Forums / In game politics / and#1758; Zeon pussy purge and#1758;

and#1758; Zeon pussy purge and#1758;
02:37:12 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Feeder:

yeah they are both friends... like in OK i think.

02:38:24 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Twamao:

eh? that still doesnt explain it

03:04:04 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Reznor:

All I wanna know is who's that Dolph Lundgren wanna be=]

03:21:29 Sep 7th 07 - Sir Aleksandr Romanov:

DOWN WITH ZEON! All must see past thier lies! Trust me, I was in thier kd for many weeks, and thier leader, Messiah, is an egotistical meglomaniac deserving nothing but the block! His troops annexed my country and many other countries!

It is the intentions of ZEON's leadership and vices to kick kd members one by one after this so that the leadership players can kill thier cities and become more powerful! Down with these pompous bourgeois oppressors and thier  purge! Freedom for all eternity! Let all men see past their self centred religious order! Free men walk these paths, and free men will succeed!

03:24:40 Sep 7th 07 - Lord Epyon:

Mr. Twamao


9/6/2007 9:30:14 PMI think the most important question is.  What has twamao got to do with this??

Mr. Grizzly


9/6/2007 2:51:57 PMAnd Messiah and Twamoa and Legacy and anyone else you dont agree with?We stood up for our friends and you stabbed us in the back, you suck, and I will dedicate many eras to bringing down this kingdom. You saved all your armies up north while we fough tfor you down south, who is the pussies... where are your armies?

Twamao, he wasnt talking about you, he was talking about Twamoa ;)

03:31:47 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Twamao:

but....but that's my multi! and anything that concerns him concerns me!

03:47:16 Sep 7th 07 - Lord Epyon:

*Epyon points at Twamao*

"Everybody! Get the multi!!"

*Epyon chases down Twamao*

03:54:38 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Zackira of Strike:

wow im so confuse for now

03:55:39 Sep 7th 07 - Lord Epyon:

*Epyon sees Zackira standing around*

"Come on! We gotta get Twamoa! I mean Twamao... I mean... just help me get him!!"

03:58:58 Sep 7th 07 - Sir Fizban:

Even though we're on seperate sides of conflict, I think the russian's telling some lies about Messiah (who happens to be an alright person).

04:03:09 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Soccermage:

All i can say is that Jester had suspicions of Redeagle being a multi last era.

04:50:20 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Ject:

really? abydos also had the same suspicions

05:15:51 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Barny:

Wow I think I just caught onto a good pattern that helps the multi accusations.

1. You all have similar grammar, and started in similar eras.

2. Almost all of the accused multis post in roughly 1 hour and 10 minute intervals. Not saying that your "friends in real life" don't all decide to post like 1 hour and 10 minutes after you, but maybe you are doing other stuff and only check this thread every hour or so?

Stupid *beep*s like you piss the *beep* out of me. It's fagots like you that make it impossible for people that actually DO have siblings to play this game.

I will laugh so hard when all of your accounts get deleted...

It's funny because like 1/100 people who get deleted actually do have siblings or people on the same comp.

Hopefully next era you can learn to play the game with just 1 account.

05:25:47 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Barny:

Oh and as for the "Russian Revolted" that is just *beep*ing pathetic. You're getting pissy about how Zeon subjugated your alts, so your alts and a good portion of former Russians decide to pull a Fake Condinho.

06:14:07 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Grizzly:

??? Wait till you get booted and treated like this Barny and see if you still agree..

Just cause people do well and work together iwth there friends doesnt mean crap. If he had really thought we were multi's he would have told Zeta and he woudl have booted us, instead he built up troops near all the cities he could and booted us.
He started booting some other people he didnt like now as well. Redeagle wasnt even a friend of ours he just said somethign Messiah didnt like.I wont be returning to this game because of people like in this forum and people like Messiah.So just close the thread already and be done with it. Youve condemned everyone, and anyone that says anything must be a multi and no one better disagree with you guys or else.
I bet you'll add ten more people to the list and ruin their game and call them names before you are done. Just remember this can all turn around and happen to all of you as well.

06:56:06 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Lucimorth:

Well, wont we all know who are multies once Zeta checks it all?

And important as this is, it's all pixels and code, next era everything starts over. If you are truely multies then everyone next era will hunt you, if you are not multies and speak the truth then I am assuming a lot of people will hint Zeon. Whats the point to argue now?

We will see everything within a few days.

07:31:32 Sep 7th 07 - Sir Hephaestus:

Let's just find out what Zeta's multi scanners say when all is revealed.  It feels like there are a lot of half-truths flying around.

