Forums / In game politics / Peacekeepers, can ANYONE join?

Peacekeepers, can ANYONE join?
23:50:49 Jul 31st 08 - Mr. Deadpool:

Oh yes comment on our growing members...we cannot help that people love us :-P. Seeing as we started with eleven members grew to thirty members by taking in Angels (which are a great group of guys) and some people from lesser worlds that wanted to try Fantasia. Big deal. Get over it...geez jealousy is a ugly thing.

Oh our merge...well I guess you guys crushed it under your massive power...oh yeah why haven't I see you over there...weird you talk a lot of trash but yet I have not seen you show up....weird. :-p

23:51:15 Jul 31st 08 - Wolflord Karac:

well, going off what i have heard, ill admit i could be wrong.

still we are only at 50ish, thats 950 away!!!

23:52:42 Jul 31st 08 - Wolflord Karac:

i have taken the era off as i am going on vacation next week, and have been on vacation the previous two weeks. otherwise the war would be over.

jealousy? i have heard PKS members rag on kds with over 25 members, yet now you have 30.

 hypocrisy? nope. peacekeepers.

23:52:54 Jul 31st 08 - Sir Dead Oralive:

Get your friends to post people we must get 1000 posts before they lock the thread or move it!!!!

Hypo's are your friend?

23:57:45 Jul 31st 08 - Mr. Harry The Crazy:

Hi, I'm Wilberforce and welcome to visual utopia.

(didn't know what to say as I have no idea whats going on with PKS)

23:58:42 Jul 31st 08 - Mr. Deadpool:

Sir I will have to disagree we have never ragged on anyone and I dare you to prove that so take that you big meanie :-P

Oh your on vacation must've been on vacation while you where in PKS cause all you did is farm :-p.

23:59:31 Jul 31st 08 - Mr. Deadpool:

**waves to Wilber**

Hi Wilberforce!

00:00:18 Aug 1st 08 - Wolflord Karac:

really? i was in PKS for a solid total of 4 days exactly. came OOP after 3 days. AND STILL came out with 4 -50ks to attack with. granted i didnt do much with them, burned two cities then went inactive, but, my wife had my child during that period, and RL is way more important than this.

00:00:40 Aug 1st 08 - Mr. Harry The Crazy:

Ahoy hoy.

So, i know nothing about PKS this era. Whats going down?

00:01:21 Aug 1st 08 - Sir Dead Oralive:


00:02:15 Aug 1st 08 - Wolflord Karac:

wow, ok, calm down DoA.

i apologize for straying from the true path.

00:02:52 Aug 1st 08 - Mr. Harry The Crazy:

I thought this was rl?

00:03:37 Aug 1st 08 - Wolflord Karac:

holy hell, like 55 posts in 3 minutes!! i am so proud right now.

00:13:57 Aug 1st 08 - Mr. Harry The Crazy:

It's stopped! What the hell?

00:18:32 Aug 1st 08 - Prince Waldorfius Septim III:


00:19:24 Aug 1st 08 - Mr. Harry The Crazy:

Boom chika wa wa?

00:25:12 Aug 1st 08 - Prince Waldorfius Septim III:


00:27:15 Aug 1st 08 - Wolflord Karac:

bow chicka wow wow

00:30:33 Aug 1st 08 - Mr. Harry The Crazy:

This thread has turned into a lynx advert and septims crazy voodoo dance.

00:30:48 Aug 1st 08 - Prince Waldorfius Septim III:

chicka chicka woo woo!

00:54:56 Aug 1st 08 - Sir Dead Oralive:

*puts up sign reading Septims exotics dancing lessons only 1 dollar!!!!*

01:00:03 Aug 1st 08 - Mr. Harry The Crazy:

1 dollar you say. I'll take 1000 lessons please.

01:05:29 Aug 1st 08 - Wolflord Karac:


01:22:08 Aug 1st 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

burritos? (thats little donkeys in spanish)

01:23:34 Aug 1st 08 - Mr. Deadpool:

All I hear is excuseKarac so :-p

01:24:19 Aug 1st 08 - Sir Half The Shyers I Use:

they won't let me in, they say my penor is too big :(

01:25:54 Aug 1st 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

oh, then they'd think mine is way too big ; )

01:44:04 Aug 1st 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

*Puts a sign up*

Septim's Exotic Eats.  Only in the Roleplaying forum!

