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Family History

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Sir Derusha

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Bindlenob) and was a member of Elf Lords The Reborn

Mr. Derusha was a simple halfling with humble ambitions for peaceful farming and survival. The brutal hawks of the world harried him to his bitter straggling death of his cities and armies and the scattering of his remaining heroeful scouts. His heart was spuriously injured by the grave injustice of four behemoth kingdoms colluding to avoid the risk of major conflict. Still his heart was set to stand peacefully and not cheapen his integrity by caving in the calloused war faring philosophies of seemingly all. Hopefully this resolve will be passed along to future generations. To the future...

Sir Bindlenob

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Bodledobbin) and was a member of Elf Lords The Reborn


Sir Bodledobbin

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Fendol) and was a member of Elf Lords The Reborn

Bodledobbin was a miserable wretch of a failure who flew wrecklessly into settling land heavily occuppied by a vicious kingdom called United. He had a nice little farm while it lasted, the poor fellow.