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Forums / The hangaround / Here is a challenge

Here is a challenge
20:11:10 Nov 21st 08 - Sir Odissius:

First one to lv 10 wins a lollipop. =D

20:22:32 Nov 21st 08 - Mr. Killer:

20:54:24 Nov 21st 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

I think I died a little inside....

21:16:10 Nov 21st 08 - Mr. Reddragon IV:

come on its imposible ^_^

21:27:51 Nov 21st 08 - Ms. Sloth The Girl:

Passed lvl 3, then I freaked when I touched the side ='{

22:04:30 Nov 21st 08 - Mr. Killer:

*cough* There is no level 4. And it's not impossible, it's easy...

22:09:59 Nov 21st 08 - Mr. Sucker of Sheepschlong:

anyone know how to finish lvl3? I just keep getting this wierd picture =(

22:17:54 Nov 21st 08 - Prince Validus Septim II:

I sorta guessed this would happen. :-(

22:33:44 Nov 21st 08 - Mr. Fnaze:

LOL Nuubs, just to push the leftthing on ur mouse all the time :) and its only to lvl 3 :(

22:59:37 Nov 21st 08 - Sir Stewie Griffin:


23:40:14 Nov 21st 08 - Ms. Sloth The Girl:

I freaked at that pic O_o

00:46:42 Nov 22nd 08 - Mr. Dope II:

Lol seen it before, it's a good idea but only works sometimes.

01:23:38 Nov 22nd 08 - Duke Random:

lmao, damn that was a good one....

scared the crap outta me :(

03:09:16 Nov 22nd 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

I hate people that keep hitting the sides... They never win

08:13:24 Nov 22nd 08 - Mr. Punny Monsta:

dam how to pass lvl 3 ;((( i cant make it i wanna lolipop

08:20:16 Nov 22nd 08 - Sir Stewie Griffin:

haha..that didnt work for me..cause i had my speakers turned off and the pic wasnt that scary....=P

05:52:01 Nov 23rd 08 - Wolflord Karac:

forgot to turn the speaker off, woke the wife up :s

06:01:40 Nov 23rd 08 - Sir Stewie Griffin:


06:20:12 Nov 23rd 08 - Mr. Justin:

Haha my gf was watching me do that and when i hit the side she scream so loud. It was the scream or the picture from the game. But when my gf screamed she fuking scared me lol

06:58:19 Nov 23rd 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

Lol karac

17:59:30 Nov 23rd 08 - Sir Odissius:

Lol, atleast it was a good turnout =P. Sry for the mrs waking up Karac XD

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