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Forums / Roleplaying / Werewolf with Mac I

Werewolf with Mac I
18:05:21 Oct 1st 07 - Lord Mac:

*It was cold sitting in the ship. Condensation was gathering on the windows.

Three months had past since the ship had taken off from Earth. In their haste to leave before Scientist blew everything up, only essentials had been taken. Barely any blankets were available and food was starting to get low. Then all of a sudden the ship jerked. It began to move faster, slowly the passengers woke up.

"Sir the instruments are all out of whack. I can't tell where we are going or how fast we are moving!"

"Everybody keep calm! We should be out of this in a few minutes."

*15 minutes passed. Then an hour, then a day, and finally the ship came to a halt.*

"Is it over?"

"Yes. I think it's over."

*A low voice boomed over the loudspeaker*

"Good morning passengers of SS t20. Welcome to my space station. On board I have blankets, food, and extra supplies for you all. My apologies, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Mac. Please come on board and enjoy yourselves."

*Skeptical at first, not knowing if it was a trap or not the passengers did not immediately move towards the exit. Finally the captain reached an agreement with their host that he felt would ensure their safety and ushered the passengers towards the exit. After ensuring that the air lock was secure, the crew opened the the door and standing there was their host.*

"I am so pleased you decided to join me. Please come eat, sleep, have a party! Do whatever you want, except damage the vessel of course, my crew and I will do whatever we can to make this vessel as comfortable as your former homes."

*A few hours passed and the passengers began to acquaint themselves with their new location. The air was clean and the food was the best they had tasted in months. But their was a feeling of uncertainty. No one knew what the intentions of their host were.

That evening they were gathered together and a short speech was made by their host.*

"Thank you all for coming. I hope you enjoy your stay here, but there is a matter of grave importance that I need to discuss with you. Shortly after you arrived, one of my guards was found dead and information vital to this ships security system was hacked. We have the system back online, but I fear that the hacker may now have the ability to spy on all of the ships rooms. I have complete confidence that my security force was not responsible for this. This can only mean that one of you had already betrayed my hospitality. I do not feel that this is any reason for serious alarm to the rest of you, however I would advise caution for the next few days."

{OOC:} Sign ups are now open! I will not begin the round until the start of next era so if you sign up now, only use the name that you will be using next era. If you have not decided yet, please write your current name and at the start of next era your new name. If I do not get it by the nightfall of the first day, I will have to eliminate all of you who have not told me.

Also I require activity. If you are not able to be active please tell me when you will not be active so that I do not kill you. I will be doing many inactivity sweeps probably one every two nights so unless you have a reason which is mentioned you will be killed during that time frame.

As hosts, we try to make this as enjoyable as we possibly can for all of you who participate. If you are inactive it ruins hours of work put into these games by us and it ruins the game for the other players. Please, be active:)

18:08:09 Oct 1st 07 - Ms. Natalia:

  1. Natalia

18:36:12 Oct 1st 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

  1. Natalia
  2. Erunion Telcontar

18:50:12 Oct 1st 07 - Mr. Seloc:

  1. Natalia
  2. Erunion Telcontar
  3. Seloc [Yay space! also I keep the name Seloc I won't be changing it.]

19:51:34 Oct 1st 07 - Sir Scientist:

  1. Natalia
  2. Erunion Telcontar
  3. Seloc [Yay space! also I keep the name Seloc I won't be changing it.]
  4. Scientist, You know it :P

20:03:53 Oct 1st 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

Scientist, are you sure you want to change your name? The new one seems rather, well... Strange.


21:11:44 Oct 1st 07 - Mr. Seloc:

lol it does sound strange doesn't it.

21:45:02 Oct 1st 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

  1. Natalia
  2. Erunion Telcontar
  3. Seloc [Yay space! also I keep the name Seloc I won't be changing it.]
  4. Scientist, You know it :P
  5. Sigheart

22:14:10 Oct 1st 07 - Mr. Love:

  1. Natalia
  2. Erunion Telcontar
  3. Seloc [Yay space! also I keep the name Seloc I won't be changing it.]
  4. Scientist, You know it :P
  5. Sigheart
  6. Love

22:27:54 Oct 1st 07 - Mr. Atreides:

  1. Natalia
  2. Erunion Telcontar
  3. Seloc [Yay space! also I keep the name Seloc I won't be changing it.]
  4. Scientist, You know it :P
  5. Sigheart
  6. Love
  7. Atreides

