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Forums / Roleplaying / Werewolf with Killer

Werewolf with Killer
14:23:24 Jul 7th 08 - Mr. Killer:

The black jeep speeds across the plains, sandy soil rising in its wake. It rolls to a stop outside a strange array of tents. The door opens, and a man steps out, a cigarette hanging loosely from his mouth. He starts towards the centre tent, but another man steps into his way, blocking his path. He practically punched the cigarette out of his mouth, which spiralled through the air, smake wisping upwards until it finally landed on the ground. It was promptly stood on by the man. "No smoking in this area please. The law, you know?" he said, as if sighing. The special agent from the car knew that wasn't the case, and undoubtedly the manager hated them. He followed the manager into his tent.
                            It was cold inside, despite the baking heat outside. The manager turned around suddenly, "What brings you here?" The agent didn't know how to answer that honestly, but he tried his best. He tried not to burst out laughing while answering. "Well, you see, it's said there is werewolves here." The manager did laugh, a sickly hoarse laugh. "You know this is a carnival, that is just for show. Still, if you want to check for these "werewolves", you're welcome to." "I'm sorry, I have to. Orders from above." The agent walked off with this last remark, heading to outside the area to pitch his own tent. On the way past he glanced in the tents and saw many strange people and things. At the last one before he pitched his tent he saw some sort of a woman with the skin of a snake, and snakes crawled over her head. He stood enchanted, as she obliviously continued on changing. When she was finished, the man still stood, entranced by her green eyes, fortunately unnoticing of him. He just managed to hurry away as she exited the tent. The agent saw they were deadly poisonous pythons as he hurried away...*

Ok, if anyone wants me to explain the rules of it I will, but I doubt anyone needs an explanation. ONLY SIGN UP ONCE YOU HAVE RESTARTED, or else if you're going to keep your name.

14:25:31 Jul 7th 08 - Sir Gonzo The Great:

  1.  Gonzo The Great

16:11:40 Jul 7th 08 - Lord Anarkist The Wraith:

  1.  Gonzo The Great
  2. Anarkist The Wraith

16:22:57 Jul 7th 08 - Mr. Jonny Bacardi The Last Paladin:

  1.  Gonzo The Great
  2. Anarkist The Wraith
  3. Jonny Bacardi TLP

17:09:34 Jul 7th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

  1.  Gonzo The Great
  2. Anarkist The Wraith
  3. Jonny Bacardi TLP
  4. Charley Statler(Ernie)

01:11:17 Jul 8th 08 - WolfLord Durza Floyd Pepper:

  1.  Gonzo The Great
  2. Anarkist The Wraith
  3. Jonny Bacardi TLP
  4. Charley Statler(Ernie)
  5. Durza Floyd Pepper

02:34:58 Jul 8th 08 - Prince Waldorfius Septim:

  1. Gonzo The Great
  2. Anarkist The Wraith
  3. Jonny Bacardi TLP
  4. Charley Statler(Ernie)
  5. Durza Floyd Pepper
  6. Waldorfius Septim

08:51:57 Jul 8th 08 - Sir Gonzo The Great:

Too many muppets...

I love the

Wolflord Durza Floyd Pepper xD

11:46:43 Jul 8th 08 - Mr. Harry The Crazy:

  1. Gonzo The Great
  2. Anarkist The Wraith
  3. Jonny Bacardi TLP
  4. Charley Statler(Ernie)
  5. Durza Floyd Pepper
  6. Waldorfius Septim
  7. Harry the Crazy

13:59:04 Jul 9th 08 - Mr. Killer:

The special agent is dead in the morning. Bits of body are everywhere, nothing animate apart from the blood still flowing slowly down a slight slope into a pool of rainwater, let in through the torn up roof of the tent. More secret agents are called in, along with a doctor, police and a scientist. They begin to close the carnival down, but a voice shouts over the intercom, loud and eerily clear considering how bad the intercom was. "First blood is drawn, the first of many deaths. Don't shut this place down, otherwise you will be killed, one by one." A slight cackle then, and then silence. After a long debate it was decided to keep the carnival open.

Ok, there's three groups, good, neutral and evil. Werewolves are not actually a profession thingy, there's 3 of them, and they can be absolutely any of the people, with a few exceptions. If they live until to be the last, and is under a good profession, evil wins.

Policemen 2x: Protect(1x per night each. Protects anyone from voting the day after, or any attacks that night.)
Special Agents 2x: Kill shot(1x per two nights each. Kills target), Spy(1x Finds out someones role)
Doctor 1x: Heal(2x. Brings a person injured during the same day or night back to life. Everyone knows what profession the person has though)
Scientist 1x: Cure(1x per night. Cures target of being a werewolf... If not a werewolf then nothing happens)

Civilians 3x: Lynch(1x per night. All civilians decide on who to kill)
Manager 1x: Fire(3x. Gets rid of someone in the carnival. Any neutral or bad dudes), Spy(1x. Finds out the role of someone)
Mime 1x: Mimic(2x. When used gets a random skill, which they can use any time they want)
Servant 1x: Poison(1x per two nights. Kills target)

Werewolf 3x(Not a profession): Kill(1x per 3 nights each. Kills target.), Bite(1x each. improvements target to werewolf. If target is a werewolf, the biter dies. New werewolves get both abilities)
Medusa 1x: Murder(1x per night. Kills target). If targeted, the person who targeted her dies.)
Snake charmer 1x:

16:28:15 Jul 9th 08 - Lord Verll:

Ya know, too much werewolf kinda takes away the fun with it.

