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Family History

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Mr. Darkchaos

Lived in Era 22, got 1 heir(s) (Chaosguy) and was a member of DarkChaosAlliance

Obliterated by The Horde, many kingdoms disappeared from the face of the earth. However, one remained: The DarkChaosEmpire. Faced with hordes of The Horde, the valiant Darkchaospeople did not bow down. They fought with all their dark and chaotic powers and defeated The Horde.

But the price was very high.Many of the mighty darkchaospeople were slain in battle. But, once again, the world was endangered. Many kingdoms had risen, powerful kingdoms. They were taking over the world and Darkchaos had to stop them.

In an attempt to combat the overwhelming forces of light, darkchaos founded the DCA: The DarkChaosAlliance. Knowing that the future was grim, he prepared an army of orcs to face the challenges that awaited.

Mr. Chaosguy

Lived in Era 23, got 1 heir(s) (Darkchaosguy) and was a member of DarkChaosAlliance

Even as Darkchaos fell in battle, Chaosguy knew he must take his father's place. Hemmed in on all sides by powerful kingdoms of experienced and skilled players, Chaosguy knew that he must lead the DCA to victory. So what if the DCA was a new kingdom? So what if it lacked many experienced players? So what if it is outnumbered by the members of other kingdoms? Numbers and experience do not win a war, it is only courage and intelligence that can truly beat an opponent.

(On a side note, numbers and experience do still make a large difference)

Mr. Darkchaosguy

Lived in Era 23, got 1 heir(s) (Darkchaosguy) and was a member of DarkChaosAlliance

Alas! Courage and intelligence had not saved chaosguy from a brutal attack by the Phi Empire. Darkchaosguy knew he must rebuild the kingdom, find a new center of power, and strike back against those who had slain his father. Knowing full well that as soon as his protection was over thousands of enemies would come from all directions, he prepared his defences in the final, ChaosFortress.

Mr. Darkchaosguy

Lived in Era 23, got 1 heir(s) (Darkchaosguy) and was a member of Brotherhood of the Wolf

And, he died. "How pathetic," thought Darkchaosguy. "And the worst thing is, I am named after that loser."

Knowing that his ancestors were dumb to try and start a kingdom with no experience with warfare and economy, he decided to join a kingdom that was already started and could provide help and advice to someone who was just learning to defeat his enemies; The Brotherhood of the Wolf.

Mr. Darkchaosguy

Lived in Era 23, got 1 heir(s) (Darkchaosguy IV) and was a member of The Illuminati Empire

Darkchaosguy mourned the death of his father, but at the same time knew that it was inevitable. His father was a brave man and had died defending his people from a vastly larger army. He was determined to make his father proud of the empire he would soon create.

After hearing of the virtues of The Great King Arzun of The Illuminati Empire, Darkchaosguy, the third, set out to join this kingdom. Even knowing that their lands were being ravaged by war didn't stop Darkchaosguy from joining this kingdom. He knew that the Illuminati would prevail, no matter the odds.

With his help, ok fine, without his help the IE soon entered a short period of peace. However, this came at a great cost. Many of the kingdom's greatest cities were sacrificed for the survival of the kingdom.

Devastated by a prolonged war with a much larger enemy, the Illuminati Empire needed more resources. The entire economy of the kingdom was in shambles. It would take years to rebuild. However, they knew they did not have that time. The only way to survive was to conquer.

Alas, even as they turned to conquer land Legacy attacked them from behind. Phi, who was now our ally did nothing but watch our fall to the Legacy armies. But we refused to fall so easily.

Mr. Darkchaosguy IV

Lived in Era 23, got 1 heir(s) (Atreides) and was a member of The Illuminati Empire


Mr. Atreides

Lived in Era 24, got 1 heir(s) (Atreides) and was a member of The Illuminati Empire

It is a new world now, and there is new hope. Atreides, heir to the Great House of Atreides has founded a new empire from the roots of Caladan and Arrakis.

Already, war is plaguing the lands and the Illuminati are thrust into a war with Carnage. They are a powerful enemy, and a worthy foe.

Alas, The Illuminati may have held on against Carnage at the bridge crossing, but PKS attacked from behind while our soldiers were valiantly defending against Carnage.

Forced to move troops to retake what PKS had stolen, our blocker fell without reinforcements. Soon most lands of the IE fell, but Arrakis held out with a small but dedicated force. However, they were soon overwhelmed by the Imperial Army while fighting overwhelming odds.

