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Forums / The hangaround / DUNE!!!

23:00:25 Mar 9th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

I have decided to create this topic because Dune is awesome and deserves a topic....yea...
(Edited by Mr. Atreides 3/9/2007 11:00:46 PM)

23:10:41 Mar 9th 07 - Lord Argyle:

What is Dune?

23:17:45 Mar 9th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

If you don't know, then you are offense at all to you personally.

I'll tell you, it's the best, and I mean BEST, SciFi series ever, and, based on the series, are the games which pretty much founded the RTS genre. Yea, Dune owns.

00:26:42 Mar 10th 07 - Mr. Lecter:

you are wrong on RTS thing... the game that did that was starcraft. But i will agree that dune is awsome...

01:37:11 Mar 10th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

STARCRAFT....I love that game, can beat the crap outa anyone.

01:49:42 Mar 10th 07 - Sir Brain:

No, Dune came before Starcraft, Warcraft I came out not TOO long after and I think that Warcraft came before Starcraft. Though I'm just playing by memory and not by research.

Dune was a good read, and I think the Sci-Fi miniseries did it very well. Though I've never gotten around to reading the sequels.

02:37:40 Mar 10th 07 - Mr. Brashen:

Argyle if I did not like you I might hunted you down for that :P

Im pretty sure Dune was long before starcrap because I think that game never even came on the atari 500? I can  be wrong ofcourse but I dont think I am.

The games was great!!

I only read the first book and it was good but since I am more of a history/fantasy reader I never came around to search for more.

I like the movie aswell sting is a cool badguy

02:54:36 Mar 10th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

Dune was out long before starcraft, but starcraft revolutionized RTS, though warcraft came out first it didn't make nearly as much of an impact. As for Dune, it was a fair read, but I prefer Asimov.

02:57:55 Mar 10th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

True, the Foundation series, by Asimov, was great as well, but nothing beats Dune. 

03:08:06 Mar 10th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

As far as Fantasy: TheWheel of Time, The Sword of Truth, The Belgariad/Melorion, Xanth, Disc World.
Sci-fi: Dune, Dragon Riders of Pern, Ringworld, anything by Herbert, The Tripods, Foundation..
and to many other series to name.

(Edited by Mr. Dakarius 3/10/2007 3:08:45 AM)

03:18:08 Mar 10th 07 - Mr. Brashen:

Malazan Book of the Fallen series By Steven Eriksson is by far the best fantasy
 I ever read the only thing comming close are the earlier books in the Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan

But of course Pratchet is great but thats comedy and cant be judged by the same standards.

02:39:54 Mar 11th 07 - Mr. Andrei The Impaler:

Hey I read all the Dune books and sequels(there are like 5 or am I wrong?).They are pretty cool,i really liked how that guy turned into a huge worm,or how cool Baron Harkonnen was (he really did like little boys <3).Frank Herbert's books are for sure the best SF writing I came across
Yea also read 15 or so books from Asimov's Robot-Empire-Foundation series...what can I say,come to think of it i used to do a lot of reading...before playing vu that is... :(

03:32:15 Mar 11th 07 - Sir Arzun:

looks cool :D

Dragonlance FTW!

I just bought Time of the Twins but I didn't read the wars of the Lances so I am going to buy them tomorow : )

04:18:35 Mar 11th 07 - Mr. Vertencio:

Dune is definitely the best and first RTS game.

Revolutionary indeed.

Harkonnen FOREVER!

07:26:33 Mar 11th 07 - Sir Brain:

Psh, Sonic Tanks will own your Devastators any day of the week. Though if you want a real challenge, try winning with House Ordos. *shudder*

09:42:40 Mar 11th 07 - Mr. Elsin:

11:37:45 Mar 11th 07 - Mr. Hadriel:

I did finish House Ordos and Atreides.... To me, Harkonnen was WAY too hard.... (If I'm not mistaken, you fight the Emperor, The Atreides and The Ordos somewhere near the end...)

13:31:12 Mar 11th 07 - Mr. Kilelrz of Doom:

14:27:13 Mar 11th 07 - Mr. Andrei The Impaler:

Lol Harkonnen was the easiest to finish with as they had that imba rocket from their palace.