16:30:08 Jul 9th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

Lord Verll


7/9/2008 11:28:15 AM
Ya know, too much werewolf kinda takes away the fun with it.
Or RPing is just becoming not as fun anymore and people are just playing other games *glares at Revenge*

17:09:49 Jul 9th 08 - Sir Gonzo The Great:

Lol, Sorry Ive got bored of RPing

I only play this game because I like too kill people :p

17:22:06 Jul 9th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

You are done making RPs here and ive moved elsewhere -_- so there >=(

20:50:35 Jul 9th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Sorry, didn't get around to finishing this earlier, I do apologise... Numbers vary depend on who many signs up *cough**cough*.

Policemen 2x: Protect(1x per night each. Protects anyone from voting the day after, or any attacks that night.)
Special Agents 2x: Kill shot(1x per two nights each. Kills target), Spy(1x Finds out someones role)
Doctor 1x: Heal(2x. Brings a person injured during the same day or night back to life. Everyone knows what profession the person has though)
Scientist 1x: Cure(1x per night. Cures target of being a werewolf... If not a werewolf then nothing happens)

Civilians 3x: Lynch(1x per night. All civilians decide on who to kill)
Manager 1x: Fire(3x. Gets rid of someone in the carnival. Any neutral or bad dudes), Spy(1x. Finds out the role of someone)
Servant 1x: Poison(1x per two nights. Kills target)
Poet 2x: Entrance(1x per night. Prevents target from using role)

Werewolf 3x(Not a profession): Kill(1x per 3 nights each. Kills target.), Bite(1x each. improvements target to werewolf. If target is a werewolf, the biter dies. New werewolves get both abilities)
Medusa 1x: Murder(1x per night. Kills target). If targeted, the person who targeted her dies.)
Snake charmer 1x: Charm(1x per night. Forces target to change day-time vote)
Mime 1x: Mimic(2x. When used gets a random skill, which they can use any time they want)
Giant 2x: Strangle(1x per night. Both giants decide who to kill)
Hunter 1x: Starve(2x. Kills any 2 random people.)

  1. Gonzo The Great
  2. Anarkist The Wraith
  3. Jonny Bacardi The Last Paladin
  4. Charley Statler
  5. Durza Floyd Pepper
  6. Waldorfius Septim
  7. Harry the Crazy

21:42:51 Jul 9th 08 - Mr. Dethos:

  1. Gonzo The Great
  2. Anarkist The Wraith
  3. Jonny Bacardi The Last Paladin
  4. Charley Statler
  5. Durza Floyd Pepper
  6. Waldorfius Septim
  7. Harry the Crazy
  8. Dethos

21:14:06 Jul 11th 08 - Mr. Arvious VI:

  1. Gonzo The Great
  2. Anarkist The Wraith
  3. Jonny Bacardi The Last Paladin
  4. Charley Statler
  5. Durza Floyd Pepper
  6. Waldorfius Septim
  7. Harry the Crazy
  8. Dethos
  9. Arvious VI

21:38:46 Jul 11th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Anyone else? It's not that  bad is it? Arvious got 12 or something, and all he did was a short little paragraph(though better than mine, he still didn't do anything after that).

01:25:07 Jul 12th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

People are playing other games instead of pissed and ive even just decided to stop making RPs if people dont care anymore....they have that game they are talking about in The Hangaround forum....a bunch of people are doing it.

This is the game apparently---->  Heroes of War and Money

Ive played it before and found it very boring....idk how they play it so much....and i LOVE the intro Twamao does because its like he has never looked at the RP forum in his stupid life or he fails at it.

14:45:41 Jul 12th 08 - Mr. Sephiroth:

  1. Gonzo The Great
  2. Anarkist The Wraith
  3. Jonny Bacardi The Last Paladin
  4. Charley Statler
  5. Durza Floyd Pepper
  6. Waldorfius Septim
  7. Harry the Crazy
  8. Dethos
  9. Arvious VI
  10. Sephiroth

07:58:50 Jul 14th 08 - Prince Waldorfius Septim:

[[OOC: I tried it once...then I's forums were terrible...and the game was too...Visual Utopia has magnificent forums!]]

17:58:53 Jul 19th 08 - Sir Valentine:

@ Killer.. What is the theme about? I do not get it..

And why is it so little ppl? =/
I will join if there is a lot of ppl. :D

18:18:46 Jul 19th 08 - Mr. Killer:

It is ah... um.. carnival...

