Forums / Roleplaying / Revolution

04:52:12 Mar 20th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VII:

By Septim

Chase City, White Island
11:48 AM (Local Time)
August 19, 2069

Marcus Wilde reached the end of a long hallway and turned left to face a large set of double-doors. On the doors was the name "Kevin D. Wayne", and below it were the words "Deputy Director of Coalition Intelligence". Wilde turned the doorknob and entered the room to see a man in his late forties talking on the phone. Wilde took a seat, and after three minutes, Wayne pressed "END" and looked up at Wilde.
"Wilde, happy birthday!" said Wayne with false enthusiasm, "Twenty-three now?"
"Yes. Thank you," said Wilde.
"Got any plans with family?" asked Wayne.
"You know my mother is dead, Mr. Wayne," said Wilde.
"I forgot, sorry," said Wayne, "Well, I'll treat you to a steak dinner tonight, my treat."
"Sounds good, sir," said Wilde.
"You don't need to call me sir, call me Kevin," said Wayne.
"Alright, is that all?" asked Wilde.
"Go take the rest of the day off," said Wayne.
"Really? Thanks," said Wilde.
"You're welcome, now get out of here," said Wayne.
With those words, Wilde got up and walked out of Wayne's office.

Hong Kong, Asian Region of China
2:06 AM (Local Time)
August 20, 2069

John Arkon sat at a table with four other men seated around it. The five men formed the leadership of Keller's Army, a resistance movement dedicated to reforming the Coalition and casting down those who were unfit to rule. The men on the leadership were Kyle Arkon, Tyson Bennet, Aaron Larkon, and Dominic Kaine. Larkon had been recruited in the year 2047 after he got in trouble with CoSec. While in prison, Arkon disguised himself as a policeman and managed to break Larkon out. Larkon then served ten years as a Team Leader before being promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Bennet had been Arkon's second in command since 2045 when Arkon took command of Keller's Army. Bennet, however, was usually unable to take part in the management and actions of Keller's Army due to his former position as Captain of the PSU (Psychic Soldiers Unit). When the PSU was disolved in 2052, Bennet was able to take some part in the planning of operations, though he had to be careful. CIS did not know of Bennet's part in Keller's Army, and Arkon planned to use that to his advantage soon enough. Kaine had been in KA since Keller formed it, and had been one of Keller's Lieutenants before Keller's death. Kyle Arkon, John's oldest brother, had been insane since 2041, and for eleven years he lived in an insane asylum. Finally, in 2052, John's powers were enough to correct Kyle's mind and bring his oldest brother back. After watching the recording that Keller had left behind and hearing his brother's story, Kyle served KA faithfully, and acted as a Team Leader until 2057, when he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant due to his leadership skills and accomplishments. With Commander John Arkon, Vice-Commander Tyson Bennet, Lieutenant Kyle Arkon, Lieutenant Dominic Kaine, and Lieutenant Aaron Larkon seated, the meeting began, and the planning of what would be their most carefully planned operation began.

09:27:05 Mar 21st 09 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoom:


16:57:06 Mar 21st 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VII:

Chase City, White Island
6:02 PM (Local Time)
August 19, 2069

Wilde got out of his car and approached the large building. The building was called "Mike's Steakhouse" and it served some of the best steak in town. Wilde walked to the door and it opened automatically, he walked through a small lobby and up to the small lectern that held several menus.
"I'm here to see Kevin Wayne," said Wilde.
"Mr. Wayne arrived ten minutes ago, follow me," said the waitress as she led Wilde through the crowded steakhouse to a booth in the corner. Kevin was reading some spy novel that had been written in the 2020s and looked up to see Wilde.
"There's the birthday boy!" said Wayne before several waiters and waitresses walked up and began some version of the happy birthday song. Wilde let out a small smile, and when the left he looked back at Wayne.
"Thanks," said Wilde.
"You're welcome! I would have been pretty bored tonight as well, so don't worry about it," said Wayne.
With that, Wayne and Wilde began discussing several things, such as the government, life, movies, and TV shows.

Chase City, White Island
6:10 PM (Local Time)
August 19, 2069

"This is Bravo Leader Mason, requesting permission to begin operation," said Mason.
"Permission granted, good luck," said Arkon over the PCD.
Team Leader Ian Mason stepped out of the van wearing street clothes, in his jacket was a Fairfield-21 pistol and a Sercom Jackel-9 submachine gun. Four men stepped out behind him. The first was Peter Nolland, the team's medic and a psychic. The second was Harold Frederick, the team's sniper. The third was Alfredo Baranoli, the team's explosives expert. And the fourth was Louis Herselle, the team's electronics expert. All five of them were well trained in basic weapons as well, and all carried submachine guns as well as their specialized weapon. Their target was Jon Fargom, a bodyguard to one of the most influential men in the world; Richard Chase. More than thirty years ago, the young Richard Chase had managed the unify several very different governments into a strong Coalition. After the Coalition Wars, when the Alliance was defeated due to EMP technology, Chase was given several medals and a Councilorship in the new government. In 2062, when the number of Councilors was decreased to only seven (each to represent a continent), Chase became the High Councilor of North America. The four approached Fargom's car and Baranoli got underneath. After fifteen seconds, he got back up and nodded. The five then walked back to the van.

Chase City, White Island
6:17 PM (Local Time)
August 19, 2069

"Here comes the food," said Wayne as he saw the waiter approaching. The waiter smiled and placed a plate in front of him holding a large, medium rare, and tasty looking steak. Wilde received a medium well steak that looked equally good and they both began eating.

Chase City, White Island
6:21 PM (Local Time)
August 19, 2069

"Hello?" asked Fargom over the telephone.
"Meet me at 3rd and Main with ten thousand dollars if you don't want these pictures to be all over Coalition News," said Mason before hanging up.
A few minutes later, Fargom walked outside with a pistol in his hands. He got into his car and started it up.
A massive explosion burnt Fargom to a crisp. To be sure that he wasn't coming back, Frederick got out with his sniper rifle, aimed, and shot Fargom in the head as he burnt. Frederick then got in and the van drove off.

Chase City, White Island
6:47 PM (Local Time)
August 19, 2069

"Thanks for the meal," said Wilde as he walked out the front door of the steakhouse with Wayne.
"It was no problem, Mark. A kid needs to celebrate his birthday," said Wayne, "And I sure didn't have anything better to do."
With that, Wilde shook Wayne's hand and walked off towards his car. He unlocked it, got in, started it up to hear the satisfying hum of the engine, and backed out of his parking space before driving off.

11:09:33 Mar 23rd 09 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoom:


go go septim!

01:12:46 Mar 31st 09 - Lord Apollo Wolfe: busy?

01:17:33 Mar 31st 09 - Demonslayer William Berkeley:

[[I think he said something about moving...]]

02:14:04 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Arschficken Royale:

Septim, I remember you. I was Julias Fatqueef, remember?

18:41:04 Mar 31st 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VII:


19:00:25 Mar 31st 09 - Demonslayer William Berkeley:

[[He probably remembers....somehow.]]

19:11:44 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Arschficken Royale:

me and you was the lords and laidies of Charsnaffle and Homoflaps.

19:11:53 Mar 31st 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VII:


Anyway, we've experienced a problem at my home's internet.

The modem, when plugged directly into the computer, works fine. But when we try to plug a router (wireless or not) into the modem, the internet doesn't work. We've tried our new Netgear wireless router and our old D-Link router and neither will work. Until we either figure it out or get somebody who can figure out the actual problem out here, Septim will not be coming very often.

