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Forums / Roleplaying / The lost legacy

The lost legacy
05:29:58 Jan 13th 08 - Mr. Striker:

It was the year 500BC.The roman empire was at the peak of it strenght.There was one obsticle they had yet to overcome.The nargules.Many said they came from underground.But others beleived they were aliens from space.This lost legacy started out on one of the nargules armory's.They ruled under 1 commander and 3 minor commanders to command battalions.One commander named alias marcus was ordered to flankt he city before they attacked.But there was an underground tunnel they didn't know about.As soon as the attack started thousands and thousands of nargule soldiers started pouring out of tunnels and caves.The main force retreated but commander alias marcus was un-able to because the nargules were forming up his.He retreated straight back pillaging and gathering slaves and peasants as he went.He soon found a very nice place.The nargules were no less then 50 days away.With his slaves and peasants he made a city of massive size for only 50 days.He threw a few thousand archers in the mountains.He gave out strategys and orders to his knights and infantry.The nargules with their unknown weapons and soldier plowed right through the knights only taking minor losses.They were great with melee attacks but their magic and archerly skills lagged.Thousands of nargule troops were picked off by the archers during the fight.Then a few more thousand during the fight with soldiers and catapaults aswell as a few hundred mages.There was one last hope for commander alias marcus and his people.He built 3 layers of massive walls inbetween him and the nargules.The walls were trooped with thousands of remaining archers.And the city's were evacuated and troops filled the city square roads and houses.It was on the first one they hoped to destroy 50% of the nargules troops.And yes they did.Although the archers were soon killed by creatures known as jumping horses.The nargules looked very strange.At the 2nd se of walls defenses grew meek.There weren't many walls in the city and there were only 500 knights and 5 thousand archers.The samew ith the other layer of wall.The nargules broke through the last remaining 2 walls with only 25% losses.Now alias marcus stood with his last men.Newly recruited 50 thousand archers.25 thousand swordsmen.And over 25 thousands catapaults and 10 thousand calvary.alias marcus stood by his men to give the order to attack.He was near sure he would win but not if he would live.His eyes were stunned as the nargules attacked..They had been reinforced.They were now up to over 50 thousand strange creators.Alias ordered archers to shoot.5 minutes later the knights to charge.and another 5 minutes later for catapaults to fire and swordsmen to fight.He joined his knights in battle on his horse named majesty.A jumping horse leaped over alias marcus and had his belly slit but a knights sword.Alias marcus would have thanked him but that knight had his head cut off by another strange creature alias marcus called the fighters.They were much like swordsmen except as good and powerful as knights.The battle raged on and another jumping horse bit his blade and his teeth into majesty.A few swordsmen took the dead horse off of alias marcus and faught beside him until only a handful of front line knights and swordsmen remained.Alias marcus knew if the nargules reached the ranged units anytime soon theyd surely loose.Alias marcus ordered 5 knights to return to the catapaults to start launching diseased rocks and the archers prepare to cover a run.He also gathered 25 knights in the midst of the battle and ordered them to spread the word to retreat.They would hold just at the gates of the city where the catapaults and archers would be much more affective.Aswell as the newly recruited 2 thousand mages.Alias marcus was down to 23% of his total strenght and the nargules were down to their last 11% thanks to the close ranged attack.To finish the battle with less losses.He kept on running through the gates and ordered oil burn.Tons and tons of oil splunged onto every single nargule.Then a single torch was dropped.Followed by hundreds of others.Alias marcus and his men watched as the last nargules were burned in their own tears.As they found out the nargule tears were flammable.


Should i right another 1 of these under another commander or what?I need feed-back

06:39:40 Jan 13th 08 - Prince Cephorus Septim IV:

I thought the Roman Empire was at its peak in the year 180 AD, during the time of Emperor Marcus Aurelius...

06:49:06 Jan 13th 08 - Mr. Striker:

Eh ud laugh and choke if u ever saw me in history class..

06:49:56 Jan 13th 08 - Mr. Striker:

Oh by the way its in a FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR FARRRR away galaxy where interstellar beings didn't know haw to live so they used space travel to use human names and technology = )

12:06:25 Jan 13th 08 - Lord Ragnarr:

Septim is right here. 500BC is the Old Roman Republic, it was even founded in 57-something BC. The Roman Empire leads its begining from the end of Ceasar's life and the second Principate, where Augustus is. 
Anyway, let's just accept that by a horrible misschance there might be a roman empire in a galaxy far far away, where they also have date measuring with BC - AD and all human stuff. ((:
I'm sorry, sometimes I'm really annoying. The story is good.

