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Forums / The hangaround / 3 word game take 3

3 word game take 3
13:51:31 Jan 29th 08 - Sir Gaius Aureliae:

Now we start

13:53:05 Jan 29th 08 - Sir Vengence:

to play this

13:53:36 Jan 29th 08 - Sir Gaius Aureliae:

new old thingy

13:54:04 Jan 29th 08 - Sir Vengence:

that has gone

17:36:32 Jan 29th 08 - Lord Seloc:

on for too

17:50:54 Jan 29th 08 - Sir Vengence:

long. anyway, I

20:39:00 Jan 29th 08 - Sir Gaius Aureliae:

restarted this because

20:40:48 Jan 29th 08 - Prince Mielo:

crap smells pooplike.

20:40:56 Jan 29th 08 - Sir Revenge:

the old one

21:06:00 Jan 29th 08 - Sir Gaius Aureliae:

is now dead

21:07:00 Jan 29th 08 - Mr. Oldmanschild:

-ly to read

21:26:55 Jan 29th 08 - Lord Seloc:

and may cause

22:57:44 Jan 29th 08 - Mr. Arvious III:

many body disorders

22:59:01 Jan 29th 08 - Duke Epyon The Weirdgrivi:

that might include

23:20:08 Jan 29th 08 - Lord Verll:

sp@mming the spimming

23:22:10 Jan 29th 08 - Lord Seloc:

no bladder control

01:10:21 Jan 30th 08 - Mr. Arvious III:

and many stomachaches

02:06:08 Jan 30th 08 - Sir Gaius Aureliae:

and some colonoscopies

02:44:47 Jan 30th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

and Mad Cow

02:52:15 Jan 30th 08 - Sir Gaius Aureliae:

disease, which isnīt

07:32:57 Jan 30th 08 - Mr. Oldmanschild:

as addictive as

08:41:49 Jan 30th 08 - Lord Seloc:

watching paint dry.

08:50:41 Jan 30th 08 - Lord Verll:

but very stupididly

08:56:33 Jan 30th 08 - Lord Seloc:

Verll found himself

11:21:09 Jan 30th 08 - Lord Verll:

snapping Selocs dingelydings

14:12:12 Jan 30th 08 - Sir Gaius Aureliae:

and trying to

14:12:58 Jan 30th 08 - Lord Verll:

make Seloc sing

14:14:58 Jan 30th 08 - Sir Gaius Aureliae:

with his dingelydings

14:15:33 Jan 30th 08 - Lord Verll:

far far away.

14:16:58 Jan 30th 08 - Sir Gaius Aureliae:

By the way,

14:22:14 Jan 30th 08 - Mr. Oldmanschild:

nobody was naked

14:22:44 Jan 30th 08 - Lord Verll:

and many enjoyed

15:13:43 Jan 30th 08 - Sir Revenge:

the licking part

17:17:10 Jan 30th 08 - Lord Seloc:

that never occured

17:18:46 Jan 30th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

in the minds

18:38:00 Jan 30th 08 - Mr. Oldmanschild:

that Messiah Control

18:45:11 Jan 30th 08 - Sir Revenge:

device that was

19:22:52 Jan 30th 08 - Lord Seloc:

not making sence

19:49:52 Jan 30th 08 - Mr. Oldmanschild:

, a sp@mmer can

19:53:24 Jan 30th 08 - Sir Gaius Aureliae:

fly and go

19:57:18 Jan 30th 08 - Lord Seloc:

to most places

19:59:36 Jan 30th 08 - Sir Gaius Aureliae:

with his(her) imagination,

20:17:16 Jan 30th 08 - Sir Revenge:

anda large splif

20:17:47 Jan 30th 08 - Lord Seloc:

a splif is

20:18:17 Jan 30th 08 - Sir Revenge:

an amazing thing

20:20:47 Jan 30th 08 - Mr. Oldmanschild:

built of baby-brains

20:20:50 Jan 30th 08 - Lord Seloc:

which allows the

20:35:00 Jan 30th 08 - Prince Mielo:

dingeling of seloc

20:44:28 Jan 30th 08 - Lord Seloc:

mielo, and scientist (because you are multis!)

20:51:09 Jan 30th 08 - Mr. Oldmanschild:

, why oh why

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