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The Siege Within
21:39:39 May 12th 10 - King Ernest Deallus The Wise:

     The newly arrived mercenaries and other helpers were quickly escorted to the seventh floor of the citadel.  Wounded soldiers and guards were being treated anywhere that they could find room.  Blood stains covered parts of the walls and much of the floor as injured men bled out or accidentally smeared their blood while trying to move themselves.  Dominic found himself with some people he recognized and others that were completely unknown to him.  He was surprised to see an elf having shown up since they normally did not care to meddle in the affairs of humans.  There were also some shady looking men in the room that looked like thieves or muggers.  He assumed they had no clue what was going on. 
     While he was looking around, an armored man entered the room.
     "I am Captain Neida and I am in charge of the defenses here in the citadel.  I assume that since you all decided to rush in the gates before they were to be closed, that you wish to help.  Unfortunately, the situation is not normal. have begun pouring into the citadel from the lowest levels.  The ones we have fought so far are small ones with small and cheap weapons and no armor, but they are in great numbers.  Five of these demon imps versus one of our guards is the average fight that has been reported.  We are greatly outnumbered but we are planning on making a counterattack soon.  I will have you escorted to the armory where you will be given weapons.  We do not have much...I am afraid that most of the weapons have been taken by my men in the early stages of the attack.  You will have to make do with what we have," said the captain.  A young guard walked into the room and motioned for everyone to follow him.
     "Follow me to the armory," he said.  The group followed him to the sixth floor and they entered a large room.  On the walls were many pegs and posts for hanging weapons of all kinds.  There were empty chests that most likely held swords and shields before the fighting began. 
     "I am afraid that you will have to make do with iron shortswords, bucklers, and light leather armor for now.  There might be a simple shortbow and some arrows around, but you will be lucky to find one.  We don't have much to work with right now.  There is another armory on the first basement floor, but that is overrun by the imps," said the guard.  As he was about to continue speaking, another guard entered the room with Captain Neida at his side.
     "The gates have not closed! It appears the imps have overrun the release controls to the doors! I need all of you to follow me to the gates as quickly as you can grab weapons!" yelled the captain.  Several dozen men were seen racing past the door behind the captain as they raced to retake the gatehouse. 

     Dominic snapped out of the trance that he seemed to have been in and quickly grabbed an iron shortsword and a buckler.  He did not put on any other armor since there was no time to spare.  The gatehouse was on the first floor and he was on the sixth.  The imps had some of their numbers on the first and second floors already.  The gates had to be held.

22:23:24 May 12th 10 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

Marcel heard the call, and quickly buckled a notched iron shortsword to his waist. A buckler would just slow him down, but he instead snatched the cleanest leather curiass he could see from a chest and began pulling it over his head as they dashed towards the disturbance. As he got his head clear of the next-to-useless curiass, his grin was wild. He seemed madly excited about what lay ahead.

22:29:03 May 12th 10 - Sir Mirror:

While the Captain was talking, Jarnas quietly walked over to a chest and pulled out some of the light leather armour, which he put on. By the time the Captain was finished, Jarnas was calmly standing with an iron short-sword in each hand.
"The gates have not closed! It appears the imps have overrun the release controls to the doors! I need all of you to follow me to the gates as quickly as you can grab weapons!" yelled the captain.
Jarnas, sword's sheathed at his side, began to sprint back towards the gates. Can't let them out. Too many civilians!

23:35:10 May 12th 10 - Lord Wraith Hearts Wwr:

Ranraac looked around at the ragtag bunch of men that were to be his companions. It was the oddest collection of mercenaries he had ever laid eyes on and was, quite frankly, a little frightening to think that his life was going to be held in the hands of these men.

His heart sank even lower as the Captain took them to the bare armoury and explained the situation. 'Funny, nobody explained that when they called for our help...' he thought as he noticed how on the most part, all the men there seemed poor. 'Where are all those Knights from Human Lore with their bravado....' he scoffed to himself as he picked up an iron short sword and some leather armour that just about fit him, if uncomfortably so. 

Quickly he donned the armour and hung the sword at his side as he followed the others to the gate. He suddenly realised the importance of this mission and his heart began to beat just that little bit faster.

00:32:49 May 13th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

Demons!? Mastros's beard, what have you gotten yourself into, Andronicus!? Well, I'm stuck here now. I need to adapt!