20:23:33 Jul 19th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

I feel that there is so few people because they are all playing other games in between ticks.....they obviously fail at RPing so they choose not to -_-
I think we need to advertise the RP forums in The Hangaround and General Forums.....someone needs to put together something....let us see it...and then post it up

05:16:52 Jul 20th 08 - Sir Valentine:

Carnival?! That means.... Damn clowns! I Hate them..

  1. Gonzo The Great
  2. Anarkist The Wraith
  3. Jonny Bacardi The Last Paladin
  4. Charley Statler
  5. Durza Floyd Pepper
  6. Waldorfius Septim
  7. Harry the Crazy
  8. Dethos
  9. Arvious VI
  10. Sephiroth
  11. Valentine

I am here to kill anyone who becomes a clown.
Killer, you should add on clown in the game,

Series Clown Killer: Silent killer and laughs after killed his victim 1x: Laughs to make the victim get Heart Attack (1x. for 2 nights) :D

13:54:31 Jul 20th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Policemen 2x: Protect(1x per night each. Protects anyone from voting the day after, or any attacks that night.)
Special Agents 2x: Kill shot(1x per two nights each. Kills target), Spy(1x Finds out someones role)
Doctor 1x: Heal(2x. Brings a person injured during the same day or night back to life. Everyone knows what profession the person has though)
Scientist 1x: Cure(1x per night. Cures target of being a werewolf... If not a werewolf then nothing happens)

Civilians 3x: Lynch(1x per night. All civilians decide on who to kill)
Manager 1x: Fire(3x. Gets rid of someone in the carnival. Any neutral or bad dudes), Spy(1x. Finds out the role of someone)
Servant 1x: Poison(1x per two nights. Kills target)
Poet 2x: Entrance(1x per night. Prevents target from using role)

Werewolf 3x(Not a profession): Kill(1x per 3 nights each. Kills target.), Bite(1x each. improvements target to werewolf. If target is a werewolf, the biter dies. New werewolves get both abilities)
Fortune teller 1x: Charm(1x per night. Forces target to change day-time vote)
Snake charmer 1x: Murder(1x per 2 nights. Kills target), if targeted, the person who targeted him/her dies
Mime 1x: Mimic(2x. When used gets a random skill, which they can use any time they want)
Giant 2x: Strangle(1x per night. Both giants decide who to kill)
Hunter 1x: Starve(2x. Kills any 2 random people.)
Series Clown Killer 1x: Silent Killer(1x. for 2 nights. Laughs to make the victim get Heart Attack)

12:28:54 Jul 21st 08 - Sir Valentine:


Haih.. No one wants to play..

16:49:21 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Harry The Crazy:

Killer, we aren't going to get many more people. Get rid of the newer roles and just do a small one with only villagers maybe a seer,  and something good that can kill.

22:29:59 Jul 22nd 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

Maybe we need to put Werewolf on hold or something....possible come up with a game that can work well even with fewer people.....we also should advertise(Werewolf and/or Roleplaying) in the other forums....its like people either dont know we are here or they do not care -_-

22:49:54 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Killer:

I know! Sp@m to keep this on hot topics! "People won't join anyway." "Hmmm... true..."
dfsdfdsakghasiodrhdo;ighs;dkgh;dslkgh;lskadd ;laskhg ;lkhds;glkh ;ldskahg ;lksdhg ;lkshag ;klhsagl;k hasdl;kg l;ksadhg ;lhtl; eh g;lshfg; khsag;kh a;lkshagd ;lksahdg;lk hds;lagh ;adshkg ;kdsahg ;hds;gkh sd;lkgh l;kshdg lshdg;al hsdlkgh ;lshdg ;sgh ;skgh ;sdahg ;lsdhgl hsdgkh dsl;ghlsdkhg; ashg; khsa;ghd l;hlds;g sdhg; lhsd;g sda;lkghdsl;gkh ls;kdhgl;ksahioeg;sifg irag;h raig;idfs;gh sdfjkgj;alsdifgj ;ir;agh etc...

22:52:33 Jul 22nd 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

Killer you are losing it -_- Septim must be rubbing off on you

23:02:05 Jul 22nd 08 - Prince Waldorfius Septim II:


23:21:13 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Arvious VI:

I think VU's been Werewolf'd out.  Lets wait a couple eras before bringing it back.

And lol.

23:24:40 Jul 22nd 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

I may start an advertising thread in The Hangaround forum soon -_- unless someone else wants a crack at it....

10:30:28 Jul 23rd 08 - Sir Valentine:

Do it charley. I don't mind.. :D

21:13:40 Jul 29th 08 - Prince Waldorfius Septim III:

Well, this is dead...

21:23:51 Jul 29th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

Way to revive it -_-

22:37:32 Jul 30th 08 - Mr. Arvious VI:


01:26:48 Jul 31st 08 - Mr. Harry The Crazy:

As I said, start it now!

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