Forums / In game politics / and#1758; Zeon pussy purge and#1758;

and#1758; Zeon pussy purge and#1758;
03:31:31 Sep 10th 07 - Mr. Oamawt:

I think everything happened because i was kd less :( 

04:45:58 Sep 10th 07 - Sir Helios:


oamawT - Twamao

05:51:59 Sep 10th 07 - Lord Epyon:

114. Mr. Falazar Multis Abydos

lol I figured it out!!! ;)

09:39:18 Sep 10th 07 - Lord Cobraisasuckynick:

<3 Fizban :)

I didn't try to pass the blame along, just flaming you guys, haven't you missed me? :O)

09:48:07 Sep 10th 07 - Mr. Oamawt:

wow Helios! I didnt realized it was so obvious :(  Did you put a mirror in front of your monitor so you can find it out?

11:35:36 Sep 10th 07 - Lord Cobraisasuckynick:

Is that a piece of Phi humour?

13:30:29 Sep 10th 07 - Mr. Elliott:

Elliott - ttoillE

If you swap a 't' from the front and put it at the back and take out 1 of the 'l' s it spells toilet. pretty gd aie

14:32:30 Sep 10th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

Smuff - ffumS

15:46:10 Sep 10th 07 - Mr. Blue Dog Anchorite:

Edit, wrong thread:(

16:24:32 Sep 10th 07 - Ms. Quietone:

so what was the outcome.....the weekend is over....what was zeta's reply?

the world of vu awaits how clearly obvious multies are treated.....maybe it's something we all should consider

16:30:54 Sep 10th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

yea Zeta whats up. BoW awaits your conclusion.

16:32:47 Sep 10th 07 - Sir Fizban:

Lord Cobraisasuckynick


9/10/2007 3:39:18 AM

<3 Fizban :)

I didn't try to pass the blame along, just flaming you guys, haven't you missed me? :O)


I can flame too!

*Casts fireball and laughs as you burn.* ;-)

16:40:11 Sep 10th 07 - Mr. Onuris:

All I know concerning the russian revolution KD:

VU Admin [] (9/8/2007 4:17:40 AM) GOOD BAD
Attack him until he disband the kingdom.

I dont know his conclusion of Feeder and Blacknemes. I fear he didnt do the check...


17:17:33 Sep 10th 07 - Mr. Hirdfallen:

I dont know his conclusion of Feeder and Blacknemes. I fear he didnt do the check...


that ruins so much if he havent, if it had been dealt with directly we wouldnt have to wasted (are still wasting) so much time on these ppl, and it also takes away credibility of the game.

all tensions between allies right now is because gm didnt solve the problem immideatly. we should all donate cash to this game so the gms can put up time to make it serious.

17:20:32 Sep 10th 07 - Mr. Rock Hard Reginald:

Augh said ZeTa said he wouldn't do the check and that they should kill the multies manually I think.

17:25:16 Sep 10th 07 - Mr. Hirdfallen:

LOL, yea that works....,  2 cheating accounts are pretty much protected by their kingdom so we cant do nothing about them. *beep*ing sweet

17:35:04 Sep 10th 07 - Sir Fizban:

He did the same thing to Hansel and company two times before, do you think that he would change his ways now?

VU 'life' lesson?

Cheaters DO prosper.

18:08:19 Sep 10th 07 - Ms. Natalia:

Fizban you don't look like youve been hit by a car here! why are you not doing your job for werewolf!

13:26:19 Sep 11th 07 - Mr. Messiah:

I think Zeta is an anarchist at heart. His philosophy is to have VU run as autonomous as possible.

21:56:37 Sep 11th 07 - Mr. Feeder:

I passed all the information I could on to the Admins so they could verify I am not a multi.

22:23:33 Sep 11th 07 - Mr. Hirdfallen:

feeder or w/e it is,  i noticed mr. zeppelin isnt among us anymore, what did u do? delete the account? i doubt that will help ya if the gm ever take responsibility and take care off the multi mess..

22:26:22 Sep 11th 07 - Mr. Ject:

lol you know the admin keeps a log of all the deleted accounts which means he's still gonna catch you ;p

22:42:38 Sep 11th 07 - Mr. Feeder:

Dont really know what you mean, but I gave him all the info I know and *asked* him to please look into me, so people will stop bothering me.

03:25:41 Sep 16th 07 - Mr. Barny:

Well.... it looks like even though you *asked* the admin to look into you.... the whole multi sweep hasn't happened yet...

06:00:38 Sep 16th 07 - Lord Epyon:

I dont understand how a multi sweep would take place... =\

09:27:44 Sep 16th 07 - Lord Yerean:

zeta logs in into VU's account logs..
looks what IP's have been used...
then goes "WOOPIES! I can IP-trace Natalia to her house..... "
and there you go, Fizban's multi is gone...

09:48:51 Sep 16th 07 - Mr. Seloc:


01:41:26 Sep 17th 07 - Mr. Asystole:

01:49:43 Sep 17th 07 - Sir Hephaestus:

Guilty as charged?

02:05:21 Sep 17th 07 - Mr. Lassie:


02:09:20 Sep 17th 07 - Mr. Roxbury:

So Nemesis had 2 accounts planted in enemy kingdoms?

02:19:13 Sep 17th 07 - Lord Arzun:

Condinho? You serious? Ouch.

Oh and good call Messiah :P

03:23:54 Sep 17th 07 - Mr. Barny:

Look how BOW's power just plummeted.

Well... that wasn't obvious that they were all multis.

