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- Mad and Dangerous
- Task Force
- The Bakers
- Griifin Warriors
- Mutiny
- Felicity
- Testers
- Empire of Drea
- Denial
- Death Note
- Lezbos
- Kingdom Hearts
- Men
- Army of Anubis
- Cease Exist
- Drokvira
- The Legion
- Dendarii
- Luna Wolves
- The Sanctum
- Black Flag
- Denadrii Mercs
- Fate
- Exogenesis
- Skullz Vrs Humans
- Grimskull Warriors
- Ace of Spades
- The Skull Gods
- Kell Hounds
- Paladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame
- Odyssey
- Military
- Bear Machines
- Gladiators
- Daffodils
- Simple
- Zoo
- Purgatory
- Im With Stupid
- Relentless
- Skullz Vrz Humans
- Imperium Corps
- Gatekeepers
- Stormcloaks
- The Undead
- Freelancers Liberation Front
- i dno wat to rite here lol
- Phoenix
- Undercover
- Knights Of Claidmore
- Lovebirds
- Cannabis
- The Furry Cocks
- Reservoir Dogs
- Royal Order of Claidmore
- House Stark
- Akatsuki
- Sons of Odin
- Champions of Valhalla
- Pooping Philosophy
- Beothuk Evil Ops
- Pitch Black
- Skullz Vrs Humanz
- The order
- Karas Ir Taika
- Infinity
- Arcbound
- Forgotten Warriors
- Bleh
- Holy Roman Empire
- White Rose
- Scream
- Darker Blood
- Rebel Against Society
- BloodLust
- British Petroleum
- DeathSpren
- Micmac
- Dark Angels
- Blood Guardians
- Mr God of War
- Yummy Guys
- Oblivion
- Felix Legions
- Raven
- Some Guys
- Fecking Feckers
- Mextli
- Tutty Bandhurs
- Bright Star
- Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse
- Blah Blah Blah
- Midnight
- Blood Lance Tribe
- Making Your Talent Heard
- CLIT Commanders
- All For Killing
- Awesomeness
- Nope Chuck Testa
- Arian Brotherhood
- Nom Nom Nominion
- The Royal Guard
- Drain The Beans
- Zona Oeste
- The Mountain Climber
- Templars
- Storm Cloaks
- Holy
- Crazy Apple
- Glory
- Bruennor
- Kindom of Solace
- Beothuk
- Sisters
- The Death Dealers
- Black Rose
- The Devils Pact
- Yargh
- Knights of Miku
- Teutonic Knights
- Riders of Iscariot
- royal
- Daedalus
- Hardcore
- United Front
- Clownface Industries
- Demons
- Eccleziastez
- The Military
- Crater and Bean
- Guilty Spark
- Wictorious Wankerz
- Red Cross
- The Fallen
- Those who know
- Lost Souls
- Infantry
- Hidden Shadows
- Bane Elemental
- Ad Libitum
- The Rippers
- confederation
- Sol Invictus II
- Whoknows
- Calcanda
- poop smashers five thousand
- Odins Minions
- Simplicity
- Bolton
- Death Valley
- Release the Genius
- Sexploited
- the b team
- Kingdom of Darkness Light and Fire
- Kingdom of The Fallen Warriors
- haha ortiz
- Primes
- Pawerful
- Bomber Brothers
- Dendarii Mercenary Corps
- Union of Independence
- Orange
- Notorious
- Myrmidon
- Kingdom Hearts Nirvana
- Army Of Four
- Pirates
- Cease to Exist
- Kingdom of Azeroth
- Divinity Lost
- Dragon
- Confederate States of America
- Kingdom of Fools
- Edetopia
- Optimus Consilium
- Renaissance Knights
- Petrol
- Revolve
- The Great Revolution
- trouble maker
- Knights Templar
- Anarchy
- Brotherhood of Nod
- Banana Empire BC
- Ursidae
- Trio
- Rainbow Warriors
- Trein Musketiers
- Sinful
- Lust
- Wasted Guys
- Perrys Knights
- The Odd Ones
- Karelian League
- KD checking
- Cosa Nostra
- alfa
- Canis Exercitus
- Band of the Red Hand
- Disney Psychos
- Black Knights
- Rowdy
- The Green Dragons
- Supernatural
- Kingdom of the Fallen
- MrMcMen
- Bawbagz FTW
- Ladies Abroad
- Cloud Nine
- Army of Two
- The Imps of Lannister
- Forsaken
- The Iron Circle
- Childrens Playground
- Dark lords of the Sith
- Steel City
- Olympus
- New Age
- Anonymous
- Kingdom of Stupid Warriors
- Epic
- Ruka Ruka go cops
- Training ground
- Dragon Flight
- Shadow Legion
- Evil Dead
- The Varden
- Jose C Paz
- The Visual Utopia Empire
- New Luna
- Gorillaz
- The Great Duchy of Lithuania
- travelkind
- Special Forces
- zanny land
- Crimson Mist
- The Federation
- Manifest Destiny
- Central Powers
- Fecking Fecker
- OutLawZ
- Legion of Mary Jane
- Darkfire
- Dexter
- Final Fantasy
- Cannabis Reborn
- The Hunters
- Spiteful
- The Jester Empire
- The Forest Brothers
- Rambo Slayers
- Fen Tiger FFA
- Dragon Returns
- Maleficent
- Chompers
- The Sensitive Fellas
- You Know
- Fire Breathing Rubber Ducks
- Mad And Dangerouz
- Scum Lords
- Peace be with you
- Absence
- Phantom
- The Captropian Empire
- Warriors Against Punk Rogues
- Mijiu
- The Don KIlluminatti
- Leon Nemeios
- Confederacy
- Ioannina
- Sacred Ones
- Alagaesia
- Fire Nation
- Shadow Guardians
- darkninjas
- Regeneration
- Tip of the Spear
- Super Happy Fun Group
- Mad
- The Craziest Thing
- boxxers rebellion
- Blood Havoc
- Olympians
- Demonic Gate keepers
- Shadows
- Desperation
- Descendants
- Knights Of The Round Table
- Misfits
- Poodles From Hell
- Plebarians
- Anarchy V
- Hungry Hungry Hippos
- Cursed
- Knights of the Round
- Amniot
- Zeon
- Guardians of Leviathan
- Battlestar Galactica
- MAFIA Zealots
- Pinecone Crushers
- The Gong Show
- Nemesis
- Pink Legacy
- Gravity
- X
- Genesis
- Kingdom of Heaven
- The Corporation
- Wraith
- Kilkerran Lords
- Crushing Pinecones
- The Borg
- Rome
- Knights Radiant
- The Grim Reapers
- Communism
- The Confederacy
- Death Walkers
- Tatterton
- Vikings
- Just Two Guyz
- Kin to the Ale
- Mercury II
- SoulTrackers
- Dead or Die
- Hillbilly Mafia
- Ragnarok
- Surprised
- DonerKebab
- Black Dragons
- Leeroy Jenkins
- Tainted Legacy
- Envy
- Candy Land
- Monolith
- Look Around
- Cajaerthyr
- Evil
- Mercury
- Kingdom Hearts Nirvana Squires
- Atlantis Guardians
- Wizengamot
- Baby Eaters
- Peacefull dwarf hide
- Kuro Madoushi
- Spandex Inquisition
- Not Exactly Evil
- Natives
- Royal Order of Claidhmore
- Legendary Stone
- The Phoons
- Lazy Peoples
- Warlock FFA
- The Khornate Berserker
- Bubble and Squeak
- Shadows of Shadok
- FRIEd Not STIRred
- Dream Big
- Unholy Union
- Kingdom Hearts Zeta
- Created Kingdom
- Peacekeepers
- Sleepless
- Xtra
- Brutality
- Byblos
- Luna WolvesII
- Poppicorns
- Gaia
- The Interview
- Scoreboard
- Hammer and Shield
- BurningLegion
- Underdogs
- Frankly Phallic
- Uuu
- Doges
- Dragons Empire
- Aardvarks Anonymous
- Wall of Fire
- Realm Of The Mountains
- Soloing Fant
- White Walkers
- Pestilence
- Ritz Reloaded
- Ideal Society
- Hey
- One Moonlight Night Under Sky
- Nararians
- The Black Chain
- Realm of Gras
- Those Of Khaos
- Dead
- The Decomposed Warriors
- Gladiators Reborn
- Tiny Rick Adventures
- Nurnir
- Queendom of Marcelilia
- The Obsidians
- Cypher
- oyesdeath
- Ascension
- Canudos
- Afterlife
- Azarath
- East Coalition
- Cryptic
- Varangian Guard
- Hero Association
- Plus Ultra
- ahoy P I R A T E S ahead
- Rat Pack
- Thay
- Brotherhood of the Wolf
- The Knights Radiant
- House Of Keros
- Death Dwellers
- Riven
- Lords of the Ring
- Small Roman Empire
- Mighty Alliance
- Why So Serious
- Show No Mercy
- The Horde
- The Forgotten
- Chronicles of Candlewax
- Elements
- Order of the Dragon
- Abyss
- Illuminati
- Incognito
- The Chosen Few
- Skull and Bones
- Darkness
- Dreadgod
- Hydra
- Berzerkerz
- Affliction
- Equestrian Knights
- Crimson Fangs
- Brodonia
- House of Durin
- Raven Clan
- Seven Deadly Sins
- Albatross
- Wolf Pack
- The Mongol Empire
- Aeternus
- Poker
- Horns
- Team B
- Solo
- Retribution
- Danger
- Imperium
- Bear Empire Eclipse
- Celestial Empire
- Incubation
- Synarchy
- Untag New
- Aquila
- Dragon Syndicate
- Bomba Volante
- Cinnaptix
- Barbaros
- Legion Under Zondervan
- Monarch
- Syndicate
- Ancient Mining Testers
- The Fellows Ship
- Pink Fairy Armadillos
- The Duchy of Lithuania
- Black Chain
- Bogtaint
- Good
- Red
- Exclamation Mark
- Knightly Order of the Eagle
- Ducky And Friends
- Black Flag Recruiting
- The Feywild Wardens
- team Awesome
- al I Ial
- Fire
- Edoras
- Medieval Dogs of War
- Renaissance
- Human Player
- Error
- Coroners Office
- Wolfpack
- Roundears
- Dark Thorns
- Question Mark
- The Arma Man
- Gondolin
- The Elf Newb
- Isotope
- Imladris
- Miscellaneous Discussions
- Forum Rules
- Sweden violated torture treaty
- All hail north korea!
- Superbowl Winner
- Life
- Dogs getting stoned
- I think I have a problem...
- Believes Clash
- native people talk
- Keep the KD cap
- Happy Birthday Zeta!
- Global warming!!!!
- New Start (Diffrent Time Zone)
- OReillys solution for Iraq
- Banner Maker Competition
- vet
- Diva Mines ABCD!
- Wiki
- Virginia Tech Shooting in US
- income
- Ghoumas wallpaper contest!!!1
- Congrats Sleazy Ez
- Wow, seven worlds!
- Flashcoder needed!
- KD Cap
- Global Warming II
- who really won the era
- Translation
- Jesus as a Roman
- Dwarfs
- D.O.W
- Arma III
- Iran
- The Superbowl of Boxing
- the arsehole banner
- Tribute to the Khan!
- html help
- Does Zeta walk among us?
- Best Army You've Ever Had..
- makeing china a democracy
- the suns gonna blow up!
- Reps could lose
- Did you know?
- why are threads deleted?
- 200 people online
- Ufo and Aliens
- Cities I
- Armeggedon Spells Good or Bad?
- Dear VÙ community, please help
- Nirvana I
- Arma IV
- You guys don't get it...
- Don't Start w/ 3 bonus turns?
- earth number two!
- Good VU theme song (from RTW)
- Dead Rising
- Stone Market In Zeta
- Problem of 3 player types
- Slow server
- Happy Independance Day
- 210 players online
- Renaissance Kingdom vs VU
- SHYERS the return!!!!
- Battlefield 2
- Animal Haters
- southampton v derby
- races
- What has the world come to...
- Peak Oil
- prince harry war or not
- Starcraft 2
- Universe Creation
- when will it stop
- A challenge to Mbeidas
- main the way NOT to behave
- liverpool v ac milan
- George Bush
- WOW this is cool
- To all George Bush haters
- Top 3 and bottom 3 most useful
- Hall of Honararble VU Players
- mIRC vs VU Chat
- Japan is SICK
- Poll: Favorite Race
- looking for new members
- Leaving for a
- Love
- bad news
- warriors book series
- A Tribute To The Leader
- historys
- tony blair good bye
- Religious Extremist terror
- Arma changes--why?
- How fit is the new wembly
- VU supports youtube clips?
- the friggen ugliest city...
- whose the noob?
- wOOt I
- Congratulations
- Saiyan Empire
- The *REAL* Last day Production
- Game Choice
- Best troop
- Ben Stein CBS interview
- The best thread ever!
- Wher'd you find this site at?
- after amon hen era
- CV writing
- Congratulations on this feat,
- 7-7-7
- Wikipedia
- $12 billion a month
- Age range in VU
- End of Era movie - direct dl
- champions: return to arms
- Rascist Zombies!!
- Market meltdown.
- Playing the Market
- Islam and rock music
- walls walls walls and walls
- New End of Era Torrent File
- orc or troll
- 6 hour turn
- era improvements
- When does Mantrax start up?
- history of all VU
- Prophecies and Whales
- Greatest rainbow city i ev saw
- Visual Utopia Utopia
- Personal histories
- World openings
- Updates for the era of Asystol
- Petition: No title for Erunion
- Petition: I want my Title back
- Battlefield 2142
- Flamin era
- US Election 08' -Vote Cthulhu!
- Cleaniest science set up
- Lemon Jolly Rancher Cover-up
- New World Star
- Creation: Biblical... history?
- Surgery update...
- Map Development
- No preperation time (arma)
- 2007 Nobel Peace Prize
- Math Tricks/Problems
- fantasia overpopulated
- boarders
- Dwarf? Why dwarf?!
- mIRC problems
- Leaving (Arthion)
- 37,458,296 ppl disabled in USA
- oo yeash!
- Save the Vowels
- Gratz Lenard
- Eras not over yet!!!!
- Kingdom list from your side.
- New world Europe Vs US
- Artemis Fowl GRAPHIC NOVEL
- Yu-gi-oh
- Army life
- Middle of the Era (Asystole)
- Game Development, I need you!
- [discuss] MU Cost change
- MAD: Mongi and Aloysius
- Help Save Lives
- Deleted Accounts
- Forts
- America
- Billionare club
- Screenshot competition
- Conspiracys : The truth ?
- World of Testa
- Did Jesus Exist ?
- Not all Muslims are terrorists
- Welcome back =)
- Christmas Gift Suggestions
- Religions in VU
- Respect -- where is it? O_o
- Kid burns classmate blames WOW
- Forum III
- Origins of Ruler Names
- Music X
- Life on other planets
- Global Warming I
- Listing
- Is VU overly addictive?
- Happy new year!!!
- massive post pyramid
- Ambition
- Debate websites
- Polyphasic Sleep
- LOL?
- Looking for a laptop.....
- Debates
- Popularity Contest
- Hide the Children
- Stirring Trouble
- firefighting: are they........
- Mr. Messiah
- ROCK ON!!!
- "Poopoo" Taboo?
- I didn't know that...
- A big debate, on the chat box!
- fant slaves
- Barbaric!
- What time does era start?
- play another game?
- Online Degrees
- Largest army
- Online games.
- Thoughts?
- I feel Smart
- VU and the Future
- Friends without faces
- Scientology I
- Roswell : Stargate
- American Politics: A New....
- Maarg died
- Die Dwarfzs
- Nice chatting
- On the big battlefield
- Studies On Life
- Did Robert Paulsen Exist?
- Good Map Zeta
- Banner Comp-Late(by lots)
- You know your start sucks when
- another VU?
- New map?
- VU banner
- PHP Scripting
- challenge
- Time to delete the multi's!!!!
- lies and betray
- Bigfoot: The biggest feet
- Era Winning Production Page
- Dawn Of War SoulStorm
- electric guitar
- thats gotta hurt
- The Ultimate Multi KD...
- Map Size...
- Great British player??
- Another big debate
- Presidential Campaign
- Ouch Eduardo breaks leg: Video
- Pics of Stockholm
- Burning Cities
- Quiet Tone
- No offence
- Idiot control
- Fant HoH Prod, army info, etc
- Cambridge certificate.
- Scientology II
- Wraith - A lier and an Idiot
- Abydos abuse
- Weather
- Highlands Honour
- Coolest KD banner is....
- Anger Management
- Happy earring! 3!
- The Seloc Birthday Thread
- oh, hai!
- imagine this battle
- Did Tony Blair Exist ?
- Might Multi!
- Help with Magic Square
- Battlestar Galactica?
- I fancy a Mick take.. Here!
- Risk!! Come play :)
- Religion
- End of da ERA
- Max STG
- The best food
- I'm Back !!!
- RETURN of Great Walls Tally
- Anyone want me in their KD?
- The Black List
- RETURN of Great Walls Discussi
- Calzaghe v Hopkins
- Playing Again ^_^
- Return Old map Fant Tally
- Can't keep this for myself...
- Who got the most slaves ?? :p
- Long live the Queen!
- VU ------- IRC
- Woot II
- Long live the King!
- ooold VU guide.
- Longest Prep, Ever :S ?
- new eras
- Hey guys, im back!
- Starting strategies
- One and two letter words?
- EU2
- Dell= Epic Fail
- ECB eng cricket
- Got this book?
- Test
- Oh the Chat Box...
- Wikipedia sux fracking big
- Thread Contest: U Laff, U Lose
- bearshare
- Broadband Problems (Virgin UK)
- Death of the Halfling II
- Bill Gates retiring
- VU vs getting Laid
- Death of the Halfling I
- America winning the Iraq war
- Olympics
- New Era Updates IV
- Russia China Iran vs all
- VU Trailer
- R.I.P Chef
- American TV
- bring back natinal service??
- Era of Elsin
- Ensuing World Conflict?
- Multi accounts Sucks
- Armageddon X
- Really Amazed
- Happy Bonfire night :D
- Aussie ISP"s Suck
- IE ; Recent Problems
- I Need Lumber
- Putin:War to promote Mckain
- Ms Zinxu where in the world!!!
- Gayana vs Panama
- Europe and Canada Vs USA
- Georgia vs Russia
- VU community Vs The world
- Jail? or Work?
- Chrome
- Admin check this, please? :p
- 2008 Election
- Burninate
- 2008 Canadian Federal Election
- Server down due to SPAM
- Tetrahydracannabinol
- LHC End of the World Thread
- Barack VS McCain
- Retribution Scandal!!
- When U.S goes down...
- Goodbye VU
- BUllies
- virus
- Forum personalities
- Red Alert 3
- Does anyone here play......
- soccer munches
- I want to write a book
- Advert Paranoia
- Msn Hack
- world bankruptsey
- Autch
- For or Against?
- McCain
- Cinema
- LG Phones
- Your Favoutite Browser
- OBAMA 08
- Father drowns 2 year old son
- Hmm
- Era Updates
- Haha
- VU getting slow again.
- other games
- Armeggedon SUCKS
- Lehman Brothers
- Obama is such a twofaced liar.
- Mage Strike!
- New Updates?
- Era winner
- Question
- Fiesta Ad
- Computer Programming
- Poll on walls
- Rememberance Day
- Gaza
- ADMIN, put some effort into it
- Soccer Vs. Zeta
- Trojan Virus
- Need help with writing
- Era 13
- [Request]History of VU
- Help me find Music
- Football Manager 09
- Vu able phones
- Do you have a good voice!?
- Israel crossed borders
- FN "Peace keepers " Powerless
- Photograher
- UN hope of the people
- VU reunion!
- Superbowl
- Whos your fav boxers?
- Reason and tolerance
- best movies so far in '09
- Palm Trees and Pineapples?
- Landropping-cheating or tactic
- Religious debate
- X factor in ending scores
- What I think about Everything
- How to separate oil from water
- Death VS God
- ITT : Madagascar
- Total War
- Only two races worth playing
- Kingdom banners
- Geomety
- Era of Dvsmasta playback
- effects of new updates
- The president
- new forum ban warning
- The KD tatic
- Multies or Copycats
- My post count
- Damn Grammar
- What is this shit
- Voting sites for games
- Status Quo
- Anyone using the translation
- Increased building time
- Plague ehhh
- Changes so far
- Another sad death
- How did you find VU
- Features and game play
- Unbelievably violent fight
- Christian Bale
- Would you say Humans will die
- winning the era
- Heal the world
- Haflings
- Funniest Video Ever Yes or No
- Society Sure SucksAn outlook
- latha battles
- Football Fantasy League
- VU Tools
- Armoury discount
- swine flue bug
- large group of inactives
- Slaughter at 9799
- Era of Magneto playback
- Free Power
- No More Merging
- wow took me out of the game
- 3 mths for FB death threats
- Archmages
- Archies and Archers
- New Scoring
- Magnitude 83 Quake Chile
- bored much
- Celebs are Messed Up
- end of era income
- What did you do Magneto
- science levels
- RoF count
- Inactive Players
- iPad will it blend
- crossworlds benifits
- Genius in disguise
- Obama Nobel peace prize
- Strange textmsg help needed
- painful era
- KD rivalries
- I Didnt Know Who I Was
- No more bonus for voting
- Permitted use of bugs
- Some kd ideas so far
- History
- i think this is a glitchb
- Next Era Winner
- My starting strategy
- NASA To Bomb The Moon
- Dinner Inspiration
- petition old map
- Short Video About Society
- Afew years ago
- Your Opinion
- end era scores
- Webcam Help
- Era 44 video
- VU World cup predictorz
- help in score plz
- Is merging back
- Upcoming Era Video
- My cat has been bitten
- Most warlike of the era
- Era 42 video
- Assassins Creed Reborn
- PreCrossworlds
- this game bores me
- Bloody Hound Dogs
- Possibly Gods Greatest Gift
- VU Art
- Number of Eras You Have Played
- Era of Chipotle playback
- Write your Testimonial
- Flash Animation
- Scandinavian become Nazis
- Buying Title
- Top 10 VU Women Players
- Volunteerswork
- Vote for next era map
- Food prices
- Celebrate HIVAIDS
- Crystal Palace FC
- my eyes
- Image host needed
- era video
- Kingdom Picture
- Kingdom page
- BTs
- End of era scores
- End Era Income Era 43
- Best of The Beatles
- Thank you for Unbanning me
- epic wins
- What the fck
- No Multi but banned
- the holocaust
- Fate KD Picture
- Multi in Leper Knights
- Greatest Victory
- China vs North America
- Petite Penor
- Opening maps
- I wanted to be president
- Condolations to Haiti
- Ladies Only Kingdom
- movement improvement
- Forum rules and rickrolling
- Poll For Next Era Map
- Check this out
- Game Improvements
- Go Swiffers go
- slave capture
- Tutors needed
- Epic music vote Brash vs Fordi
- Unban Horus
- Please unban Irunonrum
- Last Era for me
- RoF Fail
- Who are our very own vu mods
- what happened
- late start
- End of Era Income Era 44
- pezzies fear orc
- awhh come on
- Dumb Updates
- Atheism is inherently evil
- end of era income era 45
- Metroids gun
- Era 46 Video
- Halfers are OP to the point of
- Randys Tavern
- Mr Hussein Obama president
- If Zelda was female
- Skype the new IRC
- Era 45 Video
- Skype Skype
- Paranormal Activity 1 and 2
- GT prep info change
- Calling All Old Players
- Austria fail miserably in every sport
- England should depose its queen
- Custom Title
- Jim Carrey vs Heath Ledger
- Planet Niburu Approaching eart
- Twin Towers conspiracy
- heterosexual relationships
- Broken conversation losse iq
- Boycott Midgard
- Era 47 video
- Lewatha
- Europe sounds like pussies
- Jesus was a Jewish man
- ZeTa hates POFF
- drinking cows boobie juice
- Similarities
- Computer nerds HALP
- Ois Ois Baby
- Just stop it
- Discuss Arthur Dent
- IRC What did I miss
- Kill Zone 2 on PS3
- Catas useless
- Chat Dice Championship
- The time
- I cry
- Explain US corruption
- Computer Problem
- gimme your skype
- Donations
- BP Oil Spill
- Your Thoughts of Canada
- Computers are evil
- Come and have a go
- American football
- Finally got skype
- US find 1 trillion Afghanista
- Visiting the market
- Commendations
- Back and saying hello
- jrks that dont treet grls rite
- Wish i was a halfling
- Magical Dragon on the toplist
- New Era
- VU chat
- Here is an idea
- Blame it all on GOTF
- end of era income era 48
- is there a way to change world
- hipster
- STARTA End the Era Please
- starting off dead
- Where is
- Hello
- You are all
- This image represents death
- Most fearsome rulers
- wsup den
- THC Is Comming Back
- Liverpool
- Voting For VU
- dear swifty
- Fevers Back
- Any reason
- Possibly Relevant
- hey guys
- Server Failure
- wall of text
- the icon
- Starta age 1
- top 3 worlds
- Welcome back Zeta
- Wow lolol
- Dwarf Miners
- Map Isnt Refreshing
- Kino Der Toten
- Petiton Unban Random
- Moderators
- Important read
- Ask Ryan Bellerose Question
- The original Fafnir Returns
- Fantasia norm
- where are they now
- World Transformation
- Happy Thanksgiving
- Human Race
- come on really
- Hai Guis
- Can you join the Australiaarmy
- EU3MP 2013
- bizzare 50 rule problem
- Delete The Internet
- Napoleon Total War
- Help me pick countries
- VU Christams Gift
- Old player returning
- How to increase player base
- Uhhh what
- VU 3D Map large images
- yo wtf is up with multis now
- Elite Active Players
- Vu Veterans
- Glenn Beck is right
- ill make a video for you
- Binh Finally admits
- Mod Zondy
- lucky P
- Starta vs Fant
- Drink Driving
- The past few years
- Vote now
- Rebecca Black
- u s a
- You dont like Zondy
- VU Skype Chat
- Thoughts on city seeding
- Manual Draft
- Fred the terrorist
- VU advertisement
- name of the game
- Turnover Time
- VU Attack Calculator
- facebook group
- Chance and Dice
- IpodIphoneIpad users
- Wanna be confused
- Flame Wall
- Those were the days
- Minimap
- You souns like Freud
- Imagine
- Highest Number of Scienes
- Caution on this Discord Server
- Finally legal
- farming done right
- Kony 2012
- So apparently IRC is dead now
- reddit dot com
- cheltenham festival
- martial arts karate vs tkd
- Who is the Longest Playing
- My Haters
- Rate me as a VUer
- 2012 US Presidential Election
- Help me Find a Friend
- Did we get boats
- Republican presidential debate
- Ryu from Street Fighter
- any other pc games
- Why are kids so evil and cruel
- Vu Admin Zeta
- hello i am new here
- WTF Valentines DayTye People
- fant or mant
- Give us a new map Please
- missing kneecaps
- State of VU
- ArmyBrowser bug
- Free BTs and how to get them
- mmorpggees
- Halfling Debuff
- Phi Empire
- Where Has VU gone
- For Slade
- Mantrax map VOTE
- Multiple Characters
- In trouble
- Implament New Map
- VU Highscores
- Idea For New Race
- Meaningless Stat Update
- HELP look here homies
- Map rotation
- I just dont get it
- New Guy
- Feckers Video
- Role Playing
- I gowent through for VU
- What would you name VU
- Instant messanger rant
- lookingforoldpayer
- WTF is wrong with this game
- To all my kingdoms and friends
- Any old Zeon members around
- New map variables
- Where is scumbag shyers
- Hello to all you newer Players
- Petition to Reset Zetamania
- New Player Guide
- This doesnt seem very nice
- Any old Abydonians around
- Merhaba
- Any special moments
- probability i hate you
- Back looking for kingdoms
- Science
- NextGen Consoles
- Make it go faster
- Elder Scrolls Online
- Devastation of Hurrcane Haiyan
- how do you attack armies
- The story of Starta
- MORE TROOPS more fun
- Rebirth
- Real name
- Why is this forum so dead
- Computer Trouble
- New to the forums
- VU Card game
- Talents
- Help VU BTs Etc
- Game of strategy and war
- New Player
- Free For All Tournament
- looking for someone
- The 10year Club
- New Player FFA
- Petition to Ban NaZZis
- Libertate dead people
- TheCenterforNarrativePractice
- Putting VU on Steam
- The Fourth Era
- Funniest ROF
- Ending Fantasia
- Dragons A Gold Theif
- Revival time
- A Dingo Ate My Baby
- How would you react
- Opinions Needed Liberate
- So ive been Pretty bored
- The State of Visual Utopia
- Some server stats
- How it used to be
- Haitus Time
- Electrical help needed
- The VU dragon
- Skype Group for VU
- Idea for VU Opposite World
- end world please
- Old messages
- Most experienced players
- My heart goes out to you all
- Simply Curious
- Please Help
- The BallFondler
- Github sponsors hustle
- Merry Christmas
- one man army
- New Map needed
- Anyone else play RuneScape
- Friendly Reminder
- We the nerds
- Do you have a smartphone
- What the hell is this
- Help with computer issue
- VU and Infidelity
- US Elections
- Familiars
- City Building Bug
- Understanding Centuries
- Renting Your own game
- Pretentions Rankings Thread
- Best players
- Berserkers are weird
- Petition to unban Coolcat
- Blockers expand into terrain
- Building philosophy Tall or w
- GroupMe
- thc kingdom
- Overpriced but quality shit
- Donation research
- Discord
- Car trouble
- Account Deletion
- Attacking Ability by Race
- Hello there
- Tom Petty 19502017
- Where is SIr Slade Griffin
- New Kingdom Banners needed
- Ever play this and get asked
- Dear Bidi
- crazy shit in vegas last night
- Solo map
- GvE interest form 2018
- Is it worth
- Mind blown
- VU Confessions
- Fix start times
- Game of Thrones Final Season
- help me on my adventure
- Smurf reveal
- Computer issue
- Trojan Horse
- Fecking Wiki
- Updated VU
- mount and blade 2
- Free For All
- Happy 20th Anniversary VU
- Mantrax top KDs wasting times
- Open letter to Binh
- VU day 77777
- Connection
- Race suggestions
- Same MAP in Three Worlds
- unban me please
- Hinge Cover
- Discussion about maps
- Analytic chemistry
- Total War Zetamania
- Worst Players in VU
- VU on Swedish national radio
- Race Ratings
- Beautiful screenshots
- VU Day 100000
- Suspicious Player in Valhalla
- Oldest Players in VU
- Send your Best VU Screenshot
- Knowledge
- Blocker Issue Fixed
- Project NFT VU
- What about VU is perfect
- Has anyone been playing longer
- Looking for Dark Blood members
- Tournament cash prizes
- Most and Least Common Partners
- Uncle Stormy Time
- Old Player Checking In
- Understanding Why Im Better
- New world for VU Tournament
- Tick Time
- Most frequent lie in VU
- Your Perfect Race
- Does army size matter
- Understanding Fanatics Cults
- I want to save Africa
- Most active VU players
- Good Use of an Inactive
- An old kingdom Storm Cloaks
- SMH at VU
- Someone alive on Armageddon
- Sincere Apology
- Understanding Crypto
- What does SOS mean
- Understanding Gambling Addicts
- Help me Understand the Monty hall problem
- Understanding Gender
- Understanding the Afterlife
- VU Promotion
- If ZeTa passed away
- The Myth of Greatness
- World Winners
- Zeta Capture the Flag
- Understanding Woke Culture
- How is everyone doing
- VU script do you have it
- Hall of Fame hat
- Zetamania 95 signup
- Dominions 5
- Valhala Bombard bug
- Aotd sucks after tweak
- GvE map proposal
- Orc core drop
- Single Player VU
- single player Era of Bluelight
- In game politics
- LGC finally on top of things
- UN, and its power
- Era of Juchi summary
- Centurion Empire
- The New Dark Riders
- PHI(zetamania)
- Earth Peace
- new names!
- Dark Fires I
- Freedom Fighters Return
- Kingdom Hearts ( Embassy )
- Returning Fant KDS
- Hazardous Waste recruiting
- Secret behind LGC
- The Monks - Heavy recruiting
- Battle of Thermopoly
- Mirror
- VU History Made
- This era kingdoms on zeta
- The Jester Empire
- PKS Noticeboard
- what kingdom should i join?
- Abydos "honor"
- North Empire
- United Nations (Embassy)
- Empire of Midgardur
- Mirror Embassy!
- Senatus Populusque Romanus
- Embassey: Midnight Sun
- Abydos will be defeated!
- You don´t deserve it Virgin
- War of SloMir
- Dark Fires (disbanded)
- Mad Embassy
- arma in matrax...
- Wars? [Fantasia]
- Who hates abydos?
- Slovaknia we lost already
- Illuminati Empire
- Livonian Empire (in Starta)
- Oya vs. Fizban
- USSR - barking mad
- Illuminati Empire Embassy
- Fantasian Wars
- Armagedon III
- The kingdom of Music
- Dark Riders - Unfair
- Abydos vs Legacy
- Grudgebringers Recruit in Mant
- Earth Peace members
- LDK Embassy I
- Reaping Graveyard (Embassy)
- The Jester Embassy!
- phi empire's deaded
- where are RS Empire Members?
- Darshiva
- A msg to LGC
- Ordeon of Field cheater
- congratultions
- Multi Catchers
- luna wolf (good bye)
- Sometimes your just lucky
- join the gemans in valla
- LGC Disbands
- The IIluminati (possible Embas
- LDK Embassy II
- Diamonds (Mantrax)
- Gods Power
- The Monks Celebrates!
- Heavens Vengeance (Valhalla)
- BoW Embassy I
- The Great One - Recruiting now
- A messegge to teh abYDoos
- Diadochi (Fantasia)
- Stealth Machines are Tractors!
- Carnage Embassy
- Mirror Embassy I
- Neon (Nirvana)
- River Jumping II
- To all the dorians
- Holy Legion Recruitment
- Legacy Embassy
- Ban this dude
- Cannabis Lords Embassy
- Flames
- vampirefreaks (zetamania)
- The Raping Embassy
- The Great Ninjas
- Official DOW vs Carnage
- CHOAS RIDERS [Mantrax]
- the kingdom of ninjas embasy
- Freedom Fighters Recruiting
- NT players?
- Kingdom of Predators
- Rogue Phoenix (Mantrax)
- kingdoms in Fantasia II
- Spaghetti
- The Great players of POFF....
- LDK reborn on Mantrax
- Heaven's Vengeance
- War statement for Predators
- Lie, lie and lie some more!
- LDKs unhonorable play
- Royal Pirates
- Come to Clan Cats
- Lunar Wolf
- Red Hand
- IE Wants You
- Cannabis lords
- Zeon is defeated
- Blink Embassy!
- Salute to SoS
- GoD (Zetamania)
- Kingdoms in Fantasia I
- Abydos Low Blow
- Nirvana - WAR ON EVERYONE!
- Lemme Know in advance
- Predators are in Fantasia
- Mirror's ***
- Excalibur (Mantrax)
- Hahahahaha xD
- Market in Zete
- Corsairs recruitment
- Carnage Mighty Punishment!
- The Yellow Banner is back
- !Next era warning!
- Dark Riders I
- IE lost
- KD of bread
- Embassy of The Falcons
- List all Rainbow cities here.
- Rambo Slayers Embassy (RS)
- Division of Marijuana
- Jester! yay baby, recruiting!
- Uesugi Shogunate
- new people
- The Knights Templar
- War Declaration on LDK
- Another Low Blow
- Abydos Embassy
- Goodbye (for now?)
- Templar Crusaders Embassy
- armragedone
- The Monks Thank you all!
- It makes you look really good!
- Herbal Essences (Nirvana)
- Kingdoms for new players
- Mantrax crosswalls
- Mirror Embassy II
- Gangsta Paradise-Armageddon
- where did........
- Next Era: Fighting Farmers
- Firendash?
- GAY Embassy(Fantraxmaniartana)
- KD Searching
- the world end
- Holy Recruitment Camp
- Free Agent
- New Wiki Page
- Wild Boys Journal
- where went BoW ?
- Farewell
- wtf ghosts?
- Digald Empire Recruiting
- Everyone thanks the Monks
- multi-million-member-kingdoms
- The Legion
- Dragon Lords
- Post your favorite kingdom
- "No Use For A Name" wtf?????
- predators are nap breakers
- TAK(the aliedkgdms)vs ROCKY
- Tha END (Mantrax)
- WAR!
- Last day income
- Luna Wolves: Recruiting.
- Predators Wing
- Predators are in a LesserWorld
- PHI townswapping I
- Osiris is CHEATING...
- What is a good KD to join?
- Come on into Chat
- Looking for Zeta KD......
- Music III
- Zorkhana is unhonorable
- Lost for words.
- No longer needed
- Vote For the Most unpopular KD
- Invitation for Weirdgrivi
- start a kd with me!!!
- Predator Embassy
- Pirate Pornstars Embassy
- Zoidy
- Jester's Secret
- looking for a kingdom to join
- Shen Al Calher
- Diadochi Empire
- Carnage: Playing... fair?
- ZEON rudeness
- Carnage "Oldest" in VU?
- The Demolishers Embassy
- VOTE Top 10 VU dream team
- FF: kd open for everyone!!!!
- Embassy of the Russian Empire
- The Shyers Embassy
- The Great Alliance
- The Shire
- BoW Embassy II
- Legion Of Burning Eye (Nirva.)
- Arma VI
- Riverjumping
- ABYDOS????
- Lost for words 2.
- Lost for words 3.
- Sanoh apology
- NKOFF starts recruiting!!
- Shen an Calhar Recruiting
- Shen an Calhar aka traitors?
- w2247
- Era Winners
- PHI war
- New Millenium Embassy
- votes on the nastiest kingdoms
- Cannabis recuiting!
- traitor I
- next era kds?
- Abusal of Mod powers: Mark two
- Russians
- BoW... Return of the Wolves
- Predators are recuiting
- Russian Empire Wants You!
- Vote top10 VU...
- toris kingdom
- Destiny Kingdom Recruiting
- The War Thread
- Kingdom of war recruiting
- Join BlackWater
- PHI hopping their own walls
- Carnage Embassy 2.0.1
- Predators
- MAD walljumping
- zeta mania kd?
- LW and KH
- Holy order recruiting
- Eternity
- Army Upkeep
- Freedom Fighters areRecruiting
- What Happened To DM?
- DR most untrustworthy KD ever
- ummm what?
- The Three Musketeers Embassy!
- Angels Recruiting
- Templar Crusaders I
- zeon
- Man, United is lookng for fans
- kd
- ME =D
- Destiny Recruiting for zeta
- The New Borg
- AoA recruiting
- Shen an Calhar: Matt wants You
- Mr. Sin the lyin bastered
- MAD town swappers
- Zetamania Open!
- Fantasia - Pussy fest?
- Divinty Lost Embassy
- Noble???? Knights
- war on mantrax I
- Screenshots
- Wtf Multi war!!
- Still Recruiting of zetamania
- Zetamania Wars I
- need kd
- Mantrax Wars begin
- Bad Wolf!
- The Three Musketeers !
- and#1758; Zeon pussy purge and#1758;
- Embassy of the Russian Rev.
- Hell Recruiting in Starta
- Drug Lords- We are back
- ParScieA
- NKLrecruiting
- T H E L Y C A N
- Where are you???
- Noble???? Knights part 2
- To: ALL New Zetamania Players
- »and#9619;Diadochi Wants Youand#9619;«
- East india company Headquarter
- fantasia wars I
- Hello Again
- what the?
- Gaia need iron rulers!
- New era
- Destiny Recruiting I
- Team LGC Recruiting!
- BoW WoW
- Newb want join kingdom
- What's happenin on fantasia
- Fantasia - Dark orion era
- Vote on whos lyin
- Nirvana KD here
- Army of the Empire
- Shades [Nirvana] Reqruiting
- Wolf Rider - NAP breakers
- Dark Riders rule
- Samaurai warriors recruiting
- death to zeon
- Music VIII
- "I Am Not Amused"- recruiting!
- relations[community agreement]
- Nexus in Valhala
- Recruitung people
- Mr Mimbrate
- Shinsengumi wants YOU
- New Kingdom Recruitment
- Death to Admins (Undeleted)
- first kd in history
- on behalf of MAD
- PBJ Time is recruiting
- Mirror dead?
- mantrax exterminations??
- BOW and ZEON
- looking for kingdom I
- DarkRiders Empire Embassy
- The Kingdom of Sandpoint
- [kd name here]
- Era length I
- tick time???
- Carnage rules!
- AoA recuiting
- so much flaming!
- Music IV
- Let's Play
- Stack'em up, il kill'em all :P
- World of arma Fantasia
- Peacekeeper's Embassy
- ABYDOS relations
- Templar Crusaders II
- BearMachines embassy
- Next era start?
- The Dacians - Dacii
- Holy
- traitor II
- Divinity Lost
- Govenor Arahabaki (petition)
- AntiZeon embassy
- Kingdom Of Sin Cross
- Japeyes Empire Recruiting
- Who is going mantrax
- The Problem with the Collapse
- Kingdoms I
- Fantasia IV
- What Time Tonight??
- donut
- The Smiths are back.....
- SiN Invite
- Freedom on mantrax
- The Order of the Black Knights
- Carnage Embassy 2.2.0
- Angel Embassy
- ERA Start Date Released!
- Sigh, hate to hear this:
- Predators II
- Trio Nap breaking cheaters
- Embassy of the RDR
- Music VI
- Lords Of The UnderWord Embassy
- This Kd scares me....
- Multi Talk
- Holy Ecclesian Empire Embassy II
- who teleprts a scout?!?!
- More Ritz!
- era of asystole? again?
- Trio have no "family jewels"
- Red Devils - Valhalla
- embassy of Zoidbergmania
- Vampyr Legion Starta
- The Spartan Embassy
- Revenge of the Fluffy Bunnies
- ASM Embassy
- Words of Wisdom
- The Freelance Alliance Embassy
- PHI townswapping II
- Assassin's
- Honorable Side of Peacekeepers
- The golden horde
- Disc-world
- Zetamania Final Stats
- join the pirates
- RDR Embassy
- War on Mantrax II
- Ritz Embassy 2.1.0
- How Many
- hell on earth Embassy
- Thunder Evolution!
- Assassin's Creed
- Freedom Fighters
- United Lyrian Confederacy
- I wonder
- Music VII
- The Musketeers Embassy
- The Gaul Embassy
- The Obligatory Arma Thread
- [Man] Music vs Angels
- Embassy of BlackDragonEmpire
- LDK Embassy
- Missing!!!
- Sin Declares Music
- War of Fantasia
- Destiny Recruiting new members
- This era and mantrax
- MAD multying
- AWARDS!!!! for midgard
- con is kinda
- Holy Cows I
- Lenard The Knight I
- havn't restarted yet!
- kicked on valhalla
- Dacii
- ZeTa can we have era video
- Mantrax kingdoms - next era
- Middle-Earth embassy
- ce attacks preds?
- can't wait till next era
- Holy is recruiting
- The Return of Abydos
- Holy Ecclesian Empire embassy I
- Cato June A TRAITOR!
- Cheaters???
- ptah
- Freedom
- How the worlds match
- most boring era ever
- ~V for Vendetta~ Recruitment
- next era kingdoms
- video
- Lenard a Multi?
- Rogue Phoenix I
- Top 4 , Top worlds
- RITZ????
- The last
- Woot!
- I wish to be deleted
- Zetamanian kingdoms-next era
- blackwater
- Any Poss of Race adjust?
- Band of the Hawk
- Noob seeks kd for next era!
- FF
- Free Cities(Music)
- lenard the knight II
- Dirge Of Cerberus
- New wave on fant - The Dacians
- The attack of the Clones
- LDB Embassy
- FU Embassy
- Feeding!
- Multie list
- new kingdom in Zetamania!
- How would life be without VU
- Phi Socialist Republic Embassy
- Killers
- World of testa
- FREAKY????
- I asked for peace,
- Peacekeepers II
- Why is it...
- Wolf Pack Embassy I
- Ms Jacktheripper
- Sword's Edge
- A sad day for Haflings....
- Beggers
- Mr. Chewy is a NAP breaker
- Valhalla-Predators closed gate
- Send in Applications Please
- Russian Dem. Rep. --Embassy--
- Starta wars! (when open...)
- ABYDOS is unhonorable!
- Kingdom Hearts Embassy
- Destiny - make up your mind
- Alexander Rommel
- ~~~Redemption Recruiting~~~
- Trio, beggars, liars, backsta?
- Haywood A Badass NAP breaker
- Recruiting- Freelance Alliance
- Vahalla kingdoms
- A new wave on Fantasia
- Nap Breakers.
- Attention Heretics (legacy)
- Dwfan You Coward
- Vu bot/Natives are funny!!
- Vahall
- Multi I
- how are they top?!
- Sparta Embassy
- Valhalla Wars I
- Zeon's Sad Wall Jump
- Zetamania Wars II
- Im leaving LDK
- Drug Lords Next Era
- Nirvana?
- world of armageddon betray
- Internal Primates Forever
- Destiny Recruiting II
- Stupid Members
- Vahallas Most Powerful
- WorldofArmigedin
- Gracielo
- Ldk Embassy III
- Last chance ! Join Apollo!
- newb joining kingdom
- Oz Embassy
- Aby stone flood
- fantasia stone market
- Gondor Embassy
- The Gauls
- Era of Messia
- I'm so popular!
- The Creative Destroyers
- [TNW] The New World
- Pinguin
- Backstabbers In Talents
- Breaking ceasefires
- Elemental Shinobi Empire Recru
- World of Talents
- Mr. Akatsuki Leader Pien
- Recruitment Templar Elites
- Arma Wars
- Kingdoms Of Fantasia (Era 59)
- Fantasia Players
- Restart Aces.
- Annual Mirror Revival Thread
- Holy Lodis Empire
- vahalla wars:P
- Player ignoring KD relations
- LEGEND Recruiting.
- Next era recruiting -Imagine
- Buggered up KD list page!!
- I hereby declare . . .
- Gondor : Talents
- Starta wars II
- want a good kd for next era
- Goodbye fellow Trio
- Discuss
- Fantasia Lost its Mojo...
- Mantrax Update
- Dark Fires Recruitment
- Henkie You Low Prick
- CE
- Sell some slaves!!!
- Midgard Wars I
- About Relations
- Sore losers with excuses
- Corruption
- The Dacians are Immortals
- Champs, all worlds
- Trio NAP breakers
- Fs vs Wolf
- OoS Recruiting (midgard)
- [FKYOU] Recruitment
- A Good Day for Mantrax
- Captain Morgan Leaves Trio....
- Where is your honor?
- Armageddon VIII
- am wondering
- Revenge
- Music IX
- Who's going mantrax next era?
- KD Next Era
- Eek!
- seems to be the trend
- Apollo
- what not to do in VU
- Im Not A Tratior Im Just Bored
- Fear freedom fighters
- AWARDS!!!! *cough* for mantrax
- Era of Grumpyoldbastard
- iPF recruting
- DB Going for the win?
- Don't NAP with Border Patrol
- recruiting II
- Dark Fires [DF] Recruitment
- PSRM Embassy
- Multi list...
- Armageddon High Scores
- The Last Word
- Predators are Recruting
- Frumentarii
- what map does Fant. have?
- WTF is wrong???
- Holy Cows/Evil Cows
- Nirvana Wars I
- Starta
- Armageddon wars I
- The Great Duchy of Lithuania
- POFF returning!!!
- KDs on Mantrax
- Shoutout to the KoC
- Wheres the leaders....
- Carnage Embassy 3.0
- G O D L I K E
- Recruiting III
- Mantrax
- Oz
- Carnage Embassy 2.something..
- HighLands Honour
- Dragonknights recruiting
- Dragon Recruiting
- Myrr is recruiting!!
- Back Online
- Enough of this bollox
- Fantasia II
- PSR Myrr Recruiting on Mantrax
- The Black Chain Recruiting
- ~`Assassins Creed~`
- Is it wrong to ......
- The Dacians Reminder
- can it be more obvious?
- Wol Wrecking Cities !
- Dark Recruitment.
- Fury Embassy
- Fighting Carp Recruiting
- ~Predators Recruiting Thread~
- Zetamania wars III
- Holy Legion
- OutLawZ
- Food Market
- Divinity Lost Embassy #3
- MAD recruiting
- The audacity of Quietone
- nazgul picture
- Fantasia Wars II
- Highlands
- New Topic:
- Starta recruitment
- Heavens Vengeance Recruitment
- to all on starta
- war announcement!
- GDI Embassy
- Fun Scenario
- Worst Kingdom Ever
- Death to the restocker
- Legacy's cowardly jump tactics
- Hanky multi???
- Fun
- VU Mafia
- DF and LF
- Legacy diplomat
- Another Pussyfest?
- Golen horde- next era
- Music XI
- War at Zetamania
- Good for you Mr Lonely
- Player seeking organized KD
- Shinobi Empire
- Starta!
- Drug Lords II
- Muti
- Burnt Recruitment
- The Golden Horde-Recruiting
- Dragon Lords recruiting
- Hells wraith?
- DA Recruiting
- Heaven's Vengeance Recruiting
- Avenging Angels
- start starta
- Apollo - Recuitment office
- age of, new clan name
- Weird...
- Valhalla - AoD recruiting
- Legacy
- CE Recruiting
- Persian Empire/Valhalla
- Cargane Has A Multi
- The Black Chain next era
- Help a poor soul.
- Multies?
- Past Names
- multi II
- Havocs plan
- ROC Cowardly Backstabbers
- Wolf come back
- if anyone is interested
- Thunder
- Help needed
- Templar Elites Starting up
- Nice
- Fury Recruiting
- Band Of Brothers
- member count
- The Holy Orser OF Chuck Norris
- I wage war on all virvana.....
- Join my new kd!
- Nirvana II
- W+F...i gotta a wannabe
- The era of Dark Blood
- The ROC Decree
- Congratulations Legacy
- shakes spear
- I Rule Zetamania!
- Assassins Creed Recruiting
- Old Fart Recruitment
- PHI Recruting...(KD in nirvana
- Cease to Exist
- Pheonix says hi
- Angels Embassy (New)
- HighLands Honour have Honour??
- kingdom swtiching
- Fantasia Banter
- Cannabis (Recruiting)
- USSR Coming Back Soon
- Music Recruiting
- excalibur!!!
- Need a good kingdom?
- Persian Empire (PE)
- Against All Authority Recruit
- Mutli's?
- fracture
- :O
- the only way to win
- Elements Embassy
- Dnde est Carnage?
- I Dunno
- New to VU?
- Fantasia III
- A Little Secret
- arcadians next era
- dont trust sprout
- Fantasia Wars III
- Dark Fires II
- Starta Wars I
- need someone 2 make kd in mant
- Valhalla wars II
- LGC sucks, DB sucks thread
- Rising "Against All Authority"
- Cease Recruiting
- LGC sucks
- starta diplomacy
- Heaven Recruits.
- Heaven Embassy
- Revenge bashing thread
- Juginotori
- Death From Above- Embassy
- Stone 4 sale
- Midgard (re-made)
- great walls
- Republic of Lithuania
- Holy Recruitment
- Bloody Steel Recruitment
- Darkness Embassy
- Calling Assassin Creed Members
- 420
- Wars in Fantasia
- Highlands Honour needs YOU
- Carnaje and Legacy Dominating
- The Police
- Gothrim's School for Dwarves
- as the era ends.........
- Note to Carnage
- Lower Worlds
- Revenge's brain
- Legacy Does it Again?
- multi? I
- Holy Cows II
- Join RoS
- Cannabis
- Highlands Honor Recruiting I
- Wolves of Lithuania (WoL)
- Rock Legends Recruiting
- Mantrax Wars I
- TA noobs!
- Walls 4 next era again
- Elements: RECRUITING!
- Help Me Out
- Nirvana III
- Carnage,Pks and Trio Suck
- Kingdom Needed
- dark riders empire II
- Highlands Honor
- Starta WTF ,
- What is the point ....
- Excalibur Embassy
- DR : Mr.Rider
- Activly inactive sucks ass
- Dragon Warriors
- Current Names
- Preds
- Non-kd embassy
- Help us out
- Paladins of the Order
- New Mantrax Wars
- War of cowards [Angels]
- Academy of Misfits III
- Academy of Misfits I
- Academy of Misfits IV
- Academy of Misfits II
- Valhalla Wars III
- hey I
- Excalibur Nap-breakers
- world end dishonorable
- Zetamania Wars (Era 33)
- Mantrax wars II
- He was the first to help me :)
- Dark Fires {Recruitment}
- My stone : Mantrax : Buy it !
- Recruiting! The Dacians
- Talents III
- Zetamania next era I
- kingdom plz
- Solo Guys
- Armageddon IX
- Heaven not recruiting
- Free of charge...
- Need Help
- Zetamania Overcrowding
- Hats Off to DB
- Knights Templar - new KD
- Knights of the Black Rose
- 300
- Fantasia Wars IV
- War
- Sheolic?
- Time for a Crusaide!
- Era of...
- Latha Wars
- Dark Riders II
- ---Death Hill Recruitment ----
- Congratulations Carnage.
- Lather world map is NEW MAP
- Hey Kids!
- Trio Embassy I
- Unproven but Obvious Treachery
- Hats Off to Carnage
- The Ultimate Multi KD
- MAP/NAP Breakers!
- Mr. Tonganboii - Bounty - Zeta
- Everybody seems to have one...
- Sarafan Knights
- Mr. Slaughter/Mr. Goth
- The Chompers
- The Musketeers - Recruiting I
- Death List (REAP)
- *Amaroq* Black Chain in Zeta
- Character Attack Flame Thread
- Era of threehundredpoundlezzie
- Recruiting threads
- Clean up
- Border Patrol Recruiting
- Odyssey wants you... =D and#9829;
- Shadows Recruiting
- Fantasia wars blocked?
- Looking to start a KD?
- Dark Fire(Recruitment Kingdom)
- Kingdom Question
- Revenge vs Condinho
- price of stone on zeta
- Valhalla Wars IV
- Nirvana Wars II
- Abydos Back! Next Era!
- end era HoH scores
- Arma IX
- retribution
- Starta wars III
- Shaken Lords - Recruiting.Zeta
- Public Appology to Mr. Tofh
- Nubsic Bashing
- SinX I
- Longe live the UPRF-VU!
- Armageddon Wars II
- Next Era Zeta I
- Mantrax Prediction
- Talents I
- Help me start a KD
- Masons Is Now Active! ~Recruit
- Faith Recruiting
- ALL Out War On Zeta
- SinX III
- SinX II
- Public Nap Termination
- ~~~Wanna make a KD~~~
- new zeta
- OP NAP BREAKERS on Nirvana!!!!
