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Mr. Dragon Dude

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (The Flyin Wee Wow) and was a member of Dragon Lords


Mr. The Flyin Wee Wow

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (The Flying Wee Wow) and was a member of Dragon Lords


Mr. The Flying Wee Wow

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Son of The Flying Wee Wow Iii) and was a member of Dragon Lords


He was i love with a girl that made him feel so good inside he loved her with all his heart but..... she did not love him back and it ripped him a part inside he felt so broken... She had said she loved him and promised never to hurt him again, promised that things would ok again that the pain would go did soon we in love again but i given to much of my love to her and i no she will kill me inside but i love her so much.....A week had past and it had been so much fun her smile,her giggle,the way she hugged me loved me the tender way she kiss me......the way she had me so happy the she gives is fantastic but then the next day when you think she loves you this time...... She breaks your heart again.....and then BANG the voices so many the confusion what to do what say but i love please come to me the pain is so strong....she promised this time....the love was there and now its gone but where am i......I do not know im trapped the voices they take over there in my head i cant get them out.....they say she does not love....they say she hates me...they say......

whats the point to life with out your greatest over.....she will never come back to save me...My heart is broken and can never be fixed not by anyone not by anyone but her.......but what shes already done to me.....The voices they came back."the pain not again not this time not me ths time i will try to let her i talk to her tell her no matter how much it hurts i want to be friends with you i cant stand being with out her that my love will never go away that i'll always love her with all my heart but please hav one last tender kiss please rhiannon....and then a silent moment......its so quiet the is still there but with that one kiss it could go way just a sign of love for me a spark a twinkle a for gotten flame burning in her in her eyes for me that she had.........and the her head it mored....she said no....all hope and soul that i had left....she sucked it out me !!

My mind is lost in a sea of Memories of her the pain it it rushes in and out my hole body.....she said no to the one thing that could make it all still lost i dont know where to go...what did i do ....please tell me...i dont know..... it drives me crazy....but not any more....BANG im dead thats the end of my life and the pain is gone im gone....but nobody will miss me...i know this much...the flame that burns go out some times thats just to many times for me my love was used,wasted but i'll keep on wasting it on you my love....and now im just an empty sell lost abused,used,heart broken again....but why me....left behind and never saved by anyone..... never loved ....but my love was different this time i had this feeling so happy so many all happy and one it was the most greatest feeling of all it was love..... but it no longer burns it gone...but it was never there not for her she played me....friends for three long years ment nothing to her ...but the one she loves is my best mate and that hurts so much more.....

i will never for get you rhiannon i keep a token of your as a Memorie of the love that i had......i keep it on me always...i sit back and i cry for her why will she not love me...but thats it she will never love me.....i hope she finds someone good someone better then me to love her as i did to protect her form harm and to make her as happy as she made me....

this was written for u rhiannon i love u so much please under stand that i dont want to for get you and i never will.... my love will live on as i slowly die....untill i pass on.

Mr. Son of The Flying Wee Wow Iii

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (The Flying Wee Wow Iii) and was a member of Dragon Lords


Mr. The Flying Wee Wow Iii

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Luna Wee Wow) and was a member of Luna Wolves


Mr. Luna Wee Wow

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Fragmin) and was a member of Luna Wolves


Mr. Fragmin

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Banger) and was a member of guardians of destiney