03:26:16 Sep 17th 07 - Lord Epyon:

wow Inguenuity was a multi??? I never woulda suspected that =\

Multi Sweep is officially over?? :)

03:38:54 Sep 17th 07 - Lord Arzun:

And I've fooled the Admin once again ;D

04:34:38 Sep 17th 07 - Mr. Soccermage:

Falazar falazar (Too many accounts)
Helm Helm (Too many accounts)
Redeagle Red_eagle (Too many accounts)
Ingenuity Ingenuity (Too many accounts)
Feeder Feeder (Too many accounts)
Ogre Ogre (Too many accounts)
Condinho Condinho (Too many accounts)
Blackmemes Blackmemes (Too many accounts)
Kryanna Kryanna (Too many accounts)
Golddigger nate2659 (Too many accounts)
Ferris Ferris (Too many accounts)
Bobsy Bobsy (Too many accounts)
Gravedigger Gravedigger (Too many accounts)
Desert desertking (Too many accounts)
Grizzly Grizzly (Too many accounts)
Mercenary Slash443 (Too many accounts)

wow, so fal had helm, redeagle, ingenuity, feeder, and ogre?!?!?!? 6 accounts is a lot for an insomniac! when he was with jester, i remember seeing him on for 18+ hours a day. i guess he just decided to split that up among the 6!

04:45:22 Sep 17th 07 - Lord Epyon:

wow.... 6 accounts, all on Fantasia...

thats pretty insane

...and totally not super special awesome =\

05:37:09 Sep 17th 07 - Sir Hephaestus:

Er... is that the real or fake Condinho?

06:33:33 Sep 17th 07 - Mr. Spoon:

Now I think of it. It probably was Falazar who was the fake one eh?

Anyways, is Falazar banned aswell?

And err.. more like.. 11 accounts or something..

06:39:20 Sep 17th 07 - Mr. Oamawt:

that is the fake condinho

07:57:25 Sep 17th 07 - Mr. Messiah:

I think some people owe us some appologies.

08:58:38 Sep 17th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

I dont

09:13:39 Sep 17th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

Neither do i.

09:15:55 Sep 17th 07 - Mr. Crissxcross:

You were right Messiah, good job in finding out so early.
But I still think that the way your kingdom threats their political neighbours and interfears in former-kingdom-politics suxxs.
As said, you were right, so no more blame from me anymore and am sry for the trouble those 2 (or one or how much ever) deleted players (from BoW) caused to your kingdom.

09:17:09 Sep 17th 07 - Mr. Architect:

Wow, thats really impressive Messiah, 5 for 5.  Nice job!

10:21:10 Sep 17th 07 - Mr. Messiah:

Architect: I wasnt alone, we got help to prove our theory by friends in BoW, Nemesis and former Aby. And actually, we predicted 7, then the connection to Falazar was proven. I was even talking to him no MSN at the exact time we kicked the multies, I said to him that the trouble had all been cleared out, and he said "good", then I said: "there is just one thing", he: "what????", "we're just gonna take care of some stuff". Then when I had kicked them, he was typing something for 10minutes. Aparently he got alot of work going on - go figure. So thats 8/8.

Smuff: I dont want to reopen a flame fest here, but we proved that BM and Feeder where multies. We where given the promise that BoW WOULD kick them. Yet, just couple of days ago you guys where still trying to cover this up, ofc they where manipulating you. So again, I outsmarted them by "agreeing" that you could keep Feeder in return for kicking BM. Ofc they could NEVER agree to that but I guess you missed that one as well. Fact is, you where wrong and we where right.

Crissxcross: Well, it has been a bloody mess. And for some of it, I am responsible. I know I have learned from this experience, and demands on Zeon players will be higher next era. Esp on people who are clearly very active.


Zeon will never accept cheating and we are proud that we did something to stop it even if it hurt the kingdom.

10:28:19 Sep 17th 07 - Mr. Onuris:

Long live ZeTa!

*Offers him another cow as thanks*


12:37:22 Sep 17th 07 - Mr. Onuris:

Mr. Crissxcross


9/7/2007 4:22:24 PMWell Lassie, now Gothrim says the same I told ya dozent times before in privat msgs: Let's wait for Zetas multi-sweep.
meanwhile our kingdom is doing its own investigations.

But I have a proposal for you, because you are so sure you are right.

If you are right Lassie, that every1 of those players you and your kingdom is accusing, I WILL DELETE MY ACCOUNT AND NEVER COME BACK.
But if I am right and there is at least one who is innocent. YOU WILL DELETE YOUR ACCOUNT AND NEVER COME BACK.

Pointing fingers to others is always easy as long as you have nothing to lose, now show us if you are still so 100% sure of your Pussy Purge!!!

I ask you now, please keep your word.


14:25:15 Sep 17th 07 - Mr. Crissxcross:

I ask you now Onuris, did Lassie agreed to my proposal ?

No, he didn't even replied, so we had no bet-agreement, so I am not bound to my offer.

If he would have accepted before Zeta did his cleaning, I would have to leave, if I wanted to keep my word, I know.
So if you want me to leave, you just have had to accept my bet. But you are too late now, the time to accept this proposal/bet has passed when Zeta did his cleaning.
Come earlier next time,

14:45:16 Sep 17th 07 - Mr. Rock Hard Reginald:

Wow Criss, that's one of the worst excuses to not holding up a bet I've ever heard. Seems like you never had the slightest intention of deleting had they been caught. Not that I think you should of, but you should be more careful with what you say next time, as you made a promise to delete your account and now refuse to.

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