12:30:12 Jan 13th 08 - Sir Revenge:

Yer its good but I feel in stories Id rather see
Fifty than 50
It just looks better  ^^

But I'm just being picky  x]

00:33:20 Jan 15th 08 - Mr. Striker:

(made mistake infantry are swordsmen to lazy 2 fix)

Meanwhile the main brigade had been harrassed daily at its camp sight.Finally they moved on.They were pestered but didn't loose anything.When they got back to the city the gate was burned and there were very few survivors.Since this was the main force a massive nargule troops was chasing them.The legacy squad under  general aminus titus found also many carriages and horses.They kept retreating.Finally they met a messanger that had got lost.And was about 2 head back to alias marcus's empire.He also told aminus titus that the roman empire had been.Squashed.Thousands of roman citys were burned.Everyone fled to alias marcus' citys.There were 10 of them.Each of them ranged from 10 to 30km's large.But those were all through many great walls and a defence city.Aminus titus returned to these city's with his 50 thousand troops.He looked to his sides and saw immencly fortified bunkers with atleast a thousand archers in each.He was later told there was a total of 200 thousand archers in the mountains that had their own small farms that peasants worked 24/7 to maintain and feed the archers in the mountains.He was also told that they were protected by un-mounted knights.About 2 kilometers ahead he saw a great wall.It was over 50 meters thick so catapaults were on the walls and also 100 thousand archers on each great wall.There were also 5 great walls.At the end just 10 kilometers from the hustle and bustle of the big peasant citys that were surrounded by mountains and tree's and in the middle was a medium sized lake there was a defense city.The walls were nearly as high as the great walls.There were several bunkers just a few hundred meters infront of the city filled with archers and they were dug underground so only their heads were above ground level.There were also 200 thousand infantry at the front lines aswell as 100 thousand knights.Behind the city walls were 5 thousand catapaults protected by 50 swordsmen each.Finally there was a main city right after that.There was over 500 thousand peasants.And right in the middle aminus titus met alias marcus.Alias marcus greeted him as he had been told in advance by the messanger.Alias marcus told him that he was looking for another commander.Alias marcus first filled him in most of what he knew that the roman empire was gone and he was the king of the new empire romania.Alias marcus told commander titus he was looking for an experienced commander and he had a job for him.He told him there was a trooper facility 5 kilometers south.There he could reruit up to 500 catapaults and 10 thousand knights and all the swordsmen he thuaght neccesary.He told him there was a lacking of wood and food was at the point of being rationed due to lack of space.Alias marcus wanted his empire to grow so he refused to stop building more homes.He told titus to take this area.Titus asked why it needed taking and marcus told him that there were the nargules.Aminus marcus didn't know haw many but he knew there was a presence.So the next morning with 500 catapaults 2 thousand archers 5 thousand knights and 10 thousand swordsmen he moved into the nargule land whitch was defended by a massive wall 2x bigger then he saw when he was entering.But there was only one.A few elite guards that there were only few of came along with titus to defend him.Titus moved 25 kilometers east where marcus told titus that there was definetaly a city he sent 500 scouts to check everywhere.5 reported they saw some patrols just 2 kilometers from the city they knew about.The rest reported there was only that one city.Titus marched his men eastward.When he reached the place he had killed 3 patrols.He assumed the other 2 were on break.Titus prepared for the next 3 days.Clearing the nargules weak archers out of the mountain and positions his own.His orders were 2 burn the city.About 11 days after beggining prepartions fire rocks started flying from the catapaults  into the city.Thousands of fire arrows were also launched.The city was devasated by this massive attack.The nargules knew it was coming but not for a few more days atleast.Half the defense was gone.As no troops could come to the aid since the only passage was through the valley and through the massive walls defending the romania empire.Titus just kept bombarding it instead of wasting troops.He told all the infantry and archers to go home.Aswell as 3 thousand out of 5 thousand knights.Somewhere in-between 5 messangers arrived with happy news.This place must have been made by the nargules they said.Theres 3 pockets just northwards.1's full of fresh water and open area probably used for population.Then theres another massive area with thousands of miles of mountains lining it.Then theres another one with thousands of kilometers of woods.And the 1 valley heading into is perfect triple as good as our current defense coming into romania.Well the maximum defence that is.Then theres small valleys leading into each of the three pockets.


Ok should i go on or start a new.

Am i starting to drift into my dream world or am i writing a story?