18:45:45 Apr 2nd 09 - Prince Validus Septim III:

[[OOC: Not up and running yet, I typed this on my laptop and am posting using a public computer. Kev would have gone insane otherwise. ^_^]]

Sericco Research Station
3:46 AM (Local Time)
April 25, 2040

"Ahh, he's awake," said a voice.
Clarity came to his senses as he looked around.
Where am I?
"Open your eye," said the voice, "We managed to save one of them."
His eyes opened and he saw an old man standing near him. The man was holding a clipboard, and standing next to him was a younger man.
"Do you remember your name?" asked the old man.
He said nothing.
"Did you activate his voice?" asked the old man.
"Of course, Dr. Muller," said the younger man.
"Let him have a moment, he's been through a lot," said the voice of a woman in her late forties.
"As you say, Dr. West," said Dr. Muller.
After a few minutes, he found the ability to speak and looked up at the three other people in the room.
"" he asked in a strange, emotionless, robotic voice.
"You are in Sericco Research Station," said Dr. West, "I am Dr. Gertrude West, this is Dr. Alfred Muller, and this is Dr. Christopher Braun."
"" he asked in all that he could manage.
"You are a Cyborg Assault Unit, your designated number is two-one-six," said West.
216 looked down and saw that almost his entire body was metallic and covered in smooth plates.
"Burns cover your entire body, you also sustained a bullet wound to the head. Your brain is no longer functional, but we were able to transfer your being to a CBU, a cybernetic brain unit," said Dr. West.
216 then looked up and saw a mirror. What she said was true, his left eye was a white cybernetic device, but his right remained, along with the flesh around it. The flesh was red and raw, and would probably never heal, but his eye was almost perfect. It was a ghostly blue, and seemed to pierce your soul when you looked into them.
"You are our only successful cyborg, you must have a very strong will," said Dr. West, "You cannot harm me or any other man or woman with loyalty to the Coalition. You are programmed to use almost any weapon at your disposal. Your past is unimportant, you are now the right hand of the United Coalition of Earth. Disengage locks."
216 got up from the table and looked around. Then, he walked through an automatic door with the three doctors and into his new life.

Rome, European Region of Southern Europe
1:26 PM (Local Time)
August 21, 2069

"Mr. Bennet, come with me," said a man as he grabbed Tyson and pulled him into an alley.
"Hey, what's going on," said Bennet, even though he could have psi-blasted the man into next week if he wanted to.
"Your abilities are required for the Coalition," said the man once in the alley.
"I'm not cooperating unless I know why I'm being pulled into this alley!" roared Tyson, pretending to be enraged.
"My name is Jeremy Oriph, I'm with CoSec's High Security Division. Our job is to keep the High Councilors safe, and at the moment, Richard Chase's life may be in danger," said the man.
"Danger?" asked Tyson, "What do I have to do with it!?"
"You are the only man capable of holding off, and maybe even defeating, John Arkon in one-on-one combat," said Oriph, "My men wouldn't stand a chance in hell against somebody like Arkon, so we need you to protect Chase on the twenty-seventh."
"Why the hell should I help you guys?" asked Bennet.
"Because you will be well payed," said Oriph.
"What if I refuse?" asked Bennet.
"That would be a bad decision," said Oriph.
"I guess you leave me with no choice..." said Bennet.
"Good, come with me," said Oriph before leading Bennet off down the alley and to a parked black 2065 Sercom Interceptor.

Chase City, White Island
1:47 AM (Local Time)
August 24, 2069

Commander John Arkon looked around the windowless apartment with a smile. It would serve its purpose. As several KA technicians set up the machinery, he approached Arthur Baker, brother of Anne Baker; the sniper for Alpha Team. A knock came to the door and Arkon walked to it.
"Who is it?" asked Arkon.
"Martha Richardson Hasvatch," said the voice of Aaron Larkon.
Arkon opened the door and Larkon stepped inside with a large suitcase. Arkon closed the door and locked it, he then set a trap on the door that would cause it to explode should anybody try to force it. He then turned around and saw Larkon pull several unassembled LanCo assault rifles from it. He handed one to Arkon, then a few to several soldiers who were in the room. After the rifles were assembled, they continued setting up shop.

20:09:27 Apr 2nd 09 - Duke Palamedes:

aaahhh...... :)  very nice...... :D

20:17:12 Apr 2nd 09 - Prince Validus Septim III:

CAU-216 is going to turn into a very interesting character. I will continue writing in my spare time. =D

02:53:54 Apr 3rd 09 - Prince Validus Septim III:

[[OOC: Nice long post to keep everybody entertained. =D]]

India, Asian Region of South Asia
2:32 PM (Local Time)
July 12, 2040

CAU-216 ran through the jungle, his legs moving with inhuman speed, though they were surprisingly silent for the amount of weight put on each step. 216 jumped through a wall of leaves and into an open field on the outskirts of a rebel base. The alarm was raised as he ran across the field, and when the rebels got on the walls and began firing, 216 deflected many of the rounds with his advanced longsword. The ones he didn't block struck his armor harmlessly. When he was within range, he gave a powerful leap and jumped over the ten foot wooden wall before turning around. The rebels on the wall barely had time to turn before CAU-216 drew a SA-2 in his left hand and shot three of them dead. The remaining seven began firing, and using the longsword in his right hand CAU-216 deflected the bullets. He then dropped the pistol and drew an AED (adjustable explosive device). He threw it and a large explosion incinerated the remaining rebels. He then turned and threw another AED at the main building, blowing it to bits. The last AED was used to destroy the SAM site. As he ran away, Seris Mk XII bombers flew over the base, wiping all remains of its existence from the face of the Earth.
"Excellent job, 216," said Colonel Raymond Smith over 216's built in PCD, "Head to the extraction point."
"Yes...sir," said 216, still not used to his voice. He ran off into the jungle as the bombers made one last run over what used to be a rebel camp.

Chase City, White Island
11:47 AM (Local Time)
August 27, 2069

On a float going around the main streets of Chase City, Tyson Bennet stood like a statue, watching the windows around the float. He saw nothing, which was good. For six days, contact with KA had been impossible, he had been afraid that plans had changed. The float turned a corner and High Councilor Richard Chase stepped outside and up the ramp to the float. He was a man of around 5'10" and average weight. He was currently wearing a black suit and a gold shirt, the colors of the Coalition. His hair was gray, and a rough beard covered part of his face. He got on top and began waving to the crowd at the sides of the streets. As the float went off, he picked up a microphone and began giving a speech that came out of a large amount of speakers all around the parade area. The float went around, and up on one of the roofs Bennet spotted a man wearing a black trenchcoat and a black fedora. The man held no weapons, and he was with several other people, but he still struck Bennet as somebody to watch. However, when he looked back, the figure was gone. The parade continued, and as Bennet watched the surroundings, a loud bang sounded. Guns were not allowed in the area, and it baffled most of the guards that one could have got in. The only one who thought fast was Bennet as he grabbed Chase and threw him to the ground. He aimed his Psikiller pistol around, pretending to be searching for the target, when another shot rang out. Bennet picked up Chase and used a psi-jump to jump softly to a sidewalk. He ran Chase quickly to an elevator and ran inside with him.
“Bennet! What are you doing!?” asked Oriph over the PCD.
"Your job!" roared Bennet convincingly as he pressed 62 on the keypad. The elevator shot up with great speed, but had little effect on Chase or Bennet due to the advanced technology powering it.
"Thank you Bennet," said Chase, "You saved my life."
Bennet suddenly grabbed Chase, threw him to the floor, and executed him with a shot to the back of his head. The elevator opened several seconds later and Bennet dragged Chase's body out. There was a large puddle of blood already in the elevator, but he would have to make sure that Chase was dead, that there would not be anything left to put back together. Bennet used a psi-blast to blow out a window before propelling Dr. Richard Chase's lifeless corpse out the window. While it was flying, Bennet used a pyrokinetic blast to incinerate the corpse, leaving nothing but dust. There would be no cloning, no revival of the Coalition's founding father.
"Bennet! You're dead!" roared Oliph over the PCD, "You prick!"
"Long live Keller's Army," said Bennet before withdrawing from the channel and contacting Arkon.
"Chase is as dead as Julius Caesar and I'm on the 62nd floor of the Howitzer Hotel...
"Good, proceed to the roof," said Arkon.
"Oh...oh *beep*," said Bennet as he looked out the window. Ten LanCo GS-22s were flying towards the hotel, ready to pump the 62nd floor full of ordnance, ignoring collateral damage.
"What?" asked Arkon.
"John, there's no way I'm getting out of here," said Bennet, "About ten gunships, all about to blow this building to hell."
"We're coming anyway! Dammit, there's no way in hell I'm leaving you there!" yelled Arkon.
"Sorry John, it was an honor serving alongside you all these years. You've been a great friend..."
"Tyson! No!" yelled Arkon
"Goodbye John," said Tyson Bennet before the 62nd floor of the Howitzer Hotel was blown to hell.

