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George rr martin fans discuss
18:05:40 Nov 13th 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

at someones request (mr targaryen)


I think Jon is Lyanna and Rahegars son.

18:11:02 Nov 13th 09 - Mr. Von Moormzzery:

I agree he is Lyanna and Rhaegar's son. He will be one of the 3 heads of the new Targaryen dragon <3

18:32:06 Nov 13th 09 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

I (personally) think that it's pretty obvious that Jon Snow is Lyanna's son by Rhaegar. Things just don't make sense otherwise.

19:40:30 Nov 13th 09 - Sir Santa:

Hmm I'm assuming his latest work has finally reached the stores?
Then I guess I'll be able to read it in 3 months orso, lazy translators :(

Anyway, to shift the discussion to the author, he is slow :(
Good but slow :"(

20:04:39 Nov 13th 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

LOL Von, I was going to post that. YOU SUCK. lol


santa what language?

20:05:48 Nov 13th 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

the HBO pilot looks awesome so far as well, but I dont like that they picked a short guy to be robert Baratheon, the whole point of his character is that he is massive and not small.

20:07:29 Nov 13th 09 - Sir Santa:

Dutch, it's not out yet, is it?

20:07:36 Nov 13th 09 - Sir Binh The General:

Who's gonna be the third head of the new targaryen dragon? :o

20:51:17 Nov 13th 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

Santa you can get it faster through ebay my buddy got it in italian a week after it was released in english.


Binh I think it will be Jon Snow, Daenrys and the kid they foreshadowed. (name escapes me) I used to go on the message boards at westeros .org but they got too nerdy.

22:01:17 Nov 13th 09 - Mr. Path:

Who else thinks he will die long before he finishes the series?  Since the first book released, its taken 13 years for the next 3 volumes.  Hes been promising the fifth book will be done "in a few months" for the last 2-3 years.  He also doesn't exactly look like hes at the peak of physical condition.

First book 1996, second book 1998, third book 2000, fourth book 2005, fifth book ????.  Hes obviously slowed down.  Why?  Is his mind eroding?  Is the story just getting way too complex as it near completion? Or is he just dragging this out to build a fanbase?  If he finished the series, less people would be interested in it surely.  Meanwhile he is making money on little figurines and all the other stuff involved with people being nutty over a book series.  Plus, by dragging the series out, it gave someone time to read the books, pitch the idea to HBO and make a series about it.  Perhaps he will wait until about the time the HBO series kicks off before he releases the next book to push sales?  I have heard that he still goes around and does readings of random chapters of the new book, so it makes me wonder what degree of complete it is.

I don't know what the cause is of the delays, but its been so long between books anymore that I almost no longer care.  I used to look forward to the next book and read updates about it, then I decided id just read it when it comes out, now....even if it was out today I doubt id get around to reading it for a few months.  I've even pondered just waiting it out until the series is over so I can read them all in succession.....assuming he survives that long.

22:08:14 Nov 13th 09 - Sir Santa:

I totally agree with you there Path. It's been so long since I read the first books, I'm pretty sure I'd need to reread them all now. Imagine if we have to wait another 5 years for the next part... :S

And thanks Ryan, I will tell my dad to search ebay, he's my (book)dealer XD

22:11:05 Nov 13th 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

Path, I was bugging him that he waited so that it would build anticipation and boost sales but realistically he is doing well enough. I think he is jsut enjoying the money he has now but I hope he doesnt pull a robert jordan. I did tell him to his face that he needs to quit going to so many nerdcons until the book is done, he just laughed. it is by far my favourite series but if you need something to read in between check out the malazan Book of the fallen. by steven erickson.

22:12:50 Nov 13th 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

No worries Santa, I got pissed because my second fav author just released a book in england a full 6 months before it relseases here so I had an book dealer send it to australia and then to me LOL I paid 45 bucks but it was worth it not to wait for another 6 months.

22:17:25 Nov 13th 09 - Sir Santa:

Thats why you should always, always start reading a series when its completed :)
Currently reading a serie of 11 or 13 books, can't remember, which is, thank god, completed :) Now I've got the powah :D

23:26:43 Nov 13th 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

what series? if you Like martin you will love Malazan Book of the fallen and the Black company, which is a book about the bad guys lol.

