Forums / In game politics / Peacekeepers, can ANYONE join?

Peacekeepers, can ANYONE join?
17:27:09 Aug 3rd 08 - Prince Waldorfius Septim III:


18:23:44 Aug 3rd 08 - Wolflord Karac:

basketball gold in spain?

with lebron and kobe playing like a true team? no way in hell.

17:31:03 Aug 7th 08 - Duke Drakos:

Hello Noa...just a reminder, your Lakers lost. :P

Carnage: I was told it was just about a done deal by a Carnage vice last age, not Thunder. I was also told no troops/armies would move until after a 24 tick cf period once we found out that they wouldn't NAP us. Thats was a lie as Karac correctly stated.

Jesters: Soccer, go laydown. Your Kd betrayed us era after era, we finally stopped allying you. Then the next age you build an armory behind our walls to attack our Ally thinking your then friendly relationship with Karac would protect you. Of course we took you out.
as an aside: Kd's that ally to fight a KD with you, then cf's the common enemy time after time, really shouldn't engage in accusing other people of a Lack Of Honor.

PKS:  Congrats. You guys are putting up a very good fight, much better than we expected without Carnage to help you.

17:45:56 Aug 7th 08 - Mr. Deadpool:

Thanks Drakos I really like casting on your armies.

18:13:03 Aug 7th 08 - Sir Grim Darkhammer:

Thanks Drakos, WoL is a very worthy and honorable adversary... and you're putting putting up a helluva fight yourselves.

19:27:27 Aug 7th 08 - Duke Vytautas Didysis:

Ms. Noa


8/2/2008 8:43:47 PM

I usually don't spend my time in these forums, but now I have something to say. Don't know what hapen with my post yesterday, so I will spend double time and rewrite it.

1. About the title of the thread.

Send an application and we will see. Probably you will not be accepted, we are here to play and have fun, and it seems you are bringing a big bag full of bad feelings, my friend. Relax... play, lose or win, and enjoy the game.

2. About our number.

PKS Peacekeepers 29 Sir Grim Darkhammer

fighting against

WoL Wolves of Lithuania 20 Duke Drakos


NEBC NEBC 7 Mr. Arkantos

We have

Commander: Mr. Zakk Wylde Kingdom Banner
Kingdom: Peacekeepers
Size: Platoon (20-50)
Status: Camping

This ruler is in protection!

Owner: Mr. Heracles III Kingdom Banner
Size: 3600 building(s).
Kingdom: Peacekeepers
Gates: no gates

This ruler is in protection!

Commander: Mr. Simo Kingdom Banner
Kingdom: Peacekeepers
Size: Platoon (20-50)
Status: Moving North East
This ruler is in protection!

But If yu still think we are abusing our number, we can go back through time some days ago, ok? We will kick those guys and all the ex-Angels, and you will kick Bomflau. Please, do it... please!

Oh, and Iron, the multiflag man. How long will he bring your banner? Let's me check again... Yes, he's still one of yours. But, if he's going for the record, he knows PKS will accep him.

3. About being nubs.

Yes, we are, just like everyone was/is/will be. But give us sometime. We are learning. An example: here's a nice trick I learned from one of yours. He killed over 5k mages in one of my cities being about 6 ticks away. Simply INCREDIBLE. I just couldn't imagine it could be done...

Through the eye we can see this information about The Wol Korys from Duke Vytautas Didysis[WoL]:
Wol Korys from Duke Vytautas Didysis
Pony riders:0

Several ticks later, I had about 5k magians less :(

Through the eye we can see this information about The Wol Korys from Duke Vytautas Didysis[WoL]:
Wol Korys from Duke Vytautas Didysis
Pony riders:0

Only one more thing. The olimpics will start in a week. And the basketball gold will be in Spain soon ... :)

:) funny funny funny , i have mistake when i send my army without mages , but is last my mistake :P

Btw Mr. Iron be our member last or two eras ago... and what about Bomflau, we take just him and Iron and u guys take 10 people :) just check how many our guys fighting against you , please count and write names and you can see what is not 20against30 :P

19:37:20 Aug 7th 08 - Duke Vytautas Didysis:

But i can agreed what fight is very nice :) we can`t say who can win and who can lost :)

19:39:34 Aug 7th 08 - Duke Vytautas Didysis:

and what about olimpics :P watch Lithuania team :P

21:22:43 Aug 7th 08 - Sir Dead Oralive:


23:13:24 Aug 7th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

^^ spoken like a true genius, im liking ya even more now.