Asgard Space Station
1:56 PM (Local Time)
February 8, 2043

CAU-216 opened his eye while his other went online. He looked around and saw a man in his late forties looking at him, along with two technicians who were activating the several systems on his body.
“CAU-216, it’s been a while since you’ve been online,” said General Paul Monroe as he examined the cyborg before him, “It was difficult to locate you.”
CAU-216 said nothing.
“Have you been briefed?” asked Monroe.
“No,” said 216.
“Olympus Space Station has seceded and their commander, General Wesley Grant, has ordered a nuclear attack on Sydney,” said Monroe, “We need shock troopers to infiltrate their facility to disable their defense systems before an attack,” said Monroe, “The only thing capable of penetrating their defenses is a one-man prototype assault craft. The one man means we can’t send EROD or STF into Olympus, as only one man would be suicide. We’re sending you in. I am aware that you have knowledge of the Olympus’s layout.”
“Yes sir,” said 216.
“Then you require no map?” asked Monroe.
“I also know how to operate and disable the space station. I require nothing,” said 216.
“Excellent,” said Monroe, “An armory and the vehicle is waiting. All knowledge and testing records on the vehicle were transferred to your memory, correct?”
“Yes sir,” said 216.
“Good, move out,” said Monroe before turning and walking to the command center in the center of the Asgard. The two technicians walked off and 216 was left alone. He turned and made his way to the hangar, and several soldiers and officers on the way stared at him. He walked through the large door to the hangar and saw several tables with weapons on them and in the center was the Sercom Cover-2 stealth-craft. It was designed to get through security nets without trouble, and once inside it would drill through the hull of a space station and create a seal against the vacuum of space. Once the seal was created, the front of the drill would weld itself off and allow exit of the vehicle. It was designed for one use, Sercom was currently working on the Mk. III, which would allow multiple uses and more of a carrying capacity, but 216 didn’t care much for the Mk. III, he cared about the here and now. He approached the tables and saw LanCo assault rifles, pistols, and shotguns. He also saw his SA-2 pistol waiting for him. He grabbed it and placed it on the magnetic plate on his left leg. The magnetic plate served as a holster, it had not failed 216 yet. Afterwards, he turned to a second table and saw an experimental longsword and a LanCo BL-7 (Blade-Launcher. The BL-7 was loaded with a clip of nine small blades and could shoot them at fast speeds at ranged of up to three hundred feet. He placed it on the other magnetic plate on his right leg before grabbing the longsword, using the magnetic plate on his back to hold it. He grabbed several AEDs as well, and finally, he grabbed a combat knife and slid it out of its scabbard. It was well sharpened, but not too fine. That was the way he liked it. Fully equipped, he entered the one-man stealth-craft, closed it, and watched as several soldiers ran out and collected the tables and the unused weapons. They took them out of the hangar, and once everybody was out the metal doors began to open. He deactivated the landing locks and lifted off, flying out the open hangar and around the world to Olympus Space Station.


The stealth-craft cruised through Olympus’s security net without question, and once it was within range 216 flicked a switch and turned a crank. The engine of the vehicle was aborted and a smaller, but more powerful engine was revealed. With the activation of the drill, followed by the massive burst of speed from the small engine, the stealth-craft penetrated the hull of the Olympus. A pressurized seal was created after the breach, and the drill welded itself off. 216 jumped out with his pistol at the ready and looked around. The alarms were activated, and several soldiers were outside in defensive positions. Without any warning, they opened fire. 216 was struck by several rounds before he drew his longsword, and with lightning speed he swept the rounds out of the way.  He then threw an AED at the defensive formation and watched as several soldiers were incinerated, and many more were severely burnt. The explosion would have caused instant destruction for the entire station had CoTec not invented the Oxygen Stabilizing Device. 216 turned and fired on another group of soldiers who were approaching from the control room, striking two, before a hail of gunfire collided with his armor. He retreated down the corridors, using the map inside him to navigate towards the power plant on the space station. He then realized that his leg was not moving properly. After performing a diagnostic, he found that a bullet had found a way around his armor and into what used to be his leg. After a diagnostic, he found that the bullet had cut through several small servomotors that allowed his leg to move. His mission was his only priority, the leg was a minor setback. He limped down the corridors and turned left, then took another right. He limped down and saw a large metal door. He grabbed the crack in the door and pulled. With massive effort, the door finally gave way. Inside, fifteen technicians worked on the power plant under watch by three soldiers. One turned and noticed the open door just in time to get a BA-7 blade through his throat. The other two guards fell in similar fashions and 216 limped towards the power supply controls. The technicians watched in fear, not wanting to interfere with the metal man. The codes were fresh in his mind as he punched them in, and to his surprise, Grant had kept the old ones. The ship’s power went out, and without it, the defenses could not run. In a few minutes STF forces would attack and recover the Olympus. 216 turned on his left eye’s night vision and looked around at the startled technicians. He then sat down at a metal bench used for breaks.

Chase City, White Island
11:47 AM (Local Time)
August 27, 2069

"Tyson!" yelled Arkon before running to the door. Larkon grabbed him and threw him to the ground.
"Dammit John! He's gone!" yelled Larkon, "He was my friend too! But we can't bring him back! And we sure as hell don't need our leader running in to needlessly get himself killed!"
After a few seconds, Arkon got up.
"We got least we have that..." said Arkon.
"You're right, at least we have that," said Larkon.
"Pack up, we're heading back to Hong Kong," said Arkon before sitting down. The technicians began packing up their portable computers and within thirty seconds, the room was clear of every trace.

New York City, North American Region of New York
12:07 AM
November 16, 2045

“Here he comes,” said an unfamiliar voice. 216 opened his right eye as his left eye was activated.
“I am Dr. Franklin Hughes, I studied under Dr. Braun, one of your creators,” said Hughes.
“Where…is Braun?” asked 216.
“He was killed three hours ago in Michigan,” said Hughes, “Did they tell you what happened to Dr. West and Dr. Muller?”
“No,” said 216, thankful for Hughes treating him like a human.
“During the Olympus Incident, Sericco Research Station was overrun by several creations, their leader was the Highmind, or Dr. Gertrude West. She freed several mutants that were the result of the experiments there. Dr. Muller was killed while attempting to send out a distress call. I barely survived, I wouldn’t have had it not been for three brave STF commandos under the command of Sergeant John Arkon. We injected them with the Mind Enlightenment Serum used on the Highmind, along with the Super Soldier Serum used on several of the other mutants, and they managed to fight off the mutants. In the end, Arkon defeated the leader of the hunters, a group of the mutants, and won their loyalty. Together, the hunters, Arkon, his three men, and the remains of the Sericco Security Force launched an offensive. The Highmind was killed and we all escaped with out lives.”
“Why are you telling me this?” asked 216.
“Because it is important for your current mission: the protection of Richard Chase,” said Hughes, “One of the STF commandos from Sericco, David Keller, has gone rogue. That was who killed Braun. Arkon is going to be sent out to stop Keller, but at the moment, Chase is fearing for his life. He needs somebody to protect him against any attacks that could come.”
“I am at the Coalition’s disposal,” said 216.
“Of course you are. Everything that has been told to you in this room is top secret. None of this leaves this room, got it?” asked Hughes.
“Files relating to Sericco Research Station, John Arkon, David Keller, Christopher Braun, Alfred Muller, and Gertrude West have been classified as top secret,” said 216.
“Good, come with me,” said Hughes.
With that, CAU-216 got up and walked unencumbered. After the Olympus was recovered, his leg had been repaired at Marshall Research Station in New York City. Afterwards, he had been deactivated and stored in a Coalition warehouse. Now, he was needed once again. Over the next week, he would be guarding Richard Chase. Once Keller was dead, CAU-216 was shut down again. Chase didn't need 216, Bennet and a PSU squad could take over defending against the newly formed Keller's Army and their leader, John Arkon.

03:52:17 Apr 4th 09 - Sir Samulis The Pompillious:

[[Great writing. I like that  it's in the future, opposed to the middle ages writings we see all the time.]]

03:58:49 Apr 4th 09 - Prince Validus Septim III:

[[OOC: Thank you! =D]]

04:30:58 Apr 4th 09 - Demonslayer William Berkeley:

[[OOC: It just means you should try to be more original with medieval]] :p

04:32:06 Apr 4th 09 - Mr. Sdrawkcab:

[OOC: or maybe put medieval and future together O.O.]

04:33:08 Apr 4th 09 - Prince Validus Septim III:

[[OOC: ...the Angel and CAU-216 both use swords...THERE! I WIN! =D]]

04:34:44 Apr 4th 09 - Mr. Sdrawkcab:

[[OOC:  but the angel can fly, can CAU-216? and doesnt the robot have guns to?]]