However, Atreides had already planned for this contingency and IE had founded a second core to the East. Here we shall make our final stand. Protected by a new blocker, our people prospered. Now it is finally time to strike back. Creating an army of nazguls, Atreides set out to attack Carnage at their heart. However, knowing that he was outnumbered, Atreides was forced to move through the outskirts of the Kingdom, burning and destroying all cities in his path.

Mr. Atreides

Lived in Era 25 and got 1 heir(s) (Atreides).

Finally, having some experience behind them, the Atreides were able to quickly establish themselves in the new world. Training armies of the fearsome Sardukar at their base of Salusa Secandus, the power of the Atreides was increasing rapidly.

Through military force, some cities quickly fell to the Atreides. However, without Arrakis (the only known source of melange), wealth was only a dream. Without money to finance major campaigns, the Atreides were forced to slowly build up their strength in the hope that a target would present itself.

Mr. Atreides

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Atreides) and was a member of The Illuminati Empire


Mr. Atreides

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Atreides) and was a member of The Illuminati Empire


Mr. Atreides

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Atreides) and was a member of The Illuminati Empire


Mr. Atreides

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Atreides) and was a member of The Illuminati Empire

This had been a difficult time for the great House of the Atreides. Forced to flee from place to place, we were eventually obliterated on Fantasia. However, I managed to escape to Nirvana, and here my destiny will unfold. From the very beginning, we joined into a great fight against the Wicked End helped by our allies the Templar Crusaders.

After destroying this enemy, our attention was drawn to the great kingdom of NEON. They had established a strong presence near our area and had many troops. However, we were not afraid and charged forward in the zeal of battle with little thought for how things would turn out. Even with many initial gains, NEON managed to fight us back out.

Soon, their king messaged us with overtures of peace. We agreed to a CF as we needed some time to prepare if not have a full NAP. Soon, it became evident that the hostilities between us two were over, and we turned our sights to different kingdoms. We looked South to Zeon. However, before we could even plan any offensives, we were attacked by Music.

Mr. Atreides

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Atreides) and was a member of The Illuminati Empire


Mr. Atreides

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Atreides) and was a member of Jester

This was an era of great tragedy for the Noble House Atreides. As had become evident in the previous era, The Great Illuminati Empire was devastated by the loss of our Great King Arzun. We somehow managed to pick up the pieces and fight back, but many had left us in the terrible confusion that followed and we were brought to our knees.

We struggled in vain and our cities were taken by Mirror. We had no choice but to ally and eventually be absorbed by Jester. Once in Jester, the difficulties were far from over. Making small talk about piece and delaying any real agreements, Mirror kept sending armies at our cities. We knew we could not stand for this if we wanted to uphold our reputation and decided to war the great kingdom of Mirror. Bringing in our full forces, we were able to push back their disorganized forays and force our way in from the South.

Through some unrelated events, part of Mirror defected and started attacking it. This was the death blow, and we soon occupied this territory. However, before we could set up full defenses and prepare for more wars, Carnage attacked from the North. They sent in many small armies and were able to wreak havoc as we weren't prepared.

They also accepted the fleeing remnants of Mirror to resettle in their territory. Together, both kingdoms attacked us and our offensive was brought to a grinding halt. The momentum started turning when two more kingdoms attacked us: The Falcons from the west, and Phi from the south east.

Because of our concentration on the Northern frontier, Phi easily broke through our minimal defenses and mortally wounded the kingdom by moving into the mineral rich mining lands of the south. With what little power we have left, we will struggle to fight against the combined power of these 4 kingdoms. Helped only by two allies, we can only count on them to partially shield us from Carnage for they are in no position, physically or diplomatically, to attack either of the others. It may be a doomed cause, but our kingdom will fight them for every inch of land they take.

Mr. Atreides

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Atreides) and was a member of Jester

The Jesters had ultimately fallen to their numerous enemies, but Atreides managed to escape. His father and family slain, much of his kingdom annihilated, he escaped the Armageddon with a mere 6 allies to try and re-establish himself in the new world. Unfortunately, with the death of their great Queen, Lady Mifune, Jester's power had waned considerably. Led now by Soccer, a talented leader in his own right, the Jesters knew that even survival would be a great struggle with such a small force left.

As the world began to stabilize after the last Armageddon, The Brotherhood of the Wolf offered us an alliance. We respectfully declined as it didn't seem wise to make allies if we didn't even know whether they would be neighboring kingdoms. It turns out that both BoW and Music, the two would-be allies, landed quite near us. However, we stupidly expected to be welcomed as allies again. This was not the case. Attacking with great force, the experienced and numerically superior BoW began to take many of our cities. However, we refused to fall so easily, and brought all of our pitifully small forces to bear against them.