- Mr. Sarafan
- Fusion Rejects Embassy #3
- Nirvana / BWK Sweepstake
- Devastators recruiting
- The Musketeers - Recruiting II
- Wanted dead or deceased
- Next Era Mantrax
- KOTGC recruiting
- fantasia what?
- Hes Back
- Era of Bill: Mantrax Wars!
- Trio Embassy II
- Paracelzus / Ambro is back!
- Pred member is traitor!!!
- Will Carnage Choke Again?
- Templa Crusaders era 4
- khan disbanding
- Music is Recruiting!
- Pheonix
- Grats too LGC ^_^
- Havoc - Recruiting players!
- cutter - sanoh
- I wage war on .....
- Era Update
- Matrix Recruiting
- Era 34: Zetamania Wars
- do your people love you?
- Zeta:BLS currently recruiting
- Help me start a KD
- Searching for a KD
- Zetemania Wars
- Sarafan Knights Recruiting
- DR
- Multi? III
- Evolution - recruiting
- Crusaders +~ God's Worriers ~+
- Congratz to Grumpy
- His Inferal Majesty (H.I.M)
- Fantasia countdown.
- ~Wolf Pack~ Embassy [NEW*]
- Time to Open Starta
- The Twilight Embassy
- Lgc Disbanding
- ~~~FAITH recruiting for Zeta~~
- Mortal Kombat: Zeta
- shyers embearassy
- gd player up 4 grabs
- .
- Ownerfied Pzornification II
- ZFU - Zetamania Farmers Union
- Carnage Embassy v.3.1.4
- Brotherhood of the Wolf I
- Zetamania wars ( Era 35 )
- Zetamania Next era II
- AoA: zetamania
- Free Ageant
- Pendragon Federation
- Pension Awaits.
- Most Fearsom HOH?
- Destiny meets Gauls = FAITH
- So?
- Fantasia Manhunt
- Nirvana Wars III
- umm didnt he quit?
- Mage needed
- Trio Disbanding
- Starta Wars IV
- Elemental dragons %P
- Looking to Join
- ~Insubordination Embassy~
- *The Devastators Embassy*
- Dead End recruiting.
- WTF???
- Nemesis recruiting
- I quit VU
- Era 32 : Valhalla wars
- I quit VU #2
- Weird KD Info
- Nyx
- Mortal Kombat Recruiting
- Bug or worst update ever.
- ShakeNBake NEWS!
- Soul Society Statement
- ledgendary lifeguards
- SS and Greg Talk
- Boring Map, We Need A New One
- SHEN AN CALHAR reunion
- fuzzy little man peach that !
- Feeding time?
- south ossetian recruitment
- SnowStorm Recruiting!
- Role Call
- Mystical's story/Recruiting
- Zetamania Wars (Era 36)
- Mantrax Wars (Era 36)
- Torn- Recruiting
- Elements Disbands
- Need someone to type in my rul
- got enough players?
- Imperium Of Knights Recruiting I
- Once in a lifetime chance
- A New kingdom on Mantrax
- Forsaken recruiting
- Wanted Players
- Peacekeepers, can ANYONE join?
- Uhm Multi?
- Mantrax Next Era
- Soul Society Embassy
- I am Kalkan and i am reborn
- Zeon Members
- Legion of Legends Embassy
- Southern Cross Recruiting
- Mantrax Wars (Era 34)
- Era of Bill: Mantrax Wars 2
- A message to Dacians
- Faith recruiting in arma
- Sigh.
- Greetings new allies!
- Superheroes vs. Lgc
- next era kingdomsz?
- Most Fearsome rulers
- Ownerfied Pzornification I
- NEBC Embassy!
- Music XII
- Its 21:00
- Kingdom Of Heaven recruiting
- Me Vs PKS 1vs37
- Superheroes!
- Imperium Of Knights embassy
- Warriors League(next era)
- Vengeance Recruiting [Zeta]
- End Game Economics
- ~~ Ephasions Recruitment ~~
- The Dacians - recruiting
- The Holy Order OF Monkeys
- The End of Sheolic Empire
- Zetamania Wars: Near End
- Just Another Noob Kingdom!
- Era Of Raistlin..
- Military Recruiting
- The Preds Tactic
- Shameful Allies - Elements
- WoL - Teach your newbs!
- smoking the peace pipe?
- Countdown till Era starts!
- SafaranKnights!
- Mad Against Drug Recruiting!
- Hell Spawn not recruiting
- No More Meat........
- Fantasia wars (era 35)
- Ze End of Music! :'(
- Retard Insertion Point Embassy
- Fu** em!
- KD Leader
- Mystical Recruting
- Diabolic Babies
- Scores
- KDless people
- Faith Recruiting Long Term
- VUrcenary Guild
- ~Reservoir Dogs Embassy~
- Anarchy
- funny story
- superheroes; no honor?
- Guild Of The Fallen Recruits
- Brotherhood of the Wolf II
- the end of cannabis!
- Soldiers of war recruiting
- Starta Wars (Era 35)
- The Sarafan Knights
- Kingdom of Kuriboh Embassy
- Mantrax Wars (Era 35)
- SS and HellB
- Guild of the Fallen
- Wolf Pack Embassy II
- Gladiator
- pissed in all reality
- Kingdom of outremer
- Heaven on Mantrax
- military
- Is this unfair
- NEW KD - Male Genitals
- Predators- recruiting
- Starting new
- Nice coordination
- where is that sh*tty PHI kd?
- Paldins of the Flame Recruitin
- † Black Chain Recruiting †
- New KD
- ~Monkey Embassy~
- Nirvana warz
- Bushido
- Nirvana Wars (Era 35)
- MAD Reborn
- Yarrgh!
- umm... Starta wars
- Kingdom Of Outremer Recruiting
- No honor on Nirvana
- Kryptonite Embassy
- Felix legions recruiting
- Ally Gone Bad
- Imperium Of Knights Recruiting II
- MAD round 36
- Comenius
- Hot Rods-Next Era
- :@
- BurnT
- The Prosapia
- The return of IoK
- Dark Riders Empire I
- Confirmed Multi Found
- Fantasia Sanctuary (next era )
- Gate keepers recruiting
- The Empire's Death
- Pirates Of the Caribbean Sea
- War Torn Recruiting
- Looking For Kingdom II
- The Dacians - Our Vision
- Valhalla wars era 35
- .....Weird
- looking for kd
- Fusion (Next era)
- Era Awards..
- Starta Wars (Era 36)
- KD vs KD
- Heaven II
- Breakfast Bar
- Atlantis Recruiting
- X-Statistics (Mantrax)(35)
- Carnage?
- The Military On Valhalla
- Multi? II
- The kingdom of Ringwraiths
- lmao
- DB
- Bucket of Worms
- Armageddon (era 35)
- *Adamantine Embassy*
- Cool Idea
- Fantasia Wars (era 36)
- My KD disapeared!!
- Solo
- Mage looking for KD in Mant
- next era Zeta II
- Black Chain recruiting I
- Felix Legions (next era)
- arma food market
- Dealers Of Death (Next era Kd)
- Fusion Rejects
- (WOW) recruiting!!! for mant.
- Warriors of the World (rec)!!!
- Don't CF The Old Firm
- Kingdom DARK recruiting.
- Mystic = Need Members
- Fantasia Sanctuary opened
- New Kingdom
- Superheroes next era
- Fant Count
- Vengeance (next era)
- Aurora
- Reapers [Kingdom Idea]
- The Military On Zeta
- Lews Therin
- Ninja
- Kingdom of Atlantis recruiting
- Runelords-recruiting-next era
- TDS and RoC: Most honorable
- strange...
- Shadow Assassins Recruiting
- IoK heads to fant....Hopefully
- Peacekeepers I
- Who wants a Fizbong?
- next era mant
- IoK recruiting
- fantasia next era
- Soccerslurper
- Heaven I
- Every game has its oddballs
- Paladins (POFF) Recruiting
- Black Chain Recruiting II
- Easterns Union Recruiting
- Any kingdomless mant player?
- Good deal on food in fantasia
- Cease to Exist Recruiting
- Looking for Sir Dead Oralive
- kingdoms of any world
- Wanted Poster
- Return of the Dorian Empire
- The Black Chain
- Zeta- DoD vs HOORAH!
- Aurora is disbanding
- hey :)
- soliders of axemen strenth
- pls help
- Food Market Crash in Zetamania
- The Empire's Birth
- Nirvana IV
- Fantasia of Elsin
- New RPing KD
- Guild Of The Fallen RECRUITMEN
- 50 %
- Imperium Of Knights - Next era
- New KD recruiting
- OLZ- OutLawZ
- Fate/PKS/Aurora/Heaven Sucks
- Kingdom of Vizion (zetamania)
- UN KD hoppers
- The Royal Order of Claidhmore
- need a kd
- Rogue Phoenix II
- Kingdom of the Golden Crown
- Valhalla wars era 36
- Zeta- message from Hell Holly
- Hitmen Recruiting (Valhalla)
- TTTK Recruiting
- Nirvana Wars (Era 36)
- Ownerfied Pzornification III
- Recruitment Page (Valhalla)
- Killstone is Gay Embassy
- Declaration of war
- Impostor
- Prosapia
- Zeta Awards
- dissapointing world merge
- Recruitment
- Mantrax Wars (Era 37)
- Mantrax Next Era 37
- RR recruiting
- Vengeance Recruiting [Mantrax]
- Glory
- DarkRiders Return
- Mystic Recruiting
- Armageddon Wars III
- Aurora Embassy
- mr wraith
- Hells Declaration of War
- Valahalla
- dontkillmereally embassy
- has anyones knows where is
- World Merge
- Sarafan Knights Returning!
- Around the world in ??? Day
- The Strength Of OP
- The Return of the Black Chain
- Kingdoms of Mantrax (Era 37)
- The Kingdom of PHI
- Last Day income!
- LDK Recruiting
- Looking for a KD next era
- Arma Market
- Fanatsia kingdom locations
- Fantasia Stats (era 36)
- A New Kingodm
- BoW- Recruiting
- BUG in talents¿?
- Fantasia awards era of Elsin
- Zetamania Awards Era of Elsin
- Wow, we are recruiting
- The Recruitment Centre
- Blood Reign
- Return of the imperium
- Kingdoms of Fantasia(era 37)
- Mantrax Kingdomless!!!
- Anarchy are NAP breaking MULTI
- Banners
- Blitzkrieg Buccaneers
- End of era armies..
- DRE recruitment
- Kingdoms of Zetamania (Era 37)
- Guild of the Fallen (recruit)
- LAME!!!
- Velocity [Vel] Recruiting
- Valhalla
- Deaths Embrace-Recruiting
- Peacekeepers: Recruiting
- NAP fest
- era starts tonight?
- Armagedon II
- Dark Dishounorable?
- Evan
- Predators Recruiting
- Traitor in Fate...
- The A Team
- Fantasia Plague
- infant spy
- Sir Stalin
- Loking for exp kingdom
- Hardbody
- IPF Recruitment
- Looking for Lady G and Donut
- highlands Honor officialthread
- Luna Wolves: Recruiting
- Gehenna Recruiting
- Bigger KD ownage
- Guild Of The Fallen - Next Era
- Public Apology
- Highlands Honor ---- next era
- Army of anubis
- highlands honor recruiting II
- what the F is this
- Former Military, Report In!
- No more blue flag.
- oh rly?
- Looking for a KD in Fanta
- All world awards era of Kobu
- Bring Back My Money Bitch
- MAD Recruiting for Era 38
- Knight of the Black and White
- Deaths Embrace recruiting
- Considiring a Kingdom
- Dorian Empire Recruiting
- BoW Recruiting
- Congrats Messiah and Nubs
- Re-Founded RoC
- Congrats rhade
- next era
- ~Fantasia Wars Era of Messiah~
- What Happend to Osi?
- I Declare War On...
- Fusion [Recruiting]
- Fantasia Era of DVSMasta
- Mantrax - Era of Agent Smith
- Armageddon Wars [Era 39]
- Freedom fighters 2?
- Mantrax Wars Era of Messiah
- Starta wars era of messiah
- Enlistment for KOC
- Forced NAP????
- When does next world open
- Nirvana - Era of Messiah
- Fantasia - Era of Agent Smith
- Zetamania Wars- Era of Messiah
- :):):):)
- Calling out Heaven Kingdom
- new crusader kingdom II
- Nivara Wars
- WindScar Recruiting
- Starta Wars - Era of Lewatha
- The Legion Recruitment Center
- Looking for a kingdom
- Knights of the Black and White
- Lightning Dust Recruit on Arma
- Romanum Imperium: recruiting
- Agent Smith Kicked?
- Raven Fire Recruiting[Mantrax]
- Dorian Empire Dishonorable???
- Valhalla?
- Tabula Rasa
- Diadochi
- Dendarii Embassy
- Bitzkrieg
- Royal Order Of Lynus RECRUITIN II
- How far ahead of lew was Smith
- Narrse / Rumour
- Happy Easter - kd of Choco'
- Warrior's League Recruiting!
- Capture the flag
- Warrior's League
- \\-Fear-// new kd all join
- Armageddon Wars - Era 38
- The Devastators Recruitment
- JUICY - New KD
- Neon Lights
- Kingdom Of Cyprus II
- Cross worlds is crap.
- Dont recruit this guy EVER
- new crusader kingdom I
- black chains kingdom banner
- SLLK recruiting
- The Kingdom of Abydos
- i Need a KD!!
- Pwny Express Recruitment
- Elements will be back NEXT era
- ~Sarafan Knights Recruiting!~
- What is going on
- warriours league ir recurting
- Starta Wars (Era 39)
- ¨UAngels Once More¨URECRUITING II
- ¨UAngels Once More¨URECRUITING I
- Recruiting in Zetamania
- Guess who is back :)
- Dynasty... Struddles kingdom?
- Elite Army
- Devastators
- Searching For And Old Friend
- Another offical statement
- Epsilon
- need kingdom
- KGD relations
- Starta - Era of Lewatha
- A New Beginning (era 39)
- Mantrax Wars (Era 39)
- Starta Discus Era of Dvsmasta
- Zetamania - Era of Lewatha
- Talents II
- Torment Kingdom
- Talents -era 38
- The Death Knights Recruiting!
- Kingdom Of Cyprus I
- axe for hire
- Royal Order Of Lynus RECRUITIN I
- Goodbye
- Starting up a kingdom
- anybody seen them?
- Goodluck era 4
- Fallen Empire Recruiting
- Nooo Treeee????
- Return of the Return of IoK
- ~IoK Recruitment ~
- Protection act
- Templar Crusaders (TC)
- Dynasty's New Direction
- The Architect's Embassy
- Retribution disbanding.
- I hate elves!!
- End of Era Production
- RET and FATE bullies :(
- In The Next Era
- KillerKing unhonorable
- all world awards - messiah
- Leaving VI
- Talents - Crack addicts...
- the devestators ~WERE RECRUIT~
- Fruits and Vegetables
- Valhalla Wars Era Of DvsMasta
- Join Me?
- Nirvana Wars Era of Dvsmasta
- Glory most Dishounorable KD
- Fantasia landin Error... again
- Agent Smith
- Kd of Delusions
- Zeta delete Agent Smith
- Fantasia - Era of Lewatha!
- Congratulations Smith
- Luna Wolves: Recruiting again
- Funny score system
- And the Mr. Irrelevent Award..
- Era of smith LOL
- Angels WANTs YOU
- Create A KD
- Chocolate Embassy
- Nirvana (Era 39)
- FEL Recruiting
- wow this is just sad dude
- Horde Watch
- Slade Is Worse than ever
- Phi Return..
- Dead and waiting
- Super Nubs recruiting
- Lightning Dust Recruiting!
- Beware of Heaven!
- GOTF recruits era 40
- Dear World
- Princess lula
- Valhalla wars, (Era10)
- The Native People
- The Native People ~Valhalla 39
- Imperium of Knights
- TDS Recruiting Still
- Jester?
- Armageddon Era 40
- Randoms Political Statement
- Insane Asylum aka Crazy
- All ex-abydos
- Makaveli Recruiting
- Cloutier is evil
- ROC next era?
- Hello guys ehh its a while
- Finally ...
- Crazy = Traitorous Scumbags
- Muliti
- I spy with my little eye
- TEW or TSW this or next era
- Abydos renovated
- Mantrax Era of DVS
- Blood Lust Recruiting
- Talents - Era 39
- The Dark Empire
- New blocker policy
- Makaveli
- Stop nub bashing...
- TDE Traitorous Scumbags
- Dynasty Recruiting
- Who really should have won
- Peacekeepers
- Lightning Dust
- The Legion
- Mystic is Back
- IoK Recruitment
- neon kingdom
- Juicy Stuff
- world awards era of smith
- Armageddon Massacre Era 39
- Next Era Recruiting
- Zetamania Wars Dvsmasta
- The Dark Empire Recruitment
- The Native People Recruiting
- Destiny embassy
- Recruitment for IoK
- Important Read
- Congrates Dvsmasta
- kd power at end
- Looking for fant kd to join
- I dont get it
- Fruits and Veggies recruiting
- NEW ERA and my apoligies
- New Worlds Open
- World Wars Era 40
- Valhalla Era of Magneto 41
- Excalibur
- Shadows KD recruiting
- Hunters Recruiting on Talents
- Hunters RecruitingTalents
- Talenta Era 40
- calling the phoenix
- Urizen Knights
- New kingdom forming on midgard
- The RoC Elders
- Federation Of Europe Midgard
- The Electric Wolf
- flaming aces recruiting
- Roman Empire Recruiting
- which kingdom
- Angels Embassy Era Of Magneto
- Latha era 40
- BBMMB next era
- Pride all the way
- Midgard Era 40 lol
- Return of Kathandarion
- Join The Jelly Bean Empire
- Era 40 Winner
- Another Insignificant Kingdom
- Valhalla Disscusions
- Looking for a good kd
- Nirvana just a bunch of pussys
- Vahalla Era 42
- HIV New Kingdom
- Powerhouse embassy
- Congrats Magneto and Juicy
- Recruiting Viceroys
- Buzz All
- Eternal Warriors
- EAT THIS Paracelzus
- Nirvana era of Magneto
- Sol Invictus Recruitment
- Sol Invictus Embassy
- Neon Starts Next Era
- Dear Mr Mercenary
- starta era of magneto
- Fensteria era 40
- Mantrax Era of Magneto
- kingdom forming on valhalla
- Zetamania Era Of Magneto
- Passive Aggressive next era
- Gladiators maybe
- fordius is dog poo
- New Vote Buttons
- world awards era of dvs
- Why would anyone do that
- Roman EmpireEra 41
- Fantasia Era of Magneto
- Time for a namechange Fatte
- if you want your stone bought
- Guild Of The Fallen E41
- Midgard Honor Awards
- World Wars Era Of Magneto
- Nightwish Recruiting
- Talents Era of Magneto
- Vu players
- Jelly Bean Empire Next Era
- Nirvana Era 42
- Time for a namechange Fatoom 2
- Looking for kingdom
- Desi Indians Recruiting
- Old VU
- BBMMB embassy
- Jelly Bean Empire Midgard
- Kingdom of Mujahideen
- Era 43
- Midgard Era of MAGNETO
- Black Flag recruting
- VU needs you
- Amazedimperium of knights
- Cheap stone on the market
- Protection on mogrox
- Dragoon Ebmassy
- Latha Era of Magneto
- A tribute to Sun Warrior
- Dragoon Debuts
- Return of the Holy
- looking for a kdyassen
- PoS recruitment
- SUN WARRIORS Recruitment
- Randoms Sexual Deviants Embass
- Era of Fensteria
- The Honour of GoTF
- MAD Traitors
- Zetamania era 42
- BBMMB yeah for sure
- Fantasia Era 42
- World Wars Era 42
- Pretty annoyed
- GoTF is Recruiting
- The Outlaws Recruiting
- biohazard recruting
- Nebulous Kingdom for Next Era
- Bruce Wayne last era
- For Endless
- Domination Recruiting
- Spy vs Spy Boom vs Mad
- Winning Farmer
- Looking for Stable Fant Guild
- No Pulse Embassyyyyyyyyyyy
- Mantrax Era 42
- Era of Magneto awards
- War declaration
- VU community poll
- Razgriz Embassy
- Congrats
- Congrats Chipotle Snack Wrap
- Palpadouche
- should this game be called HU
- HIV Embassy
- AoA Recruiting For Next Era
- Mantrax Era 43
- Zetamania stuff
- White Fang Recruiting
- Recruiting Thread for BBMMFB
- starta eras 42
- Domination next era
- Zetamania Era 45
- Talents Era 43
- The Angelical List I
- Special terms of a PHI NAP
- Black Flag hamish
- Talents era 42
- Zetamania Era 43
- HIV Virus
- GoTF Embassy
- Revelation
- Whoretasia era 43
- Kingdom Search
- Era of Mzzery awards new
- Midgard Era 42
- FATE Disappointment
- Whats wrong i did
- Congratz phi for era win
- Borders
- KBW recruiting
- biohazard banner
- Death List era 43
- Armageddon era 42
- Kingdom of Hearts Recruitment
- Five Stars embassy
- Latha Era 42
- KD Finder
- LDK kingdom
- World Wars Era 43
- Lord Resistance Backstabber
- Brotherhood of the Wolf
- Acceptance proposal
- The Twisted is now recruiting
- Dynamite disbanding
- Return of the old
- Congrats Chavez
- LD Era 43
- Mogrox Era 42
- Mogrox market
- Nice Warring in Valhalla
- Valhalla Era 43 Ftw
- Id like to sue
- Waaaaar Declaration
- Mantrax Era of Mzzery
- Lightning Hearts
- Top 3 Kingdoms
- DB n Trio
- I broke a CF
- okay i need some help
- Homeless Recruiting
- Death List
- Nirvana Era Of Mzzery
- Boom declares on crazy
- halloween
- BoC Era 43
- Nirvana Era 43
- Jelly Bean Empire Era 43
- Broken agreements
- Map Breaking
- Congratulations to the Victors
- Dynamite Declares on Rebirth
- Phis looking for fresh blood
- Rebirth NAP break
- Dont talk about fight club
- GoTF in era 42
- VU suddenly a war game
- Finally
- Cloutier Looking for Kingdom
- Armegeddon 43
- Starta Era 43
- Berserk Recruiting
- looking for a kd
- Wheres Lew Era 42 Awards
- World Awards Era 42
- Need Nomination for Ruler
- Warforged Recruiting Era 44
- Flame Lords Legion
- Revelation warrior reborn
- OwnerfiedPzornification Signup
- GoTF recruiting
- Dragon Riders Era 47
- MIke Smith
- Kingom powers list
- Conversation with Arch Shade
- biohazard recruitment
- Lovelyif ya got spare time
- LH Nap Breaker Scum
- Domination declares on Bow
- Fantasia Era 43
- Hiv declares war on RVL
- White Fang Next Era
- Zetamania Era of Mzzery
- Wars Era 43
- The army of green empty flags
- BoW Would Like Too Say Thanx
- um what happened to crazy
- TJB Declare war on TRR 12v2
- Storm Knights Recruiting
- Gladiators recruiting
- The Ravage Regime Embassy
- Where are Army of Anubis
- Mantrax Era 44
- Winged Dusk Embassy
- Midgard Era 43
- Free Agent List
- Kingdom of Heaven Era 47
- Randum Teh Pokemon Embassy
- Why Helping Kds is NOT worth
- End of Rebirth
- SemiActive Looking For A Home
- Planet Hollywood is here
- Declaration
- Lakers Recruiting
- Hey
- Slave market
- Mad and Dangerous Recruiting
- 6 Reasons Ravenge PEE ME OFF
- Truth about Arma 43
- Jelly Bean Empire Recruiting
- Plague Time
- Skulls Vrs Humans for Era 47
- Regarding Naps agreements CF
- Kingdoms Scores
- Starta Wars Era 44
- Recruitment Dark Light
- Holy Reborn
- 9835 The Return of Music 9835
- Apology to thy Allies
- AoA Army of Anubis
- Aequitas formed
- Mr The Avenger
- Fensteria
- Relentless Recruiting Actives
- Berserk TRIPLE TEAMS us
- Starta Era 46
- Kaths at it again
- Fallen Angel Embassy
- The Federation Embassy
- Galatic Republic Centre
- World Wars Era Of Mzz Mzzery
- MAD Recruitment and Embassy
- Carnage It Is Back Kinda
- New Kd Seventh Sanctum
- SNM Embassy
- Era of Chavez awards
- Domi Recruitingz
- Lightning Hearts Recruiting
- Congratz Fate
- Congrats Mzzery
- Valhalla Era 44
- Hunger strike force recruiting
- Starta Wars Era of Mzzery
- Planet Hollywood The Movie
- Congratz pathettic Losers
- Fantasia era of Mzzery
- Kingdom Scores Era 45
- Armageddon Era Of Mzzery
- Paladins of the Order Era 45
- Federation Era XLVI
- Mantrax Era 45
- LORD Recruiting
- Congrat to Bluelight and HIV
- Domination Embassy
- Congratz Bogdan and fEAR
- Congrats Nova and Fate
- Era of MzzeryEra of Betrayal
- RoC era of Cowards
- Nirvana Era 45
- Talents era 44
- New Kingdomm
- Bart and Psychedelic
- Gladiators Recruiting Era 47
- Fantasia Era 45
- Federation Era XLV
- Wonders
- Love of Battle
- Fate having a NAP party
- Latha Era 45
- Era of Bluelight
- NEBC Embassy
- Your Characters
- Royal Prestige Recruiting
- Start KD
- AoA Embassy
- Midgard Era 44
- Apologising to gotf
- Plague on Fant
- Who is best politician
- Solstice and Music
- Predators arise
- Imperial Kiryu Recruiting
- midgard era 45
- Valhalla era 45
- Psycho Circuis
- Starta Plague
- Federation Recruitment
- Gladiators recruiting again
- Hellbunnies Recruitment Center
- Call To Arms thread
- Latha Era 44
- Relentless
- Anti Federation Recruiting
- Guild of the Fallen Recruiting
- Welcome back
- Talents era 45
- Evil Kings is recriuting
- Starta era of Bluelight
- Talent Era 45
- Evil Kings
- Possibly Seeking New Kingdom
- Smite The Federation
- Arch Shade is Back
- Nirvana Plauge
- Looking for new kingdom
- Mantrax Era 47
- Join the Herd
- Zetamania Era 46
- Calling Friends
- NEBC Recruiting
- Mutual Respect
- Fantasia Era 46
- Kingdom of heaven recruitment
- Gladiator Betrayers
- War Kingdom Era 45
- HIV Disband
- Ravage Regime Recruitment
- Music not disdanding
- Armageddon 45
- Happy Against Drugs Recruiting
- Kingdom Recrutment Embassy
- Guys I have a problem
- Mantrax Era 46
- Kingdom Of Jarri
- traitor idiot
- Fensteria Era 45
- Fallen Legion Recruiting
- Imperium Corps is recruiting
- Nirvana Era 46
- Brotherhood of the Wolf Recr
- Nirvana
- Seventh Sanctum Era 47
- Mogrox Era 45
- FATE worst alliance
- Fate and Fear
- Essential to Humanity Embassy
- The League
- I declare war
- Flame lord legion RC
- Gladiators next era
- Grudgebringers Embassy
- When are the awards
- Kngdom Scores
- Havok Centre
- Dont Fear The Paddle Embassy
- Starta Kingdom
- Information about OUR KD
- Wats happening
- Looney Toons Unhonorable
- Kingdom of Myth
- Retard from DMC breaks CF
- Era of Bogdan Awards
- Its quite obvious
- Old Dom members
- Traitor
- Last Shadow Kingdom
- Black Heart Legion
- Valhalla era 46
- VAlhalla AGE 3
- Holy wants you
- GladiatorsHeimdall
- DOA Dead on Arrival
- Join The Police
- Armageddon 46
- New Chemical Brothers
- Fantasia Era 47
- Cant join kingdom
- End Era Scores Screwed Up
- Genocide
- Era Start
- Era end
- Daffodil Embassy
- POFF Is Recruiting
- Dragon spell
- Genocide Recruiting
- More Backstabbing By MrFuzz
- Zone Agreements
- Legion of the Risen Dragon
- End Arma PLEASE
- Pure Blood Recruitment
- Bootem feeding
- Mantrax Age 4
- Hey Revenge here
- New Faer banner
- Gambling Town
- How did era 41 go
- which shit cunbt deleted my lg
- Locked Worlds
- VU News
- Era of Nova Awards
- Fallen Kingdom Of Mantrax
- Guild Of The Fallen is BACK
- Kev and Max and pointbreak
- Nirvana Era 48
- Moving to fantasia
- LORD Decree
- Halfers
- Glorious Rebellion
- Mantrax Resources Fluctuation
- Alienation Enlisting Members
- Mercenaries Embassy
- KDs on fant next era
- Reality Glad Army
- Traitors in Era 47
- Gratz Fear
- Knights Of Claidmore
- Mantrax Era 48
- KOH is recriuting holy player
- Zetamania Era 47
- GoodCat Returns
- Bots on Stone Market
- Starta Era 48
- Pc out from Stewie
- Starta Era 47
- very new player lfk
- Ur all dead
- Rogue Phoenix
- Lulzzz Era 48
- Gladiators Recruiting Era 48
- Nirvana era 47
- Waypoints hint
- Highest income
- Zetamania Era 48
- 2nd Era MYTH recruiting
- Psycho Circus Recruiting
- Fantasia Era 48
- Fantasia Age 3
- Midgard Royal Guard
- i need your help
- Abydos again
- Valhala era 48
- Where are all the slaves
- Hes coming back
- Legion of Roma Next era
- Arma era 48
- Carnage
- Free Agent Mr A
- The Enrollment Centre
- Riders of Rohan Era 49
- Fight of The Century
- barbarian alliance recriuting
- Glads not playing the next era
- Rage Recruiting For Next Era
- Bloody Hound Dogs Recruiting
- Very Important Thread
- new kd next era
- METAL era 49
- Era of Sky awards
- Mantrax Era 49 Karac
- Mantrax era unknown
- Farm The Worlds
- Feeding Plz
- BBMMB Embassy II
- Well earned victory
- utterly confused
- Congratz Karac
- Looking for fant kingdom
- Fantasia era 49 Karac
- Talents Era 49 Karac
- Wanted urgently
- Legion of Roma Dishonourable
- Fecking Feckers Traitors
- Kingdom Of Ferakin Recruiting
- Nirvana Age 4 Me thinks
- Fun Fun
- Congratz Anonymous
- Midgard Era 48 or 49
- Red Embassy
- Zetamania 6
- Fant era 55
- Armageddon Era 24
- Armageddon Fantasia
- Should mantrax cange map
- Valhalla Age 2
- Midgard training Kingdom
- Midgard age 6
- Zetamania
- Midgard Age 7
- Gratus glasses
- Mantrax Awards
- Release our Prisoner
- Zetamania Class of 17
- Guidawrita Era 1
- Valhalla 9
- Valhalla Age 8
- Fantasia Age 5
- Zetamania 3
- Stomp Stoppers Embassy
- New Kingdom Request
- Midgard 5th era 2nd age
- Zetamania Age 2
- ipwn recruiting
- Starta Era 49
- Dishonorable Kingdom Hearts
- War on Arma
- Starta Age 3
- A Story I Just Wrote
- Starta 26
- Sleepless
- The Empire
- experienced members needed
- Military on Arma D
- Very Confused Vet
- Hell Angels Recruiting
- Fant awards era of Karac
- Arma Age 2
- Fantasia Age 9
- Valhalla Age 4
- Zetamania Age 12
- Mantrax Age 10
- Midgard Age 4
- Nirvana Age 2
- Talents Age
- Gen Abusinator strikes again
- The Unbreakables
- Valhalla Age 6
- Fantasia age 4
- MYTH Making Your Talent Heard
- Abydos Recruiting
- a game of high adventure
- Should Fantasia change map
- Fantasia age 6
- Latha 12 Perhaps
- Talents Age 3 or something
- Bye Canucks
- Starta Age 5
- Valhalla 14
- Talents Era 2or is it 3
- nirvana 3
- Era of Barny awards
- Medieval Warriors Embassy
- Zetamania 4
- black hollar of red cross
- black legion
- Starta Era 10
- Midgard 11
- Nirvana Age 7
- Valhalla Age 5
- Meme Embassy
- Looking for Active Kingdom
- Starta Age 4
- Starta age 7
- Midgard Age 5
- Wise and Honorable Abydos
- The Human Alliance
- Mantrax Age 11
- Joining a KD
- Mantrax Age 5
- Talents Era 28
- Zetamania 5
- Mantrax EraAge idc
- Mantrax Age 8
- Nirvana age 6
- Fantasia Era 12
- Fantasia Age 8
- Need a favour on arma
- where is he
- Empire Of Napoleon Embassy
- Talent 32
- Freedom fighters scummy tactic
- Mantrax Age 6
- Grats Wilber
- Fantasia Age 7
- The Daffodils regret
- talents 4
- Zetamania 7
- Fellowship Embassy
- Quick Question
- Zetamania Age 8
- World of Latha
- Mantrax Age 7
- World of Armageddon
- Nirvana 5
- The FEDs are here
- Give me one good reason
- Starta Age 6
- Valhalla 24
- Starta Age 9
- Let all know the traitor
- Armageddon Age Whatevah
- Skulls Vs Humans
- lol at nubs nowerdays
- Odyssey is back by MIA P
- Zetamanie 13
- The Mercenaries
- The Falcons
- Zetamania 15
- Nirvana 12
- Mogrox Era Dunno
- Justin from TDS
- Starta 8
- Midgard Era 17
- Fensteria AGE 1
- Zetamania 9
- Midgard 10
- Midgard Age 8
- Armageddon Age 6
- Zetamania Era 11
- Arma Spell
- Optimus Consilium Legatio
- Starta Age 12
- Latha world
- Nirvana Age 13
- Latha 11
- Mantrax age 17
- Mant Age 9
- Le IRC
- Good vs Evil round 6
- Your First Era
- High scores percents
- Valhalla 29
- Mantrax Age 9
- Nirvana Age 8
- Fantasia Age 11
- Fensteria Age 2
- Fant 24
- Zetamania 14
- New knighst in town
- Mogrox age
- Fantasian Chronicles
- Nirvana Era Who Gives A
- Nirvana 10
- Midgard 9
- Zetamania Era 10
- Pachyglossal Proreption Emba
- Mantrax Age 12
- Market usage
- Nirvana age 9
- Talentsthis era lol
- Valhalla Age 11
- VU better or worse
- The Fun Times
- Valhalla Age 12
- 20th Century Fox presents
- Talents 22
- Calling all predators
- starta age 13
- Starta Era 11
- Only You Confessionbooth
- Valhalla 30
- Zetamania Age 26
- Beo Vermin Back
- Armageddon Age 7
- Fantasia Era 80
- Valhalla era 10
- GvE 11
- maybe its just me
- Zetamania 16
- Fent 5
- Armageddon 9
- Talents Must End
- Starta 19
- Fantasia Age 10
- Armageddon 8
- Binh wins
- Fantasia 41
- Nirvana 14
- Fensteria 4
- Fant 25
- Brand New kingdom
- Mantrax Age 15
- someone make a kd with me but
- Starta 25
- Valhalla 25
- Zetamania 19
- Mantrax Age 14
- Mantrax 33
- Talents era fukknows
- Donut is a liar
- Starta Era 17
- End of Era awards
- Congrats Dark Side Legacy
- Forgotten Warriors Roster
- Mantrax age 13
- Fantasia Age 14
- Latha its time to wake up
- Mantrax 29
- Wake Up Call to Players of VU
- 50 protection help please
- PKS Deja Vu
- Midgard Age 18
- Midgard 26
- Armageddon 10
- Valhalla Era 13
- Nirvana 17
- Valhalla 53
- Starta 29
- Midgard Traitors
- Talents 23
- InterKd Chat on Fantasia
- Starta Age 15
- Candlewax and Valor at WAR
- Armageddon 11
- Starta 18
- oioioio
- Starta 16
- Mantrax Age 16
- Latha 18
- Nirvana 15
- Armageddon Are 13
- Starta Age 16
- valhalla 23
- Armageddon 25
- Latha Era 13
- Mantrax 30
- Valhalla 15
- Mantrax Era of Sauceness
- The No Named Kingdom
- What happened to Nirvana
- Mantrax 20
- Valhalla 16
- Armageddon era who cares
- Fantasia 19
- Midgard Age 16
- use of the spiritual military units
- Zetamania Age 19
- Starta 22
- Nirvana 23
- KOTR Latha
- Zetamania Age 21
- FanTaSia Era of Awesomeness
- Fantasia Era of Awesomeness 2
- Valhalla 18
- Fantasia FFA Era of Epicness
- valhalla 22 maybe
- Armageddon 14
- Nirvana Age 15
- Mantrax 19
- The End of Small Fries
- Where is PKS
- Zetamania Strat summary maps
- Zetamania Age 20
- Nirvana 16
- Mantrax 24
- Valhalla 20
- Armageddon 16
- Fantasia 42
- Fantasia Third Era Of Beothuk
- Zetamania Age 22
- Valhalla 17
- Mantrax 51
- Zetamania Age 23
- Starta 20
- Nirvana 18
- Valhalla 19
- Midgard 27
- Ruffcrew look here
- Fant 23
- Latha Era 15
- Lowest win ever
- Name Abuse
- Zanshi Recruiting
- Talents WTF
- Are there any Legendarys left
- Starta 21
- Zetamania 24
- Mantrax 23
- Youre all doooomed on Nirvana
- Armageddon XX
- Valhalla 21
- Nirvana 22
- Mantrax 21
- Please come to Armageddon
- Fantasia 22 The Big Bash
- Valhalla 28
- Holy Armageddon
- Zetamania Age 25
- Fantasia Next Era Taking Bets
- Carnage is back
- Mantrax 22
- Starta NextEra Announcement
- Knights Of the Round Table
- Good vs Evil
- Midgarg 24
- Mantrax 44
- This is pssing me off
- Newest Starta era
- Nirvana Age 20
- Fantasia 20
- Fant Desert of lost Souls
- Armagedon age 23
- Starta 23
- Starta Era 28
- Starta 24
- Heyyaaa
- talents 29
- Nirvana 24
- Congratulations Wilber
- Fantasia End of Era Awards
- fantasia 21
- Era of Horus XXIX Awards
- Starta 27
- Starta Era 33 Discussions
- A Shadow Rises
- Challenge Starta
- Zetamania 32
- Zetamania 27
- Mant 90
- nirvana 25
- Midgard 25
- Zetamania 29
- Latha Age 22
- Starta Free For All Tournament
- Mantrax 69
- Zetamania 28
- Wizengamot of Midgard
- Grand Return
- Mantrax 26
- Fant 75
- Nirvana 36
- Mantrax 25
- Pretty Reckless
- valhalla 26
- Talents
- Armageddon 26
- Starta 30
- Valhalla 27
- Mantrax Era 35 Discussion
- Candlewax Embassy
- Zetamania Challenge
- Trolls on Zetamania
- Starta Era 35
- zetamania 41
- Fant 28
- Nirvana 27
- Mantrax 28
- Fantasia 34
- Nirvana 26
- Zeon players
- FFA Starta
- Mantrax 41
- Zetamania 30
- Talents 30
- Fant 26
- Good vs Evil round 3
- Midgard and Latha closing
- Zetamania 31
- Starta 31 Solo Free For All
- Fant 91
- Fant 27
- GvE 8
- end fo era awards
- VU on Skype
- Armageddon 28
- Mantrax 37
- Armageddon 29
- Armagedon 27
- Pretty reckless Dishonorable
- The Legion Recruitment Centre
- Is VU dying
- Nirvana 30
- Nirvana 28
- Starta 34
- Fantasia Era 31
- Multi Sweep
- Nirvana 29
- Talent 33
- Mantrax 42
- Talents kingdom
- Valhalla 33
- zetamania 36
- tree in zeta
- mantrax 39
- Val 73
- Very new kingdom
- Cannabis Reborn Recruitment
- New Fant KD
- Valhalla Recruitment Centre
- Fantasia 29
- Mantrax 88 age of war
- Talents 0115
- Fantasia 50
- Nirvana Era 33
- Fantasia Age 30
- Fantasia 70
- Magic and Spells
- Zetamania 50
- Mantrax 50
- Nirvana 33
- Zetamania 37
- The Jester Empire Strikes Back
- Nirvana 34
- Fantasia Era 32
- GvE round 2
- Zeta 43
- Nirvana Era 32
- Newest Mantrax era
- Good vs Evil End 7
- Valhalla 47
- Nirvana 35
- Manifest Jestiny
- Good vs Evil round 4
- River Jumping is still a thing
- zetamania 38
- Good Vs Evil Rnd 5 sign up
- Mantrax 36
- Good vs Evil round 7
- Mantrax Era 38
- Fantasia 35
- Zeta 42
- Fant 36
- Fantasia 37
- Fantasia 39
- GvE 10
- Remove GvE world
- Mant 40
- Fantasia era 53
- Congrats to Hanky and Abydos
- Valhalla 38
- Fantasia 51
- Not GVE era 1
- Fantasia 38
- Duke Sesughter The Joke P2
- Mantrax Desert Map Era 45
- Valhalla 44 Era of Mr Lazy
- The Titans
- Valhalla 39
- Duke Sesughter is a joke
- Good vs Evil 13
- GvE
- Wheres my homies at
- Mantrax 43
- Valhalla 48
- Valhalla 41
- Fantasia 40
- Valhalla 40
- Hammer and Shield
- The mighty few
- Valhalla 42
- Valhalla 43
- Zetamania Age 47
- GvE 17
- The Great Reunion
- Mantrax 46
- GvE 19
- Help the poor
- Looking For
- Fantasaia 43
- Mantrax 47
- Next Zetamania Era Suggestion
- Zetamania Age 48
- Mantrax 48
- Mantrax Era 54
- Mantrax 49
- Fant 44
- Zetamania 49
- GvE 18
- Fant 96
- Fantasia 45
- fant 49
- GvE 20
- Valhalla 45 Er of Mr Hanky
- Fantasia 46
- Valhalla 46
- Mantrax 56
- Fantasia 47
- Valhalla 52
- The Dark Riders Empire
- Mantrax 57
- Zetamania 55 and 56
- Valhalla 54
- Zeta 89
- Fantasia 48
- So the biggest tributes in VU
- Zeta Seventy One 3 Men KD
- GvE Zetamania
- Valhalla 71
- Mant 53 i think
- Mantrax Era 73
- Valhalla 49
- Fantasia Era 56
- Valhalla 50
- Fantasia era 49 awards
- Zetamania 57
- Valhalla 51
- Fantasia era 54
- Fantasia Era 68
- Fant 52
- Reviving Zetamania
- Mantrax 61
- Mantrax 55
- Activity how many players on
- Mantrax 59
- Zetamania 58
- wots the skype channel called
- death dealerz kikd me
- Zetamania 59
- Betrayal
- zetamania 60
- Valhalla 56 vote map
- Mantrax 60
- Mantrax Era 58
- Valhalla 55
- Valhalla 57
- Fantasia 59
- Valhalla 56
- Fant 57 Beware of Troll Tribe
- Fant 58
- Zetamania 62
- Fantasia Era 61
- Valhalla 60
- Zetamania 66
- Valhalla 59
- Valhalla FiftyEight
- Fantasia Era 60
- Fantasia 65 Dead Fecks
- Mantrax 62
- Mantrax 67
- Mantrax LXIII
- Zetamania 75 cap at 3 pls
- Zetamania 68
- Val Sixty 1
- Fantasia 62
- Fantasia 63
- Mantrax 64
- Fantasia 64 Hillbillies Return
- ZetaSeventy
- Valhall LXII
- Recalling The Sensitive Fellas
- Guidawrita Era 1 New World
- Fantasia 72
- Mantrax 65
- Team Coordination
- Valhalla 63
- Valhalla 64
- Mantrax 70
- Fantasia Era of Multiaccnt 85
- Mantrax Sixty six
- Zeta Seventy two Silenced Era
- GvE Qua 23
- Mant 86
- Zeta Seventy Three
- Valhalla 66
- Fantasia Era 67
- Val 67
- Zetamania 74
- Valhalla 65
- Fant 69
- Fantasia 66
- To Those Playing Zeta This Era
- Official GvE Signups
- GvE Era of Weird Map
- Mantrax 68
- GvE Era 24
- fantasia era 67 awards
- GvE Era of Goodness signups
- Zetamania 77
- Zetamania 76
- Valhalla era 70 awards
- Valhalla era 68
- Valhalla 70
- Zetamania 78
- Fantasia Era of Dragonlord 84
- Mant 91
- Valhalla 69
- Fant 76
- Fantasia era 70 awards
- The Mantrax Minute
- Team Draft
- A Shameful Display Zeta 79
- Fant 71
- Imperium Apologizes
- Fantasia 82
- Fantasia Era 77
- Valhalla 75
- Fantasia 73
- Zetamania 81
- Fantasia era 72 awards
- Tis Pirate owe ye an Apology
- Proof Aloy Uses MP Script
- Valhalla 72
- Mant 80
- Mantrax 74
- Valhalla 97
- Zeta 83
- Zetamania 84
- A Shameful Display Zeta 83
- vallhala 76
- Fantasia Era 83
- Dear FW
- Zetamania 85
- Aloy Uses Script
- Valhalla 78
- Fantasia 97
- Mant 81
- Fant 79
- Dragon Politics
- Mant 78
- Mant 79 Winter Is Coming
- Valhalla 80 Support Ukraine
- MultiPlant in Imperium
- Fantasia 81
- Fantasia Era of Hanky Panky 82
- Valhalla Era 93
- Fantasia 94
- Biohazard
- The Fly Squad
- Valhalla 79
- Valhalla 81
- Valhalla 85 Rise of the Birds
- Lucky players on Fantasia
- Mant 82
- Future vu kingdom
- Fant Era 85
- Valhalla 82
- Fant Era 86
- New Kingdom Illuminati
- Valhalla 83 Cluster Truck Map
- Fantasia Era 87
- Valhalla 84
- Most Favorite Kingdoms
- iQuit LOL
- Dendari merc recruiting
- vallhala 87
- 911 Final Solution
- Fantasia Era 88
- Mantrax 87
- Fantasia Era 89
- T20 World Cup 2022
- GvE Classic 27
- Zetamania era who cares
- Valhalla 89
- Valhalla era 92
- Fant 95
- Fant 90
- Valhala Era 86
- Fantasia Era 92
- Mantrax 97
- Mant 89
- GvE time
- Vallhala 88
- Mant 92
- Fantasia 93
- Next gve
- GvE 2v2
- Valhalla 90 wut
- Valhalla 91
- Valhalla Era 94
- Mantrax 93
- Valhalla Era 95
- Valhalla Era 96
- Fantasia 98
- Mant 96
- Fant Era 102
- Mant 98
- valhalla era
- Guides and Articles
- Race Comparison Sheet.
- Whats Visual Utopia?
- Disabling popup stopper
- Request a Guide/Article
- Kingdoms Groups and Alliances
- Firefox Is Da Shizzle
- Guide II
- Player Tips for Everyone
- (Vile) Diplomacy
- New VU Wiki Page
- Can't Transfer Troops Fix (IE)
- guide III
- Embedding YouTube vids
- Game Rules (from signup)
- Productivity
- Cavemasters for each city size
- Leaving Present.... (Guide)
- Naps Maps and Other Relations
- Productivity and Productivity
- Drunkoldman's guide!
- Nobility and Rank
- Production and Resources
- Science
- The Races
- Attacking
- The Time
- Guide of Kingdom: Holy
- Mechanics of Leadership
- Chronicles of Osiris
- Guide about Honour
- Starting a Kingdom
- Posting youtube
- Guide Posting Images in Forums
- Special Units
- Avira Antivir Solution
- How to make a good Suggestion
- Newbie Guide
- F A Qs
- Cookies
- The 50 percent rule
- Stable and Effective Goverment
- If you are Temp Banned
- Massive Multiplayer Online Game
- Changing kingdom banner
- Image Pack
- The Native People Our Pets
- Guide Page
- How to restart before OOP
- Warehouse
- Making a new map
- Tutorial Videos
- Eye in the Sky A Calculator
- Treasure
- The Nazgul
- Mobiles and touch screen
- City Sizes
- Help With Experienced Advents
- Beginner guides to the races
- Magic Guide
- Orc Mage When to be one
- Orc Class A OOP Assault
- Guides Offering Assistance
- Spawning in wrong world
- Very Basic Market Concept
- Privacy Policy
- PreOOP Economic Concept
- LandDropping Explained
- Code of Honor
- Method for easy Arma casting
- Racial Choices
- Learning to be human
- Building Armories
- Tactic Killing aotd army
- Building Blockers to Block
- Need Elf guide
- Mobile Guide by Ivanho
- Science Strategies 10
- Never Go Full Dwarf Mage
- Note on MT Range
- Unbeatable Invincible Strategy
- How to use themed KD names
- Base Science Costs
- Adaptable Halfling Strategy
- Racial Tier List
- Science Strategies
- Kingdom Leading Guide
- Halfling Strategy Guide
- Pez Growth and Micro Armories
- City Sizes and Blockage Levels
- Kamikaze Attack
- Defending Against Plague
- Modern Magic Guide
- Questions and Answers
- Military Science
- Armorys and cost reduction
- can you destroy your own build
- I'm sure this has been asked..
- Question for vet human StG'ers
- Adventurers Discovering
- The Image
- i need a list of all spells
- Title
- Nazzies
- Help me please!!!
- Slander prohibited?
- KD vs KD HoH
- Scores?
- Changing Title To Lady
- kd question
- Donating as a Roleplayer
- Topics Locked/Deleted
- Building Prices
- exp points
- Moving my Army
- lumbermills
- 50% rule question
- i cant join a kd
- Mu Power
- Spell - Magic Weapons
- KDmate's Magic City
- How do I get Nazguls
- Kingdom Requirment
- Era Start
- Magic %
- Mant 50% rule
- Best Race?
- Words
- Experience III
- Resource Cap
- Wrong name
- About freezing the enemy
- science cost
- troll guide
- Who is the best VU player?
- Warehouses II
- Relocating Kingdoms
- Instant messaging?
- 50% rule clarification please
- Armageddon XI
- Bespoke Banners
- Question about World Market
- Worlds to join
- this is so stupid
- can't move troops in/out
- Warehouses I
- trolls
- Training Troops
- Green Screen
- 500k nazzies
- Armies in allied cities
- I've never seen this before...
- magic sciences
- City Revolting
- lumber
- New Worlds System - Fant Only?
- Zerks
- Troops in army or city!!
- Poll: Is VU ready for...?
- Plague
- Walls VI
- Medicine Science
- Siege question
- No pezz!
- Kingdom Versus Kingdom
- The HoH
- races
- My magic is USELESS
- Bonus Turns
- Injured Troops
- WTF cavers???
- Magic Protection
- bersekers
- upkeep in your own city
- Restart III
- Question regarding IP
- New scoring system
- KD hoppers
- Restart II
- Can't build Error
- VU Admin READ THIS!!
- World Hop
- Are there any Mentors?
- Eras
- Most powerful city
- Amouries
- Bug Explanations
- Merging armies
- Slaves VII
- Start the game in Valhalla ?
- City Size Bonus
- Maps
- City can't grow!
- Kingdom
- Locust?
- pictures in forum
- Can anyone help me with image?
- Making new soldiers
- About Farmers
- admin?
- cheater
- Guardtowers
- magic question
- question about rain of fire
- Experience IV
- need help
- get to market in other world?
- messed up market?
- healing injured troops
- The end scores this era
- Restarting
- Human Vs Elf == Magic Costs
- Future eras
- VU vs. U
- Rules by admin
- Most Fearsome Ruler
- Most Powerful Rulers
- Magic City
- Trapped in cities
- Negative Bonus Turns
- End or Era points
- End of the era points
- Nazzies - end of era points?
- Kamikaze attack
- Trade Routes
- magic VII
- D warfs
- Negative Resources?
- Numbers under Troops
- Orc training times
- Map of the worlds???
- take an era off
- Updates, and STG
- City Size
- Slaves Ednscore
- Magic Weapons
- slaves updates?
- Kingdom Players?
- New players?
- Posting Images in Forum
- KD vs KD link
- Zetamania Open?
- what science to get
- Changing kingdom banner
- map wrap around
- Elf training times????
- Q: Pillage
- Anyone got an theories?
- can't move after map jumping
- Artifical Intelligence
- Slaves VI
- can't destroy buildings
- Morale III
- huh?????
- BT's/New Player
- Magic Weapon Spell Question
- Help Asked to you admin
- This era's score's?
- Armoury setup
- kd change? help?
- Freeze Specifics
- how do I change my username
- Private Server
- Food Sales - 10% Lowest
- can't attack in tutorial
- Picture of all maps
- Negative RP Points
- Bad Luck?
- EITS something I can not see!!
- Nazgul/Walls
- Question to admin about ban
- meaning of end of era scores?
- Have you noticed.......?
- Goths and the admin
- What is the scoring system....
- Whats that link again??
- Can u answar this Admin?
- scouts are Too Weak
- Production?
- kamakazie
- human....curious
- do homes store resources?
- Which are the lower worlds
- city name changing
- Updates?