Order anything!  Flamingo! Columbian!  Even your best friend!  Septim or I shall serve it up just the way you like it, yes it's just that simple.

PS-Normal food orders will be misread and you will be given something completely odd

04:23:42 Aug 1st 08 - Wolflord Karac:

Excuses? For what? I have nothing to defend. I have made my case.

I was in PKS for 4 days, three were protection, then moved with 4 50ks, how is that farming?

BoW/WoL has always pushed PKS back (except for one era) until carnage would show up, as i said EVERYONE knows this is true. To bad carnage isnt here to protect.

From what I hear Bomflau could single handedly finish PKS. Not to mention I hear that NEBC (7 members??!!??) is giving your kd a hard time? (No disrespect to NEBC, everyone has spoke great things about you.)

Besides, this is not about me, this is about the patheticness that PKS has fallen to, and has been at ever since Charlie and Lucy left.

BoW only seems to be blaming Carnage. Two eras ago, when WoL was thriving and Carnage was battered, as was PKS, Thunder of carnage wrote us for a NAP, not only for them, but for you guys as well. Said it would "Bury the Hatchet" or hard feelings, and lead to eras of peace.

THEN, the next era, we get reassurances of peace, that you kds are only going through the motions of voting to make it official, but its a "Done Deal" ~QUOTE~ Then, protection ends, and after we save the a$$e$ of our two most hated kingdoms the era before, what happens? The aforementioned 'buried hatchet' was indeed buried, as drakos so aptly stated to Thunder, buried DEEP into the backs of the wolves.

So, forgive me if I think that PKS is unhonorable, it is not entirely PKS fault, mainly Carnage, but, as you cannot seem to function, or just plain old refuse to function, as a single kingdom seperate from your masters, then, my hatred extends to you as well (not you personally, i think you are a great guy, and fun to talk to).

Good day, there is no need to defend myself any further, nor was there ever. What this comes down to, is the fact that PKS cannot:

1) Run themselves (though you are doing great without Carnage this era, maybe try to go fully w/o them next era?)

2) Stick to agreements.

3) Hold their own in a forum war without changing the subject.

04:29:58 Aug 1st 08 - Sir Dead Oralive:

Well 17k nazzies is kinda scary :/

Oh and that was the old PKS im here so now its fresh and new :P

04:32:29 Aug 1st 08 - Wolflord Karac:

17k? He hasnt brought all of them to play yet? What is he waiting for???


DoA, i dont think i could ever fight you, you make everything fresh and new, kind of like Irish Spring soap. Smells so good.

04:37:24 Aug 1st 08 - Prince Waldorfius Septim III:

I don't think I could ever fight a very large tiger...just throwing it out there...yeeeaaaah...

04:41:20 Aug 1st 08 - Mr. Dalak The Forlorn:

Your 'facts' on Carnage/LDK relations last era are wrong. Thunder was not a vice and was therefore not able to make or break NAPS etc. He was in fact one of many people in Carnage that wanted to NAP you guys last era. But as Carnage does, (rightly or wrongly) they voted on relations with you and every other kingdom they had relations with. The vote was close but it was against relations with LDK. I know because I voted FOR relations with LDK and was pissed off that I was outvoted. Sorry to burst your bubble of hatred but that is the truth.

04:44:21 Aug 1st 08 - Sir Dead Oralive:

Luck is my friend :)

05:47:03 Aug 1st 08 - Sir Soc Innewyork:

karac is the most dishonorable player i have ever met. i will never take his words for truth.................therefore, pks is my vote for winner of the thread! :)

06:06:34 Aug 1st 08 - Wolflord Karac:

Dalak, I never said it wasnt a close vote, and I never said Thunder was a vice, all I said was with his assurances from 2 eras ago<<< TWO.

