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Forums / The hangaround / New Years Resolutions

New Years Resolutions
01:11:00 Dec 24th 09 - King Ceiling Cat:

Post your resolutions here! Easy, hard, serious, or funny.  This is The Hangaround!

Easy Mode
1) Eat Healthier

Hard Mode
1) Drink less
2) Have a steady love life
3) Go several eras without a cat-related name

01:15:06 Dec 24th 09 - Endless Despair:

Easy Mode
1) Don't Make Resolutions :)

07:22:16 Dec 24th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

Easy Mode:

1) Follow Endless Despair's resolutions :)

07:25:20 Dec 24th 09 - Lord Onslaught:

God Mode
1) Have a new years resolution prepared for next new years.

10:17:06 Dec 24th 09 - Clown Penguin The Filipino:

Penguin Mode:

1) Make a new resolution about getting some meat to fuck

10:19:21 Dec 24th 09 - Lord Wraith:

1) Get even fitter for Rugby - Do my best to get on the National Team

2) Start doing some kind of homework

10:19:49 Dec 24th 09 - Clown Penguin The Filipino:

wraith I TAKE YOUR 2 POINT!!!

10:55:43 Dec 24th 09 - Psycho Delic Retarded Faux Nouveau:

1)resolve to post on forum less.

12:52:43 Dec 24th 09 - Dr. Happy Pants:

Dont Make Resolutions has been my resolution for years. I think I will stick with what works.

14:24:41 Dec 24th 09 - Duchess Darkmoore:

1) Quit smoking
:( but i make the same Resolution every year

15:34:15 Dec 24th 09 - Praetorian Wyzer:

Easy Point

1) Stop playing my multis known as;

     a. Penguin

     b. TBL

     c. Random

     d. Ezatious

     e. Karac

     f. Endless Despair

     g. Roxbury

     h. Wraith

     i. Thomaas

     j. Pesty Bear

     k. Miley Cyrus

     l. Revenge

     m. Twamao

     n. Hanky

     o. Gokken

     p. Uther Pendragon

     q. VU Admin

     r. Zondervan

     s. Struddles

      t. Sprout

     u. Binh

     v. Pure

     w. Bongs

     x. Charley

     y. Wilbur

     z. Wyzer


Hard Mode

1) Creating new mutli's that no one suspects!

16:56:02 Dec 24th 09 - Mr. The Avenger:

I knew you were playing as the admin >.>.
So who are you really hmmm yarlin or endless are the first two to come to mind.

17:05:11 Dec 24th 09 - Clown Penguin The Filipino:

im mainly Penguin :)

17:53:34 Dec 24th 09 - Sir Coolcat:

resolutions...find a bit of time to play next era and be a better cat.

merry crimbo VU dudes!

19:45:08 Dec 24th 09 - King Charley Deallus V:

Odd...I swore I was Krum, Scientist, and Spamfighter...or was that Mielo?

19:48:25 Dec 24th 09 - Endless Despair:

there can be only one!!

wait, that's Highlander not Endless :O)

he forgot --> f) Endless Depair has an evil twin called
                       xyz)  Mzz Mzzery

09:51:21 Dec 31st 09 - Lady Boobson:

Clown Penguin The Filipino


09:17:06 Dec 24th 09 Penguin Mode:

1) Make a new resolution about getting some meat to fuck

Here, take a ham shank!

@ Wyzer, I thought I wasn't gonna be included in my own list then, I was worried I'd forgotten about me!

My New Years resolution

Sexy Mode:
1) Stay sexy.

10:18:34 Dec 31st 09 - Lady Rev the Hedgehog:

1 - Get a job
2 - Stay in my current relationshipz

10:56:26 Dec 31st 09 - Mr. Spoon:

Easy mode
1 - Turn 18
2 - Continue smoking
3 - Drink less, but more often
4 - Continue capoeira
5 - Watch The Dark Knight
6 - Find a girl in my bed on januari 1st
7 - Staying as open minded as I am
8 - Buy my first legal stuff
9 - Find a bigger place to live

Hard mode
1 - Get my propeduise on School
2 - Stay away from my ex girlfriend
3 - Excersize every morning after waking up
4 - Get a fun job in my current living place
5 - Pay off my loan
6 - Get lvl 80 on WoW
7 - Visit my parents less
8 - Try out MDMA
9 - Turn 19 aswell

14:49:32 Dec 31st 09 - Mzz Mzzery The Mzzchievous:

I'll just use my usual one:

Have as much fun as I possibly can, doing whatever I want.

17:51:16 Dec 31st 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

"9 - Turn 19 aswell"


18:17:50 Dec 31st 09 - Mr. William Sexeh Feetz:

Hard mode
1 - Get my propeduise on School

i agree with this one... i hope i get it at last ^^

04:39:42 Jan 1st 10 - Duke Random:

8 - Try out MDMA

lol sure teh spewn hasn't tried that yet :P

19:28:54 Jan 1st 10 - Mr. Spoon:

Hehe, I tried a lot, but XTC not yet.

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