- Training times
- army eqivalent
- HistoryHeirs
- Why are the of succes wrong
- Warehouses Store 100 times more
- Avatar
- they hate primate death
- How HOH is counted
- What is an era
- Training time reduction
- question about Ip conflict
- Can you colinise on a bridge
- Price natives buy resources
- Attacking other people
- armies in cities
- what the heck latha
- PrintScreen
- Mining Science
- whats this
- kingdoms
- Cant make kingdom
- Battles after era ended
- warehouses
- Defence
- Multi or Not
- cavemasters
- Tech Question Vista IE 8
- End of Era scores
- mobile VU
- Getting pics of map
- Zoom Out
- Elven ArchMages
- MU to MT Ratio
- Closed or open gates
- Blockers
- using bt
- Spell Freeze
- 50 rule question
- Bug or Not
- Production droping
- Take over and other attacks
- Combat spells
- Army attack chances
- are mutlies allowed
- Vote for a BT
- Discount
- Question about pezzys
- Troll magic
- Attack prep and merging
- unable to put troops in army
- Upload Pics
- Joinin kingdm before era start
- fensteria market
- Moving armies No red circle Still error
- Farmers
- Resource Tangibility
- When will trade routes be added
- Armories
- Change real name and password
- Protection
- Voting for VU
- Production Falling
- Human race in tutorial
- market prices
- HowItsPossibleToAbuseIngmmsgs
- Canceling account
- Destroying cities
- Trained armies
- Building prices immediatedrop
- Firefox Scripts
- Army of the Dead
- is it better to go magic
- the tutorial
- Plague Question
- Is Bless useful anymore
- Production Post Flagged
- Race Bonuses
- Merging
- Berserkers
- Stone to Gold issue
- Spell Ownage
- Please help Armory trouble
- When can we go into Midgaurd
- End Era Stats
- forum clean
- Tutorial gho do i get out
- Browsers and Copy and Paste
- VU Asps
- Market
- Army calc
- Cities Under Seige
- ending scores
- Is the treefood market
- 12 Hour BT
- Troops disapearing
- How to get to the tutorial
- Typing problem
- Temp Ban Issue
- Troll mages
- whats the smallest city
- Gaia 1000 1200
- World Bounce
- how is the history calculated
- Check this out
- what size do banner have to be
- 50 rule
- training in wrong Armory
- Armorys
- Player History
- tutorial no more
- Siege attack
- Stone to Gold
- BT question
- Question Free Beds
- injured
- Wreckages
- Military Science group armies
- Freeze Question
- Army upkeep
- Stupid Attacking
- percent table
- Character and Sponsored Turns
- Stone Market
- Price is apparently too high
- Halfer Scouts
- Does title carry over eras
- uuuh help
- Science lvl discounts
- What happend to Great Walls
- MergingExp
- gold bonus near water
- False lol
- Era End Ranking
- trojan or virus
- Bombard Attack
- Waypoint Removal
- Rainbows
- best ratio for magic city
- moving armies
- Why is this
- 50 rule Siege
- Dice Roll
- preperation on a city
- Merging Bug
- My bonus turns
- RP points
- Warehouse and Starvation
- what is P
- Buildings and placement
- Magic Morale
- Available jobs
- food eating peasants
- Nazgul bonus
- world map
- Question Switching Kds
- The plague
- Armouries
- How to apply to a kd
- Missing Army
- Big Discovery
- why are axeman so expensive
- how do i get the map
- Chat Error
- Imagepack trouble
- Lazy peasants
- Opening Gates During Prep
- 200k Cities
- mil science
- Joining a KD on another world
- What Is going on
- pez growth
- question about tacticspolitic
- Voting for VU for bonus turns
- StG Question
- Does it alowd
- Return city
- How do you give your city away
- Donation
- Resource buildings
- Giving away custom titles
- Poll Next Era Map
- Wasted resources S
- Attacking
- Why are only letters allowed
- is this the 50 rule
- how to delete you account
- Recent Updates
- Line of Sight
- When does era actually end
- Help explain this please
- era of Mzzery World Map
- about GTs
- Mobilize
- Population
- How to disband military units
- Vu Chatroom Bandwidth
- Sieging and mili sci
- can zeta explain the scoring
- market question
- Magic protection n merging
- open borders
- Small Question Z
- Wheres My Gold
- Partial Donation
- making a donation
- Getting more admins
- magic protection pushed aside
- Kingdom Picture
- Cant Post in Game Develpoment
- City Expansion VS Army Prep
- mIRC
- Peasant population
- Supporting
- City Gates
- Closing gates
- weird prep animation
- Bonus Turn
- Percolator Sound
- Question about Production
- cavemaster bonus
- A Swear Word
- every 100th day question
- Link Voting
- Training Bug
- kamikaze
- isnt this strange
- Different Races And Production
- Guard Towers
- Building next to cities
- Latha or other world
- when does fensteria open
- Setting Banner
- Latha Market
- Start of era Army wondering
- what hapened to peasant growth
- No council forum
- Swordsman Update Price Dwarf
- Blocking a mountain pass
- Why 10 day rule
- magic towers
- Freezing at edge of city
- help please
- Halfers Farmers
- Adventurers Halfling
- returning cities
- Are zeta and admins aware
- LVL 2 Blockage
- when does fantasia end
- is this game ever taken to far
- farmers and peasant growth
- casting spell on another world
- what does this mean
- Is it possible to get an image
- Need an Explanation
- Kill count
- Latha and Beyond
- Is it possible
- How do I start a KD
- Not enough peasants
- Build over water
- Looking for an Alliance
- Halfer Magic Sci
- choosing realms
- Why does the era start so late
- kdvskd link
- how do you zoom out wiht a mac
- army sizes
- Frozen armies
- Food Dropping yet i make food
- New Biulding Constraints
- Help Zeta Help
- why is it dropping
- Magic Casting
- well um yeah
- Settlecolony delay question
- Adventuring
- Help with spawn
- Max discount on pumping troops
- popups in chat
- protection merging
- question bout freeze
- Question about Steal Science
- Beginning of Era
- Is this a bug or is it normal
- kd join bug
- Army Merge Travel Speed
- Magic defense
- Wheres the ingame newsfeed
- Magic Science cost per Race
- do cavemasters still give
- Transfering Troops
- question about teleport
- human science costs
- Magic Defense and Science
- My fog of war
- New Player worlds
- Question about magic defence
- What is a pes
- Training Factor
- Bonus for 90k cities
- Cripple Production in City
- Cannot Log into Chat
- City ExpansionEncroachment
- training costs
- Are kingdom tags gone
- Totally Lost HELP
- Orcs and the 50 rule
- Army movement speeds
- A question of Magic
- Attacking QUestion
- Bombard
- city production
- choosing which army to settle
- idk if this is a bug
- Training issue
- archmages and military science
- Im stuck
- Employment Production
- how many killz last era
- Real name
- Question about magic weapons
- What is the best defence ELF
- Keeping the new people
- whats happens to my bts
- lower worlds
- Prep time
- Character new update
- some updates help
- Join Kingdom
- When does era actually start
- Uhh dragon
- Zeta Merges
- Closed Gates
- Stonetogold warehouses
- losses in forced march
- New Character
- How go I become a guide
- Bonus turnsssss
- Invisible Cities
- Peasants For Troops
- Blockers Caps and Beginings
- Why can i see halfling scouts
- Armoriessemi related moaning
- elves can build on trees
- why cant i sell food
- Racial Penalty Removed
- Suggestions Locked out
- army prep n attack army
- Why are ads gone
- humanz penalty
- Donating
- Peasant problem
- Please Help
- VU Admin ZeTa
- merging and morale
- armyupkeep
- Q Why do you still play this
- What the heck is this
- cant build in my cities
- if i ownaged
- what does fog do
- Merging in
- Racial Penalty How goes it
- I dont know what race IdLike
- Bombarding
- kingdom sizes
- production time cap
- 90k Cities
- How do I die
- How to use slaves
- Computer Question
- How do I fix
- Army speed
- Why is this so imbalance
- How to get peasants faster
- Proxy Help VU
- What is Hoh
- new map
- Adventurer Finds
- Armory bonus
- Sending Resources
- How do I join a KD
- Resign Restart Problem
- Names of cities and armies
- questions and help requested
- Are Kingdoms Locked to a World
- Halfling Scouts
- Experience
- Effect of locust
- Science Priorities
- Real Life Freinds
- How Do I conquest a city
- why cant i restart
- People alive
- attacking siege
- Merged Armies
- Help help
- Can someone go to Armageddon
- magic lvls
- How do I chose starting world
- Magic Questions
- New Wall Questions
- Regarding Start Troops
- elfmage and military science
- Soldier Transfer
- Ownage armies and Cities
- holy crap
- homesarmories and med sci
- Number of MUs for STG
- price for each level of magic
- becoming a guide
- Magic Protection with no mages
- buildings for a gatecity
- Limited protection
- Eras History
- Defense of cities
- How do I remove waypoints
- Spade Still Around
- The Taverne
- Land count
- Summon Dragon Question
- auto log in trouble
- revolting
- Peasants move
- How do I delete an account
- Restarting in protection
- Summon Dragon
- Copy Paste battle reports
- Multis
- archmages
- retrieving from market
- How does most fearsome work
- Is using cavemasters worth it
- Highscore Production
- Taverns Defending vs Orc
- Great Walls
- Buildings
- Why not rainbow cities
- Invisible attack
- How do I stop peasants growing
- Pes paying taxes
- Time Limit
- Scout Hiding 100k Army
- Is this rainbow science
- Protected by 50 rule
- Magic Spells Updated
- Define Power
- Locust Spell
- Bonus Turns annoying
- steal or loose
- After the Era Ends
- Problem with New Players Joining Same World
- Destroying Buildings
- Magic successfail towers
- burn and destroy
- Troop training have no spread
- The ring to rule them all
- Production
- What Happens When
- armoury discount
- Slaves and their uses
- Force March
- Couple of Questions
- Most Powerful Armies
- AOTD Question
- Storage for MUs
- what can trolls do
- City restriction
- Expanding Citites
- Army Experience
- How to defend from magic
- Userscripts
- Farmers Worth it
- Most powerful ruler
- bombard question
- Copernicus
- Quote Option
- When are characters deleted
- pez increase
- Sciences for halfling
- the 50 rule
- What has changed in 5 eras
- Few Tactical Questions
- MaP details
- Crush walls
- Sponsorships into BT
- 1 man kingdom
- Best Race
- Magic spells
- Favorite OOP strategies
- Troop Loss In Small cities
- Troops in Ownaged Cities
- Merging and Experience
- Ill make you a KD banner
- Adventures and events
- You already have a character
- Which buildings employ workers
- army size question
- LGC History Question
- City size and production
- Sponsor
- Question about Mages
- productivity
- Q ab troops
- Question about the high scores
- Nazguls Special
- teleport Spell
- Changing race
- How do i calculate Exp
- Magic does not work
- when can you attack a city
- Armageddon Voting
- corky peasants
- Meaning of Release Troops
- Bug General Problam
- Never trained these
- Colony question
- Science Research Order for Dwa
- Halfling and a Troll Question
- Blocker Placement Method
- 1 exp advents
- Trapped inside enemy city
- Missing Kd on Midgard
- Attack or Let be attacked
- The Trolls
- Explain Warehouses Please
- Leaving Kingdom
- Question about anger
- army of the dead question
- Arma in Talents
- AMs and military
- When is Kamikaze good
- How to deal with low morale
- peasants revolting
- The Dragon
- Zetas history
- Troops and their value
- If you prep for a long time
- Armageddon Question
- Elf Questions
- Dragon
- Armageddon spell
- Does this seem
- City size explanation
- Invisibility
- what year was grumpy old basta
- How did he actually quit
- Why Cant I Build
- Ownage Question
- River Jumping
- Keeping selected CityArmy
- Easy resign
- A few Questions
- Bonus Turns for Sponsoring
- Need orc vets help
- Payments
- Magical Orcs
- Early Era Productivity
- How to use market
- Dropped on Talents
- Question about armageddon
- Question About Forums
- What is This
- Do you still talk zeta
- question about archmages
- Character Deletion
- How to build great walls
- Question About City Production
- Closed gates issue
- wallspreptime
- Problem opening map on phone
- Morale of the army
- Lifeless catacombs
- Loyalty and trust
- How long do an era last
- Morale in a conquered city
- A question about slaves
- Bug or no
- Allies City and Army Upkeep
- How many mines does it take to
- Magic when not in Kingdom
- Chrome bug
- What happened to northeast nir
- Army strength
- Changing Password
- Gold cap
- Few Questions
- Question for you Halfers
- Does casting eits on a city
- Humans and Magic
- Troll Market Postings
- AOTD RoFed Troops
- Advice on first city
- Why isnt my city 90k
- The Rambo Kid
- Blocker Problems help me
- How Did This Happen
- adventuring help please
- Archmage OPDP
- For aotd cast magic power
- Help with attacking
- Elf Sciences
- video embedding
- 35k gaia spam oop
- New player
- What Happened to the TOP 100
- How to Lower Morale in my City
- Bring walls back please
- Magic question buildings
- Do you want an Orc guide
- What to do now
- Killing a Dragon
- Peasant taxes
- Getting tax
- Special Abilities
- Kingdoms info
- Arma ends Arma
- Delayed Training
- Morale in an MC
- What Guides do you need
- Visual Utopia Layout and GUI
- Name problem
- Gaurd Towers
- Account Ban
- Question building on trees
- own army enter close gates
- mobile magic
- Beo cast arma already
- Resource Bonus Per City Size
- Donated 32 EuroSponsor Perks
- Help VU Bts
- Armory questions
- Max on gold
- Delay turn
- Sell your stone to enemy
- City name regulations
- Veiw Other Maps
- World screen Settle Days
- Troll Sciences
- All peasants escape every time
- Dwarf Magic Compatability
- Combat Mechanics
- casting magic
- Injured Troop Strength
- Mobile Moving Armies
- Dwarven City bug
- city not regenerating
- peasent issue
- When Beseiging a city
- Custom Titles
- Magic question AotD
- When you want to play an era
- human cats
- Roleplay Points
- Chat system used these days
- utopia down
- kingdom member list
- sieging a city
- HOH fearsome ruler
- Random event advent finds
- Building Ratios
- Questions about the pause
- Peasant Growth not happening
- What are slaves for
- How do I quit
- How to know about aotd
- AotD attack technique
- Caver Calculations
- Soldier Transfer Issue
- Need help with Mobile Version
- Resource Limit
- Halfling adventurer question
- Useful Information
- Armoury
- Building Price Scheme
- What is release option for
- Merge world exp when merging
- Starta is free for all
- Freezing a city
- Hide army under scout
- Questions
- Is it me or
- halfling adventurers
- Berserker speciality
- Bless and MP merging
- Sir Ardashir Cant Edit Hist
- Issue with magic power range
- Attacking on mobile
- server lag issues
- Liberate never revolt
- Functional armory resources
- Size of Maps
- Cavemaster
- How to native resources
- Spells from phone
- Medicine Level 11
- steal science question
- Best web browser for VU
- MY invisble city
- Question About Merged XP
- Accidently leaving Kingdom
- Question Land drop
- movement speed with peasants or injured
- Invisible army
- Same race take over
- clean markup forum post button
- Freeze a city
- Dwarf Magic
- Question for a Noob Mage
- A Long Return
- How i can start play here
- What happened to Lifeguards
- anyone play vu on iphone
- ASUS ZenFone2
- Magic city question
- City Revolts
- market traders need a rest
- How to prevent revolt
- Remove resources
- City size donation feature
- Mobile and PC production pages
- What sort of
- Aotd sciences
- High score list
- Removing Old Stories
- Training in Production Cities
- Strange News Screen
- Speed up Training in Prod City
- Op and dp in battle
- Science Costs
- what does xp do
- Spells on Scout
- Rename or delete a whole city
- Deleting Waypoints
- Earning RP points
- Full training time discount
- Difference between NAP and MAP
- How Do Armories Function
- Not getting hourly resouces
- Building Walls
- Most fearsome methodology
- Change Map
- walk over hidden cities
- City Revolt after Mobilize
- armoury prod
- Halfling Mage
- Building into stuff
- Dwarfs and magic defence
- Dragons
- peasant growth
- Casting aotd army sizes
- Berserker Slaughter
- uploading images
- MUs and healing injured
- Val and Mant JOINT ERA
- mine production
- City morale
- Burn and Destroy Score
- How bad are adventurers
- settling time Fanta
- Example of mechanic knowledge
- Medicine and plague
- Mages in city
- Human tax bonus
- Market order
- Poll into KDs practices
- Non riesco ad muovere i soldat
- AotD Upkeep
- Advent Study
- Artwork
- Get resource bonuses
- GvE Map Side Change
- Change world
- arma voting
- who did it
- Whats the point of Fog
- free upkeep for troops
- Magic Tower defense vs MUs
- KD Rankings
- Characters
- Injured medicine
- All bonuses city
- Explain reaching native price
- Inactive members
- Different browsers security
- Dwarf vs AM
- Teleported army
- Discord
- If you could bring ANY 3 back
- 1 morale GTS
- What Killed VU
- Why does magic failsucceed
- Visual appearance of cities
- Berserker Mechanics
- Merging questions
- How to kill an army on phone
- Orc science mining 3 first
- Where are game updates posted
- How to improve dwarves
- Re appearance after burn
- Archmage MP
- Sign of vet
- Stg changes
- Spawn issue
- Roleplaying
- Plains of Mantrax
- Ye Olde Taverne
- Adventures of Babyface
- Star Bucks Cafe'
- Lithos
- Rebirth of Carrothia
- New interesting RPG
- Shoutout to the "roleplayers"
- Adventures Of Mielo And Effie
- Three Kingdoms
- Werewolf on Carrothia (Mac)
- Defensive
- Werewolf on Carrothia (Shezmu)
- Final Fantasia
- Pub
- Super Smash Bros
- Dalek VS Borg
- Cavern of Akeoshi (spam here)
- Lucimorth's Empire
- omfg s great tavern
- Tales Tavern
- Knights of Lucimorth
- Werewolf on Carrothia (Scient)
- Smuffs fun fair
- Septim's exotic eats.
- The Stormborn
- Spuds Potato Bar
- wow/world of warcraft
- Poets Corner
- Rai's Seaside Bar
- Werewolf Game with Fizban!
- my banana!
- vineraven manour
- The Arena
- The operation theatre
- Poetic Justice
- Lonely Quest
- The Citadel of the Soul Craft
- The Spammers Elections (Cont')
- Hi People
- court of justice re-made
- a page of alex dairy
- Valhalla
- Defensive's Darkness Round 1
- Quicksilver
- Another Fizzie Werewolf Round!
- The return of Herself...
- The Casino... (Probability?)
- hi IV
- Rpg game
- Clash of the Immortals: Part 2
- RP Points
- The Quest of Ages
- Area of the Soul Craft
- ::[ Ride for Vengance ]::
- The Gathering of Lords
- The Xerilian War: Part Two
- Elemental Champion: Sky Arena
- RP
- Gladiators
- Some One PM Me an RP.
- Werewolf with Mac I
- ¨ˆDiadochi¨ˆ
- Exucution of Xyphos Celastin
- The Love of Hephaestus
- Battle for Rome
- QuickSilver Part II
- Dungeons and Dragons
- Need partner for "Ghostlands"
- Ghostlands
- VU News
- In game roleplaying
- King and Queen of VU
- Elemental Championship Sign up
- The History of Abydos
- Debates
- join the story!
- The Islands
- Spamalot Castle
- LNN - Unfair and Biased
- Element ChampionFountain Arena
- Elemental Champion:Spike Arena
- The court of justice
- BFR-Battle for Rome
- Anti-Sp@malot
- The Second SP@M War
- The place...
- Victory over Carnage IMMINENT
- The journey through time.
- The Somtaaw
- Adventures of Rag
- Peacekeeper's Tavern
- War : Corned beef vs Sp-m
- Descent
- islands replacements needed
- Court of justice sign ups
- Descent -- Reloaded
- Chronicles of Carrothia
- The rise of Shezmu
- Valyrian Book of the Fallen
- Guide to The Place
- Elemental Championship Cellar
- Elemental Championship Hall of
- The Endless Battle
- 30th Era Anniversary
- Desert of Bones
- The death of deviller
- scorpion
- Long Story about goblins
- The Map Of Asroth [ RP]
- courtofjustice sign ups
- Court of Justice III
- Court of justice: Judge debate
- Warriors of the Realm, the....
- Good and evil
- Courtofjustice- final thread
- War!
- Starcraft: Siege of Mar Sara
- Monarchy re-made
- The Endless Battle Era Two
- Rise to my throne
- Defensive's leaving
- Septim gets shot
- The good, the bad and the ugly
- Good and evil sign-ups
- Lord of the Rings midde earth
- The Crazy War
- Story: new partner wanted
- Creating a rp game
- Battle and interlect
- The Travels of Defensive
- The lost legacy
- A Holy Defeat?
- The Gladiator Ring
- me? serious? alright!
- Warriors of the realm
- Battle and Intelligence
- Dragon Egg
- Dragon Egg (Comedy)
- Cafe of VU
- Mcdonalds Vu
- The Gangsters
- Christmas
- Just running
- Dungeons with many Dragons
- The sphere
- BATTLE of the Collosus!
- School of magic
- Tarmin Gai'don
- The Fall Of An Empire
- Inverted RPing?
- Storywriting for next Era
- The Battles
- Darlek VS Borg
- Vineraven history
- The Journeys
- Help the RP forums!!!!
- Challenge
- Deal or No deal?
- Kings Order
- The Rise of the Living Dead
- sign-ups for battle and.......
- Adventures of Samulis
- Zombie Apocolypse II
- The Stormborn: The Ghost Ship
- World of Naveeh
- | The Mansion |
- Alliance
- Roleplay partner wanted
- Lewatha VS Might
- Destroyia
- Battle Away
- The Last Stand I
- My Apologies
- Gods of Visual Utopia
- Hunter, or Prey? IV
- Hunter, or Prey? II
- Hunter, or Prey? III
- Pirates and stuff
- Werewolf with Revenge!
- Hunter, or Prey? I
- Plato's Bakery
- Got bored so i rote a story
- Lords of the Plains
- Ages of darkness
- The Dark Elf
- Doctor doctor! RPContinousgame
- Age of Mythology (Rome)
- Sacrifice
- REBELLION [not accepting pla..
- Blazing Hills
- War of the Forts
- Fury and Freedom
- The 2nd sp@mmers elections!
- Prominence Guide
- The Eastern Revolution
- The Final Stand
- The Battle of the Towns
- The Place-Warzone
- Birth of a Legend
- The Way Shyers Shakes Spears..
- Cannonfodder
- Rune of Ancientia
- The Islands of Survival
- Library of Plato
- Septim Gets Sued 2
- The Endless Battle II
- Pirate #2
- wars
- Shangi city
- Da Club
- Blortad's rok o' doom
- Landscape
- Assassins' City
- Ultimate Conquest
- .
- Werewolf with Fizban! (Again)
- pickle of destiny
- Haegon's War
- The Place-Godly Assault
- Raawwrwrrrrr
- Gary's Demented Adventure's
- I am your enemy!!!
- The Battle of the Bugs
- Zombie Apocolypse I
- Good Boys
- Grand Shrine of VU
- Evolution
- Fields Of Athenry.
- The Stormborn :The Black Staff
- Ingame Roleplay
- Werewolf with Mac II
- One-on-one roleplay
- Roleplay Re-form
- ImageWars
- RP Me
- Guess What this is?
- Dacii Accept Traitor
- land of dreams
- Epic roleplay award
- A Drunks World
- The Stormborn: Evomort Isles
- Star Wars RP
- RP24
- Werewolf with Septim
- The Gladiators
- The Place - Space Empires
- Sp@malot vs. Mustardon
- The Place (Modernized)
- The Place - Modern Times
- Operation: Dux Letum
- The Revival
- Tiria -- Beginning of Justice
- hideway's story
- Prominence
- Lithuanian poems
- The Battle of the Gods
- The Blinding Darkness(RP game)
- The Treasure-Seeker(RP game)
- The Roleplaying Awards
- The life of Archal
- The Traveller's Staff
- World - The Crown of Countries
- The Orb of Death
- Loremaster's Tales - Septim
- The Return of a Dead King
- Madidus Nightclub
- Star Wars RP Site
- The Hellav
- Loremaster's Tales - BoT
- The Hellav - want to be in it?
- Loremaster's Tales - Ragnarr
- The Incursion [RP]
- Werewolf with Mac III
- The Saga of Ragnarr Ragnarrson
- The Cow Heavens Vs Spamalot
- The Stormborn - The Dark War
- Shadow of Conquest
- Werewolf with Killer
- Truth Empire
- The God Game
- Its been...
- Judge Septim
- Land Of Darkness
- Werewolf with Arvious
- Truth Empire-sign ups
- Septim's Exotic Eats
- Paracelzus / Ambro is back
- The Farillian War
- The Web Weaver
- Prince Charming
- Hints on Gaining RP points
- The Life of the Shadows
- Ace
- The Land of Wolves.
- Cidel
- Something Slumbers...
- List of Role Players
- Anyone wanna RP?
- Desserts Galore!
- Character descriptions
- The Gracillian Empire
- Mount and Blade Signups and OOC
- Mount and Blade
- Septim's Travels
- RP points opportunity
- PM roleplay
- RP Point Help
- A House of Cards
- Slaughterhouse
- The Fuzzy Little Man Peach
- The Final Frontier
- Stalker's Lair
- Roleplayers Academy
- RP help I
- The Shadow Lord
- Sp@mmer Training Academy
- Sp@mmer Training Academy II
- Septim Gets Sued III
- Chronicles of Visual Utopia
- The World of Opylin
- Lords of Warren
- Writers Guild of Visual Utopia
- The Holy Evil.
- ~~~~~ Story RP ~~~~~
- The Zetamanian Herald
- Crosshair
- Crosshair Guide
- Royal Flush
- Suck my shlong.. [ RP GAME ]
- The Game of Plutis
- Anyone wanna RP
- RP anyone?
- Zeta RP
- Sp@min thread
- Prominence - R-2
- The Great Forest
- Roleplayers wanted
- Combat Halls
- The Kingdom of Animals
- Roleplaying Points
- The God of Sp@m...
- Revenge's Quest Thing
- Bronimina in Peril
- Werewolf With Scientist
- Zetamanis RP
- A Hero's Tale
- Sandro's Gladius
- Defense of Dol Amroth
- The Land of Wolves IC (in c...
- Expansion - Game
- Tenth Era Party
- Forging of Firengard - casting
- Bloodfeud
- Paladins
- Rp help II
- The Last Stand II
- The Last Good Sp@mmer
- Erus - Information II
- Infiltration
- Kings and Tyrants
- Detailed Fights
- RPing - Quick Question
- WarTorn
- Broniminan Scrolls
- First Contact
- Septims Thread
- Erus - Information I
- RP not so good?
- Game similar 2 Path to Darknes
- The Noldor in the land of Zeta
- Werewolf with Septim - sign-up
- Medieval RP
- A VU Christmas
- The Ancient Path
- The Village V - information
- Thanksgiving party!
- New RP thingy
- Erus
- The Squires Tale
- The Bloodied Sword
- The New Dawn
- The Path to Darkness...
- The Village V - sign ups
- The Return of Kerait
- Soldiers of war (story)
- The Clash
- Empires
- Prominence 2
- The Conquests - Sign-Ups
- Current Active RP Topic
- Current Forum Roleplayers
- Future RP
- Escape
- Erus - Sign-ups
- Gods of VU
- The King of Thieves
- [RP]Tribal Foundations
- From Earth to Heaven
- The Dense Mind of Ryan
- Roleplay World Map
- The War for Peace
- The Forging of Firengard
- Song of Ice and Fire (Story)
- The battle for creation (story
- The Lost Survivors [TLS]
- World of Roleplay
- Kingdoms of Roleplay
- Making an RP
- Lessons of War
- A Call to Arms
- Visual Utopia Museum
- Wasteland - Sign-ups
- The Wall of Knowledge
- The Great War - Sign-ups
- The Great War
- Resistance
- Stick RP Battle!!
- Sericco
- Nostria Sign-ups
- Looking for A roleplay
- The Ancient City
- Infested
- Werewolf with Septim again
- The War of Peace/ the Doorstep
- The Siege
- Chaos Theory
- Roleplay Messages Questions and Answers
- War of Ghosts
- IRC Battles
- The Tale of the Apprentice
- Seven Cities
- Wasteland
- Simply a Story
- ~Trilogy of Terror - Sign-Ups~
- The Stormborn - Stormsong
- The Pioneer
- ~From Earth to Heaven Guide~
- Tales from Carrothia
- From Earth to Heaven - Game
- Zyrike's char
- The darkmatter wars, signups
- Reign of Fire
- VU Gods
- Revolution
- Greatings You ????
- A Long Day
- Rogue
- Hand of Blood
- The sweet wars
- Fighters of Tiria
- Caegon - Prologue
- King of Conquerors
- The Mouse Knight
- Where are the Nazguls!?!?!?!?!
- Milseáin
- Need Roleplaying Partner
- Lost In Memory
- Working on a Game
- Alright, time to act!!!
- Tips for New Roleplayers
- Calling All Roleplayers!
- The Great Escape
- Michael Grant
- Magic runs thicker then blood
- wanted peasent handler
- One last time
- Dead Silence
- Help me please
- Werewolf with Travis
- If it please thee
- role playing game
- a good story
- The Price for Arrogance
- Find a Roleplayer
- Dead Silence Sign Ups
- choose the path
- Lores and Histories of Gods
- Invasion of the Ragors
- I have returned
- Prominence 3
- Battle of Centipro
- The Silver Crescent
- Roleplayers Guide
- BreakOut
- The Lord Cartographer
- Generic Adventure
- RPing for Dummies join this
- Severus I
- Superheroes
- The Utopian Empire
- Throne of War
- Sygileo
- Dark Age setup
- Sagittarius Story
- Gods Of War
- Sagittarius Sign Ups
- Sagitarrius
- Werewolf
- Operation Aries
- Distortion Dystopia Story
- My Title Is Gone
- Werewolf with Mac Cancelled
- The Glygorian War
- The world of crows
- Ye Olde Hooters
- Message Roleplaying Help Thread
- Something or other
- The Crafter of Death
- The Irstar Wars
- Arviouss King Arthur
- RPers Unite
- how to
- Be in an upcoming Fantasy
- Charleys Writing Corner
- The Tale of Arenor
- The RP Forum needs
- Who wants to RP message
- RIP Ragnarr
- The Lost Emblema
- RPers Search
- Back to RPing
- An Unconventional RP
- Exposed
- RP Idea
- Spaceship Warfare
- Years of Tumult
- Royal Order Of Claidmore RP
- Role Playing Points
- Distortion Part Two
- Hells Fury
- Small Stories Question
- Werewolf IRC Tournament II
- Shadow Heroes
- The Siege Within
- Rencana Sign Ups
- Prominence IV possibility
- Sericco vs Miller
- Gobledins
- Lighterning
- Prominence IV
- Infinity
- Later Yo
- Randumb sauce
- So Charley
- Could Someone Help
- Roleplaying Idea Construction
- Hunter RP Idea
- RP with mah
- When do we
- Work In Progress
- the story of isildur
- Need to get Duke again
- The Siege Within Sign Ups
- Werewolf Returns
- The Shadows
- lookin for rpers
- Rencana
- Werewolf with Demonsul
- Cidellus
- The Peacemaker
- The Messenger of Orlu
- The Age of Enligtenment book 1
- Werewolf anywhere
- The History of Urist McMiner
- Anyone want to
- Wandering Path Interactive RP
- Need a RP Partner
- looking for an rper
- Samulis and the Stone Knight
- whats happening
- Return of the Stormborn
- Roleplaying Reborn Era 13
- New World
- VU Roleplaying Revival
- Church of the MOST Holy
- teh greatistd storeh eva toold
- The Mighty Swordsmen
- Charleys Nursing Home
- Anyone want to play a game
- Highwayman Returns
- Roleplay
- An RP Kingdom
- Birth of a Kingdom
- Peakfrost Hill
- The VU Song
- Uwer Savior of the Halflings
- The Quest
- Roleplay 2014
- The Legend of Tico
- Tales of mountain season 1
- The Dark Age
- Urban Legend
- Return of the Curse
- Planet Hollywood The sequel
- Story of Kingdom of Azeroth
- RP mod
- The kingdom of nuns
- RP Point Rules
- The Chargers signed Rivers to
- The Knockouts promo in FIFA 23
- RP Points Awarded 2023
- RP Points Are Back
- News and Updates
- Small Test
- Sponsoring
- Moving Between Worlds
- Sight of view
- Another test
- Update to the Armageddon spell
- Some updates
- New round/beta
- The Game Has Begun!
- Employment
- Era of Sezymon started!
- The borders are open
- Server Downtime
- Changes for the new round
- Server Crash
- Server online! (again)
- Era of Sezymon improvements
- Image Server Down
- Image Pack
- Era of Raistlin Ended
- Make up tips, help new players
- Server Error workaround
- Main Server Fixed
- New era started I
- Round Ending this Weekend
- Round Ended
- New server online!
- Server Problems I
- Kingdom Cleaning
- Temp Server
- Vubot
- Era of Rambo started
- Kingdoms Deleted
- Era of Valium has started
- Forum Update
- Game news reporter / moderator
- Server Problems II
- New Era
- Minimap updated
- Wall Sweep
- Era of Jeroen started
- Imagepack
- Server problems III
- New Imagepack
- News Reporter / Storywriter
- Era of Jeroen changes
- System update
- Era of Drunk
- Era of Drunk Restart
- The Era of Jeroen has ended
- The worlds have opened
- Forum Changes
- Era of Jeker ended
- Hosting Problems
- Turn System Update
- Era of Drunk has ended
- Search Function
- The VU God
- 4th world now open
- Second era of Rambo Ended
- Second era of Rambo
- Third era of Rambo started
- Kingdom Logos
- Fourth era of Rambo
- The Map shrunk
- Account Deletions
- Forum report link
- Forum Upgrade
- History
- Bugs Fixed
- Code Update
- Downtime I
- New era details
- New Forums and Moderators
- Mantrax Limit Reached
- Worlds Connected
- System stress test
- Era Ended I
- New moderator needed
- Server Transfer
- Fantasia is full
- Over 100 Players online
- Era of Jeker started
- Era of Jeker
- Small Downtime
- Armageddon!
- New ingame chat
- Details for Era of Adelbert
- Era of Adelbert Ended
- Newbie casts Armageddon
- Scheduled Downtime I
- The Nine Rings of Power
- Server Down
- New Server - Game down
- Sponsoring new players
- Internet Connection Lost
- The era of Hansel
- Era of Leo Started
- Internet Down
- Small Kingdoms Deleted
- Kingdom Banners
- New Map System
- Selecting Spell Target
- Forum Moderator Needed
- DNS Server Down
- Era of Leo Ended
- Database Crash I
- Era of Draiken details
- Era of Hansel have ended
- Prolonged Armageddon
- The era of Draiken is over
- Era of Saint Paul
- Database Crash II
- Zetamania is now open!
- Era of Sparker
- Short downtime earlier today
- Deleting Spree
- Era of Saint Paul Ended
- Zetamania filled
- Mantrax is filled.
- First era of Sparker has ended
- Image Problems
- Era of Juchi information
- Second era of Sparker
- Fantasia Filled
- New world - Nirvana
- Major Database Crash
- Accounts Deleted - Re-created
- Updates for the era of Isabel
- Bad whether in Sweden
- Signup Problems
- 100 Players in Good vs Evil
- hacked Accounts
- This era soon coming to an end
- A new forum (the hangaround)
- Cities gone, wrong world
- A new world: Valhalla
- Improvements to the chat
- Out of Protection
- The era of Sparker has ended.
- Scheduled Downtime II
- Downtime II
- Dates for Era of Isabel
- The era of Juchi has ended!
- Era ended - NOT
- Zetamania has opened!
- The era has ended! I
- World of Starta is now open!
- VU Banner Competition!
- The era of Isabel has ended!
- A new big map has opened
- Zetamania opened
- The 23rd era has ended!
- The second era of Draiken
- Database Crash III
- New world (Zetamania) opened!
- World of Starta
- More players - more worlds!
- Era of Ezatious started
- Linking to the game
- DB Crash
- Mantrax Open and bugs fixed
- Database Crash IV
- New world will open soon
- Connection problems
- Era of Virgin started!
- Some Cleaning
- New world open I
- A new era has started!
- The era of Virgin has ended
- New world open II
- Welcome to the era of Amon Hen
- What you all been waiting for
- Terrain not loading (fix)
- The era of Crissxcross ended
- World of Starta open
- World of Valhalla has opened
- World of Nirvana now open
- The era of Amon Hen has ended
- Server Upgrade
- The era of Dark Orion
- World of Nirvana open
- New chat now online!
- Lost internet connection
- Sponsored turns "bug"
- Era of Dark Orion has ended
- The Era of Asystole has begun
- Era of Asystole has ended
- Era of Lenard has started!
- New starting positions
- Connection problems fixed
- The era of Grumpyoldbastard
- The year of 2007 has ended!
- Network Updates during downtim
- Server now Online
- New world open III
- Nirvana has opened!
- World of Starta now open
- Era of White Widow online!
- Updated Image-pack
- The era has ended! II
- World size increased
- Era of Dark Blood has begun
- Era ended II
- New era started II
- Armageddon Destroyed Zetamania
- Start in Mantrax or Zetamania!
- Starta now open
- New moderators needed!
- Era of Grumpy old Star
- Era of Elsin
- Server up after network problm
- Email and server error
- Era of Kobuskan
- Era of Messiah
- Training Bug Fixed
- Era of Agent Smith
- Bug found and Removed
- Forum updates
- The era of Dvsmasta has begun
- All realms filled
- Trade routes put on hold
- Possible downtime Wed 2122CET
- New order for the end scores
- The era of Magneto has started
- New moderators wanted
- Growth Factor adjusted
- New chat updates
- Food prices increased
- Era of Chipotle Snack Wrap
- Game up after db crash
- The era of Chavez up n running
- The era of Mzzery has begun
- Network problems
- All realms open
- Scheduled server upgrade
- Images not loading
- VU Chat beta 4
- Era of Bluelight online
- Era of Bogdan
- Era of Bluelight Video
- Nirvana is open
- Short downtime
- Valhalla is now open
- Era of Nova
- Armageddon open
- VU back after pwer outage
- The era of Sky has started
- The era of Nova has ended
- Era of Sky ending soon
- The era of Karac has started
- Armageddon in Starta
- Help VU Vote update
- Bigger text and more space
- Chat auto loads
- More than 3 characters
- Fantasia age 9 and updates
- Voting for Armageddon
- Great walls in Zetamania
- Online again
- Great Wall bug fixed
- Nicknames
- Random maps in top worlds
- Forum posts reverted
- Happy VU Day 22K
- VU Facebook app
- Fantasia age 10
- New chat
- donator double
- Server connection
- old Desert map in Mantrax
- Possible email problems
- Server problems
- New design and two new guides
- Dubious walls removed on Zetamania
- Closing worlds
- ISP change
- router problem
- Clock adjusted
- Server Limbo
- Linking bonus turns
- Midgard and Latha closing
- lost internet
- HTTPS enabled
- network failure
- Network card replaced
- Server up after minor downtime
- Restarting on wrong world fix
- Server upgrade game paused
- More server problems
- Game moved to new server
- Chat now has SSL support
- Chat up again after reboot
- Change your passwords
- Firefox move armies bug fixed
- power outage
- Mobile experience on low res
- Network maintance
- Server software upgrade
- Back up after power failure
- Server hdd upgrade
- UPS replacement
- Forum moderator wanted
- Network issues
- Double bonus from donations
- Server upgrade issue
- Power is down
- Server upgrade for today
- More server maintenance
- httpSSSL cert update
- Supplier of electricity
- Database migration
- IP update and downtime
- small power outage
- The hangaround
- VU EU!
- Jokes V
- IRC trivia
- Wishes
- Amazing Optical Illusions
- LGC - Havoc Banners
- Flame Warriors - VU Style (2)
- Frappr - Visual Utopia
- Favorite Movies
- Worst Movie Ever
- Pic Wars
- Anime I
- Noob vs Newb
- just popping in to say...
- I am writing a book : )
- Anime - Your manga image
- 300!
- VU-Mon Part 2.
- the 3 word game
- Ppls Favourite Music! links!
- How long have you been playing
- Riddles!!!
- Football/soccer dream teams!!
- Get help from a Therapist!!!!!
- P.E.R.C (details inside)
- FF Banner Competition
- lolz
- Help Inga out of detainment!!!
- the "compatision
- Alcohol
- Groupies
- Music Downloading
- DUNE!!!
- Hardest name to pronounce:
- TV Shows
- I had for dinner...
- Armies
- Ask Fizban
- celebrity heads
- Family Guy mif named it
- Class of era of Ezatious
- Word Association Game
- Quotes
- zues
- :D
- SuperbowlSuperbowlSuperbowl!
- Guess the movie
- Poems
- Oblivion
- Jokes I
- GamerSector
- 100yr old fish foud alive.
- Explosm Comics
- red vs blue
- UEFA Champions League
- LEGACY, Who are they?
- Spoon!?
- Chat Porn
- FHM winner
- top 10
- This IS SPARTA!!
- Indiana Jones 4
- Fun flaming!
- Hai
- Need translation...
- FAO Leeds Utd football fans
- the curse of gaius septim
- super secret channel
- Have fun
- Peoples Favorite FOODS
- Class of Era of Virgin
- YES!!! Chelsea are outta there
- The Problems of our Hero's...
- Legacy
- Roman Dirge's Lenore
- Conspiracy Theory
- southampton in the playoffs
- South Park, Simpsons or Family
- Damn Magic Fairies
- I'm not playing this era :)
- The Most Perfect City!
- I love George W Bush
- Hi VI
- Sir Spud
- Bicycles in Copenhagen
- What has the world come to...
- What gave noobs the idea...
- im learing how to use byond...
- Good Night
- Reznor, lying dogdroppings
- Sexeh!
- kengdom of DAVE recruitments
- Halo 3
- Golden Oldies?
- this is how abydos builds up
- I got Punk'd :((
- Blondy Jokes =]
- Spammer on the loose!
- Wigan fc, relegate or stay up?
- Other browser games.....
- A special day for Banehollow
- Fantasia I
- Twamao I
- I hate Oprah!!!
- A Great and Sacred Day
- Shyers Embassy
- It's official!
- Congrats Ben
- HI Everybody!!!
- Who playes Turf Battles
- this song is awesome
- joke!
- Oy!
- school is *over*
- Class of Era of Crissxcross
- whos yo daddy
- The Fellowship of the Ring?
- Leonidas vs. Maximus
- Dark Riders..... what?!
- Somewhere over the Rainbow
- looking for new members
- Stoned Koala
- All hail my Horde!
- VU Poll
- Aussie!
- Can you type Leet ?
- Septims Not Here Thread
- Krum vs. Hitler
- funny stories
- British Pawnage
- RP stick game!!
- any raceist comments
- Happy Father's Day out there
- Hey, I'm back
- im remeo help!!!!!!!
- Sorry
- music II
- I'm looking for
- Black Widow encounter
- Quietone Admirer Guild
- THE FIGHT! Tiber Septim II
- Scary!!!11
- PM's
- this is EPIC!
- Septim and Co.
- Computer Jokes
- Omg, I'm a star !! !! !!
- free wallpapers!
- Mark of the Beast
- check this out
- Your addicted to VU when...
- Jokes II
- Awesome VU Trailer
- Recomendations For titles
- Riddles
- I dont think so
- The Real Senturu
- Need Technical Help
- harry potter
- George's colonoscopy
- Persephone
- Progressive Death Metal
- I need a guild banner!
- brazil
- Say if you can....
- somebodys getting married...
- Riddle me this
- Is she a man?
- Hi III
- Bad idea..
- Suicide Thread
- Pokeseptim
- The Begining.
- Will it be possible...
- VU videos @ YouTube
- The most private msg award!
- Stupid natives
- Ahh
- Ninja School!
- cba
- Star Trek V's Star Wars
- Omg I
- VU on facebook!
- Pets
- MR. COMS home of dingles
- Era of Amon Hen awards
- the hangout (everybody come)
- Why Legacy fights
- Top 3 in Each Race
- Are you lost?
- Server Upgraded!
- Best Banner Ever!!
- armagedeon
- What if?
- History?
- Internet is for porn
- I feel so old....
- Mr. Jay Brown
- 3 word game take 2
- who wants some of me?
- HOT pics of ZETA(Jones)!
- Recruiting- music
- Duke Dork
- waiting for your turn
- stalker
- Guitar!!
- The New World Of Spud
- Seloc vs Seloc
- Scouts Behaving Badly
- I'M BACK!!!!
- Procrastintors United
- THE mIRC Vault
- Good bye Everyone!
- Live at Stockholm 2006
- (knew!) the 7 word game!!!!!!!
- balls in cups
- Talk about timing
- The Dawky-kins Fan Club!
- Have you ever wonder?
- 11 September
- Spud is back woot woot
- Vocabulary Game
- a canned meat product sold by
- Other Games
- LOL??????
- help me im bored :(
- 1337
- Daemon
- Fizban - Equal Opportunity H8r
- Specially for Spoon and Mielo
- Fizban Haters
- Messing with Telemarketers!
- Wheel Of Time
- Iluminati Hangaround
- bar
- This offer won't last forever.
- Scientific proven fact, WOW!
- Visual On Top Ten?
- Tv links
- Rome-Total War.
- New map!
- Production - Dark Orion era
- Player Named Jezus
- King and Queen of VU
- The Real Gaius Septim....
- Yay VU getogether!
- Will this work ???????
- Dungeons and Dragons
- Things you learned today
- Stick Topia
- Dawn of WAR!!!!!!!!!
- Eid maburak
- VU Bot
- Forest Forts Discussion
- Carnage Embassy 2.1.0
- What's your post count???
- France 9 - 14 England
- Worst Deaths/Torture Methods
- New Banner competition
- Battle of the Adorableness!!!
- ITs the end of the world as we
- Come'n England
- era of dark orion awards
- I had a dream...
- I like..... because
- The dangers of the NET
- Suzanne Awards - Blender (3d)
- VU World Cup
- Differnt World start
- Best username ever. Kinda.
- Looking for love
- I R Popwlar And Eictive
- Familly Album
- Fortune
- Best Games Consol Memorys
- VU on Bebo !
- Jokes Page :)
- Guitar Hero III
- Greetings, all!
- A Question
- lol Ritz
- Shotgun!
- Inactives Power
- Music V
- Btec ICT course work help !!!!
- Bad words - a very PC thread
- word=talking
- kittens
- Grammar Lessons
- guild needs menebers
- FtG
- FtN
- Confucius says...
- Quotes Quotes Wonderful Quotes
- morrowind
- System of a down
- Hello.
- Keep Voting for VU!
- looking for Mr Burre
- Bar Jokes I
- Im a SIR !!
- Funny Signs
- everybody
- general patton/mage/solid????
- Multi Hunter - Guaranteed Fun!
- Reveiws
- funniest army names
- P V H
- Happy :)
- funniest city names
- image wars
- Era of Asystole awards!
- VU H3
- people are sick!
- Hello everyone, I'm back!!
- Whats wrong here
- Optical Illusions
- VU EU #2!
- Come Forward
- Minesweeper the Movie
- SNOW!!
- Abydos is evil! The story!
- Native people can be funny
- TA Spring
- suffer lozers hehehe
- happy birthday to me! I
- other games?
- Fortune Teller
- Worlds
- War is over. Gladiator / Arun
- new unit pics
- Civ4
- Holy Cows 2
- Charlie The Unicorn...
- for the older audience
- Just for the Christmas Season
- X-mas vids
- talk to me!
- 360 or PS3??
- Whatever Happened To???
- :-)
- Eyes....
- Gilth's scouts lol
- REAL era of asystole awards!
- Im Back
- Who Will Be Who?
- question joke
- pictures!!!!
- era competition, most messages
- [ COB] Hate Me! - Finlandian
- For The Iron Maiden Fans
- Football Cheerleaders
- happy feast
- AoW : SW
- Led Zeppelin
- Over and out...
- Surgery!
- Decide which Laptop
- poxnora
- hitchhikersguidetothegalaxy
- VisualUtopia's most unpopular
- Posts
- |\/\/| ~VU Bot~ |\/\/|
- Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays
- This is what happens...
- dont be mean to santa!
- Woooooot!
- Lol nothing
- Visa Pattarna
- New year
- EU2#2 AAR
- WSOVUP: Areas and Tournaments
- Jeff Dunham
- how can u get eu2
- Old School VU
- Its Allan!!! Gosh!!
- I have a problem...
- My Birthday! I
- Just over half.....
- Return... for a bit
- US EU2
- OMG!
- Defensive IS BACk!!
- ROCK ON!!!
- To the dark riders
- Goodbye (again) Defensive
- Caturday
- Yay For Me!
- Back me please!!!
- Mr. Theoneyourparentswarnedyo
- Mr. Potato
- A Name Game
- Another Name Game
- who took my vu name lol
- Need to talk to someone?
- Statistics
- Any other slovenian here?
- Red Square Game
- Sunsets =]
- Please try
- med 2 total war installing q
- naughty lelouch...........
- VU Survivor I
- PROOF!!!!!!!!!!
- Lies or Legends?
- Russian Humour
- Sploder any1??
- Lets Brokeback Together
- Chain mail....
- Good cow days
- Bush vs Condi
- era of Lenard awards
- thats sir to you..
- 3 word game take 3
- Forum ban petition
- Happy birthday Seloc
- Computer help :D needed...
- Station: The Flame.
- anyone else?
- Nice activity ;
- Leaving V
- cesar III
- Biohazardous/ Crusader
- Mantrax map?
- Pivot Animations
- Funny flash game
- Sesame Street : Next era
- VU Survivor 2
- !!!
- PHI (The Truth)
- hello II
- escape the fate =D
- Vowel game
- Old man jokes.
- Bar jokes II
- Rip-off?
- VU EU2 #3!
- hay music
- SUMMER VACATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Might Multi.
- Country Myths
- Valentine's Day
- Anime II
- VU's worst
- Acceptance of Seloc
- VU American Idol
- Resistance Against Revenge
- its about that time
- Some junk I made
- Mr. Fraser whos in Sheolic
- its 1337 suggestions
- Resistance against Plato
- Resistance against Septim I
- Leaving until Thursday
- dream team
- Good bye everyone
- Greatest PC Game Ever
- Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
- Boffing Anyone?
- Safety goes first
- Games to get
- Squiddy
- Word Association Game II
- o_0
- Puzzles...
- Peace All
- A chance at fame.
- Cannabis.
- Patriot/Mage/solid ????
- Squiddy's sexuality =]
- Help me Solve This Riddle
- Visual Utopia's most popular
- Lol II
- PancakesVsMuffins
- ghey????? ;D
- Skillz
- What is Zeta Like?
- Anti-Septim resistance
- VU banner
- Most played race?
- Happy Birthday to me! II
- Predator Elite Similarities
- The VU Shrink.
- Whats the deal?
- ZeTa pwns a kingdom LOL
- Frost on the Window
- Addicted? ruining your life?
- happy Easter All
- Bloody Steel Is Recruiting !
- OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- How do you embed videos
- I hate you all!!!
- grr anubis
- BurningLegion Will Loose :)
- |337 5p34k 4ny0n3?
- Strongest Hobgoblin
- Comedy-Combine Nation
- Arested for spaaming? lol
- =D
- Haryy Potter Puppet Pals lol
- Era of Grumpy old*beep* Awards
- A Title for a Scientist?!?!
- era of grumpyoldbastard reward
- Salaracen's fanclub. Woooot!!!
- Help me win a computer
- Videos!
- Look what I made!
- Santa
- Happy B-day Might 33
- kicked in the nuts
- creepiest show ever
- help plato
- Best race?
- To day in VU
- 3 Word Game Take 4
- Dinner II
- Civil Protection
- Penguins Fly !!!!
- Plato Reform (YES, IT'S TRUE!)
- where is..
- fun at school I
- Neil Young
- Juganitorii NAP breacker
- a pub
- Darkfall, the proper thread
- 12-sky : Free PvP Game
- funny stuff
- quick, easy, free real MONEY!!
- Old School Hits
- Help us out
- resistance against Septim II
- Cabal Online
- Robot Chicken
- era of WW awards mant
- So.
- Hilarious situations
- avenged sevenfold...
- HoMM Online FREE
- online games
- The Picture War!
- IwasOn Darkfall Forums when...
- RoC thread
- large resistance against plato
- Stupid name for next era
- The OFFICIAL Plato Flame Forum
- Characters
- VU Survivor Reborn
- Flame PJ
- Most hated Players on VU
- Whoa
- WoW II
- Mysocio....VU-Group!!
- Illegal aliens versus Predator
- Fable 2 videos
- perfect world
- Stargate Continuum
- Epic Battle
- plato
- Grand Theft Auto 4
- Happy Birthday Duke Drakos!!!
- Disturbing Picture....
- the coolest world ever.
- I'm please to inform you that
- Era of White Widow awards
- Just popping in to say 2
- first person to post wins!
- Idea!
- the most embarrasing moment
- Yeah, Hi.
- Soldier Front [Game!]
- Spoon
- Small poem
- helicopter 4 sale
- Movies
- help me
- who wants to be a pop star?
- New nokia
- Internet Relay Chat aka IRC
- RAndon
- Youtube Online Dating!!
- Splinter Cell
- Euro 2008
- Logo For my kgd
- Admin's Grammar
- Mercenary Lords/ Bloodstained
- FoodwgucgI d
- just a convo
- Septim goes insane!
- Goodbye Everyone...
- Epic Fail List
- Flame Miller...
- City names
- Jokes anyone?
- Continue Game
- Cake or Death! Rofl!!!
- Ninja Gaiden II
- youtube
- Look who's actually playing
- Driving Test
- Lakers vs. Celtics
- What Boredom Causes
- Well then.....SURPRISE.
- era of DB awards fant
- Family Guy????
- New song that's out
- Ok... Now Im annoyed
- Hillbilly Mansion!!!
- Next era : New Name Theme!
- Next Era: Naming Theme Idea
- Next Era: Sci-Fi Names
- Word Association Game!
- Join Prominence
- The Muppets : Next era
- IRC help
- tits and boobs
- twamao II
- Leaving III
- Red Vs Blue's back
- A first?!
- Manga help
- era of DB awards mant
- Return of the Bug
- Heroes of War and Money
- Confucius says..
- Worlds Hardest Game
- Weee! Science!
- Please try to finish this
- hey guys
- wow III
- Admin FTW
- D.O.A. or DoA
- VU has MySpace!
- Unexplainable
- Era of G.O.S. awards mant
- My Birthday! II
- Quitting VU
- Vu Warrock
- random by me created by me
- Christian Reviews ROTFL
- Most loved players on VU
- Ponsa
- We love ZeTa because..
- Ice Ice Baby!
- PJ's big news
- Word Association Game III
- the greatest movie speech said
- LGC's -not so secret- secret
- Birthday!!!
- Darkfall Online
- Hey II
- Mass Messaging VI
- Tractor
- hey III
- Massa wins!!! oh wait..
- dear god
- Hip-Hop/ Rap/Reggae
- creepy
- revenge ????
- WTF happen
- I am 1 of 55 are you ???
- Sexy Twamao
- A Little Peice Of Heaven
- I'm Back!
- Bye all
- Calling all Heroes!!!
- wtf is wroung with hs
- hold your breath
- Forum Ban Samual
- were is plato?
- hehehehehe
- Something seems off
- Knights of the Canned Meat
- Help Wanted
- wtf??
- Funny!
- Erunion Telcontar...
- Pokemon!
- movies from around the world
- Weird Car Crashes
- only mcdonalds
- poor penguin
- Story Continuation
- Countdown to my birthday
- scam messages
- sorry lew
- ETF new song
- normal conversation
- Slade on Drugs
- Slade
- Osiris fan club
- Jokes III
- Ask Arvious
- Ello everyone
- Mr. Uberbeast
- Hardcore
- one long history
- Mr. Slave
- Arma X
- Very Sad News...
- Corsairs-Era 27 (Zetamania)
- Multi List
- pictures of guns!
- Reznor
- VU EU #3!
- Justins Truth Out Of Boredom
- Awrsome!!!!!
- Ur best Race?
- Awesome faces!!!
- Elf Scout
- Who's Gonna be the lucky guy
- Attention Roleplayers
- ~~best Kingdom Banners~~
- Best Race Vote
- The return of me.