^^ But at the same time, the basic rundown of the Carnage betrayal is correct. No denying that, just the fact that Thunder was a vice, which i never stated.

Soccer, shut the hell up. You get pissed because I give you a CF one era, and then end it when Music, our MAP ally calls for help. Grow up. After all the eras of you being in Jesters, the one kd that has no right to declare anyone from BoW dishonorable, you have no right to talk. You even led them. And to set the record straight for everyone as to why soccer is pissy like a little girl:

1) We NAP/MAP Jesters each of their first 5 or 6 eras, EVERY damn era they betray us by NAPing our common enemy, which BoW would only agree to fight after assurances that JEST was going to help. Most times, they wouldnt even fight for one damn day and then give up.

2) So, era after era of that happening, while I remained close friends to most of the Jesters, I decided not to NAP them when I became leader of BoW. But I admit, I did assure soccer that we would not hit them, and in fact, ill even admit, one of our members did attack after that, which, as soccer will admit, that he was repremanded, and the city was returned.

3) HOWEVER, I did warn Soccer that we were MAP/MDP with Music, and if it came to Music fighting JEST, we WOULD by terms of our alliance, have to break the CF and help. So, Music attacks. We help, uphold the alliance to the ONLY people we were allied to. Was it my choice? No. Did I do the honorable thing? YES! No matter which way it went people were going to get upset. Soccer cause BoW did not protect his kd for the 7th time, and Music because we would have broken an alliance. Which one makes me more honorable? Upholding my alliance? Thought so. But of course, soccer is such a fool that he only sees it that I was trying to screw him over, when I can get reassurances from Music that I tried to protect JEST.

So, soccer, again, shut up. I personally made the NAPs with you and your worthless kd from day one, persuaded Drakos to keep doing it every era after (when i was the only one for the NAP), and even tried to protect you when Music thought to attack, but do you get the facts? No. You go straight to hating me. Well, I guess thats the thank you I get for the previous 6 eras eh?

I just love making friends in VU.

06:22:27 Aug 1st 08 - Mr. Dalak The Forlorn:

Thunders assurances mean nothing as he wasnt speaking for the kingdom. A betrayal never happened.

An NAP was requested. We voted against it. We warred OOP. It wasnt personal nor was it sneaky but once a decision was made the whole kingdom gets behind it. I dont know about WoL but the level of activity in Carnage was low so a vote took time to be valid. As soon as it was concluded WoL were notified. I believe it was over 2 days before OOP. The same thing happened with Music. Von knows Spoon they discussed an NAP which Von wanted. It was voted down and we told them no. In fact WoL attacked us first in a pre-emptive strike so we concentrated on you. If Music had have attacked us then we would have concentrated on them instead.

I am not saying you are trying to distort the truth but that you are mistaken in your assumptions that you were mislead. Von and Archy were also vices with me last era and they can back me up as to what was being said in the vices forum.

Anyway this is the truth, you can believe it or not.

06:32:57 Aug 1st 08 - Wolflord Karac:

Well, what about the assurances that it was 'a done deal' that WAS stated.

We never launched a preemptive strike, your kd gave us 24 hours notice. And at the tick of the 20th hour notice, there were already Carnage armies prepping. And more coming from around the bottom of the mountains. You must remember this, or you just have a luck case of amnesia.

06:47:00 Aug 1st 08 - Mr. Dalak The Forlorn:

Look mate I dont want to argue symantics with you about the war itself because I have learnt through experience that our recollections of events are guaranteed to be different. Once a vote was cast and voted on the course of action was set.

The 'done deal' may have been in Thunders mind and in the minds of a lot of us but the vote didnt go that way. I was suprised but we had some new members that era that voted against an NAP which tipped the balance. The intention was not to stall or mislead you as we were all mass training for OOP regardless due to the previous eras asss kicking we received. My guess is those that started prepping were the ones that voted against the NAP.

08:16:26 Aug 1st 08 - Wolflord Karac:

Well, as I have said, I have no problems with a lot of carnage members i.e. Einskaldir, You, and Wolverine. I just do not, nor will i ever trust, the orange banner.

