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The Boys The Series
04:33:47 Aug 9th 19 - Princess Aisha:

I noticed lately I only enjoy rated R things on the tv, must be the influence of Game of Thrones, really loved that show.
Just recently noticed this show called The Boys

And I love it, love the concept, love the acting, love the story.
Superheroes show done right :)

And I love the rated R aspect of it, all the violence
Like if Superman got carried away and ran a hand through the bad guy :D

Or that invisible man who spends 90% of his time in bathroom
And he has to be naked to be insible, the guy is always naked lol
When the two girls were in the bathroom I thought to myself that guy must be there.
And surprise, he was standing next to them naked LOL

Love how the show is about superheroes, but they are the bad guys here

Anyone seen the show?

04:54:11 Aug 9th 19 - Mr. Igniz Conquistada:

I agree with you. I also love the premise of how the heroes are the villains. And that unordinary people without powers are fighting them.

05:05:00 Aug 9th 19 - Mr. Frenchie:

Welcome to club :)

15:58:25 Aug 9th 19 - Mr. Timmy:

I thought you would be talking about something else

17:56:05 Aug 9th 19 - Sir Merlin The Mage:

Love the ‘realistic’ aspect of the unrealistic show, like when the plane is falling and the strongest superhero can’t do nothing, at that speed if he would attempt to stop the plane he would just und up breaking the entire plane, in other superhero movies when they catch a plane, its almost like the plane is made of metal so it does not break. Here they don’t do that but leave the plane and all the people die. Its sad, but its how it should be.

10:39:01 Aug 12th 19 - Lord Caedus:

If you like the concept of the show but want to take it to a wackier / zombie level - you should read 'Ex-Heroes'. It's zombies and superheroes in one world but the heroes are fallible, normal, sometimes immoral. 

02:54:36 Aug 17th 19 - Princess Aisha:

I like the feeling that there is nobody safe in the show, anyone can die any moment, I like watching these shows. The concept does not really have to be superheroes, but the "reality" of it is great. Some of the deaths were a surprise to me.

Was the show renewed for season 2?
I finished first season, looking forward to more.

Why is the show called The Boys?

06:17:06 Aug 17th 19 - Exalted Spellblade Salamon:

Its a comic book series. The comic book is called the boys as well, referring to butcher and the squads journey to exact vengeance on supes.

07:17:18 Aug 17th 19 - Princess Aisha:

Was saying cause it were never just "The Boys" as the female assassin has been with them almost from the start, but I guess I can understand that the core members are the boys. Just noticed in IMDB the girl they saved, the assasin, is titled "The Female" haha, since she did not speak english at first, she did not tell them who she is, but later in the show they figured out her name.

Oh so the show is based on a comic book, same like Walking Dead for example, that is cool, means there is material to base it on. Hopefully they will not fcuk it up like Game of Thrones did when they ran out of original material.

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