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Ms. Kkay

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Kkay II) and was a member of Shen an Calhar


Kkay was born in the time of drug an corruption!! The world was filled with crime and mayhem! She traveled far and wide to run to get away from the destruction.Till she came across the great and triumphant Shen an Calhar kingdom that toke her in an let her build a great city and expand on to make more cities and gain more land. Shes help people like the great Mr.Warszarbe to join and expand our great kingdom further.and has made good friends with so of our allies in the fearful kingdom she sit and waits,grows,expands,fights,to VICTORY or to DEATH..............


Kkay has come a long way,she now lives a rich fun life she is a great leader of her cities,she has great walls and huge cities,she has come form making 2,346 a tick, to making 583,732 and her Peasants love her for suppling them with great mac donalds,an kfcs,and the mouth watering wopper from the great hungry jacks, with pinkies just around the bend and every one drives around on v8 horses and own big homes u gotta love the new life!!!


Kkay has been moving her stoner army to paper walls town to build moving it. people if you like fast food follow me please join me and my merry crew of the red hand of lots of food make sure that before you eat fruit loops

Ms. Kkay II

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Kkay Iii) and was a member of Shen an Calhar

Just started to move army to build and become a vice for the new era.Try her very best to make alliance with a new kingdom and try n not die. Fight with 30000 sparton if theres a war! Bringing all she got training as much army. Getting ready for attack from the DB kingdom because they had not reply to her letter that she had sent them .... They attacked DB and didn't get far because DB toke her and she died and had to start all again but she would have her war aganist DB and LGC and MAD because her allied kingdoms aske dher to so she did.

Ms. Kkay Iii

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Kkay) and was a member of Shen an Calhar