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Mr. Fletcher

Lived in Era 45, got 1 heir(s) (Fletcher) and was a member of Paladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame


Mr. Fletcher

Lived in Era 45, got 1 heir(s) (Fletcher) and was a member of Paladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame

Mr. Fletcher I

Mr. Fletcher was the king of a number of small but productive cities. he joined just before the war between the allied forces of The Paladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame, Music, Domination and Submission against FEAR. during that brief period of time Mr. Fletcher managed to organize several armies and sent them to war, in defense of his kingdom. not one soldier survived the invasion of FEAR. at one point, and army consisting of over 400 soldiers were masacared by a small troll patrol made entirely up of berserkers. the loss of so many soldiers was a devastating loss to Mr. Fletcher. realizing that the allied forces could not hold back FEAR, Mr. Fletcher tried to persuade his kingdom away from war. believeing that the allies had the upper hand, the war continued. not long after, FEAR and pushed through the kingdoms Music, Domination and Submision and was now rallying for a push through The Frozen Flames blocker, Fifth. at this time, Mr. Fletcher knew that his kingdom must surely give way to FEAR but that it did not have to be the end of his people. he sent a swordsman and a magician west, further west then anybody in his kingdom had gone before. it was there at this moment that Mr. Fletcher met with members of other kingdoms to leave his kingdom and join theirs. it was painfully obvious that his own kingdom could not survive any longer against FEAR. not long after plans were finalized a letter arrived from one of the most powerful rulers in of the kingdom FEAR, stating that FEAR was the victim of this war, and that all would be forgiven if all the remainder of the cities were handed over. Johnny Bacardus the Just replied saying that if FEAR wanted the ruins of their kingdom, they could have it, after the raped their horses and rode off on their women, and pulled the last city from their dead hands. in this moment, Mr. Fletcher's loyalty was renewed to his kingdom. he would still be leaving it, but he would resist FEAR every step of the way. FEAR eventually captured or destroyed all of Mr. Fletcher's cities. Standing alone, with just a sword and the undying loyalty to his kingdom, Mr. Fletcher charged one of FEARS largest armies, alone. Mr. Fletcher died that day, but he died a hero, forever to be remembered and honored by his seed.

Mr. Fletcher II

following in the steps of his father Fletcher maintained that plans to leave his kingdom. but Fletcher could not leave immediatly. Like his Father, he two had an undying loyalty and sympathy for the Order of the Frozen Flame, and would do all he could to harrass FEAR, even if it was too late to save the Order of the Frozen Flame. Fletcher started a small colony which quickly grew, named Mercy, for any who would ask for it should recieve it from him. Fletcher dreamed of retaking Mud Hole and Cask, the first cities his father had colonized, but realized that sucsess was unrealistic. secretly in his heart, he would settle for taking the cities enslaved by Mr. Jet, who had taken Cask from his father, and burned his fathers last city.

Mr. Fletcher

Lived in Era 46, got 1 heir(s) (Fletcher) and was a member of Paladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame

Mr. Fletcher III

at the start of his new rule, Fletcher was taken with a serious illness that lasted nearly 50 days. during this period the Brotherhood of the Wolf declared war on The Order. BoW was located inbetween the northern and southern core of The Order. BoW headed north and thanks to the military expertise of both Arthur Dent and Karac, the northern core was almost taken. although they were on the verge of taking it, Fletcher rallied his troops along with a few of his other kingdom mates and was able to push BoW back south. but this wasnt the end of the war. Karac retreated and came back in through the north. this brilliant maneuver stole several of The Orders cities, including Fletchers capital, Mud Hole. it wasnt long though before Karac was once again on the verge of defeat, having most of his armies spread apart and picked off. at this time Karac pushed and conquered Comanchera. Fletcher faced a dificult decision, to rally his troops and retake Mud Hole, or to reclaim Comanchera for The Order. with great reluctance, Fletcher temporarily abandoned his designs to retake his capital and sent his troops to retake Comanchera. with only a tiny force of less then 100 Trolls, Fletcher was able to pick off a scouting party of Karacs, and was now attempting to retake a city that could possibly house thousands of enemy troops. before he could give the command to attack, the entire army was slaughtered. Mr. Adam was leading a powerful force trying to reclaim some of the cities lost to BoW. Fletcher on the other hand was tasked with a difficult burden. the entire survival of the northern core of The Order depended on him holding the Northern Gate. 56 berserkers lead by 2 hobgoblins and Fletcher, holed up inside a city with no walls and no gaurd towers against a force of 586 halflings, with superior military weapons and armour. Fletcher knew the importance of holding this city, and that if he failed, the entire kingdom might fall, save the Legion of Adam returned to save him. it seemed all hope was lost for the People of Fletcher, as they sat waiting for the assault to commence.

