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Forums / The hangaround / Attention

19:54:32 Jan 28th 10 - King Charley Deallus V:

All random/fun posts will be deleted because I don't like them apparently and 100% of my posts are serious.

Just letting you all know that I will ban you all.  I am super cereal guys.


Yes, that is sarcasm for people who wouldn't know a joke if it t-bagged them in the face.  Learn to see comments of mine the way they should be instead of making them all serious and yelling at me for no damn reason except to troll.

20:02:11 Jan 28th 10 - Lady Blood Soaked Madness:

): em nab t'nod esaelp 

20:41:37 Jan 28th 10 - Ms. Milla Jovovich:

SO, if I post a serious post it won't be deleted?

20:50:22 Jan 28th 10 - King Charley Deallus V:

I may just delete it because I dislike the tone that you type in.  I don't need a reason according to all of the "MOD ABUSE" screamers.


20:54:44 Jan 28th 10 - Ms. Milla Jovovich:

I dont get it Charley. You're sexy! You could abuse me anytime. So if anyone doesnt like it, just click my trashcan instead. I like it when you stick your modding up my posts. I get so hot when you rub your eraser on me, I couldn't image why others dont like it the way I do....

20:55:19 Jan 28th 10 - Mr. Gauntlet:

I hit the keys hard, is that allowed?

20:59:42 Jan 28th 10 - Dr. Darkwing Duck:

HAHA Ceiling Cat I love that picture.

(the cat one)

21:17:34 Jan 28th 10 - Endless Spankings The Naughty:

I thought you said you liked doing it in public? 

you going to make us all abuse you in private instead? ;)

21:30:33 Jan 28th 10 - Lord Stewie Griffin:



14:43:08 Jan 29th 10 - Duke Random:

holy shit guys im on a forum reading adventure....

200 posts minimum per forum and ima reading it all

/totally off topic plz dont delete me

15:44:58 Jan 29th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

Charley is an abusive mod and he, and all of his collaborators, should be sentenced to DEATH!

*kicks several hundred kittens and Charley into the town water supply*

:O :O :O :O

00:20:55 Jan 30th 10 - King Charley Deallus V:

Bans for all!

/me falls over drunk

00:30:25 Jan 30th 10 - Sir Paolo Nutini:

an adventure? random whatchu smokin?


18:18:15 Jan 30th 10 - Lady Boobson:





18:37:11 Jan 30th 10 - King Charley Deallus V:

King Charley Deallus V

18:20:55 Jan 29th 10

Bans for all!

/me falls over drunk

Haha! I don't remember writing that :D

but anyways...BAAAAAANZ for ALLLLLZ!

18:45:00 Jan 30th 10 - Mr. William Snowman:

you evil drunk! plz don't ban meh :-(!! i need a tomatoe?

19:16:56 Jan 30th 10 - Dr. Darkwing Duck:

Kill the potatoes

21:12:12 Jan 30th 10 - King Charley Deallus V:

One down, hundreds to go! >:D

23:46:42 Feb 1st 10 - Lady Blood Soaked Madness:

I'm still waiting Charlie :( 

ban me ban me hard and fast !

05:52:07 Feb 2nd 10 - King Charley Deallus V:


Lady Blood Soaked Madness


14:02:11 Jan 28th 10
): em nab t'nod esaelp 

06:34:30 Feb 10th 10 - King Charley The Webnazi Kgb Mod:

I am still an evil mod.  Ph43r me...obviously because I am biased and just wanting a power trip...and I am a webnazi and KGB mod according to reliable sources!

06:48:25 Feb 10th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

Oh no! It's Charley!

06:49:20 Feb 10th 10 - King Charley The Webnazi Kgb Mod:

Except I am also a nazi! You cannot forget the facism-communism combination that works so well together!


07:12:14 Feb 10th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Hail Kaiser Charley!

09:10:57 Feb 10th 10 - Lord Cao Cao:

He's King too! Don't forget the crown!

15:47:38 Feb 10th 10 - King Charley The Webnazi Kgb Mod:

King Kaiser Charley The Satanic Nazi KGB Moderator!