16:45:01 Aug 1st 08 - Ms. Noa:

Ok, Karac:


16:48:18 Aug 1st 08 - Mr. Harry The Crazy:

1.  Wilberforce

Yay I'm first on the list, what do I win?

17:17:13 Aug 1st 08 - Sir Dead Oralive:

A stuffed baboon!!!

17:26:08 Aug 1st 08 - Sir Soc Innewyork:

Karac, please explain your betrayal of FF, and me the era with the stalemate against phi/mad. ur member opens a blocker, i enter phi land and set up an armory, only to find an NAPed BoW member send an army to take it. honorable? again, no. your word means sh!t......

18:00:17 Aug 1st 08 - Mr. Deadpool:

I knew you loved us Soc

13:19:58 Aug 2nd 08 - Wolflord Karac:

Sir Soc Innewyork


8/1/2008 9:26:08 PM
Karac, please explain your betrayal of FF, and me the era with the stalemate against phi/mad. ur member opens a blocker, i enter phi land and set up an armory, only to find an NAPed BoW member send an army to take it. honorable? again, no. your word means sh!t......


You were warring phi, we were NAP'd with PHI. A newer member opened the blockers without authorization, and because you coerced him. We had to take it back, or chance losing a NAP with PHI. WE did the right thing AGAIN. WE ALSO MESSAGED YOU!!! About 10 damn times. Grow up.

13:22:09 Aug 2nd 08 - Wolflord Karac:

Sorry Noa, I forgot about you. Noa is my NBA finals buddy ;)

16:33:20 Aug 2nd 08 - Sir Dead Oralive:


19:43:47 Aug 2nd 08 - Ms. Noa:

I usually don't spend my time in these forums, but now I have something to say. Don't know what hapen with my post yesterday, so I will spend double time and rewrite it.

1. About the title of the thread.

Send an application and we will see. Probably you will not be accepted, we are here to play and have fun, and it seems you are bringing a big bag full of bad feelings, my friend. Relax... play, lose or win, and enjoy the game.

2. About our number.

PKS Peacekeepers 29 Sir Grim Darkhammer

fighting against

WoL Wolves of Lithuania 20 Duke Drakos


NEBC NEBC 7 Mr. Arkantos

We have

Commander: Mr. Zakk Wylde Kingdom Banner
Kingdom: Peacekeepers
Size: Platoon (20-50)
Status: Camping

This ruler is in protection!

Owner: Mr. Heracles III Kingdom Banner
Size: 3600 building(s).
Kingdom: Peacekeepers
Gates: no gates

This ruler is in protection!

Commander: Mr. Simo Kingdom Banner
Kingdom: Peacekeepers
Size: Platoon (20-50)
Status: Moving North East
This ruler is in protection!

But If yu still think we are abusing our number, we can go back through time some days ago, ok? We will kick those guys and all the ex-Angels, and you will kick Bomflau. Please, do it... please!

Oh, and Iron, the multiflag man. How long will he bring your banner? Let's me check again... Yes, he's still one of yours. But, if he's going for the record, he knows PKS will accep him.

3. About being nubs.

Yes, we are, just like everyone was/is/will be. But give us sometime. We are learning. An example: here's a nice trick I learned from one of yours. He killed over 5k mages in one of my cities being about 6 ticks away. Simply INCREDIBLE. I just couldn't imagine it could be done...

Through the eye we can see this information about The Wol Korys from Duke Vytautas Didysis[WoL]:
Wol Korys from Duke Vytautas Didysis
Pony riders:0

Several ticks later, I had about 5k magians less :(

Through the eye we can see this information about The Wol Korys from Duke Vytautas Didysis[WoL]:
Wol Korys from Duke Vytautas Didysis
Pony riders:0

Only one more thing. The olimpics will start in a week. And the basketball gold will be in Spain soon ... :)

Sometimes my english makes me seem like a bit angry. But that's not the truth. I know it. this is only a game :)

17:12:19 Aug 3rd 08 - Sir Grim Darkhammer:

Well said Noa. You're my girl.

*Gives Noa a big hug, pinches her butt, & gets smacked. (It was worth it)*

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