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Forums / The hangaround / YARLIN

04:51:45 Aug 13th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

Hey Yarlin message me please...

04:55:46 Aug 13th 08 - Mr. Killstone:

ummmmmm whats the point of this thread?

jsut message him telling him to message you! its as simple as that

05:39:33 Aug 13th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

Yo Brain surgeon, as you are not Yarlin it is no surprise that you do not understand the "point" of this thread...nor were you asked, it was NOT meant for you... some people are so vain...sheesh

06:05:26 Aug 13th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

Mr. Killstone


8/12/2008 11:55:46 PM

ummmmmm whats the point of this thread?

jsut message him telling him to message you! its as simple as that

Please....he is trying to messege his friend.....

08:59:00 Aug 13th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

shouldn't be in politics if you ask me O,o

11:17:44 Aug 13th 08 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

yarlin left

rl reasons

maybe back soon ^-^

12:47:02 Aug 13th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

Hence this post trying to find him. Do you or anyone in RL know him that can ask him to message me?

14:09:56 Aug 13th 08 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

email maybe

19:54:42 Aug 14th 08 - Sir Half The Shyers I Use:

why? what does it concern? some "in game politics"?

20:59:29 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

No We are going to plan to Tie you up Shy Guy & Tar and feather you... We figure you'd look better as a chicken, now be a good little birdie and go lay an egg or something...Kids...Hmmmmffff...

21:56:56 Aug 14th 08 - Prince Waldorfius Septim III:

*Septim clones suddenly break through the windows armed with sp@m cannons and combat knives, Septim walks in and slaps Tunder Strike with a large trout before doing the chicken dance.

21:57:10 Aug 14th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

Mr. Tunder Strike


8/14/2008 3:59:29 PM
No We are going to plan to Tie you up Shy Guy & Tar and feather you... We figure you'd look better as a chicken, now be a good little birdie and go lay an egg or something...Kids...Hmmmmffff...
OMFG Shy Guy AND Tar??? Who is Tar!?! Is he a buddy? Does anyone know who Tar is??? And who capitalized Tie?! I didn't know it was a proper name!! And how are you going to just feather Shy Guy and Tar?! Dont you need something sticky for it to stick to?! OH EM GEE!?

23:08:41 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

Chicken Dance???? Chicken Dance??? I love the Chicken Dance!!!

Da Da Da Da Da Da Dum......


Well Hillbilly I could Tar him again, and then he'd be ReTard :-)

00:40:00 Aug 15th 08 - Mr. Killstone:

just a quick question... when was tar capitalized in the middle of a sentence? "I could Tar him again"

and when does the t in retarded get capitalized... then again when does the r get capitalized in the middle or end of a sentence? "then he'd be ReTard :-)"

jsut wondering cause i might have spaced out in english class or soemthing or maybe skipped that chapter

03:10:39 Aug 15th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

It is emphasis on the word Tar to express humor, see They have been calling me a retard, so I used my joke about the Tar to work that in...See if Shy Guy was Tarred and then Tarred again, He'd be's all about the loses something in the translation eh?

By the way you cannot kill a stone silly, they tried that in England and the stone only held Excalibur hostage until Arthur showed up... :-P

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