- indestructible
- the legdendary wilberforce
- Biggest VU farmer
- me on most weekends.
- Funny Game Show!
- Swiftys muscles
- My Mental Age
- R.I.P. Bernie Mac
- New war....
- Me vs all
- VU People
- Era of BTK Awards (Dead)
- Gimli vs Gollum
- Fast Fingers
- owned!
- Bragging Rights.
- Irc IV
- Funny Spells
- Dinner I
- VU EU2
- For everyone with little kids!
- looking for old friends
- Era of G.O.S. awards fant
- Futurama : Next Era
- Verll's truth out of boredom
- Crysis
- Facebook quiz
- Era of BTK awards (Nirvana)
- All vs Spain
- All vs Antarctica
- Winged Cats!
- ~~Marvel Battle~~
- VU on Yahoo
- ~ Vu Player's Real life ~
- Thr real natalia
- Age Old Question
- just testing
- Era of BTK awards (mant)
- Era of BTK awards (fant)
- ERA OF BTK awards Valhalla
- fun at school II
- Justin's New Name Game [JnnG]
- Grotest Music Video (My band)
- Arthion......I'm back
- zomg zeta awards (era 34) :P
- Life Questions
- aurora looking for girls
- PJ is back
- Fallout 3 pwns!
- Sticky Song Thread
- Mean Ad on myspace
- Sanoh's Truth out of Boredom
- Just Dance
- Favourite Songs
- Everyones leaving :-O
- AoA
- quitting
- I'm bored too
- omg III
- WAR??
- Funny?
- Military Humor
- Obama Has Won.
- Werewolf
- Why i like Sweden..
- Revenge's truth out of boredom
- Ask Lelouch
- Septim's truth out of boredom
- Dutchies! Report!
- Funny Facts
- Collecting Sexist Jokes
- The Official 'Pictures' Thread
- Funny Pics!!!!!!!!!
- The geek test
- The Result of Boredom
- Find sth worse then Twilight
- I survived!
- My tenth era
- Emos
- Pregnant
- Organised Flame War
- ~*~Feeling Happy!! ;)
- Firefox
- random?
- Oprah got trolled
- Mean Signs...
- Song: Discuss
- Spore
- Banners
- Modem/Adapter problems?
- amazing
- KD banners
- Chinese Armada
- Atlantica Online
- Any phi around?
- Bye VU
- Obtaining PC Account Passwords
- ~~ Best Race Awards ~~
- Happy christmas, uhh halloween
- Zeta Age Poll
- James Bond
- Something I came across
- New Kingdom in Arma
- Chess Titans
- Tattooes
- Happy Diwali !
- Youtube in HD
- Trio (next era)
- Petition to bring Soc back.
- Strange phobias
- Some scaery stuff
- What'd I miss?
- Having Trouble With The Ladies
- US last year as a superpower?
- LGC last year as a superpower?
- Merry Christmas!
- Taking An Era Off...
- hel this poor guy....
- Did you know?
- Just popping in to say 2 ideas
- voting?
- GamerDNA
- funny vids
- I made a new friend :D
- Fable 2 out tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!
- Era of G.O.S. awards Zeta
- BC next era in mantrax
- Happy B-day Mazvis
- ok, what the F
- No arma??
- Public Service Announcement
- rp ing
- New Year Resolutions
- The Return of Sir Dogga
- Ruin A Wish
- Septim's Luck
- confused. really.
- Open Letter to Admin
- Tribute to Spamalot
- Server downtime - restart era
- Halo movie looks great
- Question!
- Sir Wilberforce
- But my mommy says...
- How to become an evil overlord
- Reject Embassy
- Dammit
- Battle For Middle Earth II
- Photoshop masters wanted
- Mystic KD Recruiting
- Hitler gets pwned
- We have taken Lurk prisoner
- Calling all Tinkerbells
- Scout Art
- WT
- ...Continue the story....
- Black Mesa
- Sean Connery kicks Chuck's ass
- Where is pendragon
- Here is a challenge
- Submarine Titans
- Why You hate me
- DJ Battle (Imperial March)
- Aurora sucks more than Heaven
- Oddiest IRC Leaving
- Funny barny rap
- Why do we love rev?
- Super Code
- NYPD beats down man...
- 1000
- Happy Birthday Wishes
- Happy Birthday!!!!
- The Funny Thread
- Kingdom Banner
- Bran is Unhonorable
- Yay its Friday :D!
- Aurora declares War on me :(
- Earthquake in southern Sweden
- Check this out!
- I'm Back!!
- ps3
- Returning Citys
- The Suure. Game On IRC
- to every girl
- Charley/Cedric quits VU! ZOMG!
- Birthday I
- Leaving VU
- Did You Know ???
- question to guys bout Admin
- video game software help
- Silent Walk
- Bran Opposes
- Pyro's Random Question
- Malfunctioning Clone
- DelaHoya-Pacquiao
- Diana Vickers
- Beat this guys.
- You Ninja
- Movie Quotes
- The Perfect MMO
- Lord Erunion Telcontar
- filthy russians
- See ya... for now
- cya good bai ;)
- Leaving IV
- I am leaving Visual Utopia
- Leaving...
- phone opinions
- Goodbye
- I'm Leaving...
- i love swedes
- Era of Elsin Awards
- To Whom It May Concern
- Leaving for a While...
- Pure Pwnage
- Roleplaying in the hangaround
- divx movies
- The Demon and Sal Show
- Everyone Loves Me...
- Happy New Year
- 100k!
- Trainin Excercise
- New Era
- VU EU 2009 aka 4
- Appology to Theophilus
- =[
- Crossfire :D
- Last Knights Dinner
- Help me Pick a Name
- Best player on VU?
- Any Excuse...
- Birthday II
- Is this guy for real?!
- Invasion of robots in vu
- Strange Phonecall
- Banned! :O
- Minicity, help me
- Survivor II
- so Sexy
- Alphabounce
- cobrafacts
- VU Survivor II
- Dark Fires, Demonik, or Abydos
- --- VU EU 2009 --- AAR thread
- Sock and Awe
- Connection Help?
- Comming to you....
- VU community, the PEOPLE
- Saga game
- VU History
- Biggest Nub On VU
- Marriages
- Cya!
- After Era Victories :)
- Bored
- words can describe this.
- Pyro vs Pyro
- Fra Merluz
- The Hate Center
- Its my birthday!
- Return of "some viking guy!"
- VU Survivor Revival
- Vancouver Canucks Win!
- Sloth Verses Messiah
- end of era sciences
- Wilber nub 4ever
- One-Liners
- Funny Posters
- Can you read this?
- wwwhhhaaaazzzzzaaaaa!!!!!
- VU Admin in Nirvana :)
- Septim's Fanclub
- i just wanted to say...
- ME part II
- Interesting....
- How to count to 100....
- Congrats PJ
- rock vs classical
- Calling all creative people
- Player Abuse
- Anybody know where?
- VU Toolbar for Firefox
- Stupid Questions
- SNOW!!!
- What Do You See?
- Clay People
- Deallus/Berkeley is leaving
- The onion
- I'm Back, who's still here?
- A bit strange
- This will be my last era....
- Osi The hillbilly!
- Time to call it a day too....
- demotivational posters
- Pay attention!
- I'm leaving too...
- I'm off!
- ill show you how to dance!!!!
- Cobra Leaving
- I...
- Sex Laws
- Uncyclopedia
- WTF?
- Samual lulz
- **This Or That? **
- Tavern! Get in here!
- A Title For Meh
- ME
- Lateral Thinking Puzzles!
- jokes IV
- Dragon Cave
- Look who could be running UK!
- I need a geek!
- Pc Help
- fun facts
- chat on Skype
- Rock
- FF300
- Its Cobra
- What I had for dinner....
- Hey everybody!
- I ate some spaghetti
- Abydos... apply!!!
- Hi Im Boxxy
- My own race yayzzzzz
- Sooo.....
- PLEASE HELP- knighthood
- Top 10 Google Earth finds
- Have you heard
- Roleplaying Points To Be Reset
- Funniest Joke
- Abydos
- KoC Enlistment
- Ezatious' personal dating ad
- Play Runescape?
- Devilish!!!
- Chuck N. for Prez.. of Texas??
- thank you for cramming my news
- End of the World
- VU's Most hated/liked
- Sooooo
- Argyles Fanclub
- BettingWiki
- Goodbye VU
- Reality
- World Wildlife Fund Earth Hour
- lewatha leaving VU
- Funny Pictures
- old vets
- FlAmMiNg TiMe
- Leaving.
- Halp?
- It's my Birthday
- Hi Hi Hi
- Leaving VII
- Epicfail of a Game,,, Goodbye
- Help?
- Hey Fafnir
- Helpz? :P
- im qutting
- Halo 3 - Live
- Happy 15000 topics, Politics!
- Leaving....
- The true faces of Veggies
- ~~Would you rather...~~
- Marathon
- LOL Funny Attack
- Venomz is here
- Been awhile
- I have come back!
- Economic Crisis HITS VU! OMG!
- Where my b*tches at?
- Officially Quitting
- Quick Survey
- pezzies
- Heaven gives you angel
- Petition for Osi
- any Jedi's?
- It's a trap
- Start the era already
- going to amsterdam
- A Friendship Ends.......
- I loled
- The Map
- Rawr...
- The Flame War
- Party Hard
- Ez Is currently only voiced
- Revelation
- Omega Overkill
- Multi????
- Calling one more Duke
- Figured it out
- Pick your favorite members!=)
- Sad T Rex
- if the world was fair
- Something
- Official statement from FandV
- NeEd YoUr HeLp Please
- Muu on kingdom Icon
- Epic Wallpapers
- Hawtest in VU
- Frostys here
- the return of a legend
- 3 Man Kingdom
- Veggies propaganda
- My Return
- Eurovision song contest
- Anybody Here
- Where are you from
- Are you bored
- pm total
- What race are you
- Hooray for me
- Cobrastyle
- Mr Sanoh
- Happy Birthday to me
- Im sorry for Manchester
- best documentaries and links
- Multi much
- Help Lava find kd
- Flash Things For Vu
- me me me me
- bugs own
- Illusion
- Its my birthday
- Conspiracies
- Funny side of Sports
- guys its official
- Zeta help this guy
- Visual Utopia Stick Comic
- what the hell
- Highscores gone werid
- Wolfs KD Next Era
- 4th of July
- Sanoh in Amsterdam
- What REALLY happened
- Chade is a very very happy man
- Making a KD II
- Angels Storiline
- Its baccckkk
- WiseguyGimli
- Myy Plea
- Hankypanky read this
- Roleplay
- What do you do to nubs
- Thread oh yeah
- The Misuderstood
- Funny funny stuff
- Flash Banner For VU
- something suss
- CS Source
- New News
- era end
- threatening
- adventures of stirlin and wilb
- i found myself
- Travis Pastrana
- Requiem
- Most Warlike Kingdoms
- Does any one remember me
- belgians v british
- Me and Wilber
- I Returned
- Is there anyone
- Message Count
- Skype chat
- The Guide 7202005
- Juicalots
- New Gamestore Opened Up
- first day production
- Billy Mays found dead
- I shall smoke the peace pipe
- Is it true
- pedobear O
- Prince Septim
- um oh yeah
- KoA welcomes back Ryan n DARK
- So who is now a mod
- Poor Dog
- A Funny Revenge
- Bran vs Penguin vs Revenge
- I Was
- kingdom theme songs
- who is hawter
- Whatd happen if
- Quitting No Seriously
- Catch me if you can
- multi it
- Scary Robot
- Pictures to People
- pedrozbear
- Remember me
- Football or Soccer
- Septim Gets Bored
- Red Faction Guerilla
- Players who shown talent on VU
- Walter Kronkite is Dead
- most epic quotes
- Poke Poke
- ad banners more new players
- I feel used lol
- Best scout EVER
- VU recipe corner Salmon
- Zeta any new updates
- A Certification
- hi im chris
- who is nicer
- HankyPanky is special
- My Crappy Flash Game
- Funny lol
- Friggin crazy guy
- Spotify VU Playlist
- helloaw
- Happy 420
- Favourite movie of all time
- Guess the country
- Gaming News
- How not to play Vu
- Deep Discussions
- VU Picture Dump
- Is this new
- POLL Passions
- Guess the Song
- Please Explain
- coke and srlandschips
- The temperature
- RIP Bobby Robson
- Blandad ss kompis
- Veterans Whos Who
- Will testiment whatever
- US posturing about Iran
- Thank you Zeta
- Flags on top of the page
- Isnt It Obvious
- Teeth are for losers
- vu miss cobra
- A simple request to all
- Good New Bad News Game
- Arma era 42
- Im starting
- What should my next name be
- Happy BDay Kitty Cat
- Spoon the Capitalist 1
- Kathandarion
- GAME Best and worst
- POLL Karma or Coincedence
- Walmart is for idiots
- The Siege of Herons My Band
- funny
- Fate embassy
- Movie Talk
- The Post A Random Word Thread
- Any Ex Warbookers Out There
- Its The End
- Discuss
- Tantrums thrown here
- Derrick Comedy
- Important question
- Skype Your topic only
- grilled or crispy
- Happy BDay Resi
- Stupid Stupid Stupid CHICKEN
- HappY happy birthday Lewatha
- maybe quiting
- paintball
- buy my stone
- Lay off my hoes
- My msn
- Skillets new album
- Walmart Funnies
- Man United Fans
- Supercool kingdom
- Beer by seven year olds
- Random pleaseeeeeeee
- Happy Birthday Arthur Dent
- I caught you
- VUs Epic Fails
- Happy Birthday
- Pretty Pleaseee
- Fun with zit
- DCFS Kidnappers liars
- VU survivor
- Brave peasents
- Suit Up again
- Politics
- VUs Greatest Players
- xxx VUEU 5 xxx
- Happy Halloween from BoW
- Measures taken against bugs
- Discussion Fickle fans
- Crazy War declaration thread
- New Redirect feature
- Any Eels fans
- Hey Warkeeper
- Bon Jovi Music Videos
- Everyone Who is Selling Cheap Tree
- VUs most HatedLiked
- Quietone
- mmm lol
- lol this is funy
- German Oktoberfest
- Fun with translation
- Off topic competition
- Glenn Beck
- What kind of music do you like
- i found this
- Top Five Beatles Songs
- This is rediculous
- Hatsune Miku Vocaloid
- Happy Birthday To
- Haha Epic Fail
- Tribute To Nukem and Not Slade
- Blackberry Help Plz
- Worst Fight Scene EVER
- lolmad dog disease
- Nottingham Trent uni
- WOOT just got 2 kittens
- Real life
- Crazy complaints thread
- CSI Lithuania
- 300 King Penguin x LightXerxez
- Visual Utopia News Network
- CRAZY thinning
- SP Era name
- I am selling my 360
- I need an update
- Boredom
- This is insane
- Vancouver 2010 Olympics
- Charley Says
- I found cobra
- return of me
- Whats wrong with Texas
- McDonalds monopoly
- CRAZY declares OMG
- Nice Horde
- Hairy People
- Is this bad
- Japanese Spitz
- I forgot something
- Best win of the era P
- Rebirth declares on Revelation
- omg omg omg
- The best forum update yet
- How You Know
- The Ultimate Preperation
- Revenges Fail Troll Thread
- start the era plz
- Finally Unbanned
- Charley
- Happy Birthday Hanks
- buy me stone
- MJ Thriller Final Fantasy
- Have you dreamt about this man
- Dora jokes Everyone hates it
- This place seems dead
- Penguin The Filipino
- MrThe Gladiator
- Dont drink and drive
- VU Theme Song
- Unban Prince Sprout
- whatd does he really say
- Modern Warfare 2
- ZZzzZZzz
- Shock Shock Horror
- does Phi have a special spell
- Just for lols
- Hockeyyyyy
- Augh Nub and Sladefool
- Thanks for the Memories in VU
- Google Wave
- VU chippendales
- My band
- Only for the True Men
- Xbox 360 vs PS3
- Anyone grounded
- Holy Graal of school and gym
- Who is worst
- Happy Thanksgiving
- George rr martin fans discuss
- Ze Moon
- Coldplay FANS here
- WereDuck The Horror Movie P1
- Are you dumb
- A common riddle
- Endlesss Birthday Gift
- Confucius say
- BoW propaganda
- Help me please
- Where is Gingerbreadman
- Fluffee is addicted
- Devi man
- Updates for next era
- Do you think shes hot
- When will Penguins stop
- Instant Rapper
- robots whit
- Addiction
- First Ever Xbox 720 Footage
- Movie recommendations
- Kath never learns
- New title
- Happy Birthday Charley
- Australia is fuked
- Check out the dice on this one
- Gay Rights
- Basketball NBA
- US College football
- Playing VU is like
- so you think you can dance
- for yanks and aussies
- 2010 Fifa World Cup
- Best in world
- DVD Burning Software
- Suspicous multi
- Avatar The Movie
- Prove me wrong
- Who Did He Pay Do You Know
- Integrated mouse and keyboard
- What does AFK mean
- Cleverbot
- ping pong anyone
- Dont Let Life Pass You AT2
- Goodbye VU from Samulis
- OMG i did it
- Its Snowing
- merry X mas
- Mood Of The Moment
- xxx VUEU 5 AARs xxx
- New Title for Next Era
- A VU Chirstmas TEH SEQUALZ
- zeta loves me
- omg awesome luck
- Is your kingdom Approved
- New Years Resolutions
- Christmas Map
- Banana Boats
- Take that
- Animal Rights Petition
- If ur a multi
- Australia Is D Best in D World
- Happy BDay Gladiator
- Charleys Deep Dark Secret Muahahahahaha
- Charleys Status
- Happy 2010
- omg im soooo drunk
- My Amataur Movie Showcase
- Domination Mascot
- my gf singing
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- billy talent
- Netherlands Best in tha world
- England best in the world
- Sweden best in the world
- Spartaaaaaaaaa Best In The World
- Your Top Five Bands
- This is new
- Sir Kratos Wolf Im back
- Latvia best in the World
- Curious
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- swiss people rock
- Happy Birthday Shmeh
- i love meat
- wii sex
- lawllermonster
- Poem Page
- Football at its finest
- How to kill a cat
- My Daughter Now
- Free Pengy
- Belgium Best indaworld
- Dreamcast
- Happy Birffday Davey
- Church Is Fun
- Love you zeta
- Swedes unite
- GTA IV ina nutshell
- Happy Valentines Day
- dream car
- From 285th to 82nd
- HomerHemar HermanI give up
- Made me lol
- Enough Already
- Happy Birthday to Septim
- When will YOU die
- Attention
- Poland RIP
- how to get drunk faster
- JuSt 4 FuN
- Mobile broadband
- Awesome French Pranks
- Im so tired
- Obama worse than Bush
- Women are crazy
- Life increasing thread
- World of Warcraft Servers
- Free Bruce Willis
- My first article published
- Medical question
- Oh noes He Wat to eat
- Free Spook Poll
- Who wants to buy VU
- Laptop for every child
- FM 2010 Experiment
- happy bday why sir
- Pedobear strikes again
- my overall ranking
- Hockey Finland vs USA
- Do you wanna play a littlegame
- Lion eats man REAL
- How good of a penguin are you
- Rate Banners
- Uhh WTF
- 100MP pic of sunset
- Zeta i am bored
- For Open Minded People Only
- Happy bday Coles
- Who likes fat pizza
- Nokia N900
- Friends of mee
- Two suns wtf
- Represent your country
- Where are all my peeps at
- Things To Do Between Ticks
- Youve done it Zeta
- Oh no What now
- Jack Churchill
- Conquerclub Tournament
- Titanic 2
- Old Player Coming back
- spring break
- bad things in kitchens
- dear god NOOO
- Happy 8th March for Ladies
- Funniest Aussie Show Ever
- I accidentally the whole KD
- Sell some wood already
- TETRISfor the Motherland
- Injured While playing VU
- ohhh mama
- Who still plays
- Name Stealer
- Japanese kids cartoon
- Mount and Blade Warband
- the United States Marine Corps
- Small Pleasures
- Owen Durham
- All Bow To My Noobiness
- Hot Pepper
- Duke Backstab
- Sheep hum
- Nobody Can Beat Ryan Bellerose
- Dragon Showdown
- Pick one
- Im back after several months
- BirthDay lolwoot
- Starcraft Two
- The Devil owns the Hangaround
- worst game ever
- How you Can Put Pics In Vu
- VU Ad
- Oscar winner best picture
- Help Me Write My Era History
- Holy mother of god
- Spare time Try this
- Buy my tree
- Philly Flyers
- Im really bored
- Amish Virus
- Mr ObamaUS President
- DS Lite
- who here likes tool
- this is just amazing
- xxx US EU2 xxx
- tick change
- Something from Tour de France
- EVE Online
- Help Me Find
- Starcraft 2
- Osis birthday
- VU EUX AAR thread
- Kung Fu Bear
- questions answered
- Great Movie
- Pope of Dope
- painfully sad song
- More maths problemsquestions
- Rubens Tube
- Mangos or Bananas
- Eurovision
- Oh hey
- Cutters and Emo
- Combat Arms
- One day
- Final Fantasy XIII is AWESOME
- Call of Duty Black Ops
- dance fgs
- Cool World style attempt 1
- Why so Evil
- NBA Finals
- Very Serious Video
- Choosing a Major
- From now on
- Inception
- The Flaming Room
- Why Arthur is a bigger jerk
- guy code
- VU EU x
- Greetings
- s224angyaht faailohk Tbl
- holy moly shiz
- i wrote a song
- women and games dont mix vid
- What happens in Thailand
- Butterflies and love
- Space Traveling N00bs
- Where my bummers at
- irc charity
- Who Is Left
- I dident relise
- Very Creepy Childrens video
- PSN and LIVE accounts
- lithuania vs scotland
- Xbox Live Gametags
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- Voting grrrr
- Basketball LITHUANIA
- Scouts stronger then magic
- New Spells Coming
- Independant Film
- All Vu Kingdom Ratings
- Nice and Naughty list
- Lew Day
- My Troops are Fatties
- How Fantasy is Medieval Legend
- Ragnarok Online
- I hate My Ex
- Anybody notice the resemblance
- Old Aby crew
- Moon tilt
- aoe ii question
- Coming to you soon
- best porn ever
- Enough Said
- bored between ticks
- war on the smurfs
- Durzas return
- Top Music
- Calling untagged players
- Everyman Sleep Polyphasic
- Game Experience
- Ive Moved to Berlin
- Unable To Contribute to Societ
- Help With Making Kingdom
- USA Gross Errors
- Bongs sayin hi
- For my boy KAI
- Help VU
- Uhhh What part 2
- favorite songs
- Guilty Pleasure TV
- Fast Five
- VU in Swedish newspaper
- VU Confessionals
- Just a quick question
- Twins incoming
- For Dinner I had
- Comedian Of The Month May 2007
- Flash VU Related RTT
- Remember the Titans
- Any1 else read WoT
- Katamari Hack
- Lords of war and money
- Why Twilight beats Starwars
- Greatest ever player
- The Egg
- Its my birthday O
- Every wonder
- Year plus away what i mis
- Envy me
- Forgotten Warriors Planning
- You sir are banned
- VU in Russian TV
- Vu Kingdoms Game
- Diablo III
- Iphone Game centre
- my people
- Guess whos back
- Best Races and why
- Are you left or right handed
- What happened to
- fun quotes
- Getting Married
- Epic Filibuster
- Dream Job
- Hello everyone
- Refugees in Britain
- Happy Canada Day 2011
- Greatest Movie Ever Made
- Hi Kids
- For Kevdwayne
- Movies related
- War of the Mind
- I made an enemy
- National Pot Smoking Day
- Age Poll
- The movies Carry On Up
- girlfriends against vu
- A Decent Game like VU
- New around here
- DisneyWB match
- Anyone still here
- Hapy fake bday CharliePenguin
- Who are you
- Felt my first EQ
- Global warming will kill us
- The Riddle Tavern
- just good old fun
- North Carolina
- FM 2014 Kickabout
- Storm or something
- Find Zeta 2012
- Inception Joke
- League of Legends
- got a question
- Visual Utopia or Total War
- Amercian Football
- kzats hamachi minecraft server
- The Truth
- Chess dot com
- mariokart 64
- diablo 3 beta
- Happy bday Fitz
- Luck of the Draw
- the youngest vuer
- The College Conspiracy
- Shit just got real
- MadUMad
- help me with dissertation
- Luckiest Dice
- Uther birthday thread
- I Quit VU
- travers iq
- Sir Santa Returns
- Happy Bday Darkmarsbar
- PhD Dissertation Survey
- Bow and Arrows
- Good friends are awesome
- Oldest Message in your Inbox
- Arma 2 DayZ Mod
- Lets get one thing Straight
- Mario vs Sonic in odd places
- AfterWind
- baaaaaaaaack
- What religion are you
- Welcome to all the new players
- FM 2012 VU Kick about
- 30 XP on a hit
- Awesome Game
- ouu check this out
- FM Tonbridge Angels
- Word from Efrandor
- Project Rockstar has came back
- Happy Bday Noob
- need to join a KD
- Stewies Return to VU
- TagPro game
- Top 3 most annoying things
- Minecraft
- Something wrong
- DayZ Zombie Survival Mod
- just funny pictures
- Returned
- Krewe Of Beards
- Funny Gifs
- Pop tarts or french toast
- One question
- Incredible Loss
- Christmas Jokes
- Some music you might like
- ELf so OP
- Whut iz diez
- Hitman Absolution
- Guild wars 2
- US Happy thanks Giving
- Fav Music
- Armageddon Juggernaut Players
- FM 2013 Kickabout
- Question about other game
- Happy Holidays
- Vu on G
- Hows the game
- Visual Utopia reviews
- Full Time Players
- cant drop
- happy late valentines
- Armagon
- HOI or Imperator
- FM 2013 Kickabout 2
- adolf hitler
- The VU message we all want
- Visual Utopia Survivor
- Remembering the old RTS games
- Virtual Reality gaming
- Word Game for fun
- Omfg what a BORING game
- That Time of Year Again
- FM 2013 The last Hurrah
- Do it yourself
- Fantasy Football
- Europa Universalis IV
- My account is pretty old
- Pointbreak
- Features
- What do YOUR forums look like
- dinosaurs
- Bo2 Origins Easter Egg
- guess what
- NeverWinter
- Any old friends about
- Ask Effie Effie answers
- looks around
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- clash of clans
- VU Risk FFA Event
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- Back again
- Happy Christmas 2014
- Ebola instead of Plaque
- Does anyone I know still play
- Fantasy Football 2
- Hup Holland Hup
- Superbowl
- Happy Midsummer everyone
- Other games you play
- anyone still around from LGC
- Troll disadvantage
- The Races Explained in Images
- plz play with my plane
- My Total War Videos
- Destiny
- Gladiatus VU Guild
- Conflict in West Asia
- Paradox Games
- Im back boys
- Some random old timer
- Identify yourselves bytches
- ashley madison
- Charlie Sheen
- Elsin doing some sexytime
- Merry xmas
- What you wanna see
- Brans tail
- PlokoonFalcons
- Belgium
- new update
- peter jackson
- You Guys Play Eve Online
- Crazy
- the life of a frog
- Music from when I was young
- Little Baby Sprouts
- Ark Survival Xbox One
- What I think you look like
- Tactical Roleplaying game
- native traders are trickster
- xbox live
- Happy New Year for 2017
- Just saying hello
- RIP Carrie Fisher
- Business Owners
- Happy Birthday Josh
- bran get your crayons
- Line App
- My Manc brothers
- Jokes with Blong
- hey im new here
- Cant believe Chester dead
- Made me laugh cause Im terribl
- Age of Creation
- Dear visualutopia
- I may have a way
- boredom games
- Great youtube channels
- Hohohohohohoho
- Fortnite Battle Royale
- Only been playing for 13 years
- Go Birds
- RIP My VU Sidekick
- My Mythical Fantasy Blog
- Happy thanksgiving folks
- MMA Fans
- VU nostalgia
- World Domination
- Sharing my thoughts
- All about Bling
- I die happy man
- Rap battle
- Im a Messaiah
- Travels
- Just curious
- Bling rap
- No it doesnt affect
- Hello old friends
- Weeeee back bois
- Merry Xmas 2018
- First ever image of a black hole
- WM handball males
- Patriots or Rams
- Game of Thrones
- Discord Server
- Countdown to 1000
- Galleon Amusement
- Bacon Swiss Buttery Jack
- Looking for Agent Smith member
- Imperator Rome
- Rap Rap Rap
- Rap king
- The Boys The Series
- Merry HoHo
- Facebook translating
- Doomsday clock
- Aid request
- Funny Joke
- Rap king IX
- Ten commandments
- Attained Wisdom
- Proof Aloy Uses Petri Net Tool
- The Real VU Survivor
- Computer Question
- The real VU Survivor Part Two
- Would You Rather Game
- The real VU Survivor Season 3
- Guilty Pleasure
- The real surviver season 4
- Today I learned
- What do you do for a living
- Merry Christmas and HNY
- TTwenty World Cup 2021
- what is the common reality
- Whos playing New World
- Join my community
- Why Dwarf Mages are the Best
- Ukraine chat in Frozen Bar
- World Record
- Who Sucks The Most
- I know who Zeta is
- Testers
- Difficult Riddle
- Strangest Players in VU
- What Type of Gamer are You
- Unbeatable Invincible Strategy
- VU Advertisement
- The court in 2022s NBA Finals
- Star trek dilemma
- Meditation ETs Psychosis
- Waking up
- Spiritual people be like
- Music Taste
- Biggest achievement
- GuideWinning half of all eras
- Happy new Year from Sweden
- The Real VU Survivor Season 5
- Is there life out there
- Anybody still play this game
- Mr. roxbury
- Mr. Heimdall
- Mr. Shagger
- Sir Annatar
- Viceroy Mistyanna Silvermoon
- King Fratnimaniksori
- King Slaxswerd II
- Sir Minigoek
- Sir Katsumoto
- Sir Biskop Brask
- Sir Naruto
- Sir Smak
- Sir Dragonworm
- Lord Enderson
- King Finwe
- Lady Fiana Silvermoon
- Viceroy Cunnus Urinor
- Sir Adelbert
- Sir Thangbrand
- Dark Lord Mirage
- Mr. Mablung
- Sir Fantastic
- King Rather
- Sir Kaslan
- Sir Shahal
- Sir Neratu
- Sir Paladin
- Sir Trollex
- Sir Alexander Somtaaw
- Sir Awesomo
- King Augustus Inhonestus
- Lady Spooky
- Viceroy Cleon Hypocrita
- Lady Mistyanna Silvermoon
- Ms. Valiinah Waroak
- Mr. Schmidy
- Sir Torbjrn Starke
- Mr. Notpersonal
- Sir Uther
- Mr. Cleon Archipirata
- Mr. Knightmaramon Shadara
- Viceroy Spooky
- Viceroy Engelhardus
- King Corwin
- King Oya
- Viceroy Cunnus Pubis
- Viceroy Rathervi
- Lord Bertrand Dugeusclin
- Sir Pallando The Blue
- Viceroy Gothmog IV The Gradiant
- Ms. Catherine
- Sir Truefailure
- Viceroy Damaar
- Lady Chandara
- Ms. Orythia
- Viceroy Damaar
- Mr. Taran
- Mr. Shey Ram
- Mr. Tamain Saar
- Sir Dikkop
- Viceroy Kvahd
- King Merlin
- Viceroy Oya
- Sir Ghostalker
- Sir Fafnir
- King Sweet II
- Mr. Billie Joe
- Mr. Leon Ram
- Viceroy Tak The Invincible
- King Galadorn
- Mr. Zues
- Dictator Earry
- Viceroy Iant Aman
- Sir Method
- Sir Theophobia
- Sir Mac
- Sir Achilleus
- Sir Erunion
- Mr. Bwack Elio
- Mr. Alraz
- Viceroy Fire
- King Sweet The Third
- King Dragonov
- Lord Challym
- Lord Challym
- King Senturu
- King Senturu
- King Senturu
- King Senturu
- King Senturu
- King Senturu
- King Senturu
- King Senturu
- Sir Carrot Fever
- Sir Carrot Fever
- King Senturu
- Sir Carrot Fever
- Dark Lord Vagabond
- Sir Araved
- King Drag The First
- Lady Mellonie
- Lord Method
- Lord Damaar
- Lord Challym
- Mr. Goek
- Sir Revenga Xii
- Sir Steve
- Sir Ghouma
- King Leon Ram
- Sir Viron
- Sir Aravedon
- Sir Dark Demon
- Sir Drag The Second
- Mr. Fordius
- Viceroy Dragonov The Second
- Sir Cremisis
- Sir Brad
- Lord Sagramor
- Sir Dimebag Darrell
- Sir Wizardus
- Viceroy August Von Gneisenau
- Sir Yoda
- Sir Alfonze
- Viceroy Mensies
- Sir Nethersage
- Mr. Belzebub
- Viceroy Mielo V
- Sir Vedros
- Sir Killer
- King Pyron
- Queen Arien Vaire
- Sir Rhade
- Lady Gjall
- Lord Darkmyst
- Mr. Wizardus
- Sir Kavath
- King Pyro
- Sir Pallando The Blue
- Viceroy Slim
- King Scythlord
- Sir Efrandor
- Sir Cannochi
- Duke Nightfury
- Mr. Jonny Bacardi
- Mr. Aloysius Hook
- Sir Smirkov
- Mr. Dark Ice
- Sir Blackdagger
- Mr. Nighthawk
- Mr. Icekiller
- Mr. Jonny Bacardi II
- Mr. Bacrone
- Mr. Warsheep
- Mr. Allen Jacobs II
- Duke Shadowhunter
- Mr. Drakol
- Mr. Jonny Bacardi The Magnificant
- Mr. Sikwayi V
- Mr. Zink
- Sir Efrandor
- Mr. Killer
- Mr. Honor
- Mr. Jonny Bacardi The Brave
- Mr. Firestarter
- Mr. Gallyon
- Mr. Zerocool
- Mr. Achilleus
- Mr. Zec
- Mr. Cxc
- Mr. Argy
- Sir Arzun
- Sir Ygdal
- Mr. Moses
- Mr. Necromundus
- Mr. Menelik Iii
- Duke Planeswalker
- Mr. Marcjen
- Mr. Jamkel I
- Sir Jonny Bacardi The Dastardly
- Sir Asesino
- Wolflord Karac
- Sir Dravos
- Mr. Wizardus
- Mr. Bronzbeard
- Sir Jonny Bacardi The Dark Admiral
- Lord Vader
- Mr. Hungry Horse
- Lord Efrandor
- Mr. Zerocool
- Sir Malus
- Sir Moordenaar
- Mr. Hagroth
- Sir Senturu
- Sir Tirading Virus
- Mr. Legendario
- Mr. Livity
- Mr. Dirty Odin
- Mr. Kraven Noctolis
- Mr. Donut Forsakeme
- Mr. Rhade
- Mr. Dirty Odin DA RD
- Mr. Dolfyn
- Sir Lonely Argyle
- Ms. Meloveulongtime
- Mr. Woopie
- Mr. Hotheaded
- Mr. Lol
- Mr. Super Mario
- Mr. Remote
- Sir Malus
- Crazy Xuaron
- Mr. Kogoki
- Sir Senturu
- Mr. Pyron
- Mr. Agamemnon
- Mr. Otyuin
- Mr. Agamemnon
- Mr. Proilon
- Mr. Arzun
- Mr. Deztroyez
- Ms. Aureus
- Mr. New
- Mr. Tunk
- Mr. Mythyis IV
- Lord Osiris
- Duke Spoon
- Mr. Mastermind
- Ms. Naduah
- Mr. Woopie
- Sir Senturu
- Mr. Istar
- Sir Salaracen
- Mr. Sansoku
- Mr. Nathan Rhal
- Ms. Veronica
- Sir Tyra Jil
- Sir Malus
- Mr. Animal
- Mr. Jibbymaster
- Mr. Dead OR Dying
- Mr. Kalkan
- Mr. Orusio
- Mr. Ryuushi
- Mr. Wizardus
- Mr. Tiberius
- Ms. Rika Nanaka
- Mr. Insaneboy
- Mr. Vieskna
- Mr. Talon Vir
- Mr. Akp
- Mr. Tarsonas Majere
- Mr. Elite
- Sir Darkfaith
- Mr. Tokugawa Ieyasu
- Sir Rhade
- Mr. Sansoku
- Mr. Matthew
- Mr. The Fat
- Mr. Yukimura
- Sir Norinus
- Mr. Lorian
- Mr. Icerendash
- Mr. Talon Vir Ghorta
- Mr. Grigash
- Mr. Razios
- Mr. Drakulya
- Mr. Firendash
- Mr. Warfreak
- Mr. Omi
- Mr. Ohmnialator
- Sir Zaragor The Destroyer
- Mr. Paracelzus
- Mr. Santa Claus
- Mr. Yuran
- Mr. Celendrum Cikayson
- Mr. Paracelzus II
- Prince Disdyakis Hexakis
- Mr. Brashen
- Ms. Rikananaka
- Sir Gorgon IV
- Sir Darkfaith
- Mr. Zechlofski
- Mr. Katsumoto
- Mr. Shannon
- Mr. Ohmnialator
- Mr. Imperial
- Mr. Talwin Hawkins
- Mr. Killer
- Mr. Maleo
- Mr. Ohmnialator
- Mr. Teejay Ball
- Mr. Nobiggieyoo
- Mr. Malekith
- Ms. Enigma
- Prince Bashful
- Mr. Iseador Fidor
- Mr. Ghjgf
- Lady Tantulii
- Mr. Demonic Valiant
- Mr. Nelson
- Mr. Wuu
- Demonic Shezmu
- Mr. Arlius
- Dark Lord Osiris
- Sir Ironpick
- Mr. Alec
- Mr. Dakota
- Sir Darkfaith
- Mr. Biggerboom
- Sir Salareas Vinraven
- Mr. Apocalypse
- Mr. Ali Great
- Mr. Tiber Septim
- Mr. Adelbert
- Mr. Brizencorbin
- Mr. Goldsie
- Sir Lithlego
- Mr. Woopie
- Sir Ragnarr The Wolf
- Mr. Smuff With A Shemale
- Mr. Peace N War
- Sir Acelnorst Dezhelian
- Mr. Jesus
- Mr. Scythruler
- Mr. Naerey
- Lord Griever Maelstrom
- Mr. Mager
- Sir Spud
- Mr. Oda Nabunaga
- Mr. Apocalypse
- Mr. Sakaal
- Mr. Juggernott
- Mr. Huma
- Ms. Enigma
- Mr. Iwasfrozen
- Mr. Ghangis Kahn
- Mr. Wili
- Mr. Allah
- Sir Pelagius Septim II
- Mr. Slayerlyfe JR
- Mr. Ghengis Kahn
- Lord Senturu
- Sir Tiber Septim II
- Mr. Xiahou DE
- Mr. Kaleb
- Sir Cephorus Septim
- Mr. Grandie
- Sir Razios
- Ms. Terryn
- Mr. Arlius
- Sir Vostov
- Mr. Kalkan
- Mr. The Flying Wee Wow
- Mr. Chicosci
- Mr. Suri Cai
- Mr. Juan Vicente Aclan
- Sir Gaius Septim
- Mr. Romulus
- Lord Eleutherios
- Mr. Lucien Lachance
- Mr. Epyon
- Mr. Bathusar
- Mr. Goldmeister
- Sir Salaras Lentorix Vineraven
- Ms. Demeter
- Mr. Smuff
- Mr. Swofty
- Mr. Bayani Bonifacio
- Mr. Stasis
- Sir Defensive
- Mr. Draven
- Mr. Rubyian
- Mr. Atreides
- Mr. Marik
- Sir Anatoliy Grushkov
- Duke Salius Septim II
- Ms. Enigma
- Mr. Cahal Quinn
- Sir Darkblade
- Sir Bruto Cikayson
- Mr. Mager
- Mr. Athos
- Ms. Rhiannia
- Mr. Gurath
- Sir Kelnos
- Mr. Drrofas
- Mr. Thunder Monkey
- Duke Pelagius Septim IV
- Mr. Arthion
- Mr. Last Firstborn
- Mr. Athos
- Mr. Marik
- Mr. Lukien
- Mr. Kayn
- Lord Epyon
- Ms. Rhianniaserpentslayer
- Mr. Thunder Monkey
- Sir Paffician
- Sir Darkblade
- Mr. Tanglao
- Mr. Lukien
- Mr. Akragas
- Mr. Cao Cao
- Ms. Enigma
- Ms. Rhiannia
- Mr. Juan VI
- Mr. Patrik
- Mr. Hytlodeo
- Mr. Benltf
- Duke Gaius Septim II
- Mr. Ironsword
- Mr. Blobber
- Ms. Rhiannia II
- Duke Tiber Septim IV
- Mr. Atreides
- Mr. Asystole
- Mr. Diomedes
- Sir Hephaestus
- Mr. Alexander The Great
- Mr. Dragonknight of Ragonovia
- Mr. Gilth
- Sir Paffician
- Mr. Gurath
- Mr. Chicosci II
- Mr. Rubyian
- Mr. Crusader
- Sir Darkblade
- Mr. Tylex
- Mr. Athos II
- Sir Malekith Naggaroth Vineraven
- Mr. Pyron
- Mr. Pumbily
- Mr. Weiss
- Mr. Pyron
- Mr. Arby
- Mr. Fox
- Mr. Athos III
- Mr. Vengence
- Mr. Twotan
- Mr. Wizardus
- Mr. Lenard
- Mr. Milovich
- Mr. Rommel The Powerful
- Mr. Atreides
- Mr. Sin
- Mr. Orny
- Duke Darkfaith
- Duchess Lacewing
- Sir Gravehaunter II
- Prince Lucias Septim II
- Mr. Chicosci III
- Mr. Its
- Mr. Gilth
- Mr. Goldsie
- Sir Aurelius
- Mr. Killer
- Mr. Asmuth
- Sir Tikocato Frostcomet Vineraven
- Mr. Random
- Mr. Sparemylifeplz
- Emperor Inarius Arkiados
- Mr. Lars Binholm
- Mr. Fire Line
- Sir Pesterd
- Mr. Japper
- Sir Nolfe Flamehorn Vineraven
- Mr. Killer
- Mr. Americanfire
- Mr. Tovladian Soltyr
- Mr. Uyfgjkd
- Mr. Ding
- Sir Fire Nova
- Duke Luta Mor
- Mr. Random
- Mr. Killer
- Ms. Rook
- Mr. Atreides
- Mr. Courage
- Lord Crom
- Mr. Meowman
- Mr. Delran
- Mr. Gary Forthy
- Mr. Com
- Mr. Dolfyn
- Ms. Caleil
- Mr. Iciruam
- Mr. Evan
- Mr. New Guy
- Mr. Bravo
- Sir Reece Soltyr
- Prince Cephorus Septim IV
- Mr. Gilth
- Mr. Demonsul
- Mr. Dyrness IV
- Mr. Mage The Blob
- Mr. Ichigo
- Mr. Xilofone
- Mr. Rise
- Mr. Duh Omg Duh
- Sir Pesterd
- Mr. Asgarth
- Mr. Blobwiz
- Mr. Slade
- Mr. Iggymydog
- Mr. Durza The Multihaxor
- Mr. Vosnu
- Mr. Samulis
- Mr. Charley
- Mr. Peter Jackson
- Mr. Wraith
- Mr. Remenber
- Mr. Spud
- Duke Ulgrin The Bastard
- Mr. Thizzle
- Ms. Xerxes
- Mr. Justin
- Prince Calus Septim V
- Mr. Scottietohottie
- Mr. Penguin
- Lord Tovladian Soltyr
- Sir Aranved
- Mr. Jermeytheholy
- Mr. Gilth
- Mr. Lazydragoon The Sloth
- Mr. Avenge
- Mr. Nathan Bedford Forrest
- Mr. Durza The Wolfbrother
- Duke Jerall The Shortbeard
- Mr. Samulis II
- Mr. Ender Wiggin
- Ms. Donna The Magestic One
- Mr. Samulis Quintus Augustus
- Mr. Cairn II
- Mr. Elvine
- Mr. Wooteq
- Mr. Aellebin
- Sir Valentine
- Lord Ullic Pendragon
- Mr. Peter Jackson
- Mr. Earth
- Mr. Hrogarth
- Mr. Asdfb
- Mr. Unana
- Mr. Komkar
- Sir Slade
- Mr. Peter Jackson
- Mr. Caesar Augustus
- Lord Uther Pendragon
- Sir Valentine
- Mr. Caradoc II
- Prince Gorris Septim
- Mr. Zump
- Mr. Slash
- Mr. Com
- Death Lord Draven
- Lord Emberforge
- Mr. Gilth
- Mr. Khalifa
- Mr. Hiroshima
- Sir Charley II
- Duchess Jenine The Nobeard
- Mr. Ken
- Mr. Ironsky
- Mr. Thrall
- Mr. Uzumaki Naruto
- Mr. Gilth
- Mr. Roottwig
- Ms. Mama Bear
- Prince Bertilius Septim
- Mr. Cao Cao
- Mr. Wolf Commander
- Mr. General Lee
- Lord Uther Pendragon
- Mr. Dark Father
- Sir Wraith
- Mr. Ant
- Mr. Com
- Mr. Samulis of Old
- Sir Ernie The Orange
- Duke Krasksagon
- Death Lord Draven
- Mr. Ryan
- Mr. Dark Lighting
- Mr. Gilth
- Mr. Killer
- Mr. Dyrness
- Mr. Bartimaeus
- The Dark Knight
- Prince Bertilius Septim II
- Mr. Edward Gryfflur
- Mr. Grr The Death Moon
- Duchess Lessissora
- Sir Peter Jackson
- Mr. Facepalm
- Mr. Atreides
- Sir Dire Wolf
- Sir Tybalt Wolf
- Mr. Pieguy
- Mr. Iggymydog
- Sir Grim Darkhammer
- Sir Chucky
- Mr. Kayn
- Mr. Darque Shade
- Mr. Tunder Strike
- Mr. Jackdaniels
- Mr. Warkeeper
- Mr. Gallyon
- Death Lord Draven
- Mr. Ruby Knight
- Mr. Cao Cao
- Sir Lapulapu The Chief
- Mr. Bladehadranos
- Mr. Atreides
- Duchess Lorelisi
- Mr. Samulis
- Sir Charley Deallus
- Lord Nephilim The Redeemer
- Mr. Gilth
- Mr. Remember
- Mr. Darklord Zoltan
- Mr. Father of Erendur
- Mr. Roman Numeral One
- Mr. Jackdaniels
- Mr. Jondrusx
- Mr. Theophilus
- Sir Zek
- Sir Hellcrazy
- Sir Sardos
- Mr. Gilthas
- Sir Gallyon
- Lord Wolven Warrior
- Mr. Lurk
- Mr. Gravehaunter II
- Mr. Dyrness
- Mr. Homanil III
- Mr. Iggymydog
- Hentai Verll
- Sir Jonny Bacardi The Noble Hero
- Lord Charley Deallus
- Mr. Dragonis
- Mr. Rubyian
- Mr. Razai
- Ms. Red Rose
- Sir Kratos Wolf
- Mr. Mozart
- Mr. Virah
- Sir Gilth
- Mr. Slave
- Mr. Theophilus II
- Sir Jesus Left Toe
- Mr. Live And Inconcert
- Mr. Creepin Solo
- Mr. Rock Gods
- Mr. Angelrobot
- Endless Dillyrias
- Sir Oblivion
- Mr. Snake
- Duke Maltorv
- Mr. Sinthoras
- Mr. Landric
- Sir Gallyon
- Mr. Killer
- Sir Antharic Grudgebringer
- Mr. Bongs
- Mr. Robbie
- Mr. Oziiach
- Sir Manwe
- Mr. King Elmo II
- Mr. Millenium
- Mr. Pesto
- Mr. Cronus
- Sir Samulis The Conquerer
- Sir Resistance
- Prince Valan Septim
- Mr. Remus Lupus
- Endless Delerium
- Mr. Mars
- Duke Akenad
- Sir Gallyon
- Mr. Theophilus VI
- Mr. Killer
- Sir Thingol
- Lady Hazel
- Mr. Eros The Pimp
- Mr. Fear
- Duke Kalokop
- Demonic Bald Lemur God
- Demonslayer John Berkeley
- Mr. Trigonshee
- Mr. Theophilus VII
- Endless Delight
- Mr. Ruby Knight
- Mr. Holismoli II
- Sir Gallyon
- Duke Pokolak
- Sir Gilth
- Mr. Isaac
- Mr. Skinny Vinny
- Sir Hel The Sunshine
- Sir Demetri Eindringen
- Sir Samulis The Incredious
- Mr. Siberius Phenom
- Mr. Arthur Dent
- Mr. Nick
- Mr. Camel The Bounty Hunter
- Sir Gilth
- Sir Slash
- Mr. Iggymydog
- Mr. Reborn Himanil V
- Ms. Doc Bolger
- Mr. Innovator
- Mr. Samul
- Duchess Sessa
- Mr. Throatslasher
- Mr. Theophilus IX
- Mr. Bongs
- Mr. Jason
- Mr. Leafblighter
- Mr. Skinnyvinny
- Mr. Pure
- Mr. Bongs
- Mr. Jupiler
- Endless Mystique
- Mr. Loony Goatsin Nursing
- Mr. Mythyis X
- Mr. Aloysius
- Mr. Theophilus X
- Mr. Bartimaeus Reincarnated
- Ms. Lilly Telvanus II
- Sir Throatslasher
- Lady Astoria
- Mr. Maximus II
- Master Cloutier
- Mr. Zaheir of The Risen
- Sir Verendurus The Tafflinicronian
- Mr. Kongdust
- Mr. Brainiac
- Endless Happy Meals
- Mr. Dyrness The Pale
- Lord Polydeuces
- Mr. Gulcasa Syaxe
- Sir Pure
- Mr. Himanil VII
- Mr. Lightx
- Mr. Zippo
- Mr. Apophis III
- Mr. Theophilus XI
- Sir Meatball
- Mr. Aranved
- Mr. Name Nicker
- Mr. Azengar
- Lord Himanil VIII
- Mr. Arthur Dent
- Mr. Caligo
- Sir Thor
- Mr. Platnium
- Lady Kittie Croft
- Mr. Anubis
- Mr. Theophilus XII
- Mr. Ryan The Drow Ranger
- Sir Rexar
- Mr. Midban The Wise
- Mr. Die Kill Die
- Sir Lanoc
- Grand Ape Donkey Kong
- Sir Erunion Telcontar
- Mr. Die Kill Die
- Lord Mcfalter
- Mr. Iggymydog
- Sir Gilth
- Endless Despair
- Mr. Targaryen
- Ice Prince Nazir
- Duke Jictelious
- Mr. Trolli
- Mr. Theophilus XIII
- Lord Wraith
- Duke Mithras The Psycho Bear
- Clan Elder Mcfissure
- Duchess Kittie Sherezade
- Mr. Brace
- Mr. Die Kill Die
- Sir Not Fit For Duty
- Sir Chee Cat
- Prince Bartimaeus XIV
- Sir Cadmus The Noble
- Sir Aries II
- Mr. Theophilus XIV
- Mr. Buzz Killer
- Sir Cadmus The Scribe
- Mr. Teirdel
- Mr. Acerf
- Mr. Arthur Dent
- Mr. Aloysius
- Sir Ryan The Archtroll
- Duke Jictelious The Younger
- Mr. Falvion
- Grand Paladin Jonny Bacardus The First
- Mr. Shilnad The Just
- Sir Corollin of Dragesvard
- Mr. Roderian
- Praetorian Wyzer
- Mr. Die Kill Die
- Lord Gilth
- Mr. Infection
- Mr. Zeus
- Clan Elder Mcfarin
- Grand Paladin Jonny Bacardus The Just
- Sir Cadmus The Bold
- Swedish chef Brashen
- Mr. Slark
- Duchess Laeroi
- Praetorian Wyzer
- Mr. Fletcher
- Mr. Gravehaunter
- Sir Saladin
- Mr. Fletcher
- Sir Slark The Emotionless
- Mr. Fletcher
- Mr. Wormdigger
- Endless Muggings
- Mr. Die Kill Die
- Ice Prince Cyruss
- Grand Paladin Jonny Bacardus The Blackknight
- Duchess Solesta The Cruel
- Mr. Kratos Wolf
- Mr. Breeak
- Mr. Arkan IV
- Ice Prince Aureola
- Sir Slaven
- Mr. Gulcasa Syaxe III
- Sir Slark The Killer
- Endless Destruction
- Duke Rensmauth The Meek
- Duchess Nazariena
- Lord Woodys Sapphire Trebuchet
- Mr. Die Kill Die
- Lady Godiva
- Mr. Yogi The II
- Mr. Die Kill Die
- Ice Prince Zephyr
- Mr. Bark
- Mr. Ninja Toothless The Forgotten
- Mr. Ali Baba
- Mr. Bane The Conqueror
- Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus
- Lady Isa Tramp
- Mr. Vytautas Didysis
- Duke Hebernat The Mad
- Ms. Delirium
- Mr. Them
- Mr. Mamba Jamba
- Konig Wiggy
- Mr. Manowar
- Lady Pink Femmes Fatales
- Mr. Tyrin
- Mr. Thrawn The Tactician
- Mr. Dur
- Mr. Silver The III
- Mr. Raxxx
- Death Lord Draven
- Sir Elf Test
- Mr. Sprout
- Sir Ryan The Archion XIII
- Mr. Gloom Aloysius
- Mr. Phoenix Flames
- Mr. Holycowitsme
- Ms. Kkay
- Mr. Baby Boy
- Mr. Aloysius
- Mr. Trollz
- Mr. Fordius
- Mr. Haterman
- Marquess Shuren Rider
- Mr. Vitcim
- Mr. Bad Odds
- Mr. Sofa Awesome
- Lady Lovemelongtime
- Mr. Septimus
- Sir Janivo Jumbler
- Mr. Efrandor
- Mr. Nipply Tingles
- Mr. Chief Executive Officer
- Mr. Frank Zappa
- Mr. Anonymous Death God
- Prince Anonymous
- Mr. Tokugawa Hidetada
- Mr. Learza
- Mr. Death Dealer
- Prince Anonymous
- Mr. Death God
- Mr. Quirinus IV
- Mr. Odun
- Mr. Uwer
- Mr. Vivi
- Sir Ajax
- Mr. Arkantos The Ardvark
- Mr. Ponsa
- Ms. Lailah
- Lady Tinuviel
- Mr. Varian Wrynn
- God Eros Butt Slapper
- Mr. Golemua Lethal
- Mr. Zavier Boy
- Mr. Anonymous of Starta
- Mr. Anonymous of Valhalla
- Sir Flouride Triger XXI
- Mr. Weilium Triger
- Mr. Warpeace
- Ms. Medb of Connacht
- Mr. Orkubbo III
- Mr. Gemonio Lonely Gem
- Mad and Dangerous
- Task Force
- The Bakers
- Griifin Warriors
- Mutiny
- Felicity
- Testers
- Empire of Drea
- Denial
- Death Note
- Lezbos
- Kingdom Hearts
- Men
- Army of Anubis
- Cease Exist
- Drokvira
- The Legion
- Dendarii
- Luna Wolves
- The Sanctum
- Black Flag
- Denadrii Mercs
- Fate
- Exogenesis
- Skullz Vrs Humans
- Grimskull Warriors
- Ace of Spades
- The Skull Gods
- Kell Hounds
- Paladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame
- Odyssey
- Military
- Bear Machines
- Gladiators
- Daffodils
- Simple
- Zoo
- Purgatory
- Im With Stupid
- Relentless
- Skullz Vrz Humans
- Imperium Corps
- Gatekeepers
- Stormcloaks
- The Undead
- Freelancers Liberation Front
- i dno wat to rite here lol
- Phoenix
- Undercover
- Knights Of Claidmore
- Lovebirds
- Cannabis
- The Furry Cocks
- Reservoir Dogs
- Royal Order of Claidmore
- House Stark
- Akatsuki
- Sons of Odin
- Champions of Valhalla
- Pooping Philosophy
- Beothuk Evil Ops
- Pitch Black
- Skullz Vrs Humanz
- The order
- Karas Ir Taika
- Infinity
- Arcbound
- Forgotten Warriors
- Bleh
- Holy Roman Empire
- White Rose
- Scream
- Darker Blood
- Rebel Against Society
- BloodLust
- British Petroleum
- DeathSpren
- Micmac
- Dark Angels
- Blood Guardians
- Mr God of War
- Yummy Guys
- Oblivion
- Felix Legions
- Raven
- Some Guys
- Fecking Feckers
- Mextli
- Tutty Bandhurs
- Bright Star
- Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse
- Blah Blah Blah
- Midnight
- Blood Lance Tribe
- Making Your Talent Heard
- CLIT Commanders
- All For Killing
- Awesomeness
- Nope Chuck Testa
- Arian Brotherhood
- Nom Nom Nominion
- The Royal Guard
- Drain The Beans
- Zona Oeste
- The Mountain Climber
- Templars
- Storm Cloaks
- Holy
- Crazy Apple
- Glory
- Bruennor
- Kindom of Solace
- Beothuk
- Sisters
- The Death Dealers
- Black Rose
- The Devils Pact
- Yargh
- Knights of Miku
- Teutonic Knights
- Riders of Iscariot
- royal
- Daedalus
- Hardcore
- United Front
- Clownface Industries
- Demons
- Eccleziastez
- The Military
- Crater and Bean
- Guilty Spark
- Wictorious Wankerz
- Red Cross
- The Fallen
- Those who know
- Lost Souls
- Infantry
- Hidden Shadows
- Bane Elemental
- Ad Libitum
- The Rippers
- confederation
- Sol Invictus II
- Whoknows
- Calcanda
- poop smashers five thousand
- Odins Minions
- Simplicity
- Bolton
- Death Valley
- Release the Genius
- Sexploited
- the b team
- Kingdom of Darkness Light and Fire
- Kingdom of The Fallen Warriors
- haha ortiz
- Primes
- Pawerful
- Bomber Brothers
- Dendarii Mercenary Corps
- Union of Independence
- Orange
- Notorious
- Myrmidon
- Kingdom Hearts Nirvana
- Army Of Four
- Pirates
- Cease to Exist
- Kingdom of Azeroth
- Divinity Lost
- Dragon
- Confederate States of America
- Kingdom of Fools
- Edetopia
- Optimus Consilium
- Renaissance Knights
- Petrol
- Revolve
- The Great Revolution
- trouble maker
- Knights Templar
- Anarchy
- Brotherhood of Nod
- Banana Empire BC
- Ursidae
- Trio
- Rainbow Warriors
- Trein Musketiers
- Sinful
- Lust
- Wasted Guys
- Perrys Knights
- The Odd Ones
- Karelian League
- KD checking
- Cosa Nostra
- alfa
- Canis Exercitus
- Band of the Red Hand
- Disney Psychos
- Black Knights
- Rowdy
- The Green Dragons
- Supernatural
- Kingdom of the Fallen
- MrMcMen
- Bawbagz FTW
- Ladies Abroad
- Cloud Nine
- Army of Two
- The Imps of Lannister
- Forsaken
- The Iron Circle
- Childrens Playground
- Dark lords of the Sith
- Steel City
- Olympus
- New Age
- Anonymous
- Kingdom of Stupid Warriors
- Epic
- Ruka Ruka go cops
- Training ground
- Dragon Flight
- Shadow Legion
- Evil Dead
- The Varden
- Jose C Paz
- The Visual Utopia Empire
- New Luna
- Gorillaz
- The Great Duchy of Lithuania
- travelkind
- Special Forces
- zanny land
- Crimson Mist
- The Federation
- Manifest Destiny
- Central Powers
- Fecking Fecker
- OutLawZ
- Legion of Mary Jane
- Darkfire
- Dexter
- Final Fantasy
- Cannabis Reborn
- The Hunters
- Spiteful
- The Jester Empire
- The Forest Brothers
- Rambo Slayers
- Fen Tiger FFA
- Dragon Returns
- Maleficent
- Chompers
- The Sensitive Fellas
- You Know
- Fire Breathing Rubber Ducks
- Mad And Dangerouz
- Scum Lords
- Peace be with you
- Absence
- Phantom
- The Captropian Empire
- Warriors Against Punk Rogues
- Mijiu
- The Don KIlluminatti
- Leon Nemeios
- Confederacy
- Ioannina
- Sacred Ones
- Alagaesia
- Fire Nation
- Shadow Guardians
- darkninjas
- Regeneration
- Tip of the Spear
- Super Happy Fun Group
- Mad
- The Craziest Thing
- boxxers rebellion
- Blood Havoc
- Olympians
- Demonic Gate keepers
- Shadows
- Desperation
- Descendants
- Knights Of The Round Table
- Misfits
- Poodles From Hell
- Plebarians
- Anarchy V
- Hungry Hungry Hippos
- Cursed
- Knights of the Round
- Amniot
- Zeon
- Guardians of Leviathan
- Battlestar Galactica
- MAFIA Zealots
- Pinecone Crushers
- The Gong Show
- Nemesis
- Pink Legacy
- Gravity
- X
- Genesis
- Kingdom of Heaven
- The Corporation
- Wraith
- Kilkerran Lords
- Crushing Pinecones
- The Borg
- Rome
- Knights Radiant
- The Grim Reapers
- Communism
- The Confederacy
- Death Walkers
- Tatterton
- Vikings
- Just Two Guyz
- Kin to the Ale
- Mercury II
- SoulTrackers
- Dead or Die
- Hillbilly Mafia
- Ragnarok
- Surprised
- DonerKebab
- Black Dragons
- Leeroy Jenkins
- Tainted Legacy
- Envy
- Candy Land
- Monolith
- Look Around
- Cajaerthyr
- Evil
- Mercury
- Kingdom Hearts Nirvana Squires
- Atlantis Guardians
- Wizengamot
- Baby Eaters
- Peacefull dwarf hide
- Kuro Madoushi
- Spandex Inquisition
- Not Exactly Evil
- Natives
- Royal Order of Claidhmore
- Legendary Stone
- The Phoons
- Lazy Peoples
- Warlock FFA
- The Khornate Berserker
- Bubble and Squeak
- Shadows of Shadok
- FRIEd Not STIRred
- Dream Big
- Unholy Union
- Kingdom Hearts Zeta
- Created Kingdom
- Peacekeepers
- Sleepless
- Xtra
- Brutality
- Byblos
- Luna WolvesII
- Poppicorns
- Gaia
- The Interview
- Scoreboard
- Hammer and Shield
- BurningLegion
- Underdogs
- Frankly Phallic
- Uuu
- Doges
- Dragons Empire
- Aardvarks Anonymous
- Wall of Fire
- Realm Of The Mountains
- Soloing Fant
- White Walkers
- Pestilence
- Ritz Reloaded
- Ideal Society
- Hey
- One Moonlight Night Under Sky
- Nararians
- The Black Chain
- Realm of Gras
- Those Of Khaos
- Dead
- The Decomposed Warriors
- Gladiators Reborn
- Tiny Rick Adventures
- Nurnir
- Queendom of Marcelilia
- The Obsidians
- Cypher
- oyesdeath
- Ascension
- Canudos
- Afterlife
- Azarath
- East Coalition
- Cryptic
- Varangian Guard
- Hero Association
- Plus Ultra
- ahoy P I R A T E S ahead
- Rat Pack
- Thay
- Brotherhood of the Wolf
- The Knights Radiant
- House Of Keros
- Death Dwellers
- Riven
- Lords of the Ring
- Small Roman Empire
- Mighty Alliance
- Why So Serious
- Show No Mercy
- The Horde
- The Forgotten
- Chronicles of Candlewax
- Elements
- Order of the Dragon
- Abyss
- Illuminati
- Incognito
- The Chosen Few
- Skull and Bones
- Darkness
- Dreadgod
- Hydra
- Berzerkerz
- Affliction
- Equestrian Knights
- Crimson Fangs
- Brodonia
- House of Durin
- Raven Clan
- Seven Deadly Sins
- Albatross
- Wolf Pack
- The Mongol Empire
- Aeternus
- Poker
- Horns
- Team B
- Solo
- Retribution
- Danger
- Imperium
- Bear Empire Eclipse
- Celestial Empire
- Incubation
- Synarchy
- Untag New
- Aquila
- Dragon Syndicate
- Bomba Volante
- Cinnaptix
- Barbaros
- Legion Under Zondervan
- Monarch
- Syndicate
- Ancient Mining Testers
- The Fellows Ship
- Pink Fairy Armadillos
- The Duchy of Lithuania
- Black Chain
- Bogtaint
- Good
- Red
- Exclamation Mark
- Knightly Order of the Eagle
- Ducky And Friends
- Black Flag Recruiting
- The Feywild Wardens
- team Awesome
- al I Ial
- Fire
- Edoras
- Medieval Dogs of War
- Renaissance
- Human Player
- Error
- Coroners Office
- Wolfpack
- Roundears
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- Question Mark
- The Arma Man
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- Sweden violated torture treaty
- All hail north korea!