I am so glad that people went through all of the trouble for calling me these great compliments.  In fact, I may want to give back to the forum with a few free bans just to show that I want to oppress people just for the hell of it.  Heck, if we are lucky, maybe people will try to sue me because they don't have anything better to do with their lives? :D


16:17:51 Feb 10th 10 - Duke Kevdwayne The Panjandrum:

Indeed, history is nothing more than a tableau of crimes and misfortunes.
  - Voltaire

16:20:25 Feb 10th 10 - Lady Blood Soaked Madness:

You should have a Valentine's weekend special. 2 bans for the price of one! 


16:27:11 Feb 10th 10 - King Charley The Webnazi Kgb Mod:

Too true! But that would imply that I have nothing better to do with my life on Valentine's day.....................I will do it!


16:41:18 Feb 10th 10 - Duke Kevdwayne The Panjandrum:

Instead of talking non-sense why don't you make yourself useful and clean up the forums...... Politics is for Politics, not what the latest idiocy is on the chat for morons.

16:44:07 Feb 10th 10 - Lady Blood Soaked Madness:

You have a life :O

16:44:48 Feb 10th 10 - King Charley The Webnazi Kgb Mod:

Clean up the forums? Why would I do something so...abusive and censoring as that? I might get sued you know!? Then again...I could just start giving out bans to fix it all!


03:30:02 Feb 11th 10 - Lord Cao Cao:

Cleaning up the forums!? Thats like cleaning up crime, you are a cop too!

04:01:37 Feb 11th 10 - King Charley The Webnazi Kgb Mod:

Me? A cop? Then people who argue arrests would get arrested too.  OH WAIT...that would start a riot here...Guess I will just stick to not doing anything or else people will complain.


04:21:19 Feb 11th 10 - Lord Cao Cao:

Not doing anything!? I'm not entirely sure what that makes you =/

04:54:22 Feb 11th 10 - King Charley The Webnazi Kgb Mod:

A person who, when whined at for doing his job, will just go "Fine, see how you like it when I don't do anything."

Have a nice day :)

Oh, and don't forget that I am a KGB webnazi or w/e.

08:14:40 Feb 11th 10 - Lord Cao Cao:

AND he tells me to have a nice day! He's like a customer service rep!

Is there anything this guy can't do?

17:29:50 Apr 1st 10 - King Berkeley The Disheartened:

All bans are permanent.  No more one era bans.  Too many people just repeat their crimes the second they get unbanned or they make new accounts to keep posting.  Full account bans will be implemented in such cases. 


18:28:04 Apr 1st 10 - Mr. Orrises:

if your serious Charley i oppose your judgment

18:32:26 Apr 1st 10 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Wahoo! Go administration! Administrate against the evil people who need banning!

(Peche d'avril, oui?)

18:35:51 Apr 1st 10 - Mr. Orrises:

this should be voted on instead of just making it a rule, and if so there is many people who don't read every single post on here or even updates page .. so inform them by pm or make it a pop-up update before posting or w/e, people will get confused why they got banned because not reading the updates .. i hardly ever read them i am often too busy

there's my rant

18:55:23 Apr 1st 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

I heard he takes cash on the side as a payment for forum banning somebody! He sells bans!

04:27:01 Apr 2nd 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Wait what Charley?!  You mean I'm banned forever from the suggestions and improvements?!??!!  But I don't even know what I did!  I have a guess but it really wasn't a big deal!  I need to post there!  :(((((((((((((()

21:38:50 Apr 2nd 10 - King Berkeley The Disheartened:

April 1st has now passed. 

/laughs evilly

Erunion and Septim must have gotten it because they just added jokes ;)

22:07:19 Apr 2nd 10 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

+ for all you who didn't take highschool french, "Peche d'avril" (with an accent that I do not have the keyboard to add) means "Fish of April".
April Fools day pranks were originally in France, and involved putting fish down people's backs...
Therefore, "Peche d'avril!" can mean "April Fools!"

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