I think Messiah did the right thing if all is as he says, even though it may have harmed Zeon as a kd.

So this is a true civil war now?  Interesting...

07:58:58 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Spoon:

Mr. Gravedigger [FUZEON] (9/5/2007 2:10:02 PM) GOOD BAD
Blackmemes had his city stolen, Ponsa took one of them, Zeon was messaged not to. Scottology is threatening him, and Messiah said now way. He has been given permisson ot take the cities back. I personally am gonna lead a large group out of Zeon to join them if they dont, cause they are being a$$ about it, and I dont wanna be in a KD like that.. So personally I am about ready to say the alliance is over, and music an dbow shoudl take out zeon if they cant straiten up.
You (9/5/2007 5:01:59 PM)
You forgot that Corsairs took the cities, and Ponsa took them from the Corsairs two days later.
Then Blackmemes played his own leader by taking them back without permission from BoW leadership. No apology to Ponsa either, no permission etc. It was kind of Blackmemes' mistake here if I put the facts on a row.
And I'm neutral, I'm not going to choose between either of my allies.
Mr. Gravedigger [FUZEON] (9/5/2007 5:11:58 PM) GOOD BAD
it was a matter of hours, and Black messaged them before, and after, telling them what happened. If were not gonna play as allies, then the alliance is kinda pointless.
You (9/5/2007 5:17:14 PM)
C'mon. In an alliance you're supposed to work together and attack the same enemies- not eachother. That's a pointless alliance.
Mr. Gravedigger [FUZEON] (9/5/2007 5:30:49 PM) GOOD BAD
thats the point, he jumped in and helped us where we couldnt break the wall blocker, and we took his cities in return and didnt return... not a great deal.but anyway.


Even if you weren't multi's...

08:32:19 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Lassie:

Even if they are not multi they are sociopaths.

08:56:16 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Onuris:

For your information. We did talk to ZeTa and he will hunt down and kill all multi's this weekend. We just didnt have the time to wait for that.

Death to the cheaters and traitors!


09:05:45 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Messiah:

Feeder and Blackmemes are the same multi. Redeagle, Ogre, Gravedigger, Helm and Grizzly where all online at the same time. Then again, if one of them was online all the other where too. They where never online separatly and they where close to always online.

And about Falazar, yes thats what we suspected. I've been talking to him to try to see if I can get anything out of him. But all we got was circumstantial. Anyway, Zeta is looking in to it.

09:08:49 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Messiah:

Ohh, and as to the Russians. This will not better their already tainted reputation.

09:10:44 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Onuris:

Want me to post a nice screenshot where another multi account without KD makes mines for feeder and blacknemes? Its pretty funny to see!


09:14:51 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Onuris:

More cities there and all over the map in the far northeast the zeppelin account has been making cities for Blacknemes and Feeder to take.

Multi? or not?

Its up to you to say...

I think so but nonetheless they are cheating farmers anyways.


09:37:16 Sep 7th 07 - Prince Marduk:

Mr. Ogre [FUZEON] (9/7/2007 3:03:08 AM) GOOD BAD
ZEON is gonna boot you just like they did everyone else,you are free to join us if you like to prevent them taking your land, but be quickThis is thier plan, to boot you:

Ogre you are just fooling yaself out with this kind of crap i know Messiashhh long ago :) we have been in many kds with eachother dont think he will just kick me while im not multing like you.

The "TRUE" Prince have spoken

09:42:00 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Crissxcross:

Well I will wait till Zeta finished the cleaning.

It should be easily to figure out if Messias is right or not.
If those accused players are one player with multis and all accounts are always online at the same time, it should be easy to find out.

So I wait with my comments till Zeta shows up and preparing my self for any actions meanwhile....

10:22:31 Sep 7th 07 - Sir Zmonev:

lol if they were the system would like suspend him  an hour everytime.. so he cant be on at the same time.

Atleast i think that was some new thing last era.. right?

<3 Marduk!

10:29:49 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Ject:

i'm gonna laugh if thier not multi's, cos it'll ruin zeons rep ;p

10:38:31 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Love:

Ject, if they against all odds are not multis they are still traitors who had been planning for days to destroy us.

10:55:17 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Onuris:

You can bypass the 1 hour suspension by using proxies.

ZeTa must have other ways to find and kill multi's than just looking at the IP


11:23:23 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Lassie:

Or by clearing cookies onuris.

11:24:39 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Twamao:

but i love cookies!

11:27:34 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

get the multi!

11:31:48 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Twamao:

i have multiple scrotums.