- Superbowl Winner
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- Dogs getting stoned
- I think I have a problem...
- Believes Clash
- native people talk
- Keep the KD cap
- Happy Birthday Zeta!
- Global warming!!!!
- New Start (Diffrent Time Zone)
- OReillys solution for Iraq
- Banner Maker Competition
- vet
- Diva Mines ABCD!
- Wiki
- Virginia Tech Shooting in US
- income
- Ghoumas wallpaper contest!!!1
- Congrats Sleazy Ez
- Wow, seven worlds!
- Flashcoder needed!
- KD Cap
- Global Warming II
- who really won the era
- Translation
- Jesus as a Roman
- Dwarfs
- D.O.W
- Arma III
- Iran
- The Superbowl of Boxing
- the arsehole banner
- Tribute to the Khan!
- html help
- Does Zeta walk among us?
- Best Army You've Ever Had..
- makeing china a democracy
- the suns gonna blow up!
- Reps could lose
- Did you know?
- why are threads deleted?
- 200 people online
- Ufo and Aliens
- Cities I
- Armeggedon Spells Good or Bad?
- Dear VÙ community, please help
- Nirvana I
- Arma IV
- You guys don't get it...
- Don't Start w/ 3 bonus turns?
- earth number two!
- Good VU theme song (from RTW)
- Dead Rising
- Stone Market In Zeta
- Problem of 3 player types
- Slow server
- Happy Independance Day
- 210 players online
- Renaissance Kingdom vs VU
- SHYERS the return!!!!
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- What has the world come to...
- Peak Oil
- prince harry war or not
- Starcraft 2
- Universe Creation
- when will it stop
- A challenge to Mbeidas
- main the way NOT to behave
- liverpool v ac milan
- George Bush
- WOW this is cool
- To all George Bush haters
- Top 3 and bottom 3 most useful
- Hall of Honararble VU Players
- mIRC vs VU Chat
- Japan is SICK
- Poll: Favorite Race
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- warriors book series
- A Tribute To The Leader
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- tony blair good bye
- Religious Extremist terror
- Arma changes--why?
- How fit is the new wembly
- VU supports youtube clips?
- the friggen ugliest city...
- whose the noob?
- wOOt I
- Congratulations
- Saiyan Empire
- The *REAL* Last day Production
- Game Choice
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- Ben Stein CBS interview
- The best thread ever!
- Wher'd you find this site at?
- after amon hen era
- CV writing
- Congratulations on this feat,
- 7-7-7
- Wikipedia
- $12 billion a month
- Age range in VU
- End of Era movie - direct dl
- champions: return to arms
- Rascist Zombies!!
- Market meltdown.
- Playing the Market
- Islam and rock music
- walls walls walls and walls
- New End of Era Torrent File
- orc or troll
- 6 hour turn
- era improvements
- When does Mantrax start up?
- history of all VU
- Prophecies and Whales
- Greatest rainbow city i ev saw
- Visual Utopia Utopia
- Personal histories
- World openings
- Updates for the era of Asystol
- Petition: No title for Erunion
- Petition: I want my Title back
- Battlefield 2142
- Flamin era
- US Election 08' -Vote Cthulhu!
- Cleaniest science set up
- Lemon Jolly Rancher Cover-up
- New World Star
- Creation: Biblical... history?
- Surgery update...
- Map Development
- No preperation time (arma)
- 2007 Nobel Peace Prize
- Math Tricks/Problems
- fantasia overpopulated
- boarders
- Dwarf? Why dwarf?!
- mIRC problems
- Leaving (Arthion)
- 37,458,296 ppl disabled in USA
- oo yeash!
- Save the Vowels
- Gratz Lenard
- Eras not over yet!!!!
- Kingdom list from your side.
- New world Europe Vs US
- Artemis Fowl GRAPHIC NOVEL
- Yu-gi-oh
- Army life
- Middle of the Era (Asystole)
- Game Development, I need you!
- [discuss] MU Cost change
- MAD: Mongi and Aloysius
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- Deleted Accounts
- Forts
- America
- Billionare club
- Screenshot competition
- Conspiracys : The truth ?
- World of Testa
- Did Jesus Exist ?
- Not all Muslims are terrorists
- Welcome back =)
- Christmas Gift Suggestions
- Religions in VU
- Respect -- where is it? O_o
- Kid burns classmate blames WOW
- Forum III
- Origins of Ruler Names
- Music X
- Life on other planets
- Global Warming I
- Listing
- Is VU overly addictive?
- Happy new year!!!
- massive post pyramid
- Ambition
- Debate websites
- Polyphasic Sleep
- LOL?
- Looking for a laptop.....
- Debates
- Popularity Contest
- Hide the Children
- Stirring Trouble
- firefighting: are they........
- Mr. Messiah
- ROCK ON!!!
- "Poopoo" Taboo?
- I didn't know that...
- A big debate, on the chat box!
- fant slaves
- Barbaric!
- What time does era start?
- play another game?
- Online Degrees
- Largest army
- Online games.
- Thoughts?
- I feel Smart
- VU and the Future
- Friends without faces
- Scientology I
- Roswell : Stargate
- American Politics: A New....
- Maarg died
- Die Dwarfzs
- Nice chatting
- On the big battlefield
- Studies On Life
- Did Robert Paulsen Exist?
- Good Map Zeta
- Banner Comp-Late(by lots)
- You know your start sucks when
- another VU?
- New map?
- VU banner
- PHP Scripting
- challenge
- Time to delete the multi's!!!!
- lies and betray
- Bigfoot: The biggest feet
- Era Winning Production Page
- Dawn Of War SoulStorm
- electric guitar
- thats gotta hurt
- The Ultimate Multi KD...
- Map Size...
- Great British player??
- Another big debate
- Presidential Campaign
- Ouch Eduardo breaks leg: Video
- Pics of Stockholm
- Burning Cities
- Quiet Tone
- No offence
- Idiot control
- Fant HoH Prod, army info, etc
- Cambridge certificate.
- Scientology II
- Wraith - A lier and an Idiot
- Abydos abuse
- Weather
- Highlands Honour
- Coolest KD banner is....
- Anger Management
- Happy earring! 3!
- The Seloc Birthday Thread
- oh, hai!
- imagine this battle
- Did Tony Blair Exist ?
- Might Multi!
- Help with Magic Square
- Battlestar Galactica?
- I fancy a Mick take.. Here!
- Risk!! Come play :)
- Religion
- End of da ERA
- Max STG
- The best food
- I'm Back !!!
- RETURN of Great Walls Tally
- Anyone want me in their KD?
- The Black List
- RETURN of Great Walls Discussi
- Calzaghe v Hopkins
- Playing Again ^_^
- Return Old map Fant Tally
- Can't keep this for myself...
- Who got the most slaves ?? :p
- Long live the Queen!
- VU ------- IRC
- Woot II
- Long live the King!
- ooold VU guide.
- Longest Prep, Ever :S ?
- new eras
- Hey guys, im back!
- Starting strategies
- One and two letter words?
- EU2
- Dell= Epic Fail
- ECB eng cricket
- Got this book?
- Test
- Oh the Chat Box...
- Wikipedia sux fracking big
- Thread Contest: U Laff, U Lose
- bearshare
- Broadband Problems (Virgin UK)
- Death of the Halfling II
- Bill Gates retiring
- VU vs getting Laid
- Death of the Halfling I
- America winning the Iraq war
- Olympics
- New Era Updates IV
- Russia China Iran vs all
- VU Trailer
- R.I.P Chef
- American TV
- bring back natinal service??
- Era of Elsin
- Ensuing World Conflict?
- Multi accounts Sucks
- Armageddon X
- Really Amazed
- Happy Bonfire night :D
- Aussie ISP"s Suck
- IE ; Recent Problems
- I Need Lumber
- Putin:War to promote Mckain
- Ms Zinxu where in the world!!!
- Gayana vs Panama
- Europe and Canada Vs USA
- Georgia vs Russia
- VU community Vs The world
- Jail? or Work?
- Chrome
- Admin check this, please? :p
- 2008 Election
- Burninate
- 2008 Canadian Federal Election
- Server down due to SPAM
- Tetrahydracannabinol
- LHC End of the World Thread
- Barack VS McCain
- Retribution Scandal!!
- When U.S goes down...
- Goodbye VU
- BUllies
- virus
- Forum personalities
- Red Alert 3
- Does anyone here play......
- soccer munches
- I want to write a book
- Advert Paranoia
- Msn Hack
- world bankruptsey
- Autch
- For or Against?
- McCain
- Cinema
- LG Phones
- Your Favoutite Browser
- OBAMA 08
- Father drowns 2 year old son
- Hmm
- Era Updates
- Haha
- VU getting slow again.
- other games
- Armeggedon SUCKS
- Lehman Brothers
- Obama is such a twofaced liar.
- Mage Strike!
- New Updates?
- Era winner
- Question
- Fiesta Ad
- Computer Programming
- Poll on walls
- Rememberance Day
- Gaza
- ADMIN, put some effort into it
- Soccer Vs. Zeta
- Trojan Virus
- Need help with writing
- Era 13
- [Request]History of VU
- Help me find Music
- Football Manager 09
- Vu able phones
- Do you have a good voice!?
- Israel crossed borders
- FN "Peace keepers " Powerless
- Photograher
- UN hope of the people
- VU reunion!
- Superbowl
- Whos your fav boxers?
- Reason and tolerance
- best movies so far in '09
- Palm Trees and Pineapples?
- Landropping-cheating or tactic
- Religious debate
- X factor in ending scores
- What I think about Everything
- How to separate oil from water
- Death VS God
- ITT : Madagascar
- Total War
- Only two races worth playing
- Kingdom banners
- Geomety
- Era of Dvsmasta playback
- effects of new updates
- The president
- new forum ban warning
- The KD tatic
- Multies or Copycats
- My post count
- Damn Grammar
- What is this shit
- Voting sites for games
- Status Quo
- Anyone using the translation
- Increased building time
- Plague ehhh
- Changes so far
- Another sad death
- How did you find VU
- Features and game play
- Unbelievably violent fight
- Christian Bale
- Would you say Humans will die
- winning the era
- Heal the world
- Haflings
- Funniest Video Ever Yes or No
- Society Sure SucksAn outlook
- latha battles
- Football Fantasy League
- VU Tools
- Armoury discount
- swine flue bug
- large group of inactives
- Slaughter at 9799
- Era of Magneto playback
- Free Power
- No More Merging
- wow took me out of the game
- 3 mths for FB death threats
- Archmages
- Archies and Archers
- New Scoring
- Magnitude 83 Quake Chile
- bored much
- Celebs are Messed Up
- end of era income
- What did you do Magneto
- science levels
- RoF count
- Inactive Players
- iPad will it blend
- crossworlds benifits
- Genius in disguise
- Obama Nobel peace prize
- Strange textmsg help needed
- painful era
- KD rivalries
- I Didnt Know Who I Was
- No more bonus for voting
- Permitted use of bugs
- Some kd ideas so far
- History
- i think this is a glitchb
- Next Era Winner
- My starting strategy
- NASA To Bomb The Moon
- Dinner Inspiration
- petition old map
- Short Video About Society
- Afew years ago
- Your Opinion
- end era scores
- Webcam Help
- Era 44 video
- VU World cup predictorz
- help in score plz
- Is merging back
- Upcoming Era Video
- My cat has been bitten
- Most warlike of the era
- Era 42 video
- Assassins Creed Reborn
- PreCrossworlds
- this game bores me
- Bloody Hound Dogs
- Possibly Gods Greatest Gift
- VU Art
- Number of Eras You Have Played
- Era of Chipotle playback
- Write your Testimonial
- Flash Animation
- Scandinavian become Nazis
- Buying Title
- Top 10 VU Women Players
- Volunteerswork
- Vote for next era map
- Food prices
- Celebrate HIVAIDS
- Crystal Palace FC
- my eyes
- Image host needed
- era video
- Kingdom Picture
- Kingdom page
- BTs
- End of era scores
- End Era Income Era 43
- Best of The Beatles
- Thank you for Unbanning me
- epic wins
- What the fck
- No Multi but banned
- the holocaust
- Fate KD Picture
- Multi in Leper Knights
- Greatest Victory
- China vs North America
- Petite Penor
- Opening maps
- I wanted to be president
- Condolations to Haiti
- Ladies Only Kingdom
- movement improvement
- Forum rules and rickrolling
- Poll For Next Era Map
- Check this out
- Game Improvements
- Go Swiffers go
- slave capture
- Tutors needed
- Epic music vote Brash vs Fordi
- Unban Horus
- Please unban Irunonrum
- Last Era for me
- RoF Fail
- Who are our very own vu mods
- what happened
- late start
- End of Era Income Era 44
- pezzies fear orc
- awhh come on
- Dumb Updates
- Atheism is inherently evil
- end of era income era 45
- Metroids gun
- Era 46 Video
- Halfers are OP to the point of
- Randys Tavern
- Mr Hussein Obama president
- If Zelda was female
- Skype the new IRC
- Era 45 Video
- Skype Skype
- Paranormal Activity 1 and 2
- GT prep info change
- Calling All Old Players
- Austria fail miserably in every sport
- England should depose its queen
- Custom Title
- Jim Carrey vs Heath Ledger
- Planet Niburu Approaching eart
- Twin Towers conspiracy
- heterosexual relationships
- Broken conversation losse iq
- Boycott Midgard
- Era 47 video
- Lewatha
- Europe sounds like pussies
- Jesus was a Jewish man
- ZeTa hates POFF
- drinking cows boobie juice
- Similarities
- Computer nerds HALP
- Ois Ois Baby
- Just stop it
- Discuss Arthur Dent
- IRC What did I miss
- Kill Zone 2 on PS3
- Catas useless
- Chat Dice Championship
- The time
- I cry
- Explain US corruption
- Computer Problem
- gimme your skype
- Donations
- BP Oil Spill
- Your Thoughts of Canada
- Computers are evil
- Come and have a go
- American football
- Finally got skype
- US find 1 trillion Afghanista
- Visiting the market
- Commendations
- Back and saying hello
- jrks that dont treet grls rite
- Wish i was a halfling
- Magical Dragon on the toplist
- New Era
- VU chat
- Here is an idea
- Blame it all on GOTF
- end of era income era 48
- is there a way to change world
- hipster
- STARTA End the Era Please
- starting off dead
- Where is
- Hello
- You are all
- This image represents death
- Most fearsome rulers
- wsup den
- THC Is Comming Back
- Liverpool
- Voting For VU
- dear swifty
- Fevers Back
- Any reason
- Possibly Relevant
- hey guys
- Server Failure
- wall of text
- the icon
- Starta age 1
- top 3 worlds
- Welcome back Zeta
- Wow lolol
- Dwarf Miners
- Map Isnt Refreshing
- Kino Der Toten
- Petiton Unban Random
- Moderators
- Important read
- Ask Ryan Bellerose Question
- The original Fafnir Returns
- Fantasia norm
- where are they now
- World Transformation
- Happy Thanksgiving
- Human Race
- come on really
- Hai Guis
- Can you join the Australiaarmy
- EU3MP 2013
- bizzare 50 rule problem
- Delete The Internet
- Napoleon Total War
- Help me pick countries
- VU Christams Gift
- Old player returning
- How to increase player base
- Uhhh what
- VU 3D Map large images
- yo wtf is up with multis now
- Elite Active Players
- Vu Veterans
- Glenn Beck is right
- ill make a video for you
- Binh Finally admits
- Mod Zondy
- lucky P
- Starta vs Fant
- Drink Driving
- The past few years
- Vote now
- Rebecca Black
- u s a
- You dont like Zondy
- VU Skype Chat
- Thoughts on city seeding
- Manual Draft
- Fred the terrorist
- VU advertisement
- name of the game
- Turnover Time
- VU Attack Calculator
- facebook group
- Chance and Dice
- IpodIphoneIpad users
- Wanna be confused
- Flame Wall
- Those were the days
- Minimap
- You souns like Freud
- Imagine
- Highest Number of Scienes
- Caution on this Discord Server
- Finally legal
- farming done right
- Kony 2012
- So apparently IRC is dead now
- reddit dot com
- cheltenham festival
- martial arts karate vs tkd
- Who is the Longest Playing
- My Haters
- Rate me as a VUer
- 2012 US Presidential Election
- Help me Find a Friend
- Did we get boats
- Republican presidential debate
- Ryu from Street Fighter
- any other pc games
- Why are kids so evil and cruel
- Vu Admin Zeta
- hello i am new here
- WTF Valentines DayTye People
- fant or mant
- Give us a new map Please
- missing kneecaps
- State of VU
- ArmyBrowser bug
- Free BTs and how to get them
- mmorpggees
- Halfling Debuff
- Phi Empire
- Where Has VU gone
- For Slade
- Mantrax map VOTE
- Multiple Characters
- In trouble
- Implament New Map
- VU Highscores
- Idea For New Race
- Meaningless Stat Update
- HELP look here homies
- Map rotation
- I just dont get it
- New Guy
- Feckers Video
- Role Playing
- I gowent through for VU
- What would you name VU
- Instant messanger rant
- lookingforoldpayer
- WTF is wrong with this game
- To all my kingdoms and friends
- Any old Zeon members around
- New map variables
- Where is scumbag shyers
- Hello to all you newer Players
- Petition to Reset Zetamania
- New Player Guide
- This doesnt seem very nice
- Any old Abydonians around
- Merhaba
- Any special moments
- probability i hate you
- Back looking for kingdoms
- Science
- NextGen Consoles
- Make it go faster
- Elder Scrolls Online
- Devastation of Hurrcane Haiyan
- how do you attack armies
- The story of Starta
- MORE TROOPS more fun
- Rebirth
- Real name
- Why is this forum so dead
- Computer Trouble
- New to the forums
- VU Card game
- Talents
- Help VU BTs Etc
- Game of strategy and war
- New Player
- Free For All Tournament
- looking for someone
- The 10year Club
- New Player FFA
- Petition to Ban NaZZis
- Libertate dead people
- TheCenterforNarrativePractice
- Putting VU on Steam
- The Fourth Era
- Funniest ROF
- Ending Fantasia
- Dragons A Gold Theif
- Revival time
- A Dingo Ate My Baby
- How would you react
- Opinions Needed Liberate
- So ive been Pretty bored
- The State of Visual Utopia
- Some server stats
- How it used to be
- Haitus Time
- Electrical help needed
- The VU dragon
- Skype Group for VU
- Idea for VU Opposite World
- end world please
- Old messages
- Most experienced players
- My heart goes out to you all
- Simply Curious
- Please Help
- The BallFondler
- Github sponsors hustle
- Merry Christmas
- one man army
- New Map needed
- Anyone else play RuneScape
- Friendly Reminder
- We the nerds
- Do you have a smartphone
- What the hell is this
- Help with computer issue
- VU and Infidelity
- US Elections
- Familiars
- City Building Bug
- Understanding Centuries
- Renting Your own game
- Pretentions Rankings Thread
- Best players
- Berserkers are weird
- Petition to unban Coolcat
- Blockers expand into terrain
- Building philosophy Tall or w
- GroupMe
- thc kingdom
- Overpriced but quality shit
- Donation research
- Discord
- Car trouble
- Account Deletion
- Attacking Ability by Race
- Hello there
- Tom Petty 19502017
- Where is SIr Slade Griffin
- New Kingdom Banners needed
- Ever play this and get asked
- Dear Bidi
- crazy shit in vegas last night
- Solo map
- GvE interest form 2018
- Is it worth
- Mind blown
- VU Confessions
- Fix start times
- Game of Thrones Final Season
- help me on my adventure
- Smurf reveal
- Computer issue
- Trojan Horse
- Fecking Wiki
- Updated VU
- mount and blade 2
- Free For All
- Happy 20th Anniversary VU
- Mantrax top KDs wasting times
- Open letter to Binh
- VU day 77777
- Connection
- Race suggestions
- Same MAP in Three Worlds
- unban me please
- Hinge Cover
- Discussion about maps
- Analytic chemistry
- Total War Zetamania
- Worst Players in VU
- VU on Swedish national radio
- Race Ratings
- Beautiful screenshots
- VU Day 100000
- Suspicious Player in Valhalla
- Oldest Players in VU
- Send your Best VU Screenshot
- Knowledge
- Blocker Issue Fixed
- Project NFT VU
- What about VU is perfect
- Has anyone been playing longer
- Looking for Dark Blood members
- Tournament cash prizes
- Most and Least Common Partners
- Uncle Stormy Time
- Old Player Checking In
- Understanding Why Im Better
- New world for VU Tournament
- Tick Time
- Most frequent lie in VU
- Your Perfect Race
- Does army size matter
- Understanding Fanatics Cults
- I want to save Africa
- Most active VU players
- Good Use of an Inactive
- An old kingdom Storm Cloaks
- SMH at VU
- Someone alive on Armageddon
- Sincere Apology
- Understanding Crypto
- What does SOS mean
- Understanding Gambling Addicts
- Help me Understand the Monty hall problem
- Understanding Gender
- Understanding the Afterlife
- VU Promotion
- If ZeTa passed away
- The Myth of Greatness
- World Winners
- Zeta Capture the Flag
- Understanding Woke Culture
- How is everyone doing
- VU script do you have it
- Hall of Fame hat
- Zetamania 95 signup
- Dominions 5
- Valhala Bombard bug
- Aotd sucks after tweak
- GvE map proposal
- Orc core drop
- Single Player VU
- single player Era of Bluelight
- In game politics
- LGC finally on top of things
- UN, and its power
- Era of Juchi summary
- Centurion Empire
- The New Dark Riders
- PHI(zetamania)
- Earth Peace
- new names!
- Dark Fires I
- Freedom Fighters Return
- Kingdom Hearts ( Embassy )
- Returning Fant KDS
- Hazardous Waste recruiting
- Secret behind LGC
- The Monks - Heavy recruiting
- Battle of Thermopoly
- Mirror
- VU History Made
- This era kingdoms on zeta
- The Jester Empire
- PKS Noticeboard
- what kingdom should i join?
- Abydos "honor"
- North Empire
- United Nations (Embassy)
- Empire of Midgardur
- Mirror Embassy!
- Senatus Populusque Romanus
- Embassey: Midnight Sun
- Abydos will be defeated!
- You don´t deserve it Virgin
- War of SloMir
- Dark Fires (disbanded)
- Mad Embassy
- arma in matrax...
- Wars? [Fantasia]
- Who hates abydos?
- Slovaknia we lost already
- Illuminati Empire
- Livonian Empire (in Starta)
- Oya vs. Fizban
- USSR - barking mad
- Illuminati Empire Embassy
- Fantasian Wars
- Armagedon III
- The kingdom of Music
- Dark Riders - Unfair
- Abydos vs Legacy
- Grudgebringers Recruit in Mant
- Earth Peace members
- LDK Embassy I
- Reaping Graveyard (Embassy)
- The Jester Embassy!
- phi empire's deaded
- where are RS Empire Members?
- Darshiva
- A msg to LGC
- Ordeon of Field cheater
- congratultions
- Multi Catchers
- luna wolf (good bye)
- Sometimes your just lucky
- join the gemans in valla
- LGC Disbands
- The IIluminati (possible Embas
- LDK Embassy II
- Diamonds (Mantrax)
- Gods Power
- The Monks Celebrates!
- Heavens Vengeance (Valhalla)
- BoW Embassy I
- The Great One - Recruiting now
- A messegge to teh abYDoos
- Diadochi (Fantasia)
- Stealth Machines are Tractors!
- Carnage Embassy
- Mirror Embassy I
- Neon (Nirvana)
- River Jumping II
- To all the dorians
- Holy Legion Recruitment
- Legacy Embassy
- Ban this dude
- Cannabis Lords Embassy
- Flames
- vampirefreaks (zetamania)
- The Raping Embassy
- The Great Ninjas
- Official DOW vs Carnage
- CHOAS RIDERS [Mantrax]
- the kingdom of ninjas embasy
- Freedom Fighters Recruiting
- NT players?
- Kingdom of Predators
- Rogue Phoenix (Mantrax)
- kingdoms in Fantasia II
- Spaghetti
- The Great players of POFF....
- LDK reborn on Mantrax
- Heaven's Vengeance
- War statement for Predators
- Lie, lie and lie some more!
- LDKs unhonorable play
- Royal Pirates
- Come to Clan Cats
- Lunar Wolf
- Red Hand
- IE Wants You
- Cannabis lords
- Zeon is defeated
- Blink Embassy!
- Salute to SoS
- GoD (Zetamania)
- Kingdoms in Fantasia I
- Abydos Low Blow
- Nirvana - WAR ON EVERYONE!
- Lemme Know in advance
- Predators are in Fantasia
- Mirror's ***
- Excalibur (Mantrax)
- Hahahahaha xD
- Market in Zete
- Corsairs recruitment
- Carnage Mighty Punishment!
- The Yellow Banner is back
- !Next era warning!
- Dark Riders I
- IE lost
- KD of bread
- Embassy of The Falcons
- List all Rainbow cities here.
- Rambo Slayers Embassy (RS)
- Division of Marijuana
- Jester! yay baby, recruiting!
- Uesugi Shogunate
- new people
- The Knights Templar
- War Declaration on LDK
- Another Low Blow
- Abydos Embassy
- Goodbye (for now?)
- Templar Crusaders Embassy
- armragedone
- The Monks Thank you all!
- It makes you look really good!
- Herbal Essences (Nirvana)
- Kingdoms for new players
- Mantrax crosswalls
- Mirror Embassy II
- Gangsta Paradise-Armageddon
- where did........
- Next Era: Fighting Farmers
- Firendash?
- GAY Embassy(Fantraxmaniartana)
- KD Searching
- the world end
- Holy Recruitment Camp
- Free Agent
- New Wiki Page
- Wild Boys Journal
- where went BoW ?
- Farewell
- wtf ghosts?
- Digald Empire Recruiting
- Everyone thanks the Monks
- multi-million-member-kingdoms
- The Legion
- Dragon Lords
- Post your favorite kingdom
- "No Use For A Name" wtf?????
- predators are nap breakers
- TAK(the aliedkgdms)vs ROCKY
- Tha END (Mantrax)
- WAR!
- Last day income
- Luna Wolves: Recruiting.
- Predators Wing
- Predators are in a LesserWorld
- PHI townswapping I
- Osiris is CHEATING...
- What is a good KD to join?
- Come on into Chat
- Looking for Zeta KD......
- Music III
- Zorkhana is unhonorable
- Lost for words.
- No longer needed
- Vote For the Most unpopular KD
- Invitation for Weirdgrivi
- start a kd with me!!!
- Predator Embassy
- Pirate Pornstars Embassy
- Zoidy
- Jester's Secret
- looking for a kingdom to join
- Shen Al Calher
- Diadochi Empire
- Carnage: Playing... fair?
- ZEON rudeness
- Carnage "Oldest" in VU?
- The Demolishers Embassy
- VOTE Top 10 VU dream team
- FF: kd open for everyone!!!!
- Embassy of the Russian Empire
- The Shyers Embassy
- The Great Alliance
- The Shire
- BoW Embassy II
- Legion Of Burning Eye (Nirva.)
- Arma VI
- Riverjumping
- ABYDOS????
- Lost for words 2.
- Lost for words 3.
- Sanoh apology
- NKOFF starts recruiting!!
- Shen an Calhar Recruiting
- Shen an Calhar aka traitors?
- w2247
- Era Winners
- PHI war
- New Millenium Embassy
- votes on the nastiest kingdoms
- Cannabis recuiting!
- traitor I
- next era kds?
- Abusal of Mod powers: Mark two
- Russians
- BoW... Return of the Wolves
- Predators are recuiting
- Russian Empire Wants You!
- Vote top10 VU...
- toris kingdom
- Destiny Kingdom Recruiting
- The War Thread
- Kingdom of war recruiting
- Join BlackWater
- PHI hopping their own walls
- Carnage Embassy 2.0.1
- Predators
- MAD walljumping
- zeta mania kd?
- LW and KH
- Holy order recruiting
- Eternity
- Army Upkeep
- Freedom Fighters areRecruiting
- What Happened To DM?
- DR most untrustworthy KD ever
- ummm what?
- The Three Musketeers Embassy!
- Angels Recruiting
- Templar Crusaders I
- zeon
- Man, United is lookng for fans
- kd
- ME =D
- Destiny Recruiting for zeta
- The New Borg
- AoA recruiting
- Shen an Calhar: Matt wants You
- Mr. Sin the lyin bastered
- MAD town swappers
- Zetamania Open!
- Fantasia - Pussy fest?
- Divinty Lost Embassy
- Noble???? Knights
- war on mantrax I
- Screenshots
- Wtf Multi war!!
- Still Recruiting of zetamania
- Zetamania Wars I
- need kd
- Mantrax Wars begin
- Bad Wolf!
- The Three Musketeers !
- and#1758; Zeon pussy purge and#1758;
- Embassy of the Russian Rev.
- Hell Recruiting in Starta
- Drug Lords- We are back
- ParScieA
- NKLrecruiting
- T H E L Y C A N
- Where are you???
- Noble???? Knights part 2
- To: ALL New Zetamania Players
- »and#9619;Diadochi Wants Youand#9619;«
- East india company Headquarter
- fantasia wars I
- Hello Again
- what the?
- Gaia need iron rulers!
- New era
- Destiny Recruiting I
- Team LGC Recruiting!
- BoW WoW
- Newb want join kingdom
- What's happenin on fantasia
- Fantasia - Dark orion era
- Vote on whos lyin
- Nirvana KD here
- Army of the Empire
- Shades [Nirvana] Reqruiting
- Wolf Rider - NAP breakers
- Dark Riders rule
- Samaurai warriors recruiting
- death to zeon
- Music VIII
- "I Am Not Amused"- recruiting!
- relations[community agreement]
- Nexus in Valhala
- Recruitung people
- Mr Mimbrate
- Shinsengumi wants YOU
- New Kingdom Recruitment
- Death to Admins (Undeleted)
- first kd in history
- on behalf of MAD
- PBJ Time is recruiting
- Mirror dead?
- mantrax exterminations??
- BOW and ZEON
- looking for kingdom I
- DarkRiders Empire Embassy
- The Kingdom of Sandpoint
- [kd name here]
- Era length I
- tick time???
- Carnage rules!
- AoA recuiting
- so much flaming!
- Music IV
- Let's Play
- Stack'em up, il kill'em all :P
- World of arma Fantasia
- Peacekeeper's Embassy
- ABYDOS relations
- Templar Crusaders II
- BearMachines embassy
- Next era start?
- The Dacians - Dacii
- Holy
- traitor II
- Divinity Lost
- Govenor Arahabaki (petition)
- AntiZeon embassy
- Kingdom Of Sin Cross
- Japeyes Empire Recruiting
- Who is going mantrax
- The Problem with the Collapse
- Kingdoms I
- Fantasia IV
- What Time Tonight??
- donut
- The Smiths are back.....
- SiN Invite
- Freedom on mantrax
- The Order of the Black Knights
- Carnage Embassy 2.2.0
- Angel Embassy
- ERA Start Date Released!
- Sigh, hate to hear this:
- Predators II
- Trio Nap breaking cheaters
- Embassy of the RDR
- Music VI
- Lords Of The UnderWord Embassy
- This Kd scares me....
- Multi Talk
- Holy Ecclesian Empire Embassy II
- who teleprts a scout?!?!
- More Ritz!
- era of asystole? again?
- Trio have no "family jewels"
- Red Devils - Valhalla
- embassy of Zoidbergmania
- Vampyr Legion Starta
- The Spartan Embassy
- Revenge of the Fluffy Bunnies
- ASM Embassy
- Words of Wisdom
- The Freelance Alliance Embassy
- PHI townswapping II
- Assassin's
- Honorable Side of Peacekeepers
- The golden horde
- Disc-world
- Zetamania Final Stats
- join the pirates
- RDR Embassy
- War on Mantrax II
- Ritz Embassy 2.1.0
- How Many
- hell on earth Embassy
- Thunder Evolution!
- Assassin's Creed
- Freedom Fighters
- United Lyrian Confederacy
- I wonder
- Music VII
- The Musketeers Embassy
- The Gaul Embassy
- The Obligatory Arma Thread
- [Man] Music vs Angels
- Embassy of BlackDragonEmpire
- LDK Embassy
- Missing!!!
- Sin Declares Music
- War of Fantasia
- Destiny Recruiting new members
- This era and mantrax
- MAD multying
- AWARDS!!!! for midgard
- con is kinda
- Holy Cows I
- Lenard The Knight I
- havn't restarted yet!
- kicked on valhalla
- Dacii
- ZeTa can we have era video
- Mantrax kingdoms - next era
- Middle-Earth embassy
- ce attacks preds?
- can't wait till next era
- Holy is recruiting
- The Return of Abydos
- Holy Ecclesian Empire embassy I
- Cato June A TRAITOR!
- Cheaters???
- ptah
- Freedom
- How the worlds match
- most boring era ever
- ~V for Vendetta~ Recruitment
- next era kingdoms
- video
- Lenard a Multi?
- Rogue Phoenix I
- Top 4 , Top worlds
- RITZ????
- The last
- Woot!
- I wish to be deleted
- Zetamanian kingdoms-next era
- blackwater
- Any Poss of Race adjust?
- Band of the Hawk
- Noob seeks kd for next era!
- FF
- Free Cities(Music)
- lenard the knight II
- Dirge Of Cerberus
- New wave on fant - The Dacians
- The attack of the Clones
- LDB Embassy
- FU Embassy
- Feeding!
- Multie list
- new kingdom in Zetamania!
- How would life be without VU
- Phi Socialist Republic Embassy
- Killers
- World of testa
- FREAKY????
- I asked for peace,
- Peacekeepers II
- Why is it...
- Wolf Pack Embassy I
- Ms Jacktheripper
- Sword's Edge
- A sad day for Haflings....
- Beggers
- Mr. Chewy is a NAP breaker
- Valhalla-Predators closed gate
- Send in Applications Please
- Russian Dem. Rep. --Embassy--
- Starta wars! (when open...)
- ABYDOS is unhonorable!
- Kingdom Hearts Embassy
- Destiny - make up your mind
- Alexander Rommel
- ~~~Redemption Recruiting~~~
- Trio, beggars, liars, backsta?
- Haywood A Badass NAP breaker
- Recruiting- Freelance Alliance
- Vahalla kingdoms
- A new wave on Fantasia
- Nap Breakers.
- Attention Heretics (legacy)
- Dwfan You Coward
- Vu bot/Natives are funny!!
- Vahall
- Multi I
- how are they top?!
- Sparta Embassy
- Valhalla Wars I
- Zeon's Sad Wall Jump
- Zetamania Wars II
- Im leaving LDK
- Drug Lords Next Era
- Nirvana?
- world of armageddon betray
- Internal Primates Forever
- Destiny Recruiting II
- Stupid Members
- Vahallas Most Powerful
- WorldofArmigedin
- Gracielo
- Ldk Embassy III
- Last chance ! Join Apollo!
- newb joining kingdom
- Oz Embassy
- Aby stone flood
- fantasia stone market
- Gondor Embassy
- The Gauls
- Era of Messia
- I'm so popular!
- The Creative Destroyers
- [TNW] The New World
- Pinguin
- Backstabbers In Talents
- Breaking ceasefires
- Elemental Shinobi Empire Recru
- World of Talents
- Mr. Akatsuki Leader Pien
- Recruitment Templar Elites
- Arma Wars
- Kingdoms Of Fantasia (Era 59)
- Fantasia Players
- Restart Aces.
- Annual Mirror Revival Thread
- Holy Lodis Empire
- vahalla wars:P
- Player ignoring KD relations
- LEGEND Recruiting.
- Next era recruiting -Imagine
- Buggered up KD list page!!
- I hereby declare . . .
- Gondor : Talents
- Starta wars II
- want a good kd for next era
- Goodbye fellow Trio
- Discuss
- Fantasia Lost its Mojo...
- Mantrax Update
- Dark Fires Recruitment
- Henkie You Low Prick
- CE
- Sell some slaves!!!
- Midgard Wars I
- About Relations
- Sore losers with excuses
- Corruption
- The Dacians are Immortals
- Champs, all worlds
- Trio NAP breakers
- Fs vs Wolf
- OoS Recruiting (midgard)
- [FKYOU] Recruitment
- A Good Day for Mantrax
- Captain Morgan Leaves Trio....
- Where is your honor?
- Armageddon VIII
- am wondering
- Revenge
- Music IX
- Who's going mantrax next era?
- KD Next Era
- Eek!
- seems to be the trend
- Apollo
- what not to do in VU
- Im Not A Tratior Im Just Bored
- Fear freedom fighters
- AWARDS!!!! *cough* for mantrax
- Era of Grumpyoldbastard
- iPF recruting
- DB Going for the win?
- Don't NAP with Border Patrol
- recruiting II
- Dark Fires [DF] Recruitment
- PSRM Embassy
- Multi list...
- Armageddon High Scores
- The Last Word
- Predators are Recruting
- Frumentarii
- what map does Fant. have?
- WTF is wrong???
- Holy Cows/Evil Cows
- Nirvana Wars I
- Starta
- Armageddon wars I
- The Great Duchy of Lithuania
- POFF returning!!!
- KDs on Mantrax
- Shoutout to the KoC
- Wheres the leaders....
- Carnage Embassy 3.0
- G O D L I K E
- Recruiting III
- Mantrax
- Oz
- Carnage Embassy 2.something..
- HighLands Honour
- Dragonknights recruiting
- Dragon Recruiting
- Myrr is recruiting!!
- Back Online
- Enough of this bollox
- Fantasia II
- PSR Myrr Recruiting on Mantrax
- The Black Chain Recruiting
- ~`Assassins Creed~`
- Is it wrong to ......
- The Dacians Reminder
- can it be more obvious?
- Wol Wrecking Cities !
- Dark Recruitment.
- Fury Embassy
- Fighting Carp Recruiting
- ~Predators Recruiting Thread~
- Zetamania wars III
- Holy Legion
- OutLawZ
- Food Market
- Divinity Lost Embassy #3
- MAD recruiting
- The audacity of Quietone
- nazgul picture
- Fantasia Wars II
- Highlands
- New Topic:
- Starta recruitment
- Heavens Vengeance Recruitment
- to all on starta
- war announcement!
- GDI Embassy
- Fun Scenario
- Worst Kingdom Ever
- Death to the restocker
- Legacy's cowardly jump tactics
- Hanky multi???
- Fun
- VU Mafia
- DF and LF
- Legacy diplomat
- Another Pussyfest?
- Golen horde- next era
- Music XI
- War at Zetamania
- Good for you Mr Lonely
- Player seeking organized KD
- Shinobi Empire
- Starta!
- Drug Lords II
- Muti
- Burnt Recruitment
- The Golden Horde-Recruiting
- Dragon Lords recruiting
- Hells wraith?
- DA Recruiting
- Heaven's Vengeance Recruiting
- Avenging Angels
- start starta
- Apollo - Recuitment office
- age of, new clan name
- Weird...
- Valhalla - AoD recruiting
- Legacy
- CE Recruiting
- Persian Empire/Valhalla
- Cargane Has A Multi
- The Black Chain next era
- Help a poor soul.
- Multies?
- Past Names
- multi II
- Havocs plan
- ROC Cowardly Backstabbers
- Wolf come back
- if anyone is interested
- Thunder
- Help needed
- Templar Elites Starting up
- Nice
- Fury Recruiting
- Band Of Brothers
- member count
- The Holy Orser OF Chuck Norris
- I wage war on all virvana.....
- Join my new kd!
- Nirvana II
- W+F...i gotta a wannabe
- The era of Dark Blood
- The ROC Decree
- Congratulations Legacy
- shakes spear
- I Rule Zetamania!
- Assassins Creed Recruiting
- Old Fart Recruitment
- PHI Recruting...(KD in nirvana
- Cease to Exist
- Pheonix says hi
- Angels Embassy (New)
- HighLands Honour have Honour??
- kingdom swtiching
- Fantasia Banter
- Cannabis (Recruiting)
- USSR Coming Back Soon
- Music Recruiting
- excalibur!!!
- Need a good kingdom?
- Persian Empire (PE)
- Against All Authority Recruit
- Mutli's?
- fracture
- :O
- the only way to win
- Elements Embassy
- Dnde est Carnage?
- I Dunno
- New to VU?
- Fantasia III
- A Little Secret
- arcadians next era
- dont trust sprout
- Fantasia Wars III
- Dark Fires II
- Starta Wars I
- need someone 2 make kd in mant
- Valhalla wars II
- LGC sucks, DB sucks thread
- Rising "Against All Authority"
- Cease Recruiting
- LGC sucks
- starta diplomacy
- Heaven Recruits.
- Heaven Embassy
- Revenge bashing thread
- Juginotori
- Death From Above- Embassy
- Stone 4 sale
- Midgard (re-made)
- great walls
- Republic of Lithuania
- Holy Recruitment
- Bloody Steel Recruitment
- Darkness Embassy
- Calling Assassin Creed Members
- 420
- Wars in Fantasia
- Highlands Honour needs YOU
- Carnaje and Legacy Dominating
- The Police
- Gothrim's School for Dwarves
- as the era ends.........
- Note to Carnage
- Lower Worlds
- Revenge's brain
- Legacy Does it Again?
- multi? I
- Holy Cows II
- Join RoS
- Cannabis
- Highlands Honor Recruiting I
- Wolves of Lithuania (WoL)
- Rock Legends Recruiting
- Mantrax Wars I
- TA noobs!
- Walls 4 next era again
- Elements: RECRUITING!
- Help Me Out
- Nirvana III
- Carnage,Pks and Trio Suck
- Kingdom Needed
- dark riders empire II
- Highlands Honor
- Starta WTF ,
- What is the point ....
- Excalibur Embassy
- DR : Mr.Rider
- Activly inactive sucks ass
- Dragon Warriors
- Current Names
- Preds
- Non-kd embassy
- Help us out
- Paladins of the Order
- New Mantrax Wars
- War of cowards [Angels]
- Academy of Misfits III
- Academy of Misfits I
- Academy of Misfits IV
- Academy of Misfits II
- Valhalla Wars III
- hey I
- Excalibur Nap-breakers
- world end dishonorable
- Zetamania Wars (Era 33)
- Mantrax wars II
- He was the first to help me :)
- Dark Fires {Recruitment}
- My stone : Mantrax : Buy it !
- Recruiting! The Dacians
- Talents III
- Zetamania next era I
- kingdom plz
- Solo Guys
- Armageddon IX
- Heaven not recruiting
- Free of charge...
- Need Help
- Zetamania Overcrowding
- Hats Off to DB
- Knights Templar - new KD
- Knights of the Black Rose
- 300
- Fantasia Wars IV
- War
- Sheolic?
- Time for a Crusaide!
- Era of...
- Latha Wars
- Dark Riders II
- ---Death Hill Recruitment ----
- Congratulations Carnage.
- Lather world map is NEW MAP
- Hey Kids!
- Trio Embassy I
- Unproven but Obvious Treachery
- Hats Off to Carnage
- The Ultimate Multi KD
- MAP/NAP Breakers!
- Mr. Tonganboii - Bounty - Zeta
- Everybody seems to have one...
- Sarafan Knights
- Mr. Slaughter/Mr. Goth
- The Chompers
- The Musketeers - Recruiting I
- Death List (REAP)
- *Amaroq* Black Chain in Zeta
- Character Attack Flame Thread
- Era of threehundredpoundlezzie
- Recruiting threads
- Clean up
- Border Patrol Recruiting
- Odyssey wants you... =D and#9829;
- Shadows Recruiting
- Fantasia wars blocked?
- Looking to start a KD?
- Dark Fire(Recruitment Kingdom)
- Kingdom Question
- Revenge vs Condinho
- price of stone on zeta
- Valhalla Wars IV
- Nirvana Wars II
- Abydos Back! Next Era!
- end era HoH scores
- Arma IX
- retribution
- Starta wars III
- Shaken Lords - Recruiting.Zeta
- Public Appology to Mr. Tofh
- Nubsic Bashing
- SinX I
- Longe live the UPRF-VU!
- Armageddon Wars II
- Next Era Zeta I
- Mantrax Prediction
- Talents I
- Help me start a KD
- Masons Is Now Active! ~Recruit
- Faith Recruiting
- ALL Out War On Zeta
- SinX III
- SinX II
- Public Nap Termination
- ~~~Wanna make a KD~~~
- new zeta
- OP NAP BREAKERS on Nirvana!!!!
- Mr. Sarafan
- Fusion Rejects Embassy #3
- Nirvana / BWK Sweepstake
- Devastators recruiting
- The Musketeers - Recruiting II
- Wanted dead or deceased
- Next Era Mantrax
- KOTGC recruiting
- fantasia what?
