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Forums / The hangaround / Your addicted to VU when...

Your addicted to VU when...
04:22:03 Jun 16th 08 - Mr. Crater:

456. When you(elements) are obliterating all other kingdoms in your world even when your in 2nd place and it is around 12(elements) vs 60(everyone else)

          ~talking about the kingdom elements(indestructable)~


07:10:05 Jun 16th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

458. When you begin talking about yourself in third person.

08:53:25 Jun 17th 08 - Mr. Sarafan:

459. When you even bother to come on this thread and waste 20 seconds of your life typing something.

18:37:29 Jun 17th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

460.  When you keep coming back to this thread.......

19:58:20 Jun 17th 08 - Mr. Sarafan:

461. When u betray ur kingdom (mr.milenium) in order u get ur production up....

03:16:31 Jun 18th 08 - Mr. Crater:

462.  When you beat a Group of Armies(500,000 troops) full of nazguls; by yourself

03:25:44 Jun 18th 08 - Sir Stalin:

Sir Razios


7/9/2007 6:09:05 PM

Ur addicted when you look at Spooky's old posts. BTW Spooky why don't you msg me to tell me ur new name?

Lady Spooky


11/13/2006 6:45:27 PM

When we had unlimited KDs I was spending far too much of my life playing this game.  I would log on first thing in the morning, at lunchtime, as soon as I got home from work, sometimes I'd be on all evening...

Because I was having fun playing the game I'd often log into IRC or MSN and chat to anyone and everyone.  I had 45 contacts in my msn list and 40 of them were VU players.  Sometimes I'd still be on at 2 am just chatting to people all over the world.

I was late for work more than once because of VU.  I logged on on Christmas Day - my family thought VU was some sort of weird cult.

I used to think when I was going away to see people - did they have a broadband connection - or not...  My 10 year old Godson knew all about VU - I have allowed him to name armies for me - he knew exactly who Legacy were.  My 5 year old nephew has sat with me and watched me play.

People at work knew better than to interrupt me at lunchtime.  Even my boss knew what VU is.  Colleagues would ask me how the war was going.

For the few short eras in which I ran a Kingdom it took over my life.  I won't go into detail of how sad and obsessive I was about it because former Rumour players know all too well and the evidence is still there for all to see in a certain forum.....

wow, im sort of like this except i dont work so i have more time on here =D

i revolve almost everything around vu. when i plan things i make sure i got time to check my account, durring wars i get no sleep because i worry about what i will see when i wake up....this is

21:47:46 Jun 18th 08 - Wolflord Karac:



Call it, it might help :)

22:34:08 Jun 18th 08 - Mr. Sarafan:

463. When u log into Visual utopia even tho u know u could be watching P0rn rite now.....=P

17:20:16 Jun 19th 08 - Mr. Arvious V:

464.  When you actually click on the links made by Pedro just to see if he got flamed again.

00:00:19 Jun 22nd 08 - Sir Spud:

465. When you plan everything in real life between the hours so you can check your VU. Like leave at 3:26 and be late rather than leave at 2:59 and not be able to check yourVU.

07:22:37 Jun 22nd 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

466.  When you sit on VU at LEAST 10 hours a day......and go as long as 18 hours without eating -.-

00:10:29 Jun 28th 08 - Mr. Caradoc III:

Mr. Sarafan


6/18/2008 3:34:08 PM
463. When u log into Visual utopia even tho u know u could be watching P0rn rite now.....=P
467. When you log on WHILE you are watching p0rn

15:52:09 Jun 28th 08 - Mr. Wilberforce:

Maybe some of these have come up or not i don't know.

468. Your addicted to VU when you miss your favourite TV show because of it.

469. Your addicted to VU when you download your fave TV show, tell your mates on MSN that you'll "brb," because you have to reset the computer to watch them. Log off MSN, turn all internet sites off. get to the VU site, forget about the TV, carry on playing VU and remember you were planning to go out with your friends about an hour ago.

470. Your addicted to VU when you tell them, never mind its too late now and go back to VU.


18:26:10 Jun 28th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

471. You are addicted to VU when you sit in the RP forums and wait for ANYONE to do anything so you can reply.

07:34:28 Jun 29th 08 - Mr. Sorra:

471. You are addicted to VU when you keep posting here cause you dont want this thread to die.

07:51:36 Jun 29th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

473. You are addicted to VU when you reply to tell Sorra that he put the same number twice....and in turn....take up a number

11:37:11 Jul 2nd 08 - Mr. Zangetsu:

your addicted to vu when you make a forum proposing name themes

01:05:19 Jul 3rd 08 - Mr. Arvious V:

400 something... When you lose count of the numbers but still bother to post.

06:15:33 Jul 3rd 08 - Mr. Lord Admiral Tupac Shakur:

476. When you try to impress your date by showing her how many Nazguls you can train on one ticks worth of gold.


477. When you take a laptop computer to the toilet seat with you...just in case.


478. When you refer to everything above 999 as "k" (ex. 'Wow! There must be 7 k ants in that nest).


479. When you piss in snapple bottles to avoid a trip to the wc mid-tick.


480. When you stop at random peoples houses and beg them to let you use their computer...for just five minutes.


481. When you travel all around your state and make a map of all the wireless hotspots, so that you know where to go if you need a signal for your laptop.


482. When you tell your girlfriend you cannot committ right now because your camping time has ended and you are ready to attack.


483. When you make copies of your kds banner and attempt to claim certain areas of your school/local restaurants/grocery stores/any other strategically important locations.


