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Poll into KDs practices
06:58:45 Nov 25th 20 - Death God Please Dont Cry:

You say burn it if it bothers you. But you do admit u got fed and was city swapping. Then why complain about me giving away my cities?

Why dont u burn them then?

07:00:25 Nov 25th 20 - Mr. Hannibal Barca:

It was more than 24 hours and you didn't have to kick him, just not defend what he is doing.
I didn't care if you near penguin or not, that is the moment he decided to also target us, so I wanted to stop get rid of the problem. I don't consider it feeding because I didn't attack a nap partner or a kd mate, I attacked someone who attacked us and also it didn't provide me any advantage, no resources and the income difference from some cities with no peasants was insignificant. And about hoh I knew the land difference was bigger and it wouldn't have influenced hoh.
I've said burn if you want, not because I considered it feeding, but because I didn't care about it and I thought if it made you feel better to win with a larger difference, I had no problem with that.

07:10:05 Nov 25th 20 - Gladiatorul (General Glad):

So PDC, you keep coming in, even uninvited. I told you, cheaters are not allowed here.

And JLT and other Bersekers, if you are supporting PDC while he cheats, it means you are embracing cheating, too. Please look at details/ proofs and think for yourself.

Now, Please Don't Cry, PDC. Since you are still here, misbehaving, I'll try step down to your level and answer raw aggression with aggression.

First of all, so you know, I don't have anything personal with you. I just don't like cheaters and you are a big one. And cheater never change.

Last time when I reported the 'Multi Cheating Operation' linked to your KD, you exploded in the same manner you do now. And your ' chicken brain' said 'I don't understand anything'. Then Zeta removed a pack of multies linked with one of your players. Do you understand now? Cheaters attract cheaters.

And let me explain why I created this forum. I wanted to see what respectable players think about some strategies you are so proud of. And guess what, they call it cheating. And I call you a cheater.

You say,  would 20m x2.5 (50m) gold matter at era end? especially form someone earning 6m gold/tick + 300k food + stone + tree?    ' How can your 'chicken brain' think of that, I wonder.

I used this only as a proof that you got fed all era long. This was repetitive strategy. 

You say  i was about to get everything u got in ce core. do you think i would care about 20m wood?      Your logic is wrong again here. You only had 15 ticks left. Your army facing Bogdan's army was similar in strength and I doubt you had a quarter of my army's strength in the cities nearby mine. Or your were betting on Aussies army?

You are idiot here again  whoever bought the wood u asked. (according to you exponentz). didnt you think he is a halfling building( according to haldimir)? and he also is a mage so he need that tree for MTs?    Read the answer I gave Haldimir and find out why.

Here you say you are assuming a lot of thing. and the era before. you think i was fed by my kd mates at 4-5 gold /tree. why not blame holy who was the one buying them not my own kd? lolz. a stupid idiot who doesnt have facts,. all you have are hearsay. i posted most of the people buying that tree at crazy prices was a guy from holy.      
Of course some other players may have purchased from you.  This was a planned strategy involving more of your KD's members. And as you see most of the VU players that contributed to this discussion, deemed it as a feeding technique. This is the second account of feeding, though.

get an accounting degree so you know about supply and demand

Your degrees make you so 'bully'? You behave like an uneducated piece of shhitt, though, with all your degrees. By coincidence I  have a Master in Accounting after Degree in Engineering. Can I ask - do you think you are smarter than other people, just because you have a Degree in Accounting? 

      get a business degree so you know about strategy
get an internship so you know how the world works.
and learn how to read what you post. what you say contradicts yourself. it clearly shows if you are the one doing it. its okay but if somebody else does its feeding.     
 Keep this advice for your children. I am past that age, boy.

So, PDC, let me know if you 'chicken brain' still thinks it does't understand anything.Otherwise, please let us continue the talk about how to deal with cheaters like you. Hopefully we find a way.

07:11:14 Nov 25th 20 - Mr. Seaweed Capn Salaajar:

Glad, i have known you for some long time, although you don't know me that much.

Please, if you see any "Cheating Activity" or "Suspicious Activity", you should directly pm ZeTa instead of getting into these discussions & bring your RIVAL KD into such serious accusitions.

Just imagine, what if your Rival Kd didn't do any of the such you said? Besides, according to VU term if you see anything you shouldn't come to forum, make a post, and target a kd without such proofs.