23:46:26 Nov 13th 09 - Sir Santa:

The Sword of Truth, there's also a tv series based on it. Its pretty good. Basicly I love the story and ideas and all that, I just sometimes dislike the dialogue, he makes people say things I could never imagine them saying it without at least being interrupted by the other :P

And look what I found:
The developers have cited 'realistic' fantasy fiction such as George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire and fantasy paintings by artists such as Frank Frazetta as inspiration for the game.

It's from this game called Dragon Age Origins, . The quote stands on the lower of plot. Coïncidence? I think not :)

23:54:15 Nov 13th 09 - Lord Reddragon Ghost IV:

lol i almost forgot that i read these books, i still neeed to read the last one( if i dont remember bad).
 Also im waiting for the last book of the wheel of time serie.

03:26:14 Nov 14th 09 - Mr. Von Moormzzery:

A Dance with Dragons should be complete. It is basically the parallel book to A Feast for Crows. - they were both one big book when George R R Martin finished writing them and he decided to "split them into half", the first book for which was A Feast For Crows. 

After A Dance with Dragons, I read that there are a maximum of two books left in the series. One of the "definite" things that will happen is the return and rise of the Targaryens :P

Other than Jon's "status".... I am actually more curious about two things. Firstly, Rhaegar's 'deeper' character. Secondly, who is going to be the new Sword of the Morning, LOL!

03:44:37 Nov 14th 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

A this makes me so bloody happy to see i wasnt the only one to come to the realization of jons origins. btw also who do you think jon will end up with? his aunt who is suprisingly younger than him (wouldnt put incest past martin. He is good at breaking moral boundries hence why i respect him so. This would also lead way to the son who unites the world.) or you think there will be another Ygritte?


Also the 13 book series might be the wheel of time series which im currenlty reading along with donaldsons thomas covenant the unbeliever. which the first book sucks but the others just rock. Also can someone post some novels they recomend? i plan on checkin out ericksons book now though i do prefer novels more geared towards martin, tolken and jordans styles.

04:17:13 Nov 14th 09 - Mr. Von Moormzzery:

I bet Jon will end up with Margaery Tyrell <3

04:47:55 Nov 14th 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

id have to reread to find out who that is. Or is it possible im so dull that i dont even realize its a joke? Im starting to reread the cities this weekend.

08:02:38 Nov 14th 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

TBL , thats what I think as well, it would join the Lion with the dragon as well as the north. lol Nerds.

mr targaryen here is a reading list, btw if you like Martin I know you will like erickson, Trust me. the two series are in my top 5 with black company and wheel of time, sword of truth series by goodkind was good until he got to overtly preachy about capitalism. the Black company by glen cook is about a mercenary company that works for evil empires lol its a neat twist.

08:06:29 Nov 14th 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

obtw TBL, the little substory of the battle at the tower with the Kingsguard was easily one of the best parts of the series, where Eddard rides up and fights Ser Arthur Dayne and the other kingsguard  with Howland Reed and Rodrik Cassel is one of the best pieces of writing I have ever read. also if you havent read the dunk and egg short stories by Martin you need to google them asap because they are amazing as well. the hedge knight and the battle of redgrass field.

08:18:49 Nov 14th 09 - Mr. Path:

"also who do you think jon will end up with?"

The very fact that you are thinking that he must end up with someone by the end of these books is baffling to me.  That is very traditional storytelling.  All the characters pair up "and they all live happily ever after". 

Now, Im not saying this won't happen, but having read these books....I've come to expect the unexpected.from him.  That said, I hope he doesnt cave and have such an ending to this series.

08:21:52 Nov 14th 09 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Another good series to read would be "Mistborn" by Brandon Sanderson. He's the guy who's finishing the Wheel of Time (his first WOT book, The Gathering Storm, was epic, btw) also his "Warbreaker" (standalone, and one of his best to date) is awesome. "Elantris" is pretty good. It's the first book he got published and you can tell, but it's still a really really good read.
I'd advise you to start with Warbreaker or Mistborn (completed trilogy so no wait times! Yay!).

