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Forums / The hangaround / I die happy man

I die happy man
04:50:09 Jul 19th 18 - Matthew (Mr. Mattathia):

If find woman who go down as much as VU website

04:58:53 Jul 19th 18 - Mr. Ruthless One:

Tru dat tru dat


05:42:15 Jul 19th 18 - TheBornLoser (Sir Irregular Bowel Movement):

No, you die desensitized man. Or one looking for new stimulus after this one gets too boring.

18:44:39 Jul 19th 18 - ZeTa (VU Admin):

or a man with 100% uptime (when was last time VU was down for you ?)

At least once a day if not 3-4 times a day I get to see my old pal the 404 wizard

yaa i see too. 


Lol, i thought it solved long ago... xd

19:42:06 Jul 19th 18 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Jellybee):

Same, usually only for a couple minutes

00:30:04 Jul 20th 18 - Matthew (Mr. Mattathia):

ADMIN THANK YOU FOR RESPONSE! I make joke rooted in truth but appreciate attentiveness:

Sometimes get ERROR... ERROR... ERROR... wizard a few times a day for a few minutes. I am live in west coast of USA.

When see Admin is respond I am die happy man with 100% uptime if you know what I am mean ;))

05:07:21 Jul 20th 18 - Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal:

Just before.


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  • 05:41:45 Jul 20th 18 - Mr. Uwer:

    Every tick I have this error...  It restores in 10-15 minutes

    19:56:01 Jul 20th 18 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

    Why can’t we find a man? Equality and all that.

    20:05:52 Jul 20th 18 - The Real Josh (Prince Kakusareta):

    Stlirlin, You and you LGBT BS can go right back into your wifes purse next to your balls!

    20:08:01 Jul 20th 18 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

    I’ve fathered two children I don’t need my balls anymore!

    Creepy Wizard again...

    21:39:06 Sep 29th 18 - ZeTa (VU Admin):

    Thanks Night Talon. Just fixed a nasty bug. Hopefully we'll not see the wizard again soon.

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