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King Spoon

Lived in Era 15, got 1 heir(s) (Spoon) and was the leader of Redcoats

Spoon was a fat mighty man who ruled the Redcoats with a wooden fist.
Iron was too expensive for him, but still..Wood can hurt too!
He almost didn't fought the whole era, and he sux in exploring, so his score is just 3mil
Just 3mil...on Mantrax! o.O

But he needed some time for his hobbys now..
On day 39 he went crocodile hunting, and in the evening he ate some Chinese people.
On day 40 he did some routine work, and blackmailed golfers.

Well, I'll continue wif the story..
Spoon made children out of wood..
Remember what's wrong with Iron?
He gave them plastic laser eyes, and the strongest survived..
He would be called..Spoon!
Woahw! What an original name for a Spoon..

The rest of his twelve kids died in the fight vs Spoon JR
Now he was ready to jump of the highest building in Usaf!
Hmm..That won't give the killing touch, since Guard Towers are only 12 ft. high in Spoons Colonys.

Stab him with a knife? Nope, impossible..Spoon has no hands..

Spoon is just doombed to stay alive, in teh lame castle of his son..
Jeez! :(

/me goes off to find donuts & meatpie

Mr. Spoon

Lived in Era 16 and got 0 heir(s) .

Im hot..

/me plays with Boobies boobs