22:49:31 Oct 1st 07 - Mr. Kassius Xxi:

  1. Natalia
  2. Erunion Telcontar
  3. Seloc [Yay space! also I keep the name Seloc I won't be changing it.]
  4. Scientist, You know it :P
  5. Sigheart
  6. Love
  7. Atreides
  8. Kassius (may as well get a new 1 the other seems to have come to a standstill)

00:43:38 Oct 2nd 07 - Mr. Brannigans Law:

  1. Natalia
  2. Erunion Telcontar
  3. Seloc [Yay space! also I keep the name Seloc I won't be changing it.]
  4. Scientist, You know it :P
  5. Sigheart
  6. Love
  7. Atreides
  8. Kassius (may as well get a new 1 the other seems to have come to a standstill)
  9. Brannigans Law - ive never really roleplayed b4, this better be good! i will commit suicide if i dont like it lol

01:02:08 Oct 2nd 07 - Sir Jonny Bacardi The Last Paladin:

  1. Natalia
  2. Erunion Telcontar
  3. Seloc [Yay space! also I keep the name Seloc I won't be changing it.]
  4. Scientist, You know it :P
  5. Sigheart
  6. Love
  7. Atreides
  8. Kassius (may as well get a new 1 the other seems to have come to a standstill)
  9. Brannigans Law - ive never really roleplayed b4, this better be good! i will commit suicide if i dont like it lol
  10. Jonny (lets do this. Space is new for me!)

01:02:47 Oct 2nd 07 - Mr. Spud:

  1. Natalia
  2. Erunion Telcontar
  3. Seloc [Yay space! also I keep the name Seloc I won't be changing it.]
  4. Scientist, You know it :P
  5. Sigheart
  6. Love
  7. Atreides
  8. Kassius (may as well get a new 1 the other seems to have come to a standstill)
  9. Brannigans Law - ive never really roleplayed b4, this better be good! i will commit suicide if i dont like it lol
  10. Spud

01:37:45 Oct 2nd 07 - Duke Tiber Septim IV:

  1. Natalia
  2. Erunion Telcontar
  3. Seloc [Yay space! also I keep the name Seloc I won't be changing it.]
  4. Scientist, You know it :P
  5. Sigheart
  6. Love
  7. Atreides
  8. Kassius Xxi (may as well get a new 1 the other seems to have come to a standstill)
  9. Brannigans Law - ive never really roleplayed b4, this better be good! i will commit suicide if i dont like it lol
  10. Jonny Bacardi The Last Paladin
  11. Spud
  12. Tiber Septim IV

04:00:43 Oct 2nd 07 - Mr. Soccermage:

  1. Natalia
  2. Erunion Telcontar
  3. Seloc [Yay space! also I keep the name Seloc I won't be changing it.]
  4. Scientist, You know it :P
  5. Sigheart
  6. Love
  7. Atreides
  8. Kassius Xxi (may as well get a new 1 the other seems to have come to a standstill)
  9. Brannigans Law - ive never really roleplayed b4, this better be good! i will commit suicide if i dont like it lol
  10. Jonny Bacardi The Last Paladin
  11. Spud
  12. Tiber Septim IV
  13. soccer

05:38:22 Oct 2nd 07 - Lord Mac:

Copy this list please to avoid confusion. Also please delete previous text if you do copy some else. Any comments will be viewed by me so please their is no need to copy anything other than the names.

  1. Natalia
  2. Erunion Telcontar
  3. Seloc
  4. Scientist, 
  5. Sigheart
  6. Love
  7. Atreides
  8. Kassius Xxi 
  9. Brannigans Law
  10. Jonny Bacardi The Last Paladin
  11. Spud
  12. Tiber Septim IV
  13. soccer
Thanks. If you do have a comment please post it away from your name unless it is a name change.

08:06:04 Oct 2nd 07 - Sir Malekith Naggaroth Vineraven:

  1. Natalia
  2. Erunion Telcontar
  3. Seloc
  4. Scientist, 
  5. Sigheart
  6. Love
  7. Atreides
  8. Kassius Xxi 
  9. Brannigans Law
  10. Jonny Bacardi The Last Paladin
  11. Spud
  12. Tiber Septim IV
  13. soccer
  14. Malekith Naggaroth Vineraven
salaracens back in the game....