it was over. only 8 cities of the 20+ remained standing but they wouldnt hold out much longer either. everybody was sending out scouts in hopes of colonizing a new country, or regrouping with the southern core. Fletcher ragarded the field with a look of mourning and nostalgia. they hadnt stood a chance against BoW. he cast a quick look at the maps he had arranged to be sent to Skinny Vinny, a wise general and old friend from another kingdom. he clsoed his eyes and thought for a second, remembering the glorious days when he ruled from Mud Hole. those were gone now, along with all of his armies and almost his entire people. less then 300 remained after the onslaught of the armies of BoW. he knew what skinny vinny would say, that it was hopeless, that the only chance he had was to send out a scouting party to colonize a new city and hopefully lie low and gather strengt and then try to take his vengence. he glanced at the maps once more and his eyes settled on Mud Hole, his capital. thats it he decided, he would wait, wait until the Wolflord Karacs eyes stopped searching and his ears grew deaf. and then he would come back, back for every vilager slaughtered, back for his cities, back for his Mud Hole. he wouldnt stop there, he would continue marching until he stood before the Wolflord Karac himself. he would leave every city in ruins, and kill every member of his cities, but he would leave him alive to face the empty husk of his kingdom. but not now. first he had to organize the people, and wait. waiting would be the hardest. waiting for the wolflord to slip up.

Mr. Fletcher

Lived in Era 46, got 1 heir(s) (Fletcher) and was a member of Paladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame

Fletcher cast his eyes around his room. it was a ghost of what it had been before. first mud hole, and now cask...he was begining to doubt the ability of his leaders in leading them against BoW and Music. his gaze settled on the maps. black x's scratched out the cities that had been taken, and small markings indicateing armies were spread throughout the map, also marked in black. POFF's armies were marked in blue. there were not as many blue markings as there were black, and they were not as large either. he thought of the pointless, unneccessary mistakes that had lead up to this. Cyruss, with his stupid pointless orders to destroy Kilroy, a peaceful neighbor to POFF, yet strong and powerful in the ways of war. whole armies had been wasted trying to destroy him, troops that should have been off marching towards BoW. and then there was the fact that his pleas for help had gone unnoticed when he notified his kingdom of the invasion from the south east. did the mighty paladins rally once more and ride against this encroaching evil? no, the coward 'paladins' hid within their own strongholds, seemingly content to let their fellow kingdom mates die. but there were few great ones among them. adam, and nfs had heldout surprisingly long, longer then any other person could have. not only that, but they were trying to do something. but their great works were for nothing, now that BoW and Music had invaded our southern most core, and the slothfulness of the entire kingdom condemned all, even those who had struggled to rebuild from nothing not once, but twice.

fletcher glared at the banner of POFF. once, it may have been a wonderful thing, a symbol of strength and courage. but now it stood for an order consumed in laziness, an order that must fall. fletcher had done what he could, had obeyed orders no matter how incompetent they were, and suffered for it too. he was rebuilding again. his precious capital tken from him again. he thought about resigning, throwing it all away and going somewhere knew, but he knew that he would only ever be able to dream about such a pleasure. now, he was tasked with the impossible duty to reclaim each and every city. with or without the help of POFF he would try as hard as he could to take back what was his. he looked again at the swarms of black markings and black x's and sighed. impossible. he knew it couldnt be done, but he had to do it for that very same reason.

fletcher would put everything he had into this war, even if that meant his own life.

Mr. Fletcher

Lived in Era 46, got 1 heir(s) (Fletcher) and was a member of Paladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame

Fletcher V took power shortly after the war between BoW, Music and POFF. POFF lost, and Fletcher IV had commited suicide. the dream of retaking Mud Hole turned into a nightmare, a nightmare he had given his son. Fletcher V regarded the map set before him. all around him there were large dark markes with names scrawled atop them. these represented enemy cities, and they occupied almost the entire map. there was nothing his current army of 50 farmers could do to even threaten a single city. that was ok though, since these 50 Farmers were headed to one of the few blank spots on the map. the reason a whole section of the map was blank was not because it had not been mapped, but because there was no gain or purpose for establishing a city so far away from anything other then a small forrest which could hardly support a logging city. Fletcher would agree with you, reason to establish a city in such a spot, especially so close to enemy lines. except for the fact that it was less then a weeks ride away from Mud Hole, the once capital of his father.

Fletcher had to move fast. he had monthes to move to the desired location and construct the armories necessary for him to build his army. he did the math. by the end of the month they should have already started construction and within another month the troops would be almost fully trained. he thought for a second. a small company of pony riders would take longer to train, but would be able to cross the distance in a mater of days, instead of a week. he glanced at Zerthrail, his

Mr. Fletcher

Lived in Era 46, got 1 heir(s) (Fletcher) and was a member of Paladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame


Mr. Fletcher

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Fletcher) and was a member of Paladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame

fletcher arose from his bed quickly. he had been stricken with a sickness that would not allow him to govern his people because of its severity. during his absence, however brief, his homeland was being destroyed. an error in controling the Little army caused it to be camped outside the city walls, outside of protection. not only that but the enemy, Relentless had broken through all of their defenses. Fletcher looked at the maps that his counselors had redrawn for him. his capital, Mud Hole was taken. he closed his eyes and thought for a moment. he decided at great length that this war could not be won, but it was a war worth fighting for, and anything worth fighting for may as well be worth dying for.
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