Forums / In game politics / Fantasia Era 47

Fantasia Era 47
17:15:57 Jun 12th 10 - Mr. Annunaki:

Now that is just low man, a doctor hooked on a rpg game that steals from his mother to feed not just his addiction but his entire Kingdoms addiction...  .   .  .    . . .   . .  .. .. .  .  .. . . .. . . . .. . . . ... .

17:18:46 Jun 12th 10 - Dr. Evil:

Wait I thought it was cool.  Was going to join his kd so he could buy me bts.  :P

22:02:59 Jun 12th 10 - Mr. Dead Oralive:

He's lying he sold himself to hanky to make money to buy the BT's!

22:10:05 Jun 12th 10 - Dr. Evil:

As long as he only sold himself that works LOL

23:22:50 Jun 12th 10 - Judge Kobuskan:

btw How is the war going between Fear and Blackflag ?

23:26:29 Jun 12th 10 - Mr. The Binh Loser:

As good as the war going between DOA and Music.

00:04:02 Jun 13th 10 - Judge Kobuskan:

We are not warring DOA, they are our friends.

00:15:18 Jun 13th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

I think that's the point ;)

00:43:33 Jun 13th 10 - Mr. The Binh Loser:

Wow, that's alot of friends Music has, Kobuskan. Thought you were against the whole mass relationships thing?

03:55:56 Jun 13th 10 - Mr. Dead Oralive:

Everyone is musics friend cause everyone loves music :P

04:35:28 Jun 13th 10 - Mr. Ask Jeeves:

Good Luck Everyone on Fant!

06:52:17 Jun 13th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

I dont even come close to loving Music. Especially after hearing how they bashed one of my old friend for leaving them...

really low guys

08:30:13 Jun 13th 10 - Lord Gilth:

Music is everyones friend! 

So, now that we settled this, you can all leave us alone. All we want to do is win the era, we earned it! Big time! 

09:05:38 Jun 13th 10 - Judge Kobuskan:

So when is the dealing takes place TBL, next era maybe.


You (5/22/2010 9:00:01 AM)

Seems we will be quickly gone now that we got attacked by BF in the back.
BF disturbed the good battle we have, i hope this isn,t arranged by Fear leadership.

Mr. The Binh Loser (5/22/2010 10:22:20 AM) GOOD BAD
It wasn't arranged by Fear leadership. And Fear leadership is not happy with what BF is doing.

BF had also requested for a NAP. We said no. And frankly, I am pissed that they are doing the usual "Hamish" style of playing by attacking another kingdom from the rear....

They will be dealt with.

09:42:21 Jun 13th 10 - Endless Destruction:

wow , new low there Kobu

10:54:27 Jun 13th 10 - Mr. The Binh Loser:

Great display of character there Kobuskan :)

11:04:21 Jun 13th 10 - Mr. The Binh Loser:

Things change, Kobuskan. Relationships change. Wars change. Nothing is permanent.

And sadly, it looks like you've changed as well. The old Kobuskan whom I respected greatly and called a comrade and a friend would never have done what you did - display a private message to the public. You just fell to Cobra and Revenge levels.

You have turned into a sad and bitter person.

11:12:36 Jun 13th 10 - Judge Kobuskan:

You deserved it TBL, also you typical style changed, in the past you seeked the challange, now you are hiding in big kingdoms al the time.

11:23:22 Jun 13th 10 - Mr. The Binh Loser:

Actually, I personally prefer to be retired from VU or playing in a 2 man kingdom on Starta.

There are reasons why I "play" in "big kingdoms". I played in Fate because I am very fond of some of the folks in there (and I still am). I play in Fear because of a promise I made to Path, because I wanted to make new friends, and because I wanted to see if I still had it in me to make a kingdom better than it was before.

And to date, the kingdoms I have played in and led have never shied away from fighting (and fronting) multiple, simultaneous wars. But you fail to see this fact. As I said, you have turned into a sad and bitter person, and I can only pity you for your weakness of character.

12:38:03 Jun 13th 10 - Mr. Doomhammer:

Wow, and I had had a lot of respect for Music and their style of play.... thanks for letting me get rid of that! Now I won't feel bad if/when we war you again :P

13:44:42 Jun 13th 10 - Sir Horus VII:

That hurts. I'm not sorry BF planned on attacking Music from OOP. We prepared for it... what were we supposed to do... you were the closest enemy kingdom and we've fought you before so why not again. In fact, a few of us had personal vendettas against Music. Whether FEAR was fighting you or not, we were coming. We were only close to 2 kingdoms where we spawned. We have had very good relations with Relentless over the past 3-4 eras so that continued, with you we have had 'hostile' relations. It was kind of an easy decision.

