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Modern Warfare 2
20:18:12 Nov 10th 09 - Sir Santa:

So anybody else has it yet? :)

20:25:25 Nov 10th 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

I hate everyone who preordered.

20:25:28 Nov 10th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Vanilla Bear:

NO :(
wnt it when i get money >:)
and then assassins creed 2 >:^)

20:26:07 Nov 10th 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

you guys playing cod waw?

20:30:21 Nov 10th 09 - Sir Santa:

World at War is doedoe :)
And yes Ryan, Pre-orderers suck, thats why I was there at the grand opening :D
But seriously, get the game, one way or another(heard its already available for download ;) ), it's worth it :)

21:04:51 Nov 10th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

 i got the game when it launched at midnight, was stupid waiting in the cold for just a game, wont be doing that again.

21:08:15 Nov 10th 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

I will Santa, im at work atm but I am gonna go this weekend and buy it. I thought about waiting just because all the map packs will be extra and I hate that.

21:16:34 Nov 10th 09 - Sir Santa:

Stirlin I don't know where you were, but here in Rotterdam (thought they started 39 mins late :| ) they made it a fun show :) We even had 2 "SWAT"-troopers railing down a building and shit :)

21:33:03 Nov 10th 09 - Sir Not Fit For Duty:

I got it, didnt pre-order it but still got it yesterday, awesome so far : )

havent played MP yet but will today

21:41:03 Nov 10th 09 - Sir Santa:

Same here, would be playing it now actually but the tv is occupied :(
Ahh well, some time away from the game is good too :D

22:36:34 Nov 10th 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

I heard they have included a lot of the newer smallarms, including some stuff I used when i was in security. if its true then I will definately have to play. I prefered WaW because some of the cod 4 stuff was a little too real.

22:53:59 Nov 10th 09 - Lord Onslaught The Sexciest:

My copy should arrive in approx 1.5 hours.

22:57:53 Nov 10th 09 - Mr. Chowder:

Cod 4 is way better than WaW i recon cause the WaW maps are to big and cause its harder to unlock things lyk the sniper scopes and stuff. Cod 4 would be the best with the umm damn i forgot its name its the thing where you pick wether u want local games or world wide and stuff lyk that.

havnt played Modern Warfare 2 yet gonna this weekend =)

00:55:56 Nov 11th 09 - Sir Not Fit For Duty:

all I can say it is awesome, fast pased and hard even on easy sometimes and very very cool, did I say awesome well here it is again awesome. One thing they dont have that I have seen is a zombie orrintated type of game, there was speculation of "zombies" but instead they were aliens but doesnt seem to be a zombie type game. They did include some ideas from other games the riot shield from Army Of Two, and a horde type game from Gears Of War 2

01:10:01 Nov 11th 09 - Praetorian Wyzer:

Mine is sitting at home! :(

I want to bust out those night vision goggles!!!!!

Wonder if they will be anywhere near as good as my old NightOwl goggles, it they are I am gonna be pissed!

01:16:27 Nov 11th 09 - Mr. Tormented Soul:

Who has PS3, i'm gettin it foe free

01:33:53 Nov 11th 09 - Mr. Tormented Soul:

i heard can u swim in Mw2?

02:10:52 Nov 11th 09 - Duke Buzzkill The Raging Panda Bear:

MW2 IS TEH AWESOMEZORZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

02:25:27 Nov 11th 09 - Praetorian Wyzer:

Donkey Kong Rulez!!!!

02:35:21 Nov 11th 09 - Mr. Wilover:

I have it. £26 from Morrisons, bargain!

03:31:55 Nov 11th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Vanilla Bear:

:O rly ???


03:58:24 Nov 11th 09 - Sir Not Fit For Duty:

Mr. Tormented Soul


11:33:53 Nov 11th 09
i heard can u swim in

There is a point where you swim but dontwant to ruin the surprise lets just say the game is alot better

04:02:23 Nov 11th 09 - Mr. Teirdel:

i have it! just bought it today and got the second to last non preordered copy. my username online is voice of valor. send me a pm im always looking for serious gamers though i warn you i share it with my lil bro. he is the annoyin one with crackin voice.

If i may ask what is your guys favorite setup so far?

I like the riot sheild with the shotty. kicks @sz.