13:05:21 Oct 2nd 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

  1. Natalia
  2. Erunion Telcontar
  3. Seloc
  4. Scientist, 
  5. Sigheart
  6. Love
  7. Atreides
  8. Kassius Xxi 
  9. Brannigans Law
  10. Jonny Bacardi The Last Paladin
  11. Spud
  12. Tiber Septim IV
  13. Dakarius
  14. Malekith Naggaroth Vineraven
  15. soccer

13:42:14 Oct 2nd 07 - Mr. Tango:

lol you cant do that!! youre number 15!

14:03:52 Oct 2nd 07 - Mr. Xiax:

  1. Natalia
  2. Erunion Telcontar
  3. Seloc
  4. Scientist, 
  5. Sigheart
  6. Love
  7. Atreides
  8. Kassius Xxi 
  9. Brannigans Law
  10. Jonny Bacardi The Last Paladin
  11. Spud
  12. Tiber Septim IV
  13. Dakarius
  14. Malekith Naggaroth Vineraven
  15. soccer
  16. Xiax

04:19:24 Oct 3rd 07 - Mr. Verll:

  1. Natalia
  2. Erunion Telcontar
  3. Seloc
  4. Scientist, 
  5. Sigheart
  6. Love
  7. Atreides
  8. Kassius Xxi 
  9. Brannigans Law
  10. Jonny Bacardi The Last Paladin
  11. Spud
  12. Tiber Septim IV
  13. Dakarius
  14. Malekith Naggaroth Vineraven
  15. soccer
  16. Xiax
  17. Verll[havn't done this before]

16:50:53 Oct 3rd 07 - Mr. Soccermage:

dak thinks he is better than me.............. pshhh! ill show him!

01:18:06 Oct 4th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

1. Dak knows he's better than you
2. Dak likes the # 13

04:47:47 Oct 4th 07 - Mr. Barny:

  1. Natalia
  2. Erunion Telcontar
  3. Seloc
  4. Scientist, 
  5. Sigheart
  6. Love
  7. Atreides
  8. Kassius Xxi 
  9. Brannigans Law
  10. Jonny Bacardi The Last Paladin
  11. Spud
  12. Tiber Septim IV
  13. Dakarius
  14. Malekith Naggaroth Vineraven
  15. soccer
  16. Xiax
  17. Verll[havn't done this before]
  18. Barny

13:34:11 Oct 4th 07 - Mr. Mavich:

  1. Natalia
  2. Erunion Telcontar
  3. Seloc
  4. Scientist, 
  5. Sigheart
  6. Love
  7. Atreides
  8. Kassius Xxi 
  9. Brannigans Law
  10. Jonny Bacardi The Last Paladin
  11. Spud
  12. Tiber Septim IV
  13. Dakarius
  14. Malekith Naggaroth Vineraven
  15. soccer
  16. Xiax
  17. Verll[havn't done this before]
  18. Barny
  19. Mavich [I'd like to try]

21:51:56 Oct 4th 07 - Sir Fizban:

  1. Natalia
  2. Erunion Telcontar
  3. Seloc
  4. Scientist, 
  5. Sigheart
  6. Love
  7. Atreides
  8. Kassius Xxi 
  9. Brannigans Law
  10. Jonny Bacardi The Last Paladin
  11. Spud
  12. Tiber Septim IV
  13. Dakarius
  14. Malekith Naggaroth Vineraven
  15. soccer
  16. Xiax
  17. Verll[havn't done this before]
  18. Barny
  19. Mavich [I'd like to try]
  20. Fizban {I may as well. ;-) )

21:54:03 Oct 4th 07 - Lord Mac:

{OOC:} I now have as many roles as I need, but more are always welcome :)

06:06:17 Oct 5th 07 - Mr. Fabulousfool:

  1. Natalia
  2. Erunion Telcontar
  3. Seloc
  4. Scientist, 
  5. Sigheart
  6. Love
  7. Atreides
  8. Kassius Xxi 
  9. Brannigans Law
  10. Jonny Bacardi The Last Paladin
  11. Spud
  12. Tiber Septim IV
  13. Dakarius
  14. Malekith Naggaroth Vineraven
  15. soccer
  16. Xiax
  17. Verll[havn't done this before]
  18. Barny
  19. Mavich [I'd like to try]
  20. Fizban {I may as well. ;-) )
  21. Fool [haven't done this, it's like mafia right?]