04:59:14 Apr 4th 09 - Demonslayer William Berkeley:

Mr. Sdrawkcab


4/3/2009 11:32:06 PM
[OOC: or maybe put medieval and future together O.O.]
I just might be doing that *hint hint* later on in my story :)

07:45:41 Apr 4th 09 - Prince Validus Septim III:

Me and Berkeley thought up putting modern and magic togeher once. That would've been good, oh well. *shrugs*

09:28:22 Apr 4th 09 - Demonslayer William Berkeley:

One of these days we should do a co-op story when you run out of ideas...and when I can write faster.

20:44:36 Apr 4th 09 - Prince Validus Septim III:

With all the stories floating in my head now, and all the ones I've put off, I believe I'll be busy to at least the 2020s.


08:02:50 Apr 5th 09 - Prince Validus Septim III:

Chase City, White Island
1:54 PM (Local Time)
August 27, 2069

"Jesus...Jesus *beep*in' Christ," said Wayne as he watched his television, the pictures of the Howitzer Hotel's top floor flooded the screen, along with footage of Chase's body flying out the top floor's window before being disinigrated by a transparent flash of red light.
"Bennet was with the KA all along...hard to believe..." said Wilde.
"They were both at Sericco," said Wayne, "It's pretty obvious looking back."
"What in God's name is Sericco?" asked Wilde.
"Crap! Nothing you need to know about," said Wayne, covering for his slip. Wilde would not forget, but he knew that he wouldn't be able to press anything out of Wayne.
"So, how are we going to respond?" asked Wilde.
"Well, the CID is probably going to check every damn house in Chase City, little good that does. Arkon and his group, if they were actually here, are out of the city, that is guaranteed," said Wayne.
"So what are WE going to do?" asked Wilde.
"We've been trying to infiltrate Keller's Army for years, but we've been unable to get anybody in there for long. Arkon probably checks each recruit before allowing them in," said Wayne.
"What about me?" asked Wilde.
"You? You're not a field agent," said Wayne.
"I'm a psychic though, and I've passed the FAE," said Wilde.
"True, not a very strong one though," said Wayne.
"Enough to block my thoughts, I'm sure," said Wilde.
"If it doesn't, you'll be killed," said Wayne.
"Look at my life, I don't have much to lose," said Wilde.
"True enough. Willing to die then?" asked Wayne.
"Nobody is willing, but I am ready," said Wilde.
"We'll need to change your face a bit, grow a beard, change your eye color and hair color," said Wayne.
"Then lets get to it," said Wilde.

Fort Keller, Rhodes Island
3:47 PM (Local Time)
August 28, 2069

John Arkon stepped off the customized Nomoll-11 transport followed by Larkon, Baker, and the several technicians. Dominic Kaine, Kyle Arkon, and several others were waiting.
"Sorry about Tyson," said Kyle.
"He was a good man," said Kaine.
"And he would have wanted us to stop lamenting and get on with our goals," said John, "So lets get to it. Kaine, you'll be taking up Tyson's position as Vice-Commander. Baker."
"Yes?" asked Anne Baker and Arthur Baker.
"Arthur, sorry Anne. Arthur, you'll be taking Kaine's place as a Lieutenant. You still have your duties as Head Technician though. You're important there as well," said John.
"Alright," said Arthur.
"Lets get to it," said John as he walked off towards the command center.

Caracas, South American Region of Venezuela
12:32 PM (Local Time)
July 2, 2049

CAU-216 walked through the train station flanked by five disguised EROD soldiers. He was wearing a black trenchcoat and a black fedora, both helped to disguise him against the views of others. They walked outside into a trainyard and the EROD soldiers drew several R-25 submachine guns. They began walking down the lines of trains with their weapons at the ready while another EROD squad came from the opposite direction. Standing outside a train's car, one man placed a charge on it. The side of the train exploded thirty seconds later and both squads moved in to find an empty train. From above, guns began firing. The ambushed EROD forces began running for cover while several gunships moved in. CAU-216 drew his longsword from underneath his trenchcoat, along with the BL-7. Then, the BL-7 and the longsword were forced from his hand by an unseen enemy and he was thrusted into the train car, denting it. He was then pulled back and his head was smashed into it as well. He fell to the floor with with many of the components in his head damanged. The EROD forces were killed around him and the gunships were blown out of the sky by LanCo AG-5 SAM launchers, and after another minute of fighting, the enemies had won.
"Good job," said a voice that CAU-216 recognized as Tyson Bennet's, "Now, lets get out of here quick."
216 heard footsteps and all was quiet, then, he continued laying on the ground. After twenty seconds, images began flooding into his mind. Images of his childhood, of his younger days, of his days before being a cyborg, and his personality returned. He had been part of an anarchist movement in Europe. CoSec had found them, and violently murdered all of his friends, and his sister. They then set fire to the building, but 216 managed to escape with major burns. They saw him do so and finished him with a pistol shot to the head. After three days of being dead, he was revived in Sericco after having been transformed into a Cyborg Assault Unit. The methods of them reviving them were unknown to 216, but he didn't care. After ten years of fighting for a government that he had once hated, he was finally free. He got up and grabbed his dropped weapons before picking up his black fedora and putting it on. He then walked off, to where he didn't know. He heard reinforcements arriving and began running, a few minutes later he was on a train headed to Maracaibo.

06:17:03 Apr 6th 09 - Prince Validus Septim III:

Nexim City, Freedom Island
1:21 PM (Local Time)
September 2, 2069

Ronald Greenfield sat at his desk examining an Aztec ceremonial dagger when his secretary, Ms. Perez, buzzed him.
"Yes Ms. Perez?" asked Greenfield.
"A transport has just been spotted from the West, sir. They claim to have an appointment," said Ms. Perez.
"Appointment?" asked Greenfield, "What do I have for today?"
"Nothing, what about your personal?" asked Ms. Perez.
Greenfield pressed a button and a screen popped up from his desk, along with a keyboard and a touchpad, but he didn't need those.
"Access personal agenda," said Greenfield.
A file was accessed and Greenfield saw that he had a meeting with Eric Lanson, the grandson of Samuel Lanson. There was also a code that needed to be said.
"Have control ask them for a code," said Greenfield.
"Right away, Mr. Greenfield," said Ms. Perez.
A minute later, Ms. Perez buzzed him again.
"1A2-30D-JK8-0TX. Is that correct?" asked Ms. Perez.
"Yes, tell control to let them through," said Greenfield.
"Yes sir," said Ms. Perez, "The transport is en route to the airport."
"Alright, let me know when he reaches the citadel," said Greenfield.


A buzz sounded, and Greenfield pressed the button.
"Yes Ms. Perez?" asked Greenfield.
"They have reached the citadel," said Ms. Perez.
"Thank you," said Greenfield.
Ten minutes later, the double doors opened, and Eric Lanson walked energetically into the room. He was wearing a blue business suit with a black dress shirt along with the typical red power tie.
"Salutations Mr. Greenfield!" said Eric Lanson, grandson of Samuel Lanson, the founder of LanCo.
"Indeed, sit down," said Greenfield.
Eric Lanson took a seat and Greenfield opened up a desk drawer. He took an old pipe from the drawer and lit it. He made a smoke ring before looking at Lanson.
"Now, explain the reason you came here that could not be explained over the phone," said Greenfield.
"I've come to make a deal with you of course!" said Lanson.
"Why come to me?" asked Greenfield.
"Because you lost the aerospace contract to Sercom Aerospace," said Greenfield.
Lanson was obviously surprised, he hadn't expected Greenfield to be that prepared.
"Don't get me wrong, I am willing to do business with you...but you won't make a killing. We both know that LanCo has nowhere else to go."
"Now you listen here, Mr. Greenfield! We were prepared to give you a fair deal!" yelled Lanson.
"Lets make that fair deal an excellent deal, shall we?" asked Greenfield.
Lanson, showing obvious signs of frustration, leaned back in his chair.
"How much per transport?" asked Greenfield.
"Two billion dollars," said Lanson nervously.
"Tsk...tsk...tsk...lets knock that down to half a million," said Greenfield.
"They cost that much to make!" yelled Lanson.
"That isn't my problem, Mr. Lanson," said Greenfield, "If you don't take me up on this, those transports aren't going anywhere. This way, you get away even..."
"Seven hundred fifty million, no lower," said Lanson.
"Bartering in your position is a foolish tactic that will not work," said Greenfield.
"Dammit! How many will you buy?" asked Lanson.
"How many do you have?" asked Greenfield, already knowing the answer.
"Fifty," said Lanson.
"I'll buy all of them in that case," said Greenfield.
"Fine," said Lanson, obviously disappointed with how the meeting had gone. Greenfield got up from his chair, still holding his pipe, and shook Lanson's hand. Lanson left the room quickly and Greenfield sat back down.
"Good job," said a voice from behind Greenfield that made Greenfield jump up and turn around, "You should be used to me by now. It's been two years..."
"Sorry sir, didn't notice you," said Greenfield.
"They don't call me the Elusive Man because I'm good at hide-and-go-seek," said the Elusive Man, "I want those transports outfitted with combat lasers and I want ten of them stocked with terraforming equiptment."
"Yes sir, and after that?" asked Greenfield.
"I'll tell you later," said the Elusive Man.
Greenfield dropped his pipe, and upon picking it up he saw that the Elusive Man was no longer in the room.