Also i just love playing dune 1 it was MEGA FUN LOL

14:34:00 Mar 11th 07 - Sir Brain:

Harkonnen and Atreides were easy. Harkkonnen had brute firepower (I just didn't put too much faith in the slow Devastators, it totally took away from its self destruct ability.) and later in the game if you Zerk rush with Sonic tanks you win.

In Ordos, all you had was your Sabetour that towers could see, and blow up, requiring you to take them out first and then the Deviator which TEMPORARILY confuse an enemy letting you order it around. The thing was barely armored and all around just stunk.

15:38:02 Mar 11th 07 - Mr. Andrei The Impaler:

Yea,but it was kinda fun to confuse enemy Devastators and blow them up <3

16:34:12 Mar 11th 07 - Sir Brain:

If I remember correctly, at the very last mission the only way I won the thing with Ordos (because the spice had run out) is because I had taken over an atreides tech center (and/or heavy machine factory) and had a sonic tank and was able to 'snipe' the towers.

08:52:07 Mar 12th 07 - Sir Salader Vineraven:

im trieing to read

dunemachine crusade
but i kinda stopped

03:02:47 Mar 13th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

I'm rereading Dune. I read the series once in Middle School, and now again in High School! YAY! And, just to go along with that, I'm playing the only Dune game that was released after 1992 (my birthday), Battle for Dune.

*Note, it is not the fault of the writer if any of his above statements involving the release dates of certain games related to the Dune series are untrue.

11:18:54 Mar 18th 07 - Sir Salader Vineraven:

ive never played a dune game before....
or any game played before 1993(MY birthday)

13:44:38 Mar 19th 07 - Mr. Sansoku:

Ya deviators did really all around suck, I just like to put my faith in the good old reliable Combat Tank!

18:40:19 Mar 19th 07 - Sir Brain:

I think the game that Sansoku and I were playing was either Dune 2 or 2000, I forget which. Great RTS and it was made back before Command and Conquer even hit the shelves. Good times.

20:35:34 Mar 19th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

Hey....deviators don't stink. They rock if you use them right. All you have to do is get a devastator or minotaur or sonic tank before the deviator is killed and you really mess up the enemy. Especially like to get devastators and make them blow themselves up.

23:11:14 Mar 19th 07 - Sir Brain:

Dude, before that would even happen I'd have combat tanks and quads all over that thing and your puny little Ordos weapon will crumble and die. ;-)

01:51:26 Mar 20th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

Then, around my seemingly helpless deviator, 100's of fremen fedakyn would appear and slaughter your pathetic tanks. During the tiny length of this minor engagement my ordos weapons (lasertanks, apcs, and deviators) would have hovered past right at your base.

By the way, what's quads? Oh, and I'm basing what I say on Emperor: Battle for Dune by the way, that was the only Dune game made recently enough for me to get by the time I knew what Dune was....

06:21:31 Mar 20th 07 - Mr. Andrei The Impaler:

Hah Quads rule! Light Quad OWNAGE!

13:11:57 Mar 20th 07 - Sir Brain:

Oh man, I think I'm taking it way back into old school. In the game that I played only the Atreides had access to the Fremen. And I would've wished for lasertanks and apcs.

Quads and Trikes were the lighter attack vehicles on wheels.

13:34:56 Mar 20th 07 - Mr. Sansoku:

I like to think that trikes and perhaps quads were just the cannon fodder for the deviators.  Then I'd just blow up the deviators while they reloaded while ignoring all the trikes shooting at my tanks.  Also, I agree with Brain, laser tanks and apcs would have been nice in Dune 2000. 

I just wish that infantry had more of an active role in the later missions, usually everytime I try to use infantry, siege tanks always show up and blow them all to hell

20:55:14 Mar 20th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

Yea, infanrty other than Fremen or sadukar are completely useless in Battle for Dune. They are fodder, can't do anything. But, they are useful early in the game.