Andronicus grabbed a short-sword, deciding that a limited torso of protection wouldn't do much against a swarm of imps. Instead of grabbing the buckler, he grabbed an oil-lamp from the wall. He then left the room, following Dominic.

01:41:16 May 13th 10 - King Ernest Deallus The Wise:

     "Fight till your last breath!" screamed a voice below Dominic as he was racing down a spiral staircase.  Two men were in front of him and they were moving faster than he was.  When he reached the second floor, he found that the staircase leading to the first floor was filled with demons and soldiers fighting brutally.  Some men were tossing aside their weapons in such close quarters and throwing some of the demons down the stairs into the weapons of their own kind.  It was a mess to watch and Dominic knew that he had no time to waste here.  The two mercenaries in front of him decided to risk it and charged into the fray.  Instead of staying and fighting, 
     Dominic raced down the second floor hallways until he found another staircase.  It was the sight of another fight, but this one had fewer enemies to deal with.  He drew his iron shortsword and readied his buckler as he moved onto the stairs with some soldiers.  The first demon imp that he came to was unfortunate enough to not be facing Dominic as he plunged his blade into the back of it's chest and kicked it down the steps.  The second demon was slammed in the face by the buckler strapped to the knight's arm and a slash from his sword followed.  The soldiers alongside Dom then lined their shields up in the staircase and began advancing downwards.  They pushed the imps back to the first floor and took down any demon that got in their way.
     "Quickly! To the gate!" shouted a sergeant as he led a group of soldiers towards the gatehouse.  Dominic followed and saw that the scale of combat had escalated.  There were arrows flying back and forth between demons and soldiers as the amount of room grew as Dom reached the small courtyard between the actual structure of the castle and walls.  Demons had overrun the gatehouse and some were beginning to venture outside of the walls.  There were a few soldiers fighting desperately with their bare hands, trying to hold back the floor of imps.  Dominic would have laughed if the situation had been different as he saw a soldier pick up one of the demon imps and physically throw it back through the gate.  The mechanism for the gate was nowhere to be found.
     "The gate controls are broken! We must break the chain or all is lost!" screamed a sergeant.  Dom saw two large chains above the gate that were holding it open.  If they were broken, then the gate would close for good.  He had to get onto the walls and fight his way above the gate and somehow break the chains.

03:00:36 May 13th 10 - Ice Prince Cyruss:

Before the fight had began Offe, looked around he just saw some odd face mercenaries so for him not to look weird or rare and uncommon he grabbed the leather armor and the sword to the fight so he may be able to help, but on his way following the group of mercenaries he discovered an odd thing covered in dark green cloths, he didnt care what it could be but he grabbed it and continue running to aid his companions, by the time he had reached the group he listened a man near Dominic screaming ''Fight till your last breath!".

04:47:21 May 13th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

Andronicus set down the oil lamp and ran into the fray, ducking down and grabbing a fallen imp's dagger as he ran. He stabbed an engaged imp in the chest with a dagger before letting go of the dagger and receiving a slash to the cheek. He turned around, punched the imp that had slashed him, and received a weak stab to the leg. He yelled, and kicked the little imp as it ran away before stabbing his shortsword into the fallen creature's back.

06:00:22 May 13th 10 - Sir Mirror:

As he was running, Jarnas saw bodies. Imp bodies, human bodies. There were lots of them. He ran through a doorway and into a pile of Imps. Jarnas slashed at both sides with a yell, cutting into two of the creatures, then with an upslash with both swords he sent a third imp staggering who he quickly decapitated. One of the wounded imps jumped at him and was slain for it's pains. The other wounded imp stabbed at Jarnas back. Quick as a snake Jarnas twisted, just in time to save his life as the sword cut into his right side. Wounded, Jarnas staggered back into a wall, bringing his left sword up to block an over-handed blow. His right hand leapt forward and the Imp felt the iron blade enter it's flesh. Jarnas left hand dropped as he cut out the creatures leg, then Jarnas spun with his blade out, sharpened iron cutting deep into the creatures side where it lodged itself. Jarnas' foot was raised up as he kicked into the corpse, freeing his blade. Jarnas turned around to find a fourth imp coming, armed with a spear. In a quick motion Jarnas threw his left-hand sword at the spear-imp as he leapt forward. The imp frantically deflected the thrown blade into the wall, just in time to find Jarnas right-hand sword lodged in it's shoulder. Jarnas then grabbed the squealing beast's spear and skewered the imp, pinning it to the floor. This done, he retrieved his two swords.The left hand blade had been chipped badly where it struck the wall.