Detroit, North American Region of Illinois
2:47 AM (Local Time)
September 10, 2069

Wilde followed a man through the vacant streets, a Fairfield-19 in his hooded sweatshirt's pocket. A 1/2" long beard now covered his face, having been grown quickly by the CIS. In the two weeks that had passed, he had travelled to Philadelphia and Boston, and had "killed" (in reality, the CIS made them go into hiding) two Aldermen. Wilde's eye color was now blue and his hair was black. For The man turned into an alley and Wilde followed him, the man then turned around with a gun in his hand. He pointed it at Wilde and Wilde stared into the barrel.
"Why are you following me?" asked the man, Alderman Bob Vrodds.
Suddenly, and to Wilde's surprise, another hole appeared on the Alderman's face before he fell to the ground. A man then walked from the shadows and stared at Wilde.
"Who are you?" asked Wilde.
"A friend," said the murderer, "We've been tracking you, your movements. You've killed an Alderman in Boston and another in Philadelphia."
"They deserved it, Coalition pigs," said Wilde convincingly, the bait was working.
"Come with me," said the man before walking off down the alley, Wilde followed. They walked down several blocks before they entered a parking lot. Wilde had an uneasy feeling come over him as he walked through the parking lot, but he hid his caution from the "friend". Then, as they walked amongst the rows of cars, several men jumped out from behind a van, one of which rifle butted Wilde in the face. He fell to the pavement as his vision failed him.
"Nice hit," said the "friend" as Wilde faded into unconsciousness.


20:07:17 Apr 6th 09 - Prince Validus Septim III:

Darien Gap, South American Region of Columbia.
9:32 AM (Local Time)
July 25, 2049

After much travel, CAU-216 had gone from Caracas to Maracaibo after riding on the carts of trains. In Maracaibo, he had stolen 2016 Framington Rellton and travelled to the Darien gap. Environmentalist Organizations had strongly opposed the construction of a road through the 160 km long swamplands, and thus it was impossible to drive through with his basic 2WD vehicle. Then, suddenly, he began thinking. What was his destination? Verton, Texas. Why did he want to go there? Was it his birthplace? Why couldn’t he remember? Suddenly, several men ran out of the Darien Gap and began shouting in Spanish that CAU-216’s translators changed to English, the Coalition’s official language.
“Do not move!” yelled their leader in Spanish, who sported a long beard and a black beret. CAU-216 recognized him as Francisco Chavez, a revolutionary leader opposed to the Coalition. They shined flashlights on CAU-216.
“What the hell?” asked one of the men as he saw CAU-216’s partially robotic face.
CAU-216 pulled out his BL-7 with lightning speed and launched a blade, striking Chavez in the face, he fired off two more blades, killing two more, before the remaining twenty began firing on CAU-216. He drew his longsword and deflected several rounds, he then ran forward, deflecting the bullets as he ran, and slashed out, chopping two men in half. He took several shots while chopping the men, and quickly kicked another in the chest, crushing several organs and snapping his spine. He then turned around and punched another in the face, causing his nose’s cartilage to penetrate his brain. He then ran off into the swamplands, using his great flexibility and perception to deflect the bullets as he ran. The survivors of that encounter would tell stories of an invincible half-robot, half-man who had slain their leader and several of their friends before running off into the swamplands. They would call him Shadow, for his armor was as dark as midnight.


Fort Keller, Rhodes Island
5:51 AM (Local Time)
September 11, 2069

Arkon got up from his bed, grabbing his trust old CoTec SA-3 from under his pillow. He looked around his lightly furnished quarters and saw nothing but the computer terminal, his small table, his locker, the door leading to his bathroom, and his mini-armory.
“Light on,” said Arkon.
The light turned on and Arkon got up, placing his SA-3 down on the table. He then looked over at the armory. There was a LanCo K-45 assault rifle that he had owned since his early army days, a KP-10 pistol that had been his sidearm for most of his career before he was made to carry a KP-20 upon joining the STF. There was also a CoTec APAR-10, a Psikiller-1 that he had used briefly in 2046, and a LanCo Erus-2 HLE (handheld laser emitter). He walked into the bathroom, took a shower, and walked to the locker. He opened it, and inside was a set of urban combat armor. He put it on, leaving the helmet in the locker, and grabbed his SA-3 from the table. He slid it into its holster and walked out the door, waiting outside was Aaron Larkon.
“Sleep long enough?” asked Larkon, who usually got up at around four in the morning.
Arkon smiled and turned, Larkon walked with him.
“Anything to report?” asked Arkon.
“Yeah, our boys have a new recruit in Chicago,” said Larkon.
“I want a psychic to check him before he’s told anything,” said Arkon.
“They already did, he’s clean,” said Larkon.
“Fine,” said Arkon, “Anything else?”
“Yeah, Edward Drake was killed at around eleven last night,” said Larkon.
Arkon stopped.
“Edward Drake, the European High Councilor?” asked Arkon.
“Yeah, his car was ambushed last night by something crazy. The driver’s window was punched straight through, his skull was crushed by the force of the punch,” said Larkon.
“Punched? Like…a fist!?” asked Arkon.
“Yeah, that’s what witnesses saw. A big guy in a black trench coat just jumped on the hood and punched through solid bullet-proof plastic. He then jumped forward, landing right above Drake, and stabbed through the roof of the car with a sword,” said Larkon.
“Think it was a mutant?” asked Arkon.
“No, now let me finish,” said Larkon, “He stabbed through the roof with a sword, and this car was reinforced, and grabbed the terrified Drake from inside. The guy yelled something and cut Drake into about thirty pieces before running off.”
“Jesus…” said Arkon, “He took care of somebody for us though.”
“That he did,” said Larkon.
“Find out who the hell that guy was,” said Arkon.
“We actually searched helmet camera archives and matched them with traffic camera footage,” said Larkon, “We found a match. In 2049, Tyson Bennet and his group encountered something like that in Caracas, remember?”
“Yeah, some sort of cyborg,” said Arkon, “Think it went rogue?”
“It’s a possibility,” said Larkon.
Arkon sighed and continued with Larkon down the halls of Fort Keller.

20:24:58 Apr 6th 09 - Duke Kev The Bastard:

Very nice, and we did not even have to sacrifice Charley for the installment.

21:14:31 Apr 6th 09 - Sir Samulis The Pompillious:

like it :)

22:03:21 Apr 8th 09 - Prince Validus Septim III:

Chicago, North American Region of Illinois
9:47 AM (Local Time)
September 11, 2069

Wilde's interogation had lasted a day, with torture, mental scans, and psychological tricks used to test him. It was difficult, but he managed. After being knocked out in Detroit, he had been taken via car to Chicago, where one of the KA's main recruiting centers was located. Wilde, of course, had no idea where the hell he was. Then, the cell's door opened and a man walked in, he looked Wilde in the eye, but his face remained stern.
"Mr. Lorn, you have been cleared to join Keller's Army. Should you accept, you will be welcomed with open arms. Should you decline, all memories of this place will be erased from your mind and you will be set free. It is your decision," said the man.
"What the hell is Keller's Army!?" asked Wilde.
"That was the final test...if you had known, I would have killed you. Keller's Army is a revolutionary organization dedicated to overthrowing the United Coalition of Earth and establishing a real democracy," said the man.
"Do I get to strike at the Coalition? Can I be a soldier?" asked Wilde.
"Of course," said the man.
"Then I'm in," said Wilde.
"Good. My name is Rick Miller, welcome to your new life," said Miller.