22:47:01 Nov 12th 09 - Sir Santa:

Not really focust much on the weapons online(too busy with titles and such :P ) but for now my favourite is simply the M4A1 with GL. However, after unlocking and checking the Scar(right before having to quit for the day :P ) I think the M4 might be replaced for now :)
Also, really weird that you start out with the Barret .50 unlocked, as it's still about the best sniper in the game :S

And @ Sir Not Fit For Duty;
Spec Ops is not so much a hoard/wave mode. It's a veriety of very, very, very fun missions( I advise doing it with a friend, double the pleasure :) ) including All Ghillied Up and Death From Above from COD 4, for 2 players only. Like I said, very fun :)

Xbox Gamertag; SinThoras713
If you want a half serious match, pm me ;P

22:51:46 Nov 12th 09 - Mr. Bent Yoda:


00:33:03 Nov 13th 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

Santa Ill add you this weekend when I buy it, until then im playing waw because I just got the fg42

01:51:10 Nov 13th 09 - Mr. Doomhammer:

Hell yeah, me and my bros pre-ordered two copies for both our xbox's.... its pretty sick....

04:33:40 Nov 13th 09 - Praetorian Wyzer:

LOL There is a warning when the game starts informing you that there is a "disturbing" mission on this game, so you can choose to play it or not.  I won't tell you what that mission is, since it does not either!

It is a damn realistic FPS, what is not going to be "disturbing" about it?!?

05:34:10 Nov 13th 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

well that level i understand why alot of iraq and afghan vets will be offended. Also i will like to say i recomend the barret with heart monitor and heat sensor vision. even called in a nuke today :). o for those of you that dont know, the nuke ends the game right away, you still lose if your score is 100 below the enemies ;( i just found that out.

05:42:46 Nov 13th 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

sweet. targaryen I met Martin when he came to calgary and I gave him shit about taking so long, then he made fun of me for being a redskins fan lol

07:37:56 Nov 13th 09 - Lord Pure:

I have it and had a k/d ratio of 33 before my brother played it now it's only 14 >.< 

I didn't pre order it I wagged school and bought it at the shop across the street lol

14:06:15 Nov 13th 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

Ya, hes one of those authors who gets along with his fans lol. Can be kinda dark at times though. Love his books to death. When his next book comes out ill probally sh*t myself. Btw may i ask your opinion on Jon's origins? i have a theory but interested if anyone else has come up with the same.

14:19:34 Nov 13th 09 - Sir Evans:

Santa talk to me on msn, ill kick your ass on mod warfare :D

14:21:25 Nov 13th 09 - Sir Evans:

oh and PS3 or xbox or pc?  :P

15:41:11 Nov 13th 09 - Mr. Rijstwafel:

half of my school is addicted to the fucking game, some are actually skipping school just to play it day and night o.o

18:06:09 Nov 13th 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

I made a thread Mr targaryen,

19:46:52 Nov 13th 09 - Sir Santa:

@ Targaryen, the "disturbing" level is (in an attempt not to be a big spoiler) the one where you start out in the elevator...
Not the mission in Afghanistan, nothing disturbing about that.
Rio de Janeiro was disturbing though, I killed chickens :(

20:07:01 Nov 13th 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

Noooooo why kill the chickens ffs? its like Fable , you get points for kicking those poor birds?  bwuahahah

20:18:14 Nov 13th 09 - Sir Santa:

Well actually, there is an achievement for it on the xbox XD
Don't have it yet though, didn't kill enough chickens, so I guess thats something :)

03:42:56 Nov 14th 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

lol santa i know about the lvl that is the one im talking about. I mean the fact of doing what you did in the airport will offends those that have been fighting against it is all i mean.

14:27:37 Nov 14th 09 - Sir Santa:

Oww ok I get ya ;)
Luckily they'll have the option to skip it though :D

14:38:43 Nov 14th 09 - Mr. Chowder:

@pure sure u had a k/d ratio of 33 lol i didnt think u played online cause of ure 2 gb dl???? i totally dont believe u (btw if u hadnt already noticed pure is my friend)

22:06:34 Nov 14th 09 - Sir Woody The Pedo Bear:

i paid £18.10 for it from sainsburys. £4 voucher off all chart games and 15% colleague discount = happy times :P

03:32:06 Nov 15th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

Im on a snowmobile..... in Kazakhstan!

04:16:33 Nov 15th 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

I do not like the airport mission but I have to go I gotta go finish the game

04:53:58 Nov 15th 09 - Mr. Dancing Bear:

Great game, been playing it all mornin on ps3 =D

06:59:49 Nov 15th 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

I am takin a break but its very well done game, the one thing I take issue with is the Vector, although its a .45 calibre subgun, it has far too much recoil, apparently someone who has never fired one programmed that. in real life its amazing because it has almost no recoil due to the advanced tech that went into its design. other than that so far the game is amazing.

08:03:05 Nov 15th 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

the kal is an amazing weapon with heart sensor and silencer. Add bling, cold blood, and commando and ur one bad man

10:50:39 Nov 15th 09 - Mr. Tormented Soul:


14:02:36 Nov 15th 09 - Mr. Osiris:

the point of Call of duty isnt the solo stuff :D its all about the online baby :p

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