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