Chase City, White Island
11:21 AM (Local Time)
September 11, 2069

Deputy Director Kevin D. Wayne sat in his seat watching a game of WarZone, a sport that had come from Nexim City. In it, two or more men or women would be locked in a large, near indestructable room with many pillers and other obstacles that could be used as cover. They would all be armed with automatic weapons and a grenade each and would be forced to combat each other. Sometimes, in team battles, they would give flamethrowers or other exotic weaponry to certain contestants. The winner was always given a million Coalition dollars, or if it was a team battle, a hundred thousand Coalition doll*beep*ach. Only one man had survived more than ten rounds, and that was Billy "The Blooded" Bronston. It was a pay-per-view match, and Bronston was currently leading a team against a team under The Ripper, a man who had currently won three rounds and was a promising star for the series. Bronston was currently behind cover with a pistol in his right hand, his submachine gun had run out of ammo. Two men were left on his team, Wayne didn't know their names, but he knew that they were dragging Bronston down with their inexperience. The Ripper had five guys left, and they had Bronston and his team pinned down. Bronston looked over the concrete cover and saw their positions before going down. He then pulled the grenade from his belt and tossed it blindly. The screams he heard as it went off confirmed a hit. Bronston then jumped out and began firing, striking one man in the chest. He saw that the grenade had landed to the left and killed two of them, the score was even now. The Ripper suddenly jumped out with a flamethrower and released a torrent of fiery pain upon Bronston, catching him on fire. Bronston fell to the ground and began rolling as one of his team members shot at the Ripper, striking his gas tank. The Ripper exploded in a cloud of flesh, blood, bone, and other fragments. Bronston was still alive, and put out, and the team member dragged him back behind cover as the other covered him. The team member said something, and Bronston raised his arm to push him away. He was burnt badly, but he was lucky, Wayne knew that he would recover. The two remaining team members continued fighting as Howard Wolfe, the Director of Coalition Intelligence, walked into his office. He saw what was on and shook his head.
"Why do you watch that barbaric crap?" asked Wolfe.
"It's entertainment," said Wayne as he put it on mute and looked at Wolfe, "So what's up?"
"Has CROW reported in yet?" asked Wolfe.
"No, but it's only been a day since his last transmission," said Wayne.
"Tell me when he does...if he does," said Wolfe as he walked out, he then turned back around.
"What?" asked Wayne.
"The High Councilors have made an order relating to Nexim City," said Wolfe, "They want it conquered."
"Now? After Drake and Chase?" asked Wayne, "This makes no sense, I'd just let that craphole be left alone!"
"I know, but since when has the Council made any sense...they want all intelligence files sent to EROD control," said Wolfe, "They're taking out Greenfield before the initial invasion."
"What about the Elusive Man?" asked Wayne.
"God dammit Kevin, you know he's a myth," said Wolfe, "Nothing but an urban legend."
"Fine," said Wayne.
Wolfe nodded and walked out of Wayne's office. Wayne then looked back at the TV and saw that Bronston's team had managed to kill the opposing team in a particularly bloody manner.
"God dammit," lamented Wayne, "I missed it..."

Nexim City, Freedom Island
11:32 AM (Local Time)
September 11, 2069

Ronald Greenfield flicked off his holo display television after a particularly bloody episode of WarZone. He then sat back and relaxed on his sectional couch.
"Wake up," said a calm voice as Greenfield flew out of his chair five minutes later, he had been just about to doze off. He turned and saw the Elusive Man standing in the center of the room behind him.
"Jesus," said Greenfield.
"The Coalition will be invading in ten days," said the Elusive Man.
"What?!" asked Greenfield, "Where'd you hear this?"
"It's the truth, that's all that matters," said the Elusive Man, "What you do with it is up to you. Nexim City means little to me."
With that, the Elusive Man turned and began walking to the exit. As he walked behind a pillar, however, he did not appear on the other side. Greenfield walked around his sectional and looked behind the pillar to see that the Elusive Man was not there.
That man is the creepiest man I've ever met...

05:30:44 Apr 9th 09 - Duke Kev The Bastard:

Thank You Septim!  Excellent!  (Kev runs off to sacrifice another Charley clone)

07:41:25 Apr 13th 09 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomlol:

come on septim, write!

07:54:55 Apr 13th 09 - Prince Validus Septim III:

I don't have my notes, it would be of poor quality. Read Cidellus.

01:14:48 Apr 17th 09 - Prince Validus Septim III:

Darien Gap, North American Region of Central America
11:26 AM (Local Time)
July 25, 2049

Shadow ran through the swamps of the Darien Gap, and after a while, he took off his trench coat for obvious reasons. The rebels were probably fortified in the Darien Gap somewhere, and he didn't want to run into them. Suddenly, a Coalition transport flew overhead.
"CAU-216! My name is Captain Ramirez of EROD; your combat inhibitor has been smashed! Stay where you are or you will be blasted by an EMP pulse! You hear me? Stay where you are or you will be killed!" said a voice over the loud speaker.
Shadow fell down, his brain being invaded by several images of a life he hadn't lived in a decade.


He was in a brick walk-up apartment, where had it been? Mexico? No, it had been in the old USA...New Mexico! There were several people who were very familiar, but he could not remember their names.
"Hey! Mike!" said a woman as she ran over and hugged him.
Mike? Had that been his name? That was his name no longer, that much he knew.
"Hey sis," he responded.
A man approached, he was wearing a green baseball cap and a black tank-top.
"Michael and Helen Adams! How did the mission go?" asked the man. What was his name? He seemed important.
Adams? That had been his last name?
"It went well, Dallas. Hel and I got the data too," said Mike.
Dallas! Dallas Kobalt had been an Anarchist leader in the late 2030s. Was this the same Dallas? And what data had he retrieved.
"Excellent! Hand it to Hack?" asked Dallas.
"Yeah, he's decrypting it right no-"
Suddenly, the wall was blasted open, bricks flew everywhere. EROD soldiers flooded into the building through doors and a gunship hovered outside.
"Anarchists! Stay where you are or you will be killed!" said the gunship pilot.
Stay where you are or you will be killed!
"I'll die first, you Coalition *beep*!" yelled Dallas as he ran across the room to a door. Mike pulled a pistol from his holster and jumped behind cover as he began a firefight with the EROD forces, several others in the room did the same. He then saw Dallas jump out with an old SAM launcher and shoot it at the gunship, but the gunship disabled the SAM with an anti-SAM pulse. Mike felt a sharp pain in his arm and fell to the ground. He had been shot! Behind another table, he saw a grenade land next to Helen as she shot at the EROD troops.
"Sis!" yelled Mike.
The grenade exploded and Helen became only a memory. The gunship shot its minigun through the hole in the building and killed Dallas and several others. An EROD soldier then walked up to Mike and kicked him in the face, sending him to the floor with several less teeth.
"Torch the place," said the team leader.
"Yes sir," said the explosives expert.
The explosives expert pulled out a bottle of liquid and poured it around the room as the soldiers searched the building.
"Finished," said the explosives expert.
"Good, lets go," said the team leader.
"This one's still alive," said one of the soldiers.
"Burn him too," said the team leader with a chuckle.
The soldiers left, and Mike rolled over. He then got up and held his arm in pain. He saw the hole, the exit was not an option. He ran towards the hole as the liquid was ignited. His legs began burning with great pain, he kept running. It was three stories to the bottom, he had no other choice! He jumped as the flames burnt his whole body.
His leg*beep* the cement three stories below and his legs broke in several places as he fell forward, landing on his face. His nose was bleeding, he was on fire, his legs were broken, he had a bullet in his arm right. He was screwed. The EROD team approached him and one man began beating him violently to put the flames out. When they were out, the man turned to the team leader.
"What do we do now?" asked the soldier.
"This bastard won't die will he? Lets see him survive this," said the team leader with a smile as he pulled his pistol from its holster. He aimed it at Mike's burnt head.
"Goodnight," said the team leader with a smile.
All went black.


"I'll die first, you Coalition *beep*!" yelled Shadow, repeating the words of Dallas Kobalt a decade before. Shadow then drew his sword and threw it. It flew through the air and struck a vital part of the gunship with enough force to split a tank. The gunship halted and flew down into the swamp, exploding on impact. Shadow then ran over to it, grabbed his indestructible sword, and sheathed it before he began running. As he wan, all went black as the EMP blast struck the swamp.