10:55:16 May 13th 10 - Lord Wraith Hearts Wwr:

Ranraac was slightly stunned at first by the sheer amount of fighting but quickly snapped out of it. Seeing the soldiers in front begin fighting, Ranraac prepared himself and as an Imp came at him swinging a sword wildly, he neatly dodged the blow and stabbed it in the side.

'They don't seem that strong' he thought to himself as he took out another Imp. However, out of seemingly nowhere came two more at once. Sidestepping to the right just in time, he felt a sword cut a shallow cut into his left side and swore under his breath as the leather armour did little to dampen the blow. Stabbing at the closest Imp, Ranraac then quickly spun around to block another blow. Pushing the Imp backwards, the Elf charged forward and pushed the Imp into the wall before skewering it with his sword. 'But so many of them..'

As they arrived in the courtyard, Ranraac heard the Sergeant's cry and looked up. There was another who seemed to be looking up for a way to break the gate's chains. Searching for a ladder or some stairs amidst the fighting to get onto the wall, Ranraac tried to make his way towards this man and see if he had any ideas.

16:46:48 May 13th 10 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

Marcel followed slightly behind the group, the excitement of the brawl allowing him quick strikes, where he punctured through imp flesh with inexperienced thrusts before returning to safety behind the better armored mercenaries. He laughed; he felt so alive! He'd never taken part in any major fights before. The shouting and screaming felt so real.
He stabbed another imp, managing a lucky blow through it's head. Suddenly, his sword became lodged in the creatures brain. Abandoning hope of recovering it, he moved on quickly to follow the group through a gap they created in the imps into a courtyard. Grabbing what looked like a long knife from the corpse of an unlucky civilian, he continued his quick attack and retreat strategy, melding with the group of mercenaries to avoid counterattacks. The new blade quickly drew blood - Marcel was far more skilled with knives. Suddenly, he heard the cry to break the gate chains. The heavy iron chains were too high to reach, and Marcel could see no way to get up there. Shrugging, he yelled to anyone who could hear. "We could disconnect the pulley wheels! Then it would close! Someone just needs to get up there!"

06:38:59 May 14th 10 - King Ernest Deallus The Wise:

     Dominic saw that many of the mercenaries are soldiers were too occupied fighting the increasingly large numbers of imps.  Things were not looking good.  Attacks were coming from all around him and he decided that the walls above him were safer.  It also was a good way to get close to the chains.  The main gate of the citadel was a large sheet of dwarven steel.  At each of the top corners of the gate were where the strong chains attached to them.  Then the chains pulled through a series of pulleys until it reached the second level of the castle.  There, a strong pulley system held it firm to lift or lower the gate.  Unfortunately, the imps had damaged the pullies so that it was miserably jammed.  Stabs and slashes were now only coming from his front or back since the wall limited attacks from his sides.  He used his buckler to help protect his back while fending off frontal assaults with his sword.  Kicking or throwing the imps off of the wall seemed almost as effective as stabbing them through the chest.  He also got the satisfaction of listening to them squeal as they fell and splatted. 
     "We could disconnect the pulley wheels! Then it would close! Someone just needs to get up there!" screamed a man from a direction that Dominic could not locate.  Either way, he knew that he would have to find some way of releasing the chains since breaking them didn't look likely.  He followed the walls until he ended back up on the second floor in a different area, but the knight found the area with the pulley system.  A body of a large guard had apparently been jammed into the wooden wheel system and it looked like there was no way to pull the body out. 
     "Stand back!" screamed a guard as he forced his way past Dominic.  In his hands was a large axe and he began hacking away at the wooden wheels.
     "This is the only way we are going to get the gate shut!" said the guard as he frantically attacked the obstacles.  Then Dominic found that imps were starting to move in on them from behind and he was forced to kick the wooden door to the room shut.  Blades began stabbing at the other side of the door as the imps began trying to break it down.
     "You better hurry or we are all dead!" said Dominic.  The guard continued chopping at the wooden wheels desperately.  It would only be a matter of time.  Until then, the gate had to be held.

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