- Hes Back
- Era of Bill: Mantrax Wars!
- Trio Embassy II
- Paracelzus / Ambro is back!
- Pred member is traitor!!!
- Will Carnage Choke Again?
- Templa Crusaders era 4
- khan disbanding
- Music is Recruiting!
- Pheonix
- Grats too LGC ^_^
- Havoc - Recruiting players!
- cutter - sanoh
- I wage war on .....
- Era Update
- Matrix Recruiting
- Era 34: Zetamania Wars
- do your people love you?
- Zeta:BLS currently recruiting
- Help me start a KD
- Searching for a KD
- Zetemania Wars
- Sarafan Knights Recruiting
- DR
- Multi? III
- Evolution - recruiting
- Crusaders +~ God's Worriers ~+
- Congratz to Grumpy
- His Inferal Majesty (H.I.M)
- Fantasia countdown.
- ~Wolf Pack~ Embassy [NEW*]
- Time to Open Starta
- The Twilight Embassy
- Lgc Disbanding
- ~~~FAITH recruiting for Zeta~~
- Mortal Kombat: Zeta
- shyers embearassy
- gd player up 4 grabs
- .
- Ownerfied Pzornification II
- ZFU - Zetamania Farmers Union
- Carnage Embassy v.3.1.4
- Brotherhood of the Wolf I
- Zetamania wars ( Era 35 )
- Zetamania Next era II
- AoA: zetamania
- Free Ageant
- Pendragon Federation
- Pension Awaits.
- Most Fearsom HOH?
- Destiny meets Gauls = FAITH
- So?
- Fantasia Manhunt
- Nirvana Wars III
- umm didnt he quit?
- Mage needed
- Trio Disbanding
- Starta Wars IV
- Elemental dragons %P
- Looking to Join
- ~Insubordination Embassy~
- *The Devastators Embassy*
- Dead End recruiting.
- WTF???
- Nemesis recruiting
- I quit VU
- Era 32 : Valhalla wars
- I quit VU #2
- Weird KD Info
- Nyx
- Mortal Kombat Recruiting
- Bug or worst update ever.
- ShakeNBake NEWS!
- Soul Society Statement
- ledgendary lifeguards
- SS and Greg Talk
- Boring Map, We Need A New One
- SHEN AN CALHAR reunion
- fuzzy little man peach that !
- Feeding time?
- south ossetian recruitment
- SnowStorm Recruiting!
- Role Call
- Mystical's story/Recruiting
- Zetamania Wars (Era 36)
- Mantrax Wars (Era 36)
- Torn- Recruiting
- Elements Disbands
- Need someone to type in my rul
- got enough players?
- Imperium Of Knights Recruiting I
- Once in a lifetime chance
- A New kingdom on Mantrax
- Forsaken recruiting
- Wanted Players
- Peacekeepers, can ANYONE join?
- Uhm Multi?
- Mantrax Next Era
- Soul Society Embassy
- I am Kalkan and i am reborn
- Zeon Members
- Legion of Legends Embassy
- Southern Cross Recruiting
- Mantrax Wars (Era 34)
- Era of Bill: Mantrax Wars 2
- A message to Dacians
- Faith recruiting in arma
- Sigh.
- Greetings new allies!
- Superheroes vs. Lgc
- next era kingdomsz?
- Most Fearsome rulers
- Ownerfied Pzornification I
- NEBC Embassy!
- Music XII
- Its 21:00
- Kingdom Of Heaven recruiting
- Me Vs PKS 1vs37
- Superheroes!
- Imperium Of Knights embassy
- Warriors League(next era)
- Vengeance Recruiting [Zeta]
- End Game Economics
- ~~ Ephasions Recruitment ~~
- The Dacians - recruiting
- The Holy Order OF Monkeys
- The End of Sheolic Empire
- Zetamania Wars: Near End
- Just Another Noob Kingdom!
- Era Of Raistlin..
- Military Recruiting
- The Preds Tactic
- Shameful Allies - Elements
- WoL - Teach your newbs!
- smoking the peace pipe?
- Countdown till Era starts!
- SafaranKnights!
- Mad Against Drug Recruiting!
- Hell Spawn not recruiting
- No More Meat........
- Fantasia wars (era 35)
- Ze End of Music! :'(
- Retard Insertion Point Embassy
- Fu** em!
- KD Leader
- Mystical Recruting
- Diabolic Babies
- Scores
- KDless people
- Faith Recruiting Long Term
- VUrcenary Guild
- ~Reservoir Dogs Embassy~
- Anarchy
- funny story
- superheroes; no honor?
- Guild Of The Fallen Recruits
- Brotherhood of the Wolf II
- the end of cannabis!
- Soldiers of war recruiting
- Starta Wars (Era 35)
- The Sarafan Knights
- Kingdom of Kuriboh Embassy
- Mantrax Wars (Era 35)
- SS and HellB
- Guild of the Fallen
- Wolf Pack Embassy II
- Gladiator
- pissed in all reality
- Kingdom of outremer
- Heaven on Mantrax
- military
- Is this unfair
- NEW KD - Male Genitals
- Predators- recruiting
- Starting new
- Nice coordination
- where is that sh*tty PHI kd?
- Paldins of the Flame Recruitin
- † Black Chain Recruiting †
- New KD
- ~Monkey Embassy~
- Nirvana warz
- Bushido
- Nirvana Wars (Era 35)
- MAD Reborn
- Yarrgh!
- umm... Starta wars
- Kingdom Of Outremer Recruiting
- No honor on Nirvana
- Kryptonite Embassy
- Felix legions recruiting
- Ally Gone Bad
- Imperium Of Knights Recruiting II
- MAD round 36
- Comenius
- Hot Rods-Next Era
- :@
- BurnT
- The Prosapia
- The return of IoK
- Dark Riders Empire I
- Confirmed Multi Found
- Fantasia Sanctuary (next era )
- Gate keepers recruiting
- The Empire's Death
- Pirates Of the Caribbean Sea
- War Torn Recruiting
- Looking For Kingdom II
- The Dacians - Our Vision
- Valhalla wars era 35
- .....Weird
- looking for kd
- Fusion (Next era)
- Era Awards..
- Starta Wars (Era 36)
- KD vs KD
- Heaven II
- Breakfast Bar
- Atlantis Recruiting
- X-Statistics (Mantrax)(35)
- Carnage?
- The Military On Valhalla
- Multi? II
- The kingdom of Ringwraiths
- lmao
- DB
- Bucket of Worms
- Armageddon (era 35)
- *Adamantine Embassy*
- Cool Idea
- Fantasia Wars (era 36)
- My KD disapeared!!
- Solo
- Mage looking for KD in Mant
- next era Zeta II
- Black Chain recruiting I
- Felix Legions (next era)
- arma food market
- Dealers Of Death (Next era Kd)
- Fusion Rejects
- (WOW) recruiting!!! for mant.
- Warriors of the World (rec)!!!
- Don't CF The Old Firm
- Kingdom DARK recruiting.
- Mystic = Need Members
- Fantasia Sanctuary opened
- New Kingdom
- Superheroes next era
- Fant Count
- Vengeance (next era)
- Aurora
- Reapers [Kingdom Idea]
- The Military On Zeta
- Lews Therin
- Ninja
- Kingdom of Atlantis recruiting
- Runelords-recruiting-next era
- TDS and RoC: Most honorable
- strange...
- Shadow Assassins Recruiting
- IoK heads to fant....Hopefully
- Peacekeepers I
- Who wants a Fizbong?
- next era mant
- IoK recruiting
- fantasia next era
- Soccerslurper
- Heaven I
- Every game has its oddballs
- Paladins (POFF) Recruiting
- Black Chain Recruiting II
- Easterns Union Recruiting
- Any kingdomless mant player?
- Good deal on food in fantasia
- Cease to Exist Recruiting
- Looking for Sir Dead Oralive
- kingdoms of any world
- Wanted Poster
- Return of the Dorian Empire
- The Black Chain
- Zeta- DoD vs HOORAH!
- Aurora is disbanding
- hey :)
- soliders of axemen strenth
- pls help
- Food Market Crash in Zetamania
- The Empire's Birth
- Nirvana IV
- Fantasia of Elsin
- New RPing KD
- Guild Of The Fallen RECRUITMEN
- 50 %
- Imperium Of Knights - Next era
- New KD recruiting
- OLZ- OutLawZ
- Fate/PKS/Aurora/Heaven Sucks
- Kingdom of Vizion (zetamania)
- UN KD hoppers
- The Royal Order of Claidhmore
- need a kd
- Rogue Phoenix II
- Kingdom of the Golden Crown
- Valhalla wars era 36
- Zeta- message from Hell Holly
- Hitmen Recruiting (Valhalla)
- TTTK Recruiting
- Nirvana Wars (Era 36)
- Ownerfied Pzornification III
- Recruitment Page (Valhalla)
- Killstone is Gay Embassy
- Declaration of war
- Impostor
- Prosapia
- Zeta Awards
- dissapointing world merge
- Recruitment
- Mantrax Wars (Era 37)
- Mantrax Next Era 37
- RR recruiting
- Vengeance Recruiting [Mantrax]
- Glory
- DarkRiders Return
- Mystic Recruiting
- Armageddon Wars III
- Aurora Embassy
- mr wraith
- Hells Declaration of War
- Valahalla
- dontkillmereally embassy
- has anyones knows where is
- World Merge
- Sarafan Knights Returning!
- Around the world in ??? Day
- The Strength Of OP
- The Return of the Black Chain
- Kingdoms of Mantrax (Era 37)
- The Kingdom of PHI
- Last Day income!
- LDK Recruiting
- Looking for a KD next era
- Arma Market
- Fanatsia kingdom locations
- Fantasia Stats (era 36)
- A New Kingodm
- BoW- Recruiting
- BUG in talents¿?
- Fantasia awards era of Elsin
- Zetamania Awards Era of Elsin
- Wow, we are recruiting
- The Recruitment Centre
- Blood Reign
- Return of the imperium
- Kingdoms of Fantasia(era 37)
- Mantrax Kingdomless!!!
- Anarchy are NAP breaking MULTI
- Banners
- Blitzkrieg Buccaneers
- End of era armies..
- DRE recruitment
- Kingdoms of Zetamania (Era 37)
- Guild of the Fallen (recruit)
- LAME!!!
- Velocity [Vel] Recruiting
- Valhalla
- Deaths Embrace-Recruiting
- Peacekeepers: Recruiting
- NAP fest
- era starts tonight?
- Armagedon II
- Dark Dishounorable?
- Evan
- Predators Recruiting
- Traitor in Fate...
- The A Team
- Fantasia Plague
- infant spy
- Sir Stalin
- Loking for exp kingdom
- Hardbody
- IPF Recruitment
- Looking for Lady G and Donut
- highlands Honor officialthread
- Luna Wolves: Recruiting
- Gehenna Recruiting
- Bigger KD ownage
- Guild Of The Fallen - Next Era
- Public Apology
- Highlands Honor ---- next era
- Army of anubis
- highlands honor recruiting II
- what the F is this
- Former Military, Report In!
- No more blue flag.
- oh rly?
- Looking for a KD in Fanta
- All world awards era of Kobu
- Bring Back My Money Bitch
- MAD Recruiting for Era 38
- Knight of the Black and White
- Deaths Embrace recruiting
- Considiring a Kingdom
- Dorian Empire Recruiting
- BoW Recruiting
- Congrats Messiah and Nubs
- Re-Founded RoC
- Congrats rhade
- next era
- ~Fantasia Wars Era of Messiah~
- What Happend to Osi?
- I Declare War On...
- Fusion [Recruiting]
- Fantasia Era of DVSMasta
- Mantrax - Era of Agent Smith
- Armageddon Wars [Era 39]
- Freedom fighters 2?
- Mantrax Wars Era of Messiah
- Starta wars era of messiah
- Enlistment for KOC
- Forced NAP????
- When does next world open
- Nirvana - Era of Messiah
- Fantasia - Era of Agent Smith
- Zetamania Wars- Era of Messiah
- :):):):)
- Calling out Heaven Kingdom
- new crusader kingdom II
- Nivara Wars
- WindScar Recruiting
- Starta Wars - Era of Lewatha
- The Legion Recruitment Center
- Looking for a kingdom
- Knights of the Black and White
- Lightning Dust Recruit on Arma
- Romanum Imperium: recruiting
- Agent Smith Kicked?
- Raven Fire Recruiting[Mantrax]
- Dorian Empire Dishonorable???
- Valhalla?
- Tabula Rasa
- Diadochi
- Dendarii Embassy
- Bitzkrieg
- Royal Order Of Lynus RECRUITIN II
- How far ahead of lew was Smith
- Narrse / Rumour
- Happy Easter - kd of Choco'
- Warrior's League Recruiting!
- Capture the flag
- Warrior's League
- \\-Fear-// new kd all join
- Armageddon Wars - Era 38
- The Devastators Recruitment
- JUICY - New KD
- Neon Lights
- Kingdom Of Cyprus II
- Cross worlds is crap.
- Dont recruit this guy EVER
- new crusader kingdom I
- black chains kingdom banner
- SLLK recruiting
- The Kingdom of Abydos
- i Need a KD!!
- Pwny Express Recruitment
- Elements will be back NEXT era
- ~Sarafan Knights Recruiting!~
- What is going on
- warriours league ir recurting
- Starta Wars (Era 39)
- ¨UAngels Once More¨URECRUITING II
- ¨UAngels Once More¨URECRUITING I
- Recruiting in Zetamania
- Guess who is back :)
- Dynasty... Struddles kingdom?
- Elite Army
- Devastators
- Searching For And Old Friend
- Another offical statement
- Epsilon
- need kingdom
- KGD relations
- Starta - Era of Lewatha
- A New Beginning (era 39)
- Mantrax Wars (Era 39)
- Starta Discus Era of Dvsmasta
- Zetamania - Era of Lewatha
- Talents II
- Torment Kingdom
- Talents -era 38
- The Death Knights Recruiting!
- Kingdom Of Cyprus I
- axe for hire
- Royal Order Of Lynus RECRUITIN I
- Goodbye
- Starting up a kingdom
- anybody seen them?
- Goodluck era 4
- Fallen Empire Recruiting
- Nooo Treeee????
- Return of the Return of IoK
- ~IoK Recruitment ~
- Protection act
- Templar Crusaders (TC)
- Dynasty's New Direction
- The Architect's Embassy
- Retribution disbanding.
- I hate elves!!
- End of Era Production
- RET and FATE bullies :(
- In The Next Era
- KillerKing unhonorable
- all world awards - messiah
- Leaving VI
- Talents - Crack addicts...
- the devestators ~WERE RECRUIT~
- Fruits and Vegetables
- Valhalla Wars Era Of DvsMasta
- Join Me?
- Nirvana Wars Era of Dvsmasta
- Glory most Dishounorable KD
- Fantasia landin Error... again
- Agent Smith
- Kd of Delusions
- Zeta delete Agent Smith
- Fantasia - Era of Lewatha!
- Congratulations Smith
- Luna Wolves: Recruiting again
- Funny score system
- And the Mr. Irrelevent Award..
- Era of smith LOL
- Angels WANTs YOU
- Create A KD
- Chocolate Embassy
- Nirvana (Era 39)
- FEL Recruiting
- wow this is just sad dude
- Horde Watch
- Slade Is Worse than ever
- Phi Return..
- Dead and waiting
- Super Nubs recruiting
- Lightning Dust Recruiting!
- Beware of Heaven!
- GOTF recruits era 40
- Dear World
- Princess lula
- Valhalla wars, (Era10)
- The Native People
- The Native People ~Valhalla 39
- Imperium of Knights
- TDS Recruiting Still
- Jester?
- Armageddon Era 40
- Randoms Political Statement
- Insane Asylum aka Crazy
- All ex-abydos
- Makaveli Recruiting
- Cloutier is evil
- ROC next era?
- Hello guys ehh its a while
- Finally ...
- Crazy = Traitorous Scumbags
- Muliti
- I spy with my little eye
- TEW or TSW this or next era
- Abydos renovated
- Mantrax Era of DVS
- Blood Lust Recruiting
- Talents - Era 39
- The Dark Empire
- New blocker policy
- Makaveli
- Stop nub bashing...
- TDE Traitorous Scumbags
- Dynasty Recruiting
- Who really should have won
- Peacekeepers
- Lightning Dust
- The Legion
- Mystic is Back
- IoK Recruitment
- neon kingdom
- Juicy Stuff
- world awards era of smith
- Armageddon Massacre Era 39
- Next Era Recruiting
- Zetamania Wars Dvsmasta
- The Dark Empire Recruitment
- The Native People Recruiting
- Destiny embassy
- Recruitment for IoK
- Important Read
- Congrates Dvsmasta
- kd power at end
- Looking for fant kd to join
- I dont get it
- Fruits and Veggies recruiting
- NEW ERA and my apoligies
- New Worlds Open
- World Wars Era 40
- Valhalla Era of Magneto 41
- Excalibur
- Shadows KD recruiting
- Hunters Recruiting on Talents
- Hunters RecruitingTalents
- Talenta Era 40
- calling the phoenix
- Urizen Knights
- New kingdom forming on midgard
- The RoC Elders
- Federation Of Europe Midgard
- The Electric Wolf
- flaming aces recruiting
- Roman Empire Recruiting
- which kingdom
- Angels Embassy Era Of Magneto
- Latha era 40
- BBMMB next era
- Pride all the way
- Midgard Era 40 lol
- Return of Kathandarion
- Join The Jelly Bean Empire
- Era 40 Winner
- Another Insignificant Kingdom
- Valhalla Disscusions
- Looking for a good kd
- Nirvana just a bunch of pussys
- Vahalla Era 42
- HIV New Kingdom
- Powerhouse embassy
- Congrats Magneto and Juicy
- Recruiting Viceroys
- Buzz All
- Eternal Warriors
- EAT THIS Paracelzus
- Nirvana era of Magneto
- Sol Invictus Recruitment
- Sol Invictus Embassy
- Neon Starts Next Era
- Dear Mr Mercenary
- starta era of magneto
- Fensteria era 40
- Mantrax Era of Magneto
- kingdom forming on valhalla
- Zetamania Era Of Magneto
- Passive Aggressive next era
- Gladiators maybe
- fordius is dog poo
- New Vote Buttons
- world awards era of dvs
- Why would anyone do that
- Roman EmpireEra 41
- Fantasia Era of Magneto
- Time for a namechange Fatte
- if you want your stone bought
- Guild Of The Fallen E41
- Midgard Honor Awards
- World Wars Era Of Magneto
- Nightwish Recruiting
- Talents Era of Magneto
- Vu players
- Jelly Bean Empire Next Era
- Nirvana Era 42
- Time for a namechange Fatoom 2
- Looking for kingdom
- Desi Indians Recruiting
- Old VU
- BBMMB embassy
- Jelly Bean Empire Midgard
- Kingdom of Mujahideen
- Era 43
- Midgard Era of MAGNETO
- Black Flag recruting
- VU needs you
- Amazedimperium of knights
- Cheap stone on the market
- Protection on mogrox
- Dragoon Ebmassy
- Latha Era of Magneto
- A tribute to Sun Warrior
- Dragoon Debuts
- Return of the Holy
- looking for a kdyassen
- PoS recruitment
- SUN WARRIORS Recruitment
- Randoms Sexual Deviants Embass
- Era of Fensteria
- The Honour of GoTF
- MAD Traitors
- Zetamania era 42
- BBMMB yeah for sure
- Fantasia Era 42
- World Wars Era 42
- Pretty annoyed
- GoTF is Recruiting
- The Outlaws Recruiting
- biohazard recruting
- Nebulous Kingdom for Next Era
- Bruce Wayne last era
- For Endless
- Domination Recruiting
- Spy vs Spy Boom vs Mad
- Winning Farmer
- Looking for Stable Fant Guild
- No Pulse Embassyyyyyyyyyyy
- Mantrax Era 42
- Era of Magneto awards
- War declaration
- VU community poll
- Razgriz Embassy
- Congrats
- Congrats Chipotle Snack Wrap
- Palpadouche
- should this game be called HU
- HIV Embassy
- AoA Recruiting For Next Era
- Mantrax Era 43
- Zetamania stuff
- White Fang Recruiting
- Recruiting Thread for BBMMFB
- starta eras 42
- Domination next era
- Zetamania Era 45
- Talents Era 43
- The Angelical List I
- Special terms of a PHI NAP
- Black Flag hamish
- Talents era 42
- Zetamania Era 43
- HIV Virus
- GoTF Embassy
- Revelation
- Whoretasia era 43
- Kingdom Search
- Era of Mzzery awards new
- Midgard Era 42
- FATE Disappointment
- Whats wrong i did
- Congratz phi for era win
- Borders
- KBW recruiting
- biohazard banner
- Death List era 43
- Armageddon era 42
- Kingdom of Hearts Recruitment
- Five Stars embassy
- Latha Era 42
- KD Finder
- LDK kingdom
- World Wars Era 43
- Lord Resistance Backstabber
- Brotherhood of the Wolf
- Acceptance proposal
- The Twisted is now recruiting
- Dynamite disbanding
- Return of the old
- Congrats Chavez
- LD Era 43
- Mogrox Era 42
- Mogrox market
- Nice Warring in Valhalla
- Valhalla Era 43 Ftw
- Id like to sue
- Waaaaar Declaration
- Mantrax Era of Mzzery
- Lightning Hearts
- Top 3 Kingdoms
- DB n Trio
- I broke a CF
- okay i need some help
- Homeless Recruiting
- Death List
- Nirvana Era Of Mzzery
- Boom declares on crazy
- halloween
- BoC Era 43
- Nirvana Era 43
- Jelly Bean Empire Era 43
- Broken agreements
- Map Breaking
- Congratulations to the Victors
- Dynamite Declares on Rebirth
- Phis looking for fresh blood
- Rebirth NAP break
- Dont talk about fight club
- GoTF in era 42
- VU suddenly a war game
- Finally
- Cloutier Looking for Kingdom
- Armegeddon 43
- Starta Era 43
- Berserk Recruiting
- looking for a kd
- Wheres Lew Era 42 Awards
- World Awards Era 42
- Need Nomination for Ruler
- Warforged Recruiting Era 44
- Flame Lords Legion
- Revelation warrior reborn
- OwnerfiedPzornification Signup
- GoTF recruiting
- Dragon Riders Era 47
- MIke Smith
- Kingom powers list
- Conversation with Arch Shade
- biohazard recruitment
- Lovelyif ya got spare time
- LH Nap Breaker Scum
- Domination declares on Bow
- Fantasia Era 43
- Hiv declares war on RVL
- White Fang Next Era
- Zetamania Era of Mzzery
- Wars Era 43
- The army of green empty flags
- BoW Would Like Too Say Thanx
- um what happened to crazy
- TJB Declare war on TRR 12v2
- Storm Knights Recruiting
- Gladiators recruiting
- The Ravage Regime Embassy
- Where are Army of Anubis
- Mantrax Era 44
- Winged Dusk Embassy
- Midgard Era 43
- Free Agent List
- Kingdom of Heaven Era 47
- Randum Teh Pokemon Embassy
- Why Helping Kds is NOT worth
- End of Rebirth
- SemiActive Looking For A Home
- Planet Hollywood is here
- Declaration
- Lakers Recruiting
- Hey
- Slave market
- Mad and Dangerous Recruiting
- 6 Reasons Ravenge PEE ME OFF
- Truth about Arma 43
- Jelly Bean Empire Recruiting
- Plague Time
- Skulls Vrs Humans for Era 47
- Regarding Naps agreements CF
- Kingdoms Scores
- Starta Wars Era 44
- Recruitment Dark Light
- Holy Reborn
- 9835 The Return of Music 9835
- Apology to thy Allies
- AoA Army of Anubis
- Aequitas formed
- Mr The Avenger
- Fensteria
- Relentless Recruiting Actives
- Berserk TRIPLE TEAMS us
- Starta Era 46
- Kaths at it again
- Fallen Angel Embassy
- The Federation Embassy
- Galatic Republic Centre
- World Wars Era Of Mzz Mzzery
- MAD Recruitment and Embassy
- Carnage It Is Back Kinda
- New Kd Seventh Sanctum
- SNM Embassy
- Era of Chavez awards
- Domi Recruitingz
- Lightning Hearts Recruiting
- Congratz Fate
- Congrats Mzzery
- Valhalla Era 44
- Hunger strike force recruiting
- Starta Wars Era of Mzzery
- Planet Hollywood The Movie
- Congratz pathettic Losers
- Fantasia era of Mzzery
- Kingdom Scores Era 45
- Armageddon Era Of Mzzery
- Paladins of the Order Era 45
- Federation Era XLVI
- Mantrax Era 45
- LORD Recruiting
- Congrat to Bluelight and HIV
- Domination Embassy
- Congratz Bogdan and fEAR
- Congrats Nova and Fate
- Era of MzzeryEra of Betrayal
- RoC era of Cowards
- Nirvana Era 45
- Talents era 44
- New Kingdomm
- Bart and Psychedelic
- Gladiators Recruiting Era 47
- Fantasia Era 45
- Federation Era XLV
- Wonders
- Love of Battle
- Fate having a NAP party
- Latha Era 45
- Era of Bluelight
- NEBC Embassy
- Your Characters
- Royal Prestige Recruiting
- Start KD
- AoA Embassy
- Midgard Era 44
- Apologising to gotf
- Plague on Fant
- Who is best politician
- Solstice and Music
- Predators arise
- Imperial Kiryu Recruiting
- midgard era 45
- Valhalla era 45
- Psycho Circuis
- Starta Plague
- Federation Recruitment
- Gladiators recruiting again
- Hellbunnies Recruitment Center
- Call To Arms thread
- Latha Era 44
- Relentless
- Anti Federation Recruiting
- Guild of the Fallen Recruiting
- Welcome back
- Talents era 45
- Evil Kings is recriuting
- Starta era of Bluelight
- Talent Era 45
- Evil Kings
- Possibly Seeking New Kingdom
- Smite The Federation
- Arch Shade is Back
- Nirvana Plauge
- Looking for new kingdom
- Mantrax Era 47
- Join the Herd
- Zetamania Era 46
- Calling Friends
- NEBC Recruiting
- Mutual Respect
- Fantasia Era 46
- Kingdom of heaven recruitment
- Gladiator Betrayers
- War Kingdom Era 45
- HIV Disband
- Ravage Regime Recruitment
- Music not disdanding
- Armageddon 45
- Happy Against Drugs Recruiting
- Kingdom Recrutment Embassy
- Guys I have a problem
- Mantrax Era 46
- Kingdom Of Jarri
- traitor idiot
- Fensteria Era 45
- Fallen Legion Recruiting
- Imperium Corps is recruiting
- Nirvana Era 46
- Brotherhood of the Wolf Recr
- Nirvana
- Seventh Sanctum Era 47
- Mogrox Era 45
- FATE worst alliance
- Fate and Fear
- Essential to Humanity Embassy
- The League
- I declare war
- Flame lord legion RC
- Gladiators next era
- Grudgebringers Embassy
- When are the awards
- Kngdom Scores
- Havok Centre
- Dont Fear The Paddle Embassy
- Starta Kingdom
- Information about OUR KD
- Wats happening
- Looney Toons Unhonorable
- Kingdom of Myth
- Retard from DMC breaks CF
- Era of Bogdan Awards
- Its quite obvious
- Old Dom members
- Traitor
- Last Shadow Kingdom
- Black Heart Legion
- Valhalla era 46
- VAlhalla AGE 3
- Holy wants you
- GladiatorsHeimdall
- DOA Dead on Arrival
- Join The Police
- Armageddon 46
- New Chemical Brothers
- Fantasia Era 47
- Cant join kingdom
- End Era Scores Screwed Up
- Genocide
- Era Start
- Era end
- Daffodil Embassy
- POFF Is Recruiting
- Dragon spell
- Genocide Recruiting
- More Backstabbing By MrFuzz
- Zone Agreements
- Legion of the Risen Dragon
- End Arma PLEASE
- Pure Blood Recruitment
- Bootem feeding
- Mantrax Age 4
- Hey Revenge here
- New Faer banner
- Gambling Town
- How did era 41 go
- which shit cunbt deleted my lg
- Locked Worlds
- VU News
- Era of Nova Awards
- Fallen Kingdom Of Mantrax
- Guild Of The Fallen is BACK
- Kev and Max and pointbreak
- Nirvana Era 48
- Moving to fantasia
- LORD Decree
- Halfers
- Glorious Rebellion
- Mantrax Resources Fluctuation
- Alienation Enlisting Members
- Mercenaries Embassy
- KDs on fant next era
- Reality Glad Army
- Traitors in Era 47
- Gratz Fear
- Knights Of Claidmore
- Mantrax Era 48
- KOH is recriuting holy player
- Zetamania Era 47
- GoodCat Returns
- Bots on Stone Market
- Starta Era 48
- Pc out from Stewie
- Starta Era 47
- very new player lfk
- Ur all dead
- Rogue Phoenix
- Lulzzz Era 48
- Gladiators Recruiting Era 48
- Nirvana era 47
- Waypoints hint
- Highest income
- Zetamania Era 48
- 2nd Era MYTH recruiting
- Psycho Circus Recruiting
- Fantasia Era 48
- Fantasia Age 3
- Midgard Royal Guard
- i need your help
- Abydos again
- Valhala era 48
- Where are all the slaves
- Hes coming back
- Legion of Roma Next era
- Arma era 48
- Carnage
- Free Agent Mr A
- The Enrollment Centre
- Riders of Rohan Era 49
- Fight of The Century
- barbarian alliance recriuting
- Glads not playing the next era
- Rage Recruiting For Next Era
- Bloody Hound Dogs Recruiting
- Very Important Thread
- new kd next era
- METAL era 49
- Era of Sky awards
- Mantrax Era 49 Karac
- Mantrax era unknown
- Farm The Worlds
- Feeding Plz
- BBMMB Embassy II
- Well earned victory
- utterly confused
- Congratz Karac
- Looking for fant kingdom
- Fantasia era 49 Karac
- Talents Era 49 Karac
- Wanted urgently
- Legion of Roma Dishonourable
- Fecking Feckers Traitors
- Kingdom Of Ferakin Recruiting
- Nirvana Age 4 Me thinks
- Fun Fun
- Congratz Anonymous
- Midgard Era 48 or 49
- Red Embassy
- Zetamania 6
- Fant era 55
- Armageddon Era 24
- Armageddon Fantasia
- Should mantrax cange map
- Valhalla Age 2
- Midgard training Kingdom
- Midgard age 6
- Zetamania
- Midgard Age 7
- Gratus glasses
- Mantrax Awards
- Release our Prisoner
- Zetamania Class of 17
- Guidawrita Era 1
- Valhalla 9
- Valhalla Age 8
- Fantasia Age 5
- Zetamania 3
- Stomp Stoppers Embassy
- New Kingdom Request
- Midgard 5th era 2nd age
- Zetamania Age 2
- ipwn recruiting
- Starta Era 49
- Dishonorable Kingdom Hearts
- War on Arma
- Starta Age 3
- A Story I Just Wrote
- Starta 26
- Sleepless
- The Empire
- experienced members needed
- Military on Arma D
- Very Confused Vet
- Hell Angels Recruiting
- Fant awards era of Karac
- Arma Age 2
- Fantasia Age 9
- Valhalla Age 4
- Zetamania Age 12
- Mantrax Age 10
- Midgard Age 4
- Nirvana Age 2
- Talents Age
- Gen Abusinator strikes again
- The Unbreakables
- Valhalla Age 6
- Fantasia age 4
- MYTH Making Your Talent Heard
- Abydos Recruiting
- a game of high adventure
- Should Fantasia change map
- Fantasia age 6
- Latha 12 Perhaps
- Talents Age 3 or something
- Bye Canucks
- Starta Age 5
- Valhalla 14
- Talents Era 2or is it 3
- nirvana 3
- Era of Barny awards
- Medieval Warriors Embassy
- Zetamania 4
- black hollar of red cross
- black legion
- Starta Era 10
- Midgard 11
- Nirvana Age 7
- Valhalla Age 5
- Meme Embassy
- Looking for Active Kingdom
- Starta Age 4
- Starta age 7
- Midgard Age 5
- Wise and Honorable Abydos
- The Human Alliance
- Mantrax Age 11
- Joining a KD
- Mantrax Age 5
- Talents Era 28
- Zetamania 5
- Mantrax EraAge idc
- Mantrax Age 8
- Nirvana age 6
- Fantasia Era 12
- Fantasia Age 8
- Need a favour on arma
- where is he
- Empire Of Napoleon Embassy
- Talent 32
- Freedom fighters scummy tactic
- Mantrax Age 6
- Grats Wilber
- Fantasia Age 7
- The Daffodils regret
- talents 4
- Zetamania 7
- Fellowship Embassy
- Quick Question
- Zetamania Age 8
- World of Latha
- Mantrax Age 7
- World of Armageddon
- Nirvana 5
- The FEDs are here
- Give me one good reason
- Starta Age 6
- Valhalla 24
- Starta Age 9
- Let all know the traitor
- Armageddon Age Whatevah
- Skulls Vs Humans
- lol at nubs nowerdays
- Odyssey is back by MIA P
- Zetamanie 13
- The Mercenaries
- The Falcons
- Zetamania 15
- Nirvana 12
- Mogrox Era Dunno
- Justin from TDS
- Starta 8
- Midgard Era 17
- Fensteria AGE 1
- Zetamania 9
- Midgard 10
- Midgard Age 8
- Armageddon Age 6
- Zetamania Era 11
- Arma Spell
- Optimus Consilium Legatio
- Starta Age 12
- Latha world
- Nirvana Age 13
- Latha 11
- Mantrax age 17
- Mant Age 9
- Le IRC
- Good vs Evil round 6
- Your First Era
- High scores percents
- Valhalla 29
- Mantrax Age 9
- Nirvana Age 8
- Fantasia Age 11
- Fensteria Age 2
- Fant 24
- Zetamania 14
- New knighst in town
- Mogrox age
- Fantasian Chronicles
- Nirvana Era Who Gives A
- Nirvana 10
- Midgard 9
- Zetamania Era 10
- Pachyglossal Proreption Emba
- Mantrax Age 12
- Market usage
- Nirvana age 9
- Talentsthis era lol
- Valhalla Age 11
- VU better or worse
- The Fun Times
- Valhalla Age 12
- 20th Century Fox presents
- Talents 22
- Calling all predators
- starta age 13
- Starta Era 11
- Only You Confessionbooth
- Valhalla 30
- Zetamania Age 26
- Beo Vermin Back
- Armageddon Age 7
- Fantasia Era 80
- Valhalla era 10
- GvE 11
- maybe its just me
- Zetamania 16
- Fent 5
- Armageddon 9
- Talents Must End
- Starta 19
- Fantasia Age 10
- Armageddon 8
- Binh wins
- Fantasia 41
- Nirvana 14
- Fensteria 4
- Fant 25
- Brand New kingdom
- Mantrax Age 15
- someone make a kd with me but
- Starta 25
- Valhalla 25
- Zetamania 19
- Mantrax Age 14
- Mantrax 33
- Talents era fukknows
- Donut is a liar
- Starta Era 17
- End of Era awards
- Congrats Dark Side Legacy
- Forgotten Warriors Roster
- Mantrax age 13
- Fantasia Age 14
- Latha its time to wake up
- Mantrax 29
- Wake Up Call to Players of VU
- 50 protection help please
- PKS Deja Vu
- Midgard Age 18
- Midgard 26
- Armageddon 10
- Valhalla Era 13
- Nirvana 17
- Valhalla 53
- Starta 29
- Midgard Traitors
- Talents 23
- InterKd Chat on Fantasia
- Starta Age 15
- Candlewax and Valor at WAR
- Armageddon 11
- Starta 18
- oioioio
- Starta 16
- Mantrax Age 16
- Latha 18
- Nirvana 15
- Armageddon Are 13
- Starta Age 16
- valhalla 23
- Armageddon 25
- Latha Era 13
- Mantrax 30
- Valhalla 15
- Mantrax Era of Sauceness
- The No Named Kingdom
- What happened to Nirvana
- Mantrax 20
- Valhalla 16
- Armageddon era who cares
- Fantasia 19
- Midgard Age 16
- use of the spiritual military units
- Zetamania Age 19
- Starta 22
- Nirvana 23
- KOTR Latha
- Zetamania Age 21
- FanTaSia Era of Awesomeness
- Fantasia Era of Awesomeness 2
- Valhalla 18
- Fantasia FFA Era of Epicness
- valhalla 22 maybe
- Armageddon 14
- Nirvana Age 15
- Mantrax 19
- The End of Small Fries
- Where is PKS
- Zetamania Strat summary maps
- Zetamania Age 20
- Nirvana 16
- Mantrax 24
- Valhalla 20
- Armageddon 16
- Fantasia 42
- Fantasia Third Era Of Beothuk
- Zetamania Age 22
- Valhalla 17
- Mantrax 51
- Zetamania Age 23
- Starta 20
- Nirvana 18
- Valhalla 19
- Midgard 27
- Ruffcrew look here
- Fant 23
- Latha Era 15
- Lowest win ever
- Name Abuse
- Zanshi Recruiting
- Talents WTF
- Are there any Legendarys left
- Starta 21
- Zetamania 24
- Mantrax 23
- Youre all doooomed on Nirvana
- Armageddon XX
- Valhalla 21
- Nirvana 22
- Mantrax 21
- Please come to Armageddon
- Fantasia 22 The Big Bash
- Valhalla 28
- Holy Armageddon
- Zetamania Age 25
- Fantasia Next Era Taking Bets
- Carnage is back
- Mantrax 22
- Starta NextEra Announcement
- Knights Of the Round Table
- Good vs Evil
- Midgarg 24
- Mantrax 44
- This is pssing me off
- Newest Starta era
- Nirvana Age 20
- Fantasia 20
- Fant Desert of lost Souls
- Armagedon age 23
- Starta 23
- Starta Era 28
- Starta 24
- Heyyaaa
- talents 29
- Nirvana 24
- Congratulations Wilber
- Fantasia End of Era Awards
- fantasia 21
- Era of Horus XXIX Awards
- Starta 27
- Starta Era 33 Discussions
- A Shadow Rises
- Challenge Starta
- Zetamania 32
- Zetamania 27
- Mant 90
- nirvana 25
- Midgard 25
- Zetamania 29
- Latha Age 22
- Starta Free For All Tournament
- Mantrax 69
- Zetamania 28
- Wizengamot of Midgard
- Grand Return
- Mantrax 26
- Fant 75
- Nirvana 36
- Mantrax 25
- Pretty Reckless
- valhalla 26
- Talents
- Armageddon 26
- Starta 30
- Valhalla 27
- Mantrax Era 35 Discussion
- Candlewax Embassy
- Zetamania Challenge
- Trolls on Zetamania
- Starta Era 35
- zetamania 41
- Fant 28
- Nirvana 27
- Mantrax 28
- Fantasia 34
- Nirvana 26
- Zeon players
- FFA Starta
- Mantrax 41
- Zetamania 30
- Talents 30
- Fant 26
- Good vs Evil round 3
- Midgard and Latha closing
- Zetamania 31
- Starta 31 Solo Free For All
- Fant 91
- Fant 27
- GvE 8
- end fo era awards
- VU on Skype
- Armageddon 28
- Mantrax 37
- Armageddon 29
- Armagedon 27
- Pretty reckless Dishonorable
- The Legion Recruitment Centre
- Is VU dying
- Nirvana 30
- Nirvana 28
- Starta 34
- Fantasia Era 31
- Multi Sweep
- Nirvana 29
- Talent 33
- Mantrax 42
- Talents kingdom
- Valhalla 33
- zetamania 36
- tree in zeta
- mantrax 39
- Val 73
- Very new kingdom
- Cannabis Reborn Recruitment
- New Fant KD
- Valhalla Recruitment Centre
- Fantasia 29
- Mantrax 88 age of war
- Talents 0115
- Fantasia 50
- Nirvana Era 33
- Fantasia Age 30
- Fantasia 70
- Magic and Spells
- Zetamania 50
- Mantrax 50
- Nirvana 33
- Zetamania 37
- The Jester Empire Strikes Back
- Nirvana 34
- Fantasia Era 32
- GvE round 2
- Zeta 43
- Nirvana Era 32
- Newest Mantrax era
- Good vs Evil End 7
- Valhalla 47
- Nirvana 35
- Manifest Jestiny
- Good vs Evil round 4
- River Jumping is still a thing
- zetamania 38
- Good Vs Evil Rnd 5 sign up
- Mantrax 36
- Good vs Evil round 7
- Mantrax Era 38
- Fantasia 35
- Zeta 42
- Fant 36
- Fantasia 37
- Fantasia 39
- GvE 10
- Remove GvE world
- Mant 40
- Fantasia era 53
- Congrats to Hanky and Abydos
- Valhalla 38
- Fantasia 51
- Not GVE era 1
- Fantasia 38
- Duke Sesughter The Joke P2
- Mantrax Desert Map Era 45
- Valhalla 44 Era of Mr Lazy
- The Titans
- Valhalla 39
- Duke Sesughter is a joke
- Good vs Evil 13
- GvE
- Wheres my homies at
- Mantrax 43
- Valhalla 48
- Valhalla 41
- Fantasia 40
- Valhalla 40
- Hammer and Shield
- The mighty few
- Valhalla 42
- Valhalla 43
- Zetamania Age 47
- GvE 17
- The Great Reunion
- Mantrax 46
- GvE 19
- Help the poor
- Looking For
- Fantasaia 43
- Mantrax 47
- Next Zetamania Era Suggestion
- Zetamania Age 48
- Mantrax 48
- Mantrax Era 54
- Mantrax 49
- Fant 44
- Zetamania 49
- GvE 18
- Fant 96
- Fantasia 45
- fant 49
- GvE 20
- Valhalla 45 Er of Mr Hanky
- Fantasia 46
- Valhalla 46
- Mantrax 56
- Fantasia 47
- Valhalla 52
- The Dark Riders Empire
- Mantrax 57
- Zetamania 55 and 56
- Valhalla 54
- Zeta 89
- Fantasia 48
- So the biggest tributes in VU
- Zeta Seventy One 3 Men KD
- GvE Zetamania
- Valhalla 71
- Mant 53 i think
- Mantrax Era 73
- Valhalla 49
- Fantasia Era 56
- Valhalla 50
- Fantasia era 49 awards
- Zetamania 57
- Valhalla 51
- Fantasia era 54
- Fantasia Era 68
- Fant 52
- Reviving Zetamania
- Mantrax 61
- Mantrax 55
- Activity how many players on
- Mantrax 59
- Zetamania 58
- wots the skype channel called
- death dealerz kikd me
- Zetamania 59
- Betrayal
- zetamania 60
- Valhalla 56 vote map
- Mantrax 60
- Mantrax Era 58
- Valhalla 55
- Valhalla 57
- Fantasia 59
- Valhalla 56
- Fant 57 Beware of Troll Tribe
- Fant 58
- Zetamania 62
- Fantasia Era 61
- Valhalla 60
- Zetamania 66
- Valhalla 59
- Valhalla FiftyEight
- Fantasia Era 60
- Fantasia 65 Dead Fecks
- Mantrax 62
- Mantrax 67
- Mantrax LXIII
- Zetamania 75 cap at 3 pls
- Zetamania 68
- Val Sixty 1
- Fantasia 62
- Fantasia 63
- Mantrax 64
- Fantasia 64 Hillbillies Return
- ZetaSeventy
- Valhall LXII
- Recalling The Sensitive Fellas
- Guidawrita Era 1 New World
- Fantasia 72
- Mantrax 65
- Team Coordination
- Valhalla 63
- Valhalla 64
- Mantrax 70
- Fantasia Era of Multiaccnt 85
- Mantrax Sixty six
- Zeta Seventy two Silenced Era
- GvE Qua 23
- Mant 86
- Zeta Seventy Three
- Valhalla 66
- Fantasia Era 67
- Val 67
- Zetamania 74
- Valhalla 65
- Fant 69
- Fantasia 66
- To Those Playing Zeta This Era
- Official GvE Signups
- GvE Era of Weird Map
- Mantrax 68
- GvE Era 24
- fantasia era 67 awards
- GvE Era of Goodness signups
- Zetamania 77
- Zetamania 76
- Valhalla era 70 awards
- Valhalla era 68
- Valhalla 70
- Zetamania 78
- Fantasia Era of Dragonlord 84
- Mant 91
- Valhalla 69
- Fant 76
- Fantasia era 70 awards
- The Mantrax Minute
- Team Draft
- A Shameful Display Zeta 79
- Fant 71
- Imperium Apologizes
- Fantasia 82
- Fantasia Era 77
- Valhalla 75
- Fantasia 73
- Zetamania 81
- Fantasia era 72 awards
- Tis Pirate owe ye an Apology
- Proof Aloy Uses MP Script
- Valhalla 72
- Mant 80
- Mantrax 74
- Valhalla 97
- Zeta 83
- Zetamania 84
- A Shameful Display Zeta 83
- vallhala 76
- Fantasia Era 83
- Dear FW
- Zetamania 85
- Aloy Uses Script
- Valhalla 78
- Fantasia 97
- Mant 81
- Fant 79
- Dragon Politics
- Mant 78
- Mant 79 Winter Is Coming
- Valhalla 80 Support Ukraine
- MultiPlant in Imperium
- Fantasia 81
- Fantasia Era of Hanky Panky 82
- Valhalla Era 93
- Fantasia 94
- Biohazard
- The Fly Squad
- Valhalla 79
- Valhalla 81
- Valhalla 85 Rise of the Birds
- Lucky players on Fantasia
- Mant 82
- Future vu kingdom
- Fant Era 85
- Valhalla 82
- Fant Era 86
- New Kingdom Illuminati
- Valhalla 83 Cluster Truck Map
- Fantasia Era 87
- Valhalla 84
- Most Favorite Kingdoms
- iQuit LOL
- Dendari merc recruiting
- vallhala 87
- 911 Final Solution
- Fantasia Era 88
- Mantrax 87
- Fantasia Era 89
- T20 World Cup 2022
- GvE Classic 27
- Zetamania era who cares
- Valhalla 89
- Valhalla era 92
- Fant 95
- Fant 90
- Valhala Era 86
- Fantasia Era 92
- Mantrax 97
- Mant 89
- GvE time
- Vallhala 88
- Mant 92
- Fantasia 93
- Next gve
- GvE 2v2
- Valhalla 90 wut
- Valhalla 91
- Valhalla Era 94
- Mantrax 93
- Valhalla Era 95
- Valhalla Era 96
- Fantasia 98
- Mant 96
- Fant Era 102
- Mant 98
- valhalla era
- Guides and Articles
- Race Comparison Sheet.
- Whats Visual Utopia?
- Disabling popup stopper
- Request a Guide/Article
- Kingdoms Groups and Alliances
- Firefox Is Da Shizzle
- Guide II
- Player Tips for Everyone
- (Vile) Diplomacy
- New VU Wiki Page
- Can't Transfer Troops Fix (IE)
- guide III
- Embedding YouTube vids
- Game Rules (from signup)
- Productivity
- Cavemasters for each city size
- Leaving Present.... (Guide)
- Naps Maps and Other Relations
- Productivity and Productivity
- Drunkoldman's guide!
- Nobility and Rank
- Production and Resources
- Science
- The Races
- Attacking
- The Time
- Guide of Kingdom: Holy
- Mechanics of Leadership
- Chronicles of Osiris
- Guide about Honour
- Starting a Kingdom
- Posting youtube
- Guide Posting Images in Forums
- Special Units
- Avira Antivir Solution
- How to make a good Suggestion
- Newbie Guide
- F A Qs
- Cookies
- The 50 percent rule
- Stable and Effective Goverment
- If you are Temp Banned
- Massive Multiplayer Online Game
- Changing kingdom banner
- Image Pack
- The Native People Our Pets
- Guide Page
- How to restart before OOP
- Warehouse
- Making a new map
- Tutorial Videos
- Eye in the Sky A Calculator
- Treasure
- The Nazgul
- Mobiles and touch screen
- City Sizes
- Help With Experienced Advents
- Beginner guides to the races
- Magic Guide
- Orc Mage When to be one
- Orc Class A OOP Assault
- Guides Offering Assistance
- Spawning in wrong world
- Very Basic Market Concept
- Privacy Policy
- PreOOP Economic Concept
- LandDropping Explained
- Code of Honor
- Method for easy Arma casting
- Racial Choices
- Learning to be human
- Building Armories
- Tactic Killing aotd army
- Building Blockers to Block
- Need Elf guide
- Mobile Guide by Ivanho
- Science Strategies 10
- Never Go Full Dwarf Mage
- Note on MT Range
- Unbeatable Invincible Strategy
- How to use themed KD names
- Base Science Costs
- Adaptable Halfling Strategy
- Racial Tier List
- Science Strategies
- Kingdom Leading Guide
- Halfling Strategy Guide
- Pez Growth and Micro Armories
- City Sizes and Blockage Levels
- Kamikaze Attack
- Defending Against Plague
- Modern Magic Guide
- Questions and Answers
- Military Science
- Armorys and cost reduction
- can you destroy your own build
- I'm sure this has been asked..
- Question for vet human StG'ers
- Adventurers Discovering
- The Image
- i need a list of all spells
- Title
- Nazzies
- Help me please!!!
- Slander prohibited?
- KD vs KD HoH
- Scores?
- Changing Title To Lady
- kd question
- Donating as a Roleplayer
- Topics Locked/Deleted
- Building Prices
- exp points
- Moving my Army
- lumbermills
- 50% rule question
- i cant join a kd
- Mu Power
- Spell - Magic Weapons
- KDmate's Magic City
- How do I get Nazguls
- Kingdom Requirment
- Era Start
- Magic %
- Mant 50% rule
- Best Race?
- Words
- Experience III
- Resource Cap
- Wrong name
- About freezing the enemy
- science cost
- troll guide
- Who is the best VU player?
- Warehouses II
- Relocating Kingdoms
- Instant messaging?
- 50% rule clarification please
- Armageddon XI
- Bespoke Banners
- Question about World Market
- Worlds to join
- this is so stupid
- can't move troops in/out
- Warehouses I
- trolls
- Training Troops
- Green Screen
- 500k nazzies
- Armies in allied cities
- I've never seen this before...
- magic sciences
- City Revolting
- lumber
- New Worlds System - Fant Only?
- Zerks
- Troops in army or city!!
- Poll: Is VU ready for...?
- Plague
- Walls VI
- Medicine Science
- Siege question
- No pezz!
- Kingdom Versus Kingdom
- The HoH
- races
- My magic is USELESS
- Bonus Turns
- Injured Troops
- WTF cavers???
- Magic Protection
- bersekers
- upkeep in your own city
- Restart III
- Question regarding IP
- New scoring system
- KD hoppers
- Restart II
- Can't build Error
- VU Admin READ THIS!!
- World Hop
- Are there any Mentors?
- Eras
- Most powerful city
- Amouries
- Bug Explanations
- Merging armies
- Slaves VII
- Start the game in Valhalla ?
- City Size Bonus
- Maps
- City can't grow!
- Kingdom
- Locust?
- pictures in forum
- Can anyone help me with image?
- Making new soldiers
- About Farmers
- admin?
- cheater
- Guardtowers
- magic question
- question about rain of fire
- Experience IV
- need help
- get to market in other world?
- messed up market?
- healing injured troops
- The end scores this era
- Restarting
- Human Vs Elf == Magic Costs
- Future eras
- VU vs. U
- Rules by admin
- Most Fearsome Ruler
- Most Powerful Rulers
- Magic City
- Trapped in cities
- Negative Bonus Turns
- End or Era points
- End of the era points
- Nazzies - end of era points?
- Kamikaze attack
- Trade Routes
- magic VII
- D warfs
- Negative Resources?
- Numbers under Troops
- Orc training times
- Map of the worlds???
- take an era off
- Updates, and STG
- City Size
- Slaves Ednscore
- Magic Weapons
- slaves updates?
- Kingdom Players?
- New players?
- Posting Images in Forum
- KD vs KD link
- Zetamania Open?
- what science to get
- Changing kingdom banner
- map wrap around
- Elf training times????
- Q: Pillage
- Anyone got an theories?
- can't move after map jumping
- Artifical Intelligence
- Slaves VI
- can't destroy buildings
- Morale III
- huh?????
- BT's/New Player
- Magic Weapon Spell Question
- Help Asked to you admin
- This era's score's?
- Armoury setup
- kd change? help?
- Freeze Specifics
- how do I change my username
- Private Server
- Food Sales - 10% Lowest
- can't attack in tutorial
- Picture of all maps
- Negative RP Points
- Bad Luck?
- EITS something I can not see!!
- Nazgul/Walls
- Question to admin about ban
- meaning of end of era scores?
- Have you noticed.......?
- Goths and the admin
- What is the scoring system....
- Whats that link again??
- Can u answar this Admin?
- scouts are Too Weak
- Production?
- kamakazie
- human....curious
- do homes store resources?
- Which are the lower worlds
- city name changing
- Updates?
