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Family History

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Mr. Xaigoth The Dragovian Knight

Lived in Era 26 and got 1 heir(s) (Aron).

my days here began when i was sent here by the dragovian empire to rule and colonoze the new world my adventure here was treacheous but thanks to the ogres i now have an army. the empire has sent me instructions to build for them a stronghold and i intend to do just that. the wars have left me with nothing but a few knights and ogres but we will start here.

Mr. Aron

Lived in Era 26 and got 1 heir(s) (Aden).

the end of my father has brought the verge of revenge and i will take the revenge my father deserves. the nazguls have promised there help and the remaining knights have come with me to restart the dragovian empire. the trolls will pay for my fathers death. let the revenge begin.

Mr. Aden

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Guan YU) and was a member of Templar Crusaders

well the gods have not favored our family till now we have met up with the templar crusaders and togeather will build a true country.

all hopes of the dragovian empire lies in guan yu the son of aden and was sent to a world where armagedden was to come so as to perserve the dynasty.

Mr. Guan YU

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (LU BU) and was a member of Templar Crusaders

it was a sad day when dragovia was lost but all eyes were on xaigoth when withdrew and xaigoth was blamed for its loss. but the catastrophe is over and guan yu is here to bring it back to its original glory


Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Zhange Liao) and was a member of Templar Crusaders

well what a pethetic old man my father was thought lu bu he went down with out a fight ah well now i rule and i will cut a path to glory with my lunar spears and the nazguls who remain loyal to my family

well with the help of shamens he lept deminsions and was taking away but he will be back from the dead. his son will bring backi peace and control the world.

Mr. Zhange Liao

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Emperourgreymon) and was a member of Templar Crusaders


Mr. Emperourgreymon

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Kaiser) and was a member of Templar Crusaders

he looked around this was the spot he would start his empire here then in the end make this his first capital.

the blackguards betrayed him thinking him a fool but he will have his revenge they will pay. he then set out to build the biggest mine in the world to obtain mony enough to concur he will need alot of time to prepare his forces but he will be victories.

Mr. Kaiser

Lived in Era 27 and got 1 heir(s) (Mana).

in a time of great disater the mighty alexzandirain empirewas threr withsi kaiser. his great generals sir stiener and lady beatrix along with lady freya lead the forces while his lovly duagther rules the diplomacy he handles all else. the great theives and spy network l under his command tantalus keeps him well informed of the world activities. at the moment his mages led by eiko are preparing a ceromony to marry him and the lovely lady freya.

the world is crazy but the empire has gained powerful allies and they are at war with the dreadful lobe empire who threaten the world.

the empire was in great prosprity as his mines of deli mined gold to be used in the market and economic wars. also in military wars they mined steel and myhtril. the black mage village was producing much through there farms and was keeping the empire healthy. trenos lumbermills produce enough wood for all the empires lumber needs.

war and battle was on the horizen and they needed to rebuild the army as many retired to work in the mines farms and lumber mills.

Mr. Mana

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Saving Thunder) and was a member of Dark Riders Empire
