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Forums / The hangaround / Your addicted to VU when...

Your addicted to VU when...
18:55:36 Aug 17th 07 - Wolflord Karac:

You know your addicted to VU when you start researching you arguments for the forums...

18:56:47 Aug 17th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

Nice one Karac, but be sure to put the numbers:

84. You know your addicted to VU when you start researching you arguments for the forums...

23:47:09 Aug 17th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

85. Your addicted to VU when you steal other people's addictions because they forgot the number.

02:11:22 Aug 18th 07 - Lord Senturu:

85. you know your addicted to VU when you have to point out addiction problems

02:26:50 Aug 18th 07 - Mr. Ral:

86. your addicted to VU when you wage war on other KDs because of ther

sexual prefrences!

02:44:31 Aug 18th 07 - Lord Senturu:

NOOO. im addicted to VU.

11:14:20 Aug 18th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

lol 87. Your addicted to VU when you scream NOOOO because your addicted to spam.

11:36:41 Aug 18th 07 - Mr. Ral:

88. your addicted to VU when you point out others love for Spammy goodness..

12:23:26 Aug 18th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius:

89.your addicted to vu wen u log on every day at 12.00 am to c if the new era started hoping that it would

17:50:52 Aug 18th 07 - Mr. MY God Farts:

90. You know your addicted to vu when your a vupas member

17:56:13 Aug 18th 07 - Mr. Defensive:

91.youre addicted to VU when you spam like mad and are a VUPAVUPAS

(MY God farts we should keep this VUPAS thing strictly to the two threads please...)

18:00:30 Aug 18th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

92. You are addicted to VU when you have an Era named after you (I'm not sure if this has been used yet...)

20:10:26 Aug 18th 07 - Mr. MY God Farts:

i think thats been said around the begining

20:28:20 Aug 18th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

Nope, I read the whole thread, but I did find this:

Mr. Durza The Destroyer


7/13/2007 12:57:33 PM
33. You have had the time to read all of this thread.


22:16:49 Aug 18th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

93. You know your addicted to VU when you get extra homework from your history teacher because Legacy didn't cause hitler to die. (I was half asleep)

06:39:17 Aug 20th 07 - Mr. Jester:

94. You know you are addicted to VU if you actually get all these jokes!

19:01:08 Aug 20th 07 - Mr. Xiax:

95. You know your addicted to VU when you consider calling in sick at the start of the era so you can be online to settle a town and build every tick.

19:09:59 Aug 20th 07 - Mr. Millenium:

96. You know your addicted to VU when you have posters of the restart page hung up on your wall

19:12:06 Aug 20th 07 - Mr. Kassius Xxi:

97. your addicted to vu when you start dressing up as a troll and askin passers by if they want to be in your kd

19:23:01 Aug 20th 07 - Mr. Millenium:

98. You know your addicted to VU when you make a post on the forums and refresh the page every five seconds in hope that some one will reply....

19:27:41 Aug 20th 07 - Sir Defensive II:

99. you Know youre addicted to VU when you earn youre prince title..

19:55:21 Aug 20th 07 - Mr. Dont Kill Inactive:

100. you no your addicted to vu when you only got six days before you go on holiday but you play anyway

20:06:19 Aug 20th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

101. You know your addicted to VU when you play whilst on holiday.

21:21:29 Aug 20th 07 - Mr. Dont Kill Inactive:

102. you know your addicted to vu when you go on holiday you darent play vu bacause you no your mates would kill you lol

22:07:16 Aug 20th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

Some mates you got lol

22:18:27 Aug 20th 07 - Mr. Millenium:

103.You know your addicted to VU when defensive and septim try to forcefeed you a roadkill rabbit for dinner...... I still don't know why

23:56:20 Aug 20th 07 - Mr. Predator:

104.You know your addicted to VU when you go on holiday and are on 24/7 till the next era starts

13:57:17 Sep 5th 07 - Mr. Predator:

105. You know your addicted to VU when you start your kd leader The Supreme One

16:09:14 Sep 5th 07 - Mr. Zangetzu:

84. your addicted to VU when you post stupid things just to pass the time.

85. your addicted to VU when they ask you to bring something to "show and tell" and you bring a laptop with the VU homepage up.

