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Is this guy for real?!
04:52:05 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Death Rights:

Mr. Hypnos [noob] (1/13/2009 10:08:43 AM) GOOD BAD
hello, this is not fair. you steal my city and take my tree, now what i build with? you give me tree back please or i will report you to the admin and he will not like yoo. thank you for your response please.



this is far the funniest thing ive seen on this game lmao

04:54:16 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Primate of Poontang:

better give him his stuff back.......

04:57:51 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Death Rights:

no kidding right dont want the admin mad at me lol, so one should tell him thats how war is.

04:57:56 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Borealis:

why would you do that? how do you think he'll build without tree? dirt and stone? I have to say that's one of the cruelest acts I've seen on VU so far. I'm afraid I'm going to have to report you to the admin as well.

04:58:38 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

lmao thats awsome

04:59:34 Jan 14th 09 - Endless Delerium:


04:59:39 Jan 14th 09 - Sir Hirgon Sadron:

How dare you do such a deplorable thing!  Your kingdom must be horribly evil, to allow player such as you into their ranks.

05:01:07 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Death Rights:

muahaha watch out im a tree stealer with my master plan to own all trees and make millions. muahaha.  To bad he had 1 soldier defending it

05:02:40 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Erebus:

 stop stealing trees you big meanie!   :(

05:05:43 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

Aww now your just an a$$ hole cuz you made Erebus sad

05:07:47 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Death Rights:

im srry Erebus i wont still ur trees :) u can be my buddy

05:07:48 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Death Rights:

opps posted twice

05:09:45 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Gingerbread Man:

:(  Hehe...well....if you are going to make that many trees....mind flooding the tree market for me pleeeeeeeez?  I promise not to report u to the admin if u do....

05:10:40 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Sloth:

you fools, can't you see he's in a nub kingdom?  [noob] right beside his name!

05:10:46 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Erebus:

 *stops crying* 
"R-r-really? B-but what about Hypnos?
   Now he can't build, he can't build!!"
*starts crying again*
"He's not a dwarf.... he's NOT A DWARF!!  *sobs*

05:10:52 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Death Rights:

to tell u the truth it only produces 700 trees at the moment lol if thats his tree supply i dont know what to say

05:14:07 Jan 14th 09 - Endless Delerium:

*looks at her millions of trees and ponders whether or not she really wants to see Mr. Erebus stop crying*

05:15:14 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Death Rights:

i know he can kidnap dwarfs and force them to slavery and make them build stone citys for him thats a good idea and them we can still be buddys :)

05:15:52 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Death Rights:

endless if that her refers to me IM A GUY

05:18:16 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Sloth:

lies we all know no females are here

05:19:20 Jan 14th 09 - Endless Delerium:

No, I was referring to myself .. I sort of figured out you were a guy when I saw the Mr. on your name ;)

05:21:05 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Death Rights:

aww got it i thought u were a guy lol hard to tell without mr. ms.

05:22:02 Jan 14th 09 - Endless Delerium:

I get that a lot, it's called a stealth title ;)

05:22:04 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Erebus:

*looks at delerium* 


05:23:54 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Gingerbread Man:

And we saw Endless was Delerious we kinda figured it was a she...

*suddenly realizes he's going to get a lot of hate mail from all the females on VU*

05:24:49 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Gingerbread Man:

*looks at delerium*

"Hoo Hoo?" (happy)

05:26:35 Jan 14th 09 - Endless Delerium:

*thinks the Gingerbread Man might get a LOT from ONE crazy VU female *

I'm only recruiting flirts over 35, so remember that the next time you out me ;)
no cradle snatching for me

05:27:53 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

im 61 if you flip my aga around  :P

05:29:04 Jan 14th 09 - Endless Delerium:


05:29:52 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

71 in a few months =P

05:31:36 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Gingerbread Man:

just think Endless...only a lil over a year til he's legal! :P

05:32:29 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

lol im tought that its not illegal unless you get cought =P

05:33:52 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Gingerbread Man:

buahahahah, u had a good teacher :P

05:41:02 Jan 14th 09 - Endless Delerium:

are back to Trees yet? ^_^

05:42:18 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Death Rights:

Trees who wants trees i gots lots to sell only .1 a piece coming to a fantasia market near u.

05:43:09 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Erebus:

  lol^ that gives me flash backs to when my dad had that "talk" with me, if I remember, this was his advice: 

   "Well, when I was your age I was givin' it to a 37 year old waitress."

   Good times....

05:47:18 Jan 14th 09 - Sir Hirgon Sadron:

Sweet, I'm 12, meaning I won't be bothered by the delirious one!

05:51:19 Jan 14th 09 - Endless Delerium:

lol Erebus, your dad sounds like mine .. although, the only advice my father gave me was to "keep my legs crossed" ;)  

05:52:31 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Death Rights:


05:52:40 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

lmao thats what my gfs dad told me. he said her legs stay crossed at all times.

06:04:24 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Erebus:

     I've only had one girl friend where I got a warning from their parents, and it was from her mom actually lol  
    She just stopped me real quick as we were going out the door and said:
 "My daughter tells me everything, so watch yourself"

06:05:51 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Death Rights:


06:07:02 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Death Rights:

neither of my gf parents said anything to me or to her :)

06:11:49 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Erebus:

   don't worry death, turned out her daughter was horny as hell, also psychotic, but hot enough that I put up with her as long as I could. The "good girls" will really surprise you sometimes.

 Anyways, this thread got extremely derailed, but did it ever have a true purpose to begin with? xD

06:13:16 Jan 14th 09 - Monarch Vampire Queen:

My Mom told me men only want one thing and dont give it to them


06:23:47 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Eargit Prewett The Ugly:

My mom gets descriptive...=(

06:27:04 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Death Rights:

no just to poke fun at hyponus or whatever

And Vampire its not true its not the only thing i want (but most guys do) i just want a companion that would be my best friend and she is, the other thing is just a bonus.

06:27:37 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Borealis:

Thank you all for sharing, I think today's meeting went well. I'll see you all next week, have a nice weekend. I hope to talk a little more about your relationship with your parents for next time, so please try to dig deep and don't be afraid to open up emotionally.

06:30:59 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Death Rights:


06:31:18 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Sloth:

I think Hypnos is undoubtedly quite pleased with himself that he got a public forum reaction from you over his pm.

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