11:50:03 Sep 7th 07 - Sir Zmonev:

Twamao is my multi

12:11:30 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Carolus Rex:

In the end this will only make Zeon stronger, Myself I always took a negative stance to the massrecruiting we endured, we became too greedy in the chase for the top kingdom spot. Now we pay the price for taking in lesser worth beings, I personally never will trust the "Russians" again and will do everything I can to destroy them


Hail Zeon

13:36:44 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Crissxcross:

Do whatever you want with your former Zeon players.
If you are a kingdom who will judge all their accused players without prove from Zeta, do it. It is your buisness.
But you can't judge accused players from BoW the same way like those, who are in your kingdom, without prove from Zeta of  their cheating.
As long as they are in BoW they are full members of BoW and have to stick to our agreements like Zeon players have to stick to the agreements Zeon made.

If it is proven from Zeta (he is the judge, not any screaming wannabe-inquisitor) that our accused players have cheated, we won't defend them anymore and will bann them from BoW, if Zeta won't have deleted their accounts allready.
And if the given informations are right, Zeta will take a look this weekend on this issue.

So people from Zeon pls stick to your kingdom buisnes and we from BoW stick to ours. Don't worry we have our own way to lead a kingdom and we don't need your help to do it, thank you.

13:44:20 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Rock Hard Reginald:

Not that I know whether or not BoW has any multies at this moment in time, Criss, but BoW certainly has had a tradition of accepting multies in the past, unknowingly. From what I remember, BoW had (not sure if thats changed) a similiar recruitment policy to Zeon, that is to say, accept everybody, no questions asked. And in the past I distinctly remember BoW ending up taking in in one era alone, 5+ multi accounts who were used to do a lot of the fighting. Karac/Drakos were informed numerous times of the multi accounts but chose to do nothing, and only a multi sweep 1-2 weeks later by ZeTa got rid of them.

If BoWs recruitment is anything like it was a good number of eras ago, then they could very well be infilitrated too, so there may be an element of truth in what Zeon is saying.

14:07:43 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Crissxcross:

I know, but now we have the word from Zeta he is doing a multi sweep this weekend.
All I ask is 2 more days, then we have all information we need.

14:17:34 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Heroix:

One Word:

14:21:08 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Lassie:

If you know you have cheaters in your KD and dosnt do anything, your benefiting from it and is a cheater yourself, im tired of the appolgetic attitudes I get from some of the BOW viceroys. Gothrim and Karac are cool though and are all for getting rid of cheaters.

14:21:46 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Grizzly:

Well theres no way we will last two days now, with everyone attacking and them blackballing us like this, so we will probably burn everything and leave for a lower world, in hopes of finding a decent place to play without this, or a different game instead.

15:33:55 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Sun:

go search travian on google, and try to "out-multi" the HK's... lol....

15:45:14 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Onuris:

Karac approved our current course in IRC so Crissxcross please talk to him before crying here.


16:12:31 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Gothrim:

Like you say, I'm all for getting rid of cheaters. But we do need to prove that they are. And not merely friends from the same school or town who have taught each other how to play and can make local calls to each other when online. That is why we need time for Zeta to do his multi-sweep and so forth. There is actually quite a bit of "so forth" going on right now. We are doing the best we can.

16:22:24 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Crissxcross:

Well Lassie, now Gothrim says the same I told ya dozent times before in privat msgs: Let's wait for Zetas multi-sweep.
meanwhile our kingdom is doing its own investigations.

But I have a proposal for you, because you are so sure you are right.

If you are right Lassie, that every1 of those players you and your kingdom is accusing, I WILL DELETE MY ACCOUNT AND NEVER COME BACK.
But if I am right and there is at least one who is innocent. YOU WILL DELETE YOUR ACCOUNT AND NEVER COME BACK.

Pointing fingers to others is always easy as long as you have nothing to lose, now show us if you are still so 100% sure of your Pussy Purge!!!

16:56:50 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Grizzly:

Add Valenx and the others to the list they booted now, what was the reason on them? Just didnt like them or had a close city I guess.
we still know two ppl in the kd, but they didnt speak up for themselves so guess they can stay alive for now.

Traitor: We NEVER had any plans to attack zeon, that would have been suicide, and stupid when everyone was doing so well.

17:22:27 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Dreadii:

GO FOR THEM EVUL BOW and other zeon allies that should make shure nobody NAP's them for the rest of VU history and it will be their end dont stay and defend or fight already armed zeon cities and forces :D.

17:25:14 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Dreadii:

(sounds jsut like real world terrorism doesnt it lol)

17:32:39 Sep 7th 07 - Ms. Natalia:

:(, i don't want to die, why would you want to kill me?

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