17:01:23 Oct 5th 07 - Lord Mac:

{OOC} Yes it is just like Mafia, only it has a few more roles.

17:21:36 Oct 5th 07 - Mr. Benltf:

  1. Natalia
  2. Erunion Telcontar
  3. Seloc
  4. Scientist, 
  5. Sigheart
  6. Love
  7. Atreides
  8. Kassius Xxi 
  9. Brannigans Law
  10. Jonny Bacardi The Last Paladin
  11. Spud
  12. Tiber Septim IV
  13. Dakarius
  14. Malekith Naggaroth Vineraven
  15. soccer
  16. Xiax
  17. Verll
  18. Barny
  19. Mavich
  20. Fizban
  21. Fool 
  22. benltf (its my first time )

19:38:36 Oct 5th 07 - Lord Mac:

{OOC} I have decided to close the sign ups tomorrow. I don't want interest to be lost over the next couple of days as we wait for the era to end, so I will close the sign ups tomorrow.

If you change your name over the era break, if you are still alive in this game, please message me your new name right away. If I don't get it I will be forced to kill your character off.

Inactive sweeps will take place every two days so if you don't have a good reason for not posting at least once in that time frame you will be killed off.

I can still fit more people in so if you want to play now is your last opportunity to sign up before I start the round tomorrow.

21:18:58 Oct 5th 07 - Sir Jack Frost:

  1. Natalia
  2. Erunion Telcontar
  3. Seloc
  4. Scientist, 
  5. Sigheart
  6. Love
  7. Atreides
  8. Kassius Xxi 
  9. Brannigans Law
  10. Jonny Bacardi The Last Paladin
  11. Spud
  12. Tiber Septim IV
  13. Dakarius
  14. Malekith Naggaroth Vineraven
  15. soccer
  16. Xiax
  17. Verll
  18. Barny
  19. Mavich
  20. Fizban
  21. Fool 
  22. benltf (its my first time )
  23. Iwasfrozen V

01:43:28 Oct 6th 07 - Demonic Shezmu:

  1. Natalia
  2. Erunion Telcontar
  3. Seloc
  4. Scientist, 
  5. Sigheart
  6. Love
  7. Atreides
  8. Kassius Xxi 
  9. Brannigans Law
  10. Jonny Bacardi The Last Paladin
  11. Spud
  12. Tiber Septim IV
  13. Dakarius
  14. Malekith Naggaroth Vineraven
  15. soccer
  16. Xiax
  17. Verll
  18. Barny
  19. Mavich
  20. Fizban
  21. Fool 
  22. benltf (its my first time )
  23. Iwasfrozen V
  24. Shezmu *** hopefully I can get more time to play the game...unlike this era...sorry to everyone whom I've let down :( ***

05:42:13 Oct 6th 07 - Sir Malekith Naggaroth Vineraven:

wow! this is like the biggest group ever for werewolf!

05:53:38 Oct 6th 07 - Duke Tiber Septim IV:

*Septim clones 4565-10045 walk in

All in unison: "WE WANT TO PLAY!"

14:44:53 Oct 6th 07 - Pirate Lewatha:

  1. Natalia
  2. Erunion Telcontar
  3. Seloc
  4. Scientist, 
  5. Sigheart
  6. Love
  7. Atreides
  8. Kassius Xxi 
  9. Brannigans Law
  10. Jonny Bacardi The Last Paladin
  11. Spud
  12. Tiber Septim IV
  13. Dakarius
  14. Malekith Naggaroth Vineraven
  15. soccer
  16. Xiax
  17. Verll
  18. Barny
  19. Mavich
  20. Fizban
  21. Fool 
  22. benltf (its my first time )
  23. Iwasfrozen V
  24. Shezmu *** hopefully I can get more time to play the game...unlike this era...sorry to everyone whom I've let down :( ***
  25. Lewatha (rocks)

18:01:02 Oct 6th 07 - Lord Mac:

{OOC} Ok, Sign ups are now closed. I will do my best to send everyone their messages by tonight. I hope you all enjoy the round, just remember,

Stay active and have fun :)

18:10:24 Oct 6th 07 - Sir Jonny Bacardi The Last Paladin:

25 people!!!!!

