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Forums / The hangaround / Crossfire :D

Crossfire :D
04:06:42 Mar 1st 09 - Mr. Magnesium:

   Apparently a few people here play it aside from me.  

      If you do, want to provide your in-game name and what server you're usually on?    :D

   In-game name:   DoctorAcula
      server:   usually Alpha server but sometimes in Beta channel 2


04:41:43 Mar 1st 09 - Mr. Mako:

The only FPS I play is America's Army.  I've tried Crossfire and it's not very good.

06:01:16 Mar 1st 09 - Mr. Pure:

i cant seem to b able to download it it stops at 6.9mb all the time it might b cause we have like no brodband left damn little brother and utube

06:40:32 Mar 1st 09 - Mr. Magnesium:

    Crossfire is great, they just added new maps and weapons :)  

     The people are friendly, the gameplay is good, the gms are active, and there are hardly any hackers, and no good hacks for it.

    Crossfire is cool.  :)   You do have to have a pretty decent comp though.
      I'm glad to advise ppl on best weps/ect.  so you don't waste your gp (you don't have to buy anything but gp are still difficult to earn).   :)

    @  mako:  you probably didn't like it because changing Fps is annoying, the recoil/maps/guns/controls are all somewhat different and it's frustrating. Once you get adjusted to crossfire it's really addicting  :D

06:44:03 Mar 1st 09 - Mr. Magnesium:

   Oh I forgot to mention my favorite thing about crossfire:

   Ghost mode:   One team gets to run around with only knives, when they stand still they are invisible, when they move they're barely visible. They plant a bomb at one of two locations, and the other team has to diffuse it.

    The other team has guns/grenades but is totally visible and has to avoid being knifed in the back while running around shooting at ghosts and trying to diffuse the bomb  xD
     It's  SOOOOOO  fun     :)

07:41:23 Mar 1st 09 - Mr. Asriel:

that game sounds AWESOME!!! i must play, where do i download it

08:02:04 Mar 1st 09 - Mr. Magnesium: 

   :)   you will need to register a Suba account, then you can download any of their games and play for free (though I only play crossfire).

08:14:09 Mar 1st 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

Heh, I <3 ghost mode

but I <3 elimination at crossroads more.

game name : lewatha

server : always alpha

09:33:02 Mar 1st 09 - Mr. Pure:

wat clan or watever should i join

21:02:30 Mar 1st 09 - Mr. Moderator:

Yardy Yardy ^^

21:09:27 Mar 1st 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

I eventually won that game btw. in the end.

21:10:44 Mar 1st 09 - Mr. Moderator:

Meh, you had M4 I only had crappy M16

21:32:18 Mar 1st 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

*Ï had M4A1

you had M16...

than buy a better gun, tard :P

Ima save for a steyr-aug or an AWM sniper or maybe even a dragunov... hmm...

21:33:57 Mar 1st 09 - Dark Lord Finwe:

Call Of Duty > wtf your playing

21:38:04 Mar 1st 09 - Mr. Moderator:

Im going to get Aug or SG551

Both good guns :D

21:42:55 Mar 1st 09 - Sir Fords Boner:

Mako, I used to play AA for a year or two. Its teh awesomeo.

22:41:49 Mar 1st 09 - Mr. Magnesium:


     m4 is dah shizzle,   I'm giong to get on crossfire now  :)   I will look for both of you  ;)

23:01:49 Mar 1st 09 - Mr. Nemesis:

My name is Night_Angel and I love the crossroads game.
Ghost mode is fun when i have my Famas out and ghosts try and kill me but they almost always die from headshot.(the game says headshot just to make it all the more satisfying)

Oh and its got a kill combo thing so far i've gotten 7 straight kills which the game then says Unbelievable! too you :)

Oh and Magnesium I would so pwn your m4 with my famas and if by some miracle that dont work i'll just pull out my Awm and snipe your ass XD

02:21:36 Mar 2nd 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

Counter-Strike: Source > Crossfire

It looks almost exactly the same

05:53:09 Mar 2nd 09 - Mr. Magnesium:

 yer except CS was loaded with hackers last time I checked.   And ghost mode in crossfire is awesome  :D

06:15:18 Mar 2nd 09 - Mr. Magnesium:

 @ Nemisis ^    The FAMAS    sucks hard   xD    I will take you any time that way. 

   The awm is scary though if you know how to use it  :O

08:06:42 Mar 2nd 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

I believe I said CSS, not CS.  I have seen no hackers that last long if you don't go to some random pub server.  I preferred the custom map servers because they were the best.  The Nipper maps were always awesome.  Keep in mind there are easy mods for CSS servers that allow many different kinds of gameplay.  The only drawback is that you have to pay a small amount to get the game.  It is the #1 online FPS game for the PC.

21:14:23 Mar 2nd 09 - Mr. Coops I:

grrr why does it take so long to dwnload?

02:35:46 Mar 3rd 09 - Mr. Magnesium:

  dunno,  bad  pc?  

it is still in beta...

08:41:09 Mar 28th 09 - Mr. Dillonx:

I play its awesome

Ingame: Dillonz


Clan: te Pwn Squad or something like that

usually on alpha and any channel open

09:29:54 Mar 28th 09 - Mr. Cbr:

"  Ghost mode:   One team gets to run around with only knives, when they stand still they are invisible, when they move they're barely visible. They plant a bomb at one of two locations, and the other team has to diffuse it."

Lulz, what a Counter-Strike wannabe.

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