Please understand. VU Admin isn't dead. It takes couple of mins for ZeTa to find out all Market Feeding activities (even though you never told him that alleged player might be market feeding). He basically checks everything including ip address to all linked accs that the player traded with.

That said, please let Admin handle this.  And STOP accusitions of your Rival. Ty.

07:16:35 Nov 25th 20 - Gladiatorul (General Glad):


I am just hopping there are other means to handle these self called 'smart cheaters', than just banning them.

These cheating activities are not as easy to detect as the Multi Account cheating. You see PDC calls them legit techniques.

07:28:40 Nov 25th 20 - Death God Please Dont Cry:

Theres another flaw in your logic. That 20m tree disappearing? Dont you think i natived it? Cause i dont have any record for 20m tree being sold.

Bogdan have same size army as me?lol. What he got 30k naz? Would have easily slaughterd it.

Why not ask pengiun if he eits my armies.

Your still trash. 
If you truly have a degree then you dont deserve must have cheated on those exams inorder to pass

07:34:25 Nov 25th 20 - Gladiatorul (General Glad):

That was a silly question again. Why would you natived it at the same time Expenentz purchased the wood from me at 2.3. This is the only excuse your 'chicken brain' could think of?

And why would Exponetz buy my wood, while yours was natived. See your accounting degree doesn't help much with logic.

You had around 38-40 nazzies there and Bogdan was about 2k nazies shorter. He can confirm, that though. He could even AOD slaughtered your army if you prepped on his city. Does you 'chicken brain' agree with this?

07:37:05 Nov 25th 20 - Gladiatorul (General Glad):

Your still trash. 
If you truly have a degree then you dont deserve must have cheated on those exams inorder to pass

Ha ha ha, what an iidiot you are. It's me cheating here, or you?

07:38:59 Nov 25th 20 - Gladiatorul (General Glad):

Anything else you didn't understand from what I said so far?

07:51:03 Nov 25th 20 - Mr. Seaweed Capn Salaajar:

Glad, you know VU is here for many years. 

There were many players like "Anonymous" who used their own unique technics to win an era, when many others said it's cheating. But ZeTa didn't take it as cheating, instead a strategy. 

So first find out their technique, then ask Admin. If Admin denies it as cheating then it is legit. 

07:54:29 Nov 25th 20 - Death God Please Dont Cry:

Do u think he would see a 2.5 tree when 2.3 is around? U an idiot? And u onlysaw 40k. Lol. Youre in for abig surprise.

I dare u aotd hit with lessthan 5% chance?

Thats without my 500k mu bless.

He was camping in 6400 city. What a 12 tick prep?

08:08:53 Nov 25th 20 - Captain Nakuyki:

13:33:26 Nov 25th 20 - Gladiatorul (General Glad):

PDC, I told you earlier, I won't talk to you if you can't behave as mature adult. This forum is not for cheaters, therefore not for you. 

VU players already decided that you are a cheater. So please keep out of this forum.


You literally made a thread to get public vindication after whining & spamming on the Fant thread.

You've got no right to claim others aren't being "mature."

08:23:17 Nov 25th 20 - Mr. Seaweed Capn Salaajar:

Death God Please Dont Cry:

Do u think he would see a 2.5 tree when 2.3 is around? U an idiot? 

I actually skipped reading some posts due to spams :)

Of course he couldn't see unless he or someone else bought it first.

08:40:06 Nov 25th 20 - Gladiatorul (General Glad):


Glad, you know VU is here for many years. 

There were many players like "Anonymous" who used their own unique technics to win an era, when many others said it's cheating. But ZeTa didn't take it as cheating, instead a strategy. 

So first find out their technique, then ask Admin. If Admin denies it as cheating then it is legit. 

I am not aware of Anonymous techniques to win the game.

VU admin is everywhere. He can see what we talk here, anyway.

08:50:21 Nov 25th 20 - Gladiatorul (General Glad):


You changed your account but can't change your behavior, can you?

Remember, the Abydos time, when you were crying every era claiming Bogdan was cheating. And he didn't. Now we have a great cheater, than also happened to kick your asss with his fed army, and you seem not to care at all. Do you have double standards?

Read again the Fantasia forum. I accused the Multi Cheaters that were linked to Bersekers and demanded an explanation from PDC. I mentioned about the strategies he is adopting saying, I'll let VU players accuse him. And here it is.

Better mind your business. You have enough enemies - I doubt you need more.

