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King Pyron

Lived in Era 16, got 1 heir(s) (Pyron) and was the leader of Dragon Masters

I was born in an unknown land and was left in the mountains to die.But I was found by a dwarven family that took care of me and raised me.They tought me the importance of the mountains and the secrets that they hold.On my 12th birthing day they gave me a grand amulet made of gold and jewels that they had found in my basket with me.It was then that I realised that I was of royalty.They sent me to learn how to rule at a royal school.In return for paying for my education and getting my rulership started I would pledge an eternal alliance to the dwarven race.I have done this and my decendance will do this for a thousand more years.When the Orcs who had been my parents enemies found out that I was still alive they destroyed my home and killed my adopted parents.When the dwarves found out that they were here they sent me out of the country as quickly,safely,and secretly as they could.I barley ecscaped with my life.I swore to kill those Orcs that killed my parents and adopted parents and I swore to avenge the death of them by being a kind and just ruler.I also swore to protect and help the dwarves for hleping me ecscape.I shall not fail!