86. your addicted to VU when you spend 3/4 of the day playing VU and have your ass the shape of the chair.

87. your addicted to VU when you spend more than £1000 pounds on a good computer, £500 on a good chair and a giant book of war tactics.

17:26:40 Sep 5th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

Wtf can you not count zangetzu?

106. your addicted to VU when you post stupid things just to pass the time.

107. your addicted to VU when they ask you to bring something to "show and tell" and you bring a laptop with the VU homepage up.

108. your addicted to VU when you spend 3/4 of the day playing VU and have your ass the shape of the chair.

109. your addicted to VU when you spend more than £1000 pounds on a good computer, £500 on a good chair and a giant book of war tactics.


110. your addicted to VU when you dump your girlfriend brcause she asked you to stop playing VU.

17:27:50 Sep 5th 07 - Mr. Bezza:

111. your addicted to VU when u develop split personalities to pass the time talking to your self till the next tick passes

16:41:00 Sep 6th 07 - Mr. Bjs II:

112. your addicted to VU when you send in requests to make ticks shorter

17:04:12 Sep 6th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

113. you addicted to VU when you get so bored you post rubbish.....

17:45:56 Sep 6th 07 - Mr. Midget Monkey:

114 you know your addicted to VU when you computer chair is a toilet.

18:01:58 Sep 6th 07 - Mr. Ject:

115. You know your addicted to VU when........ errrrr... your addicted to VU?

21:31:05 Sep 6th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

116. You know your addicted to VU when you post rubbish even when your not bored.

13:56:02 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Bjs II:

117. your addicted to Vu when payed for runescape, WoW, Guildwars, Adventure Quest, Dragon Fable and all thos other pay thing games and you play VU.

19:28:46 Sep 9th 07 - Mr. Quirinus:

118. You know you're addicted to VU if you make an account and post in the forums even tho you don't play VU. xD

(like me)

btw, hi ppl. xD
<3 marduk spoon etc XD

07:02:03 Sep 10th 07 - Duke Gaius Septim II:

119. You know your addicted to VU when you reply to every post within one minute of the time it was posted.

22:47:16 Sep 11th 07 - Mr. Lucifer The Protagonist:

I do that shut up

22:52:48 Sep 11th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

120. You are quite certain you are addicted to VU when you have nightmares of losing your armies before they merge so you wake up and guide them in at 3 AM...

06:36:24 Sep 12th 07 - Mr. Spoon:

121. You are addicted to VU when you start calling your friends IRL like your VU friends.

[I call me gf quirinus!! <3<3]

06:39:43 Sep 12th 07 - Mr. Stickman:

122. your addicted to VU when you stop actually playing, and you just feel
the need to be an active forum... guy....

04:13:30 Sep 13th 07 - Mr. Opportunity:

123. You know your addicted to VU when you try to hack the school computers to let you play VU

05:07:06 Sep 13th 07 - Sir Helios:

124. You know your addicted to VU when you go to bed at midnight and set your alarm for 3am, 4am, 6am and 7am to redo "Freeze".

125. You know your addicted to VU when you can sleep 8 hours a day and still be online at Every tick change.

126. You know your addicted to VU when you check VU before you get your first coffee in the morning.

127. You know your addicted to VU when your Girlfriend or Wife refers to VU as "That Damn Game"

17:44:41 Sep 14th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

Mr. Opportunity


9/13/2007 3:13:30 AM
123. You know your addicted to VU when you try to hack the school computers to let you play VU
this is a really bad idea, I had a friend that tryed to get past websence ended up getting a virus and crashing the school server for 3 weeks.

21:35:17 Sep 14th 07 - Mr. Bezza:

me and all my friends used to play on the school comps untill the teacher took over my friends comp made him attack someone well stronger than him then messaged him saying "attack me" then opend up the chat and said "i like men"

22:26:52 Sep 14th 07 - Mr. Opportunity:

Lol. havnt tried it but i thought it was funny.

128. You know you're addicted to VU when you leave school at lunch and go home and play VU

05:26:43 Sep 15th 07 - Duke Gaius Septim II:

I have thought of that once, trouble's fifteen minutes to my house...and lunch is thirty minutes...

05:33:18 Sep 15th 07 - Mr. Xiax:

Do your schools have wireless?

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