14:30:23 Jun 13th 10 - Mr. Doomhammer:

Makes sense to me.... :)

14:51:59 Jun 13th 10 - Mr. Pink Giraffe:

Why do people allways want to kill us! WHY!!!! :p

15:26:39 Jun 13th 10 - Mr. Venomz:

Black Flag just tried to make Music play their last note and finish their song.

19:19:31 Jun 13th 10 - Mr. Crissxcross Holiday:

Shame on you Kob posting personal msgs in forum shame on you.....

But his question is still unanswered, no matter how hard every1 is trying to turn the attention toward "very bad" music and the low blow from Kob this time:

09:05:38 Jun 13th 10 - Judge Kobuskan:

So when is the dealing takes place TBL, next era maybe.

Looking forward to see this too :D

20:07:59 Jun 13th 10 - Judge Kobuskan:

I am ashamed, but this thing bothered me for weeks, thats why i decided to fight evil with evil.

In short this is how it went on Music point of view:

Fear and Music fighting OOP, BF saying that they would ignore us , then moved our armies to the Fear frontline and concentrating all power there leaving our back uncovered because we needed every soldier, then Fear having troubles removing us, then suddenly a mayor assault from BF in our back, then Music falling down fast and Fear telling they would deal with BF because of unhonorable behaviour, then BF and Fear are friends again.

So who should be ashamed ?

20:18:56 Jun 13th 10 - Mr. Annunaki:

Judge Kobuskan (5/22/2010 1:06:09 AM) GOOD BAD
Thanks for the info

At the start there was a talk between big kingdom not to nap anybody, i guess we where arrogant and though we where a big kingdom aswell.
By now we changed our minds and consider ourselves a minor kingdom, lol
I would appriciated that you not join in the attack, would be not honorable.

Till better times


Ofc Relentless did not attack music or get involved when they were warring others to remain honorable.
 However after showing music the respect and honor of not attacking them or getting involved why they war, they have decided to get involved  in our war effort agianst DOA and GOTF.

  WE don't mind warring them as it is fun,  we just find their actions to be a new low for them, I really did not expect them to treat us this way after showing them mercy and not attacking them early in the era only to have them do just what they asked us not to do as it would be not honorable by Kob's own words.

  I wasn't going to post anything on this matter  but after reading some of the above I decided to. 

20:32:04 Jun 13th 10 - Judge Kobuskan:

Thanks Sprout

21:17:52 Jun 13th 10 - Mr. The Binh Loser:

02:07:59 Jun 14th 10 - Judge Kobuskan:

I am ashamed, but this thing bothered me for weeks, thats why i decided to fight evil with evil.

Fear and BF did war, Kobuskan. We (Fear) even sent a team all the way to the BF core. However, after we found out that DOA was letting Music rebuild, and that DOA had assembled their massive coalition in the north, Fear and BF decided that warring one another was not in their best interests since there was a much greater threat north, so both decided to cease hostilities.

And in hindsight, it was a great move for two reasons - 1) It allows BF to settle their personal vendetta against Music, and 2) It exposed your weak and feeble character, Kobuskan.

P.S. Fear was not having trouble removing Music. You guys (26 players) were fighting only 15 of us, while the rest of Fear had to protect our core from other directions. Consider yourselves lucky you lasted even that long.

21:37:31 Jun 13th 10 - Judge Kobuskan:

Arrogant as allways TBL, suits you well

21:40:42 Jun 13th 10 - Mr. The Binh Loser:

You said you wanted to fight evil with evil. After realising your true character, I just don't give you any due consideration. You are not worth it.

And I will speak no more on this subject. Just will say I respected you once. Ciao Kobuskan.

22:14:22 Jun 13th 10 - Lord Gilth:

P.S. Fear was not having trouble removing Music. You guys (26 players) were fighting only 15 of us, while the rest of Fear had to protect our core from other directions. Consider yourselves lucky you lasted even that long.

Ofcourse FEAR was not having trouble with us. You have more experienced members, more experienced leadership and more members backing up your core. Just don't put random numbers out here. Music never had 26 members to fight you. And bigger kingdoms have an advantage against smaller kingdoms, even if they have to defend a second front. 
You won the war fair, although I still think it was a more fun war without BF. 

And the way I see it, biased ofcourse, Kobuskan is merely pointing out something you said you would do but didn't do. I'm sure there is a reason, but the great and almighty TBL should've been able to handle a few of these minor peasants without too much effort. Especially with FEAR players backing you up. Or are they unable to hold some blockers against DOA without your help?

22:57:13 Jun 13th 10 - Mr. Path:

Kobuskan, why are you of the belief we have to keep you up to date on our relations?  It is not like we had any deal with you.  At the time TBL spoke with you, that was truth (which is more than you will get from most people).  Why should we constantly keep our enemy up to date on our relations?

