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Forums / The hangaround / Black Mesa

Black Mesa
21:19:19 Nov 20th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Another update for the mod that is completely redoing the game Half-Life 1 from the ground up.  They are doing this with the verbal support of Valve(finally) but there is no actual help coming from them.  This has been in the works for several years and a new media update was released on the 10th anniversary of the release of Half-Life 1.  Take a look at the hard work and see if you are going to get this like I will.  This is 100% free if you own a copy of Half-Life 2.  It is using visual effects from the HL: Episode One engine but you do not need to own it.  For those who don't know what this is all about, I posted the Introduction from the website.(Quoted btw)


Black Mesa (formerly Black Mesa: Source) is a Half-Life 2 total conversion remaking VALVe Software's award-winning PC game, Half-Life. Utilizing the Source engine, Black Mesa will reintroduce the player as Doctor Gordon Freeman, along with the original cast of memorable characters and environments seen in Half-Life. Black Mesa was built and founded on the basis that Half-Life: Source was inadequate as the Source engine port of Half-Life, regardless of the intentions of VALVe Software. As such, Black Mesa was founded to fully reconstruct the Half-Life universe utilizing Source to its fullest potential in terms of art detail, level sizes and code features. This total conversion will not require Half-Life: Source to play - only a copy of any Source Engine game installed on Steam."
~Quoted from <---click the underlined titles <---check out some cool wallpapers


21:56:14 Nov 20th 08 - Ms. Sloth The Girl:

Mesa - > Table

In Spanish that is, so it sounds crap ;D

Person One : Wow you hear Black Table's out monday ?
Person Two : I have a marble one in my house thanks

21:59:17 Nov 20th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus: is in New Mexico ;p

22:01:19 Nov 20th 08 - Mr. Onomatopoeia:

It's spanish, Crap is a given ;D

22:17:35 Nov 20th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Racists*cough cough* But just look at it and give comment ;)

22:28:47 Nov 20th 08 - Prince Validus Septim II:


01:56:51 Dec 1st 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">

11:56:30 Dec 1st 08 - Mr. Salaracen The Frostwaken:

Mmmmmmm Half life....

17:27:17 Dec 1st 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

A brand new trailer just came out 17 hours ago...has over 100,000 views...looks awesome if you download it...or have a larger window...

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