- Training times
- army eqivalent
- HistoryHeirs
- Why are the of succes wrong
- Warehouses Store 100 times more
- Avatar
- they hate primate death
- How HOH is counted
- What is an era
- Training time reduction
- question about Ip conflict
- Can you colinise on a bridge
- Price natives buy resources
- Attacking other people
- armies in cities
- what the heck latha
- PrintScreen
- Mining Science
- whats this
- kingdoms
- Cant make kingdom
- Battles after era ended
- warehouses
- Defence
- Multi or Not
- cavemasters
- Tech Question Vista IE 8
- End of Era scores
- mobile VU
- Getting pics of map
- Zoom Out
- Elven ArchMages
- MU to MT Ratio
- Closed or open gates
- Blockers
- using bt
- Spell Freeze
- 50 rule question
- Bug or Not
- Production droping
- Take over and other attacks
- Combat spells
- Army attack chances
- are mutlies allowed
- Vote for a BT
- Discount
- Question about pezzys
- Troll magic
- Attack prep and merging
- unable to put troops in army
- Upload Pics
- Joinin kingdm before era start
- fensteria market
- Moving armies No red circle Still error
- Farmers
- Resource Tangibility
- When will trade routes be added
- Armories
- Change real name and password
- Protection
- Voting for VU
- Production Falling
- Human race in tutorial
- market prices
- HowItsPossibleToAbuseIngmmsgs
- Canceling account
- Destroying cities
- Trained armies
- Building prices immediatedrop
- Firefox Scripts
- Army of the Dead
- is it better to go magic
- the tutorial
- Plague Question
- Is Bless useful anymore
- Production Post Flagged
- Race Bonuses
- Merging
- Berserkers
- Stone to Gold issue
- Spell Ownage
- Please help Armory trouble
- When can we go into Midgaurd
- End Era Stats
- forum clean
- Tutorial gho do i get out
- Browsers and Copy and Paste
- VU Asps
- Market
- Army calc
- Cities Under Seige
- ending scores
- Is the treefood market
- 12 Hour BT
- Troops disapearing
- How to get to the tutorial
- Typing problem
- Temp Ban Issue
- Troll mages
- whats the smallest city
- Gaia 1000 1200
- World Bounce
- how is the history calculated
- Check this out
- what size do banner have to be
- 50 rule
- training in wrong Armory
- Armorys
- Player History
- tutorial no more
- Siege attack
- Stone to Gold
- BT question
- Question Free Beds
- injured
- Wreckages
- Military Science group armies
- Freeze Question
- Army upkeep
- Stupid Attacking
- percent table
- Character and Sponsored Turns
- Stone Market
- Price is apparently too high
- Halfer Scouts
- Does title carry over eras
- uuuh help
- Science lvl discounts
- What happend to Great Walls
- MergingExp
- gold bonus near water
- False lol
- Era End Ranking
- trojan or virus
- Bombard Attack
- Waypoint Removal
- Rainbows
- best ratio for magic city
- moving armies
- Why is this
- 50 rule Siege
- Dice Roll
- preperation on a city
- Merging Bug
- My bonus turns
- RP points
- Warehouse and Starvation
- what is P
- Buildings and placement
- Magic Morale
- Available jobs
- food eating peasants
- Nazgul bonus
- world map
- Question Switching Kds
- The plague
- Armouries
- How to apply to a kd
- Missing Army
- Big Discovery
- why are axeman so expensive
- how do i get the map
- Chat Error
- Imagepack trouble
- Lazy peasants
- Opening Gates During Prep
- 200k Cities
- mil science
- Joining a KD on another world
- What Is going on
- pez growth
- question about tacticspolitic
- Voting for VU for bonus turns
- StG Question
- Does it alowd
- Return city
- How do you give your city away
- Donation
- Resource buildings
- Giving away custom titles
- Poll Next Era Map
- Wasted resources S
- Attacking
- Why are only letters allowed
- is this the 50 rule
- how to delete you account
- Recent Updates
- Line of Sight
- When does era actually end
- Help explain this please
- era of Mzzery World Map
- about GTs
- Mobilize
- Population
- How to disband military units
- Vu Chatroom Bandwidth
- Sieging and mili sci
- can zeta explain the scoring
- market question
- Magic protection n merging
- open borders
- Small Question Z
- Wheres My Gold
- Partial Donation
- making a donation
- Getting more admins
- magic protection pushed aside
- Kingdom Picture
- Cant Post in Game Develpoment
- City Expansion VS Army Prep
- mIRC
- Peasant population
- Supporting
- City Gates
- Closing gates
- weird prep animation
- Bonus Turn
- Percolator Sound
- Question about Production
- cavemaster bonus
- A Swear Word
- every 100th day question
- Link Voting
- Training Bug
- kamikaze
- isnt this strange
- Different Races And Production
- Guard Towers
- Building next to cities
- Latha or other world
- when does fensteria open
- Setting Banner
- Latha Market
- Start of era Army wondering
- what hapened to peasant growth
- No council forum
- Swordsman Update Price Dwarf
- Blocking a mountain pass
- Why 10 day rule
- magic towers
- Freezing at edge of city
- help please
- Halfers Farmers
- Adventurers Halfling
- returning cities
- Are zeta and admins aware
- LVL 2 Blockage
- when does fantasia end
- is this game ever taken to far
- farmers and peasant growth
- casting spell on another world
- what does this mean
- Is it possible to get an image
- Need an Explanation
- Kill count
- Latha and Beyond
- Is it possible
- How do I start a KD
- Not enough peasants
- Build over water
- Looking for an Alliance
- Halfer Magic Sci
- choosing realms
- Why does the era start so late
- kdvskd link
- how do you zoom out wiht a mac
- army sizes
- Frozen armies
- Food Dropping yet i make food
- New Biulding Constraints
- Help Zeta Help
- why is it dropping
- Magic Casting
- well um yeah
- Settlecolony delay question
- Adventuring
- Help with spawn
- Max discount on pumping troops
- popups in chat
- protection merging
- question bout freeze
- Question about Steal Science
- Beginning of Era
- Is this a bug or is it normal
- kd join bug
- Army Merge Travel Speed
- Magic defense
- Wheres the ingame newsfeed
- Magic Science cost per Race
- do cavemasters still give
- Transfering Troops
- question about teleport
- human science costs
- Magic Defense and Science
- My fog of war
- New Player worlds
- Question about magic defence
- What is a pes
- Training Factor
- Bonus for 90k cities
- Cripple Production in City
- Cannot Log into Chat
- City ExpansionEncroachment
- training costs
- Are kingdom tags gone
- Totally Lost HELP
- Orcs and the 50 rule
- Army movement speeds
- A question of Magic
- Attacking QUestion
- Bombard
- city production
- choosing which army to settle
- idk if this is a bug
- Training issue
- archmages and military science
- Im stuck
- Employment Production
- how many killz last era
- Real name
- Question about magic weapons
- What is the best defence ELF
- Keeping the new people
- whats happens to my bts
- lower worlds
- Prep time
- Character new update
- some updates help
- Join Kingdom
- When does era actually start
- Uhh dragon
- Zeta Merges
- Closed Gates
- Stonetogold warehouses
- losses in forced march
- New Character
- How go I become a guide
- Bonus turnsssss
- Invisible Cities
- Peasants For Troops
- Blockers Caps and Beginings
- Why can i see halfling scouts
- Armoriessemi related moaning
- elves can build on trees
- why cant i sell food
- Racial Penalty Removed
- Suggestions Locked out
- army prep n attack army
- Why are ads gone
- humanz penalty
- Donating
- Peasant problem
- Please Help
- VU Admin ZeTa
- merging and morale
- armyupkeep
- Q Why do you still play this
- What the heck is this
- cant build in my cities
- if i ownaged
- what does fog do
- Merging in
- Racial Penalty How goes it
- I dont know what race IdLike
- Bombarding
- kingdom sizes
- production time cap
- 90k Cities
- How do I die
- How to use slaves
- Computer Question
- How do I fix
- Army speed
- Why is this so imbalance
- How to get peasants faster
- Proxy Help VU
- What is Hoh
- new map
- Adventurer Finds
- Armory bonus
- Sending Resources
- How do I join a KD
- Resign Restart Problem
- Names of cities and armies
- questions and help requested
- Are Kingdoms Locked to a World
- Halfling Scouts
- Experience
- Effect of locust
- Science Priorities
- Real Life Freinds
- How Do I conquest a city
- why cant i restart
- People alive
- attacking siege
- Merged Armies
- Help help
- Can someone go to Armageddon
- magic lvls
- How do I chose starting world
- Magic Questions
- New Wall Questions
- Regarding Start Troops
- elfmage and military science
- Soldier Transfer
- Ownage armies and Cities
- holy crap
- homesarmories and med sci
- Number of MUs for STG
- price for each level of magic
- becoming a guide
- Magic Protection with no mages
- buildings for a gatecity
- Limited protection
- Eras History
- Defense of cities
- How do I remove waypoints
- Spade Still Around
- The Taverne
- Land count
- Summon Dragon Question
- auto log in trouble
- revolting
- Peasants move
- How do I delete an account
- Restarting in protection
- Summon Dragon
- Copy Paste battle reports
- Multis
- archmages
- retrieving from market
- How does most fearsome work
- Is using cavemasters worth it
- Highscore Production
- Taverns Defending vs Orc
- Great Walls
- Buildings
- Why not rainbow cities
- Invisible attack
- How do I stop peasants growing
- Pes paying taxes
- Time Limit
- Scout Hiding 100k Army
- Is this rainbow science
- Protected by 50 rule
- Magic Spells Updated
- Define Power
- Locust Spell
- Bonus Turns annoying
- steal or loose
- After the Era Ends
- Problem with New Players Joining Same World
- Destroying Buildings
- Magic successfail towers
- burn and destroy
- Troop training have no spread
- The ring to rule them all
- Production
- What Happens When
- armoury discount
- Slaves and their uses
- Force March
- Couple of Questions
- Most Powerful Armies
- AOTD Question
- Storage for MUs
- what can trolls do
- City restriction
- Expanding Citites
- Army Experience
- How to defend from magic
- Userscripts
- Farmers Worth it
- Most powerful ruler
- bombard question
- Copernicus
- Quote Option
- When are characters deleted
- pez increase
- Sciences for halfling
- the 50 rule
- What has changed in 5 eras
- Few Tactical Questions
- MaP details
- Crush walls
- Sponsorships into BT
- 1 man kingdom
- Best Race
- Magic spells
- Favorite OOP strategies
- Troop Loss In Small cities
- Troops in Ownaged Cities
- Merging and Experience
- Ill make you a KD banner
- Adventures and events
- You already have a character
- Which buildings employ workers
- army size question
- LGC History Question
- City size and production
- Sponsor
- Question about Mages
- productivity
- Q ab troops
- Question about the high scores
- Nazguls Special
- teleport Spell
- Changing race
- How do i calculate Exp
- Magic does not work
- when can you attack a city
- Armageddon Voting
- corky peasants
- Meaning of Release Troops
- Bug General Problam
- Never trained these
- Colony question
- Science Research Order for Dwa
- Halfling and a Troll Question
- Blocker Placement Method
- 1 exp advents
- Trapped inside enemy city
- Missing Kd on Midgard
- Attack or Let be attacked
- The Trolls
- Explain Warehouses Please
- Leaving Kingdom
- Question about anger
- army of the dead question
- Arma in Talents
- AMs and military
- When is Kamikaze good
- How to deal with low morale
- peasants revolting
- The Dragon
- Zetas history
- Troops and their value
- If you prep for a long time
- Armageddon Question
- Elf Questions
- Dragon
- Armageddon spell
- Does this seem
- City size explanation
- Invisibility
- what year was grumpy old basta
- How did he actually quit
- Why Cant I Build
- Ownage Question
- River Jumping
- Keeping selected CityArmy
- Easy resign
- A few Questions
- Bonus Turns for Sponsoring
- Need orc vets help
- Payments
- Magical Orcs
- Early Era Productivity
- How to use market
- Dropped on Talents
- Question about armageddon
- Question About Forums
- What is This
- Do you still talk zeta
- question about archmages
- Character Deletion
- How to build great walls
- Question About City Production
- Closed gates issue
- wallspreptime
- Problem opening map on phone
- Morale of the army
- Lifeless catacombs
- Loyalty and trust
- How long do an era last
- Morale in a conquered city
- A question about slaves
- Bug or no
- Allies City and Army Upkeep
- How many mines does it take to
- Magic when not in Kingdom
- Chrome bug
- What happened to northeast nir
- Army strength
- Changing Password
- Gold cap
- Few Questions
- Question for you Halfers
- Does casting eits on a city
- Humans and Magic
- Troll Market Postings
- AOTD RoFed Troops
- Advice on first city
- Why isnt my city 90k
- The Rambo Kid
- Blocker Problems help me
- How Did This Happen
- adventuring help please
- Archmage OPDP
- For aotd cast magic power
- Help with attacking
- Elf Sciences
- video embedding
- 35k gaia spam oop
- New player
- What Happened to the TOP 100
- How to Lower Morale in my City
- Bring walls back please
- Magic question buildings
- Do you want an Orc guide
- What to do now
- Killing a Dragon
- Peasant taxes
- Getting tax
- Special Abilities
- Kingdoms info
- Arma ends Arma
- Delayed Training
- Morale in an MC
- What Guides do you need
- Visual Utopia Layout and GUI
- Name problem
- Gaurd Towers
- Account Ban
- Question building on trees
- own army enter close gates
- mobile magic
- Beo cast arma already
- Resource Bonus Per City Size
- Donated 32 EuroSponsor Perks
- Help VU Bts
- Armory questions
- Max on gold
- Delay turn
- Sell your stone to enemy
- City name regulations
- Veiw Other Maps
- World screen Settle Days
- Troll Sciences
- All peasants escape every time
- Dwarf Magic Compatability
- Combat Mechanics
- casting magic
- Injured Troop Strength
- Mobile Moving Armies
- Dwarven City bug
- city not regenerating
- peasent issue
- When Beseiging a city
- Custom Titles
- Magic question AotD
- When you want to play an era
- human cats
- Roleplay Points
- Chat system used these days
- utopia down
- kingdom member list
- sieging a city
- HOH fearsome ruler
- Random event advent finds
- Building Ratios
- Questions about the pause
- Peasant Growth not happening
- What are slaves for
- How do I quit
- How to know about aotd
- AotD attack technique
- Caver Calculations
- Soldier Transfer Issue
- Need help with Mobile Version
- Resource Limit
- Halfling adventurer question
- Useful Information
- Armoury
- Building Price Scheme
- What is release option for
- Merge world exp when merging
- Starta is free for all
- Freezing a city
- Hide army under scout
- Questions
- Is it me or
- halfling adventurers
- Berserker speciality
- Bless and MP merging
- Sir Ardashir Cant Edit Hist
- Issue with magic power range
- Attacking on mobile
- server lag issues
- Liberate never revolt
- Functional armory resources
- Size of Maps
- Cavemaster
- How to native resources
- Spells from phone
- Medicine Level 11
- steal science question
- Best web browser for VU
- MY invisble city
- Question About Merged XP
- Accidently leaving Kingdom
- Question Land drop
- movement speed with peasants or injured
- Invisible army
- Same race take over
- clean markup forum post button
- Freeze a city
- Dwarf Magic
- Question for a Noob Mage
- A Long Return
- How i can start play here
- What happened to Lifeguards
- anyone play vu on iphone
- ASUS ZenFone2
- Magic city question
- City Revolts
- market traders need a rest
- How to prevent revolt
- Remove resources
- City size donation feature
- Mobile and PC production pages
- What sort of
- Aotd sciences
- High score list
- Removing Old Stories
- Training in Production Cities
- Strange News Screen
- Speed up Training in Prod City
- Op and dp in battle
- Science Costs
- what does xp do
- Spells on Scout
- Rename or delete a whole city
- Deleting Waypoints
- Earning RP points
- Full training time discount
- Difference between NAP and MAP
- How Do Armories Function
- Not getting hourly resouces
- Building Walls
- Most fearsome methodology
- Change Map
- walk over hidden cities
- City Revolt after Mobilize
- armoury prod
- Halfling Mage
- Building into stuff
- Dwarfs and magic defence
- Dragons
- peasant growth
- Casting aotd army sizes
- Berserker Slaughter
- uploading images
- MUs and healing injured
- Val and Mant JOINT ERA
- mine production
- City morale
- Burn and Destroy Score
- How bad are adventurers
- settling time Fanta
- Example of mechanic knowledge
- Medicine and plague
- Mages in city
- Human tax bonus
- Market order
- Poll into KDs practices
- Non riesco ad muovere i soldat
- AotD Upkeep
- Advent Study
- Artwork
- Get resource bonuses
- GvE Map Side Change
- Change world
- arma voting
- who did it
- Whats the point of Fog
- free upkeep for troops
- Magic Tower defense vs MUs
- KD Rankings
- Characters
- Injured medicine
- All bonuses city
- Explain reaching native price
- Inactive members
- Different browsers security
- Dwarf vs AM
- Teleported army
- Discord
- If you could bring ANY 3 back
- 1 morale GTS
- What Killed VU
- Why does magic failsucceed
- Visual appearance of cities
- Berserker Mechanics
- Merging questions
- How to kill an army on phone
- Orc science mining 3 first
- Where are game updates posted
- How to improve dwarves
- Re appearance after burn
- Archmage MP
- Sign of vet
- Stg changes
- Spawn issue
- Roleplaying
- Plains of Mantrax
- Ye Olde Taverne
- Adventures of Babyface
- Star Bucks Cafe'
- Lithos
- Rebirth of Carrothia
- New interesting RPG
- Shoutout to the "roleplayers"
- Adventures Of Mielo And Effie
- Three Kingdoms
- Werewolf on Carrothia (Mac)
- Defensive
- Werewolf on Carrothia (Shezmu)
- Final Fantasia
- Pub
- Super Smash Bros
- Dalek VS Borg
- Cavern of Akeoshi (spam here)
- Lucimorth's Empire
- omfg s great tavern
- Tales Tavern
- Knights of Lucimorth
- Werewolf on Carrothia (Scient)
- Smuffs fun fair
- Septim's exotic eats.
- The Stormborn
- Spuds Potato Bar
- wow/world of warcraft
- Poets Corner
- Rai's Seaside Bar
- Werewolf Game with Fizban!
- my banana!
- vineraven manour
- The Arena
- The operation theatre
- Poetic Justice
- Lonely Quest
- The Citadel of the Soul Craft
- The Spammers Elections (Cont')
- Hi People
- court of justice re-made
- a page of alex dairy
- Valhalla
- Defensive's Darkness Round 1
- Quicksilver
- Another Fizzie Werewolf Round!
- The return of Herself...
- The Casino... (Probability?)
- hi IV
- Rpg game
- Clash of the Immortals: Part 2
- RP Points
- The Quest of Ages
- Area of the Soul Craft
- ::[ Ride for Vengance ]::
- The Gathering of Lords
- The Xerilian War: Part Two
- Elemental Champion: Sky Arena
- RP
- Gladiators
- Some One PM Me an RP.
- Werewolf with Mac I
- ¨ˆDiadochi¨ˆ
- Exucution of Xyphos Celastin
- The Love of Hephaestus
- Battle for Rome
- QuickSilver Part II
- Dungeons and Dragons
- Need partner for "Ghostlands"
- Ghostlands
- VU News
- In game roleplaying
- King and Queen of VU
- Elemental Championship Sign up
- The History of Abydos
- Debates
- join the story!
- The Islands
- Spamalot Castle
- LNN - Unfair and Biased
- Element ChampionFountain Arena
- Elemental Champion:Spike Arena
- The court of justice
- BFR-Battle for Rome
- Anti-Sp@malot
- The Second SP@M War
- The place...
- Victory over Carnage IMMINENT
- The journey through time.
- The Somtaaw
- Adventures of Rag
- Peacekeeper's Tavern
- War : Corned beef vs Sp-m
- Descent
- islands replacements needed
- Court of justice sign ups
- Descent -- Reloaded
- Chronicles of Carrothia
- The rise of Shezmu
- Valyrian Book of the Fallen
- Guide to The Place
- Elemental Championship Cellar
- Elemental Championship Hall of
- The Endless Battle
- 30th Era Anniversary
- Desert of Bones
- The death of deviller
- scorpion
- Long Story about goblins
- The Map Of Asroth [ RP]
- courtofjustice sign ups
- Court of Justice III
- Court of justice: Judge debate
- Warriors of the Realm, the....
- Good and evil
- Courtofjustice- final thread
- War!
- Starcraft: Siege of Mar Sara
- Monarchy re-made
- The Endless Battle Era Two
- Rise to my throne
- Defensive's leaving
- Septim gets shot
- The good, the bad and the ugly
- Good and evil sign-ups
- Lord of the Rings midde earth
- The Crazy War
- Story: new partner wanted
- Creating a rp game
- Battle and interlect
- The Travels of Defensive
- The lost legacy
- A Holy Defeat?
- The Gladiator Ring
- me? serious? alright!
- Warriors of the realm
- Battle and Intelligence
- Dragon Egg
- Dragon Egg (Comedy)
- Cafe of VU
- Mcdonalds Vu
- The Gangsters
- Christmas
- Just running
- Dungeons with many Dragons
- The sphere
- BATTLE of the Collosus!
- School of magic
- Tarmin Gai'don
- The Fall Of An Empire
- Inverted RPing?
- Storywriting for next Era
- The Battles
- Darlek VS Borg
- Vineraven history
- The Journeys
- Help the RP forums!!!!
- Challenge
- Deal or No deal?
- Kings Order
- The Rise of the Living Dead
- sign-ups for battle and.......
- Adventures of Samulis
- Zombie Apocolypse II
- The Stormborn: The Ghost Ship
- World of Naveeh
- | The Mansion |
- Alliance
- Roleplay partner wanted
- Lewatha VS Might
- Destroyia
- Battle Away
- The Last Stand I
- My Apologies
- Gods of Visual Utopia
- Hunter, or Prey? IV
- Hunter, or Prey? II
- Hunter, or Prey? III
- Pirates and stuff
- Werewolf with Revenge!
- Hunter, or Prey? I
- Plato's Bakery
- Got bored so i rote a story
- Lords of the Plains
- Ages of darkness
- The Dark Elf
- Doctor doctor! RPContinousgame
- Age of Mythology (Rome)
- Sacrifice
- REBELLION [not accepting pla..
- Blazing Hills
- War of the Forts
- Fury and Freedom
- The 2nd sp@mmers elections!
- Prominence Guide
- The Eastern Revolution
- The Final Stand
- The Battle of the Towns
- The Place-Warzone
- Birth of a Legend
- The Way Shyers Shakes Spears..
- Cannonfodder
- Rune of Ancientia
- The Islands of Survival
- Library of Plato
- Septim Gets Sued 2
- The Endless Battle II
- Pirate #2
- wars
- Shangi city
- Da Club
- Blortad's rok o' doom
- Landscape
- Assassins' City
- Ultimate Conquest
- .
- Werewolf with Fizban! (Again)
- pickle of destiny
- Haegon's War
- The Place-Godly Assault
- Raawwrwrrrrr
- Gary's Demented Adventure's
- I am your enemy!!!
- The Battle of the Bugs
- Zombie Apocolypse I
- Good Boys
- Grand Shrine of VU
- Evolution
- Fields Of Athenry.
- The Stormborn :The Black Staff
- Ingame Roleplay
- Werewolf with Mac II
- One-on-one roleplay
- Roleplay Re-form
- ImageWars
- RP Me
- Guess What this is?
- Dacii Accept Traitor
- land of dreams
- Epic roleplay award
- A Drunks World
- The Stormborn: Evomort Isles
- Star Wars RP
- RP24
- Werewolf with Septim
- The Gladiators
- The Place - Space Empires
- Sp@malot vs. Mustardon
- The Place (Modernized)
- The Place - Modern Times
- Operation: Dux Letum
- The Revival
- Tiria -- Beginning of Justice
- hideway's story
- Prominence
- Lithuanian poems
- The Battle of the Gods
- The Blinding Darkness(RP game)
- The Treasure-Seeker(RP game)
- The Roleplaying Awards
- The life of Archal
- The Traveller's Staff
- World - The Crown of Countries
- The Orb of Death
- Loremaster's Tales - Septim
- The Return of a Dead King
- Madidus Nightclub
- Star Wars RP Site
- The Hellav
- Loremaster's Tales - BoT
- The Hellav - want to be in it?
- Loremaster's Tales - Ragnarr
- The Incursion [RP]
- Werewolf with Mac III
- The Saga of Ragnarr Ragnarrson
- The Cow Heavens Vs Spamalot
- The Stormborn - The Dark War
- Shadow of Conquest
- Werewolf with Killer
- Truth Empire
- The God Game
- Its been...
- Judge Septim
- Land Of Darkness
- Werewolf with Arvious
- Truth Empire-sign ups
- Septim's Exotic Eats
- Paracelzus / Ambro is back
- The Farillian War
- The Web Weaver
- Prince Charming
- Hints on Gaining RP points
- The Life of the Shadows
- Ace
- The Land of Wolves.
- Cidel
- Something Slumbers...
- List of Role Players
- Anyone wanna RP?
- Desserts Galore!
- Character descriptions
- The Gracillian Empire
- Mount and Blade Signups and OOC
- Mount and Blade
- Septim's Travels
- RP points opportunity
- PM roleplay
- RP Point Help
- A House of Cards
- Slaughterhouse
- The Fuzzy Little Man Peach
- The Final Frontier
- Stalker's Lair
- Roleplayers Academy
- RP help I
- The Shadow Lord
- Sp@mmer Training Academy
- Sp@mmer Training Academy II
- Septim Gets Sued III
- Chronicles of Visual Utopia
- The World of Opylin
- Lords of Warren
- Writers Guild of Visual Utopia
- The Holy Evil.
- ~~~~~ Story RP ~~~~~
- The Zetamanian Herald
- Crosshair
- Crosshair Guide
- Royal Flush
- Suck my shlong.. [ RP GAME ]
- The Game of Plutis
- Anyone wanna RP
- RP anyone?
- Zeta RP
- Sp@min thread
- Prominence - R-2
- The Great Forest
- Roleplayers wanted
- Combat Halls
- The Kingdom of Animals
- Roleplaying Points
- The God of Sp@m...
- Revenge's Quest Thing
- Bronimina in Peril
- Werewolf With Scientist
- Zetamanis RP
- A Hero's Tale
- Sandro's Gladius
- Defense of Dol Amroth
- The Land of Wolves IC (in c...
- Expansion - Game
- Tenth Era Party
- Forging of Firengard - casting
- Bloodfeud
- Paladins
- Rp help II
- The Last Stand II
- The Last Good Sp@mmer
- Erus - Information II
- Infiltration
- Kings and Tyrants
- Detailed Fights
- RPing - Quick Question
- WarTorn
- Broniminan Scrolls
- First Contact
- Septims Thread
- Erus - Information I
- RP not so good?
- Game similar 2 Path to Darknes
- The Noldor in the land of Zeta
- Werewolf with Septim - sign-up
- Medieval RP
- A VU Christmas
- The Ancient Path
- The Village V - information
- Thanksgiving party!
- New RP thingy
- Erus
- The Squires Tale
- The Bloodied Sword
- The New Dawn
- The Path to Darkness...
- The Village V - sign ups
- The Return of Kerait
- Soldiers of war (story)
- The Clash
- Empires
- Prominence 2
- The Conquests - Sign-Ups
- Current Active RP Topic
- Current Forum Roleplayers
- Future RP
- Escape
- Erus - Sign-ups
- Gods of VU
- The King of Thieves
- [RP]Tribal Foundations
- From Earth to Heaven
- The Dense Mind of Ryan
- Roleplay World Map
- The War for Peace
- The Forging of Firengard
- Song of Ice and Fire (Story)
- The battle for creation (story
- The Lost Survivors [TLS]
- World of Roleplay
- Kingdoms of Roleplay
- Making an RP
- Lessons of War
- A Call to Arms
- Visual Utopia Museum
- Wasteland - Sign-ups
- The Wall of Knowledge
- The Great War - Sign-ups
- The Great War
- Resistance
- Stick RP Battle!!
- Sericco
- Nostria Sign-ups
- Looking for A roleplay
- The Ancient City
- Infested
- Werewolf with Septim again
- The War of Peace/ the Doorstep
- The Siege
- Chaos Theory
- Roleplay Messages Questions and Answers
- War of Ghosts
- IRC Battles
- The Tale of the Apprentice
- Seven Cities
- Wasteland
- Simply a Story
- ~Trilogy of Terror - Sign-Ups~
- The Stormborn - Stormsong
- The Pioneer
- ~From Earth to Heaven Guide~
- Tales from Carrothia
- From Earth to Heaven - Game
- Zyrike's char
- The darkmatter wars, signups
- Reign of Fire
- VU Gods
- Revolution
- Greatings You ????
- A Long Day
- Rogue
- Hand of Blood
- The sweet wars
- Fighters of Tiria
- Caegon - Prologue
- King of Conquerors
- The Mouse Knight
- Where are the Nazguls!?!?!?!?!
- Milseáin
- Need Roleplaying Partner
- Lost In Memory
- Working on a Game
- Alright, time to act!!!
- Tips for New Roleplayers
- Calling All Roleplayers!
- The Great Escape
- Michael Grant
- Magic runs thicker then blood
- wanted peasent handler
- One last time
- Dead Silence
- Help me please
- Werewolf with Travis
- If it please thee
- role playing game
- a good story
- The Price for Arrogance
- Find a Roleplayer
- Dead Silence Sign Ups
- choose the path
- Lores and Histories of Gods
- Invasion of the Ragors
- I have returned
- Prominence 3
- Battle of Centipro
- The Silver Crescent
- Roleplayers Guide
- BreakOut
- The Lord Cartographer
- Generic Adventure
- RPing for Dummies join this
- Severus I
- Superheroes
- The Utopian Empire
- Throne of War
- Sygileo
- Dark Age setup
- Sagittarius Story
- Gods Of War
- Sagittarius Sign Ups
- Sagitarrius
- Werewolf
- Operation Aries
- Distortion Dystopia Story
- My Title Is Gone
- Werewolf with Mac Cancelled
- The Glygorian War
- The world of crows
- Ye Olde Hooters
- Message Roleplaying Help Thread
- Something or other
- The Crafter of Death
- The Irstar Wars
- Arviouss King Arthur
- RPers Unite
- how to
- Be in an upcoming Fantasy
- Charleys Writing Corner
- The Tale of Arenor
- The RP Forum needs
- Who wants to RP message
- RIP Ragnarr
- The Lost Emblema
- RPers Search
- Back to RPing
- An Unconventional RP
- Exposed
- RP Idea
- Spaceship Warfare
- Years of Tumult
- Royal Order Of Claidmore RP
- Role Playing Points
- Distortion Part Two
- Hells Fury
- Small Stories Question
- Werewolf IRC Tournament II
- Shadow Heroes
- The Siege Within
- Rencana Sign Ups
- Prominence IV possibility
- Sericco vs Miller
- Gobledins
- Lighterning
- Prominence IV
- Infinity
- Later Yo
- Randumb sauce
- So Charley
- Could Someone Help
- Roleplaying Idea Construction
- Hunter RP Idea
- RP with mah
- When do we
- Work In Progress
- the story of isildur
- Need to get Duke again
- The Siege Within Sign Ups
- Werewolf Returns
- The Shadows
- lookin for rpers
- Rencana
- Werewolf with Demonsul
- Cidellus
- The Peacemaker
- The Messenger of Orlu
- The Age of Enligtenment book 1
- Werewolf anywhere
- The History of Urist McMiner
- Anyone want to
- Wandering Path Interactive RP
- Need a RP Partner
- looking for an rper
- Samulis and the Stone Knight
- whats happening
- Return of the Stormborn
- Roleplaying Reborn Era 13
- New World
- VU Roleplaying Revival
- Church of the MOST Holy
- teh greatistd storeh eva toold
- The Mighty Swordsmen
- Charleys Nursing Home
- Anyone want to play a game
- Highwayman Returns
- Roleplay
- An RP Kingdom
- Birth of a Kingdom
- Peakfrost Hill
- The VU Song
- Uwer Savior of the Halflings
- The Quest
- Roleplay 2014
- The Legend of Tico
- Tales of mountain season 1
- The Dark Age
- Urban Legend
- Return of the Curse
- Planet Hollywood The sequel
- Story of Kingdom of Azeroth
- RP mod
- The kingdom of nuns
- RP Point Rules
- The Chargers signed Rivers to
- The Knockouts promo in FIFA 23
- RP Points Awarded 2023
- RP Points Are Back
- News and Updates
- Small Test
- Sponsoring
- Moving Between Worlds
- Sight of view
- Another test
- Update to the Armageddon spell
- Some updates
- New round/beta
- The Game Has Begun!
- Employment
- Era of Sezymon started!
- The borders are open
- Server Downtime
- Changes for the new round
- Server Crash
- Server online! (again)
- Era of Sezymon improvements
- Image Server Down
- Image Pack
- Era of Raistlin Ended
- Make up tips, help new players
- Server Error workaround
- Main Server Fixed
- New era started I
- Round Ending this Weekend
- Round Ended
- New server online!
- Server Problems I
- Kingdom Cleaning
- Temp Server
- Vubot
- Era of Rambo started
- Kingdoms Deleted
- Era of Valium has started
- Forum Update
- Game news reporter / moderator
- Server Problems II
- New Era
- Minimap updated
- Wall Sweep
- Era of Jeroen started
- Imagepack
- Server problems III
- New Imagepack
- News Reporter / Storywriter
- Era of Jeroen changes
- System update
- Era of Drunk
- Era of Drunk Restart
- The Era of Jeroen has ended
- The worlds have opened
- Forum Changes
- Era of Jeker ended
- Hosting Problems
- Turn System Update
- Era of Drunk has ended
- Search Function
- The VU God
- 4th world now open
- Second era of Rambo Ended
- Second era of Rambo
- Third era of Rambo started
- Kingdom Logos
- Fourth era of Rambo
- The Map shrunk
- Account Deletions
- Forum report link
- Forum Upgrade
- History
- Bugs Fixed
- Code Update
- Downtime I
- New era details
- New Forums and Moderators
- Mantrax Limit Reached
- Worlds Connected
- System stress test
- Era Ended I
- New moderator needed
- Server Transfer
- Fantasia is full
- Over 100 Players online
- Era of Jeker started
- Era of Jeker
- Small Downtime
- Armageddon!
- New ingame chat
- Details for Era of Adelbert
- Era of Adelbert Ended
- Newbie casts Armageddon
- Scheduled Downtime I
- The Nine Rings of Power
- Server Down
- New Server - Game down
- Sponsoring new players
- Internet Connection Lost
- The era of Hansel
- Era of Leo Started
- Internet Down
- Small Kingdoms Deleted
- Kingdom Banners
- New Map System
- Selecting Spell Target
- Forum Moderator Needed
- DNS Server Down
- Era of Leo Ended
- Database Crash I
- Era of Draiken details
- Era of Hansel have ended
- Prolonged Armageddon
- The era of Draiken is over
- Era of Saint Paul
- Database Crash II
- Zetamania is now open!
- Era of Sparker
- Short downtime earlier today
- Deleting Spree
- Era of Saint Paul Ended
- Zetamania filled
- Mantrax is filled.
- First era of Sparker has ended
- Image Problems
- Era of Juchi information
- Second era of Sparker
- Fantasia Filled
- New world - Nirvana
- Major Database Crash
- Accounts Deleted - Re-created
- Updates for the era of Isabel
- Bad whether in Sweden
- Signup Problems
- 100 Players in Good vs Evil
- hacked Accounts
- This era soon coming to an end
- A new forum (the hangaround)
- Cities gone, wrong world
- A new world: Valhalla
- Improvements to the chat
- Out of Protection
- The era of Sparker has ended.
- Scheduled Downtime II
- Downtime II
- Dates for Era of Isabel
- The era of Juchi has ended!
- Era ended - NOT
- Zetamania has opened!
- The era has ended! I
- World of Starta is now open!
- VU Banner Competition!
- The era of Isabel has ended!
- A new big map has opened
- Zetamania opened
- The 23rd era has ended!
- The second era of Draiken
- Database Crash III
- New world (Zetamania) opened!
- World of Starta
- More players - more worlds!
- Era of Ezatious started
- Linking to the game
- DB Crash
- Mantrax Open and bugs fixed
- Database Crash IV
- New world will open soon
- Connection problems
- Era of Virgin started!
- Some Cleaning
- New world open I
- A new era has started!
- The era of Virgin has ended
- New world open II
- Welcome to the era of Amon Hen
- What you all been waiting for
- Terrain not loading (fix)
- The era of Crissxcross ended
- World of Starta open
- World of Valhalla has opened
- World of Nirvana now open
- The era of Amon Hen has ended
- Server Upgrade
- The era of Dark Orion
- World of Nirvana open
- New chat now online!
- Lost internet connection
- Sponsored turns "bug"
- Era of Dark Orion has ended
- The Era of Asystole has begun
- Era of Asystole has ended
- Era of Lenard has started!
- New starting positions
- Connection problems fixed
- The era of Grumpyoldbastard
- The year of 2007 has ended!
- Network Updates during downtim
- Server now Online
- New world open III
- Nirvana has opened!
- World of Starta now open
- Era of White Widow online!
- Updated Image-pack
- The era has ended! II
- World size increased
- Era of Dark Blood has begun
- Era ended II
- New era started II
- Armageddon Destroyed Zetamania
- Start in Mantrax or Zetamania!
- Starta now open
- New moderators needed!
- Era of Grumpy old Star
- Era of Elsin
- Server up after network problm
- Email and server error
- Era of Kobuskan
- Era of Messiah
- Training Bug Fixed
- Era of Agent Smith
- Bug found and Removed
- Forum updates
- The era of Dvsmasta has begun
- All realms filled
- Trade routes put on hold
- Possible downtime Wed 2122CET
- New order for the end scores
- The era of Magneto has started
- New moderators wanted
- Growth Factor adjusted
- New chat updates
- Food prices increased
- Era of Chipotle Snack Wrap
- Game up after db crash
- The era of Chavez up n running
- The era of Mzzery has begun
- Network problems
- All realms open
- Scheduled server upgrade
- Images not loading
- VU Chat beta 4
- Era of Bluelight online
- Era of Bogdan
- Era of Bluelight Video
- Nirvana is open
- Short downtime
- Valhalla is now open
- Era of Nova
- Armageddon open
- VU back after pwer outage
- The era of Sky has started
- The era of Nova has ended
- Era of Sky ending soon
- The era of Karac has started
- Armageddon in Starta
- Help VU Vote update
- Bigger text and more space
- Chat auto loads
- More than 3 characters
- Fantasia age 9 and updates
- Voting for Armageddon
- Great walls in Zetamania
- Online again
- Great Wall bug fixed
- Nicknames
- Random maps in top worlds
- Forum posts reverted
- Happy VU Day 22K
- VU Facebook app
- Fantasia age 10
- New chat
- donator double
- Server connection
- old Desert map in Mantrax
- Possible email problems
- Server problems
- New design and two new guides
- Dubious walls removed on Zetamania
- Closing worlds
- ISP change
- router problem
- Clock adjusted
- Server Limbo
- Linking bonus turns
- Midgard and Latha closing
- lost internet
- HTTPS enabled
- network failure
- Network card replaced
- Server up after minor downtime
- Restarting on wrong world fix
- Server upgrade game paused
- More server problems
- Game moved to new server
- Chat now has SSL support
- Chat up again after reboot
- Change your passwords
- Firefox move armies bug fixed
- power outage
- Mobile experience on low res
- Network maintance
- Server software upgrade
- Back up after power failure
- Server hdd upgrade
- UPS replacement
- Forum moderator wanted
- Network issues
- Double bonus from donations
- Server upgrade issue
- Power is down
- Server upgrade for today
- More server maintenance
- httpSSSL cert update
- Supplier of electricity
- Database migration
- IP update and downtime
- small power outage
- The hangaround
- VU EU!
- Jokes V
- IRC trivia
- Wishes
- Amazing Optical Illusions
- LGC - Havoc Banners
- Flame Warriors - VU Style (2)
- Frappr - Visual Utopia
- Favorite Movies
- Worst Movie Ever
- Pic Wars
- Anime I
- Noob vs Newb
- just popping in to say...
- I am writing a book : )
- Anime - Your manga image
- 300!
- VU-Mon Part 2.
- the 3 word game
- Ppls Favourite Music! links!
- How long have you been playing
- Riddles!!!
- Football/soccer dream teams!!
- Get help from a Therapist!!!!!
- P.E.R.C (details inside)
- FF Banner Competition
- lolz
- Help Inga out of detainment!!!
- the "compatision
- Alcohol
- Groupies
- Music Downloading
- DUNE!!!
- Hardest name to pronounce:
- TV Shows
- I had for dinner...
- Armies
- Ask Fizban
- celebrity heads
- Family Guy mif named it
- Class of era of Ezatious
- Word Association Game
- Quotes
- zues
- :D
- SuperbowlSuperbowlSuperbowl!
- Guess the movie
- Poems
- Oblivion
- Jokes I
- GamerSector
- 100yr old fish foud alive.
- Explosm Comics
- red vs blue
- UEFA Champions League
- LEGACY, Who are they?
- Spoon!?
- Chat Porn
- FHM winner
- top 10
- This IS SPARTA!!
- Indiana Jones 4
- Fun flaming!
- Hai
- Need translation...
- FAO Leeds Utd football fans
- the curse of gaius septim
- super secret channel
- Have fun
- Peoples Favorite FOODS
- Class of Era of Virgin
- YES!!! Chelsea are outta there
- The Problems of our Hero's...
- Legacy
- Roman Dirge's Lenore
- Conspiracy Theory
- southampton in the playoffs
- South Park, Simpsons or Family
- Damn Magic Fairies
- I'm not playing this era :)
- The Most Perfect City!
- I love George W Bush
- Hi VI
- Sir Spud
- Bicycles in Copenhagen
- What has the world come to...
- What gave noobs the idea...
- im learing how to use byond...
- Good Night
- Reznor, lying dogdroppings
- Sexeh!
- kengdom of DAVE recruitments
- Halo 3
- Golden Oldies?
- this is how abydos builds up
- I got Punk'd :((
- Blondy Jokes =]
- Spammer on the loose!
- Wigan fc, relegate or stay up?
- Other browser games.....
- A special day for Banehollow
- Fantasia I
- Twamao I
- I hate Oprah!!!
- A Great and Sacred Day
- Shyers Embassy
- It's official!
- Congrats Ben
- HI Everybody!!!
- Who playes Turf Battles
- this song is awesome
- joke!
- Oy!
- school is *over*
- Class of Era of Crissxcross
- whos yo daddy
- The Fellowship of the Ring?
- Leonidas vs. Maximus
- Dark Riders..... what?!
- Somewhere over the Rainbow
- looking for new members
- Stoned Koala
- All hail my Horde!
- VU Poll
- Aussie!
- Can you type Leet ?
- Septims Not Here Thread
- Krum vs. Hitler
- funny stories
- British Pawnage
- RP stick game!!
- any raceist comments
- Happy Father's Day out there
- Hey, I'm back
- im remeo help!!!!!!!
- Sorry
- music II
- I'm looking for
- Black Widow encounter
- Quietone Admirer Guild
- THE FIGHT! Tiber Septim II
- Scary!!!11
- PM's
- this is EPIC!
- Septim and Co.
- Computer Jokes
- Omg, I'm a star !! !! !!
- free wallpapers!
- Mark of the Beast
- check this out
- Your addicted to VU when...
- Jokes II
- Awesome VU Trailer
- Recomendations For titles
- Riddles
- I dont think so
- The Real Senturu
- Need Technical Help
- harry potter
- George's colonoscopy
- Persephone
- Progressive Death Metal
- I need a guild banner!
- brazil
- Say if you can....
- somebodys getting married...
- Riddle me this
- Is she a man?
- Hi III
- Bad idea..
- Suicide Thread
- Pokeseptim
- The Begining.
- Will it be possible...
- VU videos @ YouTube
- The most private msg award!
- Stupid natives
- Ahh
- Ninja School!
- cba
- Star Trek V's Star Wars
- Omg I
- VU on facebook!
- Pets
- MR. COMS home of dingles
- Era of Amon Hen awards
- the hangout (everybody come)
- Why Legacy fights
- Top 3 in Each Race
- Are you lost?
- Server Upgraded!
- Best Banner Ever!!
- armagedeon
- What if?
- History?
- Internet is for porn
- I feel so old....
- Mr. Jay Brown
- 3 word game take 2
- who wants some of me?
- HOT pics of ZETA(Jones)!
- Recruiting- music
- Duke Dork
- waiting for your turn
- stalker
- Guitar!!
- The New World Of Spud
- Seloc vs Seloc
- Scouts Behaving Badly
- I'M BACK!!!!
- Procrastintors United
- THE mIRC Vault
- Good bye Everyone!
- Live at Stockholm 2006
- (knew!) the 7 word game!!!!!!!
- balls in cups
- Talk about timing
- The Dawky-kins Fan Club!
- Have you ever wonder?
- 11 September
- Spud is back woot woot
- Vocabulary Game
- a canned meat product sold by
- Other Games
- LOL??????
- help me im bored :(
- 1337
- Daemon
- Fizban - Equal Opportunity H8r
- Specially for Spoon and Mielo
- Fizban Haters
- Messing with Telemarketers!
- Wheel Of Time
- Iluminati Hangaround
- bar
- This offer won't last forever.
- Scientific proven fact, WOW!
- Visual On Top Ten?
- Tv links
- Rome-Total War.
- New map!
- Production - Dark Orion era
- Player Named Jezus
- King and Queen of VU
- The Real Gaius Septim....
- Yay VU getogether!
- Will this work ???????
- Dungeons and Dragons
- Things you learned today
- Stick Topia
- Dawn of WAR!!!!!!!!!
- Eid maburak
- VU Bot
- Forest Forts Discussion
- Carnage Embassy 2.1.0
- What's your post count???
- France 9 - 14 England
- Worst Deaths/Torture Methods
- New Banner competition
- Battle of the Adorableness!!!
- ITs the end of the world as we
- Come'n England
- era of dark orion awards
- I had a dream...
- I like..... because
- The dangers of the NET
- Suzanne Awards - Blender (3d)
- VU World Cup
- Differnt World start
- Best username ever. Kinda.
- Looking for love
- I R Popwlar And Eictive
- Familly Album
- Fortune
- Best Games Consol Memorys
- VU on Bebo !
- Jokes Page :)
- Guitar Hero III
- Greetings, all!
- A Question
- lol Ritz
- Shotgun!
- Inactives Power
- Music V
- Btec ICT course work help !!!!
- Bad words - a very PC thread
- word=talking
- kittens
- Grammar Lessons
- guild needs menebers
- FtG
- FtN
- Confucius says...
- Quotes Quotes Wonderful Quotes
- morrowind
- System of a down
- Hello.
- Keep Voting for VU!
- looking for Mr Burre
- Bar Jokes I
- Im a SIR !!
- Funny Signs
- everybody
- general patton/mage/solid????
- Multi Hunter - Guaranteed Fun!
- Reveiws
- funniest army names
- P V H
- Happy :)
- funniest city names
- image wars
- Era of Asystole awards!
- VU H3
- people are sick!
- Hello everyone, I'm back!!
- Whats wrong here
- Optical Illusions
- VU EU #2!
- Come Forward
- Minesweeper the Movie
- SNOW!!
- Abydos is evil! The story!
- Native people can be funny
- TA Spring
- suffer lozers hehehe
- happy birthday to me! I
- other games?
- Fortune Teller
- Worlds
- War is over. Gladiator / Arun
- new unit pics
- Civ4
- Holy Cows 2
- Charlie The Unicorn...
- for the older audience
- Just for the Christmas Season
- X-mas vids
- talk to me!
- 360 or PS3??
- Whatever Happened To???
- :-)
- Eyes....
- Gilth's scouts lol
- REAL era of asystole awards!
- Im Back
- Who Will Be Who?
- question joke
- pictures!!!!
- era competition, most messages
- [ COB] Hate Me! - Finlandian
- For The Iron Maiden Fans
- Football Cheerleaders
- happy feast
- AoW : SW
- Led Zeppelin
- Over and out...
- Surgery!
- Decide which Laptop
- poxnora
- hitchhikersguidetothegalaxy
- VisualUtopia's most unpopular
- Posts
- |\/\/| ~VU Bot~ |\/\/|
- Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays
- This is what happens...
- dont be mean to santa!
- Woooooot!
- Lol nothing
- Visa Pattarna
- New year
- EU2#2 AAR
- WSOVUP: Areas and Tournaments
- Jeff Dunham
- how can u get eu2
- Old School VU
- Its Allan!!! Gosh!!
- I have a problem...
- My Birthday! I
- Just over half.....
- Return... for a bit
- US EU2
- OMG!
- Defensive IS BACk!!
- ROCK ON!!!
- To the dark riders
- Goodbye (again) Defensive
- Caturday
- Yay For Me!
- Back me please!!!
- Mr. Theoneyourparentswarnedyo
- Mr. Potato
- A Name Game
- Another Name Game
- who took my vu name lol
- Need to talk to someone?
- Statistics
- Any other slovenian here?
- Red Square Game
- Sunsets =]
- Please try
- med 2 total war installing q
- naughty lelouch...........
- VU Survivor I
- PROOF!!!!!!!!!!
- Lies or Legends?
- Russian Humour
- Sploder any1??
- Lets Brokeback Together
- Chain mail....
- Good cow days
- Bush vs Condi
- era of Lenard awards
- thats sir to you..
- 3 word game take 3
- Forum ban petition
- Happy birthday Seloc
- Computer help :D needed...
- Station: The Flame.
- anyone else?
- Nice activity ;
- Leaving V
- cesar III
- Biohazardous/ Crusader
- Mantrax map?
- Pivot Animations
- Funny flash game
- Sesame Street : Next era
- VU Survivor 2
- !!!
- PHI (The Truth)
- hello II
- escape the fate =D
- Vowel game
- Old man jokes.
- Bar jokes II
- Rip-off?
- VU EU2 #3!
- hay music
- SUMMER VACATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Might Multi.
- Country Myths
- Valentine's Day
- Anime II
- VU's worst
- Acceptance of Seloc
- VU American Idol
- Resistance Against Revenge
- its about that time
- Some junk I made
- Mr. Fraser whos in Sheolic
- its 1337 suggestions
- Resistance against Plato
- Resistance against Septim I
- Leaving until Thursday
- dream team
- Good bye everyone
- Greatest PC Game Ever
- Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
- Boffing Anyone?
- Safety goes first
- Games to get
- Squiddy
- Word Association Game II
- o_0
- Puzzles...
- Peace All
- A chance at fame.
- Cannabis.
- Patriot/Mage/solid ????
- Squiddy's sexuality =]
- Help me Solve This Riddle
- Visual Utopia's most popular
- Lol II
- PancakesVsMuffins
- ghey????? ;D
- Skillz
- What is Zeta Like?
- Anti-Septim resistance
- VU banner
- Most played race?
- Happy Birthday to me! II
- Predator Elite Similarities
- The VU Shrink.
- Whats the deal?
- ZeTa pwns a kingdom LOL
- Frost on the Window
- Addicted? ruining your life?
- happy Easter All
- Bloody Steel Is Recruiting !
- OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- How do you embed videos
- I hate you all!!!
- grr anubis
- BurningLegion Will Loose :)
- |337 5p34k 4ny0n3?
- Strongest Hobgoblin
- Comedy-Combine Nation
- Arested for spaaming? lol
- =D
- Haryy Potter Puppet Pals lol
- Era of Grumpy old*beep* Awards
- A Title for a Scientist?!?!
- era of grumpyoldbastard reward
- Salaracen's fanclub. Woooot!!!
- Help me win a computer
- Videos!
- Look what I made!
- Santa
- Happy B-day Might 33
- kicked in the nuts
- creepiest show ever
- help plato
- Best race?
- To day in VU
- 3 Word Game Take 4
- Dinner II
- Civil Protection
- Penguins Fly !!!!
- Plato Reform (YES, IT'S TRUE!)
- where is..
- fun at school I
- Neil Young
- Juganitorii NAP breacker
- a pub
- Darkfall, the proper thread
- 12-sky : Free PvP Game
- funny stuff
- quick, easy, free real MONEY!!
- Old School Hits
- Help us out
- resistance against Septim II
- Cabal Online
- Robot Chicken
- era of WW awards mant
- So.
- Hilarious situations
- avenged sevenfold...
- HoMM Online FREE
- online games
- The Picture War!
- IwasOn Darkfall Forums when...
- RoC thread
- large resistance against plato
- Stupid name for next era
- The OFFICIAL Plato Flame Forum
- Characters
- VU Survivor Reborn
- Flame PJ
- Most hated Players on VU
- Whoa
- WoW II
- Mysocio....VU-Group!!
- Illegal aliens versus Predator
- Fable 2 videos
- perfect world
- Stargate Continuum
- Epic Battle
- plato
- Grand Theft Auto 4
- Happy Birthday Duke Drakos!!!
- Disturbing Picture....
- the coolest world ever.
- I'm please to inform you that
- Era of White Widow awards
- Just popping in to say 2
- first person to post wins!
- Idea!
- the most embarrasing moment
- Yeah, Hi.
- Soldier Front [Game!]
- Spoon
- Small poem
- helicopter 4 sale
- Movies
- help me
- who wants to be a pop star?
- New nokia
- Internet Relay Chat aka IRC
- RAndon
- Youtube Online Dating!!
- Splinter Cell
- Euro 2008
- Logo For my kgd
- Admin's Grammar
- Mercenary Lords/ Bloodstained
- FoodwgucgI d
- just a convo
- Septim goes insane!
- Goodbye Everyone...
- Epic Fail List
- Flame Miller...
- City names
- Jokes anyone?
- Continue Game
- Cake or Death! Rofl!!!
- Ninja Gaiden II
- youtube
- Look who's actually playing
- Driving Test
- Lakers vs. Celtics
- What Boredom Causes
- Well then.....SURPRISE.
- era of DB awards fant
- Family Guy????
- New song that's out
- Ok... Now Im annoyed
- Hillbilly Mansion!!!
- Next era : New Name Theme!
- Next Era: Naming Theme Idea
- Next Era: Sci-Fi Names
- Word Association Game!
- Join Prominence
- The Muppets : Next era
- IRC help
- tits and boobs
- twamao II
- Leaving III
- Red Vs Blue's back
- A first?!
- Manga help
- era of DB awards mant
- Return of the Bug
- Heroes of War and Money
- Confucius says..
- Worlds Hardest Game
- Weee! Science!
- Please try to finish this
- hey guys
- wow III
- Admin FTW
- D.O.A. or DoA
- VU has MySpace!
- Unexplainable
- Era of G.O.S. awards mant
- My Birthday! II
- Quitting VU
- Vu Warrock
- random by me created by me
- Christian Reviews ROTFL
- Most loved players on VU
- Ponsa
- We love ZeTa because..
- Ice Ice Baby!
- PJ's big news
- Word Association Game III
- the greatest movie speech said
- LGC's -not so secret- secret
- Birthday!!!
- Darkfall Online
- Hey II
- Mass Messaging VI
- Tractor
- hey III
- Massa wins!!! oh wait..
- dear god
- Hip-Hop/ Rap/Reggae
- creepy
- revenge ????
- WTF happen
- I am 1 of 55 are you ???
- Sexy Twamao
- A Little Peice Of Heaven
- I'm Back!
- Bye all
- Calling all Heroes!!!
- wtf is wroung with hs
- hold your breath
- Forum Ban Samual
- were is plato?
- hehehehehe
- Something seems off
- Knights of the Canned Meat
- Help Wanted
- wtf??
- Funny!
- Erunion Telcontar...
- Pokemon!
- movies from around the world
- Weird Car Crashes
- only mcdonalds
- poor penguin
- Story Continuation
- Countdown to my birthday
- scam messages
- sorry lew
- ETF new song
- normal conversation
- Slade on Drugs
- Slade
- Osiris fan club
- Jokes III
- Ask Arvious
- Ello everyone
- Mr. Uberbeast
- Hardcore
- one long history
- Mr. Slave
- Arma X
- Very Sad News...
- Corsairs-Era 27 (Zetamania)
- Multi List
- pictures of guns!
- Reznor
- VU EU #3!
- Justins Truth Out Of Boredom
- Awrsome!!!!!
- Ur best Race?
- Awesome faces!!!
- Elf Scout
- Who's Gonna be the lucky guy
- Attention Roleplayers
- ~~best Kingdom Banners~~
- Best Race Vote
- The return of me.
- indestructible
- the legdendary wilberforce
- Biggest VU farmer
- me on most weekends.
- Funny Game Show!