21:21:19 Aug 10th 08 - Duke Vytautas Didysis:

Lithuania win against Argentina :P he he

21:21:50 Aug 10th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

no offence, but USA has the basketball gold locked lol


22:31:04 Aug 10th 08 - Duke Vytautas Didysis:

:) we will see :D

22:31:59 Aug 10th 08 - Mr. Jim Morrison:

the reason USA will win this time is guard play and it's not because of Lebron and Kobe...two fellas by the name of Chris Paul and Deron Williams is the reason USA will dominate!

20:09:40 Aug 12th 08 - Duke Vytautas Didysis:

Lithuania now win 2 games :)

22:29:20 Aug 12th 08 - Duke Pumpkin Head:

Peacekeepers shares the name of the former Kingdom "Peacekeepers" with D&G. They have even changed their logo, cutting all ties they once had with this honorable Kingdom.

22:35:07 Aug 12th 08 - Mr. Death Proof:

hey i respect Donut and Lady G as much as the next guy...but where are they now? From what i heard they're account were deleted..... and that's the honorable way!

00:42:45 Aug 13th 08 - Sir Dead Oralive:


Lady G talk to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope its the same Lady G i know from Eternity :/ well if she answers I will know :P

02:12:05 Aug 13th 08 - Sir Grim Darkhammer:

Yes, we are the same Peacekeepers. Founded by Rothgar Negus then handed off to me. The logo is the same only updated. The original PKS logo is from House Davion in the game Mech Warrior. The new one is the updated version of the same logo. Know your history Duke. Knowledge is power.

03:39:13 Aug 13th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

What do you expect Grim? He's Dumb, hell, he's Duke of a Pumpkin Patch...and it's not even Halloween...He's just a fish out of water, but at least fish travel in schools....sheesh!!!

04:25:16 Aug 13th 08 - Duke Pumpkin Head:

Grim I know my history, and you are right, Knowledge is power... which is exactly why Peacekeepers lost theirs eras ago.

And Thunder, no one fines you funny, your jokes arnt even funny enough to be classifed as immature humour, grow up.

04:50:17 Aug 13th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

Well duh...who gives out "fines" for being funny???

GrowUp??? Grow UP??? this coming from the Duke leaking pumpkin seeds all over the forum...

You are too funny...Especially when you are bringing Cinderella to the

08:54:45 Aug 13th 08 - Mr. Lulz:

"You are too funny"

In contrast to you that completely lack a sense of humour. What you pass for jokes I wouldn't even use to wipe my *beep* with.

13:32:28 Aug 13th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:


Hunh...what happened...Yaaaawwwwnnnnn <BIG STRETCH>

Oh it's no wonder I fell asleep...What a great sleep though...C'mon Rock-a-bye Baby next...I love that one!!!

15:42:37 Aug 13th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

Tunder must be War God of old, he is just as pathetic and ignorant.


Now comes another infantile flame from tunder that just makes everyone respect him less.

15:51:35 Aug 13th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

Wolflord Karac


8/13/2008 10:42:37 AM

Tunder must be War God of old, he is just as pathetic and ignorant.


Now comes another infantile flame from tunder that just makes everyone respect him less.

Wait a sec....he had respect in the first place that he could LOSE? 

15:57:01 Aug 13th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

Go Carrot go!!! Just watch out for Rabbits...

Charley & Statler??? Wow a country music freak!!! I am not sure if I should tell you to go down to Georgia or go sing with your brothers about Elvira...but hey, at least she had big Boobs!!! So props for that...

Maybe you should just listen to your music backwards and the wife will bring the kids back and your dog will come home... Worth a shot... <Crosses fingers for The Hillbilly>

16:08:22 Aug 13th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

Mr. Tunder Strike


8/13/2008 10:57:01 AM
Go Carrot go!!! Just watch out for Rabbits...

Charley & Statler??? Wow a country music freak!!! I am not sure if I should tell you to go down to Georgia or go sing with your brothers about Elvira...but hey, at least she had big Boobs!!! So props for that...