08:54:55 Nov 25th 20 - Gladiatorul (General Glad):


20:54:29 Nov 24th 20 - Death God Please Dont Cry:

Do u think he would see a 2.5 tree when 2.3 is around? U an idiot? And u onlysaw 40k. Lol. Youre in for abig surprise.

I dare u aotd hit with lessthan 5% chance?

Thats without my 500k mu bless.

He was camping in 6400 city. What a 12 tick prep?

You thought you are smarter than that. I will answer your question with a question, see if you get it.

The other times when you had wood up to 3.9 and some of your people cleaned the market to reach it, did they see your wood?

You are so sstupid my friend. I tried to place it at a price, he wouldn't see yours of course. Why would he buy mine if he can see yours?

08:55:18 Nov 25th 20 - Captain Nakuyki:

Why do you keep calling me Bling dude?

Also, I think lasting 5 days (from when PDC started camping on me) after starting late and traveling for half a day was pretty decent.

09:19:15 Nov 25th 20 - Gladiatorul (General Glad):

I would assume that our honorable contributors to this discussion have been scared away by PDC's scandalous appearance.

If they haven't, I'll still be looking to find out, how did you VU community handled in the past these cases of grave & hard to detect cheating players. 


14:54:36 Nov 25th 20 - Penguin (Clown Bosnian Horse):


there was no feeding in last fanta era(? or was it??). i just didnt want to let you take easy towns.
Bog, didnt want to take my towns, so ive ownaged stewies armies, froze some, Tp'ed some towns, to get attention. 
my main army with my mus were in my mc, other towns had just small amounts of nazz and mainly mus. so what i suicided on you were pretty much trash. i was hoping to rof some huge armies, but didnt have enough MP and luck.  

You (11/15/2020 10:36:40 AM)
When pdc comes close send small nazz parties to take over my towns.
Mr. Hannibal Barca (11/15/2020 2:24:01 PM)GOODBAD
I'd rather not. This might get me to the first spot on hoh and I don't think it would be ok
You (11/15/2020 2:40:32 PM)
send small nazz parties on my towns now then. and take over later on. dont be a pussy bog. i dont want to let pdc get easy towns. i just farmed for fun and trained some mus ~1M.
Mr. Hannibal Barca (11/16/2020 12:09:32 PM)GOODBAD
I'm not gonna take them.
Mr. Hannibal Barca (11/16/2020 12:10:30 PM)GOODBAD
but if you want I can burn them
Mr. Hannibal Barca (11/16/2020 7:22:25 PM)GOODBAD
Fine, I'll take them, just leave stewie alone :)

15:14:50 Nov 25th 20 - Death God Please Dont Cry:

There you have ot. Actual proof


Bogdan says 1 thing and does another. He said it doesnt matter to him those 100k towns. It wont get him to 1st spot. Then turns around and take them . Cause he actually thinks so. Desperate moves.

He would have done what he said and burn them

2. Collusion. Not only breaks the cf. But to feed him to to #1.

According to glad bogdan have 38k naz againt ur 6k? He would have taken ur magic city if he wanted if u actually were fighting due to the spells. But didnt. Just feed him

But like i say. If u guys do it its. Okay. Its not feeding at all

If your at war after the spells then your at war. Take out the resource and the troops. And at least some resistance. Instead pengiun moved his troops out then have bogdan take them. And leave the mt city alone.

@glad this doesnt break the cf? Like i said your the biggest hypocrit of them all

@ pengiun there were like 10 different naz armies running bottom u can easily ownage. But didnt. From bogdan and glad.

16:40:25 Nov 25th 20 - Konstant (The Ancient Flavius Valerius Konstantinus):

I'm a little unclear how Bogdan taking Peng's towns is collusion/feeding.

They never planned on it. No one really benefits as it's the end of the era. They don't have any alliance of any sort.

I don't even get why Bogdan was hesitant to take the towns in the first place. Everything up there^ indicates that's it's perfectly alright.

It's absolutely normal to not want another KD to take resources over your own KD, even if you're allied.

17:35:18 Nov 25th 20 - Mr. Mavech:

I think everything in here is just to help Glad justify that his way is the only way to play VU. 

I agree with Salajar, if you think someone is cheating just go ahead and report to Zeta and let him check, instead of shaming? in public forums and asking public opinion to sway your way.

