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Forums / The hangaround / Penguin The Filipino

Penguin The Filipino
09:18:58 Nov 4th 09 - Mr. Twamao:

I dont think he is Filipino.  I am Filipino and I take offense on putting my nationality where it does not belong.  Even though he is in Phi Factor which originally means Philippines, it doesnt give him the right to mock my country.  Nobody has that right specially birds that dont even know how to fly. 

Please remove it from his name. 

09:21:36 Nov 4th 09 - Mr. Revenge The Sexc:

Obvious Racism.

09:32:57 Nov 4th 09 - Mr. Von Moormzzery:

I don't see his kingdomates complaining.

I have never heard of any malicious intentions from Penguin for his name.

I think you are wasting people's time....

09:35:41 Nov 4th 09 - Mr. Revenge The Sexc:

Typical TBL, taking something way too seriously.

09:39:45 Nov 4th 09 - Mr. Twamao:

its not racism.  yet. 

09:47:01 Nov 4th 09 - Mr. Lapulapu The Brave:

I demand it to be remove from his name also.

It must be remove or I'll ask Manny "Pacman" Pacquiao to punch him with combination and a left hook to death.

Proud Filipino

09:55:21 Nov 4th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

i agree with twam, its an outrage!

10:00:48 Nov 4th 09 - Archangel Argyle:

Im from Sweden, and Im also offended. Penguins are holy in our country and it really hurts down to the heart to see him offend our national holy animal by using it when he plays this reenactment of real life, because it's so real.

seriously, this thread is stupid. Names that contains country names can't be illegal to use, that would be making rules for the sake of having rules. As long as it's not an offensive statement like "penguino the filipine f**ker" or something I think it's fine.

10:09:06 Nov 4th 09 - Mr. Twamao:

Give me one good reason why he has to put that in his name?  He is not Filipino.  I think he is Lithuanian. 

As i've said, its not racism yet.  But its a path towards that.  And i want to avoid it from going towards that. 

I am not asking for him to change his name.  Im just asking that the Filipino part be removed.

15:47:36 Nov 4th 09 - Mr. William And His Pink Rhino:

so if i would like to call myself William the jamaican i am a racist because i am not from jamaica?? lol thats just complete Mouthcrap

16:01:42 Nov 4th 09 - Mr. Heroix:

TBL what you've got against Lithuania? :x
And he is the only one Penguin who lives here xD

16:48:57 Nov 4th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

And how do u know penguin doesnt have any "philipino" ancestry? Fukwamao = Fail.

16:56:28 Nov 4th 09 - Mr. Palp Lost His Marbles:

maybe he likes basketball too..

17:02:18 Nov 4th 09 - Mr. Von Moormzzery:

Mr. Heroix


22:01:42 Nov 4th 09
TBL what you've got against Lithuania? :x
And he is the only one Penguin who lives here xD

Oi Heroix, this is TBL (not the thread opener).... and I have absolutely nothing against Lithuanians. I enjoy cooking Lithuanian penguins for tea though.... they izz tasty <3

17:02:52 Nov 4th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Vanilla Bear:

waste of time mann!!
wtf how is it offencive in the slightest XD
if he had penguin the englishman i couldnt care less!!!

if anythng you are the 1 being offencive saying he is discrasing your name because he isnt from there!!

17:16:38 Nov 4th 09 - Mr. Tassadar:

he shouldnt be allowed to call himself Filipino because he's not a filipino.
If he can't call himself that because he isnt that then...

he shouldn't be allowed to call himself penguin because he's not a penguin.
he shouldn't be allowed to call himself anything except his real name or "human".
There's some people offended at people using penguins in their names for some reason or another I bet.

Some Fcked Vanilla Bear shouldn't have vanilla or bear in his name. Alota people like Vanilla, and alota people like bears.

No Pulse should change their name to Pulse, because they're making fun of the dead.

William doesn't have a pink rhino. Change the name to William. Alot of rhino conservationists would be angry at the idea that a rhino would be a pet.

