Please enable JavaScript

You need to enable JavaScript to play this game!

Enable JavaScript - Internet Explorer

In Internet Explorer 6/7 (download Internet Explorer), you can check to see if JavaScript is enabled by navigating to the custom security settings that are somewhat buried (don't worry; we'll help you find it).

  1. Click on the Tools menu
  2. Choose Internet Options... from the menu
  3. Click the Security tab on the Internet Options pop up
  4. Click the Custom Level... button to access your security settings
  5. Scroll almost all the way down to the Scripting section
  6. Select the Enable button for Active scripting
  7. Click OK to finish the process
  8. Click Yes when asked to confirm

Enable JavaScript - Firefox

In Firefox 2 (download Firefox) you can check to see if JavaScript is enabled by navigating to the Content settings under Options.

  1. Click on the Tools menu
  2. Choose Options... from the menu
  3. Click the Content tab in the Options pop up
  4. Make sure that Enable JavaScript is checked
  5. Click OK to finish the process

Enable JavaScript - Opera

In Opera (download Opera) you can check to see if JavaScript is enabled by navigating to the Content settings under Preferences.

  1. Click on the Tools menu
  2. Choose Preferences... from the menu
  3. Click the Advanced tab in the Preferences pop up
  4. Select Content from the list of items on the left
  5. Make sure that Enable JavaScript is checked
  6. Click OK to finish the process

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