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Mr. Arthion

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Arthion) and was a member of Consequence

A young boy lived in a age of turmoil. He was the son of the greatest emperor the kingdom had ever known.The emperor held the empire together like no man after or before him could. All sought to be allied with him and all feared to be enemies of his. The boy ,known as Arthion, had only the wish to achieve the greatness his father did.
He had his chance to prove himself in the battle of kronia. The armies of the empire had driven the fire beasts called krons back to the first mountain they crawled out of. The kron king himself was present to defend his last fortress.
He like his brethren was in essence fire. They were a creation of non other than Lucifer himself . He poised fear in the hearts of enemies and would lash out in flames of lightning at his enemies and scorch them dust. They followed the dark arts of Satan. This magic centered around changing their essance to fire(the ceremony is properly called "vinseth gin revurtun" or "return to fire" in the human tongue, and is the change from boy to man for the Krons) Which was accentually when they gave themselves fully to Lucifer and he in return empowered them to do his bidding.
The armies of the empire was experiencing triumph after triumph against the Krons. They had fought deep into enemy territory. Sieging fortresses that had never felt the touch of man before. these we new and danderous lands and now the armies were staring at each other. The sky was stained blood with the ash from the volcaanic moutain. Arthion was in command of his own battalion for the first time. It was his chance to fight! His brother(Fulkur) and his father were on either side of him.
His father came up to him saying"This is it my son a defeat here would mean the loss of months of victories and pushing this cursed enemy back to the hole they belong in!!!
Arthion responded" But a victory would finally mean peace for the empire you've created and our home"
his father asked" Are you nervous?...and don't say you aren't just to be brave...A nervous man is the one who is the most alert and ready to respond to anything say....a blast of fire from the Kron king himself."
He laughed out loud obviously to lighten the mood in the camp. Arthion again realized why so many loved and adored him, and why the army had been so successful in its campaign. He felt that twinge in the back of his mind that he would never amount to anything compared to his father.
Arthion could feel the tension well up within him , and it was about to burst....He looked around men were saying prayers, some were rocking back and forth, others were completely shacking in their boots. While the veterans stood perfectly still staring at the enemy thinking of what Arthion couldn't guess.
The lieutenant came up to him" the king is about to issue the charge you should get ready sir"
Arthion nodded in response and mounted his horse.
The call was made.... and the army charged and along with it the hopes of all men, women ,and children in the empire.
The armies charged with an explosion of sound. men upon men, horse upon horse, magical explosions scattered across the field, and metal ripping through metal rang through the air. Arthion fought with gallantry and valor and led his men to the kron kings men along with his father and brother.
Arthion could hear his father in the distance" Close in on this spawn of Satan and let us end this tonight"
inspired by his father issued out his war cry and shouted out" All men this is the time to show our enemies that they are not the only ones who cause their enemies to cry in terror!!"
The battalions of his, his brother and father closed around the Kron kings own and most vicious men. Arthion knew they if they failed was over.
Just as they were closing in the tide of battle changed . Fulkur and his men had started attacking him and his fathers men. they were surrounded and cut off from the rest of the army. Arthion saw his father caught between the Kron king and his treacherous brother.rage took control of him and He rushed to his aid but arrived only to see his father take a mortal wound from the Sword of the kron king.
"NO!!" shouted Arthion until his voice went hoarse and his throat started bleeding. Not until he tasted the blood did he come to his senses.
He fought to the King and entered into pitch combat with him. The duel carried on and Arthion only saw him and the beast nothing else mattered.
He lunged in pure fury and with all the wrath he could muster and drove his sword into the kron king. The magic in his blood and the wrath he attacked with Exploded within the Kron with an eruption so powerful it completely incinerated the beast and sent Arthion flying 20 yards in the air knocked unconscious. But the deed was done and Fulkur carried on the command of the enemy and drove the forces of the empire back. Arthions men carried him away to the temporary safety of the empires borders.
With the emperor gone the nobles of the council all greedily fought for the crown the empire went into a state of turmoil. Civil war rang across the once great empire.The council banished the royal house and started to hunt them down along with fighting amongst themselves. The krons again flourish under the rule of Fulkur. And Arthion finds himself an exile with only a few men. He must restore the might of the empire in his fathers name, but above all he must seek revenge and kill Fulker. For peace will never last with that evil still present in the world.

Mr. Arthion

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Arthion) and was a member of Consequence