Maybe you should just listen to your music backwards and the wife will bring the kids back and your dog will come home... Worth a shot... <Crosses fingers for The Hillbilly>
lol you are dumb.  Statler is a comedian of some sorts, not that a 10 year old like you would know.  How about "Tunder Strike"? You couldnt spell "thunder" maybe?  Guess at 10 years old you still couldn't quite figure out the T+H sound to remember that huh? tisk tisk.  Well, better hope your babysitter finds you and helps you with that and also makes sure you get to bed on time.  Heh, and I'm nowhere near hillbilly you degenerate.  I am English and Irish and in the northern states of Ohio.  I am part of a RESPECTED family that is related to a very well known family from England....I bet you are just some mutt family that inbreeds with anything it finds, hence your stupidity.  You are closer to hillbilly than anyone or anything.  Especially with your lack of intelligence and crappy jokes.  I bet my IQ is MUCH higher than yours...unfortunately you would just call me a lier.

16:25:20 Aug 13th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

Hey crack me up..."the Northern States of Ohio" you are such a hick...

Hey here is an idea, if you want to crack spelling jokes...learn to spell first...I mean I would never call you a "Lier" a Liar maybe...but never a lier....

And don't worry about my bedtime...Lullaby still owes me a verse of Rock-a-bye Baby, so I am sure to get my beauty sleep...

"I bet my IQ is higher than yours"... your hilarious...this from a guy who sings "Giddeup ba boom bop, ba boom bop, ba mow mow" with his

16:51:23 Aug 13th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

You still can't tell any jokes you 10 year old, and I dont even know that song.☺ Still, if you want to tell jokes, wait a few years until you mature a little more -_-

Lady Quietone


8/13/2008 11:47:50 AM
Thunder just a word of advice.... while you think you're engaging in a poor attempt mind you, of witty humor that all kingdoms out there are reading your posts.  While you clearly have no regard for how others view you at this particular time, you might want to consider how your words reflect back on the current kingdom you're playing in as well as any future attempts to converse with any other kingdoms out there.  So just remember these moments because most everyone else will.  There are no kingdoms out there that arent vunerable to attack no matter how many members they let in... bridges burned cant be crossed over again and you're making a public viewing of the flames....

Despite your ATTEMPT at jokes im going to laugh at you when no kingdom will allow you in or else they themselves will lose face due to your stupidity.  Have a nice day

PS-nvm YOU are a JOKE ☻

17:24:54 Aug 13th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

Wow Hillbilly you sure told me...wait...wait... I just have to say it one more time...

"Giddeup ba boom bop, ba boom bop, ba mow mow"


You should move to the Northern state of Nashville Tennessee Hi IQ...Puh-Leez...I am just impressed you could spell IQ!!!

17:39:59 Aug 13th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

.......We will see who gets the last laugh....heh you might as well quit.  Call me a hillbilly all you want, but you act like a 10 year old.  Go ahead, reply, it will only make you look even more childish.  You make up random things about people and try and act funny, but you probably do this just to get attention because you have no friends in RL.  It is not like any of your jokes are funny...they are more stupid than funny.

18:13:22 Aug 13th 08 - Trigger Happy With Turettes:

Time for a real hillbilly to weigh in.... The Oak Ridge Boys sing Elvira not the Statlers.... sheesh .... Tunder get your artists correct ....

18:27:36 Aug 13th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

Ouch...a true Hillybilly....I stand caught me...I am no hillbilly country music freak... Thanks Turtle I guess that is why you sing HAPPY least i got that reference right....and hay it has Happy and Turtle in it...<Screams random nonsenses of joy>

BUT...Even though Turtle was right, Hillbilly, your comeback was lame... "You have no friends, your stupid, your jokes aren't funny"...Oh you got me...What are you going to tell me next that my feet stink and that my mother dresses me funny...I give you good jokes Hillbilly, but then I'd have to explain them, is this again...

"Giddeup ba boom bop, ba boom bop, ba mow mow"

To everyone but Hillbilly: Yes, yes, I know that is the wrong band, but Sssshhhhhhhh Hillbilly is too stupid to know that, so for still works... :-) I'm such a rascal...

18:35:54 Aug 13th 08 - Trigger Happy With Turettes:

Tunder..... Here's your sign.... Now go bck to licking the windows on the back of the little yellow bus......

18:37:26 Aug 13th 08 - Khan Krtek Buldozer:

What a waste of space

18:46:21 Aug 13th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

A BUS???? Is that the best you have??? A bus??? Why not a car? Or A Van? Or even a monster Truck?  NOoooooooooooooo....It had to be a bus, something with a big shell that reminds you of a turtle...It's not all about you turtle...Get over yourself already!!!