17:57:51 Jan 15th 08 - Mr. Striker:

Titus took his remaining troops to clarify this.Titus never came back.Alias marcus ordered a large force over 25 thousands swordsmen 5000 archers 2000 catapaults and 50 mages.About 5 days later he also sent out 2000 knights.But about 20 days earlier he sent out scouts to check it out.The first and only group to return reported massive steel defenses.Marcus knew of steel.It was a new mineral they had found.It took days just to make a few kilograms of it.They reported heavily trained archers on both sides of the mountains.But they also said they were hid so they could pop in sight.And out of sight in a matter of seconds.They reported there had to be atleast 500 thousand troops.They also reported nargule citys past the valley.He said the scout must have not found it because their underground.Marcus then put his son in charge of the throne and took another massive force of 25 thousands knights and 10 thousand archers on the double to catch up with the other force.They met the force in a camp-sight about 15 days later.They were just 50 kilometers from the valley.The commander and marcus took a battle plan.About 5 thousand knights would go up onto the mountain and attack the archers from the back.Meanwhile they would bombard the valley to attract out the nargules.Then as the knights flanked the archers would fire to make sure the nargules were distracted.Then once nargule archers were gone hed order the rest of the men to rush the defense barriers.This took place 3 days later.Marcus had a new horse named magist.Magist and marcus with 5 elite knightly guards took up at the front lines.Marcus killed a few axe warriors then took out a few more nargule archers that were on the ground.His elite guard also saved him from a nargule swordsmen.The battle raged for 12 hours.Everyone was exhausted.The nargule were winning.But finally 25 thousand knights that had flanked the archers were returning to join in the battle.They had time to rest and were fully prepared.With these knights marcus led them to victory.Apparently all the troops were in the defensive valley.So nargule citys were captured with ease

17:57:55 Jan 15th 08 - Mr. Striker:

Titus took his remaining troops to clarify this.Titus never came back.Alias marcus ordered a large force over 25 thousands swordsmen 5000 archers 2000 catapaults and 50 mages.About 5 days later he also sent out 2000 knights.But about 20 days earlier he sent out scouts to check it out.The first and only group to return reported massive steel defenses.Marcus knew of steel.It was a new mineral they had found.It took days just to make a few kilograms of it.They reported heavily trained archers on both sides of the mountains.But they also said they were hid so they could pop in sight.And out of sight in a matter of seconds.They reported there had to be atleast 500 thousand troops.They also reported nargule citys past the valley.He said the scout must have not found it because their underground.Marcus then put his son in charge of the throne and took another massive force of 25 thousands knights and 10 thousand archers on the double to catch up with the other force.They met the force in a camp-sight about 15 days later.They were just 50 kilometers from the valley.The commander and marcus took a battle plan.About 5 thousand knights would go up onto the mountain and attack the archers from the back.Meanwhile they would bombard the valley to attract out the nargules.Then as the knights flanked the archers would fire to make sure the nargules were distracted.Then once nargule archers were gone hed order the rest of the men to rush the defense barriers.This took place 3 days later.Marcus had a new horse named magist.Magist and marcus with 5 elite knightly guards took up at the front lines.Marcus killed a few axe warriors then took out a few more nargule archers that were on the ground.His elite guard also saved him from a nargule swordsmen.The battle raged for 12 hours.Everyone was exhausted.The nargule were winning.But finally 25 thousand knights that had flanked the archers were returning to join in the battle.They had time to rest and were fully prepared.With these knights marcus led them to victory.Apparently all the troops were in the defensive valley.So nargule citys were captured with ease

20:18:32 Jan 15th 08 - Mr. Fire Nova:

lol you double posting everything?

02:10:12 Jan 16th 08 - Mr. Striker:

wth?I didn't double post it.

02:10:15 Jan 16th 08 - Mr. Striker:

wth?I didn't double post it.

02:10:40 Jan 16th 08 - Mr. Striker:


02:10:41 Jan 16th 08 - Mr. Striker:


02:11:11 Jan 16th 08 - Mr. Striker:

omg someone mind tellin me wth is happening?

02:11:33 Jan 16th 08 - Mr. Striker:

yay! it stopped!

02:57:30 Jan 16th 08 - Mr. Sparemylifeplz:

Don't click the reply button twice, like this...

02:57:38 Jan 16th 08 - Mr. Sparemylifeplz:

Don't click the reply button twice, like this...

01:46:37 Jan 17th 08 - Mr. Striker:

oh woops ok but i dont remember doing that..

18:19:50 Jan 17th 08 - Mr. Vengence:

maybe you clicked for too long, dont hold it down

00:33:05 Feb 28th 08 - Ms. Geneva:

Was browsing old posts till I got here :P
I thought this was about swifty getting lost in the park... :(

00:39:20 Feb 28th 08 - Mr. Plato:

What is this, history class?

*takes a seat*

00:45:40 Feb 28th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

Hmm... I thought this was about spetim becoming the god of sp@pm

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