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Forums / The hangaround / The GOBLIN MAN OF NORWAY

20:10:41 Jun 5th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

I know some of you guys here are Norwegian so watch this video and then watch the one on the scrollbar to the right called Mekanish Man.

Tell me if this is Bull*beep* or not...

20:11:50 Jun 5th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

20:23:12 Jun 5th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

i was talking to others in another forum before i found the second peice of footage and they were complaining about its dependability because it did not show inside the block of ice...

well there it is...


XBOX360's Silicon Knights productions are using this as a amplifier to their game "Too Human" to point out the possibility of their storyline.
This rose eyebrows as well making people think that it is a fake.

for one i am not sure, i dont know where the hell the Documentary is or his book "Obscured Actualities" is.

This all puzzles me greatly and i dont know what to believe.
For one we dont know who is fighting this "evdence" and claiming it is wrong...

What if it is government claiming this?

But you can never know because Silicon Knights are using it to forward their game...


im stuck in the middle again

20:29:54 Jun 5th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

This is also a man who stood up at the end of the first screening on the "Documentary" (if there is one) and argued the reality of it all...

Us being normal people could never really know the truth in things like this.

21:06:08 Jun 5th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

and i also picked this up saying that the first third of the actual Documentary is all that there is for now...


06:45:28 Jun 6th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

*Septim walks in and silently takes out a boombox. He begins doing the robot dance. Afterwards he throws a ham sandwich at Pendragon and runs out the door.

04:24:32 Jun 8th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:


Septim? you do not have any expert opinion on this documentary at all in any shape or form?

23:31:00 Jun 9th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:


noone is even bothering with this

00:12:34 Jun 10th 08 - Lord Tudelu:

It's true, but they are wrong in some things though. First of all, it's 150 feet's high, and second, it's not a secret or something. It's standing in the middle of Oslo. It's world famous so kinda strange you hadn't heard about it...

00:47:33 Jun 10th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:


Are you kidding me???

what do the people of Oslo call it?

16:27:06 Jun 10th 08 - Lord Tudelu:

Ofc I'm not kidding you. >.<

They call it the Erectum goblina

23:11:10 Jun 10th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

thankyou friend

23:14:08 Jun 10th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

funny thing...

i searched the internet with that name as well and nothing has come up...

do you know where to find info on this thing at?

other than the inaccurate documentary that isnt even finished?

00:22:48 Jun 13th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:


00:50:04 Jun 13th 08 - Lord Tudelu:

okey okey, the truth is.. it's swedish.

Search for Svenska porr and open the first link and you should get alot about Erectum goblina. :)

03:15:50 Jun 13th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

nah ill pass

Judging by what you said the first name was i think youre screwing with me and trying to get me to go to some porn site...

im not dumb

i know very little swedish and....


03:17:16 Jun 13th 08 - Lord Tudelu:

busted :O

04:31:18 Jun 13th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:


you're no help

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