Chicago, North American Region of Illinois
6:41 AM (Local Time)
September 14, 2069

Wilde placed the pistol on the table in front of him and turned his head to face Rick Miller, who was standing next to him.
"Good, you're getting to be a half-decent shot," said Miller, "You've got a C with assault rifles, a C- with sniper rifles, a B with pistols, a B with setting up explosives, and an B with stealth, you might be field material. All we need to do now is hand-to-hand."
With that, Miller led Wilde through a door and down a hallway to another room. The room was concrete, and in the center, an average sized man stood. He was wearing a sweat-stained white tank top and a pair of blue jeans. Wilde knew what to do, he walked to the center and got into a combat stance. In training for becoming a field agent, he had learned Coalition Army HTH (hand-to-hand). He had told Keller's Army that he had been in the Coalition Army before being dishonorably discharged.
"My name is Wes by the way," said the man in the sweat-stained tank top, "Thought you should know who is going to beat the living crap out of you."
Wilde made no response, and Wes attacked with a punch aimed at Wilde's gut. Wilde dodged it, ducked down, and elbowed Wes in the ribs. Wes ducked sideways, kneed Wilde in the face, and threw him to the floor. He gave Wilde a powerful kick to the ribs. Wilde was able to withstand it, and as he was kicked, he saw a brick on the floor a few feet away. With a roll, he grabbed the brick and smashed Wes in the jaw with it, breaking Wes's jaw. He then dropped the brick, pulled Wes down, and kneed him in the face. Wes fell to the ground, knocked out, and Wilde turned to Miller.
"Good job, Mr. Lorn, I'll give you a B," said Miller.
Marcus Wilde, AKA Daniel Lorn, smiled and grabbed a towel. He had slopped his form up a bit when fighting Wes, but he
"He gonna be alright?" asked Wilde.
"A century ago, those injuries would be worthy of a hospital, funny how now, with gel, they take a day to heal," said Miller with a smile.
"So, am I field material?" asked Wilde.
"Yes, and with a bit of training you might make one of the majors," said Miller.
The majors was what the lower members of Keller's Army called Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, and Delta teams, they were the elite, and John Arkon commanded them personally. If he made a major, he would have a chance at assassinating Arkon.

Freedom Island
2:06 AM
September 21, 2069

Over Freedom Island, three stealth transports flew through the Syndicate's sensor waves. In the transports were six EROD squads of four men each. Their mission was to kill Ronald Greenfield, the mayor of Nexim City and the leader of the Syndicate (or so the Coalition thought). The three transports were invisible to sensors and were difficult for the naked eye to spot due to their soundless engines and black paint job. They reached Paradise Tower, the largest building in Nexim City and home to Ronald Greenfield, and the EROD team jumped out twenty feet above. Using fast ropes, three EROD teams secured the roof (killing the eight guards in the process). Afterwards, they rappelled down the side of the building to the top floor. Glass shattered as they breached through the plate glass window from several angles. There were thirty guards inside waiting, they had been expected. After a long firefight, the better trained EROD force overcame the guards with ten casualties. They took ammo from their bodies and continued on towards Greenfield's bedroom. Then, Captain Lloyd Paulson saw a white suited man in the corner of his eye. He turned to shoot him, but the man was nowhere.
Dammit,  I'm seeing things.
The EROD force continued through several rooms, killing quite a few guards in the process (and losing two men). Finally, they reached Greenfield's bedroom. Standing in the center was a white suited bald man with a Terzom-4 pistol.
"Greetings gentlemen," said the man before the EROD team opened up with a torrent of bullets. The man jumped behind a pillar and two of the squad members threw grenade launchers behind the pillar. After it exploded, two squad members ran forward and looked to see no body.
"He's not here," said one of the soldiers.
"Where the hell could he have gone?" asked the team leader.
"Try behind you," said a voice before two of the men at the rear fell dead after two gunshots were heard. The whole team turned around to see only two bodies but no killer. Two more men fell and they turned around again to see the bald man jump behind a desk. They opened fire on the desk, with the high powered LanCo assault rifles cutting through the weak wood. Blood formed a puddle, and two men ran up to check. They saw the body of one of the EROD soldiers and gasped.
"You missed," said the calm voice of the bald headed man before four of the men fell dead with bullets in their heads. Now, with only four EROD soldiers left, they began retreating while looking in all directions for the bald man. A few times, Paulson saw him out of the corner of his eye, but turned to see nothing.
"This is Paulson, we have four men left. Most were killed by some bald man, is it the Elusive Man?" asked Paulson.
"The Elusive Man?" asked Jack Henry, who was in the transport high above Nexim City, "He's real?"
"Yeah he's *beep*in' real, and he killed eight men by himself!" yelled Paulson, "We need evac, now!"
"Have you killed Greenfield?" asked Henry.
"No! He wasn't here!" yelled Paulson, "It was a damn trap!"
"Get to the roof, we'll be waiting," said Henry.
When Paulson got to the roof, however, the three transports were empty, and the bodies of the pilots and Henry were on the ground with bullets in their heads. The Elusive Man was standing near them, his still-smoking pistol in his right hand.
"I must thank you for the transports," said the Elusive Man before jumping behind a transport. The squad opened fire, and when they were finished, they looked behind them for the Elusive Man. He was not there; he was standing at the edge of the roof. With a smile, he shot all four survivors before stepped down from the edge.
"Maybe next time, Greenfield will have more men ready," said the Elusive Man as he looked at the bodies, "I hate doing dirty-work."

08:45:17 Apr 18th 09 - Prince Validus Septim III:

Comments? :D

11:19:20 Apr 18th 09 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomlol:

quite good, MOREEEE

11:17:19 Apr 23rd 09 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomlol:

septim !!!!

19:33:56 Apr 23rd 09 - Prince Validus Septim III:

Pacific Ocean
9:23 AM (Local Time)
September 21, 2069

"Now, Mr. Greenfield, are those transports ready?" asked the Elusive Man as he sat in a military transport with Ronald Greenfield.
"Yes, they are prepared and waiting at the station," said Greenfield, who had been intelligent enough to move most of their important technology to Capone Island. The Elusive Man always had an interest in Al Capone, probably out of respect for the crimelord's deeds. Nexim City had been invaded two hours after they left, and the Syndicate's leadership was nowhere to be found. The Elusive Man, Greenfield, and the few other high ranking members of the Syndicate had departed.
"Good, send word to prepare them for departure," said the Elusive Man.
"To where?" asked Greenfield.
"Mars," said the Elusive Man.
"Mars? You want to terraform Mars!?" asked Greenfield.
"The Coalition will have this piece of the solar system for a while, yet Mars is nearly untouched except for Gerald Lee's landing back in 2062. With the terraforming machinery, we could make the first colony on the red planet," said the Elusive Man.
After Greenfield sent word to Capone Island, he came back into the seating area to find that the Elusive Man was in another seat. In his old seat, however, was an intelligent looking man wearing a black suit. His hair was jet black and his eyes were brown.
"Salutations, Mr. Greenfield," said the man calmly, "Our friend has given me an excellent opportunity."
"Who are you...and what opportunity?" asked Greenfield.
"Sorry, how rude not to introduce myself. My name is Solomon Stone. And I will oversee the terraforming and construction of the colony on Mars," said Stone.
"And you will oversee our operations on Earth," said the Elusive Man from the corner of the room, "You didn't think I'd leave Earth entirely, did you? I need a stream of money to fund Mars, and you are skilled at the administration of our affairs here."
"Fine," said Greenfield, knowing that he was better of on Earth, "Stone, may I ask who you are? I have not met you before."
"I am skilled in what I need to do, that is all that you need to know," said Stone before getting up and leaving the room towards the sleeping quarters. Greenfield looked around to notice that the Elusive Man was gone as well.

