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Ms. Rhianniaserpentslayer

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Rhiannia II) and was a member of Dark Riders

Ms. Rhiannia
Lived in Era 27, got 1 heirs (Rhiannia) and was a member of Dark Riders Empire

Ms. Rhiannia was always considered somewhat odd by her social peers...she spent her youth at her fathers side, running thru the woods or with her animals...and her father rather spoiled her, as her mother, whom he loved greatly, died while giving birth to she, being his only daughter, always was a reminder of her whom he loved. also, while his 2 older sons would stand first in line to inherit his lands, it must be admitted that neither one was very bright or in any way seemed that while Rhiannia took after her mother in appearance, (that is not to say beautiful, she just resembled her) it was obvious she inherited her fathers way of learning and looking at things (this isnt to say she was so very smart, but he and she agreed on almost everything). Sadly when her father was killed, the older of the 2 brothers set bounty hunters on both her and their second brother, making sure he wouldn't have to share anything. her older brother, not being so bright, was easily killed...but Rhiannia was much harder...and after killing the bounty hunters, she decided that there was nothing tying her to her fathers lands...not even memories, as her oldest brother would even destroy those if he she took what she could and left that land behind her never to return. looking alway ahead, she made plans to settle a land of her own, and bring people to her that would be willing to accept her as their leader....

Her struggles were long and hard...but The noble Lady Rhiannia attracted many elves to her banner to serve in her armies, and local peoples of mixed races who were more than willing to live under her rule so long as it meant peace and prosperity for them. The Lady Rhiannia went on to found several cities and an outpost to serve her king and kingdom better. of all the rulers serving in the DR they the king himself or new to the ranks...none so impressed her as The Lord Gurath Orc Ruler of uncommon intelligence and wisdom...a king in his own right. The wise Lord Gurath seemed almost invincible the way he took enemies left and right, leaving dead enemies scattered behind him everywhere for the buzzards and the jackals to gorge on... and this deep friendship with this Orc Ruler paved the way towards an introduction to a young Orc prince whom quite stole The Lady Rhianias heart...and she likewise his. after a long courtship...the 2 married, and eventually had a daughter whom they lovingly and proudly named after her mother....Ms. Rhiannia
Lived in Era 28.

Everything lost, burned, completley destroyed...and I just barely got away with my life...
It seems that my parents love was not enough to overcome the prejudism of their respective races...and ironically, those two races found common ground for once, in their desire to destroy my parents and myself...especially was bad enough that an elf an and orc chose to go against their own kind and wed...but to produce offspring was simply unheard of! I thank my GOD that my King gave me refuge into his kingdom...after all, did not my mother serve Justanius Fontanius faithfully all the days of her life? I am now safe from those who would kill me simply because i am a half breed...but am i safe from myself? this era has dawned on a troubled world...i cannot help but wonder if the rumors are i cursed? is my presence cursing my King and kingdom? I dont know...i guess only time can tell me this...
Perhaps not so cursed after all...I have taken a name for myself today...Rhiannia SerpentSlayer...for I have faced, fought, won....and most importantly, incredibly rare encounter with a Nashtali...mankind, including myself thought these beasts to be nothing but myth...the fact that i stumbled upon one was entirely accidental....and heartily regrettable. the beast nearly took my life! For the first time i truly appreciated being both elf and orc...for it was the blood of both that saved me. i had been searching a hidden valley, looking for a likely site for a future city, when the quiet of the afternoon was shattered by the most nerve shattering shriek i had ever before heard. my body lunged for the cover provided by a low ledge in a nearby rocky outcrop long before my brain recovered from the shock it received. and none to soon it was, too, for even as i threw myself as far against the rocky wall as i could, dirt sprayed everywhere, and then the dust and dirt began to clear, and my heart began to slow down somewhat, i peeked out to see what hellspawn had come upon me...
just as i started to lean even further out to get a clearer view, a huge clawed hand made a grab at my head, the miss was so close i received a slight scrath on my cheek! i knew then the creature was sitting on top of my refuge.

Ms. Rhiannia II

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Rhiannia) and was a member of Dark Riders Empire

The Nashtali is a small flying dragon...beautiful to behold, but few people surivie to remember such incredible beauty. I doubted I myself would survive this encounter, as it seemed already luck was against sword was pinned beneath me. I knew as soon as I showed myself, that dragon would pounce...and I knew I had but one, very slim chance of making it...but since it was the only chance i could see...i determined to take it.
I tensed every muscle i had, and slid my sword arm down to the hilt of my great broadsword...then i flung myself outward...rolling away from the rock and the relative safety of the ledge. The Nashtali was taken by surprise...he wasnt used to such boldness in prey. it was that seconds hesitation that gave me the advantage...for by the time he sprang into his killing pounce, i had my sword out and up, timing it so that as the body of the dragon came down, gravity did what i alone could not have done...slain the beast. the dragon could not stop his downward motion in time and the sword slid home straight and true...i jerked my head to the side, just barely avoiding the snapping jaws as the beast gave one last effort before dying...
i may have survived the encounter...but i wasnt out of danger now i was trapped under 500 pounds of dead weight.
No matter how I wiggled and pushed and shoved, I could not move the thing...ha..the only thing that kept me alive and not suffocated was my orcs blood...orcs bones dont break easily and they held up...else my chest would have slowly been crushed. As it was, I would most likely have died that day, had I not been saved by a most timely passing of an orc travelar...once he discovered that there was a living person under that beast, he was quick to utilise his massive war horse to pull the thing from me...after i recovered, we two decided that such a beast should not be forgotton, and so we took certain items from it, such as the head, hide and claws. I knew how to tan snakeskin...i didnt think it could be too much different...just a bigger job...and he knew how to preserve animals that had been killed, he came from a long line of hunters, he quietly informed me, who proudly displayed every trophy kill.
So who was my saviour? His name is Dar Orcainus...whose family has always hunted...and fought (what orc doesnt fight)...more than that, I dont know at this point. I do know that he appreciated the Nashtalis great beauty in the same fashion as did i...unusual in an orc male. I gave him half the claws to keep as a thank you for his timely rescue. after that we travelled together back to my home city and estate where I tanned and mounted the Nashtali Hide scales outward, next to it was mounted the fierce would never be forgotten...and neither would our it turned out to become more than a passing friendship....How ironic that the city I should name Dragonweir (meaning Dragon home) should indeed become the home of the only known evidence of the race called Nashtali...

The war has escalated to all three of our reachable borders...but I know we will prevail...we are a united kingdom...a strong kingdom. I have heard a rumour that the worlds are threatened once again by Armegeddon...I hope it can be avoided, but just in case, Dar and I have begun preparing several of our key cities for the people...those who do not believe the rumours and if it comes down to it and it actually happens, dont take the offered shelter, well I cant force them. I am preparing a special place...i will soon be having Dars child...I dont want this child destroyed without a chance...I have hand picked my most favored, my most loyal Nazgul and they await the birth of my heir...they will take this child to the secret place of protection and there wait out Armegeddon and fallout...after the air and ground are once again cleansed...they will teach the child all it needs to know to rule them as i have done. i will send with them chosen tutors and a nursemaid.