I fail to see your point.  To me it sounds like you are just wanting to have a cry about something.....anything.

23:46:36 Jun 13th 10 - Judge Kobuskan:

Path, relations are simply

Fear, Fate, Blackflag, Relentless  vs DOA, Music, Mad, Holy, Gotf

In between ROC waving the white flag to Doa, Fear and Fate.

Down southwest: Fear, Fate vs AoA, KD Hearts, RR, Fantasian Sq

Correct me if i am wrong.

btw NAP is the same as ignore or being friendly 

00:01:47 Jun 14th 10 - Lady Megan Fox:

I do not understand what all the fuss is about; TBL said we would fight BF and we did

We have made 24 hostile attacks on them and they have made 5 hostile attacks on us.

After pushing them out of the old Music core completely, and hearing abou the relations up north, we came to an agreement.  BF owns no city in the now vacated Music core.  I fail to see how TBL did not follow through on his word...

00:37:36 Jun 14th 10 - Mr. Ois:

Path, relations are simply

Fear, Fate, Blackflag, Relentless  vs DOA, Music, Mad, Holy, Gotf


if you plan to present relations please dont side us with people we have absolutly no relations with?

01:21:50 Jun 14th 10 - Lady Patches Ohoulihan:

that DOA had assembled their massive coalition in the north, Fear and BF decided that warring one another was not in their best interests since there was a much greater threat north, so both decided to cease hostilities.

I lol'd.

01:43:14 Jun 14th 10 - Mr. Kamikaze:

How is the era going?

01:47:52 Jun 14th 10 - Endless Destruction:

<3 Wilbur, we lol'd too :p

05:26:21 Jun 14th 10 - Mr. Kaze:

Too much whining, I forgot this was a war game.

11:14:52 Jun 14th 10 - Mr. Evans:

Mr. Oneeye (6/13/2010 11:08:50 PM)GOODBAD
get off me evans go gangbang someone else

I think i annoyed someone :D

17:57:16 Jun 14th 10 - Mr. Goob:

so here i am, and i ask. who CWed our block? our nap partner fate? wow way to go... now i get mailed from people saying we shouldnt of been able to hold it because someone cwed it. doubt mad did it as why would they do that. that would put you right to them and make no since at all.... sorry to those. but i take no part in it.

18:12:51 Jun 14th 10 - Endless Destruction:

LOL, why wouldn't MAD do it? Do you have relations with them?


Army Info
Commander:Lady Niques The PriestessKingdom Banner
Kingdom:Mad Against Drugs
Size:Group of Armies (Around 500,000)
Status:Moving North East (frozen)

18:20:40 Jun 14th 10 - Endless Destruction:

confess DOA... you're giving him a hard time cuz you want that city :p

*does anybody not know MAD and Fate are @war*

18:42:36 Jun 14th 10 - Lady Niques The Priestess:

LOL! Endless sarcasm is endless. Haha!

First of all why would we CWed that RoC blocker?Especially when both of our Mages were off-line that time when it's walls stumbled down and no orders for CW was given by the council.

Secondly, why would RoC move their armies out of that blocker if they want to block it? LOL!

Lastly, my only army this era is about to get slaughtered by this army which have atleast 3.6M OP. Please Feanor, have mercy to my army. I'm just touring them around. :(


Army Info
Commander:Sir Feanor The Silmaril DefenderKingdom 
Size:Horde (Millions)

18:55:01 Jun 14th 10 - Endless Destruction:

endless boredom stirs the pot ;)

and the plot thickens ^_^

sounds like he only wants to help you with your army upkeep?  

19:02:49 Jun 14th 10 - Lady Niques The Priestess:

Nah, their tour is all expense paid by my people's gold.

Also tell Adakis to go somewhere else. We don't want his 200k AMs knocking on our blockers. LOL!

19:13:45 Jun 14th 10 - Sir Mcmax The Narrowminded:

--> Goob.

I allowed the CW this morning as that was the only way to fullfil the terms in a certain agreement - and allow us to strike back at MAD later on.

You could have asked in our kingdomforum.



Vice and Co-founder of RoC

19:20:11 Jun 14th 10 - Lady Niques The Priestess:

Well, RoC must act fast if you want to strike against us. FATE huge armies are already at our doorsteps. You might not get anything if you keep late. ^^

19:35:25 Jun 14th 10 - Sir Mcmax The Narrowminded:

Guess your are right Niques.

But if I hadn't allowed the CW, you would have taken Vision (our last city outside our "limited core") just as we have lost each and every other city in that area to your kingdom (and yes, I do know we started).

Then Fate would take Vision from you.....

Leaving us with ....... a vuvuzela close connected to our a$$. Lot of noise and nothing else.

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