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Mr. Marik

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Marik) and was a member of war heros

Marik was born into a family of peasants. In a raid his family was killed except him because he fought them off. Amazed by his skill the enemy captain offered him a spot. With nothing else to do he accepted.

His skill was recognized and he was quickly promoted. After many a campaign he was promoted again to Major and got a small regiment of his own. He led them into victory against heavy odds. One fateful day he was in a battle where te enemy numbered 100,000 while his force only consisted of 3000 men. They quickly formed a circle for they were surrounded. Men fell on both sides. Only the strong discipline that his forces had kept them from surrendering. They fought on but when their number reached 100 they knew they were finished. They fought on like cornered beasts. Everyone was slaughtered except 3 men one of which was Marik. He was taken prisoner and was torturd for information. He didn't let loose no matter how much pain. His men died from wounds from the battle along with the tortur. One night he managed to gain a sword from a drunken guard. He quickly beheaded him and headed for the door to freedom. But alas, it was not to be for five soldiers ambushed him. He managed to stab one in the neck, chop off an arm of another, and slash another’s chest before he got stabbed him in the chest. Taking him for - they threw him out the tower. Luckily he wasn't high up in the tower and he landed on a nice sleeping pile of drunkards.

He returned home and told of his escape. The king was not pleased that he lost the battle but he showed mercy because of the "small miscalculation" of the enemy’s numbers. Given new recruits to train he buried himself in his work hoping to gain respect again. He finally was sent to a battle of the easiest type, ransacking a village. He went and they slew the local but when he saw the huddled families he was reminded of his beginning in life. He ordered his men not to kill anyone but to take food and supplies. The men obeyed without question, but with doubts of their leaders ability. They were hailed when they returned and Marik was again promoted but now to general. He gained control of 20 Battalions. Instead of single battle orders he now led campaigns. Quickly showing his strategic skill he conquered many lands. The rewards are numerous and he finally goes free from the land of his battles. The king grants him his own land.

Now he has started a colony of his own named after his father, Karn. He now hopes to become a powerful leader so that one day he can settle down as an old man and die in peace. But that is far away. He has 50 men and 600 peasants. He quickly has them set up temporary huts to live in as houses and other necessities are built. They face plague lack of food and water but finally they have a colony set up. Now at 35 years old he now leads a small colony. His colony started at a shaky beginning but slowly grew now it is still small but will slowly grow.After joining the kingdom of War Heroes he quickly grew. He set up a second colony in the mountains to gain gold. He then dispatched an army to take over a small colonty to the nothwest. Now his cities and armies have grown. He then sent an army up to take Katocity. Now he builds up armies for the impending battle that War Heroes is going to have with the PPP. His main focus is a PPP regiment heading down. Quickly building a force he girds himself for a fateful battle that if he loses he will be wiped off the earth.

Mr. Marik

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Marik) and was a member of war heros


Mr. Marik

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Maik) and was a member of war heros


Mr. Maik

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Marik) and was a member of war heros


Mr. Marik

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Marik) and was a member of war heros

Marik was born into a family of peasants. In a raid his family was killed except him because he fought them off. Amazed by his skill the enemy captain offered him a spot. With nothing else to do he accepted.

His skill was recognized and he was quickly promoted. After many a campaign he was promoted again to Major and got a small regiment of his own. He led them into victory against heavy odds. One fateful day he was in a battle where te enemy numbered 100,000 while his force only consisted of 3000 men. They quickly formed a circle for they were surrounded. Men fell on both sides. Only the strong discipline that his forces had kept them from surrendering. They fought on but when their number reached 100 they knew they were finished. They fought on like cornered beasts. Everyone was slaughtered except 3 men one of which was Marik. He was taken prisoner and was torturd for information. He didn't let loose no matter how much pain. His men died from wounds from the battle along with the tortur. One night he managed to gain a sword from a drunken guard. He quickly beheaded him and headed for the door to freedom. But alas, it was not to be for five soldiers ambushed him. He managed to stab one in the neck, chop off an arm of another, and slash another’s chest before he got stabbed him in the chest. Taking him for - they threw him out the tower. Luckily he wasn't high up in the tower and he landed on a nice sleeping pile of drunkards.

He returned home and told of his escape. The king was not pleased that he lost the battle but he showed mercy because of the "small miscalculation" of the enemy’s numbers. Given new recruits to train he buried himself in his work hoping to gain respect again. He finally was sent to a battle of the easiest type, ransacking a village. He went and they slew the local but when he saw the huddled families he was reminded of his beginning in life. He ordered his men not to kill anyone but to take food and supplies. The men obeyed without question, but with doubts of their leaders ability. They were hailed when they returned and Marik was again promoted but now to general. He gained control of 20 Battalions. Instead of single battle orders he now led campaigns. Quickly showing his strategic skill he conquered many lands. The rewards are numerous and he finally goes free from the land of his battles. The king grants him his own land.

Now he has started a colony of his own named after his father, Karn. He now hopes to become a powerful leader so that one day he can settle down as an old man and die in peace. But that is far away. He has 50 men and 600 peasants. He quickly has them set up temporary huts to live in as houses and other necessities are built. They face plague lack of food and water but finally they have a colony set up. Now at 35 years old he now leads a small colony. His colony started at a shaky beginning but slowly grew now it is still small but will slowly grow.After joining the kingdom of War Heroes he quickly grew. He set up a second colony in the mountains to gain gold. He then dispatched an army to take over a small colonty to the nothwest. Now his cities and armies have grown. He then sent an army up to take Katocity. Now he builds up armies for the impending battle that War Heroes is going to have with the PPP. His main focus is a PPP regiment heading down. Quickly building a force he girds himself for a fateful battle that if he loses he will be wiped off the earth.

He lives on today going by the same name. No one but him knows how he is still alive today. What you think I'm gonna tell YOU? You gotta be kidding me.