18:14:40 Oct 6th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

Most will be inactive don't get to excited Jonny.

18:26:03 Oct 6th 07 - Mr. Benltf:

well not me i am always  active and thats mainly coz i dont have a life  :)

18:27:08 Oct 6th 07 - Lord Mac:

{OOC} I am randomizing the roles now and writing one more role then you will get them sent out to you.

22:21:14 Oct 6th 07 - Mr. Verll:

You better not give me something.....dorky!!!!!! :p

22:56:25 Oct 6th 07 - Lord Mac:

{OOC} All roles have been messaged out. If you have a question or did not receive your role message me ASAP as the first real round will take place tomorrow.

*A voice booms over the loud speaker*

"Attention all passengers and staff. For safety reasons we must insist that all of you obey our new nighttime curfew. We have reason to believe that a group of passengers has stumbled upon some of our enhancing substances and  have turned themselves into werewolves. Staff will do their best to try and eliminate this threat, but we must also warn you of another danger. A small group of scientists has come from your planet to here and have taken this opportunity to test substances upon you all. Please remain vigilant as we would not want any of you to fall victim to them.

So remember, stay alert at all times."

First night so no targets yet. Settle into your roles and tomorrow night we will begin the targeting. Also, if you are still alive in this game by next era, please message me with your new name if you do change it.

1.    Natalia
2.    Erunion Telcontar
3.    Seloc
4.    Scientist,
5.    Sigheart
6.    Love
7.    Atreides
8.    Kassius Xxi
9.    Brannigans Law
10.    Jonny Bacardi The Last Paladin
11.    Spud
12.    Tiber Septim IV
13.    Dakarius
14.    Malekith Naggaroth Vineraven
15.    soccer
16.    Xiax
17.    Verll
18.    Barny
19.    Mavich
20.    Fizban
21.    Fool
22.    benltf
23.    Iwasfrozen V
24.    Shezmu
25.    Lewatha


Station Staff x7
Security Guards x3
Special Role Chef Ability: Poison x1
Special Role Assassin Abilities: Execute x1 every night. Vengeance shot x1
Security Monitor Ability: Security Sweep x1 every night
Doctor Ability: Save x1 every night

Ship Passengers x8
Civilian’s x4
Special Role Government Leader Ability: Attempt to discover role x1 every night
Special Role Bodyguard Ability: Vengeance kill x1 every day following the death of the Government Leader.
Special Role Priest Abilities: Protect x1 every night. Marry two people one time use.
Special Role Guardian Ability: Defend x1 every night


Werewolf side x5
Werewolves x4 Ability: Feast x1 every night
Hacker Ability: Spy x1 every day.

Evil Scientist Side x5
Special Role
Evil Scientist Abilities: Experiment x1 every night. Overdose x1 kills your patient.
Special Role Assistants x3 Ability: Kill x1 every night.
Special Role Loyal Servant Ability: Protect x1 every night. Vengeance shot x1 following the death of the Evil Scientist.

02:15:12 Oct 7th 07 - Lord Mac:


Have fun and stay active.

03:20:41 Oct 7th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

Woot this looks fun!

03:28:48 Oct 7th 07 - Sir Jonny Bacardi The Last Paladin:

alright. This is gonna be sweet!

03:52:37 Oct 7th 07 - Sir Fizban:

*As the station goes through space, in whatever orbit they're following, a voice comes over loud speaker...*

"Space..... the final frontier...."

*epic orchestra-like music starts playing*

"These are the logs of the space"

*Microphone feedback comes over the waves*

"Uh, what's this station called again?"

*In the background a loud voice comes over*: "Dammit! Who let you get on the microphone!?! Security!"

04:22:26 Oct 7th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

I listen to the the announcment with some apprehension.
"This could be a bumpy ride" I think to myself.

After a couple minutes I begin to walk around unhurriedly and begin to familiarize with the space station and some of the prettier members(wink, wink). After a while I decide to get down to business and so I head over to the bar there grab a martini, find the comfiest chair. Then I begin to bore my way through the last 100 pages of Great Expectations.

04:52:28 Oct 7th 07 - Mr. Fabulousfool:

*wanders about the station and notices a switch, foolishly flips it*

"You know, every space station seems to have a useless switch...I don't get it."

*continues to flick switch up and down*

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