484. When you threaten to cast rain of fire on your teacher if she gives you too much homework.

06:22:36 Jul 3rd 08 - Mr. Lord Admiral Tupac Shakur:

485. When you arrange a mass-protest or go on hunger strike because your school has blocked VU with its internet filter.

06:29:42 Jul 3rd 08 - Mr. Lord Admiral Tupac Shakur:

486. When you make a forum topic for a date you may be going on, and ask your vices to advise you on the situation.

06:41:17 Jul 3rd 08 - Mr. Ironic:

@Lord Admiral Tupac Shakur: Your Serious????


487. When your in a chess game and you refer to your queen as your horde.

15:43:00 Jul 3rd 08 - Mr. Prophet:

Yeah, we tried it...we said we would not buy school lunch until they blocked it...and we tried to form a pickett line outside the town hall when the School Board was meeting...but really not enuf ppl followed thru.

04:22:27 Jul 4th 08 - Mr. Lord Admiral Tupac Shakur:

no fkin way!!!! Prophet, you're my fckin hero!!!!! I was just sh1tting around but man, you got b4lls of solid rock! Ill respek homey.

11:07:17 Jul 4th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

488. You are surfing random forums at two in the morning, you see a person whose name is Sean, and you mistake the name for sp@m.

(...yeah, I'm tired...)

11:20:30 Jul 4th 08 - Mr. Stickman:

489. when you go inactive for an era and then come back cuz u miss septim...
its true :p

15:36:29 Jul 4th 08 - Mr. Guilty Spark:

490. When you know that Septim is a fcuking retarded c0ck wiffer...*beep* *beep* *beep* on your *beep* *beep* *beep* ass septim semen licking *beep* *beep*ter *beep*.

19:21:42 Jul 4th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

Thanks! :-P

20:35:42 Jul 4th 08 - Mr. Wilberforce:

i think you have a fan septim.

16:25:22 Jul 5th 08 - Mr. Zangetsu:

septim my idol <3

20:52:20 Jul 20th 08 - Mr. Samulis:

491. When you know ZeTa's adress by heart from mailing so many letters to him.

492. When you can explain verbally without looking at the comuter screen how each attack is calculated and give someone a rough estimate of their chance in a attack.

20:58:22 Jul 20th 08 - Mr. Wolverine:

493. When you post random things just so people will read it and post back.

21:11:56 Jul 20th 08 - Mr. Death Proof:

494. When you create your own forum for your KD besides this one...PKS please stand up!

12:35:05 Jul 21st 08 - Sir Valentine:

495. When it is 5 more to 500 addictions.. :D

13:20:56 Jul 21st 08 - Mr. Warkeeper:

496. When you wonder why you dont get up to 10% discount in shop even if you are human

497. When you go to bed earlier to get BT next day morning, just after you get up, turn on computer, log on VU.

498. When someone asks you what time is it you answer in no. of tic of this era and time left to next one

499. When you give your girlfriend ring and ask her to join your KD.

500. When you try to sell lunch in work for gold. Of course at price 1.2 per sandwich.

501. When you try to use StG on rocks on the street.

13:24:51 Jul 21st 08 - Sir Evans:

499. When you give your girlfriend ring and ask her to join your KD.

502. When your wife starts playing and joins your KD

16:46:17 Jul 21st 08 - Sir Valentine:

502. When your wife actually scold you for being a *beep*ie in VU.

22:29:17 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Warkeeper:

503. When others know to end their mails and get off computer every hour

504. When family is using internet cafe even if there is computer with net connection  at home.

22:35:06 Jul 22nd 08 - Prince Waldorfius Septim II:

505. When you lose your connection to VU for three days, you also lose your hair and your will to live.

10:20:27 Jul 23rd 08 - Sir Valentine:

506. When someone is surprised that you always reply his message very fast.

507. When he is in kd DB, which he really needs to be active for his KD. (wow.. Is it really torture to be in DB? :P)

10:22:43 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Harry The Crazy:

508. When your extremely active but only Val notices.

509. When you reply within a couple of minutes to every message you recieve.

10:26:58 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Harry The Crazy:

510. When you get messages like this:

Sir Valentine [WoL] (7/23/2008 10:24:44 AM) GOOD BAD

Dude, are you in Hangaround forum? Lol.. So fast you reply my post in Banning thread..

12:07:44 Jul 23rd 08 - Sir Peter Jackson:

511. when you relize sex isnt everything porn stars say it is

12:20:32 Jul 23rd 08 - Ms. Sera:

512: When you spend like more than half an hour in an hour scrolling up and down, left and right, in the world that you are playing in, thinking "lets calculate the possibility of any of my cities getting attacked by an army (of what size) which MAY be an milimeter out of my range of sight" 

04:44:40 Jul 24th 08 - Sir Valentine:

513. When you pay to have a Custom Title and for the bonus turns.

08:43:00 Jul 24th 08 - Mr. Sorra:

514: When you replace your real friends with your VU ones.

09:12:20 Jul 24th 08 - Prince Waldorfius Septim II:

515. When you say that you cut your leg open to avoid going on a date so that you won't

09:12:21 Jul 24th 08 - Prince Waldorfius Septim II:

515. When you say that you cut your leg open to avoid going on a date so that you won't miss

09:12:21 Jul 24th 08 - Prince Waldorfius Septim II:

515. When you say that you cut your leg open to avoid going on a date so that you won't miss the battle.

Dammit! Triple post...

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