- Swiftys muscles
- My Mental Age
- R.I.P. Bernie Mac
- New war....
- Me vs all
- VU People
- Era of BTK Awards (Dead)
- Gimli vs Gollum
- Fast Fingers
- owned!
- Bragging Rights.
- Irc IV
- Funny Spells
- Dinner I
- VU EU2
- For everyone with little kids!
- looking for old friends
- Era of G.O.S. awards fant
- Futurama : Next Era
- Verll's truth out of boredom
- Crysis
- Facebook quiz
- Era of BTK awards (Nirvana)
- All vs Spain
- All vs Antarctica
- Winged Cats!
- ~~Marvel Battle~~
- VU on Yahoo
- ~ Vu Player's Real life ~
- Thr real natalia
- Age Old Question
- just testing
- Era of BTK awards (mant)
- Era of BTK awards (fant)
- ERA OF BTK awards Valhalla
- fun at school II
- Justin's New Name Game [JnnG]
- Grotest Music Video (My band)
- Arthion......I'm back
- zomg zeta awards (era 34) :P
- Life Questions
- aurora looking for girls
- PJ is back
- Fallout 3 pwns!
- Sticky Song Thread
- Mean Ad on myspace
- Sanoh's Truth out of Boredom
- Just Dance
- Favourite Songs
- Everyones leaving :-O
- AoA
- quitting
- I'm bored too
- omg III
- WAR??
- Funny?
- Military Humor
- Obama Has Won.
- Werewolf
- Why i like Sweden..
- Revenge's truth out of boredom
- Ask Lelouch
- Septim's truth out of boredom
- Dutchies! Report!
- Funny Facts
- Collecting Sexist Jokes
- The Official 'Pictures' Thread
- Funny Pics!!!!!!!!!
- The geek test
- The Result of Boredom
- Find sth worse then Twilight
- I survived!
- My tenth era
- Emos
- Pregnant
- Organised Flame War
- ~*~Feeling Happy!! ;)
- Firefox
- random?
- Oprah got trolled
- Mean Signs...
- Song: Discuss
- Spore
- Banners
- Modem/Adapter problems?
- amazing
- KD banners
- Chinese Armada
- Atlantica Online
- Any phi around?
- Bye VU
- Obtaining PC Account Passwords
- ~~ Best Race Awards ~~
- Happy christmas, uhh halloween
- Zeta Age Poll
- James Bond
- Something I came across
- New Kingdom in Arma
- Chess Titans
- Tattooes
- Happy Diwali !
- Youtube in HD
- Trio (next era)
- Petition to bring Soc back.
- Strange phobias
- Some scaery stuff
- What'd I miss?
- Having Trouble With The Ladies
- US last year as a superpower?
- LGC last year as a superpower?
- Merry Christmas!
- Taking An Era Off...
- hel this poor guy....
- Did you know?
- Just popping in to say 2 ideas
- voting?
- GamerDNA
- funny vids
- I made a new friend :D
- Fable 2 out tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!
- Era of G.O.S. awards Zeta
- BC next era in mantrax
- Happy B-day Mazvis
- ok, what the F
- No arma??
- Public Service Announcement
- rp ing
- New Year Resolutions
- The Return of Sir Dogga
- Ruin A Wish
- Septim's Luck
- confused. really.
- Open Letter to Admin
- Tribute to Spamalot
- Server downtime - restart era
- Halo movie looks great
- Question!
- Sir Wilberforce
- But my mommy says...
- How to become an evil overlord
- Reject Embassy
- Dammit
- Battle For Middle Earth II
- Photoshop masters wanted
- Mystic KD Recruiting
- Hitler gets pwned
- We have taken Lurk prisoner
- Calling all Tinkerbells
- Scout Art
- WT
- ...Continue the story....
- Black Mesa
- Sean Connery kicks Chuck's ass
- Where is pendragon
- Here is a challenge
- Submarine Titans
- Why You hate me
- DJ Battle (Imperial March)
- Aurora sucks more than Heaven
- Oddiest IRC Leaving
- Funny barny rap
- Why do we love rev?
- Super Code
- NYPD beats down man...
- 1000
- Happy Birthday Wishes
- Happy Birthday!!!!
- The Funny Thread
- Kingdom Banner
- Bran is Unhonorable
- Yay its Friday :D!
- Aurora declares War on me :(
- Earthquake in southern Sweden
- Check this out!
- I'm Back!!
- ps3
- Returning Citys
- The Suure. Game On IRC
- to every girl
- Charley/Cedric quits VU! ZOMG!
- Birthday I
- Leaving VU
- Did You Know ???
- question to guys bout Admin
- video game software help
- Silent Walk
- Bran Opposes
- Pyro's Random Question
- Malfunctioning Clone
- DelaHoya-Pacquiao
- Diana Vickers
- Beat this guys.
- You Ninja
- Movie Quotes
- The Perfect MMO
- Lord Erunion Telcontar
- filthy russians
- See ya... for now
- cya good bai ;)
- Leaving IV
- I am leaving Visual Utopia
- Leaving...
- phone opinions
- Goodbye
- I'm Leaving...
- i love swedes
- Era of Elsin Awards
- To Whom It May Concern
- Leaving for a While...
- Pure Pwnage
- Roleplaying in the hangaround
- divx movies
- The Demon and Sal Show
- Everyone Loves Me...
- Happy New Year
- 100k!
- Trainin Excercise
- New Era
- VU EU 2009 aka 4
- Appology to Theophilus
- =[
- Crossfire :D
- Last Knights Dinner
- Help me Pick a Name
- Best player on VU?
- Any Excuse...
- Birthday II
- Is this guy for real?!
- Invasion of robots in vu
- Strange Phonecall
- Banned! :O
- Minicity, help me
- Survivor II
- so Sexy
- Alphabounce
- cobrafacts
- VU Survivor II
- Dark Fires, Demonik, or Abydos
- --- VU EU 2009 --- AAR thread
- Sock and Awe
- Connection Help?
- Comming to you....
- VU community, the PEOPLE
- Saga game
- VU History
- Biggest Nub On VU
- Marriages
- Cya!
- After Era Victories :)
- Bored
- words can describe this.
- Pyro vs Pyro
- Fra Merluz
- The Hate Center
- Its my birthday!
- Return of "some viking guy!"
- VU Survivor Revival
- Vancouver Canucks Win!
- Sloth Verses Messiah
- end of era sciences
- Wilber nub 4ever
- One-Liners
- Funny Posters
- Can you read this?
- wwwhhhaaaazzzzzaaaaa!!!!!
- VU Admin in Nirvana :)
- Septim's Fanclub
- i just wanted to say...
- ME part II
- Interesting....
- How to count to 100....
- Congrats PJ
- rock vs classical
- Calling all creative people
- Player Abuse
- Anybody know where?
- VU Toolbar for Firefox
- Stupid Questions
- SNOW!!!
- What Do You See?
- Clay People
- Deallus/Berkeley is leaving
- The onion
- I'm Back, who's still here?
- A bit strange
- This will be my last era....
- Osi The hillbilly!
- Time to call it a day too....
- demotivational posters
- Pay attention!
- I'm leaving too...
- I'm off!
- ill show you how to dance!!!!
- Cobra Leaving
- I...
- Sex Laws
- Uncyclopedia
- WTF?
- Samual lulz
- **This Or That? **
- Tavern! Get in here!
- A Title For Meh
- ME
- Lateral Thinking Puzzles!
- jokes IV
- Dragon Cave
- Look who could be running UK!
- I need a geek!
- Pc Help
- fun facts
- chat on Skype
- Rock
- FF300
- Its Cobra
- What I had for dinner....
- Hey everybody!
- I ate some spaghetti
- Abydos... apply!!!
- Hi Im Boxxy
- My own race yayzzzzz
- Sooo.....
- PLEASE HELP- knighthood
- Top 10 Google Earth finds
- Have you heard
- Roleplaying Points To Be Reset
- Funniest Joke
- Abydos
- KoC Enlistment
- Ezatious' personal dating ad
- Play Runescape?
- Devilish!!!
- Chuck N. for Prez.. of Texas??
- thank you for cramming my news
- End of the World
- VU's Most hated/liked
- Sooooo
- Argyles Fanclub
- BettingWiki
- Goodbye VU
- Reality
- World Wildlife Fund Earth Hour
- lewatha leaving VU
- Funny Pictures
- old vets
- FlAmMiNg TiMe
- Leaving.
- Halp?
- It's my Birthday
- Hi Hi Hi
- Leaving VII
- Epicfail of a Game,,, Goodbye
- Help?
- Hey Fafnir
- Helpz? :P
- im qutting
- Halo 3 - Live
- Happy 15000 topics, Politics!
- Leaving....
- The true faces of Veggies
- ~~Would you rather...~~
- Marathon
- LOL Funny Attack
- Venomz is here
- Been awhile
- I have come back!
- Economic Crisis HITS VU! OMG!
- Where my b*tches at?
- Officially Quitting
- Quick Survey
- pezzies
- Heaven gives you angel
- Petition for Osi
- any Jedi's?
- It's a trap
- Start the era already
- going to amsterdam
- A Friendship Ends.......
- I loled
- The Map
- Rawr...
- The Flame War
- Party Hard
- Ez Is currently only voiced
- Revelation
- Omega Overkill
- Multi????
- Calling one more Duke
- Figured it out
- Pick your favorite members!=)
- Sad T Rex
- if the world was fair
- Something
- Official statement from FandV
- NeEd YoUr HeLp Please
- Muu on kingdom Icon
- Epic Wallpapers
- Hawtest in VU
- Frostys here
- the return of a legend
- 3 Man Kingdom
- Veggies propaganda
- My Return
- Eurovision song contest
- Anybody Here
- Where are you from
- Are you bored
- pm total
- What race are you
- Hooray for me
- Cobrastyle
- Mr Sanoh
- Happy Birthday to me
- Im sorry for Manchester
- best documentaries and links
- Multi much
- Help Lava find kd
- Flash Things For Vu
- me me me me
- bugs own
- Illusion
- Its my birthday
- Conspiracies
- Funny side of Sports
- guys its official
- Zeta help this guy
- Visual Utopia Stick Comic
- what the hell
- Highscores gone werid
- Wolfs KD Next Era
- 4th of July
- Sanoh in Amsterdam
- What REALLY happened
- Chade is a very very happy man
- Making a KD II
- Angels Storiline
- Its baccckkk
- WiseguyGimli
- Myy Plea
- Hankypanky read this
- Roleplay
- What do you do to nubs
- Thread oh yeah
- The Misuderstood
- Funny funny stuff
- Flash Banner For VU
- something suss
- CS Source
- New News
- era end
- threatening
- adventures of stirlin and wilb
- i found myself
- Travis Pastrana
- Requiem
- Most Warlike Kingdoms
- Does any one remember me
- belgians v british
- Me and Wilber
- I Returned
- Is there anyone
- Message Count
- Skype chat
- The Guide 7202005
- Juicalots
- New Gamestore Opened Up
- first day production
- Billy Mays found dead
- I shall smoke the peace pipe
- Is it true
- pedobear O
- Prince Septim
- um oh yeah
- KoA welcomes back Ryan n DARK
- So who is now a mod
- Poor Dog
- A Funny Revenge
- Bran vs Penguin vs Revenge
- I Was
- kingdom theme songs
- who is hawter
- Whatd happen if
- Quitting No Seriously
- Catch me if you can
- multi it
- Scary Robot
- Pictures to People
- pedrozbear
- Remember me
- Football or Soccer
- Septim Gets Bored
- Red Faction Guerilla
- Players who shown talent on VU
- Walter Kronkite is Dead
- most epic quotes
- Poke Poke
- ad banners more new players
- I feel used lol
- Best scout EVER
- VU recipe corner Salmon
- Zeta any new updates
- A Certification
- hi im chris
- who is nicer
- HankyPanky is special
- My Crappy Flash Game
- Funny lol
- Friggin crazy guy
- Spotify VU Playlist
- helloaw
- Happy 420
- Favourite movie of all time
- Guess the country
- Gaming News
- How not to play Vu
- Deep Discussions
- VU Picture Dump
- Is this new
- POLL Passions
- Guess the Song
- Please Explain
- coke and srlandschips
- The temperature
- RIP Bobby Robson
- Blandad ss kompis
- Veterans Whos Who
- Will testiment whatever
- US posturing about Iran
- Thank you Zeta
- Flags on top of the page
- Isnt It Obvious
- Teeth are for losers
- vu miss cobra
- A simple request to all
- Good New Bad News Game
- Arma era 42
- Im starting
- What should my next name be
- Happy BDay Kitty Cat
- Spoon the Capitalist 1
- Kathandarion
- GAME Best and worst
- POLL Karma or Coincedence
- Walmart is for idiots
- The Siege of Herons My Band
- funny
- Fate embassy
- Movie Talk
- The Post A Random Word Thread
- Any Ex Warbookers Out There
- Its The End
- Discuss
- Tantrums thrown here
- Derrick Comedy
- Important question
- Skype Your topic only
- grilled or crispy
- Happy BDay Resi
- Stupid Stupid Stupid CHICKEN
- HappY happy birthday Lewatha
- maybe quiting
- paintball
- buy my stone
- Lay off my hoes
- My msn
- Skillets new album
- Walmart Funnies
- Man United Fans
- Supercool kingdom
- Beer by seven year olds
- Random pleaseeeeeeee
- Happy Birthday Arthur Dent
- I caught you
- VUs Epic Fails
- Happy Birthday
- Pretty Pleaseee
- Fun with zit
- DCFS Kidnappers liars
- VU survivor
- Brave peasents
- Suit Up again
- Politics
- VUs Greatest Players
- xxx VUEU 5 xxx
- Happy Halloween from BoW
- Measures taken against bugs
- Discussion Fickle fans
- Crazy War declaration thread
- New Redirect feature
- Any Eels fans
- Hey Warkeeper
- Bon Jovi Music Videos
- Everyone Who is Selling Cheap Tree
- VUs most HatedLiked
- Quietone
- mmm lol
- lol this is funy
- German Oktoberfest
- Fun with translation
- Off topic competition
- Glenn Beck
- What kind of music do you like
- i found this
- Top Five Beatles Songs
- This is rediculous
- Hatsune Miku Vocaloid
- Happy Birthday To
- Haha Epic Fail
- Tribute To Nukem and Not Slade
- Blackberry Help Plz
- Worst Fight Scene EVER
- lolmad dog disease
- Nottingham Trent uni
- WOOT just got 2 kittens
- Real life
- Crazy complaints thread
- CSI Lithuania
- 300 King Penguin x LightXerxez
- Visual Utopia News Network
- CRAZY thinning
- SP Era name
- I am selling my 360
- I need an update
- Boredom
- This is insane
- Vancouver 2010 Olympics
- Charley Says
- I found cobra
- return of me
- Whats wrong with Texas
- McDonalds monopoly
- CRAZY declares OMG
- Nice Horde
- Hairy People
- Is this bad
- Japanese Spitz
- I forgot something
- Best win of the era P
- Rebirth declares on Revelation
- omg omg omg
- The best forum update yet
- How You Know
- The Ultimate Preperation
- Revenges Fail Troll Thread
- start the era plz
- Finally Unbanned
- Charley
- Happy Birthday Hanks
- buy me stone
- MJ Thriller Final Fantasy
- Have you dreamt about this man
- Dora jokes Everyone hates it
- This place seems dead
- Penguin The Filipino
- MrThe Gladiator
- Dont drink and drive
- VU Theme Song
- Unban Prince Sprout
- whatd does he really say
- Modern Warfare 2
- ZZzzZZzz
- Shock Shock Horror
- does Phi have a special spell
- Just for lols
- Hockeyyyyy
- Augh Nub and Sladefool
- Thanks for the Memories in VU
- Google Wave
- VU chippendales
- My band
- Only for the True Men
- Xbox 360 vs PS3
- Anyone grounded
- Holy Graal of school and gym
- Who is worst
- Happy Thanksgiving
- George rr martin fans discuss
- Ze Moon
- Coldplay FANS here
- WereDuck The Horror Movie P1
- Are you dumb
- A common riddle
- Endlesss Birthday Gift
- Confucius say
- BoW propaganda
- Help me please
- Where is Gingerbreadman
- Fluffee is addicted
- Devi man
- Updates for next era
- Do you think shes hot
- When will Penguins stop
- Instant Rapper
- robots whit
- Addiction
- First Ever Xbox 720 Footage
- Movie recommendations
- Kath never learns
- New title
- Happy Birthday Charley
- Australia is fuked
- Check out the dice on this one
- Gay Rights
- Basketball NBA
- US College football
- Playing VU is like
- so you think you can dance
- for yanks and aussies
- 2010 Fifa World Cup
- Best in world
- DVD Burning Software
- Suspicous multi
- Avatar The Movie
- Prove me wrong
- Who Did He Pay Do You Know
- Integrated mouse and keyboard
- What does AFK mean
- Cleverbot
- ping pong anyone
- Dont Let Life Pass You AT2
- Goodbye VU from Samulis
- OMG i did it
- Its Snowing
- merry X mas
- Mood Of The Moment
- xxx VUEU 5 AARs xxx
- New Title for Next Era
- A VU Chirstmas TEH SEQUALZ
- zeta loves me
- omg awesome luck
- Is your kingdom Approved
- New Years Resolutions
- Christmas Map
- Banana Boats
- Take that
- Animal Rights Petition
- If ur a multi
- Australia Is D Best in D World
- Happy BDay Gladiator
- Charleys Deep Dark Secret Muahahahahaha
- Charleys Status
- Happy 2010
- omg im soooo drunk
- My Amataur Movie Showcase
- Domination Mascot
- my gf singing
- Greece best in the world
- billy talent
- Netherlands Best in tha world
- England best in the world
- Sweden best in the world
- Spartaaaaaaaaa Best In The World
- Your Top Five Bands
- This is new
- Sir Kratos Wolf Im back
- Latvia best in the World
- Curious
- Random is special
- swiss people rock
- Happy Birthday Shmeh
- i love meat
- wii sex
- lawllermonster
- Poem Page
- Football at its finest
- How to kill a cat
- My Daughter Now
- Free Pengy
- Belgium Best indaworld
- Dreamcast
- Happy Birffday Davey
- Church Is Fun
- Love you zeta
- Swedes unite
- GTA IV ina nutshell
- Happy Valentines Day
- dream car
- From 285th to 82nd
- HomerHemar HermanI give up
- Made me lol
- Enough Already
- Happy Birthday to Septim
- When will YOU die
- Attention
- Poland RIP
- how to get drunk faster
- JuSt 4 FuN
- Mobile broadband
- Awesome French Pranks
- Im so tired
- Obama worse than Bush
- Women are crazy
- Life increasing thread
- World of Warcraft Servers
- Free Bruce Willis
- My first article published
- Medical question
- Oh noes He Wat to eat
- Free Spook Poll
- Who wants to buy VU
- Laptop for every child
- FM 2010 Experiment
- happy bday why sir
- Pedobear strikes again
- my overall ranking
- Hockey Finland vs USA
- Do you wanna play a littlegame
- Lion eats man REAL
- How good of a penguin are you
- Rate Banners
- Uhh WTF
- 100MP pic of sunset
- Zeta i am bored
- For Open Minded People Only
- Happy bday Coles
- Who likes fat pizza
- Nokia N900
- Friends of mee
- Two suns wtf
- Represent your country
- Where are all my peeps at
- Things To Do Between Ticks
- Youve done it Zeta
- Oh no What now
- Jack Churchill
- Conquerclub Tournament
- Titanic 2
- Old Player Coming back
- spring break
- bad things in kitchens
- dear god NOOO
- Happy 8th March for Ladies
- Funniest Aussie Show Ever
- I accidentally the whole KD
- Sell some wood already
- TETRISfor the Motherland
- Injured While playing VU
- ohhh mama
- Who still plays
- Name Stealer
- Japanese kids cartoon
- Mount and Blade Warband
- the United States Marine Corps
- Small Pleasures
- Owen Durham
- All Bow To My Noobiness
- Hot Pepper
- Duke Backstab
- Sheep hum
- Nobody Can Beat Ryan Bellerose
- Dragon Showdown
- Pick one
- Im back after several months
- BirthDay lolwoot
- Starcraft Two
- The Devil owns the Hangaround
- worst game ever
- How you Can Put Pics In Vu
- VU Ad
- Oscar winner best picture
- Help Me Write My Era History
- Holy mother of god
- Spare time Try this
- Buy my tree
- Philly Flyers
- Im really bored
- Amish Virus
- Mr ObamaUS President
- DS Lite
- who here likes tool
- this is just amazing
- xxx US EU2 xxx
- tick change
- Something from Tour de France
- EVE Online
- Help Me Find
- Starcraft 2
- Osis birthday
- VU EUX AAR thread
- Kung Fu Bear
- questions answered
- Great Movie
- Pope of Dope
- painfully sad song
- More maths problemsquestions
- Rubens Tube
- Mangos or Bananas
- Eurovision
- Oh hey
- Cutters and Emo
- Combat Arms
- One day
- Final Fantasy XIII is AWESOME
- Call of Duty Black Ops
- dance fgs
- Cool World style attempt 1
- Why so Evil
- NBA Finals
- Very Serious Video
- Choosing a Major
- From now on
- Inception
- The Flaming Room
- Why Arthur is a bigger jerk
- guy code
- VU EU x
- Greetings
- s224angyaht faailohk Tbl
- holy moly shiz
- i wrote a song
- women and games dont mix vid
- What happens in Thailand
- Butterflies and love
- Space Traveling N00bs
- Where my bummers at
- irc charity
- Who Is Left
- I dident relise
- Very Creepy Childrens video
- PSN and LIVE accounts
- lithuania vs scotland
- Xbox Live Gametags
- All Vu Players Ratings
- Voting grrrr
- Basketball LITHUANIA
- Scouts stronger then magic
- New Spells Coming
- Independant Film
- All Vu Kingdom Ratings
- Nice and Naughty list
- Lew Day
- My Troops are Fatties
- How Fantasy is Medieval Legend
- Ragnarok Online
- I hate My Ex
- Anybody notice the resemblance
- Old Aby crew
- Moon tilt
- aoe ii question
- Coming to you soon
- best porn ever
- Enough Said
- bored between ticks
- war on the smurfs
- Durzas return
- Top Music
- Calling untagged players
- Everyman Sleep Polyphasic
- Game Experience
- Ive Moved to Berlin
- Unable To Contribute to Societ
- Help With Making Kingdom
- USA Gross Errors
- Bongs sayin hi
- For my boy KAI
- Help VU
- Uhhh What part 2
- favorite songs
- Guilty Pleasure TV
- Fast Five
- VU in Swedish newspaper
- VU Confessionals
- Just a quick question
- Twins incoming
- For Dinner I had
- Comedian Of The Month May 2007
- Flash VU Related RTT
- Remember the Titans
- Any1 else read WoT
- Katamari Hack
- Lords of war and money
- Why Twilight beats Starwars
- Greatest ever player
- The Egg
- Its my birthday O
- Every wonder
- Year plus away what i mis
- Envy me
- Forgotten Warriors Planning
- You sir are banned
- VU in Russian TV
- Vu Kingdoms Game
- Diablo III
- Iphone Game centre
- my people
- Guess whos back
- Best Races and why
- Are you left or right handed
- What happened to
- fun quotes
- Getting Married
- Epic Filibuster
- Dream Job
- Hello everyone
- Refugees in Britain
- Happy Canada Day 2011
- Greatest Movie Ever Made
- Hi Kids
- For Kevdwayne
- Movies related
- War of the Mind
- I made an enemy
- National Pot Smoking Day
- Age Poll
- The movies Carry On Up
- girlfriends against vu
- A Decent Game like VU
- New around here
- DisneyWB match
- Anyone still here
- Hapy fake bday CharliePenguin
- Who are you
- Felt my first EQ
- Global warming will kill us
- The Riddle Tavern
- just good old fun
- North Carolina
- FM 2014 Kickabout
- Storm or something
- Find Zeta 2012
- Inception Joke
- League of Legends
- got a question
- Visual Utopia or Total War
- Amercian Football
- kzats hamachi minecraft server
- The Truth
- Chess dot com
- mariokart 64
- diablo 3 beta
- Happy bday Fitz
- Luck of the Draw
- the youngest vuer
- The College Conspiracy
- Shit just got real
- MadUMad
- help me with dissertation
- Luckiest Dice
- Uther birthday thread
- I Quit VU
- travers iq
- Sir Santa Returns
- Happy Bday Darkmarsbar
- PhD Dissertation Survey
- Bow and Arrows
- Good friends are awesome
- Oldest Message in your Inbox
- Arma 2 DayZ Mod
- Lets get one thing Straight
- Mario vs Sonic in odd places
- AfterWind
- baaaaaaaaack
- What religion are you
- Welcome to all the new players
- FM 2012 VU Kick about
- 30 XP on a hit
- Awesome Game
- ouu check this out
- FM Tonbridge Angels
- Word from Efrandor
- Project Rockstar has came back
- Happy Bday Noob
- need to join a KD
- Stewies Return to VU
- TagPro game
- Top 3 most annoying things
- Minecraft
- Something wrong
- DayZ Zombie Survival Mod
- just funny pictures
- Returned
- Krewe Of Beards
- Funny Gifs
- Pop tarts or french toast
- One question
- Incredible Loss
- Christmas Jokes
- Some music you might like
- ELf so OP
- Whut iz diez
- Hitman Absolution
- Guild wars 2
- US Happy thanks Giving
- Fav Music
- Armageddon Juggernaut Players
- FM 2013 Kickabout
- Question about other game
- Happy Holidays
- Vu on G
- Hows the game
- Visual Utopia reviews
- Full Time Players
- cant drop
- happy late valentines
- Armagon
- HOI or Imperator
- FM 2013 Kickabout 2
- adolf hitler
- The VU message we all want
- Visual Utopia Survivor
- Remembering the old RTS games
- Virtual Reality gaming
- Word Game for fun
- Omfg what a BORING game
- That Time of Year Again
- FM 2013 The last Hurrah
- Do it yourself
- Fantasy Football
- Europa Universalis IV
- My account is pretty old
- Pointbreak
- Features
- What do YOUR forums look like
- dinosaurs
- Bo2 Origins Easter Egg
- guess what
- NeverWinter
- Any old friends about
- Ask Effie Effie answers
- looks around
- Merry Christmas VU
- clash of clans
- VU Risk FFA Event
- Good to be back
- Back again
- Happy Christmas 2014
- Ebola instead of Plaque
- Does anyone I know still play
- Fantasy Football 2
- Hup Holland Hup
- Superbowl
- Happy Midsummer everyone
- Other games you play
- anyone still around from LGC
- Troll disadvantage
- The Races Explained in Images
- plz play with my plane
- My Total War Videos
- Destiny
- Gladiatus VU Guild
- Conflict in West Asia
- Paradox Games
- Im back boys
- Some random old timer
- Identify yourselves bytches
- ashley madison
- Charlie Sheen
- Elsin doing some sexytime
- Merry xmas
- What you wanna see
- Brans tail
- PlokoonFalcons
- Belgium
- new update
- peter jackson
- You Guys Play Eve Online
- Crazy
- the life of a frog
- Music from when I was young
- Little Baby Sprouts
- Ark Survival Xbox One
- What I think you look like
- Tactical Roleplaying game
- native traders are trickster
- xbox live
- Happy New Year for 2017
- Just saying hello
- RIP Carrie Fisher
- Business Owners
- Happy Birthday Josh
- bran get your crayons
- Line App
- My Manc brothers
- Jokes with Blong
- hey im new here
- Cant believe Chester dead
- Made me laugh cause Im terribl
- Age of Creation
- Dear visualutopia
- I may have a way
- boredom games
- Great youtube channels
- Hohohohohohoho
- Fortnite Battle Royale
- Only been playing for 13 years
- Go Birds
- RIP My VU Sidekick
- My Mythical Fantasy Blog
- Happy thanksgiving folks
- MMA Fans
- VU nostalgia
- World Domination
- Sharing my thoughts
- All about Bling
- I die happy man
- Rap battle
- Im a Messaiah
- Travels
- Just curious
- Bling rap
- No it doesnt affect
- Hello old friends
- Weeeee back bois
- Merry Xmas 2018
- First ever image of a black hole
- WM handball males
- Patriots or Rams
- Game of Thrones
- Discord Server
- Countdown to 1000
- Galleon Amusement
- Bacon Swiss Buttery Jack
- Looking for Agent Smith member
- Imperator Rome
- Rap Rap Rap
- Rap king
- The Boys The Series
- Merry HoHo
- Facebook translating
- Doomsday clock
- Aid request
- Funny Joke
- Rap king IX
- Ten commandments
- Attained Wisdom
- Proof Aloy Uses Petri Net Tool
- The Real VU Survivor
- Computer Question
- The real VU Survivor Part Two
- Would You Rather Game
- The real VU Survivor Season 3
- Guilty Pleasure
- The real surviver season 4
- Today I learned
- What do you do for a living
- Merry Christmas and HNY
- TTwenty World Cup 2021
- what is the common reality
- Whos playing New World
- Join my community
- Why Dwarf Mages are the Best
- Ukraine chat in Frozen Bar
- World Record
- Who Sucks The Most
- I know who Zeta is
- Testers
- Difficult Riddle
- Strangest Players in VU
- What Type of Gamer are You
- Unbeatable Invincible Strategy
- VU Advertisement
- The court in 2022s NBA Finals
- Star trek dilemma
- Meditation ETs Psychosis
- Waking up
- Spiritual people be like
- Music Taste
- Biggest achievement
- GuideWinning half of all eras
- Happy new Year from Sweden
- The Real VU Survivor Season 5
- Is there life out there
- Anybody still play this game
- Mr. roxbury
- Mr. Heimdall
- Mr. Shagger
- Sir Annatar
- Viceroy Mistyanna Silvermoon
- King Fratnimaniksori
- King Slaxswerd II
- Sir Minigoek
- Sir Katsumoto
- Sir Biskop Brask
- Sir Naruto
- Sir Smak
- Sir Dragonworm
- Lord Enderson
- King Finwe
- Lady Fiana Silvermoon
- Viceroy Cunnus Urinor
- Sir Adelbert
- Sir Thangbrand
- Dark Lord Mirage
- Mr. Mablung
- Sir Fantastic
- King Rather
- Sir Kaslan
- Sir Shahal
- Sir Neratu
- Sir Paladin
- Sir Trollex
- Sir Alexander Somtaaw
- Sir Awesomo
- King Augustus Inhonestus
- Lady Spooky
- Viceroy Cleon Hypocrita
- Lady Mistyanna Silvermoon
- Ms. Valiinah Waroak
- Mr. Schmidy
- Sir Torbjrn Starke
- Mr. Notpersonal
- Sir Uther
- Mr. Cleon Archipirata
- Mr. Knightmaramon Shadara
- Viceroy Spooky
- Viceroy Engelhardus
- King Corwin
- King Oya
- Viceroy Cunnus Pubis
- Viceroy Rathervi
- Lord Bertrand Dugeusclin
- Sir Pallando The Blue
- Viceroy Gothmog IV The Gradiant
- Ms. Catherine
- Sir Truefailure
- Viceroy Damaar
- Lady Chandara
- Ms. Orythia
- Viceroy Damaar
- Mr. Taran
- Mr. Shey Ram
- Mr. Tamain Saar
- Sir Dikkop
- Viceroy Kvahd
- King Merlin
- Viceroy Oya
- Sir Ghostalker
- Sir Fafnir
- King Sweet II
- Mr. Billie Joe
- Mr. Leon Ram
- Viceroy Tak The Invincible
- King Galadorn
- Mr. Zues
- Dictator Earry
- Viceroy Iant Aman
- Sir Method
- Sir Theophobia
- Sir Mac
- Sir Achilleus
- Sir Erunion
- Mr. Bwack Elio
- Mr. Alraz
- Viceroy Fire
- King Sweet The Third
- King Dragonov
- Lord Challym
- Lord Challym
- King Senturu
- King Senturu
- King Senturu
- King Senturu
- King Senturu
- King Senturu
- King Senturu
- King Senturu
- Sir Carrot Fever
- Sir Carrot Fever
- King Senturu
- Sir Carrot Fever
- Dark Lord Vagabond
- Sir Araved
- King Drag The First
- Lady Mellonie
- Lord Method
- Lord Damaar
- Lord Challym
- Mr. Goek
- Sir Revenga Xii
- Sir Steve
- Sir Ghouma
- King Leon Ram
- Sir Viron
- Sir Aravedon
- Sir Dark Demon
- Sir Drag The Second
- Mr. Fordius
- Viceroy Dragonov The Second
- Sir Cremisis
- Sir Brad
- Lord Sagramor
- Sir Dimebag Darrell
- Sir Wizardus
- Viceroy August Von Gneisenau
- Sir Yoda
- Sir Alfonze
- Viceroy Mensies
- Sir Nethersage
- Mr. Belzebub
- Viceroy Mielo V
- Sir Vedros
- Sir Killer
- King Pyron
- Queen Arien Vaire
- Sir Rhade
- Lady Gjall
- Lord Darkmyst
- Mr. Wizardus
- Sir Kavath
- King Pyro
- Sir Pallando The Blue
- Viceroy Slim
- King Scythlord
- Sir Efrandor
- Sir Cannochi
- Duke Nightfury
- Mr. Jonny Bacardi
- Mr. Aloysius Hook
- Sir Smirkov
- Mr. Dark Ice
- Sir Blackdagger
- Mr. Nighthawk
- Mr. Icekiller
- Mr. Jonny Bacardi II
- Mr. Bacrone
- Mr. Warsheep
- Mr. Allen Jacobs II
- Duke Shadowhunter
- Mr. Drakol
- Mr. Jonny Bacardi The Magnificant
- Mr. Sikwayi V
- Mr. Zink
- Sir Efrandor
- Mr. Killer
- Mr. Honor
- Mr. Jonny Bacardi The Brave
- Mr. Firestarter
- Mr. Gallyon
- Mr. Zerocool
- Mr. Achilleus
- Mr. Zec
- Mr. Cxc
- Mr. Argy
- Sir Arzun
- Sir Ygdal
- Mr. Moses
- Mr. Necromundus
- Mr. Menelik Iii
- Duke Planeswalker
- Mr. Marcjen
- Mr. Jamkel I
- Sir Jonny Bacardi The Dastardly
- Sir Asesino
- Wolflord Karac
- Sir Dravos
- Mr. Wizardus
- Mr. Bronzbeard
- Sir Jonny Bacardi The Dark Admiral
- Lord Vader
- Mr. Hungry Horse
- Lord Efrandor
- Mr. Zerocool
- Sir Malus
- Sir Moordenaar
- Mr. Hagroth
- Sir Senturu
- Sir Tirading Virus
- Mr. Legendario
- Mr. Livity
- Mr. Dirty Odin
- Mr. Kraven Noctolis
- Mr. Donut Forsakeme
- Mr. Rhade
- Mr. Dirty Odin DA RD
- Mr. Dolfyn
- Sir Lonely Argyle
- Ms. Meloveulongtime
- Mr. Woopie
- Mr. Hotheaded
- Mr. Lol
- Mr. Super Mario
- Mr. Remote
- Sir Malus
- Crazy Xuaron
- Mr. Kogoki
- Sir Senturu
- Mr. Pyron
- Mr. Agamemnon
- Mr. Otyuin
- Mr. Agamemnon
- Mr. Proilon
- Mr. Arzun
- Mr. Deztroyez
- Ms. Aureus
- Mr. New
- Mr. Tunk
- Mr. Mythyis IV
- Lord Osiris
- Duke Spoon
- Mr. Mastermind
- Ms. Naduah
- Mr. Woopie
- Sir Senturu
- Mr. Istar
- Sir Salaracen
- Mr. Sansoku
- Mr. Nathan Rhal
- Ms. Veronica
- Sir Tyra Jil
- Sir Malus
- Mr. Animal
- Mr. Jibbymaster
- Mr. Dead OR Dying
- Mr. Kalkan
- Mr. Orusio
- Mr. Ryuushi
- Mr. Wizardus
- Mr. Tiberius
- Ms. Rika Nanaka
- Mr. Insaneboy
- Mr. Vieskna
- Mr. Talon Vir
- Mr. Akp
- Mr. Tarsonas Majere
- Mr. Elite
- Sir Darkfaith
- Mr. Tokugawa Ieyasu
- Sir Rhade
- Mr. Sansoku
- Mr. Matthew
- Mr. The Fat
- Mr. Yukimura
- Sir Norinus
- Mr. Lorian
- Mr. Icerendash
- Mr. Talon Vir Ghorta
- Mr. Grigash
- Mr. Razios
- Mr. Drakulya
- Mr. Firendash
- Mr. Warfreak
- Mr. Omi
- Mr. Ohmnialator
- Sir Zaragor The Destroyer
- Mr. Paracelzus
- Mr. Santa Claus
- Mr. Yuran
- Mr. Celendrum Cikayson
- Mr. Paracelzus II
- Prince Disdyakis Hexakis
- Mr. Brashen
- Ms. Rikananaka
- Sir Gorgon IV
- Sir Darkfaith
- Mr. Zechlofski
- Mr. Katsumoto
- Mr. Shannon
- Mr. Ohmnialator
- Mr. Imperial
- Mr. Talwin Hawkins
- Mr. Killer
- Mr. Maleo
- Mr. Ohmnialator
- Mr. Teejay Ball
- Mr. Nobiggieyoo
- Mr. Malekith
- Ms. Enigma
- Prince Bashful
- Mr. Iseador Fidor
- Mr. Ghjgf
- Lady Tantulii
- Mr. Demonic Valiant
- Mr. Nelson
- Mr. Wuu
- Demonic Shezmu
- Mr. Arlius
- Dark Lord Osiris
- Sir Ironpick
- Mr. Alec
- Mr. Dakota
- Sir Darkfaith
- Mr. Biggerboom
- Sir Salareas Vinraven
- Mr. Apocalypse
- Mr. Ali Great
- Mr. Tiber Septim
- Mr. Adelbert
- Mr. Brizencorbin
- Mr. Goldsie
- Sir Lithlego
- Mr. Woopie
- Sir Ragnarr The Wolf
- Mr. Smuff With A Shemale
- Mr. Peace N War
- Sir Acelnorst Dezhelian
- Mr. Jesus
- Mr. Scythruler
- Mr. Naerey
- Lord Griever Maelstrom
- Mr. Mager
- Sir Spud
- Mr. Oda Nabunaga
- Mr. Apocalypse
- Mr. Sakaal
- Mr. Juggernott
- Mr. Huma
- Ms. Enigma
- Mr. Iwasfrozen
- Mr. Ghangis Kahn
- Mr. Wili
- Mr. Allah
- Sir Pelagius Septim II
- Mr. Slayerlyfe JR
- Mr. Ghengis Kahn
- Lord Senturu
- Sir Tiber Septim II
- Mr. Xiahou DE
- Mr. Kaleb
- Sir Cephorus Septim
- Mr. Grandie
- Sir Razios
- Ms. Terryn
- Mr. Arlius
- Sir Vostov
- Mr. Kalkan
- Mr. The Flying Wee Wow
- Mr. Chicosci
- Mr. Suri Cai
- Mr. Juan Vicente Aclan
- Sir Gaius Septim
- Mr. Romulus
- Lord Eleutherios
- Mr. Lucien Lachance
- Mr. Epyon
- Mr. Bathusar
- Mr. Goldmeister
- Sir Salaras Lentorix Vineraven
- Ms. Demeter
- Mr. Smuff
- Mr. Swofty
- Mr. Bayani Bonifacio
- Mr. Stasis
- Sir Defensive
- Mr. Draven
- Mr. Rubyian
- Mr. Atreides
- Mr. Marik
- Sir Anatoliy Grushkov
- Duke Salius Septim II
- Ms. Enigma
- Mr. Cahal Quinn
- Sir Darkblade
- Sir Bruto Cikayson
- Mr. Mager
- Mr. Athos
- Ms. Rhiannia
- Mr. Gurath
- Sir Kelnos
- Mr. Drrofas
- Mr. Thunder Monkey
- Duke Pelagius Septim IV
- Mr. Arthion
- Mr. Last Firstborn
- Mr. Athos
- Mr. Marik
- Mr. Lukien
- Mr. Kayn
- Lord Epyon
- Ms. Rhianniaserpentslayer
- Mr. Thunder Monkey
- Sir Paffician
- Sir Darkblade
- Mr. Tanglao
- Mr. Lukien
- Mr. Akragas
- Mr. Cao Cao
- Ms. Enigma
- Ms. Rhiannia
- Mr. Juan VI
- Mr. Patrik
- Mr. Hytlodeo
- Mr. Benltf
- Duke Gaius Septim II
- Mr. Ironsword
- Mr. Blobber
- Ms. Rhiannia II
- Duke Tiber Septim IV
- Mr. Atreides
- Mr. Asystole
- Mr. Diomedes
- Sir Hephaestus
- Mr. Alexander The Great
- Mr. Dragonknight of Ragonovia
- Mr. Gilth
- Sir Paffician
- Mr. Gurath
- Mr. Chicosci II
- Mr. Rubyian
- Mr. Crusader
- Sir Darkblade
- Mr. Tylex
- Mr. Athos II
- Sir Malekith Naggaroth Vineraven
- Mr. Pyron
- Mr. Pumbily
- Mr. Weiss
- Mr. Pyron
- Mr. Arby
- Mr. Fox
- Mr. Athos III
- Mr. Vengence
- Mr. Twotan
- Mr. Wizardus
- Mr. Lenard
- Mr. Milovich
- Mr. Rommel The Powerful
- Mr. Atreides
- Mr. Sin
- Mr. Orny
- Duke Darkfaith
- Duchess Lacewing
- Sir Gravehaunter II
- Prince Lucias Septim II
- Mr. Chicosci III
- Mr. Its
- Mr. Gilth
- Mr. Goldsie
- Sir Aurelius
- Mr. Killer
- Mr. Asmuth
- Sir Tikocato Frostcomet Vineraven
- Mr. Random
- Mr. Sparemylifeplz
- Emperor Inarius Arkiados
- Mr. Lars Binholm
- Mr. Fire Line
- Sir Pesterd
- Mr. Japper
- Sir Nolfe Flamehorn Vineraven
- Mr. Killer
- Mr. Americanfire
- Mr. Tovladian Soltyr
- Mr. Uyfgjkd
- Mr. Ding
- Sir Fire Nova
- Duke Luta Mor
- Mr. Random
- Mr. Killer
- Ms. Rook
- Mr. Atreides
- Mr. Courage
- Lord Crom
- Mr. Meowman
- Mr. Delran
- Mr. Gary Forthy
- Mr. Com
- Mr. Dolfyn
- Ms. Caleil
- Mr. Iciruam
- Mr. Evan
- Mr. New Guy
- Mr. Bravo
- Sir Reece Soltyr
- Prince Cephorus Septim IV
- Mr. Gilth
- Mr. Demonsul
- Mr. Dyrness IV
- Mr. Mage The Blob
- Mr. Ichigo
- Mr. Xilofone
- Mr. Rise
- Mr. Duh Omg Duh
- Sir Pesterd
- Mr. Asgarth
- Mr. Blobwiz
- Mr. Slade
- Mr. Iggymydog
- Mr. Durza The Multihaxor
- Mr. Vosnu
- Mr. Samulis
- Mr. Charley
- Mr. Peter Jackson
- Mr. Wraith
- Mr. Remenber
- Mr. Spud
- Duke Ulgrin The Bastard
- Mr. Thizzle
- Ms. Xerxes
- Mr. Justin
- Prince Calus Septim V
- Mr. Scottietohottie
- Mr. Penguin
- Lord Tovladian Soltyr
- Sir Aranved
- Mr. Jermeytheholy
- Mr. Gilth
- Mr. Lazydragoon The Sloth
- Mr. Avenge
- Mr. Nathan Bedford Forrest
- Mr. Durza The Wolfbrother
- Duke Jerall The Shortbeard
- Mr. Samulis II
- Mr. Ender Wiggin
- Ms. Donna The Magestic One
- Mr. Samulis Quintus Augustus
- Mr. Cairn II
- Mr. Elvine
- Mr. Wooteq
- Mr. Aellebin
- Sir Valentine
- Lord Ullic Pendragon
- Mr. Peter Jackson
- Mr. Earth
- Mr. Hrogarth
- Mr. Asdfb
- Mr. Unana
- Mr. Komkar
- Sir Slade
- Mr. Peter Jackson
- Mr. Caesar Augustus
- Lord Uther Pendragon
- Sir Valentine
- Mr. Caradoc II
- Prince Gorris Septim
- Mr. Zump
- Mr. Slash
- Mr. Com
- Death Lord Draven
- Lord Emberforge
- Mr. Gilth
- Mr. Khalifa
- Mr. Hiroshima
- Sir Charley II
- Duchess Jenine The Nobeard
- Mr. Ken
- Mr. Ironsky
- Mr. Thrall
- Mr. Uzumaki Naruto
- Mr. Gilth
- Mr. Roottwig
- Ms. Mama Bear
- Prince Bertilius Septim
- Mr. Cao Cao
- Mr. Wolf Commander
- Mr. General Lee
- Lord Uther Pendragon
- Mr. Dark Father
- Sir Wraith
- Mr. Ant
- Mr. Com
- Mr. Samulis of Old
- Sir Ernie The Orange
- Duke Krasksagon
- Death Lord Draven
- Mr. Ryan
- Mr. Dark Lighting
- Mr. Gilth
- Mr. Killer
- Mr. Dyrness
- Mr. Bartimaeus
- The Dark Knight
- Prince Bertilius Septim II
- Mr. Edward Gryfflur
- Mr. Grr The Death Moon
- Duchess Lessissora
- Sir Peter Jackson
- Mr. Facepalm
- Mr. Atreides
- Sir Dire Wolf
- Sir Tybalt Wolf
- Mr. Pieguy
- Mr. Iggymydog
- Sir Grim Darkhammer
- Sir Chucky
- Mr. Kayn
- Mr. Darque Shade
- Mr. Tunder Strike
- Mr. Jackdaniels
- Mr. Warkeeper
- Mr. Gallyon
- Death Lord Draven
- Mr. Ruby Knight
- Mr. Cao Cao
- Sir Lapulapu The Chief
- Mr. Bladehadranos
- Mr. Atreides
- Duchess Lorelisi
- Mr. Samulis
- Sir Charley Deallus
- Lord Nephilim The Redeemer
- Mr. Gilth
- Mr. Remember
- Mr. Darklord Zoltan
- Mr. Father of Erendur
- Mr. Roman Numeral One
- Mr. Jackdaniels
- Mr. Jondrusx
- Mr. Theophilus
- Sir Zek
- Sir Hellcrazy
- Sir Sardos
- Mr. Gilthas
- Sir Gallyon
- Lord Wolven Warrior
- Mr. Lurk
- Mr. Gravehaunter II
- Mr. Dyrness
- Mr. Homanil III
- Mr. Iggymydog
- Hentai Verll
- Sir Jonny Bacardi The Noble Hero
- Lord Charley Deallus
- Mr. Dragonis
- Mr. Rubyian
- Mr. Razai
- Ms. Red Rose
- Sir Kratos Wolf
- Mr. Mozart
- Mr. Virah
- Sir Gilth
- Mr. Slave
- Mr. Theophilus II
- Sir Jesus Left Toe
- Mr. Live And Inconcert
- Mr. Creepin Solo
- Mr. Rock Gods
- Mr. Angelrobot
- Endless Dillyrias
- Sir Oblivion
- Mr. Snake
- Duke Maltorv
- Mr. Sinthoras
- Mr. Landric
- Sir Gallyon
- Mr. Killer
- Sir Antharic Grudgebringer
- Mr. Bongs
- Mr. Robbie
- Mr. Oziiach
- Sir Manwe
- Mr. King Elmo II
- Mr. Millenium
- Mr. Pesto
- Mr. Cronus
- Sir Samulis The Conquerer
- Sir Resistance
- Prince Valan Septim
- Mr. Remus Lupus
- Endless Delerium
- Mr. Mars
- Duke Akenad
- Sir Gallyon
- Mr. Theophilus VI
- Mr. Killer
- Sir Thingol
- Lady Hazel
- Mr. Eros The Pimp
- Mr. Fear
- Duke Kalokop
- Demonic Bald Lemur God
- Demonslayer John Berkeley
- Mr. Trigonshee
- Mr. Theophilus VII
- Endless Delight
- Mr. Ruby Knight
- Mr. Holismoli II
- Sir Gallyon
- Duke Pokolak
- Sir Gilth
- Mr. Isaac
- Mr. Skinny Vinny
- Sir Hel The Sunshine
- Sir Demetri Eindringen
- Sir Samulis The Incredious
- Mr. Siberius Phenom
- Mr. Arthur Dent
- Mr. Nick
- Mr. Camel The Bounty Hunter
- Sir Gilth
- Sir Slash
- Mr. Iggymydog
- Mr. Reborn Himanil V
- Ms. Doc Bolger
- Mr. Innovator
- Mr. Samul
- Duchess Sessa
- Mr. Throatslasher
- Mr. Theophilus IX
- Mr. Bongs
- Mr. Jason
- Mr. Leafblighter
- Mr. Skinnyvinny
- Mr. Pure
- Mr. Bongs
- Mr. Jupiler
- Endless Mystique
- Mr. Loony Goatsin Nursing
- Mr. Mythyis X
- Mr. Aloysius
- Mr. Theophilus X
- Mr. Bartimaeus Reincarnated
- Ms. Lilly Telvanus II
- Sir Throatslasher
- Lady Astoria
- Mr. Maximus II
- Master Cloutier
- Mr. Zaheir of The Risen
- Sir Verendurus The Tafflinicronian
- Mr. Kongdust
- Mr. Brainiac
- Endless Happy Meals
- Mr. Dyrness The Pale
- Lord Polydeuces
- Mr. Gulcasa Syaxe
- Sir Pure
- Mr. Himanil VII
- Mr. Lightx
- Mr. Zippo
- Mr. Apophis III
- Mr. Theophilus XI
- Sir Meatball
- Mr. Aranved
- Mr. Name Nicker
- Mr. Azengar
- Lord Himanil VIII
- Mr. Arthur Dent
- Mr. Caligo
- Sir Thor
- Mr. Platnium
- Lady Kittie Croft
- Mr. Anubis
- Mr. Theophilus XII
- Mr. Ryan The Drow Ranger
- Sir Rexar
- Mr. Midban The Wise
- Mr. Die Kill Die
- Sir Lanoc
- Grand Ape Donkey Kong
- Sir Erunion Telcontar
- Mr. Die Kill Die
- Lord Mcfalter
- Mr. Iggymydog
- Sir Gilth
- Endless Despair
- Mr. Targaryen
- Ice Prince Nazir
- Duke Jictelious
- Mr. Trolli
- Mr. Theophilus XIII
- Lord Wraith
- Duke Mithras The Psycho Bear
- Clan Elder Mcfissure
- Duchess Kittie Sherezade
- Mr. Brace
- Mr. Die Kill Die
- Sir Not Fit For Duty
- Sir Chee Cat
- Prince Bartimaeus XIV
- Sir Cadmus The Noble
- Sir Aries II
- Mr. Theophilus XIV
- Mr. Buzz Killer
- Sir Cadmus The Scribe
- Mr. Teirdel
- Mr. Acerf
- Mr. Arthur Dent
- Mr. Aloysius
- Sir Ryan The Archtroll
- Duke Jictelious The Younger
- Mr. Falvion
- Grand Paladin Jonny Bacardus The First
- Mr. Shilnad The Just
- Sir Corollin of Dragesvard
- Mr. Roderian
- Praetorian Wyzer
- Mr. Die Kill Die
- Lord Gilth
- Mr. Infection
- Mr. Zeus
- Clan Elder Mcfarin
- Grand Paladin Jonny Bacardus The Just
- Sir Cadmus The Bold
- Swedish chef Brashen
- Mr. Slark
- Duchess Laeroi
- Praetorian Wyzer
- Mr. Fletcher
- Mr. Gravehaunter
- Sir Saladin
- Mr. Fletcher
- Sir Slark The Emotionless
- Mr. Fletcher
- Mr. Wormdigger
- Endless Muggings
- Mr. Die Kill Die
- Ice Prince Cyruss
- Grand Paladin Jonny Bacardus The Blackknight
- Duchess Solesta The Cruel
- Mr. Kratos Wolf
- Mr. Breeak
- Mr. Arkan IV
- Ice Prince Aureola
- Sir Slaven
- Mr. Gulcasa Syaxe III
- Sir Slark The Killer
- Endless Destruction
- Duke Rensmauth The Meek
- Duchess Nazariena
- Lord Woodys Sapphire Trebuchet
- Mr. Die Kill Die
- Lady Godiva
- Mr. Yogi The II
- Mr. Die Kill Die
- Ice Prince Zephyr
- Mr. Bark
- Mr. Ninja Toothless The Forgotten
- Mr. Ali Baba
- Mr. Bane The Conqueror
- Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus
- Lady Isa Tramp
- Mr. Vytautas Didysis
- Duke Hebernat The Mad
- Ms. Delirium
- Mr. Them
- Mr. Mamba Jamba
- Konig Wiggy
- Mr. Manowar
- Lady Pink Femmes Fatales
- Mr. Tyrin
- Mr. Thrawn The Tactician
- Mr. Dur
- Mr. Silver The III
- Mr. Raxxx
- Death Lord Draven
- Sir Elf Test
- Mr. Sprout
- Sir Ryan The Archion XIII
- Mr. Gloom Aloysius
- Mr. Phoenix Flames
- Mr. Holycowitsme
- Ms. Kkay
- Mr. Baby Boy
- Mr. Aloysius
- Mr. Trollz
- Mr. Fordius
- Mr. Haterman
- Marquess Shuren Rider
- Mr. Vitcim
- Mr. Bad Odds
- Mr. Sofa Awesome
- Lady Lovemelongtime
- Mr. Septimus
- Sir Janivo Jumbler
- Mr. Efrandor
- Mr. Nipply Tingles
- Mr. Chief Executive Officer
- Mr. Frank Zappa
- Mr. Anonymous Death God
- Prince Anonymous
- Mr. Tokugawa Hidetada
- Mr. Learza
- Mr. Death Dealer
- Prince Anonymous
- Mr. Death God
- Mr. Quirinus IV
- Mr. Odun
- Mr. Uwer
- Mr. Vivi
- Sir Ajax
- Mr. Arkantos The Ardvark
- Mr. Ponsa
- Ms. Lailah
- Lady Tinuviel
- Mr. Varian Wrynn
- God Eros Butt Slapper
- Mr. Golemua Lethal
- Mr. Zavier Boy
- Mr. Anonymous of Starta
- Mr. Anonymous of Valhalla
- Sir Flouride Triger XXI
- Mr. Weilium Triger
- Mr. Warpeace
- Ms. Medb of Connacht
- Mr. Orkubbo III
- Mr. Gemonio Lonely Gem