Family History

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Mr. Shey Ram

Lived in Era 14, got 1 heir(s) (Leon Ram) and was a member of Peacekeepers

Shey Ram was born in the city of Elm Plains. His father, Seil Ram, was the Lord Captain commader of the armies and valiant men of the Crest of Ram. With him as the Lord Captain, no one could oppose them. How many times had the forces of evil tried to overrun the great capitol city of Elm Plains, and how many times had Seil Ram driven the invaders back?

When Shey was 7 his father bagan training him in the art of war. In 5 long years of hard training, Shey became a blademaster. In training, he could out-preform and beat any of his fathers best comrads. They used to say, like father, like son, he was unbeatable. 8 more years went by, he now aided his father in battle. When they went to battle, the enemies men would fall like rain in a thunderstorm. The rivers would run red with blood and the earth's thirst would be quenched.

Elm Plains became a center of trade, commerce, and knowledge. It was the richest city in Mantrax. This gained them many allies.

After a particularly tough battle, his father started acting strangley. No one knew what was wrong with him. Soon they got news of an army of 800,000 of the enemies men marched toward Elm Plains. On the eve of battle his father woke up screaming that The Dark God was speaking to him. Shey and the men figured it to be a dream, how wrong they were. At his fathers command their elite trained army of 30,000 marched against the other army of 800,000 men. The soldiers and Shey grumbled to themselves about this being madness, but no one ever questioned the Lord Captains orders, ever. They met the enemy in battle tearing through their lines like a knife through butter. But a betrayal was made, halfway through the battle Shey's father joined the other side. The tides turned for the other side. Shey rallied the remaining forces for a last desperate stand. He thought as long as we're going to die, we might as well make them bleed for what they've done. While all his men fell around him Shey stood alone, 6 feet in front of him his father stood, sword held at the ready. Shey couldn't bring himself to attack his father, even if he was a betrayer. Then Shey remembered something that his father had told him once, hesitation kills you. Shey lunged at his new enemy. Shey fought with all his might. But he was still no match for his father. Blackness formed at the edge of his vision, he fell down, unconcious.

His father moved on and burned Elm Plains to the ground.

Shey woke up and found his city burned and pillaged. He sold himself as a mercanary. He had a loyal team of mercanaries. Together they saved money until they had enough to make a city. His loyal followers became The Obliterators. They all vowed to bring justice to the world. He had two commanders in his new army, one was named Tamain Saar, the other, Obo Elio. Together these three men could defend against a hundred men. Now they work as a team to find Shey's father.

On his travels Shey, Obo, and Tamain met some great men named The Peacekeepers with the same idea as them, to bring justice to the world. Now they fight together to remove the evil from the world.

Wars ravaged the land but the Peacekeepers have managed to defeat any foe. But The Falcons are a formidable foe. Shey remembers the day it happened. The Falcons closed in around him and his friends. They came in and burned the towns one by one. They slaughtered the men and children and took the women. The govenors of each city were brought out into the town square and tortured for days on end. The horror of it was unimanigble. Blood flooded the streets and stains of red splattered the walls. The tapastries torn and the tables broken.

Shey managed to lead a small scout army oout and regrouped with his friends at Riverrun. He thought he had escaped, but he was wrong. The Falcons followed him with 300k men armies after they were done with his other city. Shey remembers his words he said to Tamain and Obo as he saw them marching toward the gates of Borderlands, "They have taken the wall and the frontline. They have overrun the defenses. The fate of the Peacekeepers of Mantrax rests with us. I intend to survive this fight." After this he drew his sword, mounted his horse and charged at they enemy. As he did this he roared, "For the Peacekeepers! For Mantrax! For Glory! We will not give up without a fight! Everyone dies sometime, but for me, it sure as hell isn't now! Long live the Peacekeepers!"

The cry was repeated down the line, "Long live the Peacekeepers!" The clash of metal rang out in the clear night sky. Shey and his friends fought with such ferocity that The Falcons were driven back three times that day. The sun dawned red and Shey led a final attack on The Falcons. Both sides fought for four and a half hours straight until Shey took an arrow to the shoulder. His arm dropped to the side, useless. His vision grew hazy. The world went black.

He awoke to find his friends and 1,000 men from his old 40,000 man army smiling at him. They had won. When Shey fell off his horse he had accidently driven his sword through the other general's heart. The Peacekeepers live on. With that Shey stood and marched on.

In the battle Tamain's and Obo's cities had been destroyed. Shey led them toward the great wall he had caotured a long time ago. On his way they were granted free passage from MDOW. Shey marched day and night until it happened. There had been an oathbreaker among MDOW

The army controlled by Thephobia charged at them. Shey fought back to back with Tamain, Obo, and Obo's nephew Bwack. Shey was about to fall when he saw another army on the horizon. Halflings. They charged into Thephobia and started helping Shey and his friends. Bwack took a blade to the stomach and fell blacked out. Shey picked up Bwack and carried him over to a halfling. Obo and Tamain were already being snathed up onto ponies by halflings. Shey jumped onto one also and rode out of the battle. Over to his left he saw Obo get hit in the neck with a lance. Obo fell. To his right he saw Tamain's pony get nocked out from under him. It was too late for Obo so Shey jumped from his horse and save Tamain. Together him and Tamain got away from the battle. Shey barely saw Bwack and a group of halflings disapear over a hill.

