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Forums / The hangaround / LGC last year as a superpower?

LGC last year as a superpower?
17:47:10 Oct 14th 08 - Sir Soccermunches:

  • Massive economic crisis (losing mines) is eroding LGC financial strength.
  • president in Mr. Roxbury, a man that seems to have no intention on conquering the world (he would prefer to farm away like Swifty!).
  • Superheros asserting control over the former Fantasian states and their resources.
  • Fate and PKS are keeping all LGC military busy.
  • LGCis not very popular in the world after Epyon joined, makes it harder to use soft power to get things done..

Is 2008 the last year of LGC as a Superpower?

18:57:10 Oct 14th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

*Glares and points at Epyon*

18:59:03 Oct 14th 08 - Mr. Spiderman:


Why is our humble kingdom name being dragged into this?

19:29:28 Oct 14th 08 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius XV:


19:44:30 Oct 14th 08 - Sir Inactive Killer:

On a serious note. Its the players LGC have recruited. Not much talent and the only talent they have got, was from DB.

20:33:38 Oct 14th 08 - Mr. Penguin:

they should recruit me

20:47:25 Oct 14th 08 - Mr. Gilthas:

they shouldn't recruit me

21:24:10 Oct 14th 08 - Sir Soccermunches:

MUNCH will take over the top spot! WOO HOO! :P

23:00:50 Oct 14th 08 - Sir Epyon:

  • LGCis not very popular in the world after Epyon joined, makes it harder to use soft power to get things done..

I loled at this

Sir Inactive Killer


10/14/2008 1:44:30 PMOn a serious note. Its the players LGC have recruited. Not much talent and the only talent they have got, was from DB.

I loled at this too =P

23:09:35 Oct 14th 08 - Sir Inactive Killer:

I did when I wrote it. Although even I can think of a good comeback, I'm hardly going to point out the flaw in my argument :P

01:17:13 Oct 15th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Epyon didn't even notice me -_-; 

01:40:50 Oct 15th 08 - Sir Soccermunches:

did someone say something?

01:44:26 Oct 15th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Hey! I said your kingdom was awesome >_>

01:48:46 Oct 15th 08 - Mr. Brainiac:


02:58:50 Oct 15th 08 - Mr. Wicked Witch of The West:

Win thread is Win.

14:24:23 Oct 24th 08 - Duke Elliott:

Sir Inactive Killer


10/15/2008 3:44:30 AM
On a serious note. Its the players LGC have recruited. Not much talent and the only talent they have got, was from DB.

they recruited fraser and he's pretty good, so SHUT UR MOUTH

14:24:30 Oct 24th 08 - Duke Elliott:

: )

17:07:08 Oct 24th 08 - Mr. Crissxcross:

Hehe, they recrúited 6 DB players, half of them were former LGC players or maybe even more. And few of them are very active players.

The others were fine players as well, but there are many others in fatasia who are fine also. Important are those who have enough time to lead mergers for a couple of days or are able to strike with their own big army into enemy terrain without getting caught...

So the more interesting question is, what will happen with DB and those players. Will they stay in LGC or go back to DB if there will be  DB next era...

17:30:21 Oct 24th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

there wont be a DB next era or probably again as the leaders quit vu so that answers that :p

17:45:28 Oct 24th 08 - Sir Inactive Killer:

Cxc, hence why I said I realise the flaw in my logic.

DB, next era, leaders quit? Whos to know? Only us, thats who. :D

Elliott... lol.

19:57:13 Oct 25th 08 - Mr. Falazar:

Legacy has never been a super power. whenever they fight a kingdom 1v1 they lose. It's only when they get enough NAPs they finally win an era. What a bunch of losers.

20:00:37 Oct 25th 08 - Duke Arzun:

You know theres a reason LGC arnt in here defending themselves... because its better to just ignore it then to have to interact with you fools.

23:06:29 Oct 26th 08 - Mr. Elsin:

Falazar has never been a good player. Whenever he fights someone 1 vs 1 he loses. It's only when he gets enough multies that he can finally get a half decent score. What a loser.

23:30:30 Oct 26th 08 - Mr. Sezymon:

Mr. Falazar


10/25/2008 7:57:13 PMLegacy has never been a super power. whenever they fight a kingdom 1v1 they lose. It's only when they get enough NAPs they finally win an era. What a bunch of losers.

then why do you keep applying to our kd nublet?:P

23:45:01 Oct 26th 08 - Sir Dark Overlord:

Yes, Legacy makes a massive number of NAP's every era just like PKS. Actually I think we both had the same number last era. :)

21:00:28 Oct 27th 08 - Sir Wilber:

Mr. Elsin


10/26/2008 11:06:29 PM

Falazar has never been a good player. Whenever he fights someone 1 vs 1 he loses. It's only when he gets enough multies that he can finally get a half decent score. What a loser.


Well done good sir, I applaud you.

21:24:37 Oct 27th 08 - Ms. Laika:

How the hell is it that Falazar is still here after all his haxxing?

22:02:12 Oct 28th 08 - Lord Protector Nimic:

Who is Falazar? Never heard of him.

I feel left out.

22:08:33 Oct 29th 08 - Mr. Falazar:

what exaclty did i hax? i simply quit the game is all.........never did anything wrong.


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