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Forums / The hangaround / just a convo

just a convo
19:15:40 May 31st 08 - Mr. Ant:

[17:47] Ms. Anna The Sorceress: I want to talk with you...
[17:47] Mr. Ant: yes?
[17:47] Ms. Anna The Sorceress: Shut the hell up you little rat basterd
[17:47] Ms. Anna The Sorceress: I do not want to talk to you again
[17:47] Mr. Ant: ??
[17:47] Mr. Ant: /me would like an explaination
[17:48] Mr. Ant: I want to talk with you...
[17:48] Mr. Ant: why?
[17:48] Mr. Ant: did you say this?
[17:48] Ms. Anna The Sorceress: You do understand English don't you
[17:48] Mr. Ant: i do
[17:48] Ms. Anna The Sorceress: Good
[17:48] Mr. Ant: I want to talk with you...
[17:48] Mr. Ant: i just might not follow your meaning
[17:49] Ms. Anna The Sorceress: Read my lips, Go *beep* Yourself
[17:49] Mr. Ant: expain
[17:49] Mr. Ant: explain your reason please
[17:49] Ms. Anna The Sorceress: your antaganization of thw whole situation is what made the issue so big
[17:49] Ms. Anna The Sorceress: And do not play dumn
[17:50] Ms. Anna The Sorceress: you know what I am talking about
[17:50] Mr. Ant: dumn, me LOL
[17:50] Mr. Ant: i do but why insult me?
[17:50] Mr. Ant: what did i do?
[17:51] Ms. Anna The Sorceress: You were an insagator in the whole situation. Now I will not repeat myself after this, Do not I repeat do not talk to me again
[17:52] Ms. Anna The Sorceress: instagator***
[17:52] Mr. Ant: what
[17:52] Mr. Ant: how
[17:52] Mr. Ant: all i did was ask why you attacked?
[17:52] Mr. Ant: i didn't incite the attack
[17:53] Ms. Anna The Sorceress: I did not say incite you witless boy
[17:53] Mr. Ant: the situation started with your attack
[17:53] Mr. Ant: not my questions
[17:54] Mr. Ant: which didn't increase the friction
[17:54] Ms. Anna The Sorceress: You did
[17:54] Mr. Ant: un;ess you disagree?
[17:54] Mr. Ant: how
[17:54] Ms. Anna The Sorceress: Just leave me alone boy
[17:54] Ms. Anna The Sorceress: This is the end of the discussion
[17:54] Mr. Ant: you started the convo
[17:55] Mr. Ant: you can't just attack me
[17:55] Mr. Ant: and leave
[17:55] Ms. Anna The Sorceress: I did not you stupid basterd. You clicked on my name
[17:55] Mr. Ant: lol
[17:55] Mr. Ant: you clicked on me frist
[17:55] Ms. Anna The Sorceress: Did not
[17:55] Mr. Ant: and i replied 'yes?'
[17:55] Mr. Ant: lol
[17:57] Mr. Ant: I want to talk with you...
[17:57] Mr. Ant: so how did i antaganise the situation, please reply so that i won't repeat the mistake again
[17:59] Mr. Ant: ??
[17:59] Mr. Ant: I want to talk with you...
[17:59] Mr. Ant: so how did i antaganise the situation, please reply so that i won't repeat the mistake again
[18:00] Ms. Anna The Sorceress: I see that you want to talk with me, I do not want to talk with you. Do not get into matters that do not concern you
[18:00] Mr. Ant: well?

19:20:54 May 31st 08 - Mr. Spoon:

It seems that she is a pretty nasty woman. Ant for president.

19:28:35 May 31st 08 - Mr. Pibble:

19:29:55 May 31st 08 - Sir Oscar The Grouch:

Whats that web for?
Dont tell me , virus?

Im not going to even go to that address..

19:32:13 May 31st 08 - Mr. Ant:

no it is about tablets for head aches,

back on topic please

19:43:31 May 31st 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

...seems crazy...

22:33:12 May 31st 08 - Mr. Ant:


23:54:11 Jun 1st 08 - Mr. More Inactive Than You:

09:16:50 Jun 2nd 08 - Duke Argyle:

hahahahhaha, hahahahaha =D thanks Ant!

13:07:21 Jun 2nd 08 - Sir Peter Abby Jackson:

Ant you nub, stop interrogating my members and go back to being kev's pet

17:19:00 Jun 2nd 08 - Mr. Ant:

PJ did you not read this;

[17:47] Ms. Anna The Sorceress: I want to talk with you...

oh and sorry if as part of a Kd i shouldn't try to help out my fellow Kd members, or if that one of the points of being part of a Kd?

06:25:06 Jun 3rd 08 - Sir Peter Abby Jackson:

ok and you help your kd mates by bothering mine?

09:00:18 Jun 3rd 08 - Mr. Ant:

You (5/30/2008 10:03:58 AM)
what this isn't needed at all, do MAP mean nothing to you?
Ms. Anna The Sorceress [SK] (5/30/2008 12:22:46 PM) GOOD BAD
She moved her army towards me first. And I acted. I still think we are allies but I cannot stand people like Shourai we hide behind others
You (5/30/2008 12:45:14 PM)
she moved her troops down south, so calm it
what has she done?
Ms. Anna The Sorceress [SK] (5/30/2008 8:43:55 PM) GOOD BAD
She did not move her troops down south, she move them towards my citys
You (5/30/2008 9:23:15 PM)
they did move south as they are in my city Stratratra;

Armies stationed in the city...
Scout II from Ms. Shourai

1 49
Ms. Anna The Sorceress [SK] (5/31/2008 4:32:01 AM) GOOD BAD
Well I don't care what you think. The matter is resolved. Go have fun with your *beep*buddy


well if bothering your Kd helps me to protect my Kd members when possible, if asking why she took the city is bad then so be it? (i may have been rude at first but that was only due to the name of her army)

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