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Mr. Thunder Monkey

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Thunder Monkey) and was a member of Consequence

The monkey king.... The biggest Gorilla in all the lands! He rules with an Iron fist! His monkeys worship him in massive amounts.. sacrifices are made daily to honor the great Monkey.. Thunder Monkey united all the monkeys of the lands together, under one flag.... However, surrounded by the Kingdom of Consequence, he had no choice but to join. Thunder Monkey wishes the best for his people...(as long as the daily sacrifices are going on) The Thunder Monkey believed that by being under the Flag of Consequence, he would gain much land, and more monkeys...

Do not get in the way of the Thunder Monkey! FOR HE A GOD!!! BEHOLD HIS AWESOME POWER!!!!!

Mr. Thunder Monkey

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Thunder Monkey) and was a member of Consequence

The Great Monkey God-King, Thunder Monkey, had a son, born from the blood and flames of the many empires he destroyed...

The Son quickly learned how to fight, and became a key figure on the battlefield. The Son would rip his opponents to mangled pieces.

It was a warm summer night... and The Son began to think....

Journal entry from The Son:
"It has been many a long day since my father has entered battle with other empires. The people of these other Kingdoms do not fear us anymore, for my father believes in peace now, rather than war, which this magnificent Empire was built on. His black hairs slowly turn to gray, and he always is in need of assistance. The people of our Kingdom need a leader.... and I will give them that which they desire!"

That very night, The Son climbed the Golden temple at which Thunder Monkey slept. The guards quickly asked him to leave, but the Son killed them swiftly. He kicked down the door to the inner chambers, and screeched like his ape-like background would do. Inside, there stood his Father... the Monkey God-King...

"You are a fool, Anaetrius (this is The Son's real name, but now he only goes by Thunder Monkey)" said The God-King..
"No father.... it is -you- who is the fool" said Anaetrius
Thunder Monkey sighed,
"I sensed you would come here tonight... I will not give in easily"
"You are an old fool! And I will enjoy killing you!" howled Anaetrius. It was at this moment, both father and son, stood facing each other....each knowing that only one would leave this room...

The fight was intense, and perhaps the longest fight Anaetrius had been in. Thunder Monkey parried the Son's blows with ease, but Anaetrius's attacks were unrelelntless. The fury he fought with was unseen by all of his kind before. Finally, Thunder Monkey decided that he would have to kill his son. Thunder Monkey threw a punch, but the Son foresaw the blow. Anaetrius grabbed his wrist, and with a quick motion, brought his free hand smashing into the elbow of his father, hyper-extending it. Thunder Monkey howled in pain. Anaetrius kicked out his fathers legs from underneath him, sending him to the floor. The Son raised his right hand, with his left pressed against the base of his father's neck. He then put his hand stiffly into a straight form. Thunder Monkey's eyes widened, as he knew this would be his final moment...

Anaetrius plunged his hand into his fathers throat, creating a gurgling sound, from his father choking on his own blood...

After about 30 minutes, more guards arrived, brandishing their weapons as they rushed into the room. What they saw they will never forget...

Anaetrius's mouth was covered in dripping blood, and two large holes were in the in his neck where the killing blow was made...and the other... in his chest, where Anaetrius grabbed and ate the heart of his father...

The Captain of the guard took off his helmet, lowered his spear and shield, and motioned for the rest of his detail to bow the new God-King....

When daylight returned, the people of his Empire gathered before the temple... as Anaetrius stood on the top, with his father's head in his left hand... With his free hand, Anaetrius pounded his chest and gave a mighty roar, blood spraying from his mouth. The people sank to their knees, and gave low bows.

"My People!!! You now have a new king! A new god!! BEHOLD!" shouted Anaetrius. The people then chanted the words "thunder monkey" , and the ceremony was complete.

The Captain of the Royal Guard walked calmly over to Anaetrius, and bowed before him. He drew a royal Golden spear, and offered it to the new God-King. Thunder Monkey accepted, and the captain withdrew.

"My people! If you want peace.....PREPARE FOR WAR!" he shouted above the chanting, and gave a final chest thump with his new spear...

The Thunder Monkey's reign will not be one of peace...that is assured....

Mr. Thunder Monkey

Lived in Era 28 and got 1 heir(s) (Thunder Monkey).

((continued from the last Thunder Monkey, because he escaped his death))

Anaetrius was standing at the top of the temple, viewing his entire golden city, The City of Thunder. He saw his people working hard on their daily tasks, and his soldiers training in the courtyards of their barracks. He thumped his chest in pride, for these people had successfully stood against powerful oppression from enemies in the past year. It was now a time of peace, which Thunder Monkey disliked, but knew was necessary. His men were tired, and now was the opportunity to relax, and enjoy the simple life.

It was then when he first so Mordoc, Captain of the Royal Guard, quickly climbing the steps.
"M-my liege! Sire, a scout has returned from Legodiethiel!" Mordoc stammered. Anaetrius's brow raised slightly at this news. The scouts were to stay out, and send messages using hawks. it was unthinkable for a scout to abandon his post!
Anaetrius asked quickly, "Where is he now?"
"In the gatehouse, my lord"
Anaetrius nodded respectfully to Mordoc. This was his cue to leave quickly. With Mordoc bounding down the stairs, Anaetrius stood alone, questioning this new arrival. He snapped his fingers, and his body seemed to disappear into the air, leaving a green smoke behind.
Anaetrius stepped close to the gatehouse, and the guards on duty immediately dropped to their knees, heads bowed. Anaetrius calmly walked inside. There was a man bleeding badly from the head, which was wrapped poorly with rags. His arm appeared to be broken. He wore leather armor, with a large bow strapped onto his back. He had the crest of a lightning bolt engraved onto the chest of his armor. This was the scout.
Anaetrius stood, observing, until he was noticed by a guard inside. Immediately, everyone bowed very low. Even the wounded scout attempted to bow.
"What happened?" Anaetrius questioned quickly, breaking the silence.
"Oh Divine One.. It was horrible! I was at my post, watching the city of Aesen, when we were assaulted from behind. Usually we can avoid anything the walks, miles away from us... But thats just it, sah....these beasts dont walk...."
Anaetrius's calm face quickly turned into one showing curiosity and anger at the same time.
"My lord..." he paused for a second, obviously struggling to find the right words, " they were Rot Reavers, atop Ssvaklors...."

Anaetrius's eyes widened... Only he remembered the Ssvaklor. They were dragon like creatures, but resembled more of a serpent. Their scales were like black diamonds..

Mr. Thunder Monkey

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Thunder Monkey) and was a member of Consequence