09:28:45 Nov 14th 09 - Mr. Gonads The Rager:

This guyis a good author but he is bloody slow as buggery... The wait between books is painful.

10:42:56 Nov 14th 09 - Mr. Von Moormzzery:

Ryan, I agree with you.... the Tower of Joy duel subplot is one of the most intriguing subplots in the series. You get the itch that you want to be a witness to that duel, a witness to a clash to the death between men of great skill and nobility, a witness to greatness and the end of greatness.

As a matter of fact, one of the things I like so much about a Song of Ice and Fire are the many layers and sub layers, the whole host of characters and sub characters, their points of view and the conflicts of thought within them. To me, the minor characters are particularly memorable and lively.... Rhaegar Targaryen, the Blackfish, Jorus Mormont, the Onion Knight, etc. It gives rise to the feeling that one may be just a minor cast in the big stage of life, but can still play a memorable and decisive part in the whole act and be remembered for his / her impact.

Love it! ^_^

06:11:10 Nov 15th 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

lol path you are right. its more of me trying to ponder the third head is all. I am just curious you know? plus if he becomes one of the targaryens id hope hed carry on his lineage is all. wishful thinking ;p. btw which of you hopes brianne or w.e doesnt die when she is hanged? i loved her character, the complete opposite of what society called for, i also feel bad for grayjoy and hope he will end up turning things around. his character dissapeared for awhile.

06:56:40 Nov 15th 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

Theon is a douchebag but I do hope brienne doesnt die. I also hope to see the hound again, he may be one of my favourite characters aside from arya and Tyrion.

08:00:31 Nov 15th 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

Ya the hound was one of those guys who once you get to know him, you know for a fact that he is a good guy. I think itd be real kool if the hound ended up being a friend of the man of a 1000 faces or someone close to arya. that would be a twist. Also it quirked me off when sam and arya met but they didnt recognize each other.

20:29:06 Nov 15th 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

yeah that was aweosme, Martin does a great job with twists. I think you will like erickson in that none of his characters are safe and he credits with reading martin for that.  I like books that dont follow the path, the sword of truth and covenant the unbeliever are solid but formulaic, so is the wheel of time, but the black company, the book of the fallen, and the song of ice and fire are all new.

02:30:24 Nov 19th 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

just bought all those books you guys recomended ill start reading them after i finish my current novel. btw any other recomendations as well? I like dark fantasy books that portrays a weak lead who gains strength over time. i love it when they actually go from being innocent to wise like Jon in the song of ice and fire. Same with Rand from robert jordans wheel of time.

02:44:18 Nov 19th 09 - Praetorian Wyzer:

Targaryen,  while it may not be in the "dark fantasy" section, "Ender's Game", the entire Ender series by Orson Scott Card, are great and the lead character starts at 6 years old!  It is Science Fiction/War fiction, yet there aren't any special items/things you have to learn to read to understand it.  It is just future set.

Another series I would recommend is by Robin Hobb, they are fantasy  based.  Start with the "Farseer Trilogy", it revolves around the basterd child of a ruling elite who is turned into a family assassin.  The first book is "Assassin's Apprentice".  Then after you finish that series, continue the saga of Fitz and the Fool with the "Tawny Man" series, first book is "Fool's Errend". 

What is great about the above series is they are complete and you can find most of them used for even cheaper!  But above all they are great reads, that you fondly want the Author's to continue writing about!

03:17:30 Nov 19th 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

Kool ill get them after school tommorow as well and thank you.

05:55:57 Nov 19th 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

Good pick Wyzer, my favourite Card book was the shadow series they run in conjunction with the ender books but follow Bean who I thought was a better character(and I liked Ender). Shadow of the hegemon was my favourite.

Hobb also has a great series called forest mage where the lead character starts out as a wuss.

22:48:00 Dec 14th 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

I have some of them and i am still reading some. Hard for me to start a new novel and im waiting till xmas for the new WoT novel. Its killing me.

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