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King Pyron

Lived in Era 16, got 1 heir(s) (Pyron) and was the leader of Dragon Masters

I was born in an unknown land and was left in the mountains to die.But I was found by a dwarven family that took care of me and raised me.They tought me the importance of the mountains and the secrets that they hold.On my 12th birthing day they gave me a grand amulet made of gold and jewels that they had found in my basket with me.It was then that I realised that I was of royalty.They sent me to learn how to rule at a royal school.In return for paying for my education and getting my rulership started I would pledge an eternal alliance to the dwarven race.I have done this and my decendance will do this for a thousand more years.When the Orcs who had been my parents enemies found out that I was still alive they destroyed my home and killed my adopted parents.When the dwarves found out that they were here they sent me out of the country as quickly,safely,and secretly as they could.I barley ecscaped with my life.I swore to kill those Orcs that killed my parents and adopted parents and I swore to avenge the death of them by being a kind and just ruler.I also swore to protect and help the dwarves for hleping me ecscape.I shall not fail!

King Pyron

Lived in Era 17, got 1 heir(s) (Pyro) and was the leader of Dragon Masters

I was born during a dark time.My father was killed in the armegedon and left me his empire to rule.I had never ruled the kingdom or been in gharge of it at all.I knew though that I had to carry out my fathers promise and keep the kingdom strong.The name of the kingdom is Dragon Masters.I will folow in his steps and I will make the kingdom stronger.All will know of my power,the power of my kingdom, and the power of my family!I am going to need more lords who will help me in battle.We will have to take down the stronger enimes.To do this we will need to use stategies and get alliances from the powerfull groups.We already have an alliance with the Illuminati Empire and the Rambo Slayers.Our banner is the Violet Dragon.It shows power,strength,cunning,and beauty.My viceroy is my most trusted ally and friend Dragon Demon.He is the son of my fathers most trusted ally and friend Evil Demon.My kingdom grows stronger and stronger still.I plan on going to war with Legacy one of the most powerful kingdoms thereis but I will plan out the attack with the many others who want to get rid of them.

The battle with Legacy begins.Pyron strats with 16 lords under his comand.Legacy knows that there are people plotting against him but it is unknown if he knows exactly who it is.Rambo Slayers and Illuminanti Empire joined forces with Dragon Masters to destroy Legacy.But just starting out and there already is a problem.Marcjen,a lord under Pyron,has his only colony placed in the center of Legacy colonies.The Dragon Masters plan a way to get him to saftey with most of his army though it is dangerous.He must take almost everyone out of there with him and go Northeastto the valley where Percival,another lord under Pyron, lives.There is a lake there surrounded by mountains and trees.He would have to get around the armies of Legacy while going and must keep his colony going long enough to build up a new one.They had attacked Thiran,a Dragon Master,when Pyron offically declared war upon them!A little later on he found out that Dragon Demon had been attacked by Legacy and had only one troop left while another member,Abaq Kebab,was killed by another kingdom called Noob Tales.His son,Bebb Kebab,took over in his fathers place.This set Pyron off and he stopped an attack on him and launched an attack on one of their nearby colonies.And he was able to win with ease!Though the enemy had many men their military science was pitiful.At once Pyron realized that the next structure over was just as weak in that area.And that structure was much more valuable.Pyron quickly got the primitive colony upgraded to a whole new level.The city already had many armories making it easuer for him to get troops.He decided to take over this one and give the next one to one of his the other dragon masters to build their army and get back on their feet.When Pyron attacks he takes over the city with ease.He begins to relax even in this time of war.That was a mistake.A powerful force crept up on his capital of Pyro City.He was unprepared.His little force would not be able to take them so he sent over his other army,Pyro Swords,to help out.Also the lord Mastercommanda sent over a massive army to help out.But they could only hope that it arrived on time.