04:57:20 Jan 14th 09 - Master Cloutier:

i figured Id bring back an old post. lol

05:01:31 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Gingerbread Man:

lol, I was actually thinking of going to that book next era after doing Ender last era...I was thinking Sardukar tho, they were more nuts xD

05:49:04 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Erebus:

  I hadn't seen this topic before. :D

  I don't know about the dune game.... but the first 3-4 books in the dune series were awesome :)

12:50:10 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Elsin:

"Oh, and I'm basing what I say on Emperor: Battle for Dune by the way"

Awesome multiplayer game :D

13:10:16 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Blood Frenzy:

havent heard, havent read, havent seen, so this is all i can say....

DUNE SUX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

13:28:26 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Righthand of Onuris:

Harkonnen FTW!!!

13:47:04 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Messiah:

If you like Eriksson and Jordan you should read the series Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin - best series I've ever read. It has it all: brutal war, high politics, murder, gore, incest, intrigues etc. Simply put: Read it, its mandatory.

14:24:19 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Mistoffelees:

"By the way, what's quads? Oh, and I'm basing what I say on Emperor: Battle for Dune by the way, that was the only Dune game made recently enough for me to get by the time I knew what Dune was...."

Lol, how can you even call yourself a Dune fan without playing Dune 1 or 2? Dune 1 was of an epicness unmatched and Dune 2 was what Starcraft only hopes to be, the first true RTS game.

Quads were 4 wheeled cars with twin machine guns on the front, basically an only good for trooper killing and scouting, you could also zerg rush with them.

"I had taken over an atreides tech center (and/or heavy machine factory) and had a sonic tank and was able to 'snipe' the towers."

You couldn't  take over Ix research facility in Dune 2, nor could you build Devastators/Sonic tanks as Ordos, not could you build missile launchers but you could buy them from the Starport.

The Deviators were quite useful, even more so since units under its effects suffered from a bug, the AI wouldn't change the last command you gave the unit untill it was finished, as such you could make the unit attack one of the enemies units/buildings or in case of Devastetors to autodestruct in the middle of the enemy base.

As for Battle for Dune, that game is so easy it's not even funny, only strategy you ever need is zerg rush with Freemen and you won.

17:15:24 Jan 14th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

I read the first 2-3 books like 5-6 years ago.  Need to finish the series because it was pretty damn good(at least to me).

17:20:51 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Gingerbread Man:

Dune 1 was a trail blazer, and Dune 2 rocked...I actually still have it on my PC =)  It was so revolutionary at the time...I also enjoy the Starcraft and C & C series, but Dune 2 was the first true RTS that I know of...

17:48:52 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Erebus:

now I'm thinking of being Maud'dib next era 
lol, you know he actually turns into a sand worm in like the 5th book? :/   that's about where it starts getting really weird and I stopped reading.

17:53:53 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Overcome:

the stories in Dune are fantastic=D

loved the pc game "battle for dune" to, it was awsome=)

18:19:31 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Blood Frenzy:

once again I shall say it...

DUNE SUX!! ITS A BOOK ABOUT FREAKIN SAND! Sand is not interesting!!!!!

"Oh wow look, sand! How interesting. Its yellow and is in tiny grains. WOW!"


"Omg sand? Get this fkin sh*t out of my d*mn pool!!"

18:22:11 Jan 14th 09 - Sir Hirgon Sadron:

Good call, Messiah - Martin is an excellent storyteller.  The only downside to reading his books at the moment is that we have to wait a year for the next one, blargh!

Blood Frenzy, sand is freaking cool!  Dune FTW!

18:29:15 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Gingerbread Man:

I will have to agree Erebus...

The first book rocked...
The 2nd and 3rd book slowly went down hill
and the second set of 3 must have been written after a good round of drugs or he went senile, b/c I started #4 and #5 and gave up on them...

20:21:43 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Erebus:

yup, the first one was like:  wow, this is complicated, and awesome
second:  still pretty sweet, basically continuation of the first
third: ok, this is not quite as awesome
fourth: wtf is this guy smoking?
fifth:  .... ?

     Anyways, blood frenzy, I would say you're younger and don't have the attention span to follow the politics and plot line behind the "spice" trade in the Dune books, try again in five years.

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