Another Thing...Here's my sign??? Turtle...There is no sign!!! Maybe you left it in your shell? Dunno...But now...Now here is YOUR

"NEXT 5 MILES" wow Turtle... you might want to walk away from the computer and jog a few laps around the fridge...I mean a butt 5-miles long is HUGE.... No wonder you take a

18:47:09 Aug 13th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

In the words of the Immortal Captain Kirk, "KHHHHHHAAAAANNNNNN"

'Nuff Said...

20:17:45 Aug 13th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

There is your sign "Tunder" take a lesson from the sign...and shut up and try thinking for once instead of babbling...of course if you are too immature to read that....then please go ahead with more hillbilly jokes.  By the way...what country are you from?

23:46:06 Aug 13th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

What a he hung the sign up backwards...Nobody can see it!!! baahhahahahaaaaaa....

Way to go hillbilly!!! Where am I from? Well thankfully I am no Buckeye...I am a Bay Stater!!! :-)

23:52:31 Aug 13th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

OH he's a mas$hole, explains it all, the arrogance, either that, or a small penis.

Tunder, im mad the patriots lost too, i really am, been a fan my whole life, but jeez, overcompensating a little much eh?

00:03:09 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

I'll give you that... I was hoping the Pats won too, but I did win $520 on that game, so I cannot complain that much...

And Now Manny is gone...but not sure if that is a good or a bad thing....He had such a bad attitude, but boy could he play...

As much as I love sports, it is time to address the attempted Diss... You know what they say Carrot... "You are what you eat"

Me? I've talked a lot about fruits and Veggies...

With you however, it's all ass & penis...tsk tsk tsk... Who knew???

00:09:29 Aug 14th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

Not too worried about manny, hes a good player, but was bad for the team.

Tank williams out with a knee injury tho? Sucks, all for a damn preseason game :s


Anyways, all ass and penis? True, i have enough penis to spare, and i get enough ass to give some away. With you its all carrots, you know, they make vibrators, you can probably get one cheap too ;)

^^feeble flame, but hey, i cant go full force on a fellow pats fan.

00:16:54 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

true...but let's clean the disses up I don't want either of us getting banned...

Ya Manny was bad for the team...what do you make of the pitcher we picked up from the Indians?

You Know Manny DelCarmen's niece was in my homeroom last year, so off season he works with my son...That is pretty cool.

Oops this got serious I almost forgot...You Stink!!! :-D

04:41:35 Aug 14th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

Good idea.

I think the pitcher will be alright, not sure i would have made the deal. You know, just the thought of an indians player on the sox makes baseball a little less enjoyable ;) god the indians suck.

Thats pretty cool, make sure your son marries that girl, that would be a nice family in law ;)

 Now he'res my time to brag, managed to get Pats-Colts tickets in indy this year, right alonside the visitor's sideline, 8 rows back ;)

Will hate going to indy, but hey, those tickets are hard to come by ;)

And, um, you stink!!

05:00:19 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

Good for you...Ever since the Sox got ticket prices are crazy...especially Yankee  Games.  They are fun to go to though....

My Boys want to go see the Pats, so we may do that this year as well.

Manny D. is a good guy. David (My son) is actually a tremendous ball player, and has a real potential to go pro.

In my area the best AAU baseball team is called the New England Lightning. They are so good because literally thousands of kids from all over New England try out. They only choose 12. They took my son, and they went all the way to the National Championships in Myrtle Beach where they placed 7th in the country. They did really well. A team from Virginia beat them in extra innings 3-2. It was a great game...but 104 degrees...yuk

Currently he is only 14 and is already the High Schools big pitcher, whereas all his friends are still in 8th grade. He throws about 85MPH...He is really fun to watch...

And smell way worse, Shower or something!!! :-P

05:06:26 Aug 14th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

Congrats on your son. You must be proud, my son is still only 16 months, but hey, he will get there eventually lol.

104 in Myrtle eh? Must have been a cold front ;)

Im from Jacksonville, NC. Passed through Myrtle this past weekend taking the wife to charleston, 113 degrees :s

And um, i did shower, um........ dookie head.

05:15:27 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

Ya kids are what it is all about, just you wait and see, I hope your son has the success mine has, it was such a great time... As his coach told them. Whether they go pro or not, every kid their age who will go pro, was there playing with and against them!!!

113? wow...yuk.... I need AC...I could not believe how hot it was down there. They literally sold water as solid ice, and by the second inning you had hot was crazy!!!

You showered??? Hmmm must be the sweat from all that Carolina heat!!! lol

12:07:47 Aug 14th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

^^i cannot deny that diss ;)


13:28:38 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

lol...I remember it well myself... ;-)

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