Anyone starting to grasp the idea of how stupid this is?

17:19:27 Nov 4th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Vanilla Bear:

XD ^^^^^^
best post in this thread

17:25:05 Nov 4th 09 - Mr. Palp Lost His Marbles:

gee i was going to be "rasputin the mad russian" this era , glad i didnt do that!


17:28:47 Nov 4th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Vanilla Bear:

tht is a way better name then palp lost his marbles :)

17:28:49 Nov 4th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Vanilla Bear:

tht is a way better name then palp lost his marbles :)

17:35:20 Nov 4th 09 - Mr. Yes Twamao:

Its Filipino not Philipino.

Filipinos are people.  Vanilla is not.  Vanilla bear is not even a creature.  Rhino is but i doubt if there are pink rhinos. 

If you dont have high regard for your country, then its you.  But do not expect everyone to have the same way of thinking like you do.  We are of different culture after all. 

I wrote this in the suggestion page because i suggested that the word "Filipino" be removed.  Its just a suggestion. 

@Lord Stewie Griffin
Because i already asked him.  That's why i know he is mocking it because i see him in irc a few times and talked to him a few times also.

17:38:00 Nov 4th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Vanilla Bear:

so what if he is!!
his name isnt doing nothing!!
take it up with him and stop trying to fck his name up!!

17:38:01 Nov 4th 09 - Sir Iahil of Gondor:

okay just to say.

you saying he cant use the word filipino in itself could make you a racist. why can he not? is he lower then filipino's and thereforth a disgrace to the name?

NAZI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD

17:39:16 Nov 4th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Vanilla Bear:

:O ^^^^
you are not from gondor!!
i demand you change your name NOW!!! >:'(

17:44:39 Nov 4th 09 - Mr. Palp Lost His Marbles:

well i generally like fillipino people, i used to play basketball a lot with them and know my kamusta, selamat etc (and mahgunda for the ladies) etc et al. infact my family was going to relocate to cebu back in the 90s but with some kidnappings the idea was cancelled. my memories of actually being in the phillipines arent especially great, i found the place incredibly depressing. we had sailors framed for marijuana set up by dodgy cops, watched dead dogs float past us in the harbour, extortionist bar managers etc.

netherless the fillipinos i have met in australia have been fabulous people who are always warm and friendly and adapt to western culture so easily.

however, complaining about the filipino name in an online game is just plainly stupid....if it was "fillipinos write idiotic posts" then you might have grounds but the name itself is in no way offensive.

so how bout you go pay a bar fine and chill.

17:54:06 Nov 4th 09 - Mr. Yes Twamao:

im glad you do. 

This is merely a suggestion NOT A DEMAND.  There is a big difference.  I dont know why it got moved to Politics.

19:59:09 Nov 4th 09 - Sir Penguin The Filipino:

you friggin fail troll

20:02:05 Nov 4th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Vanilla Bear:

whehaaayyyyy mann of the hour ^^^^

20:11:50 Nov 4th 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:


Duke Ryan the laughing Storm (definately NOT filipino)

20:13:23 Nov 4th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Vanilla Bear:

how random is that lol!!

20:14:43 Nov 4th 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

I found this whole thread funny. but the main point was that this is a fanatasy game and peoples names unless patently offensive shouldnt be edited or controlled by whiners. nuff said.

20:57:46 Nov 4th 09 - Mr. Wilover:

I too am offended, I mean why allow Revenge to post here?

21:00:38 Nov 4th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Vanilla Bear:

rev hasnt posted here?

23:25:24 Nov 4th 09 - Mr. Revenge The Sexc:

Mr. Wilover


20:57:46 Nov 4th 09
I too am offended, I mean why allow Revenge to post here?


Mr. Some Fcked Vanilla Bear


21:00:38 Nov 4th 09
rev hasnt posted here?

2nd post ..

21:27:46 Nov 7th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Vanilla Bear:

oh yeh now i see it :P

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