Shey and Tamain moved on for days without rest. When he got back to Riverrun he found that they were preparing for war. He found his son, Leon, and asked what was wrong. Thephobia was marching toward them.

It was dawn. Shey, Tamain, Leon, and Clamin, Tamains son, stood at the front of the army. They charged. The sound of steel on steel ripped the silence of the valley. Blood rained from the sky. Shey thought they were actually going to win. But that hope faded soon. Fire rained from the sky, killing Shey's men. A drop of molten lava struck Shey's chest. He fell down. He laid there as Thephobia's general walked over. At the last moment, Clamin, Leon, and Tamain leaped at the general. The generals guards wipped there pikes around impaling Tamain. Leon dodged the pikes and struck the general in the heart while Clamin jumped aside and cut down all the pikemen. Even then Shey knew it was too late. As Leon knelt beside him Shey looked up at his son. "Bring peace to this world." With those words Shey closed his eyes, never to open them again.

Mr. Leon Ram

Lived in Era 14 and got 1 heir(s) (Leon Ram).

As his father said those words to him he knew what he had to do. Leon stood up and grabbed Clamin by the arm. Together they journyed toward Fantasia.

Leon and Clamin were walking cautiously down a gorge. They had heard something trailing them for days now. They knew they could take on pretty much anything that attacked them, but what troubled them was that this sounded like more than one something. Aruptly Clamin stopped. They're right above us Clamin said as he pointed toward the top of the gorge. Well lets find out what this thing is Leon said as he drew his sword. eleven bandits walked out from the cover of the brush. The leader was a girl with a wicked looking knife hanging from her belt. Clamin reached behind his back and grabbed his bow. Twang. an arrow sped from Clamin's bow and buried itself in a mans windpipe. The fight had begun. Leon was one with his sword. Duck, slice, thrust, block, parry. Soon only the girl was left. Leon laughed, "Some challenge you 'bandits' were, I'm not even breathing hard." The girl grinned and said, "You think you've won?" She charged at Leon not even caring as she took an arrow to the leg. She flailed her knife at him. Leon easily stepped back and sliced her stomach. As her innards spilled out onto the dirt she laughed and ran at him once more. Leon had figured out by now that this thing wasn't human. The fight went on for ten minutes. By then, she had an arrow sticking from her heart, an arrow through her head, one in her leg, a sword mark through her stomach, one leg cut off, and an arm cut off. Halfway through her swing she changed its course and swung it at Leon's leg. Leon fell down. The girl jumped on him and was a bout to stab him. An arrow hit her stomach, but it hadn't come from Clamin. Soon it was raining arrows all on the girl. Some orcs rushed over and knocked the blade out of the girls hand. The girl turned to dust. Elves stood up from where they had been shooting. An orc came up to Leon, "You fought well against this beast, I would be honored to welcome you to our group. Leon accepted.

This group was called The Alliance. The Alliance's purpose was to kill bandits. It was a combination of all the races. Even though the group had all races you had to choose where your loyalty lied. Leon chose the orcs seeing as they saved him. Clamin chose elves.

The Alliance set up camp. Leon was uneasy about those mountains, there was a rumor that wild men inhabited them. The Alliance had been riding through them all day. Late in the evening they had found a cave to camp in. Leon was awoken by a wild roar. He quickly grabbed his sword and stood. A group of wild men were charging through the cave mouth. He called for the orcs to rally to him. He called for help from Clamin. Leon looked over. Clamin just spat at him and ran. Then Leon remembered, Clamin's grandparents had been killed by orcs. That was why Clamin wouldn't talk to him. Leon looked arund him, only five halflings remained and they had been surrounded. Some of the humans had joined the wild men and the rest of them were backed up against the wall of the cave. The dwarves had been taken captive and were getting carried away. And the trolls were dead. Leon remembered some of his training. Go for the leader. Leon saw a man with a wolf pelt hanging around his shoulders and a blade that looked just like the girl's he saw a while ago. This time Leon knew what to do. He rushed up to the leader and kicked the sword out of his hand. The man instantly turned to dust. Suddenly the wild men stopped fighting and ran. The Alliance rushed over to Leon. Leon looked around, only the orcs remained. Leon led them out of the mountains. When he got out he saw a city being built. He started moving toward it. He was almost there when he saw something coming out of the gate. Horsemen came galloping toward them. Leon mounted his horse and signaled his men to do the same. Leon ran away but the horsemen still followed. The horsemen followed for days and days. Leon and his men finally stopped running. Leon laid an ambush for their pursuers. Leon couldn't run any longer and this was their only chance even though the horsemen outnumbered them 4 to 1. The horsemen set up camp in a small clearing near the ambush. When everyone was asleep some orcs that were planted in the trees started firing arrows. The humans woke uo and started running. They ran into a small valley. The orcs rolled boulders down the ledge and killed the humans. Leon built a city over the cite of the victory.
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