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Family History

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Mr. Gilthas

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Gilthas) and was a member of Music

-Chronicle of the Ildarions-

This is the story of a honourable family living in eras that have long been forgotten. A story about a family of beings that were accepted by all races, Orcs or Halflings, Trolls and Dwarves, even by Humans and Elves. Though they themselves were more fond of forests and the races living there, being Trolls and to a lesser extend Elves. A story about the Ildarions.

Being accepted by all the races known on Earth in those eras, the Ildarions were in an ideal position to claim an important position in most diplomatical and political institutions used.

Gilthas Ildarion was a member of this family. Descending from a long line of Troll Warchiefs and Diplomats, he was sent to help a dwarf tribe settle themselves in the dangerous regions of Fantasia. As stated earlier, Dwarves weren't the favourite race of the Ildarions, but their superb building skills made would be an advantage to settle a new colony, but shortlegged races weren't fit for battle like longlegged races were. That is why the Dwarves asked for the help of the Ildarions. This may seem strange as the Dwarves mostly are to proud to ask for help, especcialy from a being not from their race. Atleast the Ildarions weren't Elves, that would have been a disgrace for all the Dwarves that ever roamed the mountains.


Mr. Gilthas

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Swofty) and was a member of Music


Mr. Swofty

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Swofty) and was a member of Music

-Chronicles of the Ildarions-

After Swofty's grandfather retreated from the harsh world of Fantasia. Gilthas jr. was trying to restore the influence of the Ildarions. To do so, he intended to create his own empire on one of the less hostile worlds. Though, being a lousy navigator Gilthas jr. never succeeded in leaving Fantasia. His son Swofty, however succesfully teleported with the help of some Musical friends to the lands of Zetamania. It was a world very similar to Fantasia, though the hopes were high it wasn't as hostile. To accompany Swofty on his trip, he selected soldiers from the most warlike of all races, the feared Orcs. Swofty never claimed he wouldn't be hostile to other rulers in the area, though when treated with respect, Swofty would prove to be a thrustworhty ally.

After settling a small city well imbedded between mountains and forrests, Swofty send out the troops he gathered for his journey, to scout the surrounding area. It was immediately clear that there was life in these lands. Lots of other cities were discovered and mapped. It was important to know the terrain and surrounding rulers in case disputes would ever have to be cleared with the sword instead of with the tongue.

After making sure he would be able to get a good view of the area, Swofty made some plans to develop a strong economy. He would need lots of gold, that's for sure. Though wood and stone would be very necessary to build structures in the cities he was planning to settle. The last thing he would need was food. Every living being needs food. Maybe it was possible to acquire this good by trading with other empires.

Mr. Swofty

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Gilth) and was a member of Music

-Chronicles of the Ildarions-

Swoftys father failed to build an empire with a strong economy and together with the Kingdom he was part of, he was forced to leave the lands of Zetamania. After a few years at sea and the death of his father, Swofty Jr. arrived on the huge isle of Starta. Though a storm caused him to be separated from his friends by mountains, forests and rivers, a small army was able to settle a good base. Immideately after the construction of the necessary buildings, scouts were send to find the shortest way to Swoftys compagnions. These scouts arrived after 2 days of travelling without any sleep. They could only hope that their ruler wasn't defeated by native inhabitants.
In the main base, Swofty Ildarion was informed about a tribe of trolls living closeby in 1 of the forests. Swofty was delighted, Trolls were considered to be the strongest race by his family. He immediately left to the troll camp to see if he could arrange a deal. The typical Ildarion strenght with words helped Swofty acquire a good pact. Swofty would gain control over the tribes and in return, he would help them to become one of the greatest powers on the isle. Swofty assured them that with a few of the trolls strongest warriors and help of is compagnions, he would be able to achieve that goal. The trolls left their camp and traveled to Swoftys main base. They immediately started helping the engineers to construct huge lumbermills. Now Swofty was sure he could achieve anything, with the help of the most great race that ever lived on these earthly worlds.
4 days after the first scouts left, he received a mesage. They found the others. Swofty himself would travel back together with the troll leaders. guided by the messenger, they arrived in the newly found area of the Kingdom of Music. Swofty ordered to build 3 more cities. The most important one would be a small but heavily fortified castle defending the only known passage of the western river. In the mean while, his wealth grew. he would soon be able to draft powerful armies. He send the 4 best troll warriors to a city and ordered them to train the draftees in that ways they were once trained. The Berserker way of fighting was a very powerfull one. And because 1 soldier trained as a berserker was able to oppose many enemies, Swoftys armies wouldn't be great in numbers, but their strenght would be incredible.