Chicago, North American Region of Illinois
6:21 AM (Local Time)
September 25, 2069

Marcus Wilde was currently suspended by his feet over a tough concrete floor. His eyes were covered and punches were being delivered to several parts of his body. It was all part of the last leg of his training: making him immune to pain. For seven straight days he had endured, getting little sleep, for five days he felt less and less pain as he experienced more and more. The punches to the ribs, stomach, and groin were easy to endure compared to the pain he had experienced. Bullet wounds were an inconvenience now, not an immobilizing force. He was not immortal, he was no more resistant to death than the next guy, but pain was no longer any trouble. He heard the door open, followed by footsteps.
"Well, Mr. Lorn, you’re ready to come down,” said the voice of Rick Miller.
Wilde was lowered roughly to the floor and he got up, taking his blindfold off as he did so.
“Come with me,” said Miller before turning and walking out the door. Wilde followed, his limbs aching from the many days of torture. After walking down a few hallways they reached a large room, upon walking inside they saw a Caucasian man sitting in a chair. He was tied up, and he had been beaten brutally. He was bleeding from several places, and many teeth were missing.
“Hello? Who…who’s there?” he asked.
Wilde recognized him as Timothy A. Booker, a field agent with the CIS. He hid his surprise, and looked at the man.
“This man is a spy, sent from the CIS,” said Miller.
“What are you going to do with him?” asked Wilde.
“Not me, you,” said Miller, “Kill him.”
Miller handed Wilde a Fairfield-20 and backed away, wishing to keep the blood that would soon come from Booker’s head away from his clothes.
His death, by my hands. I have no choice, I must keep my cover. He’s dead anyway…I’m sorry Booker.
“Go ahead,” said Miller when he was out of range of the potential blood.
Wilde raised the Fairfield immediately and fired, creating a large hole in Booker’s head.
“You didn’t hesitate, good,” said Miller as he stepped forward, “You are now a full member of Keller’s Army with the rank of soldier.”
Wilde held the pistol out to Miller, and he nodded.
“Keep the pistol, it’s yours now,” he said, “Welcome to the army.”

07:55:42 Apr 25th 09 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomlol:



05:31:07 May 3rd 09 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomlol:


05:34:17 May 3rd 09 - Prince Validus Septim III:

I've been epic failing on concentration recently...XD

Will begin writing tonight. I promise. A post tomorrow morning! :D

17:11:51 May 3rd 09 - Prince Validus Septim III:

Chase City, White Island
12:35 PM (Local Time)
September 27, 2069

Kevin D. Wayne, Deputy Director of the Coalition Intelligence Service, stepped off a transport at the Freedom Island landing strip. He was wearing a pair of jeans, a tan T-shirt, a pair of sunglasses, and some brown loafers. He was also wearing a holster, and inside was a  KP-60 pistol. Waiting for him was General Luther Whittaker, the man in charge of Freedom Island’s invasion. He was in his mid-forties, and standing around the airstrip were his personal guard.
“Welcome, Deputy Director,” said Whittaker.
“Hey General,” said Wayne as he looked around.
“Lets go to the convoy, we can speak there,” said Whittaker.
“That’s fine,” said Wayne as the two walked off towards a waiting 2066 Bolrick Model-MS, an olive drab painted sedan used for high ranking officers. It was bullet-proof, fast, and could be used in difficult terrains. The Model-MS was in between several LanCo APCs and light tanks. Wayne and Whittaker climbed in and the convoy started off.
"Give me a report," said Wayne.
"Most of the city is ours. However, there are several groups resisting, mostly ex-Syndicate," said Whittaker, "We have several of your men tracking them, most should be disolved by next month."
"Good," said Wayne.
The convoy continued, going along the blacktop road on its way to Nexim City. As they passed a tree, however, Wayne saw somebody in the bushes.
"Whittaker," said Wayne, pointing at the man.
"Who the hell is that?" asked Whittaker.
Suddenly, the front car exploded, followed by the back one. Wayne drew his pistol and jumped out, running for cover as soon as he did so. One of the ambushers saw him and pulled a stun-gun, shooting Wayne with it and causing him to fall to the floor without use of his legs or arms. Whittaker shot the man who had shot Wayne, but was also shot with a stun-gun. The ambushers were soon driven off by superior firepower, but when Major Gavon went to check on the VIP and the General, they were nowhere to be found.

Mexico City, North American Region of Mexico.
1:12 AM (Local Time)
February 25, 2065

"Hey! Ramon, he's awake!" yelled a man from the former United States.
Shadow's optical sensor came online, and his eye regained its sight moments later. Where was he?
"Glad we took the trouble to bring him back now, he'll kill a few pigs," said the one called Ramon.
Shadow's mind flashed back to the Darien Gap, and his near-death. no man's servant!
"His combat inhibitor on?" asked Ramon.
"Of course," said the man from the former United States, although Shadow could sense that he was unsure. He had reason to, he would soon be dead. Shadow began pulling at his shackle, and Ramon instantly ran back, grabbing a submachine gun. Shadow's hand came loose, and he grabbed the man from the United States by the throat and held him in the path of the bullets as he got his other limbs free. Shadow then ran forward and delivered a kick to Ramon's face, causing his neck to snap and his brain to be nearly destroyed. Shadow then looked around, and saw a table with several familiar weapons on it. The blade launcher was rusted beyond belief after a decade and a half of being in a swamp, but the expiremental blade was without any rust, and its edge was as sharp as ever. Shadow picked up the blade and grabbed the submachine gun before running out the door into a barrage of gunfire from several rebel soldiers. Shadow chopped the head off one, kicked another and shot the other two. He then ran forward and jumped out the small window into the street below. He landed upon a car, causing the top of the car to be dented in. Most of the people in the crowded streets stared at the cyborg with its black (and silver) armor. The armor had resisted the rust well, and it resisted the bullets of several Coalition soldiers. Shadow jumped from the top of the car, flying twenty feet in the air and landing on top of an apartment, nearly caving in a wall in the process. He ran forward, jumping again and landing on another roof. Within a minute, he lost the soldiers, and within ten minutes, he was out of Mexico City.

[[OOC: As promised. =D]]

10:34:38 May 8th 09 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomlol:


btw can you write one at least every two days :O

17:56:35 May 8th 09 - Prince Validus Septim III:

I don't want to make a promise I can't keep.


18:57:33 May 8th 09 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomlol:

how about at least one per week ?

20:20:09 May 8th 09 - Prince Validus Septim III:

[[OOC: How about one right now? =D]]

Coalition Broadcasting Tower, New York City
1:05 PM (Local Time)
September 28, 2069

If there was one piece of technology that could stand the test of time, it was the radio. For nearly a century and a half it had been in use throughout the United States for music, shows, and news. The shows had ceased to play years ago, but the news and music were still listened to by millions. Coalition Broadcasting, the Coalition-owned corporation that had towers throughout the world, was currently in the middle of playing Louis Armstrong’s What a Wonderful World. However, as the song played, Keller’s Army was at work. The Coalition Broadcasting Tower had been taken over with ease, only one guard had been on duty. The technicians and the DJ had been tied up, and Arthur Baker was currently messing with the hardware that Arkon knew little about. After a minute, Baker turned around.
"It’s set and the Coalition won’t be able to stop it remotely," said Baker.
Arkon raised a PCD to his mouth and spoke.
"Are the auto-turrets set up?" asked Arkon.
"Yes sir," said a voice over the PCD.
"Good, lets get out of here," said Arkon.

New York City, North American Region of New York
1:10 PM (Local Time)
September 28, 2069

Throughout New York City, millions of radios were tuned into Coalition Radio. However, as the commercials played, they were interrupted by the voice of the most wanted man on Earth, John Arkon. As his voice played over the radios throughout New York City, the Coalition Army was at work to stop Arkon and his men.


Outside the Broadcasting tower, a group of CoSec officers breached through the front door into spray of auto-turret bullets that caused many to fall dead. The survivors fell back outside to reformulate their plan.


Arkon’s voice revealed much of what the Coalition had hoped would never be revealed. The Sericco Incident, the destruction of Sydney Australia, Keller’s sacrifice, and the many dark dealings that the Coalition had done. After the news of the Coalition’s involvement in Australia’s destruction, Christopher Braun’s confession from over two decades ago played over the radio. As Arkon’s voice played, the CoSec officers outside the tower tried cutting the power, but that proved ineffective due to the generator that Arkon’s men had installed. After several minutes, the Broadcasting tower was destroyed by a missile, and Arkon’s voice stopped playing throughout the city. However, the seeds of rebellion had already been planted. New York City was a battleground.

23:08:22 May 8th 09 - Mr. Bragi:

:O is he dead?  =(

07:52:46 May 9th 09 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomlol:


Being a smart man he was, Arkon knew that the Coalition could not possibly watch their legacy die away just like that. Five minutes before the missle hit, Arkon and his group ran out of the tower, into saftey.


nvm septim, lol, im just bored

23:14:23 May 9th 09 - Mr. Bragi:

or teleported or did something uber, or well just get a new story :D

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