You argue that vets in our KD supported cheating, no we don't but we are still here aren't we? Why do you think that? If you don't know the right answer to this - then i see no point in arguing with you anymore.

P.S. The arguement on how PDC was being fed has been going on for a couple of eras now, and for all those era, there one was only one thing coherent, he got fed by his enemies, he has taken all their cities without/less regards to the rest of us. He has loads of trash cities he doesn't need, he got loads of resources to sell at whatever price he deems fit all because of it. 

19:12:58 Nov 25th 20 - Jack Daniels The drunk (Dragonlord Ares God of War):

^^^^ this post is how i feel about PDC he got easy takes early and proceeded to snowball off them  so unless you have definitive proof that he cheated step off and if you really think that he cheated tell zeta he's the one who decides what is cheating and not.

20:04:37 Nov 25th 20 - Mr. Hannibal Barca:

Mavech just because zeta isn't checking and not investing time into the game or doesn't mean there was no cheating from pdc. I agree that the market stuff is debatable, and you really need zeta to check in those cases, also the suspicion I have with the scripts, again just zeta can check and unfortunately he doesn't care / have time any more, but I've presented some clear feeding cases.

If you say pdc is not cheating please explain how do you consider not feeding when one player from a kd gives a city to a kd mate, using a napped kd for the transaction, Or when you nap a kd and the other kd builds a wh city for you to plunder? 

20:14:54 Nov 25th 20 - Mr. Seaweed Capn Salaajar:

Mr. Hannibal Barca: not cheating please explain how do you consider not feeding when one player from a kd gives a city to a kd mate, using a napped kd for the transaction, Or when you nap a kd and the other kd builds a wh city for you to plunder? 

If you can in future, please take a screenshot of prepping on a Nap kd member, with that city's eits report. That's good enough to get accuser punished immediately.

Or else i don't think it's possible for Admin to believe or find proof. As it's  pretty complicated.

22:38:33 Nov 25th 20 - Gladiatorul (General Glad The Cruel):


You will note that I presented 2 Scenarios, with the first one being the proof and the second one supporting the first one.

Because I have been on and off VU for a number of years, I needed to check with other VU players if the techniques this guy uses are considered legit or not.

If the consensus was that the techniques were legit, we wouldn't have this discussion now. Instead every KD could have used them. How fair is for one using a better weapon than the others? Chicken fighting with gun against roosters' beaks.

I think even VU Admin would have difficulties to identify that the Second scenario is a feeding scheme, while those involved could always claim they benefited from the transactions. But having the first Scenario where it is clear that the buyer couldn't have benefited from the transaction, linked to the Second Scenario, where same participants were involved, gives us a better indication about the era long cheating going on.

Now I know you Berserkers guys may not be aware at all of what happens there. The scheme can only involve only 2 players, and can remain undetected even by very active players from the same KD.

If I have Crixus or someone else increasing the market for wood and food every 3-4 day (after I built only farms and lumber), I place my resources on the market a few cents below his, while others have lower prices on the market. Nobody can see the my price, right? Then, when he buys it all (except his), do you think that any Glad realizes there is a cheating scheme there? Even if VU admin asks them, the buyer can say he intended to sell it for profit by placing what he purchased a few cents higher.

And again, when you go so flagrant as per Scenario 1, one would blame you for Scenario 2, as well.

22:49:40 Nov 25th 20 - Gladiatorul (General Glad The Cruel):


@glad this doesnt break the cf? Like i said your the biggest hypocrit of them all

I have to tell you, that I haven't dealt with a more unreliable leader than you here at VU.

Every contract comes with clauses and our CF deal had attached some. Your issue regarding Penguin, is debatable and it was not included as a clause. 

And even it it was, that doesn't justify you moving a HoH army into our core.

And by the way, I was kind with you. If I were to act in a similar way, I could have wiped about 150k building from you before the era ended. I had EQ coverage over 4x90 cities of yours. I limited my actions to defending my core only. And you are still crying for hitting that army. Can your 'chicken brain' see the difference in approaches, now?

And by the way, here we are discussing your cheating allegations. If you want to cry about how, who and why the CF between our KD was broken, perhaps use the Fantasia forum.

01:00:43 Nov 26th 20 - Death God Please Dont Cry:

its useless to deabte with a stupid idiot like you.

03:15:49 Nov 26th 20 - Gladiatorul (General Glad):

yah, 'deabate', 'smart accountant'; 

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